#i might have more to say about them after my reread 👀
talonpaw · 2 years
Bluestar or Crookedstar?
sexuality headcanon: the most bisexual woman of all time
rate them out of ten: it has been soooo long since i’ve read the first arc or her super edition so i don’t feel super confident making this call but she’s iconic! 7/10
favorite thing about them: a lot of people say her breakdown is a highlight of the first series for them and that’s true! but also i love the way she comes across as so regal from tiny firepaw’s perspective…
least favorite thing about them: the ableism discourse… the elders’ names are obviously a symptom of first arc weirdness and brightheart’s original name was absolutely cruel but i don’t think bluestar is the poster child for ableism like the fandom makes her out to be. please learn to be Normal
do i relate/project onto/kin them?: not particularly when i first read her story but something tells me i’m going to have Big Feelings during my reread
my fav ship: i am a huge bluestar/yellowfang enjoyer!!!!!!!! old ladies in love…
my fav platonic friendship: thinking about bluestar and thrushpelt makes me absolutely batshit insane
do i prefer canon or fanon?: fanon seems to be all over the place for her so i’m defaulting to canon
unpopular opinion: ……i prefer long furred bluestar [i am pelted by rocks and stones]
random headcanon: if she were a d&d character she would be a paladin, but if she played d&d herself she would play either cleric or druid
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them: nifty-senpai’s little pistol is one of the most iconic creations in the warirors fandom so I have to shout it out obviously but can we talk about BLUESTAR CATABOLIC SEED by bok bok choy….. because my god………………
also, oldie but goodie: technically snowfur-centric but koerenn’s snowfur youth amv is very nostalgic and hits my big bluestar feelings
sexuality headcanon: he’s the most respectful cishet guy you know. you come out to him as transmasc and he starts referring to you as “guy bro dude fella buddy” (but in a genuine, non-patronizing way)
rate them out of ten: 8/10. not one of my personal favorites but his story is mostly contained to the first arc and thus is (almost) immune to retcons so it’s REALLY hard to fuck him up
my fav ship: can i honest to god pick anything other than crookedwillow? they’re cute!
my fav platonic friendship: SO MUCH MORE should have been done with the crooked blue friendship… SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do i prefer canon or fanon?: no strong feelings character-wise, but design-wise, i dislike how canon artwork tends to censor his jaw, and i like how fandom draws him as a Fucking Unit
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them: mama told me MAP, hey mom (rainflower and crookedkit) by ursiday
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Do you have any good Tim recs? Specifically ones that maintain his canon personality 👀
honestly this is very vague to me but I'm assuming you're mainly looking to avoid the fics that woobify him or flatten him into a coffee fueled anxiety machine. if that's what you're looking for, I gotchu
ship fics
Girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament? is about timber's first date!! so cute, occurs immediately after the whole torture cult thing
Practice Makes Perfect - I know for a fact I've rec'd this one before in an ask maybe a few weeks ago?? this is a fic where tim and ace!bart practice kissing. ends in jaime/bart (I'm sure they have a ship name I just don't know it) and timkon but the timpulse content is actually a really good exploration of their characters imho
friendship as another word for love - this is tagged as minor timber but I'll still put it here. actually this might not be exactly what you're looking for cause my bookmark describes it as "red robin!tim is chaotic af", but honestly I think that's just a description of actual canon
Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Outta Me - okay this might be a crack fic HOWEVER you cannot convince me that everyone around the core four doesn't think there's something hinky going on there. also again not technically a ship fic but I'm still putting it here
Gonna Be A Better One (A Thousand Miles To Your Door) occurs during the time period where Tim quit being Robin (and y'know Steph became Robin instead, but the fic doesn't really deal with that). In this au Kon says fuck that and insists on staying in contact with Tim. great timkon and feels very true to both of them!
time flies by is very emotional for me. I described this in my bookmark as "post n52/rebirth, Tim misses Kon like a phantom limb". that's a good description honestly. I've reread this so many goddamn times actually
batfam fics
Obedience - I'm not the only one obsessed with Ella Enchated AUs, right? right??? anyway this fic is actually so concerned with what is and isn't typical behavior for Tim and also is one of my favorite type of AUs so it's near and dear to me
Exit Strategy breaks my heart - although tbf a lot of these fics do, I definitely read a lot of hurt/comfort. anyway this one is about Tim taking Damian's derision to heart and deciding to leave. The Tim & Damian stuff here is just chef's kiss
The Study of Birds - Tim & Damian bond over birding
Our Common Grave - this is not the only au I've bookmarked focusing on the time Damian cut Tim's line, but the others aren't as focused on Tim, imho, more on the consequences for Damian (or lack thereof, depending on the fic). It's not that I don't like those, I love them even, but obviously they don't fit on a Tim fic rec list. Anyway some quality Tim & Jason stuff here. Ironically even though it's probably my fav batfam dynamic I wouldn't put most of the Tim & Jason stuff I've bookmarked on here, a lot of it is woobified content. not all of it, but a lot of it.
finally, one of my favorites - break. in this au Tim never really joins the batfam and only bruce and alfred ever know his identity. and then he just... stops being a hero. hopeful ending. really good in general, another common reread for me.
hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want any more fic recs!!!
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presidenthades · 1 year
I am doing very minor revisions of Daemon’s Handbook (mostly formatting and continuity errors), and I wanted to do some behind-the-scenes commentary before too much time passes and I forget my original thoughts. Here’s Chapter 9!
(Note that these commentaries aren’t canon to the verse until/unless the author writes them into the series. I might change my mind on a few points later, but these are the thoughts I had while writing.)
I originally wasn’t going to write Daemon’s flashback to the night before. It was just going to be a recap of what he remembered. But my #1 fan Mr Hades said it was a shame we would miss out on seeing blackout drunk!Daemon firsthand, so thanks to Mr Hades, the flashback exists.
