#There's quite a few others. But I'll let you discover them yourself.
endothermic-rain · 2 months
Hello Stray community! After two months of work, I'm excited to bring your attention to this video!
Someone by the name of "Балвд лыжыэфэф" on YouTube extracted over six hours of music and ambience from Stray's game files. This is an amazing resource, full of extended tracks, ambience, and cut content.
What it lacked, however, were time-stamps. The description included a list of all the audio files that were extracted, but nothing to indicate when a track ended or began, nor where it played in-game.
So, I did all that! Almost every track in this video is now time-stamped, with listings that show where everything plays in-game. I made a comment that listed everything as it appears in the video, and one that lists everything as it appears in-game. I also made a list of some motifs. I couldn't help myself.
This was a lot of work, and I'm so thrilled to share it with you all. If you're looking for a song that was never or only partially included in the OST, you'll find it here! And if you find any mistakes, please let me know! Enjoy!
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hxxsxxng · 6 months
Word Count : 3.9k
Content : bar fight, jealousy, toxic ex, mention on infidelity, unprotected sex, oral f receiving, praising, creampie, implied consumption of alcohol, sloppy make out….. let me know if i missed anything!
Preview : Once Jake finds out that his girl of interest is single, who knows what measures he is willing to take it to protect her?
Authors Note : Thank you to whoever requested this, I definitely had fun writing it!
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You were having a great night catching up with your buddies Felix and Bangchan at the local pub. It had been too long since you all got together like the old days. As they joked and reminisced about the past, you couldn't help but feel grateful for having such caring friends in your life.
Suddenly, Felix's friend Jake arrived, pulling up a chair to join your booth. You vaguely remembered meeting the scruffy-yet-handsome guy with a warm smile once or twice before at other hangouts. He seemed nice enough, if not a little quieter and awkward around you specifically.
As the four of you continued swapping stories and laughing over fresh rounds, something about Jake's furtive glances and blushing kept catching your eye. You couldn't deny the slightly giddy feeling it gave you to rendered this usually composed guy so flustered. He was pretty cute when he got all shy like that.
Maybe it was the liquid courage, or maybe you just felt emboldened by the positive energy. Whatever the reason, you decided to be a little flirty as you leaned in closer to Jake.
"So do you boys always get this rowdy, or am I just bringing out the wild side?" you teased with a wink.
Jake's eyes went wide as his cheeks flushed an even darker crimson. He seemed to be struggling to formulate a response as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um...w-well, I uh, we don't want to...you know, shock you or anything--"
He was saved by the interruption of your phone ringing. Flashing an apologetic smile, you excused yourself from the booth to take the call. It was your boyfriend wanting to know if you were free later to come over and watch a movie.
"Yeah babe, I'll be there in a couple hours!" you replied affectionately before rejoining the group.
If you had turned back around just a few seconds sooner, you might have caught the way Jake's expression fell when he overheard you refer to your boyfriend. He shrunk back into himself, the brief moment of bravery evaporating.
Over the ensuing months, you noticed Jake never acted quite the same way again when you were around. He was polite and friendly, but also seemed to keep a distance, like he was afraid to let himself get too close. You figured he just wasn't someone who enjoyed casual flirting even in jest. Either way, it didn't really matter since you were happily taken anyway.
Until one day...you weren't anymore. Just like that, a two-year relationship came crashing down after you discovered your boyfriend's unfaithfulness. You were blindsided and devastated.
As you nursed your broken heart, Felix and Bangchan were there every step of the way, rallying around you with movie nights, distraction activities, and a steadfast supportive presence. True friends when you needed them most.
One evening a couple months later, you arrived at a dimly lit bar where the three of you normally met up. You were finally feeling like your old self again after weeks of sadness and anger. Ready to just be around your friends and enjoy a fun night out.
The moment you walked through the door, you heard a familiar voice call out from a booth off to the side.
"Hey! Over here!"
It was Jake, looking as handsome as you remembered even under the low lighting. He had stood up from the booth and was waving you over with a warm smile.
You couldn't help but feel a small flutter of nerves mixed with excitement. Despite the slight awkwardness that encounter at the pub, you always thought Jake seemed like a good guy deep down. And if he was here hanging out with Felix and Bangchan...maybe you could finally get to know him better without that weird tension.
As you reached the booth, exchanging greetings and hello hugs, you noticed Jake's arms linger around you perhaps a beat longer than necessary. And this time when he looked into your eyes, there wasn't a hint of shyness or restraint behind them.
"It's really great to see you out and about again," he murmured once you were all seated. "You're, uh...you're looking as beautiful as ever."
You felt your face warm at the sincere compliment, an unfamiliar bout of flustered energy starting to buzz within you. What was this all of a sudden?
"Uh thanks, Jake...you're not looking too bad yourself," you managed to reply, unable to stop yourself from chewing your lower lip nervously.
Felix and Bangchan traded looks like they were watching a private tennis match, wondering just how heated this newly charged atmosphere might get.
Before things could get too tense though, Felix cleared his throat and changed the subject, regaling you all with a story about a hilarious screw-up at his job earlier that week. You forced yourself to shift your gaze off Jake's intense stare and laugh along with the others.
By the end of the night, you almost felt...disappointed? Like there was some
elephant in the room you wished would address itself directly instead of all this subtext. You brushed it off as emotional vulnerability from your recent breakup making you read into things.
The weeks after, however, proved those suspicions false. Because every interaction, every hangout, every moment with the four of you together continued carrying the same electrifying undercurrent of tension, especially between you and Jake.
The way his warm eyes would linger on you when you laughed, the random innocent touches and grazed caresses that made your skin tingle, the undisguised admiration and want in his gaze when you caught him staring...it was all quickly becoming impossible to ignore or chalk up to simple friendliness.
You couldn't lie, you felt it too - that persistent, gnawing pull toward Jake growing stronger with each encounter. There was just something magnetic about his presence, his humor, his gentle teasing and care for your emotional wellbeing.
But you were still terrified of being vulnerable and opening yourself up again so soon after being burned. Especially to someone like Jake, who clearly had some very intense feelings starting to develop, if they weren't already there to begin with.
That fear reached a fever pitch one evening when the four of you were gathered at Felix's place before heading out. You had just finished getting ready in the bathroom when Jake poked his head in to ask if you needed any help with your hair or makeup.
"Sure, I could use another set of hands back here if you don't mind," you replied absentmindedly, turning away from the mirror to grab a comb.
The next thing you felt were Jake's strong hands gently gathering your hair as he positioned himself directly behind you. His broad chest was nearly pressed against your back, the warmth radiating off him in tantalizing waves.
"Here, let me..." he murmured in that deep, gravelly tone so close to your ear. You caught the intense look in his eyes through the mirror as his fingers deftly began running and separating through your locks.
Every brush of his knuckles against the nape of your neck made your heart skip a beat. The soft, even breaths puffing against your skin raised delicious goosebumps along your arms. And the smoldering, hooded gaze he was burning into you through the mirror reflection was quickly dampening your panties with arousal.
You were both entirely under each other's spells, the thick sexual tension swirling through the small bathroom like an intoxicating fog. All Jake would have to do is turn your chin and slant his lips over yours and you would have melted into a helpless puddle against him.
The trance was finally broken by a muffled shout from the other room of Felix yelling "You two good back there?"
As if getting doused with a bucket of cold water, you and Jake sprung apart, awkwardness and uncertainty crashing back in. You muttered a quick thanks before rushing out of the bathroom, flustered and needing to put some distance between the two of you before you did something reckless.
After tiptoeing around each other for a couple more weeks, you finally broke down one night and asked Felix what the deal was with Jake. Why he was giving you such intense, loaded vibes lately despite having barely interacted before.
Felix let out a long sigh before breaking the truth - Jake had been harboring a massive secret crush on you for years, long before you started dating your now-ex even. But he never acted on it or admitted those feelings because you were already in a committed relationship by the time you met him.
Now that you were newly single, however, all those long-simmering emotions and attractions were bubbling out from Jake at full force. He was struggling with wanting to pursue you, but also not wanting to make you uncomfortable or disrespect any boundaries while you were fresh out of your heartbreak.
You were stunned speechless, your mind swirling as you processed this information. All those small nuanced moments between you and Jake over the past couple of months finally clicked into place. How had you not seen it sooner?
More importantly...what did you want to do about it now? The thought of exploring those sparks between you and Jake made your heart race. But you were also still so freshly vulnerable from being crushed by betrayal and heartache. Could you really take that leap again so soon?
In the weeks that followed after Felix filled you in about Jake's long-standing romantic feelings, you couldn't stop mulling it over. Every time you saw Jake's warm smile or got pulled into his magnetic presence, your mind raced with the possibilities.
There was no denying the potent chemistry and tension that had been building between you two. Even before you knew about Jake's crush, you felt that persistent pull towards him, that fire simmering with every loaded gaze or innocent touch.
Now that you had context for what was truly driving that intensity from his end...it felt like the coals had been stoked into an inferno. You couldn't get Jake off your mind, couldn't stop imagining what it would feel like to finally act on those sparks.
The more you allowed yourself to lean into the fantasy, the more you realized you were falling for him too. Despite the all-too-fresh sting of betrayal, Jake's caring presence and unguarded desire for you were quickly healing those wounds.
Of course, you had reservations about opening yourself up again so soon. But Jake was clearly different - his intentions pure, his affections transparent. Maybe taking that terrifying leap would be worth it after all.
One night, after spending an evening together that had your skin tingling from lingering caresses and eye contact, you finally summoned the courage to go for it. As he walked you to your car, you spun around, grasped the front of his shirt, and pulled him into a searing kiss.
Jake instantly melted into you with a rumbling groan, his strong hands grasping at your waist to pull you flush against him. You lost yourselves in that fervent clash of lips and roaming touches, all those months of unresolved tension pouring out.
When you finally parted, cheeks flushed and chests heaving, the depths of Jake's gaze sparked with pure reverence and awestruck lust. No words were needed as you gazed at each other's swollen lips and tousled hair - you both knew everything had irreversibly changed in the most overwhelming way.
From that moment on, you and Jake were inseparable. You went from months of "what ifs" to not being able to keep your hands off each other. The slightest brush or heated look was enough to have you desperate to jump his bones at any opportunity.
For Jake, it was like a dream come true after pining from afar for so long. Finally being able to worship every perfect inch of you, to tangle his body with yours, to drink in your breathy moans and whimpers...he never wanted this haze to end.
You were both entirely drunk on each other, drowning in the depths of your smoldering passion. Any lingering fears or heartache you had were washed away by the passionate intensity Jake craved you with, how eternal his devotion felt.
Of course, such a whirlwind romance wasn't without ruffling some feathers. About two months into your torrid new relationship, you crossed paths with your ex at a local bar while out with friends.
"Well, well..." the snide voice called out as soon as they spotted you. "If it isn't my favorite dumped loser found someone newer, dumber, and even more desperate to settle for less."
You instinctively shrank back, feeling that old sense of shame and hurt bubble up despite Jake's arm protectively wrapped around you. But this time, you didn't have to face that menace alone.
Jake immediately stepped forward, jaw clenched as he attempted to keep his fury in check. "Why don't you do yourself a favor and get the hell out of here before I make you," he warned in a low, dangerous tone.
Your ex only scoffed, clearly finding amusement in watching Jake's anger boiling over. With a drunken saunter, they closed the gap between you, keeping their gaze locked on yours.
"Don't forget, I know you better than this sad rebound ever will," they taunted with a cruel smirk. "I know all the filthy little things that got you--"
Whatever nasty comment they hoped to sling next was cut off by Jake's hand violently shoving them backwards. Your ex's dumbfounded shock soon dissolved into equal rage as they came charging back at Jake, grabbing him by the collar as the two began exchanging shoves.
"Hey, hey! Break it up!" your other friends tried jumping in to separate the heated tussle, but not before your ex landed a hard punch square on Jake's cheekbone.
That was the final straw. Like some primal switch being flipped, Jake totally snapped. With a feral growl, he tackled your ex to the ground, taking a few more solid hits as the two rolled around in furious punches and choke holds.
"Jake! Oh my god, stop!" you cried out in horror, watching helplessly.
It wasn't until a handful of bouncers finally broke through to pull them apart that the violence ceased. Jake was dragged out back by a couple of the burly guards, clothes disheveled and sporting a split lip while the other patrons sneered at your ex being dragged out as well.
Your heart was still racing from the adrenaline and shock as you rushed out the back exit after Jake. He was leaning against the wall, chest heaving and knuckles bleeding from the brawl.
"Jake! Are you okay?" you rushed over, cradling his face to inspect the damage. He hissed at the contact against his wounded skin before melting into your touch with a heavy exhale.
Those stormy irises locked onto yours, slightly glazed but burning with pure longing and possession. "I'm so sorry, baby...I just..." he rasped, voice dripping with unrestrained desire. "I just couldn't stand the thought of that piece of shit being anywhere near you, talking to you that way..."
One of his hands slid up to tangle desperately in your hair while the other snaked around your lower back, pulling your hips flush against his hardening length. "You're mine now," he growled before capturing your mouth in a torrid, demanding kiss.
You opened for him with a heady whimper, the thrill of claiming this smoldering, dominant side of Jake setting your blood on fire. His tongue invaded greedily as he walked you backwards, pinning you against the wall with his body weighing deliciously against you.
Any care for location or being seen was abandoned as Jake's arousal ground shamelessly against your core, his big hands gripping and roaming with reckless possession. You gave back as good as you got - raking nails down his back, nipping at his full lips with moans muffled between heated clashes of tongue and teeth.
Just as the frenzied make-out was reaching a fever pitch, a loud clatter from behind the dumpster nearby caused you both to jump apart, chests heaving. Jake's eyes bored into yours, still glazed with lust but now mixed with frustration at the interruption.
"Get in the car," he rasped in a low rumble, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the parking lot. "We're going somewhere more private."
You eagerly followed, legs still wobbly from the dizzying heat coursing through you. The ride to Jake's apartment felt like an agonizing eternity with how badly you were both aching to crash together again. He kept one hand firmly planted on your thigh, thumb tracing maddening circles that had you squirming.
The second you crossed the threshold into his place, Jake pinned you against the door, claiming your lips in another heated, desperate clash. You melted into him as his talented fingers quickly divested you of your dress, palms roaming every newly exposed inch of skin.
You fumbled with his belt and jeans as he attacked the sensitive spots along your neck and collarbone with a trail of opened-mouth kisses. Each graze of his teeth and insistent suckle from those full lips had you whimpering in delirious need.
Somehow you managed to get Jake's pants undone, allowing his thick hardness to spring free as he kicked them off along with his shoes. You drank in a shuddering breath at the glorious sight of his arousal, already leaking with need for you.
Jake's heated gaze followed yours, a prideful smirk tugging at his swollen lips. "You like what you see, baby?" he rumbled, giving himself a slow, teasing stroke.
You bit your lip with a tiny nod, unable to tear your eyes away. That only made his cocky grin widen further as he leaned in close, beard tantalizingly scratching your jaw.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, make you remember that you belong only to me" he murmured, the deep timbre of his gravelly desire sending shivers straight to your core. "Let me worship every perfect inch of you, nice and slow..."
