#The seal is simple enough for me to describe if I have to.
thegodthief · 2 years
Yea, sure, I could dream of that snake coming out my throat again, but listen, what if I dreamt of being given a candle instead?
And not just any candle, how about a white(ish) votive candle? Wouldn't that be neat?
And wouldn't it just be the prettiest thing if there was a seal carved on the top of that candle so that the symbols of six planets were placed around the wick just so?
And wouldn't it be appropriate that when I realized that the sun's symbol was missing, that no, that the wick is the sun's symbol. Wow, sure is a lot of information in that small candle's face, huh.
And how perfect of a dream would it be that when I speak to the person who gave me the candle, they respond...
"Night is coming, and this will give you Light."
Too bad that person turned and disappeared into the encroaching shadows before I could determine if that was [Redacted] or not.
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zephyrchama · 4 months
I was reading your period one. The funny thing is, I am pretty sure human guys might smell periods too? I'm not really sure...call me crazy but like, my boyfriend can smell my period room it's probably from him being around me 24/7 so it's why he can smell it a small bit i think, so I get more chocolate. Weird thing, huh.
(In reference to this post)
Some people absolutely can! I have a friend who describes it as a faint rotten metallic smell, he's always spot-on at telling when someone is on their period. He has to be within a couple feet of them, but he can tell even if he hardly knows the person. I think my friend is a super rare case though, and like with your boyfriend some people might be able to tell if they're really close? In a vast majority of cases people can't tell, or they don't care enough to think about it.
Solomon being able to smell it right off the bat seems too powerful. MC going to him for assistance is already awkward, it doesn't exactly feel normal to talk to acquaintances about personal menstrual cycles. But if he can't smell it, he'll need someone who can to help with their experiments. Otherwise, how can he tell if the spell is a success?
"You can't bring in Luke or Simeon, absolutely not. Never." MC is adamant about not involving anyone else. They hadn't noticed the angels reacting in any way to their period, but if it turns out they could also smell it all along? That's just too embarrassing. Let MC keep their perfect image of the angels intact. "You can't tell them about this, either."
"One of the brothers, then?" Solomon asks.
MC hmms and haws. They know for sure the brothers can smell it, but... That's not ideal, either.
"How about I summon Asmodeus or Barbatos? I can make sure they keep their lips sealed."
Barbatos is sure to keep quiet even without being asked, but MC doesn't want to involve anyone else. Especially not...
"Lord Diavolo? We can ask him? It has to do with his exchange program, after all," Solomon teased.
"We are absolutely not asking the crown prince of the Devildom to sniff my period blood." MC pressed their hands against their eyes. "I'd honestly rather perish on the spot. Can't you do anything? Invent some kind of sensor or a magic litmus test? Or... something. Make your nose better? I don't know." They didn't even know magic was real a few months ago.
"You know, you're right." If Solomon can't naturally smell it, a simple sense enhancing spell would do the trick. "You'd be okay with that?"
A few seconds of thought go by. "If it's you, yeah. I've already troubled you this much. Thanks for letting me rely on you."
Solomon says a few things faster than MC can catch and taps his nose. Suddenly, he's sniffing the air in an embarrassingly familiar way and MC's face turns red.
"I see." Solomon grabs a pen and starts jotting something down on a random page of an empty book.
MC curiously tries to look over his shoulder. Though, they're careful not to get too close. They still have dignity and want to mitigate their smell as much as possible. "What's that? You've already thought of a spell that can cover it up? You're a genius!"
"Hm? Oh, no. I thought of that ages ago. I'm taking notes on what you smell like. It's pretty unique now that I can sense it." All in the name of science.
Fighting cramps and lethargy, MC dives for the notebook and snatches it out of Solomon's hands. No way they're letting a record of this exist.
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icallhimjoey · 9 months
Mistaken, Not Stirred
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
What the fuck were you doing?
You’d asked yourself this question about 43 times already, and each time, the answer changed.
He’d asked. And you had nothing better to do. He said he’d help. Would be rude to say no. Any excuse to hang out with him for a little bit, really. Especially now that you wouldn’t be able to see him at work anymore.
And you know what? Maybe there really was some magical way of getting your job back. Joe’d said he was going to talk to Martin and he had and then he’d sent an address. Told you to come over the next night.
So, you did.
You texted a picture of Joe’s flat and added, “this one?” and literal seconds later got a reply, telling you which doorbell to ring. Like a simple scroll up wouldn’t give you the same information.
As Joe buzzed you in and you stepped into the lift, you asked yourself again: what the fuck were you even doing?
You couldn’t have predicted what you walked in on. Not in a million years.
“Joe, what the... oh, my God...”
First of all, it was a little weird seeing Joe in a different place that wasn’t the bar. You had seen him in other places. Your own bed, for one. But still. It took a little getting used to.
Second of all, Joe lived in a fucking nice place. The type of place you would never be able to afford. Especially not now, with the loss of the job and all that.
And then thirdly, and what had you most shocked, his kitchen island looked like... it looked nothing short of an actual cocktail bar.
Bottles of liquor, all sorts, short fat ones and big tall ones, dark and clear, liquor bottles like the ones you used in the bar every day and then lots of others that you never touched. All of them full. Still sealed.
Amongst all of the bottles there were different types of glasses, a net of lemons, a net of limes, some large oranges, an actual blow torch, and not to forget, a full cocktail shaker set. All the equipment you needed to... well, to make cocktails.
“Welcome, welcome,” Joe said, walking around the island like he was stepping behind a bar and held his arms out wide. “Are you ready to get to work?”
You just stared at him. Stood in the middle of the doorway still, coat halfway down your arms, and you were more than a little confused. In shock too, maybe.
“So,” Joe clapped his hands together and was about to explain what you were looking at.
You had an inkling, though, and interrupted him.
“Shut the fuck up, this must’ve cost a fortune?” your eyes were about to pop from your skull. “An actual fortune– did you... please tell me you, like, I don’t know, you know someone who’s been able to bring this over and that you get to take it back later?”
He couldn’t have actually gone and bought all of this. Could he?
“Ah,” Joe let his held breath escape him as he bashfully smiled, looked at what was laid out in front of him for a second and their scrunched up his nose and waved it off. “Yea, ‘course I can. The unopened ones, at least.”
So, yea, he bought them.
From a store.
“So,” Joe made big eyes at you, raised his eyebrows, and clapped his hands together again, shutting you right up as he went on to explain. “I talked to Martin, like I said I would, and he just... well, he just said that it’s a little difficult to have a slow learner on staff in a busy time of year, you know?”
You scoffed a little, couldn’t help the humourless smirk. Slow learner was... well that was one way of describing you.
“And, so look!” he gestured an arm across the island. Across all the bottles and the bar equipment.
“I... I’m looking,”
It was silly.
Joe was being silly.
Like this was going to work.
Like practicing making drinks would convince Martin enough to rehire you.
It wouldn’t. You knew it wouldn’t.
But, you took off your coat fully anyway, draped it across one of the stools on the opposite end of the island and walked around to join Joe where he was stood.
“Here’s the menu,” Joe said, picking up an actual menu from Hush-Hush.
“Did– did you steal this?”
“And here’s the Christmas menu,” Joe ignored you and just placed the stolen Christmas menu over the stolen regular menu in your hands.
You looked at it a second, thoughts going. You flicked your eyes up to scan across the bottles, then back down at the menu. Did he really... did he get every single thing you needed to be able to make every single drink from both these menus?
“Let’s start with the regular menu though,” Joe removed the Christmas menu from your still frozen hands and then moved an arm across to grab a martini glass. “And why don’t we begin with a dirty martini?”
Oh, this motherfucker.
“Hey– I know how to make one of those,” you took the bait immediately and turned your head to frown at him. He was stood... close. Gave you a mischievous little smirk that got you into all this trouble in the first place.
“I know you do,” Joe said, voice a low baritone that made you remember that you liked Joe a lot, and that you were in his flat and he was all close, and being sweet, and nice, and if you just leant a little closer you could kiss him.
It made you remember that last night when you’d gotten home you thought you’d never get to pretend to go and clean the surface of the bar again just to be closer to him, and now here you were, in his flat, and he was so close, and then he softly said, “I just really fancy one.”
Fuck off.
That made your breath go all wobbly.
Shake it off. Come on. You weren't this easy, were you?
“Well,” you started and had to clear your throat before continuing and placed fingers on the base of the cocktail glass Joe’d placed in front of you. You slid it over to him and finished, “You can make it yourself.”
It broke the tension and made Joe laugh as you started rolling up your sleeves.
Time to get to business, then.
Joe found his way around his island and sat down on one of his breakfast bar stools with his laptop opened in front of him.
And so it began.
Joe googled recipes. Googled how to step by step instructions, found video tutorials, and verbally coached you through making each drink, one step at a time.
Joe taste tested, just little sips, because he couldn’t let his mind get cloudy he said. But his mind got cloudy anyway. And fast too.
You were in his flat.
Mixing drinks. Mixing mai tais, cosmopolitans, old fashioneds, white russians, margaritas, mojitos and manhattans. Right there, in his kitchen.
When was he going to tell you that before you started working there, Joe didn’t go to Hush-Hush that often?
When was he going to tell you that sometimes he walked in and saw you weren’t on shift, he’d leave again?
When was he going to tell you that he doubled his tip on nights when you made mistakes that visibly annoyed Martin?
Would he ever tell you that he liked leaving rings on the bar just so you’d stop by him extra often to wipe it clean?
Probably never.
But maybe he would. Maybe he could get you your job back, and then later he could tell you.
Not now. He didn’t want to ruin what he was looking at.
You were in his kitchen, getting progressively dirtier as you spilled drinks and wiped sticky hands into your hair.
He loved it.
And Joe just got to look.
Pretended he was looking because he had to see what you were doing.
Had to check if you were making mistakes or not. So he could instruct.
It was just that... your face wasn’t what needed checking, was it?
Remember how he said you were lucky you were cute? Well... Joe was sort of lucky you were cute, he thought.
Joe watched you mix drink after drink, watched you turn his kitchen into a whole mess, watched as you tried to clean as you went, but instead clumsily knocked things onto the floor, only creating more mess as you went along.
After a while, after taste testing over half the regular menu, Joe grinned to himself and said, “It’s like I’m actually at The Hush.”
Because this was exactly what Martin would always do.
You grinned to yourself as you finished a vanilla chai tea white russian, one that Joe was already reaching out for, but, that looked so fucking good, you decided to go for a sip yourself.
“Oh, maybe not,” Joe huffed. “I usually get given drinks that no one else has taken a sip from already.”
You didn’t even care about Joe’s comment.
That really was fucking good.
“Holy shit,” you went for another sip, and got a loud, “Hey!” from Joe, whose reaching arm turned into two grabby hands. You easily let him take it from you and said, “That’s maybe the best drink I’ve ever mixed.”
Joe raised the glass to his lips and smelled it first. Then he held eye-contact as he took a small sip.
That small sip turned into a big... a bigger sip. A gulp. He was... oh, he was downing it. Drank the full thing in one go. Kept his eyes locked on yours the entire time.
It was a little unfair that Joe looked sexier holding a drink. Like, he physically looked a lot more attractive when he had a glass pressed to his lips. When he made eye-contact with you as he drank. Especially when it was a drink you’d made. You didn’t know how that worked, it just was what it was, you know?
“Hmm,” Joe said, lips smacking as he put the glass down, now finally looking away. “I don’t know... good, sure. The best? Maybe not.”
You knew what Joe was hinting at, and when you saw him chance a glance at a martini glass, you rolled your eyes.
“If you want a martini, go for it, make your own, no one’s stopping you.”
Joe tried his luck with a sad puppy eye look thrown your way, and he so very nearly got you.
But he didn’t.
There were more drinks to be made. More cocktails to fuck up and fuck up again and then fuck up once more until you got them just right.
The mess in Joe’s kitchen grew.
And Joe got drunker with every taste-testing-sip.
But he was having fun, and so were you. Especially when Joe found a video of someone explaining how to do basic bar tricks and he convinced you to try and learn some, because how wild would it be to impress Martin with some insane bar tricks upon your return?
It had the two of you stood in front of his laptop, swinging glasses, twirling the shaker, throwing ice, and at one point, you were holding onto a bottle whilst trying to follow the steps on screen.
You giggled as you somehow tangled up your arms in the process of trying to get it right.
“No, look, he swings it– you’ve got to hold it like this,” Joe explained, like he was the expert here, and grabbed a bottle for himself to demonstrate. “And then you swing, under the elbow, all around, and then, into the gla–” Joe’s reflexes worked fast as he nearly dropped the bottle, nearly let it slip from his grip, both hands fumbling and catching it just in time, “Ahem, glass.”
“Wow, a true professional,” you sarcastically said, feigned impression that made Joe laugh.
“I promise it’s easy,”
“Hmm, yea, slow learner here, remember?”