I would also like to confess that originally, Daemon wasn’t going to catch Luce and Aemond. My early outline had Luce and Aemond being caught by one of Otto’s people a few weeks after the wedding, and it was going to be a more similar scandal to the Daemon/Rhaenyra brothel scene in Episode 4. But while I was writing, I decided to center more on *Daemon’s* feelings and internal conflict, because this fic is mostly his story and character arc.
If you reread Chapter 9, you might pick up on the hints of what happened the night before, prior to the flashback: Daemon’s neatly arranged shoes and sword, Luce’s terror, clenching at the thought of Septon Eustace (😂😭😂😭), and of course the mysterious anger when he looks at Aemond.
House Celtigar’s seat Claw Isle is pretty close to Dragonstone, and they’re a Valyrian house that’s long been sworn to the Targaryens, so I think the Celtigars would have periodically visited Rhaenyra’s family at Dragonstone. Thus, Clement would have known Luce and her sisters before the wedding. He has reasons to think he’s well positioned as Luce’s suitor (prior friendship, Valyrian heritage, loyal vassals, proximity to Driftmark). Unfortunately for him, Luce wouldn’t be interested even if Aemond wasn’t in the picture.
Viserys doesn’t understand that a newlywed couple might want some privacy the morning after their real wedding. 💀 Aemond understands though! And he doesn’t want to be anywhere near Aegon and Jace today, no matter what his mother says 😂
Otto is pushing for an Aemond/Baratheon match because he likes to diversify his portfolio. Jace/Aegon was a win for him because that unites the claims of the two Targaryen branches. If that hadn’t worked out, then he probably would have supported Aemond/Luce so they get at least one of Rhaenyra’s daughters in the family. But two daughters would be redundant, and even though Driftmark is a wealthy seat, he thinks Aemond could be better utilized to secure a house whose loyalties are in the air. Otto is optimistic that a Dance won’t break out in this universe, thanks to Jace/Aegon, but in case conflict does arise, he wants to make sure the Greens have allies.
Baela and Rhaena caught Luce and Aemond hauling drunk Daemon home. After Aemond left, the twins interrogated Luce, and that’s how they know what she and Aemond got up to. 👀
The servants’ passages are something I invented separate to Maegor’s secret tunnels. The passages aren’t a secret, and they’re used primarily by servants to move around the castle without getting in the way of the nobles. (Who wants to see a maid carrying around a chamber pot?)
Aemond initially tried to convince Luce to leave the passages but she got curious about what was going on. 🫣 I’m 97% certain she started the make-out session/provoked Aemond into it.
When Daemon tackles Aemond, Aegon isn’t planning to get involved at first. Aegon absolutely noticed the way Aemond was looking at Luce during breakfast, deduced that *something* happened, and figured that Aemond probably deserved to get hit a few times—not that Aegon’s judging. It’s only when Jace gets hurt that Aegon jumps in.
Viserys’s reaction after the fight is supposed to reflect his reaction after the Driftmark fight in canon, but in a less extreme situation since no one lost an eye here. Either way, he’s still going, “Why can’t everyone just get along? I’ll just let Rhaenyra decide the solution and wash my hands of this.”
Luce *was* having fun with all the suitors at first, but it stopped being fun real fast. The combination of her being very short and very curvy has led to her being objectified and underestimated by a lot of men. She’s also hanging on to her epiphany in Chapter 3 of marriage being like whoring (it’s about money and sex). Moreover, she just doesn’t like court life. She’ll have a much better time on Driftmark where there are fewer rules and no suitors (but she’ll make an exception for this one guy).
Because Joff is so much younger than the others, she gets underestimated a lot, even by her own siblings. So she’s able to eavesdrop on a lot of conversations because they forget she’s there/paying attention. So she’s able to piece together Luce and Aemond’s miscommunication issue.
Jace and Aegon might have been able to figure it out too, by putting together what their respective siblings are telling them. But they’re newlyweds who haven’t seen each other in three years so they’re not exactly having in-depth discussions about their siblings. Their conversations on the topic are more like “wow they’re being stupid, I hope they figure it out soon” before they start making out.
Note that Joff never explicitly promises Daemon that she won’t tell Luce about the letters. Joff would have told Luce eventually (once she’s certain Daeron is sticking around), but Daemon shocks her by beating her to the punch in Chapter 10.
