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rboooks · 3 months ago
✨️✨️Writer Appreciation✨️✨️
Your work was so fantastic someone considers it life changing♥️♥️
Name 5 writers that changed your life, tell us why, and pass on the message!🎉🎉🎉
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Thank you so much for this!!! It's so cute, and I can't believe someone thought of me when they saw this message! There are so many authors I can think of, but the top five are the ones on the top of my head.
Tsume_Yuki - They were the author who inspired me to write my own fics back when I was a wee child in the Naruto Fandom. I followed them from Fanfiction.net to Ao3 and never looked back. Actually, they changed my life.
Blackkat - Another favorite author who I admire from my Naruto days. Their time travel fiction is what made me really interested in the trope! Reverse was and still is a masterpiece.
Cywscross- I was already interested in the HP fandom because of Tsume_Yuki, but at the time, I had only seen the first movie and wasn't really impressed, despite reading a few fics now and then. Then I read C'est La Vie. I ran to get the HP books from the library once I caught up with the fic, and I have been trapped in the fandom ever since.
Child_OTKW is also an HP fandom author, but their writing makes the characters seem alive. Their advice on their Tumblr blog actually improved some of my writing styles. Because of them, I got dragged kicking and screaming into the Tomarry ship.
TumblingBackpacks- They have a fantastic ability to write characters, and their structure is superb. Their time travel is peak. An underrated author who needs more attention. I struggled with writing for a while as some online friends vanished, and my fics were bombarded with hate simultaneously. I was almost considering putting fanfiction writing down until they popped up out of nowhere with fanfiction of my work, and it got me to fall in love with the art all over again.
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ask-jiro-kirisaki · 5 months ago
Relationship Headcanons
Being in a relationship with Jiro would require a large amount of patience at first. Given his lack of social awareness, he would often need to be told what you need from him. You would need to sit him down and have a conversation about what kind of affection you like as he often just does what he's told. Finding out what he likes would take a bit of exploring. He rarely thinks of his own needs, so it's likely he doesn't even know what he wants. Once he does figure things out, you'll find him just going for what he wants, within reason. Don't be surprised if hugs and kisses come out of nowhere. He might pull you to sit on his lap or carry you someplace where he can keep you to himself. Jiro takes the path of least resistance, so be sure to tell him what you're not okay with. He will do his absolute best to commit it to memory. The goober sometimes forgets his own strength, so you may find your feet leaving the floor more often than you think. After a while, you'd begin to wonder if it's an accident or if he's lifting you on purpose. I think once he gets a taste of physical affection, he'll start to crave it. He'll hold you close while you're snuggled up together and he's reading a book. He'll start absently playing with your hair or leaning on you. He might even reach for your hand if you're close enough and otherwise unoccupied. The feeling of your warmth is a pleasure that he seeks over and over again. He tends to run a little cold in his extremities, so brace yourself for cold hands. Once he knows what you like, he will dote on you as much as he can. He has a hard time expressing emotion, so he compensates with these acts to make sure you felt as loved and appreciated as you make him feel. If there's ever a proposal, don't expect any grand, sweeping gestures. One day, when he feels it to be the appropriate timing, he'll just bring it up as casually as asking what's for dinner. He doesn't see the need for anything else when it's just a simple question. If you end up saying no, it wouldn't hurt his feelings any. He'd simply conclude it's not the right time and try again later (unless you explicitly say marriage isn't in the cards). Patience will still be required as he has a chronic illness. He'll need frequent treatments. He can't eat or drink anything without assistance. He gets sick easily. His wounds reopen frequently. Even so, he tries to work and make you happy, so it might become your job to make sure he gets rest. He can be easily coerced back into bed with some cuddles if he's not feeling well though. I'll make a separate post for the NSFW stuff once I figure that out.