“No, look, come here, you’ve got to...” Joe used the excuse of showing you, of helping you master a bottle flip into a pour, to pull you close. To pull you right into him, your back to his chest, his arms around you to manoeuvre yours into place.
With his head right next to yours, Joe spoke softly and kept you there until you got it.
Well, that was the plan.
But then you almost smacked the bottle into his face over your shoulder and he sort of had to abruptly move back to save himself from a black eye.
It had you both in stitches, and you loved the sound of Joe’s laugh.
You were having fun.
You were in Joe’s flat and he got you all this liquor to practice making drinks until you nailed them and you wondered when you were going to tell him that Martin didn’t just fire you because you were a slow learner.
When were you going to tell him that a guest claiming her phone had gotten stolen from her coat pocket made Martin look at the CCTV footage? That Martin had seen what had lead to you leaving the bar the way that you had that night?
It wasn’t just the mess you left, the key you hadn’t left in the letterbox, the loud music you left playing, or even the kissing behind the bar...
It was all of it added up.
All the standing in the way.
All the spilled drinks.
All the kind questions from guests, asking if if was just them or if their drink tasted funny and could it maybe be remade?
It all actively worked against you. And sure, you were cute. But it reached a point where cute wasn’t enough anymore.
Dropping a gorgeous limited edition expensive bottle of Dos Artes tequila had sort of made Martin see red for a second, and that had been it, then.
Martin had pulled you aside and had just listed reason after reason after reason of why keeping you on staff would be a bad idea. A mistake. He mentioned kissing guests behind the bar and you were mortified, went beetroot red, because you had no idea he knew.
Martin knew.
Joe, however, didn’t know. He didn’t know Martin knew.
And Martin hadn’t told him he knew.
Slow learner, Martin had said. You were just a slow learner.
You were.
But you were also a cheap slag who had gone and fucked the one true regular of the bar instead of doing her job, weren’t you?
You probably weren’t going to tell Joe.
Or maybe you would. After finishing the Christmas menu, maybe.
But then you saw how Joe’s hands found his lower back, how he pushed his stomach out as he stretched a little, and you gathered that sitting on a barstool all night wasn’t doing his back any favours.
It was getting a little late.
“Why don’t you go and sit down on the sofa, and I will... I’ll just do the last couple of drinks, bring them over and get out of your hair, all right?”
Joe tried to protest, said if you thought he wanted you out of his flat that you were wrong, but you asked if his lower back thought so too, and soon after, Joe gave in and let himself drop onto his sofa on the other side of the open floor plan living space. From where you were stood, you could see the back of his head peek out over the sofa, and Joe tried sitting sideways for a second. Tried leaning into the back of his sofa with his side, but it really did feel nicer to let his back properly sink into the pillows, so he did.
He ended up turning the TV on and watched a little of a celebrity panel show before you came over and handed him a drink.
Joe took a sip, smiled with half-lidded tired eyes and said he loved it.
Made you blush as you took it back to the kitchen.
The same thing happened twice more, and every time you noticed how Joe was growing more and more tired. Was trying harder and harder to keep his eyes open still. Was inching towards sleep.
You watched his head slowly disappear into the sofa and couldn’t help but smile.
Joe was fucking adorable.
And Joe was the fucking best thing that came out of this job you had had for a few months.
And now you had his number and his address and he had yours.
But he was falling asleep. Had enough alcohol in his blood to just let sleep take him, pretty girl in his kitchen or not. You smiled to yourself and couldn’t get rid of it when you started tidying Joe’s kitchen as quietly as you could.
It took a little while. But only because you also decided to make him a dirty martini that you left on the coffee table in front of him.
With the kitchen somewhat tidy and somewhat clean, you grabbed your coat, stood behind the sofa where you carefully took the TV’s remote from Joe’s hands and turned the TV off for him. Couldn’t help bending over and pressing a soft kiss onto the top of his head, into his hair.
You didn’t need your job back.
You’d find a different job.
Plenty of places were looking. It was a busy time of year. Nearly Christmas.
You’d find a different place with a different boss and different things to drop. A different place with a different menu and different regulars that sat at the bar.
It felt kind of bittersweet, this acceptance of this being it as you switched off Joe’s lights and left his flat with butterflies in your stomach.
Sure, alcohol too. But butterflies, mostly.
A shame.
It would probably be a while before you’d see him again.
The next day, Martin called you.
Asked for you to come in for a chat.
You’d smiled to yourself and told him that it was extremely kind of him, that he was a good boss, but if he was going to offer you the job back, you’d decline. You thanked him, told him you’d treasure the experience of working at Hush-Hush for the rest of your life, but he’d been right letting you go. Should’ve let you go much sooner, probably.
Martin seemed confused, but didn’t ask further questions.
You told him to tell Joe thanks from you and said goodbye.
You thought maybe Joe would text you.
You thought maybe he’d even show up at your door, all bewildered, because what the fuck were you doing declining a chat with Martin after you spent an entire evening mixing drinks in his kitchen?
But no texts were received and no doorbells were rung.
Just as well.
It was Christmas and you were starting a new job and you had to put your best foot forward. This wasn’t the time to think of Joe. You’d think of him later, on those weird days between Christmas and New Years, where the whole world forgot what day it even was for a little while.
But Joe didn’t get it.
Martin had put down the phone and had looked at him and then said you didn’t want to meet. Didn’t want to come over. That you thanked Martin and also Joe and that you didn’t want the job back.
Joe thought maybe you’d text him.
Or that maybe you’d show up at his flat to explain.
But then he received no texts and no one showed up at his flat.
Should he text?
It was Christmas.
There were other things to focus on. Like family. Gifts and food and family members he only really ever saw once a year around this time.
After an afternoon of opening gifts, Joe almost felt guilty for his wandering mind. People kept having to repeat themselves because Joe wouldn’t hear them the first time, his mind totally elsewhere.
With you, mostly.
You were probably also with your family, doing similar things.
Were you also thinking of him the whole time?
Should he just text?
Casually wish you a merry Christmas?
Could he do that?
He could, right?
After that night?
After waking up to a lukewarm otherwise perfect dirty martini on his coffee table? One that he threw back before even thinking of breakfast, hair of the dog as his excuse.
Why didn’t you want your job back?
Was it him?
Had he done something wrong?
He couldn’t fucking shake it.
Couldn’t shake it when his mother told him to hurry because they were already running late, they’d miss their reservation if there were any more delays.
Couldn’t shake it when the host of the busy restaurant seated him and his whole family at a long table in the back, beautifully set for the sixteen of them.
Couldn’t shake it when they all got settled and a loud smashing of porcelain plates was heard from the kitchen, deserving a reaction from most tables in the restaurant.
And he grinned.
Reminded him of you.
Fuck it.
He was just going to text you.
Why not?
It was Christmas and he really did hope you were having a merry one.
Joe had his eyes on his phone when a waitress walked up to his family’s table, ready to explain the menu and take their drink orders.
“Good evening everyone, merry Chri–” your breath hitched in your throat when you saw who you were looking at.
Nearly made you cough, which caught his attention.
Joe looked up from his phone and couldn’t fucking believe it.
There you were.
His vision tunneled and his hearing went, because you looked absolutely beautiful, and he was just texting you, had just typed 'merry Christmas' and, there you were, saying the actual words, and God, what were the fucking odds?
You stared at each other a moment and you were unable to stop the corners of your mouth from curling upwards.
“Hi...” Joe mouthed, looking at you like there was no one else in the room, because for a moment, to him, there really wasn’t.
“Merry Christmas,” you finished, gathering yourself together as your eyes scanned his whole table.
It zoned Joe back into reality, and he listened as you explained the menu to his whole family. Listened as you answered a question his stepdad asked you. Sat back and watched you laugh at a stupid joke he made. Saw how you pulled a notepad from a pocket, clicked a pen and asked, “Can I get you started with some drinks?”
You caught how Joe stifled a chuckle. Saw him shake his head like he couldn’t actually believe it. Watched as he raised his eyebrows and grinned, eyes pulling away from the menu to look directly into yours.
Say it, you thought.
Fucking say it.
“I’ll um...” Joe pretended to hesitate. Took a moment to show you his stupid schoolboy smirk.
You realised you’d already started missing it.
Good thing he was here.
“I’ll have a dirty martini. Shaken, not stirred.”
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @chrissymjstan, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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yuesya · 1 year
Twin AU is watering my crops and clearing my skin ngl. Could we maybe see the moment of realization for Satoru (and maybe Shiki) about her situation as a cursed spirit? Because there’s probably a period of time when they both were effective toddlers that Shiki wasn’t yet hosted inside Satoru yet right? Or what is the development of personhood like what you effectively don’t have your own body? And how did they discover that Shiki was Satoru’s murdered twin?
Satoru had always known that he wasn't alone.
... There's no grand moment of dawning comprehension leading up to this realization, or anything of the sort. He just... knew. It's kind of hard to explain. Sort of like how a person knows how to breathe without ever actually learning how to breathe? Except this is something that's entirely beyond simple bodily instinct. It's really hard to describe using words.
Satoru had always known that Shiki was there with him, long before he ever knew who Shiki even was.
Every day when he wakes up in the mornings in his too-large room, he'll touch his hand to the ground at his side Good morning. His shadow promptly reaches back to him, cheerfully answering him in greeting.
When Satoru is on the verge of dozing off during one of his elder's droning lectures, his shadow insistently nudges him beneath his legs, keeping him just awake enough to prevent him from toppling over and making a fool out of himself. Or, even worse, earning himself an hour-long reprimand from an displeased elder over the lack of decorum.
Sometimes, when Satoru is alone, he'll purposely make silly shapes with his body. And laugh, when his shadow doesn't copy them properly. Then he'll stomp his feet in frustration, when his shadow smugly gets back at him by contorting itself into shapes that are impossible for a human body to mimic in turn, the cheater!
... It takes an embarrassingly long time before Satoru realizes that your shadow isn't actually supposed to play games with you.
It's not a realization that occurs all at once. It's something that creeps up on them as Satoru dives deeper into his lessons as a sorcerer, when they learn more about jujutsu together.
"Are you a cursed spirit?" Satoru finally asks one evening. His shadow wiggles in a 'dunno, probably?' sort of gesture. "Y'know, you're pretty harmless, for a cursed spirit."
His shadow crosses its harms huffily; Satoru grins.
"Aw, don't be like that, you know what I meant." Cursed spirits are amalgamations of evil and hatred, and must be exorcised for the sake of peace and order. Or so their teachers kept saying. "How did you even get here, anyways? And why me?"
Another wiggle.
But it's a valid question -with all the layers of seals and protections slapped over the Gojo Compound, it's impossible for any cursed spirits to slip through the cracks unnoticed. And yet the cursed spirit living in his shadow has clearly done just that. His Six Eyes informs him that the cursed spirit's energies blends perfectly with his own, which adds another layer of oddity to the mystery.
Everyone's cursed energy signature is different; families are similar, but not even siblings share the exact same signature. Was this a cursed spirit born of Satoru's own overwhelming cursed energy, somehow?
... Logic says that it's plausible, but his intuition tells him otherwise.
Satoru doesn't put together the pieces until his younger cousins are born. A pair of twins, a dark-haired boy and a dark-haired girl, sleeping together on the same cot. The way that their cursed energies intermingle next to each other is exactly the same as Satoru and-
... Midori-oba looks scared, instead of happy. Why?
"Cursed twins," his aunt whispers, trembling. "An ill omen, oh no... My husband is furious with me. Hina-neechan gave birth to you, while I- I-"
Satoru tunes out his aunt's incoherent ramblings, and instead focuses on cursed twins.
An ill omen, cursed twins. For twins begin as one singular entity in their mother's womb, and despite coming into this world as two individual bodies, they are still One. Each is only a mere Half of their Self, an empty shadow and pale imitation of what they could've been. Neither twin will ever reach their full potential, unless preventative measures are taken.
Satoru frowns. He doesn't like the sound of these 'preventative measures,' because if the implications are true, and knowing what the elders are like...
Six Eyes. Limitless. The Honored One.
What if the honored one was born with a cursed twin? ... What would the Gojo Clan do?
But did Satoru really have a twin? There's no trace of it -his father had told him about his late mother before while reminiscing, but he's never mentioned a twin sibling. Discretely poking around among the servants also reveals several glaring vacancies (sudden deaths) for those who'd been present during Satoru's own birth, which is not a great vote of confidence.
"... Are you really my twin?" His blood feels cold, a chill that runs down to his bones. Did he have another sibling? Did the clan kill his twin?
His shadow wobbles sluggishly. Satoru bites his lip, concerned.
Despite their innate compatibility with each other, the only way a spirit can truly dwell within a person's shadow was if the person in question was a Ten Shadows user. The bindings holding them together are fraying, growing weaker by the day -Satoru doesn't know how to keep his sibling with him!
And if it breaks- The Gojo Clan-
I won't let that happen.