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Chapter 10 commentary here
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smileysuh · 2 years
I dunno about jw because personally he (nor ti) doesn’t give me sexual vibes very often least of all alpha ones but*kicks pebble down the street dejectedly* Alpha Johnny… yep those were the days… wish I could unread it so i could read it freshly again because I’ve already reread it a few times…it stills hits. I do ponder what those alphas are up to now or rather would be? idk man I just sure do like talking about Claim-era Smileysuh. It is the ultimate Alpha Trilogy and I do mean THE
i get you though- for a LONGGGG time- I didn't see it either-
so i shall now present you with: the tiktoks that convinced me Jungwoo is an ult bae
1: he's not afraid to be himself, he's "feminine" because he's not afraid of kisses, but he doesn't weaponize them the way hyuck does- *insert picture of Mark all soft and cuddled to his chest here*
2: the range might feel flat at first- but 👀 it's there
3: a good way to get into a new kpop boy is seeing them with another one of your biases, and the amount of Jaewoo content is: unparalleled. exhibit Ahh!, Bruh, Cum, Down, Esophagus, For, Gods, Heck, it's the way they DECIMATE the chair in the round of musical chairs-
4: he's actually really smart - he plays the dumb himbo well, but mans has an ENGINEERING DEGREE
5: he bIG boi
now that i have presented my case-
i do think about... a new a/b/o au sometimes where they're not all alphas- it would allow for me to touch on johnjaehyuck again-
a/b/o is never OFF the table-
this bad boy has been taunting me in my drafts for literal months-
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maybe after the frat boy basketball roommates Jaehyun/Jungwoo fic i'm posting this week KLDJWKJALJADLS 😂
thank you so much for saying it's the ultimate alpha trilogy lol- it's been what- 2 years since those posted? i wonder how well i could do the au now that i've grown a little 👀
thanks again for your message :) i hope i persuaded you even a little to find Jungwoo sexy- but idk, maybe i don't want more people in his lane- i think there's already some big contenders i'm fighting with for his monster schlong- 👀
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valleynix · 4 months
I haven’t done one of these in a while and I miss doing them SO HERE IT IS
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OKAY starting off strong
Oh how I missed this trauma 🙏 ANYWAYS I think the person here that is hugging reader is mother Miranda herself 👀 maybe it’s an apology for what she’ll to later on 🤯 or maybe to comfort them from that freak
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CASSANDRAAAAAAAAA I missed cass/reader moments SM
The fact that cass was the first person reader called out to because they know she’ll protect them (or even worse end their misery)
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This might just be the dimitrescus looking out for reader but I think Miranda is the one protect them (their mind) from the freak 👀
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OKAY MIGHT BE A REACH BUT what if because reader said this, Miranda put them in the megamycete to train them (at least one of the reasons she put them in there) CUZ A READER TRAINING ARC WITH MIRANDA?!? Reader obviously wanting to go home but also wanting to become stronger (maybe to learn how to get out of there) so they suck it up and train with the person who started their suffering to begin with. and then reader Miranda bonding ensues 🤯🤯🤯
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May be a little off topic but even with the mindfuckery that’s gonna happen in act 3 I still hope we can get crow reader 🙏🙏
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I know what you are..
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Now say it in English bela 😊😊
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You said you were worried that the pacing/scene would be off but I can assure that THIS ATE. I’m very picky about scenes like these because I actually don’t really like them in general BUT YOUR WRITING STILL COOKS AND IM ENJOYING MY MEAL
Also I’m glad you included the chp 8 moment with bela because I love that reader now trusts her
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Someone is gonna read that journal and I’m placing all my money on Alcina
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So we have a new monstrosity out for reader 😋 my theory is maniac is the true form of the freak (FLOATING FETUSSS)
God that ending… I’m so scared for what’s gonna happen to reader but SO EXCITED. And as usual I have no idea what’s gonna happen next 💪💪
I love that you chose Cassandra to be the one who witnessed reader pass out, because ngl it kinda implies cass, the one who was supposed to protect reader, failed at saving them from danger. QUE DEPRESSED CASSANDRA
And WATCHER OH SHIT OMG. Ik they were gonna do something horrendous but…. GODDAMN. At least they’re finally with their Alcina, after like… 300 years or something. Really said double it and give it to the next person
Reader wasn’t able to tell Alcina the truth before they passed out ☹️☹️ my theory is that Alcina will read their journal and find out herself. Which makes for an interesting conversation with her daughters and reader when/if they wake up
Welp I’m glad we’re gonna get more reader lunny moments 😁 as they are the only one reader could possibly talk to.. I MEAN THERE IS ALSO MIRANDA 💪💪
GOD I MISSED DOING THIS AND I MISSED TPTM‼️‼️‼️ can’t wait for act 3 and what you’ll do with it 😋 but please take your time and rest! I’ll be here waiting for my meal tbh I kinda wanna reread 20-21 because I forgot to do an analysis 👀
the EXCITEMENT i felt at getting this AUGH THANK YOU
1. it sure is a mystery… i wonder if you’re correct hehe :)
2. CASS, MY BELOVED. she’s the only one that will do what they ask of her with relatively little pushback, and they know the lengths she’ll go to in order to protect her loved ones. their bond is so >>
3. it might be! (it definitely is)
4. potentially!! hehe there were several reasons why she put them in the megamycete
5. LOOOL I LOVE CROW!MIRANDA. she cracks me up so much and i feel like she’s able to be more genuine as a lil crow
6. 🤨🏳️‍🌈
7. she’s NERVOUS
8. LISTEN I THOUGHT IT WAS SO BAD. i’m not the biggest fan of smut myself so on top of it being incredibly difficult to write, it felt so off 😭 im glad everything came across okay!!
9. honestly, i feel like Cass would be the type to quickly hide it because she knows of its contents. at least some of them, and she (as well as her sisters) would want Alcina to find out through them; it’s their story to tell, after all
11. NOT THE FLOATING FETUS LMAO. but you’re correct :3 they’re the same being
12. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY KNOWING I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICES WHEN WRITING. that ending has been on my mind for MONTHS- i still don’t feel it was satisfactory but we’re getting there
I’M VERY HAPPY YOU ENJOYED IT!! i hope i can get back into a routine here soon but i make no guarantees. it’s hard to find time 🙃🙃
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hannieween · 5 months
Rereading CL for the 800000th time (shocker, I know) and I suddenly wanted to make your heart ache again :) SO:
My friends once asked me if I was ever in a long term relationship where my partner and I absolutely loved each other, that we were very in love, in a long term relationship, things are good and the relationship is healthy etc etc, if my partner were to ever fall in love with someone else, would I want to know?
At the end of the day, they would never physically cheat on you. Your partner loves you so so much, that they would always choose you at the end of the day. BUT, for example, someone new started working at their place of employment and they just had a connection, they fell in love with them too, etc. At the end of the day, regardless of their feelings for this other person, your partner would always choose you.
So, would you want them to tell you about their feelings for this person? Or would you rather be kept in the dark?
I'm curious to hear your personal thoughts on this, and also how you think CL couple would react (from both sides! BC 1) spicy, and I think they both address it differently 2) hannie bear and bunny being jealous of thea 👀👀👀 even though she wasn't a big part of joshie's life, I feel like there will definitely be people that pop up that are.....)
