#This is an oldy but a goody in my opinion
askloyaltywings · 1 year
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U know what they say about Paradise
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i-want-my-iwtv · 9 months
♥♥♥ Carbonated Blood ♥♥♥
Inspired by recent interest in this blog, and for ppl newly landing on it, I made this pinned post as a welcome, a warning, and some tags I would recommend that are specific to my blog for my favorite stuff. Here's why it's called i-want-my-IWTV.
🤘 A welcome: I'm Burnadette (21+) and this blog is an unofficial Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles appreciation blog started in July 2013, but it's not an authoritative resource, I'm just collecting fanworks and other dash goodies based on my own rubric, sprinkling catnip out to the fandom, and answering asks for ppl who are curious about my opinions on things. I encourage positivity and optimism! ✨
My AO3: Burnadette_dpdl
Co-mod @wicked-felina and I typically run the @vcsecretgifts exchange, you can check out the archive there. We had to take a 2 yr hiatus for real life reasons, we hope to revive it in 2024 💕 In the meantime, go check out @vamptember (@hekateinhell and @monstersinthecosmos), for a wealth of VC fanworks!
⚠️ A warning: You may encounter things you dislike on this blog, such as ship art of ships you dislike, discussions about dark fiction, problematic characters, and other such topics. My free time for fandom is limited and I do this for free for my own entertainment, so I don't engage in bad faith discussion, and I'm generally picky about engaging* in all discussion posts or personal posts.
You may have noticed that I don't post/reblog much about it if I can help it: While I do not like the current IWTV AMC 2022 adaptation, I can talk about it, and I do appreciate that it's brought fresh blood 🩸 into the fandom, a lot of talented fanart and writing! And yes, ppl can enjoy IWTV '22 and other adaptations and canon and absolutely whatever 🤝, these things are not mutually exclusive 😎 (I tag it #iwtv 2022 and #iwtv amc if ppl need to block those tags.) With that said, I think there are some fabulous ppl who can embrace it all, like @xxhellonursexx! There are role models like Nurse, able to venn diagram the VC content with a sense of humor and respect.
So I welcome new fans, and encourage them to ask questions and engage with ppl like me, there is limitless room for everyone.
Behold, my STUFF: Some of my favorite tags in no particular order, this may evolve over time:
(Cut for length)
Lin, get in here and settle this - (Not a tag but this is my 20 second magnum opus 😎✨)
vampire physiology - Both about Ricean and other vampire media, studying them like lab animals and talking about it!
Fandom laws - Fandom's been around a long time, and I think a big part of having a great experience in it is mutual respect, which ppl have codified in fandom laws. When/if you break them, you may turn other ppl off and that can spread quickly; you build your reputation by your actions.
digging up an oldie from the archive - when I need to throw an older post on the dash to share again, maybe there's a reason, or a great addition.
hello dinner - Various amusement about vampires and their dinner.
messy eater - Related to the above, it's less common (canonically) for a Ricean vampire to spill a drop of blood, so it used to be more dramatic when we'd see art/fic of spillage! There are vampires from outside VC in that tag, too, I couldn't resist reblogging them.
vampiredevelopment/interviews and rec - this is some of my favorite textmeme content 😂
memeything - y'know, memes, some are embedded in more serious posts, but I think when I first heard the word "meme" I didn't think mine really counted? So I made it "memeything" so as not to land in a "meme" tag if they didn't count, but eventually I decided that "meme" can be pretty widely defined, so mine kinda do, but by that point I was far into the habit of using my own word, so there it is.
how to make a post a vc post - when you just gotta insert your fandom into an unrelated post bc it FITS.
VC fandom hunters - when you're looking for other VC fandom ppl to role play with, etc.!
Lestatiquette - Lestat ettiquette.
Lestatuesque - Someone/something is acting like Lestat.
Lestats closet - Something you might find in Lestat's closet, a resource for fanartists/writers looking for inspo 🙏
Its a coffin - fanart and works involving coffins!
We appreciate and love Louis in this house - There was a wave of sentiment criticizing Louis for various reasons and these are thoughtful responses to that criticism. Tag started by the magnificent @covenofthearticulate/@theballadofmrslovett (go check out her ideas, and her AO3 covenofthearticulate, she is so so good 💞)
Defending Antonio - There's periodic discussion about Antonio Banderas as Armand in the '94 IWTV movie, I love him, and I'm totally rational about it
Louis has canon hair I know that will make at least 2 ppl I know very happy - and idk if I would even reveal privately who they are but definitely not publicly! I don't want to put them on blast! 😅 I appreciate Louis with different hairstyles and I've debated about it enough that like... I can appreciate Options but some ppl would prefer to see his hair as it's described in canon 😙
VC wedding hysteria - What it says on the tin.
iwantmyiwtv has opinions - a way to signal that these are my opinions only and not presented as fact.
Iwantmyiwtv rp - I sometimes take asks for Lestat or Louis to help inspire my fanfic. Specify who you're asking and they might respond 😎, Lestat response starts with ♛, and Louis with ♠.
vc news/vc casting - For sharing news and post casting ideas, as there are multiple adaptations and there's always fantasy casting! It never ends.
not vc/vc adjacent - I see some ppl have adopted these two! I made these out of a kind of purist approach, I wanted to reblog smtg and share it but it wasn't exactly VC, soooo, it's my acknowledgment accordingly.