Satoru's eyes narrow, determined. "I won't let you die again. I refuse to let you die because of me!"
How does one keep a cursed spirit with them?
By providing them with a proper vessel.
How does one hide a curse in a family of sorcerers?
By hiding them somewhere sorcerers will never notice or think to look.
... Satoru knows what to do.
The solution is simple: He takes his twin into his own body.
It's like suddenly drinking a large mouthful of ice-cold water, and Satoru can feel them spreading inside his body. He gets exactly one second to remember that, despite everything, they are a cursed spirit and Satoru's body isn't exactly one suited to be a vessel in the first place, maybe this was a bad idea-
But there's no accompanying pain. Nothing of the sort. Satoru gets the sensation of a soft sigh from his twin, as they carefully curl themselves through Satoru's flesh and blood and...
... goes to sleep.
... Wait, goes to sleep?? Just like that? Doesn't he at least get a 'thank you' or something?!
That night, Satoru has a dream. There's a little girl his age who appears in front of him. White-haired and blue-eyed just like him, and the moment she looks up and catches sight of him, she smiles brightly.
Satoru catches his little sister when she throws herself at him in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he says. I'm sorry that it took me so long to figure things out. I'm sorry that you're dead, because of me. "I'm so sorry."
The girl tilts her head in confusion. "Why?"
Satoru chokes, "Do you really have to ask?!"
"Silly," his lookalike laughs, reaching up and patting his cheek in comfort. "Toru-nii has nothing to be sorry for."
Actually, no, but Satoru isn't about to let their first conversation together devolve into an argument. "What's your name? ... Wait, do you have one?"
"Shiki." They blink at each other in mutual surprise, and the girl -Shiki- scrunches her face in confusion. "My name is... Shiki?"
... She actually has a name. The clan even named her -then denied any records of her existing and killed her afterwards?? She's not even on the family grave! Were they trying to make his sister into a vengeful ghost??
Satoru breathes in deeply -even though this is a dream and he isn't actually breathing in deeply like this with his physical body right now, but, details- and firmly puts his hands on his sister's shoulders.
"Shiki," he says. "Do you know who killed you?"
His sister shakes her head. Well, it was a long shot -if Satoru had the timeline pinned down, then the clan would've ordered her death within the first few months after they'd been born. Children don't really start retaining conscious memories of their childhood until they're at least a few years old, so it makes sense that she wouldn't remember. In fact, it's probably for the best that she doesn't remember her no-doubt traumatic death.
"It'll be alright," he says. "It'll be alright. Toru-nii will protect you."
But first, he needs to know who in particular to protect her from. It takes Satoru awhile, over the course of a few years, but he's able to put together the minuscule pieces bit by bit. If Satoru hadn't possessed the Six Eyes and if it weren't for Shiki's own discerning eyesight, the investigation would've been a lot harder.
But the conclusion that they find at the end... it's...
Father? Really? Shiki had been killed by their own father?
Satoru can't believe it. Yes, Gojo Muneyoshi is another one of the elders' worthless puppets and only all-too-interested in polishing Satoru into the clan's sharpest weapon. But the man is a coward. Did he really have the guts to murder his own child?
... Only one way to find out.
The perfect opportunity comes one evening when both of them are awake, and going over Satoru's boring history texts. Muneyoshi gets up in the middle of the night, presumably to relieve himself or to fetch a glass of water, or something along those lines. Satoru deliberately turns on all the lights in his room.
As expected, Muneyoshi makes his way over.
“I guess it’s a good thing that at least one of us is interested in this rubbish, so we can at least get lessons over with quickly." Satoru sighs dramatically, and inside his head, his sister's giggles echo incessantly. "Counting on you for the next test, Shiki!”
Outside their room, Muneyoshi freezes. The man's cursed energy trembles with heavy, unspoken guilt. But there's no hiding anything from the Six Eyes, and Satoru has his answer.
So it really was you.
His fingers tighten on the edge of his history scrolls.
... It's not fair.
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair. Why does Shiki have to die? Just because some elders think it means that it will curtail Satoru's power? There's no proof! And Satoru is strong. Even if his sister was a non-sorcerer -which she wasn't- it didn't matter; Satoru would be strong enough for the both of them, if that was what it took. But they wouldn't even give her a chance, and they just-!
... Don't worry, I'm fine, Shiki.
That night, Satoru resolves to himself that he'd rather see the world burn, before he ever let any of them touch his little sister again.
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cerulean-crow · 7 months
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I was a creepypasta and mlp grimdark kid- I absolutely loved them and they definitely shaped my interests in horror and gore that I have now! I am not immune to the nostalgia of these infection au’s, and honestly I am thriving. I love reading everyone’s ideas and seeing everyone’s art, and I got inspired to try my own hand at one!
I’ve been calling it the Crystal Heart Contagion. I am not sure how far I’ll take this but it’s fun to draw and think about. I considered going a bit crazy with actual gore, but this was just supposed to be a concept page and I wanted to keep it simple and just flesh out some ideas I had bouncing around in my head. Besides, I actually really like body horror that doesn’t involve a ton of gore- and like that note says, has an air of beauty alongside the disturbing elements.
Again, not sure how far I’ll take this- so I’m just gonna jot down some thoughts and notes! I’ll put ‘em under the cut because I am very wordy <3
Also I try to tag my stuff as best as possible because I know not everyone loves horror and these Mlp horror au’s as much as I do! I don’t want people to interact with my posts if it makes them uncomfortable, so if I miss a tag please let me know.
The Crystal Heart Contagion is transmitted when infected crystals come into contact with one’s bloodstream. The afflicted will experience body pains and stiffness at first, hemophilia, and symptoms like lethargy and migraines. The crystals will begin to form in clusters on the skeletal system, eventually breaking through the skin and, after a long enough period of time, will completely petrify the afflicted in solid crystal.
I imagine that one’s teeth, hooves, and horns are where crystals will begin to break through first. I like the idea of stylizing manes as they crystalize- but that’s exploration for another day!
I am currently thinking of the infection more like a parasite of some kind. Parasitic crystals that feed on magic and rely on living creatures to carry them farther in order to spread themselves.
The infection originally didn’t do much to change one’s personality, they would just get weaker and weaker as they were overtaken by the crystals. It was only when the infection started again, when Equestria was home to many more different species and overflowing with way more magic, that the crystals would begin to mutate at a rapid rate. Those afflicted would begin to show signs of aggression that would have them attacking others, thus leading to further spreading.
Some physical details I like is the eyes hollowing out and resembling geodes! Crystals emerging from the spines, horns becoming crystallized, and crystals forming over teeth and jaw to create fangs are all stuff I would love to flesh out in further detail.
I also love the idea of the chest ripping open to reveal a crystal heart held in a crystallized ribcage! I think I will forever be influenced by the Angel Trap in Saw 3
The idea of this infection is still developing and I’m still doing a lot of research and thinking on the words to describe it. My original thoughts took inspiration from a parasitic infection and rabies. My brain also likes thinking of it like a mold in how it spreads or thinking of the crystals like a coral reef (mostly as a visual inspiration)
The background and timeline is all still a work in progress. I haven’t rewatched the full series in so long and I’m implementing plenty of my own headcanons- so it’s all very vague right now.
The original idea is that the infection started during King Sombra’s reign. He created these parasitic crystals and unleashed them upon Celelstia and Luna’s army with the hopes of dwindling their numbers and expanding the reach of the Crystal Empire further through the Frozen North. When he was sealed away, Celestia and Luna would bring several of the infected back to Equestria for study. They would hide them away deep underground beneath a mountain, where the lack of nutrients in the rock would eventually cause the crystals to stop forming and enter some kind of hibernation.
Celestia would later build Canterlot after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and she would use the very kingdom itself to block off the caverns and keep them hidden for everyone’s safety.
The Crystal Caverns would become known again during the Canterlot Wedding when Cadance and Twilight escaped from them. However, nothing would ever happen after the fact, and Celestia and Luna would continue to hope that with Sombra sealed away and the crystals dormant for so long, that this infection was truly no more.
When I first got this all in my head, the idea was that Flurry Heart’s Crystalling was what caused the parasitic-crystals to get a kickstart of energy and begin spreading again.
That is the part where the timeline starts getting really wonky. Cause I think I’d want Twilight to be running her school and have the young six around, but that’s in season 8 and the crystalling was in season 6. But I can honestly fudge the timeline however I want, it’s an alternate universe after all.
I think that Celestia sacrifices herself in order to save Luna and help as many people flee Canterlot as possible. This was when I still very early into thinking this au through and a potential story that could be told with it- and with the worldbuilding I’ve been doing over the last few days I don’t entirely know if it still fits. I love the scene in my head that comes from it though- so I decided to keep the sketch of crystallized Celestia in the end.
I love the idea of crystals on her head mimicking sun rays! And her forelegs and wings becoming one so she staggers around like a wyvern. That’s definitely a design I would love to flesh out if I get the time.
I am having fun!
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authorautumnbanks · 6 days
How To Tame A Sorcerer (76)
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Who knew that Gojo Satoru, the strongest, turns into a whiny mess when tied up? Kagome bites her lip as she swirls her hips in a circle.
"Gome-chan," Satoru groans. "Drivin' me crazy." His words are slurred. He looks so beautiful with his cheeks stained pink and his arms held back above his head. "Don't cha wanna let me go?"
Kagome laughs, slightly breathless. She wasn't kidding earlier about him taking her breath away. Saying his cock fills her is far too polite to describe how stuffed she feels every time his cock stretches her out. "I like the view," she says. There is something about seeing the strongest tied up and helpless.
But more so? It's the trust he has in her.
Satoru jerks and then groans. "Seriously, what did you do to these bindings?" His chest rises with every heavy breath.
"Just a simple seal," she quips. "Knew you'd fight it." The bindings are made of silk from a moth demon. She didn't want to risk any chafing. Kagome eyes the headboard. Maybe she should have put something on that too?
"Wanna touch you."
"You are touching me." She slows her movements and cups her breasts. "Feel so good, Toru."
The look on his face is hotter than the Earth's core. Her walls tighten, desperate to milk him dry. Nothing—nothing, compares to feel of his cock inside of her.
The rightness of it.
She flicks her tongue over her nipples as she squeezes her tits and bounces on his cock. More. He's ready for more. Kagome's eyes slide close as her energy swells and seeps into Satoru.
She opens her eyes and stills. Satoru's eyes are practically glowing. A trickle of blood trails down his chin.
"Satoru?" Shit, is it too much for him? It shouldn't be hurting him.
"Red," he says. "That ass is about to be red."
"You have to get loose first." Okay, good, he wouldn't be joking if it was hurting him.
He spreads his legs and digs his heels into the bed.
"What are you—Satoru!" Her body lurches forward as Satoru pistons his hips.
"Should've tied my legs down too," he quips.
Kagome flashes a smile. So that's how he wants to play it. She plants her hands on his stomach for purchase and leans forward and up just enough to keep Satoru from getting what he wants.
Honestly, this hurts her more than him, but having him at her mercy is worth it.
His upper lip curls back. Oh, so that's where the blood came from. He bit his bottom lip. She smiles at him again and swings her leg over so she's off his lap.
Satoru's expression falters. "Baby, please. I'll be good." He tilts his body towards her as if to follow her. There's a slight glow to him that was not there before. The energy massages seem to be working, but she still has more to give him. Wants to give it all to him. No one but here can do this for him.
"Relax, Satoru," Kagome soothes. "I didn't know you'd be so needy."
"Huh?" Kagome frowns. "Face what?"
"My face." He pants, tugging on the restraints. "Ride it." His body shakes. Trembling. But his eyes? They stare at her unblinking, fully blown.
"You can let it out, Toru," Kagome says. She wipes the blood away with her thumb. He turns his head and sucks her thumb into his mouth.
She says that but…they no longer have a table, and the couch is now in the middle of the room in pieces. Kagome hums as she glances at the damage thus far. She could have sworn something like glass broke. Maybe in the bathroom?
"You can let it out on my face," he counters. "Or you could untie me."
"One more and then you should be good," she says, lowering her voice.
"More?" Satoru throws his head back. "Killing me. Actually killing me. How is there more?" He turns his head. "Gome-chan, just how powerful are you?"
She shrugs. "Strong enough to make you lose your mind."
He chuckles, slightly out of breath. "I think I'm ready."
He says that, but his face is flushed red, and his hands are clenched. Poor Satoru, trying so hard to be good. Kagome pokes the inside of her cheek with her tongue as she places her hands behind her and her pussy in front of his face. Somehow this pose is more embarrassing than licking her own nipples, but she's pressed for options with him bound and her pregnant belly being as big as it is.
How the hell is she going to manage when she reaches the third trimester?
Satoru does not seem to care because he moves his face as close as he can and suctions his lips around her as though he is afraid she'll take it away from him again. She bites back a whimper, the desire so heady on her tongue, that Kagome nearly forgets herself.