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ask2pame · 1 month ago
// i'd make an oliver playlist next but my oliver's music taste is super unhinged and not cutesy cupcake yandere vibe that i fear ppl expect
but if i made 1p playlists it would be super fast and super easy cuz they're predictable and kinda already built characters but the 2ps are very open to interpretation and my interpretations r like super silly
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clairedaring · 5 months ago
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MY CHERIE AMOUR หนึ่งในร้อย (2024) Dir. Aew Ampaiporn Jitmaingong - EP. 1
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misteria247 · 3 months ago
When Fiddleford first called Pacifica, it'd been a spur of the moment thing. The manor that evening had been a bit too empty had been a bit too overwhelming. Making him twitchy and uneasy. Especially with his memory issues. When he'd grabbed the phone, he hadn't known who to call. After all, Ford was away with Stan and Dipper and Mabel were back home. Despite what they'd all told him, he couldn't bring himself to dial their numbers. Which led him to dialing Pacifica's. When she had picked up, she wasn't exactly happy but once she heard the older man's voice she quickly forgot her irritation. It was obvious that Fidds wasn't doing well, that he needed a distraction. And Pacifica Northwest was talented in doing just that. So the teen just talks.
She talks about her day, about her shifts at the diner. She talks about the customers and her parents and just anything that comes to mind. As she talks, Fidds slowly becomes less anxious, focusing instead on the girl who's voice was grounding him. Reminding him of the current time he was in. He wasn't in the junkyard, wasn't back at the shack back in the 80s. He was here, at his home in the year 2012/13, talking to his apprentice Paz on the telephone. They end the call when Fidds' voice is no longer shaking or changing pitch. And afterwards it becomes a thing.
Whenever Fidds just needs a reminder, he'll call Paz and she'll just talk to him. Distracting him from his paranoia and anxiety. He never tells her anything, not wanting to burden her with adult issues. But Paz doesn't need him too, because she's smart enough to figure it out. And eventually the favor gets returned when Pacifica calls Fiddleford, upset and barely keeping her composure as she talks. And he listens, giving her advice and just being there for her in a way very few adults are.
It becomes a peaceful reprieve for both of them. Just hearing the other talk on the phone and forgetting for a small amount of time the weight of the world.
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tcfactory · 17 days ago
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Older Zenos from an AU where he survives Endwalker and has a few years to sort himself out a little.
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daily-snufkin · 10 days ago
Dear friends,
I am going to be super late again, I need to include Mymble slamming a police officer to the ground, but I am struggling a bit with anatomy. I will manage though. Hopefully.
Fueled with spite,
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splatoonusna · 1 year ago
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Someone on Twitter pointed out the Run Speed Up says "inkling or octoling form" I wonder if we're going to be able to pick our character OR I wonder if a certain Agent will make a return and we will be able to play as both in different scenarios?
Since Marina is nowhere to be found in the trailer my two theories are, Marina is somehow the antagonist or, with this inkling/octoling ability Marina is going to be supporting Agent 4 while Pearl supports 8?
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spidrboots · 3 months ago
little convention dump. featuring me meeting some of the h/azbin cast. ahhhhhh !!
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starswornoaths · 23 days ago
Ever since the graphics update something just felt Off:tm: with Serella like something had shifted ever so slightly. She already didn't really look like she does in my head but it's like it slid even further away. Finally fiddling with a fantasia to see if I can try to at least nudge everything in the right direction
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norts-trolls · 3 months ago
If trolls is bug...is their blood blood?? <- Bitch who doesn't know if bugs bleed.
Like can a troll be anemic is there iron in that thing???
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reallyrandomtj · 6 months ago
Under read more just in case--
First of all I just wanted to admit--
I have been so scared, just absolutely terrified, about the results from my hospital procedure from August 19. The WAITING with no set date on receiving them has been torture! The FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN has been crippling with thoughts like 'is everything normal?', 'what if the MRI and previous tests missed something dangerous?' and 'will I have to break bad news to my friends?' has been a constant concern for me--
Only thing keeping me sane this last week? My mutuals here on Tumblr and my friends on Discord, I'm not even joking! I wanted to thank everyone for helping me through such a scary IRL time by simply interacting with me and my muses.... it means more to me than words can accurately portray ~
ANYWAY. My results? ... NORMAL!
That may sound anticlimactic but in the world of medicine for a hysterectomy? LEGIT best case scenario! Meaning my chances of having to be cut open are 'very low' and my recovery time may be much shorter than expected - still a few weeks but talking more 2 to 4 weeks instead of 4 to 8 weeks - and I no joke started crying happy tears after I got off the phone with my cancer doctor!