I'll share my own thoughts with you on this but I don't want to influence anything you might think!! I'm v curious to see what you think
i planned to answer to this ask after i posted chapter 9 because i have a lot to say about this particular topic, but first i needed to put it out in city lights, because what you're prompting in here has like... a lot to do with what i planned for city lights chapter 9 and season two as a whole.
i feel like in many ways were expected to love just one person. if you're in a relationship, no other person matters, it feels like. at least where i come from, you're expected to be very monogamous
though i don't know what my reaction would be if my actual boyfriend tells me he loves someone else but he's still choosing me, he still loves me. i think that we're capable of loving more than just one person
joshua and bunny (and now jeonghan) all have a lot to go through now, but we're now aware of what their initial reactions are. jeonghan walked away, bunny had a panic attack and thought for a moment joshua would leave her, and joshua was very evidently, crushed. though he said he wasn't
but they still have a lot to navigate!!!! this part of the story just started haha
my thoughts on this matter will influence parts of season two, but i do intend to explore the ups and downs of monogamous attraction. not just go straight into polyamory
but yeah, to the point: i think we're capable to love more than just 1 person. whether you decide to engage in polyamorous relationships is another personal choice. i would prefer my partner to tell, instead of being in the dark
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rinamars · 6 months
hi mars, hope you're well <33
🍓🛼🌿🍄 for the ask game?
hi flo 🫂 i'm doing well, i hope the same goes for you <3 thank you for stopping by!!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i discovered fanfiction when i was a wee 12/13 year old. in middle school i was obsessed with harry potter, and so i ended up reading tons and tons of harry potter fanfics after school, and what a wonderful new world it was!! people write stories about things that didn't happen in canon but wish they did?? people write romantic stuff between characters?? these characters... kiss??? needless to say i was glued to the italian fanfic website. i developed an obsession for stories involving hermione granger and fred weasley, because pairing up a goody-two-shoes and a goofball has always melted my heart, and eventually this obsession made me go like "wait, i can write something like this myself!!" and so i did. they weren't good. they really weren't. but i had so much fun. the moment i entered high school and realized that my writing was nothing special i stopped :( i kept comparing myself to others and it stopped making writing fanfic fun. i kept reading, though, and eventually commander erwin smith made me find the joy in writing again heheh (and this was also my first time writing reader inserts)
🛼 describe your latest wip with five emojis.
🏡👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼👀🪑🍆 it's just some silly and mindless ***** where they **** on their ***** in front of ***** ********** in the middle of the day 😇 (i'm just taking a lil break from working on the Bigger Wips)
🌿 give some advice on writer's block and low creativity.
oh man, i wish i has some actual advice!! usually these things work for me:
- if you have even the smallest idea for a story in general or for a specific chapter, write it down, bc reading through those small ideas might reignite the inspiration;
- reread your past works / works by your fav writers to help you get the creative juices flowing;
- do NOT force yourself to write if you can already feel it's not the right moment for it, it's supposed to be a fun pasttime, not a chore;
- outline your whole story/chapter first in bullet points, and then do the same thing for each scene, so that it feels less daunting or overwhelming.
maybe they're not revolutionary pieces of advice, but yeah 😔 typically i try not to force myself and to wait for the right moment to come on its own
🍄 share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings.
i don't think levi was illiterate before joining the scouts, but i do think erwin helped him learn more proper/refined vocabulary and write in cursive. those nights are what allowed them to truly get that close post-acwnr.
(thank you for the asks <3)
writers truth or dare ask game
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I haven’t had a chance to do a second full read through and get my thoughts in order, but I loved how you brought it all together and had Matty apologize to Ross on stage/through their music especially since the most of the fic has been structured around their shows and interactions onstage. Loved the moments between george/matty (george being the bigger man for once) and between george and Ross. Loved Ross bottoming for matty, ridiculously hot as always and so satisfying especially after you hinted about it many chapters ago. I also 100% thought you were laying the groundwork for the much-anticipated raughy one shot with Ross saying he’d been fucked before but not telling matty who it was, at least for a hot second until the end of the scene, and I was a bit shocked you would go that direction but in the end very happy with how you did it haha
I’ve also been here since the beginning and following this story so closely for the last 6 months has had a non-negligible effect on my real life and mental health (some positive, some negative probably lmao) so a heartfelt thanks for that ❤️ can’t believe we’re almost at the end!!
As someone who waffled between team Ross and team George a few times, even though I knew where we were headed more or less, I would love to read anything else you care to write about matty x george, especially more about when they were younger and first getting together or more lockdown bliss/angst. Or also more ratty/moss. Basically, I will be eagerly awaiting anything else you choose to write about the guys 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
My apologies re: the Raughy teasing! Fun fact, I was actually going to go with it until I went back and reread what I'd writte approx 150 years ago re: Ross being very shy and insecure about not having done anything other than hands stuff with anyone, and I couldn't find a way where lying in that context would have made sense, so I scrapped. Which means I can officially confirm that all Ross and Waughy did in this universe was: flirting, making out, give each other handjobs, and maybe perhaps there might have been one (1) bj that Ross received because Waughy was obsessed with the idea of doing it. 👀
You've also been here since the beginning and decided to stick around for so damn long! Wow. Thank you so much. I am so happy to hear this story seems to have been worth your while. I genuinely worked so hard on it, pulling all the string to make it all make sense and bring it to a satisfying conclusion, and I can barely believe we're almost at the end now. I'm going to miss this.
I'm definitely going to be back after the summer with more content, and yes it's quite likely going to be Matty x George to quench everybody's apparent thirst for more of them (and I understand, some of the stuff in the tag lately has been fucking tragic, sorry to anyone who disagrees but I'm appalled). Stay tuned, it's going to be fun xx
Thank you so much again for the love ❤️
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year
My bias is showing but I’m excited for when you get to writing Jakob’s reaction to Corrin and Gunter 👀
The possibilities of drama and angst with him are endless haha
Heheh, Jakob gets a couple of great, great scenes in this slowburn ~ actually just reread the last one at the end while editing, and Corrin's lucky to have such a butler. The inevitable confrontation between him and Gunter's pretty lulzy too. :3
While this slowburn's more serious than not, somebody really should write a standalone fic about the freaking hilarious shenanigans based off of that as the premise, maybe Conquest-route.... like omg there's so much potential.