The massage.
She closes her eyes and focuses on him. The dark, seductive pull of his energy. The Shikon pulses, determined to join in for the last one. Well, the last one for tonight. They will definitely do this again, but maybe somewhere a little more secluded, where they don't have to worry about him breaking the furniture.
"Kagome!" He roars her name as if he is in pain. As if it is the only thing keeping him sane. Kagome giggles. Not because it's funny, but it's as much as she can muster. Her arms shake from holding the awkward position for so long and when she opens her eyes, the room is dark.
He took out the lights again.
What the hell?
Her back hits the mattress and Satoru's arms are on either side of her. His eyes are the only light source in the room. So beautiful blue. A thrill shoots through her. Her thighs are slick with their intermingled come. Just looking at him is nearly enough for her to come again.
"How did you break free?" She wets her lips. The crack must have been the headboard then, but he should still be bound regardless if it was the headboard that broke.
"Feel like I'm burning up," Satoru says, pressing his face closer to hers. He kisses her softly at first, taking his time and swallowing every moan. His hand grips her thigh and squeezes hard. "Turn over, ass up. Now."
"So bossy," she grumbles, but she turns over and does as he…well, he didn't ask. She stills at the feel of something under her. Oh, a pillow. Kagome turns her head to thank him, but Satoru's palm smacks her ass so hard the sound reverberates through the room. "OH! Satoru!"
"Did you have fun, Gome-chan? Teasing me?" He caresses her ass and this time, the smack is softer, but the impact sends shock waves down to her pussy all the same. "Feel like I could take out a planet," he murmurs.
She hums and pushes back against him. His energy is wild and yet so warm. Feels like he is touching her everywhere. Her mind is empty except for thoughts of Satoru and Satoru alone. She sighs as her energy wraps around his.
The Shikon pulses.
Kagome's brows furrow together. The Shikon has never outright claimed Satoru before. "Satoru—" she gasps as he enters her. Her eyes flutter. Oh, she loves it when he fucks her from behind. Loves the way his balls small her pussy every time he snaps his hips. Satoru snakes his arm around her, pausing only to rub her stomach before he encourages her body into an arch. He presses a kiss on the shell of her ear.
"Can I mark you?"
Mark? He wants to mark her?
His cock pumps in and out with long, deep thrusts. Her body radiates from the raw, sublime energy. "Like a claim?"
Is that a sorcerer thing?
"Yes," he breathes. "Wanna bite you right here and leave my mark." He presses a kiss on her clavicle. "Get cha a necklace too, with my name." The possessive tilt to his voice should scare her. He's been like this ever since he got out of the prison realm, and yet it makes her wetter. "Fuck, baby. You like that?"
"Just do it, Satoru." She pushes back against him and shakes her ass.
"Fuck," Satoru groans. "I dream of this ass." He grips her hip tighter. He kisses her shoulder again as his hand seeks out her clit. Kagome jerks and lets out a low moan. "Mine," he growls.
When he clamps down, the surge of his cursed energy sends her spiraling. She comes hard. He's under her skin. Simmering. Satoru groans, low and dark, as he continues to pump his cock in her as he comes. The heat of him is delicious.
Kagome sighs and then wrinkles her nose.
Something cold touches her nose.
"Shit," Satoru says, sliding out of her. He pulls her into his lap and pulls the cover over them.
Kagome shivers. Come leaks out of her and onto Satoru, but he doesn't seem to notice or care. "Why is it cold? Did you take out the heat?" she jokes, though that doesn't explain the cold hitting her face.
"It's snowing."
Kagome blinks. "…Indoors?" The room is pitch black, so the roof is still intact. Did he break a window? Even if he did, the snow shouldn't be all the way over here.
"Looks like it." He dips his hand down and cups her. "Not because of me," Satoru adds as he rubs the come over her thigh and over her stomach.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't take a bath," he says instead.
"You're lucky you're so hot," Kagome huffs. "Someone should stop the snow. I'm cold—eep!" She jerks back.
Fire. In the middle of the room, suspended in the air. Actually, make that about five flames in the room now. They're red so they aren't flames from a fox, not that she thinks Shippo would dare to interrupt.
"Gome-chan, I think it's you," Satoru says.
"I don't control elements." She stills and then places her hands over Satoru's. "Did you feel that?"
"Maybe it's Koushi then," Satoru says. His fingers flex and the kicking resumes. "Definitely Koushi."
"Our son," he says with so much confidence that she believes him. If that's what he wants to name on the twins, then that's fine with her.
"So sure we're having boys?"
"I'm sure we're having at least one," he replies. "And if it is you, Koushi, then limit the snow to outdoors."
Kagome snorts. The snow stops, but the flames remain. "Use that daddy voice on the other one."
Now if only the lights could come back on.
"Kagome," he groans. "Don't do that to me." His cock twitches.
"Hm? You like it when I call you Daddy?"
"You're not leaving this room." He kisses her shoulder and flicks his tongue across the bite. "Gonna come on these tits." He squeezes her breasts and tugs on her nipples. "Want you smelling like me."
"Satoru, you know I don't want anyone else."
"I'd kill them." He moves the cover and urges her onto her side. Satoru threatening to kill anyone interested in her should be worrisome, but when he slides back in, her mind goes hazy and she's consumed by him.
He isn't tired?
"Sensitive," she reminds him. Maybe it's the glow from the flames, but the look on his face is feral. Unhinged. He wraps an arm around her leg, keeping it upright and resting against him.
"Do it again," he breathes, "lick your tits again."
She bites her lip as she leans forward, cupping her breast. "Like this?" She eyes him while she flicks her tongue over her nipple.
"I love you."
He's said those words so many times and still her heart beats a little faster and her insides turn into a puddle of goo. His thrusts are slow, almost languid like.
It's driving her crazy.
The angle.
The sheen of sweat on his skin.
The warmth from the flames.
She's not going to last much longer.
"Satoru," Kagome moans, still cupping her breasts just the way he likes it. "Love you so much." She throws her head back and wraps her energy around his. Her legs shake as she comes.
He comes with a shout. Ropes of come splatter across her breasts as he fists his cock. The flames burn hotter until they burst. His energy flares.
Oh. It looks like the room is sparkling. The lights flicker on. Kagome winces at the brightness.
"Really?" She laughs as Satoru rubs the come into her skin. He was serious about her smelling like him?
"Need you to smell like me." He eases out of her and exhales. "Ah, shit."
"The room." He laughs as he spikes a hand through his hair. "It's wrecked."
"You're glowing," she points out. Never mind the room. Why is he glowing?
"Huh? Guess I am." Satoru smiles and reaches for her, pulling her into his lap. "No one but me gets a boost."
"How greedy," she teases, trailing a finger down his chest. Kagome pauses. "Oh crap, I forgot to put up a barrier."
The biggest smile spreads across Satoru's face. "Good."
A/N: Next chapter will be Sukuna focused. Might do a side story of Shippo embarrassing everyone while this is going down because he's a troll. Hoping to get the Accidental chapter out Sunday or Monday.
"Is there a masseuse Kagome in the multiverse?" - There wasn't but now I'm working on it lolol
"How are the twins going to be?" - They have Shippo as an older brother. Menaces.
"Do the Gojos have demon blood somewhere in the bloodline?" - Yakeru mentioned that Sugawara was a demon fucker.
Have a wonderful weekend! Make sure to get plenty of rest and take care of yourself. I can't believe JJK is ending next week. Feel like I need to find a shouja to read as a cleanser lol. Can't take any more pain.
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
Love language hcs for savanaclaw please and thank you lol
Speak From The Heart
warnings: none!
Berry: YOU GUYS ARE GORGEOUS MWA, we managed to reach 800 followers and I just thanked you guys for 700 not too long ago TvT please enjoy this extra long one as this wraps up all the requests from this year <3 srsly thank you all for making 2022 awesome for me and this blog <3
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Leona Kingscholar
How he shows it: Physical Touch and Quality Time
I'd say pretty early on in the relationship, things are still a bit rocky as one would guess with a guy like Leona. He's not one to talk or do all of the pretty things you'd find in most ordinary relationships. I'd like to describe Leona as a brick wall, sturdy and rough around the edges so his personality would not change simply because he's in a relationship with you.
you'd slowly start to learn that the small gestures of hand holding underneath the desk during lectures, patting your head when you've aced a test, or just sitting beside you while you're doing homework is his way of telling you you're important to this beastman. But the sweetest and most endearing show of affection is nuzzling close to your head or neck.
He's the type to drag you along when he's napping cuz he really does find your presence comforting. He enjoys the silent moments you two would share, it allows him to really sink in that there's someone rooting for him on the sidelines.
He's the type to be pretty hands-off, makes sure to not smother you, letting you do your own thing while he observes just in case something or someone would come in your way. I also see him as the kind of bf that would help you improve be it in academics or even in sports. Sort of like a tutor/coach cuz he really does want you to be the best version of yourself.
Slowly as this relationship goes on, I see Leona as the type to warm up to the idea of other ways of showing you that what you two have is special. Like dates off-campus, or an expensive ornate accessory or two. <3
What he needs: Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch
Being raised in a place where you're constantly compared does a lot of damage, and we can visibly see that with Leona. I'd imagine him spacing out, often recalling all of the complaints, comparisons, etc. and he's just quiet...so be the one to help break that train of thought of his.
He's a thinker, and with that comes the good and bad so having you, his S/O telling him small comments that he's enough, and that you're proud of him would catch him off-guard (in a good way) Though I do want to add that it's not your responsibility to fix him, it's still up to this lion to accept your compliments or not. With the way I see things tho, he'd be in denial but it does warm his heart.
Like I said earlier, he thinks a lot and sometimes genuine words aren't enough to get through his thick head. So hold his hand, or comb through his hair. pet his ears even! It soothes him. Taking naps throughout the day would often lead to muscle/body aches so a simple shoulder massage gets Leona's heart fluttering even just for a little bit.
We all know his unique magic is dangerous, to the point it almost killed Ruggie. I believe that he takes precautions with his hands (guess that's why he wears gloves) so a gesture that would really seal; Guide both of his hands toward your face so you're in between them and just...enjoy the feeling.
I believe another gesture would be sweet to him. Kiss his scar. He probably hates it and the guy doesn't even remember how he got it in the first place! He'd be a bit dumbfounded that you'd pick that area of his face but he'd like it (tho he won't admit it) Embrace his scars <3 (be it literal and/or figurative)
Ruggie Bucchi
How he shows it: Act of Service and Gift Giving
Ruggie's known for doing things all for the right price be it in the shape of favor or monetary. But for you, I see him doing small tasks for you in hopes that it would get your attention. I'm talking about carrying your books to class, and picking up your fave drink/snack while getting Leona's order.
Ruggie would be the type to save up some extra models on the side just so he can do a little splurging on you from time to time. He'd take note of your interests cuz he is genuinely curious and so he would try to buy stuff related to them <3 Oh! another thing I see him doing is helping you buy stuff at good deals, making sure your model and his are well spent which is always a plus cuz you get to see his serious expression as he bargains. a cute sight really~
He'd probably ask Leona for some extra tips on homework just so he can impress you while you guys are doing homework together. Cash in a few favors to give you a heads-up on upcoming "surprise" tests from Professor Trein. But another way I could see this is he'll lean towards you for help instead of Leona. sometimes teasing or messing with you while doing so just to see you puff your cheeks from his antics.
His grandma raised him right and I'm pretty sure she'd be the type to tell Ruggie "the quickest way to a person's heart is through their stomach" so you can imagine probably in the early hours in Savanaclaw, Ruggie fumbling in the kitchen as he tries to cook tomorrow's lunch. He'd insist on you taking it, "It helps save your money~" he'd say. He doesn't have much time with all the small jobs he's doing around campus so getting to spend time with you in these short moments eases him from all that stress.
When you're upset about something, he's the type to have a box of tissues on hand while he sits there as you let him cry it out. He'd even let you pet his ears if it calms you down during these rough times. To me, Ruggie won't give out advice unless you asked him for one but he knows you're capable enough to solve it while he's there to lend an ear...with snacks <3
What he needs: Gift Giving and Quality Time
Ruggie would really appreciate it if you give something in return. He genuinely doesn't mind if you spend a thousand madol (he'd probably tear up if you tell him the price) or give him something handmade. He's the type to appreciate the thought behind them especially if it's coming from his s/o.
He'd put your gifts on a shelf or his bedside table just so he could see them before he goes to bed and as soon as he woke up. If you love to cook and give him his meal, he'd stood there dumbfounded. He'd eat every part of it even if you add a little too much of something. He does appreciate the gesture and would ask you if you could cook him some more.