As if to emphasize his point, Jake trailed a series of torturously unhurried open-mouthed kisses down your neck and chest again before dropping to his knees. His smoldering gaze remained locked on yours as his fingers hooked into your soaked underwear and slowly dragged them down your trembling legs.
You were bare before him now, glistening arousal fully exposed to his ravenous stare. Jake's hands roamed back up the smooth skin of your thighs, close to your throbbing center yet making no move to provide relief just yet.
"Such a gorgeous sight..." he husked in reverence. "All mine."
Unable to take any more teasing, you carded your fingers through his thick locks as his lips ghosted nearer to your pussy. "Please, Jake..." you mewled desperately.
That was all the encouragement he needed before diving in. You cried out at the first swipe of Jake's talented tongue, back arching against the door as waves of electric pleasure flooded through you...
He was relentless, sucking harder and deeper, plundering your wet folds until his tongue was completely coated with your slick essence. You gasped loudly with an intense wave of pleasure, leaving you breathless and panting.
The rhythmic motion driving you insane until you suddenly broke down into violent, uncontrolled moans of ecstasy. It was over too soon though as Jake pulled away, sitting back on his heels with a self satisfied smile and dark eyes glittering.
He carefully took the wet, limp package in his large hand and gently stroked your slick slit. "You're gonna be so fucking ready for me tonight, sweetheart," he assured huskily. "Trust me. There's nothing you could possibly do that would turn me off."
And then he lowered himself over you, spreading the moisture around, filling you with such potent satisfaction that you almost screamed in bliss. Your legs wrapped themselves around his waist as Jake sank slowly and surely down until he could bury himself inside you easily. As he started slowly moving, you gripped his shoulders tightly with your thighs, your entire body tensing and relaxing under his weight. His hands tightened around your arms and shoulders to make sure you weren't trying to crawl away. He held still, letting your body adjust itself to his thickness until the feeling started to fade. As your legs relaxed, they found a more comfortable place to rest, and your stomach felt better about being full. After you got used to being filled up, he reached down to gently cup your tit in one large hand as he pressed himself even deeper, burying himself within you with one hard thrust. His long fingers caressed your soft skin, drawing groans from your lips with every flick of his finger.
With the most powerful thrusts, Jake filled you completely in one go, filling you entirely and filling every single space. For a moment it seemed like there wouldn't be enough room anymore in your womb; you'd never been so far gone before with anyone else, but Jake made that possible by holding you so close and filling you so much you couldn't get enough of each other.
You held tight to his muscular back, digging your heels into the mattress as he pounded into you with a relentless rhythm, your walls clenching down on his rigid shaft with a fierce, hungry grip. He let out a feral growl of satisfaction as you writhed beneath him, grinding yourself against him faster and quicker, begging for release. Your whole body shook with pent up passion, the need to come crashing down on you like a tsunami.
With a sharp jerk, he suddenly stiffened underneath you, causing you to cry out. His breathing became labored as your pussy clenched around his girth with unrelenting intensity. You didn't think you'd ever seen his face contort in agony quite like that before. You both took a deep breath at the same time and released it in unison as he let you cum around his dick. His cock twitched inside of you, but you didn't want to break eye contact; he was still so intent on looking at you. Your hands reached up to run through his hair again, and he bent down to kiss you gently as you both enjoyed each other's company. Then it was over in an instant as he came with a deep grunt breaking the kiss, body shaking with the force of his release, painting his white masterpiece on your walls as he slumped forward, resting his forehead heavily against your naked belly with hot tears streaming down his flushed cheeks.
“I will not let him bother you ever again”
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seraphinitegames · 30 days
Hey, Mishka!!!
I've been replaying TWC over the last couple of months, and must say, it's been an entirely rejuvenating experience for me. Like, I was reading it the first time, although I've replayed the series quite too many (worrying number) of times already. And it still manages to amaze me, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I've repeated this in the past, and I'll repeat it again. The Wayhaven Chronicles is a blessing for me and I'm sincerely thankful to have come across it when I did. And I'm grateful to you for making this lovely world a reality (and of course, the four beautiful vamps)! Really eager for Book 4 and have already player the demo; can say it's gonna be worth the wait. It every time is.
Replaying the series in the last few months, I had a certain uncontrollable urge to drop and ask a few questions to you. Apologize in advance for the long ask and message, but it had been bottling up inside of me for SOOOOOO LONG.
1. In Book 1, when we're to lead the investigation in one of the three directions, is there any way to get success in any direction without Bobby making a big joke out of our investigation in the newspaper?
2. In Book 2, when Nicole and Max Salinas come to report their incident, can Tina actually find out anything unusual? If so, what is actually needed to explain that?
3. In Book 3, I noticed if we choose to go the final mission alone, depending on the route chosen, Boddy/Doug will end up tagging along as well, jeopardizing everything. Is there still a way to complete the mission successfully and rescuing everyone like it happens when we go along with Rebecca?
4. Less of a question, but more of a plea. Please tell me we can get a pet anytime in the series. I was just curious if we can get one.
5. How powerful is the big baddie in Book 4 compared to Unit Bravo? You don't need to answer if this verges on spoiler-y territory.
Really sorry to overwhelm you with this, but it's just months and months of joy, happiness, and sheer ecstasy making me blabber on about this world like this. Thanks once again, for making this truly beautiful story, world, and the vampires a reality.
Have a good day!!!! Lots of love from India!!
You can never play a game you love too many times (I keep telling myself that as I gradually burn a hole into my poor old console playing Dragon Age over and over, lol!)! If it brings you happiness, then that's what is important! :D
Ok, let's see about the questions...it's been a whole since I've gone through the older games without being in editing mode, hehe!
I don't think so...Bobby is, well, Bobby. And that scene was there very much to establish their character and show the player what type of person they are.
I don't think so, again. If there's anything unusual or odd, then I usually like to let the MC find that instead of it happening 'off-screen' so it's more impactful for the player—unless it's Verda discovering stuff, because that needs to happen for…reasons.
Iirc, in the Bobby/Doug routes, you get the auction scene, so a lot of that branch involves focusing on saving yourself! But the other team that joins Unit Bravo will help in saving a lot of the captives in that version.
I would love that being a massive animal companion fan myself, hehe! But likely not, just because the MC is away a lot from home, and that's unfair on the pet, even a fictional one, lol. I was tempted to give the MC a supernatural pet that hung around at the facility—that was definitely a strong idea at one point just so I could write a pet in the series for those that wanted it (me, I was the one who wanted it, hehe!) :D
**BOOK FOUR DEMO SPOILERS AHEAD** It's not just that Book Four's villain is terrifyingly powerful (or will be. They are, thankfully for the MC and UB, in a weakened state for a while due to what's happened to them and what happened in Chapter Two) but it's a lot to do with the fact that their power specifically counteracts and weakens Unit Bravo's. So that's a double whammy!
Thank you SO incredibly much for the amazing message! It means more than you can know <3
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
Till Death Do Us Part (Chapter Six)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader; [no y/n]
SUMMARY: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
CONTAINS: Smut, masturbation (f&m), swearing, mild violence, abusive usage of phobias, obsessives & toxic behavior, sexual tension, love/hate, angst, gaslighting, mind manipulations.
WORDS: 5.2k
A/N: Hey guys! I'm still struggling with my health issues, but I'll try my best to keep up with the updates! I love you so much, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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Oh, great, now I have to explain everything to him.
You were taken aback by his sudden curiosity and accidentally burned your finger on the hot pan. Startled, you squealed and brought it to your lips to blow on it. "Uh, I..." You turned and noticed how close Bateman was standing to you—dangerously close. 
I should tell him everything, shouldn't I? 
You swallowed hard and went to the sink to put your finger under cold water. "When I got here after work to pack up my things..." You paused to take a deep breath. "The door was open, so that's how I got in. Then I saw a girl, who I think was a prostitute, going through your things. She had your Rolex and a few other things. I caught her in the act and asked her to leave your things and go away." As you talked, the line between Patrick's eyebrows became more and more visible. "After she left, I found you unconscious in your bedroom, naked and covered in...well, it looks like you had a good time with that girl." You tried to hide the sadness in your voice, but you were okay with failing if that's what it took. 
"You were teetering on the edge of life and death, Patrick. It was really lucky that I knew how to resuscitate people in that condition, but you scared me so much," and now you couldn't hold back the tears anymore. You were sobbing as you turned off the tap and grabbed a paper towel. "It's none of my business what you do with your life, especially now that our wedding is off. But I... I don't want you to..." you stammered, not daring to finish the sentence. "Never mind," you added, wiping away the tears. "I was just doing my job." With that, you opened the cupboard to get some plates for the pasta.
As you spoke, Patrick crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his brows. "Christ, what a bitch..." He muttered to himself, trying to remember what the prostitute he'd picked up even looked like. The man let out a sigh. "Well, maybe, but I don't even remember how the sex was, so it must not have been that amazing." He gave a dismissive wave with his hands. Then he paused when you mentioned that he'd almost died. He swallowed hard and ran his hand over the back of his neck. "Oh..." Patrick closed his eyes to try to remember. He had a vague recollection of discovering a baggie of an unknown substance in his closet. He let out a groan and ran his hand over his face. "Oh my God..." "He mumbled quietly to himself, shaking his head slowly. He frowned and then noticed you were crying, squinting slightly. Bateman wasn't as bothered by your tears this time, but he didn't offer any comfort. He cleared his throat and glanced down. "Well, my mother said we can't cancel the wedding. We'd have to go through with it." He paused, then continued, "I don't know why I said that... It just came out before I could stop myself." Maybe it was how you seemed to care about him that softened him…or the fact that you saved him.
When Patrick announced that he couldn't cancel the wedding, you were so shocked that you dropped the plate and it shattered into pieces with a loud crack.
FUCK! He's gonna kill me! 
Shaking, you swore to yourself and immediately crouched down to pick up the pieces until one of them cut your finger quite deeply, a trail of blood running down your hand almost instantly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll buy you another plate," you apologized, wrapping your injured finger in a paper towel, which soaked up your blood too quickly, but you didn't notice. "My mom... I gave her a call to let her know that it was all over. She likely called your mother and convinced her not to cancel anything. This is such a mess!" You pressed a hand to your mouth to stop yourself from crying, knowing that Bateman couldn't stand that kind of behavior. "I'll take care of it." You promised and went back to picking up the broken glass, ignoring the pain and the fact that you were bleeding.
Paralyzed, Patrick watched you drop the plate and his face twitched a little. He recalled purchasing the plate from Pottery Barn. It cost $75. He then watched as you cut yourself, pursing his lips in a gesture of disapproval. The man suddenly burst out laughing, amused by the absurdity of the situation. Bateman shook his head and tapped your back with his foot. "Ah, you're such a fucking mess..." He chuckled, then bent down and grabbed your arm gently but firmly enough to pull you up to your feet. "Why don't you go clean up in the bathroom? I'll take care of this."  Patrick pointed to the broken plate. "But you owe me 75 dollars, okay?" He took the broom from the closet nearby and started sweeping up the pieces. "Just give your mother a call and let her know about the change of plans." He spoke in a calm, collected manner.
$75? For the fucking plate? 
Frowning, you walked across the living room to your large medical kit, still open from the last time you used it to save Patrick from death. With true professionalism, you quickly cleaned your wound and wrapped the bandage around your finger. Then you sneaked into his bedroom, avoiding his eyes because you were so embarrassed, and picked up the phone to call your mother. That conversation shocked you, because the things she told you were something you really didn't want to happen so soon. Hanging up the phone, you sighed and put it down before returning to the kitchen where Patrick was already eating pasta—the sight stirred something warm in your heart, but you shook it off almost immediately. Approaching the kitchen island, you placed the money next to the Bateman's plate. "Here, $75," you said, leaning against the wall. "I called my mom, she said that...that our families want us to hurry up with the wedding." Rebecca closed her eyes and hugged herself. "I don't want to, Patrick, I'm not ready..."
The man tensed when he heard your voice and turned to you, noodles still hanging from his mouth. He covered his mouth with his hand as he ate, a little embarrassed, before taking the money. "Uh, thanks..." Patrick was about to compliment your cooking, but stopped himself. He cleared his throat and scratched his neck, looking away. "Well..." Bateman thought for a moment, then sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I...I can take some time off work and we can...I don't know...get to know each other better. "
You rubbed your eyes wearily, your heart skipping a beat at Bateman's suggestion that you spend some time together, as if it would help you get to know each other better. Although you were ready to refuse his offer, something stopped you, but you weren't sure what it was? Your true feelings for him? Or maybe you were so tired from your work at the hospital and your studies that you just wanted to relax a bit. "That's... that's not a bad idea," you finally said and went to the kitchen to get a plate, and this time you even managed not to break it. "Remember when we were kids, we used to hang out at your family's summer house in Newport?" you asked, opening the pot to get some spaghetti. "I wish I could spend some time there again, it's such a fascinating place," you considered sitting next to Bateman, but then changed your mind and decided to eat standing up. "I guess I could ask for some time off, but... I have exams coming up, so... I have to study anyway." You suddenly giggled and looked at him playfully. "Maybe you could help me? I mean, since I have already treated you."
The man quickly finished his plate and dabbed at his mouth with his silk napkin, monogrammed with his initials in the corner. Then he looked up at you and shook his head. "Uh, no...no, I can't say that I really... remember." Patrick mumbled slowly, closing his eyes as if he was trying to remember something about his childhood, but it was all blocked. When he tried to think about school, playing in the sand, running around, the only memories that came back to him were making reservations, going to the gym, and killing a prostitute—all things that happened days ago. Or was it weeks? Maybe a month. He sighed. "But Price has that vacation house in the Hamptons. I've been there... it's... nice..." He shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his jealousy. With a wry grin, Bateman stood and walked over to the sink, setting his plate down. "Uh..." He paused, then beamed back at you. "Of course I can help." The charming facade he maintained hid his fear. He didn't really know anything about the medical field, but he didn't want to admit it—he hated not being in control of a situation.
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Three days later, you finally decided to go to the Hamptons, where Tim's vacation house was waiting for you. Even though you didn't understand why it was necessary to get a limousine for your trip, it gave you some time to think about things - the last few days, to be exact. In all those days Patrick hadn't touched you, not even once. And how many times did you end up crying in bed at night because Bateman was somewhere else and not with you? Well, you were pretty sure he was with Courtney, and even when he usually came back in the morning or at night, the man never bothered to notice your swollen eyes. But why should he have? It was obvious that you were just not hot enough for him, not perfect enough - nothing seemed to be perfect enough for him. As the car took you farther and farther away from New York, you turned to look at the man next to you listening to the music, his Walkman clasped tightly in his hands. "Are we going to be alone in the house... or... are you expecting someone to join us?" You didn't know why you asked, and for a moment you even hoped that Patrick wouldn't notice your question because of the music.
Opening his tired eyes, Bateman glanced down at you and slid the headset to his shoulder. "Alone. I mean.. most of the time, at least." He smiled as the limo rolled to a stop on a paved driveway. 
The house was four stories tall, the tallest story being a glass terrace with a bar, swimming pool, and other amenities inside. The house was white with marble accents and oddly shaped windows- a contemporary dream. Patrick grumbled, jealous of the luxuriousness of the house. He put a ten dollar bill in the driver's hand and grabbed all the luggage with ease. 