VC - I may have used this in the past but I don't anymore, bc there are tons of things that could have that abbreviation, I assume, so I don't find it too be descriptive enough for use as a Vampire Chronicles tag 🤷🏼‍♀️
*You may see older posts that were written in a bubblier/sassier manner than I'd be comfortable with now, but I find those to be charming now, it's a 10+ yr old blog, after all! Our internet experience has evolved. What's cringe or even rude now was normal then and I know that my intention was always positivity and anti-censorship, so that includes not censoring myself. ✨ I ask that you have patience with those responses that may not have aged well as you have patience with an artist or writer's earlier works, or your own growth over the years! 🌱
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gwaedhannen · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Open tag courtesy of @grey-gazania. No-pressure tagging everyone here and anyone else who wants to participate.
All Tolkien stuff. Mind the tags on AO3. Nothing Explicit but some Mature.
5 series/multichapter fics:
1. sir, take it easy by @exercise-of-trust (Maglor, Finrod, Celegorm, Maglor/Maglor's Wife)
“I thought you were adamant that no music was bad. And what would do you suggest, that we go back to Ráincë’s parallels in fifth, or Ambalincë’s discant exercises in fourth? Those were old before either of us were born, and you know it.” “I am not saying it is bad. I am saying that to me it sounds like all the fiends of Morgoth, but worse, because the fiends of Morgoth were not taking a clausula I wrote for my parents’ anniversary and mangling it. However, as its inclusion in this anthology shows, there are other people who like it, and while I do not understand it, I am not about to give up my Neldor or my Palecéva because the wind of scholarly opinion has blown against them from time to time.”
2. Spun by Grace by SpaceWall (Galadriel, Lúthien, Maeglin)
“Did you see them? The kinslayers who took your Nana? Who tried to take you?” “Ada says I did, but I don’t remember them. I don’t remember anything, except Nana screaming.” “Did your Ada say anything after? Aside from telling you to hide and stay safe.” The child nodded, bravely, and said in as clear a voice as he could manage. “He said they took Nana because she was bad. He said she was a kinslayer like them, and I had kinslayer blood in me, and they’d take me too if I wasn’t good.”
3. An Oral History of Dying in the Dagor Bragollach by Beleriand Death Trip (too many characters to list)
Please note that all participants were recently rehoused, but not extremely recently (this is regarded as unethical in our field). They have all had the opportunity to reflect on historical events after their death, both during their stay in the Halls and after being rehoused. We do not regard this as “contamination” of their recollection for our purposes, but rather as part of the normal process of narrative formation.
4. Foresight by @aotearoa20 (Fëanor and sons)
“He’s so small,” he said, not softly, “Such a beautiful baby.” “I know. He’s mine.” Fëanáro glared, he dared not do anything else. “You should appreciate it while it lasts,” when he smiled and the scar on his lip twisted strangely, “He’ll not be either for long.”
5. The Hazards of Love by @aipilosse (Finrod/Amarië, Anairë, Findis, Elwing)
Excerpt from The Empty House by Vatharwë Lelyindë held herself straight and tall, undaunted by Helluinon’s greater height. “You, my Lord, are free to live as you would, but others bear chains you cannot see. You speak of oaths and bonds, and yet you must see that when an oath comes in conflict, it is yours that is always the greater, and the other party must always acquiesce. So it is with me, so was it with your mother, your younger brother, and even your dearest friend!
5 single-chapter fics/one-shots:
Raised by Wolves by @warrioreowynofrohan (Elrond, Elros, Gil-Galad, Maglor, Maedhros)
“I hate him, and I do not hate him. Or, I do not hate him for cruelties. I hate him for kindnesses.”
2. The Hope of Love: Eärendil and Elwing as Symbols of Romance in Popular Culture by @imakemywings (Elwing/Eärendil)
Capping off these mesmerizing performances is Elwing’s final speech to the Teleri of Aman, a moment so fascinating that it has become the basis of many other dramatic confrontations throughout popular media. Almost anyone will recognize the line “I plead my hope,” or even its more extended version “Oh ye of foreign shores, I plead my hope. Let my home not be crushed ‘neath the boot of Bauglir,” even with no familiarity with the film. The passion of Torthoriel’s performance here has brought many a moviegoer to tears and captures a moment few had before bothered with—Elwing’s part in gaining the aid of Aman.
3. the bones of small contention by @quixoticanarchy (Celegorm, Oromë)
“You see, evil haunts a hungry man. If he eats his fill, he is called immoral; if he refuses, he will starve honorably. But free is the man who realizes that there is no satiety to be had, and equally there is no reward waiting in starvation. If my end shall be evil regardless, then my deeds matter not. I may eat as I please, and in that transgression, I find some shadow of liberation. A kind of laughter, almost - a light and wild feeling, like the moment after releasing an arrow, or the moment after the plunge off a cliff. You would not understand.”
4. all the daughters of my father's house (and all the brothers too) by Chestnut_pod (Fin-Galad)
These are the things ladies are, in the songs that are told of Finduilas and Niënor, her mirror: Love. Beauty. Laughter. Inconstance. Haunting. Sorrow. Screaming. Silence. In fact, the tales are not told of them. They are merely there. Many songs are written of Gil-Galad. Centuries after his death, Hobbit-children learn to sing of him.