Jakob noticing that very specific black-and-silver armor in Corrin's bedroom.... or maybe the tip-off is Gunter wearing a second wedding ring and he's trying to play detective in who the hell this other person is. :P
Poor guy if he actually walks in on them once, he'd probably faint on the spot. and then absolutely angsting to whether he can even approach Corrin and squawk to her what the hell she was thinking once when he's burnt his retinas out LOL.
... genuinely might write that after the slowburn LMAO
i will say there is a very well written and very dead dove fic out there that has one hell of a twist on this >w> not spoiling it but there's def something for both gunter and jakob fans.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
*quietly slides the door open* so what's new?? 👀
Heh, sorry I couldn't help myself and not say a few thing on MY FAVORITE BLOG ON TUMBLR ㅋㅋ Sooo 3D... I think we've been so spoiled by the tannies all these years that the moment western musicians are making a song with one of the boys it just sooo obvious, idk how to put it ... but as overall quality on a scale from 1 to 100, while bangtan's music (both group and solo) is 90 something to 100, songs like 3D are like an 8 😶 and it's not even the fact that it's explicit, it's just sounds eh. (I liked Seven more too)
I've seen so many people pressed about the fact that some don't like the og version with Jack and I'm like "????" As long as they're not straight up hating everyone should be allowed to like/dislike whatever they want, if sth really makes them uncomfortable they can always choose not to listen, it's not that big of a deal. We don't have to call anyone a prude or some other stuff I've seen for not liking a song 💀 and if we're being honest almost 90% of western music nowadays has something to do with sex so it's understandable that we're fed up with that.. and about the lyrics.... I won't even go there 😅 I have an entire playlist of sexy songs that have wayy better lyrics and vibe.
Anyways, we indirectly promised the boys that we're good with whatever they choose to put out, freedom i guess, however we might not always be in sync and that's okay. I'm sure they're aware that everyone has different tastes. There will be many years ahead of us, to do and try a variety of things. Once everyone accept this fact, it'll all fall into place.
Again, so sorry that you always have to listen to our rambles, Jen 😂 buy yourself something nice today so you won't get too stressed!
- 🎃
favorite blog asdfhkhfkas PUMPKIN 😭
an 8 lolllll i had to reread that to see if you meant an 8 on a scale of 1-10 but nope it's 1-100 😂 that's a fair assessment. i'll just say this as it is. basic pop and western collabs have little substance but they're easy to top charts, easy to rake in numbers, easy to push for awards (cough, grammys 😑) which seems to be what hybe is doing rn with jk. i guess they're succeeding so... good for them?
this fandom is so quick to tear people apart for not kissing the ground that the boys walk on lol. it's literally just music. tastes are subjective. what's not clicking? coming after someone just bc they don't like a song is dumbass behavior lol i'm sorry. wait till you hear that i haven't listened to seven since july 15 (it was released on july 14) 🤣 i'm sure there are people out there who wanna bring back the guillotine just for me
yes that's true. the boys can release any kind of music they want, but we as listeners - literal consumers - don't have to vibe with it. it's not mutually exclusive. not liking something they do / not liking a song does not and should not make you public enemy no.1 lol
pls i am always open to discourse! 🤣 i love hearing your different thoughts and opinions instead of just uniformed, robotic screaming all the time. i usually have a lot to say too hahahhaha i just don't wanna do it unprompted 😂
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taegularities · 2 years
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕💕
I have actually been so curious to see how c&f OC will act now that she's overheard Jungkook and his uncle. I feel like he deserves to be put through it a little bit, you know? I definitely feel like she'll be a loooot colder to him now and he'll try to turn his charm all the way up. I still feel like that wouldn't help though and the only way to fix the situation would be to just be honest about everything. I'm sure there will be some angst before that happens though and I'm excitedddd. But I have been wondering a lot about them recently and I would love a teaser to see what they're up to 👀👀👀
And of course cmi couple are on my mind 24/7 too. After that drabble I've been missing the way they used to be so much 😭😭😭 I miss him reassuring her and taking care of her, helping her deal with her parents. I hate seeing her so sad and I think now that she's trying to be more emotionless and shutting her friends out, it will be even more painful to witness.
I've been thinking a lot about how it will be when they finally have a serious talk about everything that happened. Jungkook apologising and opening up to OC.... Their first kiss after getting back together.... all of those thoughts have me tearing up already, I have no idea how I'll actually be able to read all of that and survive.
Alsoooo when you said that Kook's confession might be connected to his family I started wondering... did he do something that he's not so proud of to defend his family? Maybe to defend Ria? That made me go back to cmi lights to reread the scene with her and I saw this: “So…” Ria hums, sighing, and a memory flashes through her brain before she adds, suddenly understanding, “scared.” maybe it has something to do with it, maybe it doesn't, but what struck me is that he described himself as scared when he was talking to Tae about it in cmi 7.5 and that's how Ria describes him here too. So I guess my theory is that perhaps he did something a little violent to protect his family, like got in a fight? And he's scared of that version of himself coming out when he feels that someone he loves is in danger in some way? If that's the case, then he's definitely had some progress because I still remember when he held himself back from fighting Jin's friend at the club (in cmi layers i think?) because he thought it through and realised it would hurt OC 🥺🥺🥺 I loved him for that then and I still do now. I'm normally so bad at coming up with theories but I'm throwing this one out there.