Speaking of food, I see you guys cooking together, be it teaching you how to make certain meals or just craving something in your or his dorm's kitchen. He'd shoo away any prying eyes or wandering beastmen just so it's just the two of you. casually flicking flour in your direction or stealing a utensil and only giving it back if you kiss him ~
Even when he's busy doing work or odd tasks from Leona, he'd appreciate you being there just to chat or even help out. What you can also do is ask him to personally show you how to do certain tasks to get all close and personal with him. He might know what you're up to but he ain't complaining~
Ruggie's always on the move, working his tail off and making sure he's stable enough once he graduates from NRC so have some quiet time with him. he might be twitching to get going but a couple of strokes in his ear would ease the tension on his shoulders. Let this hyena relax once in a while TvT and oftentimes this happens, you'd find a cute hyena beastman sleeping soundly on your lap.
Jack Howl
How he shows it: Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service
He may be a bit stand-offish and distant at the start of the relationship but he does mean well. You'd notice pretty early on that he's a bit awkward when he's around you but there are certain ways that he treats you differently from his friends. Take sports for example.
He'd be the type to personally help you if it's something PE or sports related. Make sure you're in top form and all that <3 A cute moment I see with this is that he'll get so wrapped up in helping you work out that it would take a while before he notices the proximity between you two. You'd know once you hear him slow down his speech and that he'd avert his gaze from yours.
Jack would be the type to be there at your side as you two walk to class in case anyone would want to mess with you. He'd nonchalantly carry your entire backpack and even more which is his earnest and cute way to show off his strength to you. Another way he shows affection is by also helping you in academics. You two would be shushed by Professor Trein pretty often when you guys study in the library. I see Jack as someone who'd hype someone up if they get a question right after so many tries.
At times when you're upset, he'd hold you close as he tries his best to say the right words but would be quiet throughout most of it. It does depend if what made you upset would determine his next course of action. sometimes it would upset you when Jack just gives you straight-up advice when what you want was comfort. You'd just have to talk to him about what you want from him and he'd understand. But if what troubles you is a 'who'… honestly good luck to that guy.
He's not much of a talker but what gets him passionate is at times when you need some words of encouragement when you're feeling insecure about something. Jack is the kind to be straight to the point and won't sugarcoat but would acknowledge your strong feats for whatever you're dealing with at the time.
What he needs: Quality Time and Gift Giving
The kind of guy that would appreciate actions rather than words from their s/o. Jack would describe himself as a lone wolf (no pun intended) so seeing you genuinely want to hang out with him, makes him feel something inside <3 Get him talking about his interests like gardening where you'll get his eyes light up which is always a highlight of your day~
A way to spend time with him is through his morning jogs. it's a way to get some alone time between the two of you and you guys to be active together. Sure the sacrifice would be to wake up early than expected but seeing his face light up whenever you join him for a run is worth it! It also allows you two to talk while around campus. We all know Jack is a pretty private individual so having a genuine conversation with you as you two work out early in the day, not only strengthens your bond as a couple but also increases his appreciation for you <3
Surprise him with small genuine gifts! it could be seed packets that you guys could plant together, new sporting gloves, or even a beverage after his club activities. He wouldn't know what to say at first cuz he's trying to reboot himself internally from your sweet gesture. Sometimes he's confused about how you affect him with whatever gesture you do but he lets you do it anyway because it leads you to have this glint in your eye.
Give him a challenge. Be a little competitive with him cuz it not only excites him but fuels him to do activities with you. challenge him on who can finish all their homework for the day or race him to the cafeteria and the loser has to buy lunch. He enjoys the playfulness, which keeps him on his toes and helps to study for him fun cuz he gets to do it with you.
Like in most cases with Savanaclaw, Jack is oftentimes pretty stubborn and would like to be left alone. Besides all of the bonding moments and receiving gifts, what he'd appreciate is if his s/o would cut it straight with him or in other words, call him out. He can take your words so long as it doesn't cross any boundaries of his but otherwise, he'll understand where you're coming from. He's gonna make mistakes but so long as you, his s/o, are gonna talk it out with him, his will heart skip a beat every time. All the more reason to be with you more.
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the-consortium · 4 months
( from @codex-aetherium ):
A piece of what appears to be exceedingly old parchment appears on Fabius’ desk one morning. How it got there is unclear, but a quick glance makes it obvious it isn’t something that belonged to him. It is written in a dark blue ink with flecks of silver that catch the light at odd angles.
Chief Apothecary Bile,
I hope this letter finds you well, and at least in a good enough mood to grant a stranger a small favor.
I am lead to believe you are or have employed an individual known as Herik Stymphalos. I know you’re asking yourself why I would want to associate with such a person, and the answer is quite simple. I am an Astartes of the XV Legion and was greatly affected by the Flesh Change. More specifically, my body has transformed into what I can only describe as an anthropomorphic corvid.
I am tangentially aware of Stymphalos’ avian obsessions and would appreciate you putting us in contact if at all possible. As you may have guessed, I do not seek to cure this particular affliction and he may offer some unique insight.
If you please, write your response on the opposite side of this page, and it will find its way back to me.
Respect and Admiration,
Calypsos Renn - XV Legion Archivist
The Holvall sun has crept over the zenith and is beginning to colour the sky at the edges, first golden and then purple. Night falls quickly here near the equator. Flocks of twilight birds rise from the jungle with the whistling and rustling of their wings to catch insects and small flying lizards, which are now circling in particularly large numbers above the treetops.
In an old volcanic crater in the mountains deep in the woods, far away from any civilisation, bulkheads rumble over the windows of a cage-like hemisphere.
Herik gets ready for the nightly research cycle.
He is just about to make his way to the central lab when one of his serfs staggers down from the observation and communications area above, wings flapping ponderously, and holds out a datapad to him.
Herik raises his silver brows and takes the pad. Communication from outside normally only reaches him from one place. And this time too: the electronic seal of the Consortium. Even the private stamp of the Chief Apothecary. Herik whistles through his teeth and looks down, where one of the cloned geese is elegantly preening its feathers before returning his gaze.
Then he reads the short message.
One should never underestimate the command character of the Clone Lord's messages. And "your presence on Urum at your earliest possible convenience is in your interest. Vesalius is on its way to pick you up" is speaking very loud and very clear.
A curt gesture that covers the whole swarm of serfs." Pack my travel lab for Urum."
Meanwhile on the Crone World of the Consortium, deep in the old palace.
Fabius nods briefly and contentedly when he receives Herik’s confirmation. Then he clasps his hands behind his back and marches up and down in his library, dictating to a servo skull that is eagerly floating behind him:
"To Archivist Renn of the Thousand Sons!
My personal feelings towards your Legion are of no concern to my work. If I were to choose my patients according to which legion has not yet put a bounty on me, I would have to limit myself to the second and eleventh.
The changes of the sons of Magnus are quite interesting to me, because I am still doing research on the instabilities and errors of the various gene seed variants.
According to my information, Herik’s current focus of work is aimed at creating a stable connection between the bird and human genome, but I am sure that he can spend a lot of worthwhile study time on your case.
My student will be in Urum in an estimated three weeks, give or take some time for warp fluctuations.
I await you here accordingly.
Fabius Bile, Chief Apothecary of the Emperor’s Children"
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the-witchs-cafe · 5 months
Okay, sending some more barrier ideas, this time, for Herobrine! (If you don’t mind)
His barrier starts out okay, a simple lush cave, with moss and glowberries growing abundantly through the grotto, with a few torches laying about lighting the endless grotto. There’s a few monitors and security cameras protruding from the walls and from the moss, but you don’t pay them much mind. However, as you continue to explore the barrier things start to change.
Gone are the lush and beautiful moss and torches, as the cave begins to deepen and you enter a mineshaft. Fog and mist begin to envelop you and seem to swallow you whole. The monitors are on now. However, only static seems to play as game controllers hang above you like lanterns as the cave becomes more and more narrow. The only thing that reaches your ears is the monotone humming of the monitors.
And if you pay close enough attention, there seems to be a second pair of footsteps behind you. But every time you turn around, there’s nothing there. As you reach the centre of the barrier, there’s only one single arcade machine waiting for you. It’s static chip tune song lures you closer as you gaze into the screen. It shuts off, leaving only a black mirror behind.
Then two hyper realistic eyes stare back at you. Your fate is sealed as the witch appears behind you.
All that’s left of your existence is a simple computer monitor, playing your last moments until it just becomes a jumbled mess of tv static.
I don't mind at all- in fact, I'm really glad, dear!! I know words alone cannot describe the sheer amount of joy in my heart rn, but trust me when I say that receiving that ask made me jump from joy >w< Thank you so, so very much!!
Also I HAVE to know how you are able to write such ambience and create amazingly-designed labyrinths, because not only would this work within the context of Madoka Magica, but fantasy horror in general- an actual cryptid location that you really don't wanna be in! The chills that I've felt when I read the last sentences...God... /pos in every sense of the word
Plus, all the little details- from the moss, to the hanging controllers, and even the torches (every Minecraft player's toxic trait; placing down one of those fuckers everywhere we go)! This is all so...immaculately done- really adds in to how immersive your writing already is! Kudos!!
(also, ik it's kinda off-topic, but I also adore your interpretations of the witches' human forms! I really don't know how else I could describe it, but, like your labyrinths, the gals would also fit right in with the canon cast of PMMM and its spinoffs! That's some mad skill right there!)
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bu-blegh-ost · 1 year
A Niklaus Hendrix theory (spoilers for the entire series up to 110)
So, I've been meaning to share my thoughts on Niklaus Hendrix for a while now, and seems that there won't be a better time than now, but you gotta bear with me cause there's a lot I wanna say, and hopefully it'll be interesting enough to read.
So, there was a theory going around a while back that Niklaus might be a warlock, whose patron is a Fathomless. I'm new to DnD myself, so for anyone in the same situation as me, let me share what I learned. Fathomless is a sort of almost god-like entity that lives in the ocean depths, and a warlock can make a pact with it to borrow its power. What made people think that this is something Grizzly might have been influenced by, were very familiar black tentacles that seem to be associated with the creature. Of course, Grizzly's campaign is very much homebrew, so if it is connected, it was merely an inspiration, cause, though the Nameless Prince might be a creature similar in power to the Fathomless, it is a seperate entity with its own goals and abilities. But the gist of the theory, is that Niklaus is a warlock and The Nameless Prince, his patron. I'll do you one better tho. What if I told you, that The Nameless Prince WAS a patron, but not of Niklaus, but Captain Hendrix. And you may ask next: Wait, are they not the same person? Well, yes. But no. Lemme explain.
Let's go back about ten years, before the Hole in the Sea. Let's assume that by that time, Captain Hendrix is a simple warlock. Very powerful, but nothing as otherworldly as he seems to be now. He is described by Drey as a man who can never be content, he seeks more power, more control. He has a powerful patron, one of the most archaic and dangerous beings that exist, and as we learned in ep. 110, the entity that took the power of the entire world to seal away. And somehow, the same creature reached out to him. That's why Drey mentioned, that Finn would often warn Captain Rose, that Hendrix seems to be hiding something about the true power of his arcane. But, as said, Hendrix was never happy with what he already had, and one day he came to an agreement. He was promised something, he wanted most, no idea what it could have been, maybe to rule the world or something like that. In turn he was to help free The Nameless Prince from the shackles he was chained by, below the ocean. I believe that years ago, the Nameless Prince, in his fascination with the mortals, in his desire to corrupt, to know, and eventually to destroy, made his way to Mana. Here is where he was stopped permanently, somehow imprisoned with no way to leave. He wants his freedom back and he wants Hendrix to help.
Captain Rose is about to retire, but when talking with his crew, he mentions that he's unsure. That there's something that always makes him want...more. A desire. Hendrix can use that. Whatever Rose did on this last journey of theirs, it opened the hole in the sea. From then, Rose got corrupted by the Nameless Prince which led to his death, and when Drey touched the egg...something was released...but not fully. Drey was not the key, not the right person, not the Chosen One, so The Nameless Prince's release was incomplete, corrupting only a single ocean, but also releasing wild magic across the rest of the world. With what little freedom it had, the Nameless Prince did not have a way to influence the world. No body, no face, no voice. But it did have Captain Hendrix. In ep. 100 we can see that Hendrix looked much more human than he does now. His eyes turned fully black, the very shape of his face changed a little. I think what The Nameless Prince proposed to him, was a fusion. A merge of their consciousness, personalities and goals. The Nameless Prince received Hendrix's memories, his talents and knowledge, his emotions, his body and his face. A name. Niklaus Hendrix. His host in return received power beyond any mortal's imagination. The power to grant wishes and corrupt people from within. But I have no doubt, that most of what Captain Hendrix used to be, belongs to the Nameless Prince now. And he finally has a way to influence the world in order to work towards freeing himself.
There are so many things that make me think that. His deal with Chip, his desire for him not to touch the egg. In his own words "Not him, anyway." Gillion. The fact that the new prophecy makes it feel like his release is inevitable. Naturally. After all, The Nameless Prince granted himself a favor from the Chosen One as early as the 8th episode. His fascination with people, so similar to what we heard about in the book Goobleck found. His nearly absolute power, so strong in fact that he can alter the reality itself. And yet, seemingly a person with a past, experiences and even friends. That's because he's not one being. He's two. And it was very clever of Grizzly to lead us astray like that.