"Don't be too impressed...I heard Price just inherited it from his parents." The man was lying, but he didn't want you to compare his place to Tim's beach house. It embarrassed him a little. But he took some comfort in the fact that his body was slightly better than Tim's, and that his hair wasn't thinning at all, while Tim's was. Patrick opened the door with his foot and stepped out, his hands and arms full of suitcases and bags. He walked to the front door and stopped in front of it. Sighing, Bateman looked at you with an embarrassed look. "Uh, the key is in my back pocket if you want to get it." He turned his hips towards you, the black pants he was wearing stretching around his toned legs and backside. His white button-up was tucked inside the pants, showing off his perfectly muscled body. "Ladies first."
Rolling your eyes, you took a deep breath before reaching into the pocket of Bateman's tight pants, surely feeling the firm ass that made your face burn from shame. "I hope I can handle this." You commented after pulling out the keys and searching for the one that would open the front door, trying not to look at him as you grew more and more embarrassed. 
Thankfully, the lock clicked and you both stepped inside. A bit later, you allowed yourself to look around the house, although Patrick refused to go with you as he remained in the living room not far from the bar. Trying to cheer yourself up, you went upstairs and paused by one of the doors before opening it with sheer confidence. As you stepped inside, a beautiful large room came into your vision. 
What an amazing bedroom.
You thought, as you walked around, looking at the satin sheets that yearned to be touched. As you did so, the smooth fabric felt amazing under your fingers and your lewd fantasies occupied your mind faster than you could stop them. Closing your eyes, you pressed the palm of your hand to your mouth as you indulged in your dirtiest fantasy, where you was were out on the bed and Bateman worshiped every little part of your “imperfect” body before ravaging you until you were nothing but a whimpering wet mess. 
Annoyed, you gave yourself an imaginary slap before turning to leave the room, your cheeks burning from the inside. As soon as you opened the door and walked out, you bumped into something very hard. Only then did you realize it was Patrick, and the sound of splashing drink made your heart stop. "Oh my God! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming!" You wailed, looking up at his stained shirt and empty glass of something that smelled strong enough to be alcohol.
So that’s it. He’ll definitely kick me out of the house.
The alcohol made the stain on his shirt translucent, exposing his pecs and abs. The man stared at you for a second, inhaled sharply, and closed his eyes. After a moment, he opened them again and shook his head. "It's-it's fine. I packed enough shirts for our time here. Really, it's fine.." He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, flexing his muscles slightly. "This shirt was on sale anyway... just, uh, be more careful next time..." He balled the shirt in his hands and tossed it into a nearby laundry basket. "Go unpack your things. You can have this room." Bateman pointed to the bedroom behind you.
Ashamed, you just nodded and hurried downstairs to get your bag, but when you came back Patrick was gone. 
Maybe it's for the best?
You hummed and went into the bedroom to unpack your things, noticing that everything in the bag looked so messy. Perplexed, you couldn't believe that Bateman could go through your things, he simply didn't find you interesting, so why would he waste his time on such things? Sighing sadly, you finished unpacking and grabbed a medical book, reassuring yourself that after your latest failure it was better to stay here and not bother him. All this time you had hoped the man would pay you a visit, but he didn't. 
Meanwhile, Patrick was upstairs, choosing his own room. The man put his clothes away and opened the other suitcase he had brought, which was full of his other... necessities. Inside were some porn tapes, magazines, a kitchen knife, a CZ-75 handgun, a bottle of lube, a pack of condoms, all his skin care products, and a pair of leather gloves. Humming, Bateman took off his black pants and wrapped himself in a silk robe. He grabbed one of the tapes and looked around his room, expecting a TV and VCR player. Frustrated, he huffed when he didn't find any.
That cheap bastard!
The man thought contemptuously and went downstairs when he saw that you weren't there. He sighed with relief and sat down on the couch in the living room and put the tape in. Then he untied his robe and pulled down his boxers, biting his lip as cold air hit his cock. The tape started playing, something he'd seen a hundred times before, but it still got him worked up. Thunder rumbled outside, shaking the house. He wondered for a moment if you were afraid of the thunder or if you were trying to sleep through it. Patrick shook the thought out of his head and focused on the screen, moving his hand up and down his now erect cock robotically, used to the now normal routine he was going through. He closed his eyes, blocking out any sounds other than the lewd moaning coming from the TV. He thought of Bethany, then Evelyn, then Courtney, then Bethany again, then... you. Moaning softly, Bateman thought of your ass, your tits, your face—it was almost enough to push him over the edge. The thought felt taboo to him, a forbidden attraction. Inflamed, he groaned and tilted his head back against the sofa, eyes closed, his jaw clenched in a face of pleasure as he moved his hand faster.
Unaware of what was happening downstairs, you read the book, lost track of time, and passed out on the bed for a few minutes, but soon your sleep was disturbed by the loud clap of thunder.
God, is this a monsoon season or something?  
You grumbled and got up to turn on the light, shaking with fear because you couldn't control yourself and you hated being alone during thunderstorms. Then you quickly regained your composure and left the room to go downstairs and maybe make a cup of green tea. As you entered the living room, you heard a lewd sound that turned out to be a woman's moaning. Embarrassed, you couldn't believe it - had Bateman really brought some of his chicks here on the very first day? Slowly you crept around the corner and spotted Patrick sitting on the black leather couch with his back to her, but from his twitching movements she could tell he was masturbating, watching porn on the big TV. Panting, you had to cover your mouth to avoid being noticed, but somehow you were sure Bateman heard her nervous gasps. Patrick's throaty groan sent shivers down your spine and you didn't know what to do as your mind screamed an alarm telling you to just come back to your room but you couldn't move as if you were stuck to that fucking wall. Breathlessly you felt your hard nipples brush against the thin fabric of your white top and you couldn't ignore the fire in your core any longer, letting your fingers slip into your panties soaked with your flavor. The moment you touched your swollen nub, you couldn't stop yourself from moaning, thinking that Patrick wouldn't be able to differentiate your moans from the lewd sounds of porn. Hot and bothered, you didn't notice that you were slowly sliding down the wall to the floor, your fingers continuing to rub your clit in unison with Bateman's guttural growl. "Mhmm, Patty..." you mewled out a little louder than you expected, and when you heard everything go silent, you stopped moving before carefully rising to your feet.
Suddenly, Bateman's eyes flew open at the sound of an unrecognizable moan, the sound breaking him from his reverie. He removed his hand from his cock and pursed his lips into a tight line, staring at the lewd scene before him. Then the man shifted so that he was sitting on his knees, the front of his body pressed against the back of the sofa so that he could get a better look at... you. As you stood up, he watched you with a penetrating gaze. "Rebecca... sweetheart, love of my life..." Patrick crooned softly, a smile creeping across his face. "Were you... spying on me again?" He raised an eyebrow at the sudden rush of confidence running through his veins. He stood up, staying behind the couch so as not to intimidate you with his naked form. "Rebecca..." He murmured slowly, his voice comforting yet unsettling. "If you are... attracted to me... you can say so. This is the second time I've caught you pleasuring yourself over me. Am I right? The second time?"
Breathing heavily, you closed your eyes and fixed your top and panties. "What will it change if I say that?" you suddenly rejoined, shuddering at the bright flash of lightning, your hands clawing at the nearby wall. 
Patrick tied the robe back around his waist, keeping his eyes on you, and put his hands on his hips, now annoyed. "Uh, a lot, actually." He sneered at you. "If you would just be honest with yourself, and me, then we can end this…this game of facades."
"No, it will change…nothing." As the word fell from your trembling lips, you walked away before Bateman could see the tears streaming down your sad, twitching face. 
Without looking back, you  hurried back upstairs to your room, where you curled up on the king-size bed, crying as you tucked yourself under the covers. 
Get out of my head, get fucking out!
Trembling, you closed your ears, but the pornographic moans continued to spin in your head along with Patrick’s growling as he jerked off, as if that was not enough, your mind decided to make you suffer even more by adding the picture of Courtney making out with Bateman as if it was happening right in front of your eyes. 
"Fucking bastard, I hate you!" You spat through your gritted teeth and clutched the pillow with all your might.
As you walked away, Patrick sighed, exasperated and annoyed. Women always annoyed him with their emotions. Cursing to himself, he followed you to your temporary room, pausing when he heard you scream at the door. Shaking off the urge to go into full violence mode, Bateman knocked on the door. "Rebecca, come out. You're hysterical." He kept his voice calm, even though he really wanted to yell at you - tell you how stupid you were. "Let's just... y'know, talk, okay?"
The moment you heard his voice, all of your insides clenched into a tight knot, forcing you to tremble under the covers. "Leave me..." you wanted to say something else but you paused suddenly, as if your inner nature was protesting and refusing to obey, not allowing you to finish what you were about to say. "Uh, fuck!" you cursed, pulling the blanket away before sauntering to the door to open it. 
Sobbing, you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that Bateman was smart enough to put on a robe, at least he didn't make you suffer from seeing him naked. "You want to talk?" you asked, briefly wiping away your tears. "Let's talk. Have you hired a hooker yet? That's why you decided to warm up with porn?" You crossed your arms like him. "How did you get like this, Patrick? How could money and wealth change you so much?"
Bateman frowned at the accusation. "What? No, of course not. I don't even know any in this area." He closed his eyes tightly for a moment to stave off the impending headache before opening them again. "I just... I have needs, Rebecca. I'm a man with needs...and I didn't want to spend money on a hooker, and you...well, I don't know if you'd even..." He paused and sighed. "You're so...frustrating. You treat me like a monster, but then you jerk off to me!. I don't... it's hard to... you know... read you." His eyes widened slightly. "Change me? I can... assure you, nothing has changed." Bateman smiled, but inside he felt like a bundle of nerves ready to spring. Has he changed? If he had, he couldn't remember. "And I've always had money, in case you forgot!"
You’re worse than a monster.
You thought, biting your lower lip. "Speaking of needs," you leaned against the door, not noticing that your hard nipples were visible through the white top. "I have them too, especially when I'm ovulating, but I'm not driven by them! We're humans, not animals!" 
"Oh my God, oh my fucking God." Bateman muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not driven by them. I have a high sex drive, okay? If I want to spend the night with a hardbody, is that so wrong, Rebecca? Are you...jealous, huh? Is that the problem?" He was getting angry now, his jaw clenching as he spoke. "I know you're a virgin, so you could never understand, but I want to be distracted. My life is a living hell and I want to feel something. Do you understand?"
You scowled as the memory of the recent incident with the hooker flashed through your mind. "I remember when I came to your apartment and that prostitute was about to rob you...you were unconscious in your bedroom, covered in your...semen and completely wasted." With that you sighed and ran a hand over your face. "This is so wrong and disgusting, Patrick." Your voice was laced with pain and sadness, but you managed to keep your composure as you stepped back into the room. "If I lie on this fucking bed right now and tell you that you can do whatever you want to me... will that stop this madness?" You swallowed the fresh tears and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Just break my neck and tell your lawyer it was an accident so my family and you can get money from my life insurance. Come on! Do it!" You continued to taunt him fearlessly. "'Cause I'm...so fucking tired of this life...of my dearest family...I hate...I HATE YOU! ALL OF YOU!"
Patrick exhaled and then stepped back, watching you mentally collapse. Then he came closer, leaned down and slapped you hard with the palm of his hand. "Pull yourself together..." He said slowly, so you could hear every word. "I know you're a... you're a smart woman... but you're hysterical. If you keep this up, I... I don't know what I'm going to do. " Bateman murmured in a defeated tone, staring at you with an almost pleading look.
Once his heavy palm met your face, you could see stars in front of your eyes, but you didn't make a sound. You just touched your bleeding lower lip and looked at the blood on the outside of your hand. "Don't you dare..." you hissed and quickly stood up. "...to touch me again!" And then you slapped his face in return, your palm burning from the force of the blow. 
Shocked, Patrick stumbled to the side from the slap, holding his cheek. He stayed still, slowly bringing his hand to his lips. The man pulled his hand away, seeing a dot of blood on his finger. Rage overtook him.
"Not the face..."
"I'll call the cops and you will rot in jail, you fucking psycho!"  Scared to death, you were about to rush to the nearby bathroom, but you twisted your ankle and fell to the floor, frowning from the sharp pain. With a muffled whimper, you  attempted to crawl away from Bateman, knowing that he would probably kill you here and now.
Now…Everything will be finally over.
"Not the face..." He muttered again before whipping his body around just as you fell to the ground. "NOT THE FACE YOU BITCH! YOU- PIECE OF TRASH!" Bateman roared, stomping towards your trembling little frame. Infuriated, he tilted his head and stepped on your back, stopping your movements. He watched you through the red veil, his face contorted with rage. After a moment, his features softened. Under normal circumstances, he would kill you. No question about it. But these were no normal circumstances. Patrick reached down and grabbed your arm roughly, pulling you to the nearby bathroom and pushing you inside.
There were no windows, just a toilet, a sink and a mirror. "You... stay in here and think about what you just did." He said through his teeth, staring at you with intense anger. "I brought us here for you. I tried to do something nice for you. But you can't appreciate anything I do, can you? I am... trying my best here, Rebecca. But you treat me like some... monster. Just because I hire prostitutes? Is that it?" Bateman scoffed, then sighed. "When you're ready to apologize, you'll get an ice pack on your ankle. Until then... enjoy your solitude, I guess." Then he closed the door, took a key from the table and locked the door from the outside.
It was only when you heard the lock click and the light go out that you realized you were trapped in the dark bathroom...alone. And worst of all, you had a fear of the dark, Patrick probably forgot about this—just like all moments you shared in childhood. As you heard his distant footsteps, you spiraled more and more into the panic attack, feeling your lungs spasm painfully from your rapid breathing. 
Calm down, Rebecca! Calm down! It's just the darkness, there's no one here but you.
You tried to count to ten, but couldn't as your mind didn’t function, stuck on the horrifying images of being trapped here forever. 
What if he left me here to die? In this fucking bathroom?
Frightened, you sobbed, biting your lips to stifle your crying, not wanting to give Bateman the pleasure of hearing you. The metallic taste of the blood almost made you gag, along with the surrounding darkness that pressed down on you like a heavy press. Shaking, you slipped to the floor and hugged your knees, pressing them closer to your chest as you curled up on the cold floor like an embryo. 
I will not ask him to let me out...I will not! I...can...hold on...I'm strong enough to make it through!
Your cries barely audible, shaking violently as you were so fucking scared and broken, mentally and physically, that it seemed you would never see the light of day, locked here forever. How pathetic and stupid it would be to die like that…
At the same time, Patrick sighed and ran his hand over his face as he sat down on the bed. Frustrated, the man crossed his leg over the other, bouncing them slightly as he looked at the still image on the TV from the paused pornography. He drummed his fingers against the side of his head, raising an eyebrow as a memory came back to him like a freight train—you were scared of the dark and he forgot to turn the lights on in the bathroom. Bateman cursed himself, glancing back at the locked door. He didn't want to send you into hysterics, he wanted to do the opposite actually—give you time to think about how much you were overreacting. Patrick stared at the door for a few moments before standing up, walking back to it. He hesitated, the key hovering over the door knob. Then, the man swallowed his pride and unlocked it, opening the door a smidge and putting his hand against the bathroom wall, flicking on the light switch. He quickly closed the door again, not locking it this time as he pressed his body against the wall next to it. 