I saw you saying you had a busy day and I hope you're taking time to take care of yourself too, Rid 🥺🥺🥺 I always hope you're doing well and if you're not, I'm always ready with lots of hugs and love for you 💞💞💞
why is reading your asks so comforting and interesting, like i could read essays and not get bored, no matter what they're about djkmhakjd
oh god, yes, i'm definitely so so excited for c&f! i just need to figure out the ending properly – i think that's why i'm not posting part 2 yet, bc i want to plant hints or important stuff in ch2, so it makes sense later on. but we're on it !! i can def do a teaser this week <3
cmi couple, yeah fuck yeah, things have changed so much and so abruptly 😭 just a few weeks ago they were bodypainting and showering together and falling in love, and now they're crying over each other like where did things go wrong... ALSO NOOO, not the bit with them reconciling 😭 the worst thing is... i know how it's gonna be, and i've cried about it before lmao the day i post that chapter, i'll hide and wait for reactions like :''')
the theory is amazing, ivi. when ria said he wasn't like that before, she was just a little wrong – because he's always been scared. just now, with oc, it's worse. it could definitely be something about defending someone... would make sense with how he behaved in layers. then again, i promise you that should something HUGE happen, jk won't hesitate to swing his fists... you'll know what i mean ANYWAYS!! yeah the reveal is gonna be painful. i think it's gonna be unexpected in some ways, and i truly hope i can bring across the feelings well and make you guys understand what was going on in his head <3
and thank you 🥺 my mood fluctuates for some reason, but today was better... i'm really really working hard on being okay :') thank you so much. your love and hugs help more than you know. and i always hope you're doing well, too, especially when you're a bit more inactive 🤍
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
Asks for the askers:
My favorite fic of yours: That's always a tough one. You have so many amazing fics. Since ot7 is top tier for me I have to say, HOAL and RRR are my all time favorites. BV:ITS and Yoongi is a Rock are both huge runner ups but really, ALL your fics are amazing.
My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: For HOAL literally all the chapters are amazing. I love each handshake and I love how they are currently all kinda trying to get close to her and the developing relationships. Chef's kiss🤌
For RRR, again all chapters are phenomenal. I have been meaning to tell you that I often think about this fic in the shower. Probably 50% of the time. And I'm a daily showered in the summer😅😅 so I basically think about it every other day. Idk what it is, something about that specific fic, it just comes up when I'm having existential thoughts I guess.
What made me the most emotional after reading: Well,was all the past lives in HOAL except Tae's were devastating. Especially Hobi's. So probably that. In RRR when yn thought Yoongi was a goner, I went into a spiral like yn did. That was more like a mental sadness pit though. Yoongi is a Rock was really emotional.
What I like the most about your writing: It's so good? You're genuinely one of my favorite authors on here. The character depth, the world building, the plots, the relationships, the flow of the stories, so well done.
A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting: I just saw The Snap? Sounds so interesting! And well any of your OT7 fics😅😅 I'm also looking forward to The Takeover and C!HOC.
A fic of yours that i've re-read: Like half of your fics. Obviously HOAL and RRR I've reread the most but also BV ITS.
A fic I didn't expect to like so much: Yoongi is a Rock. Meet Cute, Time Loop. V is for Villain (you had me rooting for Joonie then Yoongi and now Tae??? Might as well have them all, no?👀😅😅😅) Daydream. All fabulous fics✨️
omg you have no idea how happy you've made me 🥹🥹 the fact that you think about RRR in the shower is the best 😂😂 I love that, I will work out plot points while in the shower too lmao. again I am sorry for the pain I am gonna cause you lol 🙈 it's such a fun story to write so don't blame me too much, blame uhh dev, yeah 😅
to this day it amazes me that readers will go back and reread my stories and makes me so happy, I'm just so curious, I love analyzing stories myself, so I wonder how you view it differently after the first read. Sometimes readers mention about foreshadowing, and i'm so proud for them and for me lol 🙊
The snap hurts me. I want to finish it soon...but ow, it's painful to write lol. But you know, maybe I'll traumatize myself so much my brain will spare the RRR boys 🤣🤣
I live for all my readers ignoring Tae's red flags in V is for Villain 😆😆 also don't blame me when the red flags start waving 😅
I'm so grateful for your support of me. Honestly, readers like you make this so much fun for me and really motivate me to keep writing! see now I'm pumped, and gonna go edit now! thank you 💕 I love you!! 🍩💗
Fanfic Asks — For The Askers
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
ok. ive gotten some,, messy pjsekai au thoughts 😭😭
okay so like i would think reader would be the equivalent of miku , like they'd be in each unit's sekai since the very start, but ofc would look and act very different depending on each unit's sekai
and you know how like wonderland and empty sekai are both only born from one person's feelings? i feel like that would happen too
like i would imagine that shu for example would definitely be able to create his sekai by himself?? others that this would apply to i feel would be like, hiiro, rei, madara (lol), leo, and i cant explain this but i really feel like switch's sekai would be formed by sora?? 😭 id love to hear what you think
its honestly kind of fun imagining what the name of each sekai would be and how their reader would look and act?? like imagine ryuseitai having a very corny but lovable reader reminiscent of old tokusatsu and super sentai shows? id cry ,,
-angst 🫡 not much thoughts this time but i think its bc i know that if i thought about it seriously id just start drafting out the entire thing ,, 😔
like...think abt virtual idol reader ok. LIKE REALLY THINK ABT IT OK. so we could say. reader is a former idol whose consciousness was placed in the sekai after they died (prolly by natsume (OR PERHAPS.....someone else 👀👀)) BUT no one other then him and the other oddballs know the truth about who you are....
AND YEAH??? wonderstage sekai and empty sekai are some of my faves.... the lore is so interesting i rlly hope we'll get more of kasa (prsk) backstory soon since as far as we know only mafuyu and him have managed to create a sekai by themselves....