When Chip asks him what he desires most, he says freedom. Naturally. Cause of all the things in the world, this one thing, freedom, is what both of them, the entity and the Captain, whose body was stolen, do not truly have. And they are ready to do anything to get what they want. They are pirates, after all.
I could be going on forever, with quotes and excerpts and even more details to my thought process, but I'm afraid to bore you, so I'll leave it at that for now. But hey, do let me know if you find that little theory of mine interesting, and if you'd like to hear more of my thoughts. For now, take care <3
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monochromecoldness · 6 months
BTS songs I believe aren't recognized enough - Coffee
Did someone say café vibes and caramel macchiatos with a soft side of sentiment? Well, if you're all in for the warm, metaphoric vibes full of nothing but slow pace, "Coffee" is the right song for you. Released for the public back in 2013, "O!RUL8, 2?" (BTS's second studio album) contained 10 tracks, Coffee being the 6th on the track listing. And while it is viewed as a simple love song on the surface, Coffee has a much more deeper, nostalgic meaning in relation to the lyrics and storyline.
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(It is worth noting that there is no music video for Coffee, so a GIF from the music video Just One Day will have to do)
Even though "Coffee" is the most streamed song in O!RUL8, 2? on Spotify at the current time of writing, I believe it still doesn't get enough attention by the general audience as it should.
Using coffee metaphors to describe their love and subtle café sounds, BTS is able to tell a story about a treasured past love through passionate melodies and relaxed vocals throughout. Not to mention the equally loveable calm vibes from the rap line, still getting their point across in a much more subtle manner than usual.
A great highlight of this beautiful song can be from the rap, emphasizing the main genre focused on in "Coffee", R&B, along with the wonderful additives of both Jin, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. All four of them using their voices perfectly during the chorus and throughout added yet another dash of sugar to the mix, and best of all, the high note from Jimin completely sealed the deal for me.
"Coffee" is extremely underrated, in fact, too much for my taste that I feel like more fans should know about it, regardless if they're casual or stans. Because if you want a mellow, relaxing vibe to put on in the background as you indulge in some coffee on a winter's day, "Coffee" is a wonderful recommendation in my opinion.
Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you enjoyed my little review and look on BTS's Coffee! If you would like to recommend songs for me to cover or review, please leave them below in the comments section. But apart from that, it's much appreciated, and thank you! Much love!
Favourite line of the song - 이별은 쓰디쓴 아메리카노 아직도 추억은 여전히 그 카페로 가고 있어
Breaking up was like a bitter americano My memories still go to that cafe
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Pilot and episode 1!Stolas are both more terrifying than any overlord or villain shown on screen, now that I think about it, hell, episode 1!Stolas was COLD. Striker and Crimson's weird satam cartoon villain scenes and Stella's "2000s female anime character in fanfic" vibes are really nothing compared to Blitzo running and fighting for his life in a dark forest, pursued by an armed and dangerous cannibal, all while some prince rambles alone in a luxurious bath, gleefully describing all the ways he wants to fuck Blitz while holding method of his livelyhood over his head.
I think what seals it for me, is how he casually goes "anywhoo" after clearly hearing a gunshot, knowing good and god damn well that could have been his favorite imp's head being blown off.
God, even reading it like this is enough to give me the chills. It's easily the darkest, most threatening scene in the entire series and everyone just handwaves it for the sake of their soft yaoi fix.
For me it's always been "Then let me keep it simple," the way the smile just vanishes from his face. It's a reaction that lets you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he could have heard the sound of another gunshot followed by the phone hitting the ground and just...gone on with his bath. C'est la vie.
Pilot!Stolas was threatening and unhinged, but episode 1!Stolas was a stone cold predator.
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nebulousjoy · 2 months
Sonikal: In this essay I will-
This'll be my deep dive into the rare-pair Sonikal - Sonic the Hedgehog/Tikal the Echidna - that I'll refer to if/whenever people ask me why I ship it and how it even works.
If this ends up getting reblogged, please note that I'll probably refine the text here, making corrections n' whatnot, as time goes on! So be sure to check the original post if you want the most up to date version. Also, do remember that everything in this post is of my own opinions. You can agree or disagree with them, makes no difference to me.
If such a lengthy post for something like a ship seems weird to you, that's fine. I just like talking about said ship, in this instance.
Why do I ship Sonikal?
I believe a functionally healthy relationship between them could and would work, with both of their characters remaining as true to their canon depictions (however sparse in terms of Tikal) as possible. Mind you, since Sonic hasn't officially had a romantic interest and has demonstrated an aversion to Amy's affections, one has to use deductive reasoning and context clues within Sonic's character to surmise how he would behave if he were to form romantic affections for someone. With Tikal, the same goes, though doubly so as more effort is necessary due to she hardly being present enough in SA1 for her full personality "range" to be hinted at. Headcanons for bridging gaps / filling in holes are unavoidable.
(I'm aware an element like this is unnecessary in the eyes of many of fandom's typical shippers, but I'm the kind of person who NEEDS plausibility in ships for me to care about them. So, this is important.)
I think their dynamic would be extremely cute and wholesome, for reasons I'll get into when I describe how they would interact with each other.
The gamecanon versions of Sonic and Tikal are the primary focuses here. I don't know enough nor care about the comic versions of either to consider them.
How does Sonikal work?
The pairing is only remotely possible if we choose to deviate from canon, and allow Tikal to exist naturally. In SA1, it's unclear what exactly happens to her or Chaos after the story ends, but it's obvious that they aren't actively around in the world's setting.
There's a few paths one can go to expand upon Tikal's new life, but I like to go with something a little contrived but not theoretically impossible: Tikal gets given her physical body back from the M.E., as Chaos' wrath being quelled means the seal on him has no reason to stay active. It's implied in SA1 that Tikal's physical body is no more as she roams as an orb of light, so with the seal now being void, why wouldn't she get her body back?
This is turn draws the questions of "where would she live?" and "what would she do?". My answers for both of these are...Chao Gardens! Taking care of Chao! It's obvious Tikal grew fond of them in the past, and I don't see any reason why that would fade in modern time. Since the city of her clan has been mostly swallowed up by the earth, crumbling to ruin, she doesn't have a stable place to live. I feel she would turn to Chao Gardens to be her new homes, where she can live peacefully alongside Chao and take care of them.
(It also makes sense for her to live on Angel Island with Knuckles, but to keep things simple, let's go with the Chao Garden idea.)
This scenario is satisfactory to me enough, as where Sonic and his friends themselves live are normally kept vague in the series anyway. Amy and Tails apparently have their own houses in the games, but it's never been explained how they obtained them or if they still have them, so *shrugs*. Suspension of disbelief is basically required for the Sonic world.
Being devoted to maintaining and enjoying his freedom is a core aspect of his character. He just simply isn't Sonic if he lacks this trait. This getting sacrificed to make a ship involving him work is a BIG no-no to me. Additionally, the character isn't Sonic if he lacks his canon benevolence and intolerance towards injustice. He cares for the people around him and helps those in need if he comes across them, which has been demonstrated many times in the games at this point.
However, Sonic does not come across as the physically affectionate type in canon. That actually doesn't impact the depth a relationship can have though, as there's MANY ways someone can express affection without kissing and cuddling being predominant. Intimacy has multiple layers with multiple manifestations, and none are greater than the other.
It's always possible to have a relationship work for him where his needs still get met - *without* his partner's needs getting unfulfilled in the process. If Sonic somehow realized this, and met the *right* person, romance isn't out of the realm of possibility for him generally speaking.
It was clearly depicted in SA1 that Tikal is very compassionate. She was very gentle and caring towards the Emerald Shrine's Chao. She tried many times to dissuade her father from his power-hungry, warmongering ways. She stood firm against him when he stormed the Emerald Shrine with a group of warriors, up until she was knocked aside. The societal hierarchies of the Knuckles Clan have never been revealed iirc, but as Pachacamac was the leader of the clan (and had shown he cared about getting what he wanted even at others' expenses), defying him like that most likely had severe consequences. That didn't stop her from trying.
This implies Tikal has a strong will and sense of bravery. She hates injustice and does what she can to stop it. She cares so much about doing what's right, and protecting the world itself, that she choose to seal the rampaging Perfect Chaos away in the M.E. - using her physical body to pay the price. Since chaos energy "turns one's thoughts into power", I see that act as proving Tikal also has a strong sense of conviction, going hand-in-hand with possessing a strong will.
Lastly, from her talks to her father of how greed leads one down a path where they will mindlessly consume more until they likely meet an end of self-destruction, Tikal too has a sense of wisdom. Or, emotional intelligence. However you want to describe it.
Other aspects of her character have to be assembled using headcanons, but frankly, these traits alone hold enough water for the next section.
They've interacted canonically, in the tail end of Sonic's story and the last story in SA1. Their moments were fairly standard and naturally revolved around the story, but still! It's neat that they have.
One interesting moment is after Chaos floods Station Square. Tikal beseeches to him that Chaos needs to be sealed again, but Sonic being as intuitive as he is shoots that down, knowing it wouldn't solve the problem of Chaos' anger in the end. This highlights Tikal's desperation in the moment, but also hints at a trait of she tunnel-visioning whenever her composure is lost. Maybe it was just in that moment, maybe it's a habit she has; who can say for sure?
But me bringing up them having met in canon goes into how they could interact if they were to meet up again. Sonic, being the caring guy that he is, would definitely be very keen on speaking to her more in-depth compared to before - seeing how she's been doing and all that.
I also think Sonic would feel genuine curiosity about her. He got glimpses of her life, rather the bad moments in it leading up to her clan's extinction, so I can see him wanting to get to know her better as a friend. Because, Sonic for sure would view her as a friend. He so easily befriends others that it makes sense.
Tikal would respond in kind. She must've formed a strong enough amount of faith in his abilities to have shown him those flashbacks, and it's natural that she would want to know him better too. They'd form a carefree friendship, both sides being cordial with one another.
Their Chemistry
It's their friendship that allows more to develop between them. Assuming Sonic takes a break from his usual globe-trotting to hang out with Tikal in a Chao Garden every now and then, they would spend a fair amount of time talking and relaxing together.
The kicker here is that they do have a notable amount of personality traits in common, and they're the ones most apparent; arguably important. They're both benevolent, dislike injustice, and stay true to what they believe in. Sonic of course harbors a love of life itself, and I do think the same applies to Tikal, as her sacrifice proves she cares deeply about the world and the life in it. She not only opposed her father to protect the emeralds, but to protect the Chao as well.
We've seen Sonic's playful and sassy side plenty, and while Tikal hasn't exactly shown the same sides in canon nor has anything signaled it, I doubt she wouldn't mesh well with it. I can even see Tikal being like Sonic's "hype girl" funnily enough, laughing at his jokes or having a "Oh you're so silly <3" reaction to them. It's even better if Tikal bounced off of Sonic's antics with her own secret playful side, and who knows, maybe she does have one (I like to think so personally). It wouldn't be out of place if she did.
In general, there's nothing about either of them that makes it implausible they'd form chemistry. They could bond over many things.
Their Feelings
I'm not sure who would catch feelings first, and it honestly doesn't matter. Both of them would form an attraction to one another without either realizing it at first, but I do have the hunch that Tikal would more quickly identify that she feels a certain type of way about Sonic, to where calling him a mere friend doesn't feel quite right. She'd hone in on this, while I can see Sonic just going with the flow in regards to his own feelings, not noticing the change in how he feels about her until it gets outright brought up in some manner.
Namely, Tikal could voice her thoughts just to get them into the air; off her chest. Speaking on how much Sonic means a lot to her, and she feels closer to him than she has with anyone else. Whatever time they do spend together fills her with joy. It's reasonable for Sonic to not catch onto the implications and be pleased that she does like being around him, or...his intuition kicks in and he starts to suspect something is there. What exactly, he doesn't know. But still.
That could be the first domino to fall, leading into a chain reaction. Maybe he starts to look at Tikal in a way different from before. Maybe he pays closer attention to how she behaves around him, and whenever Tikal can interact with his other friends, especially see how she is with them. Sonic is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for, and when he gets interested enough in something to pay close attention to it, he'll perceive a lot of things. Maybe Tikal notices this change, and she too starts to subtly "study" him to see what's up.
To hurry along and keep this already long post from getting even longer: eventually a boiling point would be reached. I do like the idea of Sonic being the first to properly touch upon their bond going to a different level. He'd need to have a more serious conversation over it, but once he sees that Tikal is on board, the ship sails.
Their Relationship
Tikal is very understanding. By the point they each learn of the other's feelings, she would know fully well that Sonic does not want to be changed. She would not want him to change anyway. His happiness would be extremely important to her, and he keeping to his love of traveling the planet is what she would want - first and foremost.