Closing his eyes, Bateman sighed softly, his chest movements slowing down. "What the hell is wrong with me?" 
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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zoandreez · 1 year
hiding in plain sight . (prologue)
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pairing: ao'nung x omaticayan!reader
summary: your mother worked alongside miles quartitch in the sky people battle. as a dreamwalker, similar to grace, she got pregnant (occurrence unknown.) after miles' death, the sky people retreated. you grew up alone on pandora, afraid of what was outside of your make-shift sanctuary, until one day you go hunting and bump into some of the sullys.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: like 2 seconds of angst
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as you frantically scrambled around your hut of trees and leaves, a ripped (and mostly fluff-less) pillow, and organization of old blankets you found from the abandoned pods, the day you had been dreading for a few weeks had finally came.
you were out of food.
of course, for any na'vi this is no big deal, all they have to do is go hunting. however, in your case it isn't exactly that easy. the other omaticayan do not know you exist. your mother, jasmine brooks, worked for miles quartitch, who (you quickly learned) wasn't the best person to know on pandora. during the sky people war, your mother as a dream walker was concieved. although the answers to how are still unknown, you were born with five fingers, five toes, and eyebrows, resembling human features more than na'vi. the sky people had no time to react, and with no clue how to deal with you, abandoned you.
luckily, you were just about 3 years old when they abandoned you and understood the basics of life-- walking, peeling fruits and such. you had to train yourself to hunt, to make your own loincloths, and other necessities. you never went hunting much, in fear you would be discovered. so, once every three months, you would wait until night to hunt until the sun rose, to have enough food for the next few months.
the last cycle was five months ago, thank eywa for that. however, you knew you were too lucky, as your next hunting spree would need to begin today. in the morning. you had no food for the rest of the day, and you didn't want to hold out, you were skinny and rationed enough. you grabbed your bow and your arrows and carefully snuck out of your hut, beginning your day-long hunt.
about an hour has passed, and it seemed to be going great so far. you had quite a bit of spartan and yovo fruits to get you through for a week, and you decided you'd get your months worth stash next week. on your way back, you had begun to dig into a yovo fruit, one of the smaller ones, when suddenly you heard murmurs.
"tuk, keep up!" you heard a boy shout.
your ears tilted up as you turned your head in the direction of the noise. you said nothing as you backed away, afraid running would bring too much attention your way.
"bro, why'd you bring her anyway?" you heard another boy say, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
something about the scene, instead of scaring you, enticed you. you inched closer to the voices, finally stopping behind a tree. you peeked between two branches like a window as you stared at the 4. it was a na'vi boy, braids pulled back into a ponytail, leading the group. quickly following behind was a na'vi girl, younger than the rest, swaying her tail as she leapt across the log following him. a taller girl, strolled behind casually, as the human boy caught your attention, with a breathing mask on.
"she's such a crybaby." the na'vi boy huffed, and the steps on the grass you once heard stopped. "she's all, 'i'm telling! you're not supposed to go to the battlefield. i'll tell mom if you don't let me come.'"
the youngest one, most likely who tuk is, stuck her tongue out at the na'vi boy. you smiled at her remark. the older girl blurted out a quick "don't pick at her," looking at him with disapproval.
they continued on their path, and you quickly ran to drop your fruit off and follow them. it looked like they were heading to the pods, and miles' old suit. you passed by thousands of times, breathing in your mothers old mask or sitting in her pod (unfortunately someone seven, eight feet tall cant lay in a five foot pod.) you followed the familiar path as the four began to speak again.
"come on," na'vi boy spoke again. as he climbed up to the crashed ships, the three of the other companions followed.
"oh, sick." the human boy called. you began to walk further out, uninterested in the chance of "any dead bodies up there," that tuk claims to want to see. you followed the older na'vi girl, as she walked further into the nature. she brushed her fingertips against the branches and lifted her arms to twirl with the leaves, before eventually laying down in the grass. you stepped closer to her, before freezing. you saw the many atokirina that flew ahead of you, and calmly circled themselves onto the girl.
you stared in awe as she lay asleep, the spirit seeds of eywa sitting on her, before they buzzed away. it was like she just got blessed? you had no clue what happened, and reached out to one of the atokirina to graze it-
"hey!" your head whipped up to the human boy. you quickly took off, brushing past him. "what were you doing? get back here!" he shouted, dashing after you before he shouted.
"lo'ak! tackle that girl, i think she hurt kiri!" you looked around, for any signs of lo'ak, the now name-assigned na'vi boy. after not seeing him, you took off for safety before you were pinned down by lo'ak.
"who are you?" he blurted out.
"get off me!" you protested, twisting and turning as you reached for your knife.
he quickly stopped you, but froze when he grabbed your hand. slowly, he put his hand up to yours. it took you a minute to realize what he was doing, until you looked. your hands matched up perfectly, but that isn't supposed to happen unless..
"are you a dreamwalker?" you both asked, and looked at each other in shock. "what do you mean are you a dreamwalker? stop copying me. why are you saying everything i say? stop it!"
the human boy interjected. "wait, what are you guys talking about, 'dreamwalker?'"
"she has five fingers."
the boy turned to look at you, before walking up and looking at her hands. "so, what- do we take her to dad?" "no way, he'll kill us if he knew we came this far."
"he'll kill us if we don't tell him the sky people are back."
you watched the two argue for a moment, before lo'ak finally sighed and gave in. he looked back at you. "sorry dreamwalker, gotta turn you in to big boss." he said before tapping his neck, as you caught sight of the little mic he had.
"but i'm not a dreamwalker."
the boys both froze and looked at you. "so, what are you?" the human boy said.
"well, my mother was. i'm just.. a freak." you said, wiggling your pinky.
lo'ak hesitated for a bit, looking at you. he had no clue whether to believe you or not. he grew up thinking he was a freak for his fifth finger, his eyebrows, his demon blood. now, this girl that laid before him could be like him. or, she could be what he's sworn to not. a sky person. a demon. he pressed his mic.
"devil dog, devil dog this is eagle eye, over." he spoke.
after a moment, they heard static and then a male voice spoke. "eagle eye, send your traffic." the male said. you stared off into the distance.
"we found this girl, she looks like an avatar, but she says shes not a dreamwalker. she has five fingers though, and we've never seen her before." you had begun to wriggle under his grasp, not wanting to be caught. "let me go!" you protested.
"where are you?" the male on the other line said. lo'ak looked at the now returned human boy, with kiri, and hesitated before answering. kiri mouthed a snarky remark to lo'ak that you couldn't hear, but it made lo'ak wince.
"oh. we're.. we're um.. attheoldshack." he said quickly.
"who's we? who's with you?"
"me, kiri, spider... tuk."
you heard a faint gasp in the speaker on his neck, and looked over at tuk as she said to kiri, "is dad coming for us?"
"dad's coming for lo'ak's ass, definitely." lo'ak hit kiri on the shoulder, as he continued to lean on you with his knee on your back, one hand pinning your wrists together.
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this just acts as a prologue for a series i have coming, i figured i should get practice writing in!
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1emon1ime · 1 month
A routine check-up - Dr. Cornelius (1960's POTA) x Female Reader
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58315063
( Ok, so I just HAD to write this because I couldn't find anyone else who made one yet. He is so hot-- !? And I have always sort of loved the idea of being a powerless/mute/feral human where another species has all of the control. Anyway, enjoy!
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Warning: Pet play (kind of?), dubcon, power imbalance, regression etc basically you (reader) are a mute/feral human who cannot consent and the ape leaders have all of the power over you. But you enjoy being touched up by Corn ♡
Taken from the wild and housed in the human containment facility, you now live your life in a cage every day to be experimented on by apes. A new face comes to take you into the examination room and he is quite different from the others.
"I'm here for specimen number 37."
The guards nod in acknowledgement, recognizing the name of Cornelius. He responds, "Zira has informed us of your visit for a routine check-up. Proceed with your research, and be careful with the specimen."
Cornelius approaches the cage and carefully opens it, his movements slow and deliberate to avoid alarming you. He gestures for you to come out.
Baring your teeth at him, you slowly back up into a corner. He is unfamiliar and many of the apes in the human containment facility are abusive, uncaring for your well-being. Of course you would be distrustful of a new face.
Since your capture, you had been housed here, alone in your pen for several months now, your naked body only kept clean by an ape hosing you down every day, throwing some slop into your food dish. You had no mental stimulation apart from the few times a week where they would put you through some sort of 'test'. You hated these check-ups, you were not ready to hand yourself over to him without a fight, even though you knew that punishment would come at your resistance. It always did.
He stops his approach, recognizing the defensiveness nature of your reaction. He regards you with a mixture of caution and fascination, sensing your instinctive distrust.
"Easy now," he speaks, keeping his voice gentle and calm. "I'm not here to harm you.” 
Truthfully, he did not care much for these creatures. From an early age, he had been taught that they were nothing more than pests, vicious animals. But there was a striking resemblance in the recent fossilized remains that he had discovered. Cornelius just had to compare the two. Zira had offered one of her test subjects as a comparison, she had said that this one was quite ‘tame’, agreeable, with a willingness to work and yet Cornelius still could not coax you out of the cage. Had he gotten the wrong subject, perhaps?
He offers you a sugar cube, notices how you hesitate for a moment before cautiously taking it. He observes your reaction, glad that the sugar seems to have piqued your interest.
"There," he hushes, a hint of a smile on his lips. "See? I'm not going to hurt you.” 
You look back at him, eyes widening slightly in anticipation for what he had to offer.
“I'll make sure you're comfortable and unharmed during this examination." He says, more to himself than anything. He knows that humans cannot speak. Cannot understand complex language.
The gorilla guard in the back smirks at his failed attempts to lure you out. Clearly, the archaeologist hadn't much experience with these humans.
"You gotta be rough with them. Never give these animals a chance or they will attack you." He laughs.
Cornelius brushes off the guard's comment and moves closer to you, holding out his hand. He had his own technique, he never liked how brutal the guards could be. They may have been animals, but they could still feel pain.
"Come on, then," he coaxes. "Let's go to the examination room, and I'll make sure you get another sugar cube when we're done."
He carefully places a collar and leash around your neck, ensuring that it's not too tight and won't harm you. He then leads you to his examination room, taking a few moments to assess the setup before turning to face you. 
"Alright," he says, gesturing for you to sit on a padded table in the centre of the room. "Please sit,” he pats the table, you recognize the signal as you had been taught. “and we can begin this comparison."
All he has is a leash around your neck, he hopes that it is enough and that he wouldn't need to restrain you further--
Your eyes dart to the other, larger examination table to the left, that you had been placed on many times. The one with the straps and restraints attached to it; you cower upon seeing it. Unwanted memories flooding of all the times you had been under that blinding, florescent light. Head throbbing as they tugged at you, the sound of medical equipment clinking together-- It was too much to see it again.
You wanted to run, but he reassured you, calmly. gripping onto one of your arms and shushing you.
We will only be sitting on the small table today.
As you sit, nervously, Cornelius takes a few steps back and studies your features, particularly focusing on your facial structure and bone anatomy. He occasionally looks over a set of documents and diagrams next to him, presumably related to the fossilized remains he mentioned earlier.
Dr. Zaius would scold him again if he ever brought it up; he had been told to discard the evidence, burn it. Acknowledging that similar these humans were in any way to apes themselves. It was forbidden by all means.
They were lesser. Pests, animals. 
"Now then," he says, breaking the silence. "Let me take a quick look at your teeth."
Cornelius moves closer to you again, his focus now shifting to your teeth. He takes hold of your chin, gently and carefully guiding your head to the side so he can get a better look. His fingers are warm and surprisingly gentle as they touch your skin, his touch almost comforting in a small way.
"Open wide," he instructs, his voice still soft but authoritative. He taps his own mouth and again, you understand the gesture you had been taught to obey.
Cornelius peers into your mouth, examining your teeth closely. He looks at their shape, size, and condition, comparing them to the notes he's taking. He makes a few observations, nodding in acknowledgement.
"That's it, good--" 
Cornelius' eyes quickly flit over your body, taking quick note of your sex.
"girl. Good girl."
He reaches for his papers again.
"Ah, a female specimen," he muses to himself, making a quick note. "The physical features and bone structures are slightly different than the males we've discovered."
After finishing his examination of your teeth, Cornelius steps back again, his gaze lingering on your features. He takes a few more moments to scrutinize your body, careful eyes tracing over the curves and features that distinguish you as a female. Contemplating the differences and similarities he's observed between you and the fossilized remains and of… himself. 
No, no. He quickly brushes it off. He is to remain professional here at all costs. 
"Now, I need to look at the rest of your physical features," he says, his voice slightly firmer. "Please stand up and extend your arms." He makes the command signal.
You comply and stand up, slowly extending your arms as Cornelius instructed. He steps closer once again, moving slowly as to not startle you. He begins to observe and compare the proportions and bone structures of your arms.
"Hmm," he muses, his eyes fixed on your arms, taking out a measuring tape to record the length of the bones. "Yes, quite interesting. The humerus and ulna seem quite similar in length, although--"
There is one problem. The fossils he had, seemed to be from a male specimen. It would have made more sense to compare them with a male human.
Had he perhaps taken the wrong subject? It said here on his documents, number 37. They couldn't have gotten it messed up again--
Well, it was too late to discard all of this now. He would finish examining your body and take records anyway. Perhaps they would prove useful in the future.
He takes a few steps back again, his expression contemplative. A strong, muscular frame, fitting for survival in the wild. You had not been captive long enough for your muscles to atrophy, as a lot of the other human animals had.
That is where you had been caught, out in the fields, brought in from the wild several months ago. The tale of your capture had been quite brutal and yet, you were not as skittish as the other wild-caught ferals.
Despite the clinical nature of the examination, there is a subtle hint of admiration and intrigue in Cornelius' gaze. He regards your  body with a mix of scientific curiosity and appreciation for the rarity of finding a specimen like you.
"Alright," he says, breaking the brief silence. "We're almost done. I just need to take a look at your back and spinal region next."
As Cornelius moves behind you to examine your spine, he notices your slight shiver at his touch. He realizes that despite your feral nature, there is an undeniable response to his touch.
"Are you cold?" he asks, his voice gentler than before. "Or is my touch making you uncomfortable?"
Cornelius knows that he will get no response, yet reassures you anyway, continuing to gently feel your back and spine. He notes the subtle trembling at his touch as his hands ghost over the area that connects your spine to your neck. He wonders if it's related to fear, cold, or perhaps another reaction he hasn't considered.
Observing your subtle response, he notices how you seem to lean into his touch, almost seeking it out. He raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your behavior. Despite your feral nature, there's a certain sensuality in your reaction to his touch.
"Interesting," he muses, his hands continuing to move over your neck, rubbing circles, as if you were a pet. "It seems you're not as resistant to physical touch as I thought."
He continues his examination, but his touch becomes a bit less clinical and more... soothing. He can't help but be intrigued by your reaction, the way you close your eyes and nod, seemingly enjoying the contact. His fingers move over your skin, the touch growing a bit more gentle and caressing.