5. Fire From The Ashes by @herenortherenearnorfar (Nienna, a Balrog)
“There is a terrible pain to conciousness,” Nienna acknowledges. She has not yet let go. “I just want to be an instrument.” Coals glow bright for a moment in the wind and then fade. “I was made to remake worlds, not feel this guilt.”
5 oldies but goodies (fair warning these are all liable to make you cry):
1. The legacy of a failure by from_the_wood (Frodo, Merry's Granddaughter, Merry, Pippin, Sam)
That's the thing with despair: it wants to erase everything, all of you, all that had been, or could have been - kind word, memory, hope for the future - but it cannot do so. It cannot. It should not.
2. An Oral History of the End of Innocence by @ceescedasticity (House of Olwë, Galadriel)
I think Hawser Road probably had the highest proportion of… Noldor swung their swords at a moving group and hit Noldor. Lindar shot arrows into crowds and hit Lindar. Noldor tried to ride down Lindar and also rode down Noldor. Lindar trying to get away trampled Lindar. Torches everywhere — I have never been so grateful the city is mostly stone, but wagons set on fire, sheds and stalls and barrels set on fire, there were some wooden additions… Panicked horses. Panicked cows, of all things, who brings cows when you're fleeing the gods to fight another god. There was so much screaming.
3. The One With All The Birds by @clothonono (Elwing/Eärendil, Elrond, Nerdanel, Sons of Fëanor)
What was her desire? "I desire my father, given back to me again," she said. "And my mother, and my brothers too. And my people, and my home, and all the years of my children's lives. Can the Lords of the West grant me this?" No one answered. Everyone knew the answer. "Equally I might desire that my enemy be punished. Let him go to the Halls of Mandos, whence none escape. Let me know that he is prisoned, so that I may gladly walk free." Is this your desire? "No," said Elwing. "I already told you my desire. Let justice be done. There is no vengeance that will satisfy me; there is no redress that can restore to me my father, my mother, my brothers, my home, and my children. There is nothing I want that he or you can give to me."
4. To Love What Is Mortal by @astridbecks (Lúthien/Thuringwethil)
Splintering pain as she was torn apart, yet as she parted beneath the hands of Lúthien there was a curious want mingled with the agony – strip me of this darkness, lay bare my soul, remake me – break me – and she had known pain before, had always known pain, but this was new and different and somehow right. (hurt me, because I deserve it. break me and make me as clean as you.)
5. woman into bird by @arrivisting (Elwing/Eärendil, Idril, Tuor, Elrond, Elros)
This is the best gift parents doomed to die can give their half-elven children, after all: to spare them the sight of their ends.
5 of mine from 2023:
1. Kill the Flame (Galadriel, the whole 3rd Finwean generation)
For Angrod, laughing at everything and everyone. You were an ass but you were our ass. You taught me patience, however little you meant to! For Aegnor, firebrand of our family. You saved me when the cold of the Ice tore into my heart. From you, I learned when to burn, and when to smoulder. For Finrod, dearest brother. What can I say? What words would suffice? Your ring’s bearer is worthy of his ancestors. I miss you. I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you.
2. The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You (Elrond & Elwing)
He sends radiant wings, dark hair streaked with silver, a queen’s pride, laughter among the waves, lembas, handkerchiefs. He receives home, with such ardentness that he weeps for a week.
3. Sorrow Beyond Words, Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath (Finarfin, Lalwen)
The Valar said that he could no longer twist elves into orcs even by the time of his first imprisonment, but from the conditions there, from the bodies we pulled out…I don’t think he cared. Every torture, every debasement, every abomination against the Eruchîn that could be imagined. For each we thought might survive if we got them to the surface, there were five who wouldn’t, and ten corpses.
4. Shall we look at the moon, my little loon? (Aerin, Aerin's mother)
Aerin stands in her mother’s dress before the looking glass, eyes unseeing. Hitheth adorns her with the jewelry which will be her dowry, the only riches of her house, the last gift of the elves who vanished into the mists as if they never were.
5. Still-untitled "What if Fëanor took the Helcaraxë" AU (Círdan, Thingol (for now))
It's still Y.T. 1497. Morgoth hasn't had centuries to innovate his siege technology, but Círdan's cities also haven't been rebuilt with Noldor walls. The Grey Annals says Fëanáro's host arrives some seven solar years after Melian raises the Girdle. (Yes if we go by the usual "1 tree year = 9.582 solar years" then it could've been upwards of 25 solar years since the Darkening in 1495 before the landing at Losgar.) (I hate Tolkien's timelines sometimes.)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
How dare you do this to me. I will have my revenge.
Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You)
Almost two whole years later and still one of my best fics, I think. Possibly my ultimate Buddie fic, although who knows, my current Halloween fics that I’ll be dropping this October might equal or surpass it. But I’m truly proud of this work and I hope I always will be. I know most people probably prefer Leading with the Left but I think this fic’s better all around and if I could only choose one fic to represent my work as a Buddie writer, this is the one I’d choose.
Further Than Blood (Or Than Bones)
Last year’s Halloween fic that ended up being posted early because I foolishly made a bet with @tripleaxeldiaz and then she rigged the game, I really enjoy this fic. I was experimental with the form and I think it paid off - once I figured out the shooting scene and wrote it as a poem, the whole fic came together. I know it wasn’t quite everyone’s cup of tea with all the bloodplay but I’m proud of it.