Sonic would recognize and greatly appreciate this consideration. A relationship to him had always symbolized he being anchored down and his freedom compromised (Amy and her habits of chasing him and wanting them to get married pinned that in his mind), but Tikal making it clear that's not what she wants would bring him immense relief. And would in turn make him feel like she does truly get him.
In a similar fashion, Tikal would remain committed to her role of nurturing Chao. She has overall less responsibilities to the world compared to Sonic and less of a perpetual wanderlust, but she does not want anything to come between her and what she wants to do. Not that Sonic would DO such a thing, he'll never boss anyone around, but still. They'd be on the same page. None of what they hold dear need to be given up to make things work, and the other's happiness is just as important as their own.
Above all else, they each would want one another to be a permanent part of their world. Nothing more, nothing less. That would remain set in stone, no matter how often they're far apart physically. Because, in the times they are together, it makes them that much more special.
Besides, Sonic would ABSOLUTELY bring Tikal with him during some of his travels. She's been out of commission for the last 3,000+ years after all, she's missed out on a lot! Sonic would be thrilled to help her experience new things in this modern era, be it sightseeing in countries or taking her to scenic places he loves. The girl would be pumped to see the world, and create new memories with Sonic that she can enjoy for the years to come.
This isn't even acknowledging some fanon theories about Tikal being immortal if she were to ever actually return & hang around in modern times, but that can be discussed in a different post.
TLDR: Sonikal works because both Sonic and Tikal can reasonably make the relationship work without sacrificing important parts of their characters, and their relationship would have a nice flair of true significance on top of that. They would have the kind of romance that's not over the top or even that conventional, but still very intimate.
So...yeah. My intentions for writing this weren't to "convince" other people to ship them too, just to shed some light on why I do. Thanks for reading all of this, if you did! 👋🏾
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@apocryphis asked: "hey doc." and here comes the feline grin again, yet still one that rings a little warmer than it does when granted to most people; aventurine leaning against the table, certainly determined to make use of that permission to ask questions. "i have a question. i was reading that book you lent me about bats but i'm not sure i completely understand how their echolocation works... well, barring the boiled down version from documentaries and superhero movies - can you explain it to me again?" and aventurine waits, listening attentively, sincerely, to ratio's inevitable, long-winded, but engrossing explanation (watching the good doctor enthuse about any of his many topics of interest never fails to light up a gentle warmth in his chest - how he envies and admires that passion at the same time). but, a mischievous gambler can never forsake his true nature for long; and once ratio concludes his expose, he continues: "i have another question." he smiles. (he will apologise to the poor doctor later). "were you truly so surprised when owlbert suggested there was mutual respect between us, or were you just saving face?" (the gambler readies himself for a piece of chalk to find its way into his forehead)
Oh, if one could describe the way the way the doctor lit up, though his expression didn't shift, it would be as if the sun itself suddenly shone through his eyes. The question draws his immediate attention, enough for him go so far as to set down his files and turn in his seat to face Aventurine properly, folding one leg over the other and settling in.
"Certainly. It is quite simple at a fundamental aspect. In short," this will not be short, "bats have highly specialized larynxes that enable them to emit ultrasonic vocalizations — these can range from within the threshold of human hearing, around sixteen kilohertz, all the way up to well over one hundred kilohertz depending on the species. The pressure needed to generate the energy necessary for such high frequencies is more or less formed by the bat's entire body; pressure is built when the glottis is sealed by cartilaginous tissue in the throat, and the contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles compresses the air in the larynx before its release, allowing the sound to be emitted. Such force has been observed to even be facilitated by the bat's flapping wings when in flight. And the reason why the bat needs to achieve such high frequencies is because because soundwaves only reflect off of objects equal in size to or larger than their wavelength..."
Ratio continues on seemingly without rest, even at some point getting up and fetching a book to show Aventurine a series of spectrographs of different echolocation calls. "...You can see here how the different families of bats differ drastically in their signatures, but within each family there tend to be quite a few similarities in structure due to morphology and niche occupancy..."
"...And that," he concludes with a satisfied snap of the book, "is just the surface of the world of bats. There is plenty we don't yet understand about their brains or how they adapted syntax, nor what that syntax might mean — mind you, I'm talking about without the use of the Synesthesia Beacons, because things naturally get lost in translation, and it would be too easy to rely on the Beacon."
Aventurine pipes up with another question, and Ratio glances up to — oh. He jerks back a bit, suddenly all too conscious of how he had been leaning into the Stoneheart's space to point at the countless graphs and diagrams on the textbook's pages. The question leaves him stiffening and nearly drawing the book to his chest, but though his fingers twitch in his lap (no doubt tempted to dome Aventurine as anticipated), he does not lift his hand nor pull back further. Silence follows. Ratio finds, not for the first time, that it is difficult to look away from Aventurine's eyes.
"I was," he eventually admits, a little too mindful of the placement of his hands, a little too aware of how close they still sit together. "Mutuality implies an equal measure. Logically, I knew there had to be some level of reciprocation in order for us to work as well as we do, but I... rarely anticipate equal respect." Something compels his honesty further, even as he manages to break his gaze from the Avgin beside him. "...What surprised me most was how you predicted my response. That was the embarrassment."
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Finally, his voice grows sullen. "You played me for a fool on live television. I haven't forgotten that."
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theonemarvelousness · 2 years
valentines ship suggestion No x Vil but its a scheme by Rook
No looks confused at the letter. It's a gorgeous purple paper, with a golden seal--Pomefiore. The beautiful calligraphy on the front, also in a gorgeous gold in the neatest penmanship she's ever seen in her life reads:
No Wei.
Every Pomefiore member she's very familiar with currently, technically, lives with her--and honestly things are really starting to settle out but this is definitely the extra-flavor that exists with that dorm. Having the Housewarden for Pomefiore live here, too, and the Vice, has been difficult--actually, it's TWO sets, but Scarabia can apparently manage pretty well with the two heads of dorm living there part time.
But, well, a pretty seal is broken with a pocket knife. Opening it, she pulls out the letter curiously. It is a thick, old-style parchment written in again, purple ink.
No Wei,
I doubt there are enough written words to apologize to you. And, admittedly, I realize that you prefer action than lip service. Please join me for dinner at the time described below, my treat. I'd like to start making it up to you.
I am truly sorry for all that's happened.
Vil Schoenheit
That's a restaurant in the village... Well. She can manage that with her bus pass. She checks through some things... there's enough money on her bus pass to cover the trip, and she has some nicer clothes to wear. No doubt Vil would pick something fairly nice.
It's still cold, so she can definitely get away with winter wear, too...
Well. Dinner it is. At least, she'll give him the time of day. They do need to fix what's going on--or they'd probably end up killing each other.
Vil frowns at the letter on the makeshift desk he has to live with. Meals and slumber here have been difficult, even with the imported bed roll and other creature comforts. Honestly, there's been several nights he's just gone back to Pomefiore, especially when he has early days because living in this hovel full time is horrid.
Fine, fine, he does understand the prickliness of No now, but still! She's a terror!
But, a letter? Vil Schoenheit scrawled--it's fairly neat at least...
Plain, simple...
I know we are only starting to come to understand each other... and now you know things. Could we have dinner and talk?
The details are transcribed.
I had the boxes enchanted, so just mark to let me know!
Sincerely, No Wei
Well. What harm is there? He marks yes. The letter sparkles.
Well, he makes sure his schedule is set.
"Well, Rook," Vil starts as he works over the schedule, "mark the evening of the fourteenth as blocked out. I have dinner."
"O-ho~? With whom~?" His Vice Housewarden is so curious, of course.
"No Wei. It's a mid-level establishment... I assume there are coupons involved, considering. Politely--" He looks around first. No one is around. "--she invited me out so we may reconcile more. I refuse to let her pay, of course." A tut, shaking his head.
"Oui, oui, of course... so, what are you wearing, beautiful Vil?"
Vil pauses. "...I will decide wardrobe later."
"You should bring flowers for Reine du Non." An affirmative nod. "A token of a new friendship! Beaut!"
That IS a good idea.
With the busy schedule, admittedly, Vil has no time to talk down details--but the letter was clear on date, time, and location, and if nothing else she IS punctual.
Not quite a fully put-on suit. An overcoat, a button-up, a stylish tie, gloves, pants, and shoes. He has to look gorgeous and be winter ready with the fresh layer of snow. Considering about ten minutes before he went to Pomefiore, No had gone off bundled up--it means she's on the way via bus.
He'll take her back in the car, then.
She looked... nicely done up, at least, as nice as she gets.
"The reservation is under Schoenheit, but he isn't here yet." No stands nervously in front of the hostess. She had to jump into the nearby bookstore's bathroom to change into something more... nice? She can't really look feminine at school. The make-up too was a bit of an embarrassing endeavor. It's been a long time since she's gotten ready in a restroom. And, of course, she bought a novel to offset the use.
But it feels really nice to have her hair up and some make up on. The outfit is a nice button-up, with a skirt she had found and bought on impulse at a thrift store. The school ribbon in her hair, tights, and dress shoes--also a thrift store find. It's nice. Not--super stylish or in trend, but nice.
It's nice to feel pretty.
"Oh, come this way." The woman informs. "The other member of your party is already here."
"Oh--good!" No feels a little... nervous.
Well, she has ever right to be. Vil looks stunning. As per usual. It's ridiculous. He's too pretty for a man. It's bullshit.
But, the hostess pulls out the chair for her, and she takes a seat. Feeling... nervous? Why?
They've never really had pleasant time one-on-one.
"Hi." Yeah, even she knows that was lame.
"--and if you think for a second you're going to use some coupon special, I've already put my card down for the check." Bossy, as always. Well.
"--alright." Well, the letter did say--but uh. Yeah, he would make sure to re-iterate that, wouldn't he.
Vil sighs and shakes his head, and offers a simple single-flower bouquet. A beautiful white rose. "And--for you."
Hesitantly, No takes it. It's--absolutely gorgeous. A perfect white rose. And it smells wonderful! Admittedly, she really DOES like flowers. And it's been a long time since someone's given her one. Fine, yeah, she's smiling. "Thanks, Vil. It's lovely."
Then, he produces a vase; a wave of his wand puts in water. "So it doesn't wilt during our meal."
A nod, and No puts it in carefully, admiring the bloom.
Well, this is a very surprising turn out. A skirt on No Wei! It hits home how much of a girl she actually is, with a fairly nice-fitting blouse, a skirt, tights, and shoes? Oh, yes--the make up too. That is certainly a girl when she's cleaned up. It really puts into perspective the efforts she goes through to hide her sex and the skewed perception of being at an all-boys-school.
There's some nervousness to her too--but how her blue eyes light up at the rose means they are stepping in the right direction.
Rook was right, and of course flowers do usually make girls happy.
The cuisine is French, and once they get the menus, No looks a little lost. Well, she IS from a foreign world.
"I have an idea." He ventures gently.
No slowly looks up at him. "Yes?"
"How about you have what I'm having."
There's a pause. "That works."
"Wonderful--the bisque, the Coq au vin, and of course the cheese course. Maybe dessert after if we're up to it."
No nods, agreeably. This is nice.
No takes in a breath as she sets down the menu and sips her water. In all honesty, there's a big relief. This is nice, a little awkward, but nice.
The table is really small, making this a pretty intimate setting. She's not really sure what to do with her hands so in her lap they stay. It was nice of him to invite her to dinner, though this is a BIT fancier than she expected.
Yeah, no, they would've gone for street kabobs if it was on her dime though and with the dieting Vil might've died.
The order is placed, at least.
"You look nice today." A compliment! It's startling.
"Thanks... um... you look great as always." It's true.
"I do try. You've cleaned up quite well."
"It's... uh, a rare opportunity..." This is so awkward.
"I--know." Oh good, HE'S awkward too. "..."
Awkward silence.
It is awkward, they spent an entire semester basically hating one-another and here they are--considering No's apparently the queen of friendship, he didn't think this reconciling part would be so difficult. But, he is the older, wiser member of this... "I am sorry. How... I found out, and better yet, our relationship until now. I didn't act my best in any aspect, and you did deserve better."
"I'm sorry too." She replies immediately. "I'd like to be friends, Vil."
"...Me too."
Dinner is so good! No hasn't had this food before, and it is surprisingly delicious. Maybe there is something to this French Food (it is not as good as American cuisine). Honestly, it's also nice to chat with Vil. Go over the game plan for the SDC, and overall just be amicable with one-another. It makes this whole event a lot more stressful and more tolerable.
It's really nice.
She thinks maybe they could've been friends a lot sooner if they just sat down and talked.
"If you won't tell, I won't tell about dessert."
"Considering Ace dumped his laundry on mine today and said it wouldn't be a big deal if I did his too, yeah. Dessert sounds great."
Vil sighs. "So that explains the clothes in the snow."