"Does this feel good?" he asks, his tone softer than before. "You're remarkably responsive for a feral."
He knows that he shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong to treat these animals in any way other than contempt, they can't even consent, for goodness sake. But he can't stop his fingers continuing to caress you, running under your chin and stroking you softly. His touch slowly becoming more intimate and less clinical. Despite the professional aspect of the examination, there is something almost erotic in the way he touches you.
His hands begin to explore your back further, moving from your shoulders down to the small of your back, his touch growing more gentle. He can't deny the sensations he feels, the way you respond to his touch stirring something in him.The little mewls you let escape your mouth as he runs his hands over your bare flesh.
"Such a responsive and sensual creature..." he says to himself, his voice a low rumble. 
Cornelius' hand continues to move lower, his touch now trailing over your thighs. He takes note of your low moan, a wave of heat coursing through him at the sound.
"Sensitive, too," he murmurs under his breath, fingers gently caressing your flesh. "I believe we're going to need to continue this examination further."
Cornelius steps closer to you, the heat of his body radiating against your back as his hands explore your front. What is he doing, he doesn't think he can stop himself at this point. His hand remains on your thigh, his touch now becoming more deliberate and exploratory. His breath is hot against your ear, causing you to shiver slightly.
"There's more I need to examine," he says, his voice low and sultry. There's a sense of urgency to it. "Turn around for me."
Cornelius steps back and motions you to face him, giving a slight tug on your leash. His hand leaves your thigh, but the absence of his touch is quickly replaced by a strange sense of anticipation. 
You wonder what he could possibly be doing... None of your previous examinations had gone quite like this. While Dr. Zira could be quite... touchy, something told you that this was going to be different still.
He watches you expectantly, his eyes locked on yours, waiting to continue the "examination".
As you face him from the front, Cornelius feels a rush of excitement surging through him. The way you respond to his touch... it's unlike anything he's experienced with any other specimen before.
"Now," he says, his voice gruff and filled with a hint of desire. "I need to examine the front of your body."
Cornelius closes the distance between you and he. His hand reaches out slowly and gently grasps your hips, pulling your body closer to his own. He looks down at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and arousal. He continues to explore your body with his hands, his touch becoming more familiar as he moves down to your stomach, hips, and thighs. His fingers linger on certain spots, caressing and squeezing gently, as though trying to commit every curve and muscle to memory.
He notices your squeak when he accidentally touches a particularly sensitive spot, and a small smile curves his lips. He can't help but sense your craving for touch, the need for physical contact that was previously lacking in your caged, solitary existence.
"A little sensitive there, are we?" he says, his voice amused, but not mocking. 
His hands continue to move over your body, slowly and deliberately, as though he's trying to coax more responses from you. He notices the way you lean into his touch, the way your body reacts to his caresses.
"You seem to be quite... touch deprived," he says, his voice dropping to a deep, low murmur. "You must have been longing for physical contact like this, hmm?"
As Cornelius explores your body, the air grows thicker with tension. You can feel his desire radiating from him, and the intensity of his gaze only heightens the anticipation. You can't deny your own arousal, the heat and need building within you. The touch you had been denied for so long.
His hands slowly trail up to your chest, cupping your breasts in his palms. He squeezes gently, his thumbs teasing your nipples, coaxing them into stiff peaks. He notices the way your breathing changes, the way your body responds to his touch.
He continues to tease your nipples, his fingers gently pinching and rolling them, eliciting more responses from you. He's enthralled by your reaction, the way you push yourself into his hands, your eyes closed and lips parted in pleasure.
"Do you like that?" he asks, his voice rough. "Does it feel good?"
You nod, offering a silent acceptance.
Cornelius' hand moves lower, his fingers slowly travelling down your stomach and then lower, until they're dipping between your thighs. He strokes your folds, feeling the slickness there. He slips a finger inside you, feeling the heat and tightness, and a small groan escapes your lips, hips instinctively bucking forward for more.
"So tight," he murmurs, his eyes locked on yours as he pushes a second finger in.
His fingers continues to probe and explore, his movements slow and deliberate. He pushes deeper inside you, and you let out a moan, unable to hold back. As he works his fingers in and out of you, you can't help but writhe against him, desperate for more friction.
As he continues his exploration of your body, the air thick with arousal, you're overwhelmed by the sensations. Cornelius' hand is between your legs, his fingers buried inside you, working you closer and closer to the edge. You're so close, the tension building in your core, and all it takes is a few more thrusts of his fingers and a brush of his thumb over your clit to send your touch deprived body spiralling over the edge. 
Your release crashes over you in waves, and Cornelius is there to guide you through it, his fingers slowly withdrawing, but his embrace is still firm.
"That's it," he says, his voice gentle and encouraging. "Just let go. I've got you."
After a few moments, you're able to catch your breath and compose yourself. Cornelius is holding you, his body pressed close to yours. His grip loosens and his hands slide down your sides, resting on your hips.
Cornelius finally releases you, and takes a step back, still holding the leash in one hand, his eyes sweep over your body for the final time.
"We'll continue later," he says, his voice low and heavy with promise. "You should get some rest. Come on, back to your pen."
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What Happened Next - Dominik Szoboszlai
Who: Dominik Szoboszlai Request: I’d like an imagine where a girl has had a one night stand with with a guy she meets in a club then a couple of days later starts her new job at the Liverpool training centre just to discover her ONS was Dominik and just how shy, cute and embarrassed they both are. Requested by: @moondancer146 Word count: 710 Warnings: none
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It had been a drunken night, a very drunken night, a few weeks ago. After a night out partying you had ended up in bed with some guy you had met at the night club. You barely remembered what he looked like, let alone you still knew his name or had his telephone number. All you you did remember was that it had been a good night, with plenty of fun and pleasure in bed, and that it was all over before you had even fully sobered up.
A few times you still wondered who this handsome stranger was, because you still remembered he had been handsome, and somehow you couldn't shake the feeling that you knew him from somewhere.
But your attention shifted when you were about to start your new job at Liverpool FC. You wanted to make a good impression at this new job, so you made sure you looked well, dressed well, and were well rested. This also meant: no going out to parties and no alcohol for a while. And amidst all that you found that the memories of your one night stand got pushed to the back of your mind.
That was, until the third day of you working at LFC, when everything came crashing back.
As part of the media team, you would be working in close relation to the first team players, and a colleague introduced you to them one by one. You were shown around the cafeteria where the team sat for lunch, shaking hands and introducing yourself. Suddenly you found yourself face to face with an attractive, dark-haired man, and you instantly knew: he was your mystery one night stand from a few weeks back. And from the startled look on his face, he definitely knew who you were, too.
"Hi." He held out his hand to you. "I'm Dominik." You stammered your own name, blushing as you shook his hand. "Nice to meet you," Dominik said politely, even though he was fully aware that the both of you had already thoroughly met. Underneath the stubble of his beard, you saw the redness of his cheeks, too.
Dominik chuckled nervously, not knowing how to hold himself in this current situation. "I believe we have an appointment for an interview this afternoon?" He finally spoke. "Yes." You confirmed, glad he had found a topic you could safely talk about. "I'll see you then."
Dominik showed up right on time for your appointment with him that afternoon. You were glad you were allowed to do this interview by yourself, which meant you could also have a private chat with Dominik about this situation you suddenly both found yourselves in.
Dominik closed the door behind him and turned around to face you almost as if in slow-motion, clearly putting off the moment he would have to face you for as long as he possibly could.
"This is quite a predicament we find ourselves in." Dominik smiled shyly as he finally faced you. He looked ill at ease, slightly embarrassed even, and found it hard to meet your eye. "Quite so," you mumbled, equally embarrassed by this whole situation.
An uncomfortable silence fell. Several times you wanted to speak, but didn't, but in the end Dominik was the one to voice his thoughts first.
"Why don't we start over?" He sounded hopeful. You shrugged, confused. "What do you mean?" "Well." Dominik smiled with more confidence now. "As it looks like we are going to have to work together, why don't we get to know each other a little better?" "We slept together." You scoffed. "How much better would you like to get to know me?"
Dominik chuckled. "That was a drunken night, but, if you ask me, not a mistake. You seem like a wonderful person, and.... even though I've seen a lot of you already, I know very little about you. And I would like to change that." "Oh..." You hadn't expected him to say something like this, and you were lost for words. "Please, we'll take it slow. Maybe join me for lunch tomorrow." Dominik's eyes twinkled with the hope for a positive answer from you. You hesitated for maybe a second before you smiled shyly, but confidently. "I would love that."
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Writing masterlist
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shokomilks · 8 months
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) You are the best thing that happened in my peaceful life - Neutral Reader - Chapter 1: Who is Aoi?
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(Y/N) dies brutally before graduating from high school, full of regrets and a bitter taste of not having enjoyed enough, your receives a second chance, and this time, with Shigeo by your side (Sorry If the gender is not neutral, let me know anything)
Harassment trigger alert, I almost rape, but I didn't have the courage to write it. I promise not to write about this anymore, but I would like to write about a fear I have in some of my writing lol
There was (Y/N), sitting at they desk, scrolling through the Instagram page with so much disinterest, Isabel LaRosa was playing in his ears (I really like writing that mentions songs that sort of “immerse” the story, I'll try to leave some while writing :), LISTEN TO I DON'T FORGIVE YOU, I discovered her today but she's so good HOLY SHIT), in the background of the headphones at a really loud volume, murmurs from you classmates excited for the upcoming graduation they were quite clear
“Paraninfo wasn’t what I wanted”
“Can I stop by your house after graduation?”
“Are you going with a partner?”
You just wanted it all to happen, it wasn't horrible, but there wasn't any considerable good experience, you knew the truth, you knew that everything you experienced would be a “good memory”, as the older people said, you knew that your friends would disappear over time, only work and solitude would be left for you, so you didn't try to make many connections or anything remarkable. They could get along very well with your colleagues, but you would easily be mistaken for a plant cause could be so quiet.
The bell rings, signaling that another day has passed, (Y/N) picked up they things, throwing them awkwardly into you backpack, the end of the year was leaving quite exhausted, so many worries and few solutions coming at once, the only desire that felt like throwing yourself on the bed and sleeping listening to your playlist. As he threw his backpack on his shoulders, feeling the weight of his notebooks, he quickly headed towards the exit.
The day wasn't bad, a pleasant weather, teenagers leaving school en masse, (Y/N) followed her usual path, several thoughts surrounded her mind “Which college to go to?” “Will I have money to shell out or did I get my scholarship?” “And employment?” “Did I choose something that makes me money?” “Was this really what I wanted?” But his thoughts stopped when “Sex, Drugs, Etc” reached you ears, you increased the volume even though you knew it was wrong to use headphones at high altitudes, and you just enjoyed the ride home, feeling the breeze hit your face, almost taking you along, as if taking all the worries away
But nothing good lasts long, an older man bumped into you, almost knocking you down
- Be careful where you walk - he said, quite irritated.
- Sorry - You mutter, trying to get out of there, but your wrist is caught in a big grip, which makes you look at the figure, it was a man with little hair on his head, very gray you would say, with fair skin and full of hair
- Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't go unaccompanied
- Leave me, please
- I'll guide you to where you need to go - he starts dragging you in some direction, you can't identify it, the grip only increased and all you wanted was to get out of that situation
- Seriously, there's no need for so much kindness, just let me go - you tried to let go again, but there was no use, your heart was already almost leaving you, your breathing was unregulated, countless scenarios flashed through your mind, none of them good.
This man takes you to a car parked not far away, throws you inside, not wasting much time to touch you under your clothes, your voice was no longer there, you were no longer there, your brain tried to calm you down about all of this, trying to think about other things, but the touch of that disgusting thing took away any attempt to forget that all of this was happening, until he pulled down his pants, revealing... you know. You screamed, your brain forced you to scream the loudest he could, throwing himself at the door to try to open it. He tried to make some scandal that would save you, but all that happened was that he forcefully gave you a pill, little by little you senses disappeared and your vision became increasingly dark.
When you opened your eyes, you were no longer in the car, you were lying on a soft bed, you could still feel his touch on your body, which made you feel sick, you sat up, trying to process where you were, you were in a room, but it wasn't yours, the person who lived there had good taste, this person liked the same series and anime as you, don't get distracted, you thought. Your vision falls to your feet, not that you paid attention to them, you were trying to understand the situation, where you were, why you were here, did that idiot take you to his own house? Your breathing was already becoming unregulated again, your heart wanting to stop, but your thoughts were cut off by a feminine scream.
- Aoi, go down to eat your coffee, today is your first day of school, you can't be late!! - a voice echoes from outside the door, you are perplexed, “who is this woman?” “Who is Aoi?” Finally, your vision focused on your feet, the shoes at the foot of the bed perfectly aligned, the floor with a velvety brown carpet, a loud knock on the door takes you out of your thoughts, or rather precise analysis about the floor
- Am I going to have to pull you out of bed Aoi? - You blink slightly, your index finger unconsciously points at you, hissing a “Me?” between the lips
- And who else would it be? Let's go quickly, if you're not going to be late - the woman says, closing the door, making it possible to hear her short steps hurriedly descending the stairs.
When looking to the side, the Japanese uniform was visible hanging on the hanger, without much questioning you change, looking around the room trying to find a phone and a backpack, you see a cell phone and a blue backpack plugged into the charger like students usually do. use in anime. You take them, rummaging through your backpack for headphones, a smile appears on your face when you see that you have headphones available, as you leave the room changed, with a backpack, a cell phone and headphones that don't belong to you, (Y/N) carefully goes down the stairs, trying to see the house, it was a simple house, without many decorations, it was visible sitting at the table eating quickly that woman, with brown hair tied in a loose bun, dressed in office clothes, upon noticing the look on the back of her head, she looks up at your direction, waving happily to come down soon
You quickly sit down at the table, trying to eat the omelet that was on the table, despite feeling sick.
- So… i have school today?
- Yes honey
- How do I get there? - She looks at you seriously, sighing loudly
- Did you forget again? Just put the name of the school on Google maps and walk there
- I... forgot the name of the school... and also my password
- In the second drawer of the desk in the living room, your password is written down, I don't know how you always forget it - she said, getting up with the now empty plate, heading towards the kitchen, most likely to leave your plate - and Aoi - you murmur in answer - Paprika High School, you only chose it because it seemed like the coolest spice to talk about, since all the schools here have some spice in their name
- Oh, Yeah, I forget that haha ​​- (Y/N) said, as you got up trying to find the second drawer in that desk, when you saw the desk in the corner of the room next to the TV, you bend down and find a notebook scribbled on it. cover “Aoi”, it must be this one after all, when leafing through the pages you find a page “Cell phone passwords”, several scribbled passwords, you find one circled in red with a small note next to it “This is the new one!!”, that’s it. it would be enough, when you take the notebook with you to the table, you pick up your cell phone and enter the newly discovered password, it was really her.