In the Gray You are Golden
A fic I banged out in a weekend after a last-minute burst of inspiration for Halloween, it’s genuinely one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I adore it. I actually hope to commission fanart from it someday, which I’ve never done for a fic of mine before, that’s how much I love it.
Defiance & Destiny
This one is far from my most popular even among my Witcher fics but I’m quite proud of it. I think I did a good job capturing Jane Austen’s vibe and combining elements from her various stories.
Confidence Trick
This one is an oldie but still a goodie, in my opinion. It’s my favorite of my Timeless fics and, I think, possibly my best. It’s a fic I wrote in a flurry of inspiration in like four days and it actually turned out well. I’m quite fond of it. (Plus I’m still proud of that twist at the end. Mwahaha.)
Tagging @extasiswings @tripleaxeldiaz @kitkatpancakestack @evcndiaz and @princessfbi go forth and praise yourselves!
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silkoodles · 2 months
For the character opinion ask! You said you wanted ships so I'm gonna throw you an oldie but goodie: dadsona and any of the ddadds? Particularly either Brian or Damian <3
lol i actually misread it and originally thought it was for ships, but I'll still do them. I'll accept just singular characters too now that i can read
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dadsona is basically my repurposed oc i project all my existential dread and depression on but hes also an alien so ive posted nothing about him but 1 pic a long time ago cause i felt it was cringe and was kind of embarrassed 😆
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the fandom was so mean to him in the beginning cause they didn't understand his route at all. Like both him and dadsona were being insufferable. To be fair i also thought it was the weakest route because im not that competitive anyway. But he's s good dad!
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my beloved 💖💞💖 trans icon and fav. Wish he had better clothes. The one I usually pair with dadsona but i also loved the alt route with Joseph that brings him and Hugo to together. I think if any one would be cool with an alien it's probably him. Lol
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twin-chains · 5 months
Based on any criteria: whoever was the most fun to fight, the coolest or most clever design, the hardest battle, general vibes, etc.
(Personal opinion under cut)
ALBW is basically my favorite LOZ game, so I’m very indecisive here about which boss is my favorite. The bosses where you have to use wall-merging come to mind first, I just love the mechanic and how versatile it is in the fights.
Yuga is of course a classic and the main antagonist, so not much to say on this end. How you have to employ the use of the circular room when you wall merge to shoot at Yuga from multiple angles is pretty creative
Stalblind was pretty fun when you have to merge onto its shield and it’s looking around like uhhh where’d he go? It takes a regular stal enemy and makes it cooler and I can appreciate it
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Gemesaur king is a solid honorable mention too, the way its revealed with the fire lighting the whole room and in the statue’s eyes is so cool! It’s a classic ALTTP boss but then it has all these rupees all over its body that can fall off for you to collect which makes it stand out to me (gotta pay Ravio somehow) it’s kinda cute with its little scampering and waggling tail if you squint
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Speaking of cute… hamburger creature Moldorm my beloved!!! With the little googly eyes and murderous intent!!! An oldie but a goodie
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
dad dylan headcanon !!!!!!!!
ooh I like this one. overdue but here y'all go (*disclaimer: my opinions of potential Dylan dad vibes are mine alone, so apologies in advance if it doesn't fit your idea, LOL) Also wholesome... if you want an R-rated one you know where to find me ;)
Super-supportive (like he'll do fifty-fifty housework, child-rearing, grocery-shopping, you name it; he'll want you to get time to yourself and have some self-care)
Is a surprisingly good cook? He's half Italian, and his mom taught him how to cook which means he knows how to make a killer lasagna or bolognese or chicken parm, etc etc and you love him for it because you're a total foodie
Is really gentle with the kids, and goofy with them; he wants them to learn how to be responsible adults but he also just knows how to have fun with them and get on their level. you're never worried when they're together
Always makes sure to take time off from acting regardless of the role partly so you don't feel like you're having to do it alone but because he misses you guys like CRAZY and always would be with you if he had it his way
He enjoys hosting. Like, LOVES it. He invites a ton of people, which is just fine because you have a large house and a lot of your friends you have in common, so it's a fun time all around. Being a Leo he's a natural host and turns on a whole new mode for parties. Being the more introverted partner, you let him do his thing; while he's regaling them with stories you're checking to make sure their glasses are topped, the kids are amused (usually in the kids room in the basement with arts and crafts), and having some side conversations with some closer friends of yours. Food-wise he'll make enough for everyone and then some; suffice to say people go home with Tupperware. And he insists on playing his own curated mixtape that's 90's and 2000s music galore. Everyones dancing including the kids by the end of the night.
He’s extremely respectful of you, your family, and your relationship; he gets approached often by fans and in particular female fans. Most are great, but some may ignore boundaries and try to get more from Dylan but he always shrugs it off in a casual yet clear way that is never unfriendly.
Being in the spotlight and living part time in New York, you’re sometimes spotted out and about with the kids in a less than appealing light by paps. This has resulted in articles in tabloids trying to judge you and your motherhood abilities. Dylan became more protective, preferring to go out together (where they’re less likely to make remarks), and being outspoken in interviews and any other opportunity in an effort to shield you all from unwarranted scrutiny.