"I washed them... It's just he's going to have to dry them." He deserves it too, in her humble opinion.
"Well, I recommend the Poire avec orange. I think you'll like it."
"Then let's go with that."
The suggestion was a good choice! No looks absolutely delighted with the dessert. A sweetened fruit, not as heavy in calories or sugars as many other choices--and a bit of a cheat day is necessary. Morale-wise, and considering what he's been blind too all this time when it comes to her... she needs it.
Plus, after the SDC not only will the prize money be donated to Ramshackle, he is going to personally oversee the repairs and bring up the conditions in a Housewarden meeting. This is a ridiculous scenario. A student should have never endured such conditions. What was the Headmaster even thinking putting a student there, let alone a girl!?
He can't out that part.
It hits him this really is a secret he must keep.
The meal is done and No lets out a slow, careful breath. Content with both the food and the experience. It's been really nice with Vil. Honest to goodness nice. "I've had a really good time tonight, Vil, thanks. Though--I do have to go soon. The last bus leaves in twenty minutes."
Vil's eyes roll. "No, we're going back in a car. I can't let you go alone this late in the cold."
There's a moment to hesitate, but she nods. "Well, alright. Then I'm in your care."
The waiter arrives with the check, and Vil barely glances at it before he signs. He stands, picking up the vase. "Let's go, No. I'll wait for you outside so you can change. I've got wipes in the car for your face, so don't worry about the make up."
Honestly, she really likes this side of Vil. So this is why his students like him so much...
Rook cannot help his grin as he watches the pair leave.
They had such a lovely date~ He cannot wait to see how this further blooms.
His perfect Roi and Reine.
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underpair · 2 years
Entries from a being: ???-010
[          ] 
I awoke very strangely: staring at the very underground that had been my home. I can not describe when it was last my home, time is little more than a simple suggestion. I know this very well, and I am sure that the other half of me does too. As I stared, I began to see it much more differently than I had before. It was not a small, forgotten society dedicated to trying to free themselves from a cramped prison nobody had the key to anymore, it was a collection of shapes performing routines. Before I took this body, I had seen the human fall many times, I had seen the underground freed and laid to waste, yet never before could I not see my old family as people. 
I did not mean to type family. The word “acquaintances” escaped me.
My magical prowess seems expanded, if it is even magic anymore. I managed to open a window of the digital sort in physical space, something I previously thought would take years more of science. And yet, I had done so with mere magic. This window is allowing me to keep notes, and so I have elected to record my journey as a new entity,
I know the person part of this body used to belong to very well. The Dreemurr’s human child, Chara. I remember them well, as does every monster who was there to remember them. Their passing shook the underground almost as greatly as being sealed away initially. Understandable, they were a symbol of hope, they represented the idea that not only could we possibly be free from this prison, but we may be able to reconcile with the new generations of humans once we do. It was a shame. 
The true nature of their death previously eluded me. 
I am not glad to finally have this knowledge. 
[          ] 
The world reset again. I used to be an entity unbound from space and time completely, with no awareness as to when a reset had occurred, simply seeing monsters back to how they were before. Now, I was aware when it happened. I felt it. 
I still do not know what to date these entries. As I have already stated, time is a suggestion. For now, I shall leave a blank space to fill later, once I decide on a system. 
This ability to open digital windows still seems strange to me, however it has progressed more. I was able to use one to view myself. Not in the sense of a mirror, I appear invisible to mirrors. I appear invisible to everything. More in the sense of a camera: viewing myself from another point in the physical space. Perhaps, with enough practice, I would be able to view other points of the underground. Perhaps I will be able to view the surface.
To keep a record, I believe it would be best to describe how I appear. I am unsure if my body will change, or if this information will ever prove useful, but it is best to remain prepared. 
For starters, I have skin. It is a strange feeling, I am used to being purely bone, It feels like my bones are clothed with a thin material, which I suppose they are. Humans are more than skin and bone, though. They have muscles, blood, fat, etc… I do not. Skin and bone, in the literal sense. 
I have hair too. Blunt bangs, I believe the hairstyle is referred to as, though it is starting to need brushing. 
The knowledge of that hairstyle is not mine, for reference. 
The feeling of hair is predictably foreign, yet also familiar. This is expected, I took more than Chara’s body, if my theory is correct. In the same sense, they may have been given aspects of me. But only I am this new me. I have only seen myself.
Both this skin and this hair lack the colour they had on Chara. It is a phenomenon I find rather strange. Instead, the skin is a rather light grey, and the hair a heavily dark grey; not quite black but approaching it. My face remains my own, or rather, it remains what it became. Broken and twisted voids make up my eyes and mouth, but my body is no longer melted. I can not move my face. It is a source of great discomfort. 
I have apparently gained the child’s wardrobe, too. The same single-striped crew neck, though that too has been granted a more monochrome colour scheme. At least it does not clash as heavily with my suit pants than if the shirt was still green and yellow. The Dreemurrs could dress a child as a child, I won’t deny, but to wear this myself seems odd. Not as odd as skin and hair, but odd nonetheless. Even so, it would be rude to speak ill of mother’s fashion sense.
I will continue trying to make sense of my situation
[RESET 003]
I will date these logs by resets passed since I became this new being. This is the only stable system, I believe. A reset can not be made to have not happened. It is annoying how the threat of one lingers uncontrollably, but many aspects of life are uncontrollable.
I have experimented more with this window ability. Specifically the aspect that allows me to view points in space. I have not mastered it completely, I can only view the underground as of now, but I did not become royal scientist by backing down. The underground relied on me staying determined. 
The underground is silent. At least, there is no real sound. I hear monsters talking, I hear a stream of water, I hear the hum of the core, but I do not hear sound. Not sound that feels like sound. I am aware that such subjective matters do not belong in a log, but there is nobody to read this but me. I would at least prefer to voice my concerns.
The knowledge that I have from the human isn’t knowledge, I have come to realise. It is memories. The difference is very thin, admittedly, but a memory is personal. Everything I know about them is too personal to be merely learned facts. I know why they came into the underground. I do not want to discuss it. 
[RESET 004] 
The human committed genocide again this time. The anomaly-guided human, that is. Frisk. Anyone else would see this act as purely despicable, I am aware, but I seem to find myself feeling thankful. It is through their determination I was brought back, and made corporeal enough for me to possess. Chara was brought back, that is. 
Part of me does in fact feel disgusted at this, however. Not at the actual act committed, but rather that it was committed more than once. It is an act performed without purpose and, more importantly, without consequence. Despicable. 
I have been coming to terms with the fact my thoughts and feelings are now not completely my own. I have been forced to come to terms with it. I am no longer me, is a way of saying it. Or rather, “me” is something new. Many of my thoughts, including who I believe I am, come from Gaster. Then there is what comes from Chara too. “Me” must refer to me as the new being, though I can not leave being Gaster behind. Perhaps my, or Gaster’s, domination over this “self” comes from age: having more memories to fill this body with. That is the current theory.
I still could not see the surface. Be it with the windows or by trying to go there myself since I am no longer bound by gravity or tangibility, I have been unable. The barrier may be the obstacle here. It always has been. 
[RESET 005] 
As I had thought, Chara restored the world at Frisk’s request again. My initial theory must have been correct, that I only stole the body of a single Chara, and many more would take their place if need be. I believe I understand the nature of the reset more. I hope to acquire that power for myself one day.
I have spent my time experimenting with the windows. At some point, I was greeted with the face of Mettaton, the star of the underground who was created after any part of me existed. This would not typically be noteworthy, but I was not watching them from a point in space like I assumed my windows were initially limited to: I was watching their television show. I had no interest in it, but it seems these windows, these screens, I may be able to do more with them than I expect.
My hair is becoming tangled now. I seem to have underestimated how difficult it is to not be made of bone. I would learn from that mistake, but I seem unable to brush it. The best I can do is trace a few fingers through, but the friction would likely tear my skin without any flesh to strengthen it. If I were more tangible, brushing it would not be an issue. Such an annoyance.
I’ve spent some time thinking. Specifically thinking about why I took this body in the first place. I knew that little to nothing would come of it. I doubted I would become corporeal, even if the body I took had amassed enough of someone else’s determination to become at least somewhat corporeal. I was right. I still, for all intents and purposes, do not exist. I have no real plan for now. 
[RESET 006]
I have thought of a plan. With what I can only deem a complete and undesired freedom, I will explore the surface fully. It has been decades since I have last set foot on the lands, and it is a shame that I will never feel the sun’s warmth again, but I will at least explore what humans have created since the war. 
Humans. The word disgusts me, if I am to be honest. The enemies I have fought against and the ones that forced me to the underground. Both parts of me have not had a good experience with humans, they lack the kindness that monsters are quite literally formed of. 
A human could never do what I have done. To take the body of Chara was akin to absorbing a soul, though I have unfortunately never experienced this. Even so, for a soul to be formed from this…
I originally believed a soul to be the source of a life, what holds the body of a monster together and what allows a human to be animate, but for one to form when two soulless beings became one… My soul is unique. Half monster, half human. There is a lot that I have recently discovered is less impossible than I believed.
For now, I shall wait for a timeline in which the human frees the monsters and, more importantly, breaks the barrier. I shall then attempt to see if my screens can view the surface. From there, maybe there will be a better way to expand on what these windows are capable of.
[RESET 007]
The surface doesn’t exist.
[RESET 008]
Nothing. I wait all this time, whatever that word means anymore, and there is simply nothing. I can not tell whether I am losing my sanity or if what I have experienced is just so akin to it. 
Aside from the  area surrounding Mt Ebott, there was nothing. I am familiar with not existing, but this was something else. As much as falling into the core made me not exist, I was there in the first place. There were traces of me, I could be proven. This is not similar to that experience. It seemed like a lack of being, like something was never there. There was nothing, not a single leaf, not a drop of water. Absolute nothing. Unneeded and unused space.
I do not know what this means. I have memories of the surface, and I am sure this was never the case. Whatever has happened, I shall come to understand it. I, above all people. This is my new goal. I do not believe there is anything I would be able to do with whatever discovery I make, but it is my duty as royal scientist to discover what I can.
[RESET 009]
Something strange happened this time. 
My mastery over the windows is increasing, and I am now able to view any points on the surface that seem to exist, even with the barrier in place, yet I can not see what was in the points of non-existence I have labelled “gaps”. Upon experimenting with these windows again, I seem to have unlocked yet another function of them. I am able to view the information of anything.
It seems to apply to objects and not people, but I am able to view the name of any object, its weight, density, volume, temperature… etc. I think I am understanding my windows better. They are a way of viewing the world, a way of collecting information. It would make sense that I, as royal scientist, would manifest something like this. I can not say that it isn’t unnerving. What else is just available as information? I understand an object's properties being available, weight is an inherent part of something even if the units it is measured in are made by monsters. But name? That is purely societal, what an object is called is determined entirely by monsters, not an inherent trait of the universe. The implications of this are concerning..
Ever since it was confirmed that Chara has, through the reset, been returned to the underground, I have had a thought at the back of my mind, one I hope is not reality. Gaster could too be returned. I don’t think this is currently the case, as Gaster I persisted through resets, nothing about me changed. Not where I was, if I was anywhere, and not what I remember. I hope this stays true, and I am all left of Gaster. I could not confront myself.
[RESET 010]
This marks the 10th reset since I became this new being. Perhaps this is a time of significance, the number 10 is often considered a perfect number after all. I have discovered much about the nature of my new form in these past resets, though I feel like I am merely scratching the surface of what I am capable of. My windows allow me to view and take notes, as well as seeing the properties of objects, but there is a very certainly low chance that this is all I can do. From what I am able to understand, these windows mimic that of computer screens, albeit low-tech ones that predate my fall by a few years. Using that as a guide, I should be able to force my advancements. This will inevitably lead to me discovering the nature of the surface’s erasure/disappearance. 
It is still strange to think about my memories, or rather how that makes me perceive others. Take the king, for example. In ordinary circumstances, I would be viewing him as my superior, the king of the underground and a dear friend. Yet now the word “father” comes heavily to mind. Well, no, the word that comes to mind is “dad”, but I do not enjoy the pronunciation of such a word. For all intents and purposes, any parental terms that will appear in these notes will be restricted to “mother” and “father”. I am not a child. Even the child part of me has been through too much to be considered a child.
It is an odd sensation. My chest tightened as I typed that. That isn’t to say that I did not feel emotions previously, or that they didn’t have impacts on physical sensations, but nevertheless I did not feel it in this way. Usually it was more minor of a sensation that I had to quickly remove from myself lest it interferes with my work. In another life, I would be overwhelmed with this feeling, thoughts would spiral through my head and I would lose focus, detaching myself from reality completely as hateful words run through my ears. I remember the words well:
“Demon child”. 
I have worsened the feeling, that was… Illogical of me. I will return to discovery, I can not discover what happened to the surface if I spend more effort mulling over these emotions. 
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