A wallpaper of Gojo and Geto was visible, several applications were cluttered on the screen, but then you would explore calmly, you had to find Google Maps, when you found it you quickly typed the name of the school, entering a quick walking route
- Thanks - you sigh, you were afraid of not going to school for Aoi, when everything was sorted out you wouldn't have to deal with scolding from your mother
- You're welcome honey - she approaches, placing a kiss on your cheek - Have a great day at school - she leaves the house, leaving you alone in that new environment, without wasting time you also leave, grabbing a pair of keys with a caterpie keychain on the keychain, it would definitely be Aoi's, so you locks the door when you leaves and heads to school
When you arrived at school, you didn't really know where to look for Aoi's class, so you went to the list of class, but there was a problem, what was Aoi's last name? So you searched your bag for some document, when you found your wallet, you abruptly opened it, finding your document “Aoi Suzuki”.. okay, now find it in the list, after searching a lot you find Aoi in class 1-B. Once the room that belonged to it was found, it was time to find where it would be. You enter the school, looking for the “1-B” signs, when you find them you go in looking for seats, but most of them were occupied, so you sit somewhere empty, some people were already making friends and fitting in, you preferred not to interfere, taking Aoi's cell phone to explore this person's life better. Your tastes were actually similar, after looking at some apps you found Notepad as one of the apps you used recently, they had countless notes from Aoi, so to kill time you decided to open some.
“I always thought that nothing new happened, I always told my colleagues that “Nothing's New” was my song, after my father abandoned my family and my mother got busy with her job, the routine that continued more and more never broke , but by some miracle, my mother decided that living in Seasoning City, maybe a change of scenery wouldn't be so bad after all. I luckily managed to get into Paprika school, this reminds me of the movie besides the spice, I thought it was a very interesting name, well, they released my new room, I'll be able to write in my notebook again, see ya ;)”
Journal? What notebook was she talking about? Could it be in backpack? Without wasting time with many questions, you quickly look through backpack, taking all notebooks and placing them on the table to search, and nothing, with each notebook opened more and more blank pages appeared before your eyes “It should only be in the room” you sigh tiredly, throw the notebooks back into your backpack, seeing the teacher in charge arrive with a folder in his arms.
- Ok ok, new school, new colleagues, I want everyone to introduce themselves when I call them - everyone agrees in unison.
You don't even care much about the students, after all you would try to get out of this situation quickly, Aoi is called after about 6 students introduce themselves, you quickly get up and say shallow things like your name, that you are excited about the new year to come and you wants support from everyone, things that protagonists would say. More people introduce themselves, some saying great monologues, others saying the same as you, until the teacher says a name you would never expect to hear “Shigeo Kageyama”, the sound of a chair dragging was heard behind you, a sudden turn was made to see his colleague from behind, it was him, it was really him.
When you were about twelve or thirteen years old you discovered the anime “Mob Psycho 100”, and it touched you in a different way, the animation, the story were simply incredible, but something that marked you beyond these factors was the protagonist, a big Your crush on him was formed during your years as a fan, such a kind and cute boy was something you would like to have in your life, but impossible, until now, the most boyish haircut, the nervous way of speaking, the fair skin and dark eyes, it was him, without a doubt.
Before he could see you, you abruptly turn forward with extremely flushed cheeks, a confused face and an unprepared heart, “I'm sorry Aoi but now you've lost the chance of your life, WAIT DON'T THINK LIKE THAT” as you manage to normalize your breathing , your thoughts became clearer, and your goals defined. You would become friends with Shigeo Kageyama, try to understand why you was Aoi, and try to make the most of it.
Thanks for reading, mob not have a much fanfics, so this motivated me a writing. Anyway, see you later 🐳
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majasleeps · 10 months
Ice Breaker
(first fanfic on here so idk how to format it but it'll be fine. also i'll be mainly making shit up so if anyone plays hockey... my apologies in advance lol)
Tim Lafleur x gn!reader
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summary: you're a hockey player and a damn good one at that. You've loved being on the ice as long as you can remember and ever since discovering hockey it's been difficult to get you off the ice! You play in a local team for a college in Virginia and one day you encounter a particular boy on an opposing team.
It's a few weeks before the high school tournaments start and your hockey team is in the rink practicing.
"FUCK!" the person you just slammed into the edge of the rink lets out a series of curses. You hear a whistle from your coach and you roll your eyes already knowing the reason. Yet he still yells it out for everyone to hear, "L/N! Excessive violence! Last warning or you're getting pulled."
You groan to yourself but nod at him in acknowledgement anyway and skate back to your post. Of course you help the person you technically assaulted since he was your teammate after all.
Yup, this was just practice but why shouldn't you give it your all here too? At least that's your reasoning. Especially seeing how you'll be up against actual other teams in just a few weeks. You had to be ready!
Well anyway you go on to train more, get a few warnings here and there, actually get put on the bench after causing one of your team player's nose to bleed. And the weeks pass by like it was nothing.
You're in the rink, getting ready in your position as you stare down some of the members of the opposing team, 'the enemies', as you dubbed them in your head.
And even though all of the players are 15 year olds, one stands out to you, mainly because he's quite a bit taller than the other kids, even compared to your team. But no time to think on that as the start signal is given. Everyone shoots in action and you're thriving in the competition. One person gets tackled, then another, someone shoots and misses and the other scores. It feels exhilarating especially looking at the board and seeing you're one point ahead.
Time's almost up and that tall kid from before seems to think he's gonna get a final puck in before the timer goes off. Well not on your watch. As he skates closer, evading the offensive lines on your team, he's getting ready to shoot. But just before he gets the chance you slam him to the ground with your own body, and a whistle and airhorn signal that 1) you got a warning (what a surprise) but 2) time's up. And your team won.
You celebrate inwardly for a quick second before getting up and stretching out your hand to the boy you tackled out of good sportsmanship. Although he doesn't seem to appreciate it, he smacks your hand away, gets up while ripping of his helmet, "What is your problem?!" he semi-yells.
You take off your own helmet so he can see your disgruntled expression. You shrug and say "Losing, losing is my problem so I won't lose."
He scoffs and skates away and you do the same to go celebrate with your team.
And even though this first impression was pretty sour, you can't tell if it bettered or not throughout the years. Neither of you ever knew each other that well, always different schools, always different districts yet somehow you two would always end up facing each other on the ice.
Years went by and you actually started to enjoy this rivalry between the two of you. Sometimes you won and he'd be pouty but sometimes you lost and he couldn't stop smirking. In the beginning that for sure bothered you but as this went on you didn't mind losing to him anymore. As you grew older of course you started learning things about him as well, like that his name is Tim Lafleur and a weird kid in general, at least according to every teammate he's ever had.
Now he is in a university and you're in college and with busy life styles it doesn't leave much room for socializing. But you could always count on the ice to bring the two of you together. Over the years most of the original teams miraculously stayed pretty much the same. Here and there someone left and someone else took their place but amongst both your teams it had become a sort of unspoken rule that in the rink, no one gets to tackle you except Tim, and no one tackled Tim but you.
You're in the game playing against Tim's team and it's going great. The score is 2-2 and you're thrilled whenever you get closer to the goal because Tim would of course try to prevent you from getting even closer. And if you didn't know better, you'd think he was enjoying himself as much as you were.
Another goal scored by your team so you're now in the lead. Tim has the puck and is getting awfully close to a good position to score a goal. So you head straight for him, however you suppose the new fella in your team didn't get the memo about that unspoken rule. Because as you're almost there, the new guy slams Tim into the wall and a nauseating crack can be heard. Now usually when it's you, sure you're rough but Tim had always been smiling and gotten up within a few seconds.
But now... he lay there, silently groaning and not making a move to get up. A shock had not just overcome you but both teams and the entire crowd, everyone was silent. You were the first to snap out of it and rush to Tim.
"Jesus fuck! Are you alright Tim? Are you hurt?" you question him as you get down on your teams and turn him on his back. When you do he lets out a sharp gasp and you see that something is definitely wrong with his wrist...it's bend, and not in the right direction.
You turn to your teammate and yell out at him, "What is wrong with you?! You broke his fucking wrist, dickbag!!"
Another groan from Tim and your head immediately flies to him, speaking softly and reassuring him he'll be fine. By this time the coach has already come up to you two and informed the stand-by medics. People shot in action and in seemingly no time, Tim got carried away, and you were left to stand alone on the cracked ice.
After everything has calmed down, you go up to your coach.
"Hey coach? Is Tim gonna be alright?" He looks at you and lets out a slow breath.
"He'll be fine, Y/N. Going to take a while to recover from a broken wrist and some fractured fingers though so I doubt he'll be on the ice much"
You mull over his words for a bit before gathering up the courage to ask, "Is there any way I can visit him?" The tone in your voice almost makes you sound sheepish, as if this is taboo to ask, he IS your 'rival' after all.
He gives you a faint smile, "I'll talk to their coach to see if we can arrange anything yeah?" You smile back at that answer and nod your head.
Thanks to the coaches you're able to visit him at his apartment a few days later, though you're a bit self-conscious about it. Showing up at his apartment without him ever having told you the address might seem a bit weird.
But your worries melt away when you knock on the door and that white haired boy with all the piercings opens up. And when he notices it's you, he's smiling.
"Hey Y/N! Didn't expect you to visit me of all people", he laughs a bit.
You roll your eyes but nonetheless smile up at him, somehow he's gotten even taller over the years.
"How's the wrist doing? Heard it was a nasty surgery?" you asked him.
"Oh yeah blood and flesh everywhere" he's making exaggerated hand motions with his good hand causing you both to giggle. "Umm, anyway you wanna come in?" he offers looking at you expectantly.
"Yeah sure!" you didn't mean your face to light up when you accepted and you hope he didn't notice. He thinks it's cute you're happy to be around him.
He leads you to his bedroom, quickly introducing you to his roommate Darryl. He flops on the bed and hisses out as the motion was a tad too violent for his arm.
You hurry next to him on his bed, trying to make sure he's okay. "You good there?" you ask as you take his arm carefully.
He grimaces a bit at first but it soon turns into a playful smirk. "No it hurts so much Y/N!" he exclaims dramatically, "I think the only thing that could heal my wounds is a kiss" He looks at you as he says that, his smile never fading but now there's a slight anxiety in his eyes. You don't notice that and just roll your eyes. You decide to play along, "okay there big guy, but I don't think my kisses are magical enough to heal broken bones", and you kiss the cast around his wrist.
"There, feel better?" you laugh along with him. He seems to get a glint of confidence in his eye as he bites his lip hard around to draw a bit of blood.
"You think you could kiss this wound too?" as he point at his lower lip.
You're speechless for a moment and it's enough for him to backtrack. He starts rambling that you don't have to and it was a dumb idea, etc. Before he can go on, you lean in and give him a peck on the small puncture wound in his lip.
Now it's his turn to be stunned as you sit there equally flustered. A moment of silence before the two you start smiling like idiots in love, which frankly, you were.
"I think I need a bit more of those magic lips, love." He says and you silently agree as you lean in again, this time slower, for a proper kiss. Like two ice skaters in the rink, your lips graciously glide together to form an amazing symphony of fireworks in your head and heart. The both of you are still smiling in the kiss and you can still taste the bit of blood but neither of you mind it.
You're probably softly kissing each other for a few minutes before finally breaking away and taking the chance to get a proper breath.
You grin at him and say "I guess I'll be seeing you off the ice more often then right?"
He grins back "Oh absolutely"
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nogenderbee · 1 year
hello!! can i request for n25 kaito, meiko and luka confronting reader who is feeling very troubled and wants to disappear but she won't ask for help from her mafukanamizuena? platonic ofc <3333
thank youu!!!
Of course! Happy to finally see some VIRTUAL SINGER requests and I really just hope I got their personalities right soo I hope you enjoy this <3
N25! Luka, MEIKO, KAITO confronting reader
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow
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You were sitting in Empty SEKAI, it seemed that no one was close so you just layed there tiredly. What you didn't knew tho was that Luka made her way up to you.
"Taking a nap~?"
She spoke as if nothing specific was on her mind, with small smile as she sat next to you.
"If you don't mind, I wanted to talk about one specific topic."
"Sure! What's on your mind?"
"Tell me, why are you so afraid to reach out for help? From what I know, everyone from group wanted to help you. Especially Kanade"
She was rather straightforward but that's because she wanted to know the truth and maybe even help you realize that you're not alone.
When you stayed quiet, she took your hand in hers and gently rubbed the back of it to give you a bit of comfort.
"You can tell me. I can promise you that I'll keep this secret to myself~"
(She does indeed keep it a secret but she does say few clues in front of other members... but not enough clues to easily realize the truth)
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MEIKO is known to keep her distance in SEKAI but right now you were laying in bed, thinking or talking to yourself to vent a bit and brown haired girl appeared on your phone. She immidietly made her presence known so even if you talked to yourself, she didn't heard anything.
"O-Oh, MEIKO! Hi, what are you doing here...?"
"I wanted to talk. I'll get straight to the point. I think you need to allow Kanade and others to help you."
When you stayed quiet, she did the same. She just stared at you waiting for your answer, so you don't have a choice but say something or you'll be left with her staring at you, waiting for your answer.
"I just... I don't want to..."
"Everyone are worried about you. Do you want me to tell them what you're struggling with? Or do you prefer to do it yourself?"
And in that moment, she gives you a choice. If you prefer her to tell them about if, she will say it as gently as she can. But if you decide that you'll tell them yourself, she'll do her best to support you through this time and help you get your courage to face them.
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Of course KAITO noticed how you're avoiding confrontation with your group. He tried ignoring it for some time but of course he can't stay quiet forever so he finally confronts you the moment you're alone in Empty SEKAI and he's rather straightforward about it.
"Y/N. You need to tell your group about your feelings."
"What? But I don't really want-"
"You can't hide it anymore. You need to start thinking of yourself as well. After all, they only want to help you!"
That was the moment when you knew he's not going to let go so easily, but he also doesn't do it just to make your life worse, quite the opposite...
"Listen, I'm willing to help you but you also need to want this. They'll discover the truth eventually so I think it'd be better if you tell them yourself."
He's really determinated to help you through it and get your courage up to tell your group about your real feelings. He might've been pretty presistant right now but you can be sure that later on, he'll be more supportive but he'll also push you forward a bit whenever you stop in your tracks.
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harleyharlot · 1 year
burn. jj maybank
(summary) despite jj's distaste for kooks, he constantly found himself cuddled up with the kook princess in his stained sheets and it was all going great. until it wasn’t.
(pairings) jj maybank x kook!reader.
(warning) gut-wrenching angst, reader being a dick, mentions of pregnancy and abortions!
(authors note) this one killed me to write oh em gee, but i'd had this idea floating around in my head for a while and i really wanted to write it. i swear i'll get around to writing some fluff, i want to put out some of your guys requests soon and most of those are fluffy bits so keep your eyes peeled for that! happy reading!
lowercase intended!
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jj sat on his bed anxiously waiting for you to arrive, his knee bounced up and down as he ran a shaky hand through his hair. he knew something wasn't right from the way you'd sounded on the phone, how you sounded when you'd said you needed to talk to him.
your knock against his front door pulled him out of his thoughts, "jj?" you pushed open the door knowing it would be open as jj always left the door open for you when he knows you're coming over.
the two of you had been sneaking around for a few months now, you being a kook and jj being a pouge you guys had decided it would be best to keep your relationship on the low. it had started off with you guys just sneaking around to hook up but you both had quickly discovered that despite your social status' you had a lot in common and your weekly you up? messages had swiftly turned into routine come over, i miss you calls.
he jumped up from his bed and rushed towards the door where you stood, instantly wrapping his arms around you. "are you okay? you sounded upset on the phone." he stepped back, hands still on your shoulders and took in the distressed expression that rest on your face.