Even being together for many years and now married with kids Dylan loves showering you all with presents. You regularly go on date nights, sometimes a hot new restaurant or an oldie but goodie, and have mutual friends watch the kids (what you call “aunties/uncles”).
For holidays you tend to visit Dylan’s in New Jersey and California more often because of the difficult relationship you have with yours. It used to make the holidays a tough time for you, but since meeting Dylan you’ve come to embrace them again. It doesn’t hurt that Dylan’s family are such kind souls and treat you like their own. Dylan’s so happy to share that with you.
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skyfcx · 8 months
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first batch of new icons for the multi is complete! i like to post some of my favorites under the cut whenever i'm working on a new blog, i thought i'd do the same here.
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i do believe that i'll be getting a good number of uses out of these two for omega. cackles. glares at you in robot.
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also i had the idea that he got really fucking excited for some upcoming destruction and just started spinning his torso around. i love emotive robots, his synthetic voice is deadpan as all hell but by god does that not equate to deadpan emotions.
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not a bunch of good ones for rouge sadly, i think i'll be getting a lot of my favorite stuff from the archie comics honestly, but this one's pretty good. really like her expression. i think people should write her being coy and catty more instead of just BOY ROUGE THE BAT SURE IS HOT. yes we know she's hot and seductive but what about her Other traits and characteristics. i could make a whole separate post about this gripe of mine tbh but lemme just keep my thoughts and opinions to myself.
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oldie but a goodie. she is going to rob you blind and she is going to enjoy every second of it.
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the duality of espio. kinda annoyed and will fucking kill you.
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and sonic's not even on the multimuse but the blue fucker is still sneaking his way into this post. this expression got me acting up tbh, in no world is he allowed to look this sly who gave him the right.
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boraxquinn · 8 months
A underrated BTS song in your opinion
First one that comes to mind is a oldie but a goodie.
Look Here on the Dark&Wild. The main reason I love that song is Joon's rap during the bridge and before the chorus is just.... so smart! The rap flows so well and the writing is so clever.
Also the "Yo my genie, Lamborghini, be my teenie weenie mini." I won't do the whole rap I won't do it justice. And yes that part is all in English! How do you come up with rhythming Lamborghini with teenie weenie? Like come on it's so silly it's good! And so cute! If I rapped it, it would sound so dumb but he makes it sound cool.
It's such a cute sweet song and it gets forgotten cause it's in the album that has Danger, Hip Hop Phile, and Cypher pt 3 Killer. So it's easy to be forgotten.
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Songs for Hazbin Hotel Characters (Playlists Series)
Alright, next instalment, let’s go! For this one, I would love to discuss and put into their respectful playlists songs from a movie series that I consider dear to my soul. Let me introduce to you (or remind about) the Guardians of the Galaxy, films with the most awesome soundtrack!
I’ll admit, I was a huge MCU fan a few years ago but not so much anymore. I’m patiently waiting for the third GOTG volume, though! So, let me take you into these oldies but goodies songs’ journey! This part shall consist of being based on how much Hazbin characters would enjoy MCU movies, a song that would be up to their alley, plus – their favourite heroes.
A little disclaimer: I believe that probably nobody in this cast would be a huge superhero movies genre fan but that does not mean that they would not be fond of some of them!
He is the one who most likely would enjoy MCU, in my opinion. Husk just seems like an action movie fan to me. You know that airport fight scene in “CA: Civil War”? That would be the highlight for him.
Just imagine him cleaning his bar and humming this song.
Favourite hero – Rocket Raccoon. I think that Husk would love this character and see some similar traits in himself.
I’d like to think that Charlie is that person who gets excited about any possibility to expand her knowledge on anything, let it even be super hero movies. She would love seeing all the stories, laughing at funny moments and crying during death scenes. (I bet that she definitely read fanfics about found family/happy ending tropes in Avengers or Guardians).
She must have a musical number prepared in addition to this song, right?
Favourite hero – Spider – Man. Being a “kid” in a grown – up super hero work would be kind of a familiar setting for Charlie.
She would enjoy most of these movies, plus some nostalgia would take a part in there. She was never in MCU fandom but understands why people love this series. Definitely did some quizzes with Charlie and Husk, like “Which Avenger are you?”, “Which MCU Team you’re on?” and much more to count.
This would be her “go to” happy song. A duet with Charlie, perhaps?  
Favourite hero – Black Widow. One of the strongest characters who does not need to rely on extraordinary powers.
His feelings about these movies would be 50/50. Some he would love; some don’t even give a chance. For the ones that he did like, Angel would comment about how useful or useless the fighting/weapons would be in Hell. I bet that he took some inspiration for the future Turf wars!
This song gives strong Angel vibes! Plus, named after his bestie!
Favourite hero – Loki. Yes, not exactly a hero, more of an antihero. Angel would enjoy watching his endeavours and overall story.
She only agrees to watch these for the good – looking characters. Nothing more, nothing less. She is not interested in action, magic or world saving. Since there is not a lot of romance in MCU or it is pretty plain, Niffty quickly gets bored.
Niffty would sway and dance around to this song!
Favourite character – Thor. He is the best looking one for her. Plus, wonderful sense of humor.