OMG YES.... shu sekai would probably be smth close to empty sekai at first?? i feel like it would most likely be created after nazu left past valk.... so it would be an empty classroom but then it would later change to be more like. a filled w dresses like a boutique of sorts??? like l/n.... AND HIIRO omg hiiro.... im thinking for his to be modelled after his home village??? but also different???? like reflecting his true desires and all that... rei sekai tbh idk??? maybe like a underground livehouse since that's where he met most of his unit members at first (im rereading crossroads ahahah bawls my eyes out😭😭) but yeah mama sekai makes sense.... since he's the only person in his unit LMFAO like festival themed???? and leo so true!!! i feel like. leo's sekai would be pretty similar to mafuyu's actually since they do have a lot in common.... AND SORAAAA YES YES OMG sora would be like. wonderstage sekai?? kind of??? not a theme park but. video game themed for sure. maybe an arcade????
THE IDEAS... and in each sekai the reader would wear the unit's uniform and sometimes perform virtual lives w them.... and the reader's personality depends on the feelings of the idol who made the sekai as well as their group theme too.... YES ryuseitai having a super sentai themed sekai would be soooo cute. like imagine a lil glass case w figurines and reader listens to chiaki infodump abt the tokusatsu heroes and a lil aquarium for kanata and lots of plushies for midori... etc etc
NO ANGST THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY BECOME A SERIES YK LIKE. i could write a full series with like chapters for each unit to see how their relationship w vocaloid idol is.....
when u make ur blog we should. totally collab fr nod nod IMAGINE THE CHAOS WE COULD CAUSE 🤩🤩
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
I hope I can still send you asks and you can answer them? Just to say that I'm trying to do the Snarry rec list but my memory is SO BAD lol there are a few I know have to go on there but otherwise? I'm going to have to reread so much fic..... Not that it's an imposition of course, but it does feel weird taking a look through my collection and realising 1) there are less fics than I thought and 2) I can't associate any summary to so many of the titles! Where has my Snarry knowledge gone!! Anyway I realise I forgot to rec you Diagnosis by MaidenMotherCrone for Tomarry fics, which is an error because I'm not sure I'd want to reread it but it's really a Whole Thing in an overall positive way. Also I never gave you the name of the absolute epic I felt weird reccing on main because there's some niche kinks in it? Obviously you don't seem like you open a 500k fic and come out of it a week later without having done anything else but read it, given what you've said about taking breaks in Pacify (which tbh fair. A lot of stuff happens there) so giving you a 800k fic series on top of all the rest seemed a lot you know :') but whenever you want, you know where to find me hehe. Anyway I'll go like brush my teeth and all, hope this sends, bye bye!!
Looks like I can still receive asks! Whether or not you’ll be notified when I answer this (and I guess, also whether or not tumblr will even allow me to post it,,,) still remains to be seen, but based on last night’s experiment with @’ing you, you won’t be notified. I’ll try to keep my reblogging to a minimum until you’ve seen this!!
For what it’s worth, I did send in another support ticket this morning, but I’ll update my pinned post with that info after I’ve answered this
There is no rush at all for the snarry rec list!! Take your time beloved!! I agree that rereading all that fic isn’t all that bad of a thing, but omg, it must be so daunting to have that list to go through, even if it’s shorter than you thought it was! I mean, I’m sitting here with 12 pages in my marked for later tab on Ao3, while entirely forgetting to read both the fic I currently have open and the books I have from the library lol, so I can def relate to having a list to read through. Just please don’t feel rushed or even obligated, you have the best recs but really it’s okay if I wait for it!
(but tbh, at this point I’ve read enough snarry that I feel like I could make an actual rec list myself, even if like 90% of my bookmarks have come from the @houseofsnarry discord. I might have to do that. No one has asked for my recs since I totally flubbed that one ask requesting my quiobi recs and I revealed that at the time I wasn’t really reading, but now I read so much more, even if it’s primarily snarry and irl books. Idk. I’ll have to think about it and also wait until I get un-shadowbanned, and also also I’ll have to read a little bit more so I can round out any list like that,,,)
Omg so Diagnosis looks like an absolutely incredible fic 👀 that summary, those tags!! No worries about not remembering anything other than the positive vibes, I’ve loved literally everything you’ve rec’d thus far and I’m sure I’ll love this too!
Feel free to drop the name of that longfic btw 👀👀👀👀 I don’t often go for fics over 150k unless they come highly recommended, but most of the time I do finish them really quickly. I got through Unrestrained by Lizzy00305 in three days, All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 in about a week and a half, and, while they’re obv not fic, I did read the first five HP books in 8 days, and then HBP and DH in about a week and a half. It depends on what’s going on irl and how into the fic I am tbch.
Rn it’s taking me forever to get through Transparency by oldesthuntress even though it’s literally my favourite fic of all time only because I have so much going on irl. My fatigue will catch up to me soon enough, and all I’ll be capable of doing (affectionate) soon will be reading and animal crossing, and even if I can’t read it for a little bit, I do have surgery right before Christmas which will mean only reading for a few weeks!
(for what it’s worth, I’m currently planning to save Pacify for after surgery, because tbch I think that’s the perfect read for when I’ll be stuck in bed for two weeks!)
But anyway! Yes please drop that link! No fic is too long if it comes highly recommended!!
All my love to you beloved, I hope the rest of your day goes well!! Thanks for stopping in!!
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marypsue · 2 years
(feel free to ignore if you deem my questions too spoilery!)
hi!! i fucking Love the hawkins indiana psychic baby boom series thank you so much for sharing your brainchild with us. i saw in the final chapter end notes that part 3 is underway and i was wondering... will eddie make an early appearance, like robin did (for which by the way i kiss the ground you walk on)? since you're not doing s4 if i got that correctly. and do you have shipping in store for him? since his most popular partner is out for the count (yay stoncy!!) it occured to me that chrissy might be a player and i would love to see her in your hands, she has so much potential!! st s4 really made me ride or die for her in 10 minutes
also also... steve and barb's conversation about heartbreak and icecream made me think... was that a setup for barb hanging out at the mall a lot in the summer? i am greatly looking forward to steve & robin (naturally, im predictable like that) and i am also very 👀 about barb being an occasional addition... if steve & robin still get their summer jobs i suppose
well anyway! sorry for the rain of questions lolol. i really enjoy your writing and im looking forward to what you have in store for us!!