"y/n?" jj's face softened as he grew more concerned, you removed yourself from his grasp and went to sit on the sofa that was on the other side of the room. jj followed you like a lost puppy, "we need to talk j." you spoke softly, looking everywhere but his face.
"your scaring me sweetheart." you sent him a weak smile but said nothing, finally looking him in the eyes. if jj wasn't worried before he most certainly was now. "talk to me baby, what's up?" he kneeled down in front of you and placed your hands in his own, you pulled your hands away quickly as if he'd burned you and tucked them in the sleeves of your jumper.
jj moved back slightly in concern, but he didn't get up from his position before you. he racked his brain trying to figure out whether he'd done something wrong but nothing came to mind. it pained him to see you so act so distant, so cold towards him like this.
for the short period of time he'd known you, you'd always been so cheerful and warm, jj knew there would be a time that you'd realised you were too good for him, but he'd hoped it wouldn't be this soon.
"jj...i- god there's no easy way to say this.." you stuttered, not quite knowing how to break the news to jj. you shuffled forward on the sofa and rubbed your sweaty palms against your legs.
"baby, you can tell me. i wont get mad..unless your breaking up with me." jj let out a nervous chuckle, but again you didn't respond. instead you looked up at the ceiling and blinked rapidly trying to stop the tears that had suddenly appeared from running down your face. "you-your not breaking up with me.. are you y/n?"
"i'm pregnant."
jj was taken aback, it took him a minute to process what had just been said. he stood up and pulled you up with him a cheesy grin on his face. "seriously?"
he quickly pulled you into a hug and buried his head in your shoulders, "i'm gonna be a dad!"
jj didn't have the best portryal of what a family looked like growing up, with his dad being an absusive drunk and his own mother leaving him at a young age. if he was being completely honest, the thought of having his own children made him feel ill. but that was before he met you. before he realised that he was capable of loving and being loved. jj had no clue how to raise a child but he figured he had time to learn, to try, for you.
you slowly pulled back from him, eyebrows knit in confusion. "jj, no. i-" you shook your head and laughed hysterically as you sobbed. "i'm getting an abortion.."
"what?" his body tensed as the words left your mouth. in the space of eight minutes you'd managed to give jj the world and then burn it.
"i'm getting an abortion jj, a-and i wanted to come and tell you because you deserve to know bu-"
"i deserve to know, but i don't deserve a say in this?" he scoffed at you and ran his hand through his hair, turning his back to you in an attempt to calm himself down.
jj had a short temper that he'd gotten from his dad which he tried to control especially around you. he never wanted to raise his voice at you or make you fell any less than special but it was a little hard for him to kept in control of his emotions right now.
"a say in what? this isn't up for debate. it's happening jj." you were genuinely confused by his reaction, the pair of you were practically kids still, you had no business raising a child.
jj slowly turned around to face you again, carefully thinking about his next words, he took a few steps towards you and placed his hands on your cheeks making you look up at him, you were scared he thought to himself and he didn't blame you. "baby, we can figure this out. together."
you shook your head tears still streaming down your face, "jj.." you began, placing your hand on top of his where it rest on your cheek and removing it.
"look around you. t-there is no we, i'm a kook and you're.." you trailed off looking around the mess that jj called his home.
"..you're this jj." he winced at your harsh words but still persited. "look i know it's not perfect bu-"
you cut him off with a scoff, "it's far from perfect jj, this is not the life i want to live! i-i have a reputation to uphoald. my parents have a repuatation to uphoald so no. whatever you were going to say, no." you picked up your bag that sat on the sofa and placed it on your shoulder."
jj didn't move a muscle, he just watched you fumble around with your bag, "so that's it? what we've been doing was fo-"
"what we've been doing was a mistake jj."
"y' just stop interupting me! jsut st-stop doing that!" jj slammed his fist into the wall making a dent, he know had tears streaming down his face too. you flinched at his action and rushed towards the door.
"this jj!" you laughed at him with so much venom he swore he didn't recognise the person that stood before him. "this is what i mean! we can't rasie a baby, especially not wieth that temper of yours."
regret filled jj from head to toe, "baby, i'm sorry i just got frustrated i-."
you walked away from him and out the front door as he jj trailed behind you. his eyes filled to the brim with tears, blurring his vision.
"y/n please." he pleaded with you, not wanting to let you go, because he knew deep down that if you left, you wouldn't come back and he would do anything to keep you close to him. he would hold your hand through this abortion just so he could have you around even though it was the last thing he wanted to do, because he loved you.
he finally caught up to you and grabbed your wrist which you snatched back straight away, "please, just don't touch me." you spat at him as you grabbed your keys out of your bag and unlocked your car.
you shook your head as you climbed into the drivers seat, "my friends were right."
"i should've never fucked a pouge."
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i do not grant permision for any copies or translations of my work to be made, unless granted permission.
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pteren · 1 year
i just played a text-based RPG for two days straight
it's called Roadwarden and i loved it. you play as an adventurer tasked with traveling the roads between disconnected settlements in a deadly wilderness.
WORLDBUILDING (no plot spoilers) the setting is a dangerous and disconnected fantasy frontier which lies in the shadow of a powerful expansionist nation. everyone has beef with each other and it's not always clear who, if anyone, is in the right. the forces of nature are revered and feared. the monsters are SCARY dude. not in a cheesy horror movie way but in a very visceral "the wilderness is so much bigger than you" way. every confrontation has weight to it and the line between mundane animals and supernatural fantasy creatures is blurred. powerful themes include trust, grief, desperation, societal and personal guilt, trauma, religious tension, colonialism, environmentalism, and quite possibly more i never discovered- i expect to be replaying this game a lot. very casually lgbt positive. queer characters are frequently encountered just living their lives. so thats cool
the story takes itself very seriously but it pays off there are so many powerful emotional moments as a result good grief i love this game GAMEPLAY Roadwarden is played by traveling around and talking to people using simple dialogue trees. these trees are anything but static- they are affected by your tone entering the conversation, your personal goals and beliefs, your relationship with the person you're talking to, and the state of the world. for a good bit of the game you will have something new to say to a character pretty much every time you encounter them. knowledge is power. information you pick up everywhere will influence your dialogue options, and you're encouraged to hoard every scrap of info you can get- these precious details will allow you to solve mysteries, convince npcs of your convictions, and uncover secrets. and combat is no exception! fighting and other encounters use the exact same interface that dialogue does, offering you a list of possible choices. knowing your opponent is as important as your skills and equipment (if not more). you pretty much always have the option to lie when relevant which is so much fun. the game occasionally prompts you to type commands or phrases directly, testing your knowledge and/or creativity. you are also frequently asked for your character's unspoken thoughts about situations. its unclear to what extent this affects gameplay but it's an awesome touch. the game tracks your discoveries in an organized journal and lets you add your own notes. it was never difficult to keep track of what my character knew. (although the dialogue trees occasionally offered me choices i had forgotten about or wouldn't have put together on my own, this was usually an "oh right i remember that" moment and not a "what the hell just happened" moment.) this is not a roguelike. death feels like a very real threat (good writing) but it isn't doesn't end your playthrough and it's pretty difficult to get it to happen in the first place. this is a role playing game. it's about the story and it is stronger for that. WRAP UP so many moments in this game made me say "that's so freaking epic." both narratively and mechanically. i'll leave you to discover those moments yourself, but the way the creators painted individual story beats with unique twists on the same simple gameplay mechanics is nothing short of brilliant characters are great. i fell in love with some of them; i loved hating some of them. there are a few characters i wish were fleshed out a little more.
music is okay. nothing special. gets repetitive but the motifs are nice i finished my first playthrough in 16 hours it's on sale on steam rn go check it out :3
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
I had to make myself forgiven for the angst of this fic, and a proposing fic was suggested, so... Hope I made it up to you @mandy426 @novamariestark 🥹❤️
Warnings: so much fluff, long distance relationship, age gap, proposal, romantic!Alden, couple taking a bath together, Alden being a mama's boy, talk about a Las Vegas wedding, riding in a limo
Let me be your husband ~ Alden Parker
"Tim, remember you're on call this weekend if there's an emergency." Alden said to his senior agent, grabbing his bag that had been sitting behind in desk the entire day. "I better leave now if I want to catch my flight." He made sure his desk was cleared, computer off and put the bag over his shoulder.
"Need a ride, Parker?" Torres offered.
"Thanks but my Uber is two minutes away. If you feel like picking me up on Sunday night, though..."
Nick chuckled. "Gotcha. Just give me the time."
"Say hi to your lady!" They collectively said as Alden walked over the elevator. He nodded at them with a smile.
He cannot wait until your assignment in Los Angeles is over so you can come back home to him. Flying back and forth every other month is a nightmare, and the time you have together is absolutely not enough. But this assignment was such a big opportunity for you and your career, Alden encouraged you to take it, saying that your couple would survive those two years apart. So far, so good. He just never imagined how hard it'd be.
Six months left. Alden was counting the days and so were you, even though you loved what you were doing in LA. The position was everything you ever wanted, and when your company offered it to you, you were ecstatic. The only thing that you may doubt was your relationship with Alden. You actually considered turning the offer down, afraid that you'd lose the love of your life. But luckily, you have the most amazing man and partner in Alden Parker.
You've had a very long week. Finally making it home, you poured yourself a glass of white wine, and texted Alden to ask him when you could facetime. He was all you wanted and needed, but unfortunately work caught up with him and he had to cancel his visit. Extremely sad about that, you waited for an answer that wasn't coming so you decided to draw yourself a bath. FaceTiming Alden while you're naked in the bath could be quite fun. You've been discovering lots of different ways to be intimate in the past year and a half.
The tub was practically filled up when there was a knock at your door. Suspicious - because you don't really have visitors - you looked through the peephole and you started to shake from happiness. The door couldn't get opened fast enough.
There he was, in all his glory.
You didn't give him time to put his bag away before jumping in his arms and kissing him. "You're here." You whispered between kisses.
Alden made a few steps forward while carrying you so he could kick the door close for his foot. You stayed in the small entrance, just greeting each other, feeling each other's body and smell. You almost forgot how intoxicating his scent was.
Finally breaking apart, you slapped his chest. "You lied to me, dickhead!"
He chuckled. "I didn't. I really thought I wouldn't be able to make it until last night. And then, the team suggested I surprise you."
"They are a terrible influence." You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again.
"I'll make sure they know that." He held you tight. "I missed you so much."
"Missed you more. We can't let my bath go to waste, can we?" You teased, biting your bottom lip.
"Oh no, we do not waste water in this house. Lead the way, princess."
Your back against Alden's chest, soaking in the hot water and relaxing. It was the best you've felt in a long time, probably since the last time he was visiting. His arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to him. Every now and then, you felt his soft lips against your neck and shoulder. You could feel his cock twitching against your back, as his hands gently touch your tits and legs. It was long until his fingers were brushing your intimate parts. "Den," you moaned.
"Just relax, baby. Let me take care of you." And he did just that.
It felt incredible to sleep in his arms again, you almost didn't want to fall asleep. Traveling after a rough week obviously exhausted Alden, and it didn't take long before he was snoring against you, his head buried in the crock of your neck. You played with his hair and beard until you drifted away too.
You had no particular plans the next day, just wanted to enjoy being with the man of your dreams. "We could go to Las Vegas." He offered over breakfast.
"To do what?"
"Get married."
You choked on your coffee. "We said we'd wait until I'm back in DC." Alden held your hand and played with the engagement ring on your finger. You looked down there and remembered his proposal.
Alden was having lunch with his mom, like every other Saturday. He's been a mama's boy since he was born and on top of those lunches, he would call her every two days, just to check on her and talk about everything and nothing.
When he told her about you, Mrs Parker wasn't thrilled and it was only because of the age difference. She doubted that a girl half her son's age could be serious about him and she didn't want her baby to have his heart broken - again. Obviously, Alden knew it'd be her reaction, so he quickly organized a meeting between both of you, and by the end, you had stolen his mother's heart.
Since then, every lunch started with her asking about you. Why weren't you joining them? How were you doing? How was work? ...
"Well there's something I need to talk to you without her knowing." He told his mom.
"You are not breaking up with this girl, Alden."
He chuckled. "That's literally the opposite, ma. I wanna propose to her."
Mrs Parker gasped as if she was the one being proposed to. She immediately asked how he was planning it, if he had the ring - he didn't so she offered to go ring shopping with him -, what he was going to say. "I'm actually going to know your help." And he told her the entire plan.
As a date night, Alden invited you to go see a musical at the Kennedy Center, starring your favorite actor. You were absolutely delighted about it, and loved the show from beginning to end. Alden did enjoy it too, but what he loved the most was how your eyes sparkled and your smile widened. Walking out of the venue, hand in hand, Alden listened to you going on and on about your celebrity crush, especially about one particular song they sang. It took you a long moment to notice the limo parked there.
"Fancy!" You exclaimed and started to walk on the other side. But the driver standing there had opened the door, and Alden didn't move an inch.
"That's our ride."
And he wasn't kidding. Alden helped you inside the limo. He offered a glass of champagne as the car moved. "What is happening?" You giggled and blushed, kinda overwhelmed by this much of romance and luxury. You never thought you'd get to ride a limo one day, but here you were. Drinking champagne with the man you love, the smell of leather and his cologne intoxicating your senses. "Where are we going?"
"Just enjoy the ride my love." He leaned in to kiss you, and you didn't waste a second before intensifying it. All teeth and tongue, you were ready let Alden ruin you here and there. You didn't know if the driver could see you, but he could probably hear. "Easy Tiger," he smiled against your lips.
You didn't know how long the ride lasted, but you spent the entire time questioning Alden, about the whereabouts, or what this and that buttons would do. "Well this one, love, does something amazing. Press it." You did and the window rolled down. Alden laughed and you gently slapped his chest. "Jerk!"
"But seriously, press this one. I think you'll like it." Suspicious that he was making fun of you again, you still pressed the button he was showing. You heard a noise and looked up. The ceiling trap was opening itself. You grinned at Alden, who winked. He stood up, offered his hand for you to join him. You quickly kicked off your heels in order to not ruin the leather seats, and stood through the trap. Washington DC was unfolding in front of you in a new different way.
The wind was hitting you, but you didn't care at all. You felt amazing. Carefree. "People who say that money can't buy happiness are liars." You took a deep breath, it was almost too much oxygen. "Look at the city, baby, not me!" You exclaimed.
He shook his head no. "I'm looking right at my happiness."
Could he be any more perfect?
You grabbed him by the neck and brought his mouth to yours. Your tongue immediately went for his, not caring that you were offering a show to anyone in the street at this moment. It didn't take long to feel his cock twitching in his suit pants and you teasingly touched him, earning some nice noises from his mouth. "You do deserve to be taken care of,"
"As much as I would love to, we're almost there."
The car stopped and a few seconds later, the door opened. Alden got out first and offered his hand to you. It didn't take long until you realized where you were. "We're--home. Already?" You laughed and kissed him.
"One day, we saw a limo driving by us and you said you wished you knew what it felt like. Now you do,"
"Indeed! And it was absolutely amazing! What have I done to deserve you?"