These movies are not this man’s cup of tea. Nope. He views them as a waste of time. Alastor would have only seen a few because of “A Must” movie night with others. He doesn’t care about the plot nor the characters. Shows a bit of interested during some funny dialogue, but that happens rarely.
Okay, it is a bit unconventional for him, but! Just skip the love parts and consider this as a song about business (friendship, if you squint) with Charlie. Like in the start of the series he means this only as a necessity, later it becomes genuine.    
Favourite hero – Doctor Strange. I just feel like Alastor would be pleased with this character.
That’s my takes and the end of part 2. Hope you revisited or found about some songs from both awesome mixtapes! I certainly can say that we had a Wham Bam Shang – A – Lang good time!
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
Art Laboe’s Memories of El Monte 1991 Doo Wop / Soul / R&B
Back with some of that southern Californian Art Laboe stuff. Laboe, who passed earlier this year, was a legendary Los Angeles radio DJ who not only ran a label called Original Sound that pioneered the concept of taking songs from years past and compiling them onto an LP to give birth to the oldies comp, but he also organized and hosted dances at a venue called the El Monte Legion Stadium throughout the 50s, where he’d gather his fans to sway along to live performances from some of doo wop’s most vital acts at the time.
The original version of Memories of El Monte came out in 1960 and only contained 12 songs, but this 1991 re-issue contains 20, and it does a little bit of updating and replacing to channel some of what Laboe was about after doo wop’s popularity had fizzled. So, a little more than two-thirds of this album is remembering those El Monte dances, while the rest of it supplies a smattering of some not-so-remembered soul classics from the 60s and 70s.
Things kick off with The Penguins’ “Memories of El Monte,” a metasong that makes multiple references to and mimics bits of other doo wop songs that made those El Monte dances the stuff of legend. And believe it or not, it was co-penned by none other than Frank Zappa. Zappa himself was a fan of Laboe and his dances, and when he took the song to Laboe, Laboe gushed over it. Cleve Duncan of The Penguins, the group most famous for one of doo wop’s most cherished ballads, “Earth Angel,” sings lead on it, while Zappa takes up xylophone duties. And while it didn’t chart nationally, the song’s still considered something of an LA classic, and its lightheartedness is also a little bit of a harbinger of the wacky and zany stuff that Zappa would bring to the rock and roll table some years later.
Now, that’s a fun and novel one, but I’m really not into most of the rest of this doo wop fare. A lot of these are of that slow and romantic ballad variety and what I personally tend to crave in my doo wop are those uptempo tunes in which each group member, from bass to falsetto, has their own specialized, individual part to play. And then when you combine all those parts, the finished product ends up being a piece of true, dynamic beauty. But these tunes are not those; these mostly just feature a lead vocalist with a solid voice who’s backed with soft harmonies. Pretty simple and far less interesting than other types of doo wop, in my opinion.
But the soul joints on here make up for it. There’s a long 12-inch version of The Intruders’ “I’ll Always Love My Mama,” an excellent nine-and-a-half-minute-plus Philly soul extravaganza that was co-written by the legendary production-and-songwriting duo of Gamble & Huff; there’s Pete Wingfield’s “Eighteen With a Bullet,” a mid-70s joint that features his falsetto while deliberately calling back to the El Monte dance doo wop sound; and then there’s Billy Stewart’s “Sittin’ in the Park,” a lovely mid-60s tune that applies cool reverb to the vocal harmonies during its choruses. Rapper Slick Rick also references the song heavily in his excellent 1995 single, “Sittin’ in My Car,” in which he samples directly from it while also interpolating its chorus.
Definitely not my favorite Laboe comp (check out this five-CD box set from his Oldies But Goodies series for some of his best stuff), but the soul tunes on the back half are not to be missed.
The Penguins - “Memories of El Monte” The Intruders - “I’ll Always Love My Mama” Pete Wingfield - “Eighteen With a Bullet” Billy Stewart - “Sitting in the Park” The Shields - “You Cheated”
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jovoy · 1 year
ooh okay so i sent that ask about ulta!! the palettes you recommended are soooo gorgeous but unfortunately i'm a deepset/hooded eye girl and i don't have much lid space to work with so i've never bothered much with eye makeup. i totally forgot ulta has chanel makeup though so i've been browsing through what they have bc i've wanted to try their makeup for ages (ever since i read that's what emma d'arcy's makeup artist used on them in house of the dragon). also the pat mcgrath blush you recommended is so so pretty!! i think i've decided against the snif samples but i'll definitely get the l'occitane lotions. i'm on the hunt for a new fall/winter fragrance but i honestly am just not that interested in most of the fragrances ulta carries i feel like it's mostly designer which is just not my thing. although they do have a couple from tocca which i tried like years ago and remember liking, any opinions on tocca? and maybe this is really specific but i wonder if you happen to have any thoughts/recommendations for a powder blush? i really like a soft matte look for the colder seasons but i haven't found a powder blush that i really like yet. anyway, thanks so much for your recs i really appreciate it!!!!