My doctor felt that September 2nd may be too soon, for the hysterectomy, after the procedure that happened a week ago. My doctor did apologize for making that booking but she wishes to see me face to face first for a more in detail explanation of how things will proceed after taking my results and physical recovery into consideration.
I-- I feel like an entire mountain was removed from my shoulders??
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fatass-adam · 3 months ago
"Fuckin UHHHHHH like or reblog this for a starter or some shit. Whatever. I'll get to it when I feel like it"
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*Acting like he doesn't hang on to EVERY SHRED of attention he's shown*
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masquenoire · 6 months ago
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Teeny tiny snupdate regarding the new ball python! He's settled in so well and has become a lovely, cuddly - even kissy snake. He was really quite shy to start off with, even handling was scary for him as even though he didn't ball up, he would flinch a lot at unexpected movements. Two months down the line, he seems to really enjoy coming out, nice long tongue flickers and wanting to check everything out. ❤️
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risingshine · 8 months ago
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got into a superman kick for a second there...is it self-indulgant? Defnitly. but you can't stop me-
(Also chiasa can't fly so she had to do the next best thing.)
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spaced-out-muses · 4 months ago
I’ve been thinking about it since watching @tres-fidelis play more P5R two nights ago, but I think it’s extremely funny how I ended up putting Taro and Mishima on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Like, I’m probably a broken record by now, but Taro Knows™, at least when it comes to our dear protagonist. Mishima figured it out, being one of the first ones to do so. Makoto figured it out. Yoshida figured it out, and I don’t doubt there could be others we just don’t see/I’m not currently aware of. In my mind, it doesn’t seem too far fetched that the guy sitting behind the protagonist would figure out his big ol secret. And honestly, in terms of the game specifically, I’m (lovingly) surprised no one else figured it out bc of Ryuji “GUYS WE’RE PHANTOM THIEVES” Sakamoto.
This group ain’t nearly as slick as they try to be and I love them.
But anyway, Mishima, once figuring out who the Thieves were, went all in on trying to help. He set up the Phansite, he actively contacts the Protagonist to give info, he should have been a thief himself and he’s always so enthusiastic about it. He has full faith in the Thieves, they’ve got his full support, nothing could shake that. Like, even the shit with Okumura didn’t faze him!! Even when knowing the Protag’s record, he completely throws it out the window, puts his trust in the Phantom Thieves, and was the first one to go “This is BULLSHIT I know you guys didn’t do that.” He’s also the first one to suggest the damage control of taking on smaller requests to regain the public’s trust, like!!!
Boy is doing the best he can to help, he realized he's in control of his own fate after a few bumps in the road, and I adore him for it.
Taro… does Not do any of that. He didn’t even intend to find out, he just happened to get unlucky enough in seating placement. He wants NOTHING to do with the PT as things stand. This does put him in a difficult position since they’re students like him and knows he shares a class with at least one, and like. He doesn’t like, want to be an asshole, doesn’t want it to seem like he’s actively avoiding anyone. Hell! He doesn’t even disagree with what they’re doing, doesn’t care at the very worst. But at the same time he is acutely aware he’s a loose link and therefore assumes the larger the distance, the safer both parties will be.
You could probably argue he's helping by not snitching but that's the bare minimum.
His entire plan for surviving Shujin revolved around keeping his head down and staying out of trouble. While Mishima enthusiastically broke out of his shell once the Phantom Thieves showed up, Taro is aggressively retreating into it. He just wants to get through high school with as little excitement as possible, and though he’s technically failed step one we will perservere, damnit.
This is especially the case once Okumura kicks it, because like... Mishima is one case. He actively works to help the thieves, and is one of the people who was most impacted by their first heist. He has a reason to keep faith in them.
Taro doesn't. At least, not to the same extent.
Sure, the Thieves have changed hearts without issue plenty of times before. Sure, they saved the school from a tyranical PE teacher, outed a art thief, etc. etc. etc. But unfortunately, after Okumura, Taro is forced to remember the Protagonists record. And that... grinds things to a halt. Anxieties and a fresh wave of doubt bubble up. Any progress that could have happened on a personal scale is likely pushed back.
He wants to put faith in the PT, he really does. But until he can think things through or something, he's going to go back to keeping his distance for a while.
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