You eagerly kissed him again, but he eventually stopped you to get inside. Much to your surprise, he stopped you when you were walking towards your shared apartment and dragged you to the rooftop stairs. "Babe?" You questioned but he just smiled.
You were taken aback once again.
The rooftop was fully decorated. Plants, flowers, lights and a couple of blankets. "I wanted to get a fire pit but it's technically not our property so--" Alden said before you could even form words. You looked at everything around you, tears forming in your eyes. It was the most romantic thing no one had ever done for you. You were speechless and didn't have time to process that Alden was on one knee, holding a velvet box in his hands.
"W-What?" Speechless. Breathless.
"I couldn't wait anymore." He chuckled. "Ever since I've made up my mind, I wanted to ask you there and then, but I had to make it as special as you are."
"Alden--" you breathed out, crying.
"If you cry now, I'm gonna cry too and won't be able to say everything I want to, baby." You tried to take a deep breath and let him continue.
"I spent most of my life feeling like there was something missing in my life, in me. I theorized a lot about what it was, I tried to convince myself it was this thing or that person. I even fooled myself for ten years with-- anyways," he chuckled through the tears. "I'm not fooling myself anymore. I feel complete. I am complete right now, because you were my missing piece, sweetheart." He grabbed the hand that wasn't covering your mouth. "Sometimes I just look at you and wonder how a young, smart, funny and gorgeous thing like you can love me, but then you look at me, and I feel like that most loved person on this earth."
"you are." You cried.
"Other times, I tell myself you should be with someone your age, someone you'll have more time with. But, I'm a selfish man. I want you all by myself. I want to be the one you love, the one you sleep next to every night. I want to be your husband more than I want you to be my wife. Does that make sense to you?" He sniffed with a laugh.
"Yeah, I understand what you mean."
"Okay good." He kissed your knuckles. "I love you more than life itself. I'd take hundreds of bullets for you, and believe me, I know how it feels."
"Stop it."
"My princess, my babydoll. Will you do me the honors and let me be your husband?"
"Like you have to ask."
Alden laughed through the tears because it was exactly the kind of answer he expected from you.
Obviously, the wedding was put on hold when you moved to LA. And getting married in Las Vegas had never been talked about before. "We have to wait for you to come back home, but I'm done waiting for you to be Mrs Parker. We can still have the ceremony we were planning in six months, but I want to marry you tonight."
"You're impossible to say no to, but I'm done waiting too. Let's do it, husband."
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Current Tag Game
I've been tagged by quite a few people now (thank you @twig-tea @colourme-feral @slayerkitty and @telomeke!) and in the past I've been too busy to complete these kinds of things but even though I'm still busy now, I figured I ought to do it this time...and if I don't do it now it won't get done. So, I'ma do it in 15 mins. Let's go!
Current time: 09:49
Current activity: I've just returned to my hotel room after having had breakfast. Hash Browns and Baked Beans ftw!! (<- How to tell someone you're British without telling them you're British 😂).
Currently thinking about: All the things that need to be done today - I'm away for work and I need to prep some stuff before leaving the hotel to go pick up some food for lunch because I won't have time to pop out later, and then I have to go to the location for today's work event and I basically won't stop until after it finishes tonight at 21:30 ish. (And somehow squeeze in Dangerous Romance somewhere there...maybe during my dinner break...or maybe I'll have to wait until afterwards when I'm back in the hotel again...but the internet is patchy at best - so if you don't hear me posting about it, it's because I won't be watching it until tomorrow evening 😭)
(Come on Lin, you gotta write faster!)
Current favourite song: This is so hard to pick just one! Okay, Until Then by Tilly Birds. I've known of the band since the Bad Buddy days but never really listened to their albums until Only Friends started airing and I discovered I'm Not Boring, You're Just Bored which made me go to their albums and now I'm a fan of more of their work.
Currently reading: I've said it before but I basically live in the Bad Buddy fandom on ao3. All other books are collecting dust on my bedside table, unread and unloved this whole year 😥
Currently watching: Not much actually since a lot finished airing recently. So, Dangerous Romance, Kiseki Dear to Me and You Are Mine. I've been waiting on english subs for the final episode of Love in Translation but it's been so long I might not bother anymore. And I paused I Feel You Linger in the Air before ep 9 and I'm waiting until the last ep has aired before I go back to it. I need to know if it's going to have a happy ending before I continue because it was SO beautiful but also SO heartbreaking and I was just scared all the time for the characters (someone tell me if it ends happily for all our couples!).
Special sub-heading:
Currently NOT watching and Sad About It So I've Had To Block The Tags: Shadow the series, My Gangster Oppa, and I Cannot Reach You (and maybe a few others I can't remember - I might not be able to watch Red Peafowl for the same reason) - all mainly because they're on platforms I don't subscribe to.
Current favourite character: I think Chen Yi and Ai Di (the Taiwanese Pat and Pran basically) - the one who realises his feelings late and goes ALL IN and the the other who has pined FOR YEARS and can't quite believe he finally gets to HAVE HIS DREAM. They own my whole heart.
Current WIP: My Thai Communal Wardrobe Advent Giveaway! Come request for a post about an item of clothing that has appeared in two or more shows to be dedicated to yourself or to someone else. I've only had about 10 requests so far - and I've already found about FIVE more, so the list I have currently stands at 50+!! There are plenty to go around 😁 Ask for more than one as well if you want.
Tagging a few who appeared in my recent notifications (and apologies if you've already been tagged, have already done it, or aren't interested!): @dimplesandfierceeyes @hsfavoriteworlds @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @quodekash and @aprilblossomgirl
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 9 months
the art of etiquette jungkook:
very random but when did you find yourself aware of your dominant tendencies? do you find joy in inflicting such dominance over oc? would you be down to show me just how dominant you can be?
be as slutty as you can be, i can handle it.
Hello darling,
I guess you could say I discovered that part of me when I started teaching.
Quite a few of these rich kids are brats that need to be put in their place so it came natural to me as someone who is there to teach them to act accordingly.
Some of them need a...special approach so making them feel submissive usually did the trick. I won't deny it, I am someone who is above average in all aspects so it came quite easily to me.
I do enjoy teasing her as she seems to push back more than my other students have in the past. She's hard to read at times so I want to push her to the limit to see if I can really get inside her head.
Showing dominance over others is something I tend to do behind closed doors darling so we might have to schedule a lesson after hours.
Let me know when you're free love and I'll see if I can pencil you in x
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reginaregen · 12 days
Iolanda's Heart - Bucky
As they entered the house, Pietro asked, "Can I take a shower?"
Violet, while locking the door, answered the man heading towards the bedroom, "Make yourself comfortable. Your pajamas are in my wardrobe. You can get the towel from the cupboard in the bathroom. I'll make us some tea."
"I don't want tea!" the boy shouted. While searching for the pajamas he had left at Violet's for sleepovers, he added, "We're having a girls' night! We're going to eat a ton of junk food and drink wine."
"You know there’s no junk food in my house."
As a gust of wind swept through the middle of the living room, the girl rolled her eyes. When the same wind came back, Pietro had left a bunch of junk food packages on the kitchen table. "Take another look."
"This is quite the show-off, though!"
As the boy moved back to the bedroom, he scolded her, "Stop whining!" He was actually worried about her. If he discovered that she was calorie-counting again, he would lose his mind. Also that crush Violet mentioned today earlier... Another possibility he was considering was Violet’s secret platonic crush being someone from the Avengers. Vision was clear. Tony was old. Clint was married. Steve had once mentioned wanting to take Violet on a date, but Pietro had begged him not to, confessing his own love for Violet, and Steve had backed off. Still, he could sometimes sense Steve’s lingering interest in the girl. If Violet liked him, there was no barrier between them, which took Steve off the list of suspects. Strange was the demon—Violet had him using his mind to maintain extra calmness and concentration during challenging surgeries, so they spent a lot of time together, which really bothered Pietro. Strange was always flirting with Violet. Violet flirted back, but often it was just to irritate Pietro. Pietro had told her he didn’t like Strange. His aim was to keep her away from him, but it had backfired. The first person she was closest to among the Avengers was Wanda, but since she had moved to a country house with her boyfriend and chosen a quiet life, Strange had taken her place.
Pietro? Are you crazy? They had known each other from their days in Hydra's torture chambers, when they were just little kids. Violet had slapped the nine-year-old Pietro who tried to kiss her during their first encounter. Pietro had fallen in love with the six-year-old girl who delivered the slap. Over the years, this experience had become a story Violet would laugh about. For Pietro, it had grown into an unrelenting love. As love eventually blended with affection, respect, trust, and peace, Pietro realized he was cursed to never be able to love anyone but Violet for eternity.
Not finding his pajamas on the top shelf of the wardrobe, he bent down and opened the drawers. In the first drawer he opened, there were socks. Without looking in the second drawer, he reached in but immediately recognized what he had touched and closed it back without looking. He had touched the girl's underwear. He felt guilty and excited. The excitement only made him feel more guilty. He tried to calm down for a few seconds and then shouted from the room towards the living room, "Honey, I can’t find my pajamas."
"They’re exactly in where you put them!" the girl yelled back.
As footsteps approached, Pietro pressed his lips together to avoid laughing. Violet entered the room and shook her index finger at him, "If you call me 'honey' one more time today, I'll castrate you. That way, we'll literally have a girls' night!"
"How about my sweet little girl?"
"How's my little world? Because you’re so tiny?"
Violet giggled, "Pietro, Django!"
"Or maybe something sweeter? Let’s think about it. Actually, you have the potential to be a pie. Tough and crispy on the outside, soft enough to lure someone to hypnosis on the inside..."
"Shut up!" She stopped him with a flushed face, trying not to laugh. She bent over to the wardrobe and handed Pietro’s gray pajama set to him, "Can you find the towels?"
"I don’t think so," he said, following Violet to the bathroom. The girl grabbed a towel from the mirrored, tall bathroom cabinet and, as she closed the mirrored door, saw Pietro taking off his shirt right behind her. She swallowed, "How many times have I told you not to undress in front of me? God!"
"I only took off my shirt. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. You’re so sensitive today. Wait, am I your secret platonic crush?" He bumped into her as she turned back to hand him the towel. He tilted his head to look carefully at the girl, who was two heads size shorter than him.
As Violet stared at him, she poked his chest with the towel, "Do you think I’m such a horrible person that I’d fall in love with my best friend and betray his trust?"
"If you loved me, it wouldn’t be horrible at all! Betraying my trust? You don't know what you are talking about."
Instead of following the breadcrumbs Pietro had left as clues, the girl didn’t even understand or see them. As always, she didn’t get it. While Pietro took the towel from her, Violet placed her hands on his body, which was cold in summer and warm in winter due to his super-fast metabolism, "God! You’re like a furnace!"
Pietro, trying to hide the movement in parts of his body he didn’t want to move at the moment, practically squealed, "You’re like a refrigerator! I could swear there’s no blood circulating in your body."
"Shut up." The girl moaned with pleasure and rested her cheek on his bare chest, "So warm," she said in a drowsy voice.
Pietro was making a huge effort to stay calm, "You’ve absorbed enough warmth, cold vampire!" he gently pushed her away, "If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a shower. I don’t want to delay our girls' night any longer."
"Okay, but please sleep with me tonight! I’ll give you the world! God! I love having a living furnace."
When the girl left the bathroom on tiptoe, Pietro leaned against the locked door. He took deep breaths, thinking about how much longer he could endure such pain. He wished he were Violet’s platonic crush. Sometimes he imagined scenarios where the girl came to him and confessed it before falling asleep at night. He allowed himself a few silent tears when he took his shower. For the rest of the night, he was determined to find out who that platonic crush was from Violet’s own mouth.
At the same moments, while poor Pietro had no idea what she was doing, Violet was texting Bucky finally. It was not a sudden courage, she was just sick of waiting.
Violet: I need to tell you something. Bucky: I am listening. Violet: Okay. I’m saying it as it is. I have feelings for you. Bucky is typing... Stopped. Typing... Typing... Stopped... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Typing... Stopped... After fifteen minutes of seeing the typing message, the reply she received was not even close to what she had imagined. If without the adrenaline coursing through her veins from excitement, she might have collapsed and fainted. Bucky: Look, I’m flattered. Seriously. Bucky: The wisest thing to do in a situation like this Bucky:would be to say, "I have feelings for you too," I know, but unfortunately, I don’t feel the same way. Bucky: But I’ll be here whenever you need me.
Violet didn’t remember what happened next. Everything had turned into a complete mess. After giving a simple response like, “Oh, really? Okay,” she had written a paragraph explaining why she liked him. She had also added a reminder of the time he had offered her money, saying, “For your golden heart.” In response, Bucky had written, “I used to be like you. I once fell in love with a girl and flew across the world on just plane tickets, only to watch her fall for another guy because he had money. You’ll lose this naivety over time, and it will be the best thing that ever happened to you, believe me. You’re not in love with me, Violet. You don’t even know me. We’ve communicated through writing far more than we have in the real world.”
Now, lying on the cold floor in a fetal position, sobbing and hiccupping, she didn’t even care that Pietro was reading through all of her message history. Everything was over. Her world had stopped. The only good thing in her life was gone forever. She wanted to confront Bucky and scream, “Why don’t you love me? Is it because I’m not tall, slender, and athletic? Is it because I’m not experienced enough to make a sex tape with you? Is it because I didn’t leave you for a more luxurious life and fly to the other side of the world like Yelena did?"
She had already forgotten about the boy standing over her with a towel around his waist, reading through all of her message history while ignoring the water dripping from his body onto the floor, but for Pietro, everything was just beginning. Bucky’s disgusting messages, his attempts to manipulate her… He reached the oldest messages. Bucky had written, “I just got back from the gym. I put in a lot of effort, but my mind is on you. I can’t seem to get you out of my head. Don’t worry, I’m not going to send you any nudes or anything, but I think we shouldn’t talk right now. I don’t want to do anything wrong. I might send that nude if we keep talking."
As Pietro’s stomach churned, he imagined hundreds of different ways to kill Bucky, who was playing with the girl like a cat with a mouse. For God’s sake! He had literally given her hope. Whenever Violet asked for more, he had confused her, using her lack of self-confidence to manipulate her.
He let go of the phone to avoid smashing it. He picked up the crying girl, who was howling on the floor like a wounded animal, and carried her to the bedroom. He could think of nothing but anger. He wanted revenge. He definitely wanted revenge, but more than that, the only thing he wanted was to shake Violet by the shoulders and scream, “I love you!” “I love you, do you understand? You don’t need anyone else! You don’t deserve to be played with by scraps of someone’s love. The only thing you deserve is to be overwhelmed with love!”
But he couldn’t do it. Instead, he lay down in bed with the girl who sought refuge in his arms and allowed her to continue crying, her tight grip leaving marks on his arm.
“Violet…” He rested his cheek against the girl’s hair.
Violet hiccupped, “Pie…” She couldn’t control her breath. “It hurts… so much,” she said, placing her fist over her heart. “I didn’t even know… my heart could hurt this much.”
Me neither, he thought. He wasn’t unfamiliar with this pain. He couldn’t decide which was worse: the sight of his true love crying for another man in his arms, or experiencing the same pain for someone else.
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