OH MY GOD im so sorry i literally jusy saw this!!!!!!!!um ok so the palettes are a no go thats ok!! and i like tocca ok they are one of the more okish cutesy designery but somehow not a designer brands out there. i had cleopatra for a long time. very light and airy and summer/springy most of their fragrances and inoffensive to good for the most part 🙂 they have one thats like an exact dupe for the offensively named byredo fragrance i cant remember which one it is.
and powder blushes! i am SUCH a blush girl i looooove blush i have easily like 40+ blushes. my fav powder formula is probably the tarte amazonian clay to be honest its such an oldie but a goodie like they are cult favs for a reason!!!!! i have the shade risque as well as two others but risque is far and away my fav. its like a nude-ish pink almost a peach but not quite? and a bit darker than a lot of blushes and i find it sooooooooooo flattering like unbelievably gorgeous on the skin. heres a swatch and ill donother swatches of my other fav powder blushes too which are the pat mcgrath ones!! such a wonderful formula i have the shades nymphette and nude venus i find they have a very beautiful soft focus finish to them. i woul recommend the milani ones but they are quite luminous and none are really matte finish.
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ok i hope this helps you im so sorry this was so late !!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwah mwah mwah lmk if you need anything else
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safyresky · 1 year
I ENDED UP CALLING MY MOM AND I GOT SOME T E A (a follow up to this post)
Obligatory out of context Jacqueline to preface the vent:
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another oldie but goodie, lmao
"hey mom, im feelin a lil low bc MIL is mad about the car and is giving Richard crap--"
"oh girl I KNOW I got the lecture too"
I was like UM. HELLO?? GIRL D I S H
so she DISHED and y'all. when my MIL went over last week for a help with technology (bc she is very bad with even the most basic of shit), she APPARENTLY went on the same rant with my MOM, who did NOT appreciate it as my Mom is A) very excited and happy that I got a new car, bc, y'know, now I can go places SAFELY and B) she is of the opinion that it is 100% MY CAR. Which isn't wrong! This was to replace MY car, not Richard's; we just went together and co-signed bc I was more than happy to share it in name (and he was too bc cheaper rates lol). "I didn't want to tell you bc, you know, Richard is ALWAYS with you," says my mom, to which I reply
"JANE it is A-OKAY bc she's giving him SHIT for it too and he's ready to explode about it, they are NOT of the same mind"
It's hard to talk turkey about Richard and his mum with my mom bc back in HS when we met he was v much a Momma's boy, but then, as most people do, he grew up and, as some people do, went away for school and learnt oh god, my mom's kinda toxic??? and emotionally incestuous sometimes??? and does NOT treat me WELL??? and has been working VEYR HARD in the last. 8 or so years. to draw up boundaries with her and such, and this has only increased post-marriage and post me starting therapy a couple of years back as well.
But my Mom does not recognize that, and trying to explain it to her is, frankly, exhausting. So I do what I can to defend his cute lil ass and get on with the point, which is what I did today, but that's not the cruz of the matter here
WHICH IS THAT. MY MIL'S RANT TO MY MOM INCLUDED THE JUICY, JUICY DETAIL OF "you know, why didn't they talk to ME about this decision, I could've helped them get a CHEAP CAR and save MONEY"
Well, Margie. Margie. Sweetie. My darling darling MIL.
So, there was some interesting stuff I immediately told Richard who replied to my four option plan with a "Well I tried B, and we seem to be going back to C, so I am now going to focus on D" and like, GOOD! YOU DON'T NEED HER OPINION!
So YEAH it's been a DAY and like, I was under the impression that it was ME and RICHARD who were married, not me and him AND MIL! AHHHHH
anyway, I felt better after chatting with my mom, even if she didn't really get it, bc A) TEA and B) she's up at the Falls with my aunts rn and at one point on the phone this happened:
Me: yeah
Me: okay...
Me, RECOGNIZING the Portuguese immediately and having to recalculate: DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME MY GRANDFATHER WOULD WANT ME TO TELL MY MIL TO EAT SHIT
My Aunt, without missing a beat: YES
My Mom was laughing soo hard in the background my aunt had to hold the phone for a hot minute lmao.
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tobyfoxbutreal · 2 years
Toriel: Well, my child, I’d have to say… well, 80 is nice… and so is purple!
sans undertale: ehh, 1’s nice and short. y’know, like me. and, uhhh… vermillion. ‘s what my bro wears.
yup. color 20.
Undyne: You wanna know MINE?? Well, I like 50. Y’know, right midway. And I, uh.. like yellow. If ya know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alphys: U-Undyne!! Ehehehe.
A-anywho, I like 50, and am torn between blue and red =^-^=
[my best approximation of] Mettaton: My favorites, darling? Well, if you insist.
255’s an oldie but a goodie, at least according to most computers. And, well…
If you don’t know I like pink, have you even seen my brand, darling?
Asgore: My favorite number and color, eh? Hmm…
Well, 80’s nice, and… vermillion’s calming, like a warm fire in Snowdin.
12th Month: Heh! ‘Course Goopster’s mad.
Anywho, I like 3 and green.
Specifically the green of light tricklin’ through green leaves.
Flowey: YOU of all people? Heh. Well, after being a flower for so long, you begin to not like anything.
But, if ya wanted Azzy’s…
Flowey, mimicking Asriel: Do’h boy! I sure do just love yellow and infinity!
Flowey: Happy?
Frisk: I am naught but a vessel for the player’s actions. I doth not have any opinions other than the ones of those who control me’s.
The First Fallen Human: …
…Brown and 6. Now leave me alone.
That One Talking Rock From The Ruins (AKA Speedrunner’s Bane): Well, I’m partial to purple. ‘S the color of where I spent a lotta my life. Ya don’t just forget that.