Anon I am squishing your cheeks together like an aunt with a beloved nibling.
Hello and thank you! This AU was entirely an exercise in self-indulgence for me, and I'm absolutely thrilled that it's made other people happy as well. (Honestly, I was expecting to lose some people with this second fic and the heavy foreshadowing of my favourite pool noodle of a ship, Joyce/Bob/Hopper, but instead I had three separate people tell me they hadn't considered the ship but now they were invested in seeing it happen in the AU, which I am counting as the biggest of wins.)
You read that right, I am wrapping it up after the third part. I've made some significant changes to the plot of season 3 (which...would have had to have happened anyway, considering how many things are different going in), and I'm hoping they'll make the antagonists and themes of the third part a better match to the first two and wrap the AU up nicely with a bow and a cherry on top. I still (yeah, still) haven't finished s4, because I'm still grumpy about it, but I have borrowed a couple of cues from one of the directions it took that I did like.
Having not finished s4 yet, I also have to say I'm not particularly invested in its new characters or in shipping them, and I'm not going to make them a big part of the storyline. I'm more concerned with making sure the characters I've already got in play in the AU get a fair shake and a satisfying ending. With that said, though, I haven't been living in a total bubble, I'm not made of stone, and I know people are excited to see Eddie and Chrissy. So. Don't expect much, but I'm not gonna totally leave them out, either. (ETA: I reread this and it sounds like such a bummer, lmao. Does it help if I say I got the BIGGEST evil grin when I finally figured out what to do with Eddie, and I’m reprising that evil grin thinking about how you’re going to react when you get to see it?)
As for the mall...it's a big part of s3, and also, I've been badly nostalgic for the malls of my youth (you know, before half or more of the stores were empty wherever you went and the general aura whenever you set foot inside one was of slow decline and misery). So yeah, Starcourt's absolutely still going to be a big part of the action. What that means for each of the characters, individually or otherwise, I'll leave you to speculate on, for now!
(Please feel very welcome to speculate. In my inbox, even! I love hearing about what people think is going on or going to happen next in my fics! I do however reserve the right to answer anything I feel is spoilery - or anything that's not actually spoilery, but I just feel like being a troll about - with a gif of an axolotl.)
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1d1195 · 6 months
midnight memories has some different type of magic injected in it i swear because that album is perfect. you have great taste i absolutely adore both those albums <333
YOURE NOT STUPID !!!! like seriously don’t even worry abt it i don’t expect to remember everything we talk abt i just thought i might’ve mentioned a song that reminded me of him but i might have completely made that up in my head so who knows lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also seriously you’re way too hard on yourself about these things because what you give us is ABSOLUTELY perfect. like. i don’t even know how to describe it but every time i see you’ve posted something i truly get sooooo happy. so be as original as you want or go over the same tropes and lines a million times, we’ll all love it and support you no matter what !!💞🫶 (also i think all of us here truly don’t mind if you do the same tropes/scenes with different characters i think all fanfic readers go over the same stuff again n again and we eat it up every time😂😂)
OMG YES THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME !!! ofc i finished it haha i was literally stalking your page waiting for the last part😭 i canNOT tell you how much i loved it. i’ve literally reread it so many times THEYRE JUST SO CUTE. and i think i see myself a lot in that specific character because i was homeschooled like halfway through my schooling and all the people i used to know moved to a different state and so i just became like this awkward girl who didn’t understand parties, sucked at socializing, and would rather hangout in her room and read all night so i totally understand the feeling of not fitting in with people your age😭😭 NOT TO SOUND SAD AHAH I CAN PULL OUT THE EXTROVERT IN ME WHEN I NEED TOO BUT I JUST REALLY GET HER AND I LOVE HER SM SM SMMM I WANNA GIVE HER A HUG
another part i found funny was the “omg this is the perfect place for you to murder me 👀” and the way she laid out the whole plan JSDGHAAKKA just them💞💞💞💞💞💞 the fluff at the end was sooooo amazing and the way he was so reassuring about everything she was anxious about before. and them being a lil domestic and going grocery shopping together😭😭😭😭 loved seeing that little glimpse of how they work together alone. i can totally see them getting their own little apartment after graduation like if they decide to go to grad school or get internships or jobs or something idk but they’d be so cute living together officially
I find 1D’s discography is best listened to in certain seasons. So TMH is a summer album. Four is for Fall. Midnight Memories I have a hard time pinning sometimes but I’m a big fan of blasting Strong this time of year when the temp is warming up where I live. MITAM is a winter album to me but obviously I’m listening to them all year round 😂
I’m 😭 thank you for being so supportive it means the world to me. I feel so UNoriginal sometimes but I just love the idea of love and unfortunately there’s only so many ways I can make my couples say I love you hehehe
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! That’s so cool you were homeschooled! I’ll have about 10009 more questions for you but I need a moment to think about them and ask but I was NOT homeschooled and I feel the very same way about you. I’m a wicked introvert in an extroverted world so it’s ROUGH and WAS rough all throughout college. I still feel stupid most of the time in social situations.
Not to sound egotistical, but loved the little part in the car about getting her there safely 🥰🥰 and the serial killer part was just something to keep it a little funny 😂 so glad you enjoyed!!!
Thank you SO much for envisioning a life after college because now I have some ideas for follow ups!! 👀👀👀
NEVER apologize for long messages. It’s my entire life! I love it! Hope you’re having a good day too!
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