And, well… I suppose 20’s nice.
Snowman From Snowdin Forest: White’s really nice. Y’know, color of snow. And, uhh…
3’s nice too.
Jerry: Leave me the hell alone, freak. *crowd boos*
Shopkeeper Bunny (QC): Well, darlin’, if ya ask me, orange’s the best ‘round here. So’s 22, ‘cause it’s the amount my homemade Cinna Bunnies heal!
Politics Bear: Well, I quite like blue. Reminds me both of Snowdin’s ice and Waterfall’s walls.
And hey. 16’s pretty good. I’d say “thaaaaat’s politics”, but it wouldn’t make sense to.
Gerson: Wahaha! You goin’ around askin’ everyone, huh?
Well, a dark blue or indigo’s always nice. 18’s pretty good, too.
T3mMie: hOI hOOmaN! Yoo wANt tO kN0 teM’s FavRIt cOluR N nUBmEr?
TEm Lik BLU adn YELLO, yAyA! BLU andn YELLO coLuR oF TEm Sh0p! T3m aLSo liKE Th0rtY 3!
You better not tell anyone though, capiche?
Mushroom dance, Mushroom dance,
Whatever could it mean?
It means light blue and 66.
Hotdog Harpy *rock guitar plays*: Red and 30!
Red’s the color of hotdogs, and 30’s the headstack limit!
Heats Flamesman: Anywho, yellow and 40. Remember that, ok?
Catty: OMG! I absolutely ADORE purple and 300.
Bratty: OMG, like, I like the same number! I prefer green though.
Kris: …
Susie: Well, if you insist I guess?
Blonde and 14.
Ralsei: I like green, and… well, I don’t have a favorite number, so I suppose it’s whatever you like, haha!
Noelle: W-well, uhm, I like 3, and uh…
Berdly: Well, I like 10 and blue!
Jockington: Well, since you asked, bro.
My faves are 99 and turquoise!
*rock guitar plays Jockington out*
Catti: …
…6.6 repeating.
And black.
Eg: …
Egg(s): …
King: Leave me to myself. I have no reason to speak with you lightners. *crowd boos*
Queen: I Like 11111111 (In Binary Lol) And The Color Blue
Or Whatever The Cyber City’s Color Is Lmao
Lancer: Well, my delicious little worm, I enjoy both 100 AND navy blue!
How’re you gonna counter that, my sweet apple?
[Spangtong]: I [Enjoyable] THE NUMBER [π] AND COLOR [Gray]
Heats Flamesman: Well? Did you remember?
❤��Yes No
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, January 15
ANYA: We have to bring presents, right? Birth is a present thing?
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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How To Obtain A Demon Wife (Buffy/Spike, E) by desicat
Same Voice, Different Words (Buffy/Riley, M) by Emmeebee
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Grieving (Giles, T) by Dynapink
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Talkative Minds, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Jws1993
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talonpaw · 2 years
Bluestar or Crookedstar?
sexuality headcanon: the most bisexual woman of all time
rate them out of ten: it has been soooo long since i’ve read the first arc or her super edition so i don’t feel super confident making this call but she’s iconic! 7/10
favorite thing about them: a lot of people say her breakdown is a highlight of the first series for them and that’s true! but also i love the way she comes across as so regal from tiny firepaw’s perspective…
least favorite thing about them: the ableism discourse… the elders’ names are obviously a symptom of first arc weirdness and brightheart’s original name was absolutely cruel but i don’t think bluestar is the poster child for ableism like the fandom makes her out to be. please learn to be Normal
do i relate/project onto/kin them?: not particularly when i first read her story but something tells me i’m going to have Big Feelings during my reread
my fav ship: i am a huge bluestar/yellowfang enjoyer!!!!!!!! old ladies in love…
my fav platonic friendship: thinking about bluestar and thrushpelt makes me absolutely batshit insane
do i prefer canon or fanon?: fanon seems to be all over the place for her so i’m defaulting to canon
unpopular opinion: ……i prefer long furred bluestar [i am pelted by rocks and stones]
random headcanon: if she were a d&d character she would be a paladin, but if she played d&d herself she would play either cleric or druid
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them: nifty-senpai’s little pistol is one of the most iconic creations in the warirors fandom so I have to shout it out obviously but can we talk about BLUESTAR CATABOLIC SEED by bok bok choy….. because my god………………
also, oldie but goodie: technically snowfur-centric but koerenn’s snowfur youth amv is very nostalgic and hits my big bluestar feelings
sexuality headcanon: he’s the most respectful cishet guy you know. you come out to him as transmasc and he starts referring to you as “guy bro dude fella buddy” (but in a genuine, non-patronizing way)
rate them out of ten: 8/10. not one of my personal favorites but his story is mostly contained to the first arc and thus is (almost) immune to retcons so it’s REALLY hard to fuck him up
my fav ship: can i honest to god pick anything other than crookedwillow? they’re cute!
my fav platonic friendship: SO MUCH MORE should have been done with the crooked blue friendship… SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do i prefer canon or fanon?: no strong feelings character-wise, but design-wise, i dislike how canon artwork tends to censor his jaw, and i like how fandom draws him as a Fucking Unit
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them: mama told me MAP, hey mom (rainflower and crookedkit) by ursiday
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