#crossover pairings
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One Night (31)
Kagome stifles a yawn as she stretches her arms above her head. On her shoulders is a towel to catch the stray droplets of water. She glances back at the sauna and sighs. As soon as she gives birth, she is headed for the—no, she'll be too tired and probably too sweaty to appreciate the sauna right after labor. Tugging her silk green robe closed, she idly ties the strings together while she continues to pout at the sauna.
It's too bad, but the sauna isn't going anywhere.
"Why are you glaring at the sauna?" Satoru asks.
Kagome blinks. "When did you get up?"
"I got up when you did, but you looked like you needed a moment." Satoru makes a show of looking over her and at the sauna. "I can give ya a massage instead?" He leans against the door frame and gives her a wiry grin. Satoru crosses his arms and flexes ever so slightly, drawing Kagome's attention to his lack of clothing.
He did not go to bed like that.
"Later," she says with great reluctance as she tears her eyes away to look at his face. "I promised Shippo we would go to Zao Fox village today. It's a four-hour trip from here."
She swears he is tempting her, but they don't have time to fool around right now. The boys will wake up any moment now if they haven't already. Plus, she needs to get breakfast started, and then pack a bag for the trip, and there's probably something else she is forgetting. They could take a train and get there slightly earlier than driving, but since she can drive, she would prefer the car, so then she doesn't have to keep track of the train schedules, and if they see anything on the drive out there, they can always stop and check it out.
Satoru's brows raise. "Four hours? You should get a hotel there, so you aren't pressed for time. That's not something that's just down the street."
Kagome stares at him. He isn't upset about not getting lunch together or about the last-minute trip?
Satoru pushes off the door frame and steps closer to her. "Does it have to be today? Or could it be tomorrow? Because I could rearrange my schedule, so you don't have to drive that long."
"I can't see Shippo being upset about getting to spend more time there," she admits. "But what about work? Do you have any missions out there?"
"...No, but Ijichi can make the drive."
He smiles and presses his finger to her nose. "Kagome." He walks around her and into the bathroom. "Oh, and your gift should arrive around one. I was gonna be here for it, but I'll need to work through lunch so we can make the drive."
Gift? What gift? Another dress?
Kagome frowns at the sound of the shower going. Leave it to Satoru to drop that on her and then hop into the shower. She should go in there and pester him about it.
No, then she'll get distracted by the water steaming over that big body of his and—
"Mama!" Shippo yells.
She startles at the outburst and the door hitting the wall. Kagome wipes her hands down the sides of her robe and pads into the bedroom. Shippo is up early. She smiles at the sight of Shippo holding Koushi. Those two have become the best of friends and she couldn't be happier. Some days she wants to pinch herself because she can't believe Shippo is here with her in the modern world or how accepting Satoru is of everything.
"Hey Shippo," Kagome greets. "Let me get changed and then we can talk." She grabs the towel from her shoulders, places it on top of her head, fussing with her hair to get it to dry faster, and then slides the door open to the walk-in closet. What to wear? Since they aren't going out to the fox village today, she doesn't need to wear pants, so maybe a skirt? Kagome hums at the options in front of her. She settles for a light pink knitted skirt with pockets big enough to hold her phone and a loose white top so she can nurse Koushi without a nursing cover.
Shippo sits on the bed with Koushi in his arms. He entertains Koushi with fox fire and puppets suspended in the air. It reminds Kagome of a projector, the way the puppets move and how they seem to tell a story. Her little Shippo isn't looking so little anymore. He's growing too quickly.
Kagome sits on the edge of the bed and dries her hair some more before tossing the towel into the hamper. She'll blow dry it before they head out.
"What time are we leaving?" Shippo grins.
"About that. Daddy thinks it would be more fun if we got a hotel out there, so we could spend the entire day at the village tomorrow instead of only like an hour or two today." She takes Koushi from Shippo's arms and pulls up her shirt to nurse him. "We can keep the same plan and go today anyway, or we could spend more time and visit the village tomorrow."
Shippo sticks his lips out in consideration. He taps his finger to his mouth while his tail swishes behind him. "Tomorrow. I want to spend as much time there as I can. Maybe I'll be able to talk to them." He leans to the side and sniffs. "I changed his diaper before we came to wake you up."
Satoru walks into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He holds it up with one hand and pushes his wet hair back with his other. "I'll make breakfast."
Shippo makes a face.
"What? I can make breakfast."
"I like it when Mama makes it. She puts extra love into it."
Satoru pouts. "I put love into it too," he grumbles as he walks into the walk-in closet.
"Papa burns the food because he gets distracted," Shippo whispers. "And I just prefer your cooking."
Kagome smiles. What a sweet thing for him to say. She ruffles his hair and then moves Koushi, so he is on her chest. She pats his back out of habit.
"I don't mind making breakfast. Satoru, could you get the boys ready, then?"
Satoru walks back into the room dressed in his uniform with his blindfold hanging from around his neck. He makes a big show of throwing his towel into the hamper like he's playing basketball. Shippo and Koushi are tickled by it. Koushi lets out a squeak of laughter while Shippo claps.
Must be a guy thing. Sota does the same thing.
"Alright, big man," Satoru says, picking up Koushi. "Let's get you two in the bath." He pauses. "And don't forget. You have a gift coming around one today and you'll need to be here to sign for it."
Kagome's brows raise. She has to sign for it. "What did you buy?"
"It's a surprise."
Shippo makes a noise and then covers his mouth with his hands. His green eyes widen right before he turns his head away.
So, Shippo knows what the surprise is. Kagome presses her lips together. She isn't going to pester Shippo into giving her the answer.
"I won't use the sauna," Satoru says, changing the subject away from the gift. Not that Kagome was going to poke for more information. "Not until we can use it together."
"You don't have to wait for me." How silly. She isn't going to get upset with him for making use of it.
Satoru flutters his eyelashes as he rocks Koushi. "But I want my first time to be with you."
"Papa, are you being weird again?" Shippo shakes his head and hops off the bed. "Can you just give my brother and me a bath so we can start our day?" He holds up his hand for Satoru to take.
Kagome stares at Satoru's retreating back, gob smacked at the things that come out of his mouth. He has no filter. She dips her head, cheeks flushed. At least she doesn't have to worry about how Satoru feels about her or what her standing is. He's vocal in a way that reminds her of Koga, but not in a way that annoys her.
Probably helps that she is as crazy about him as he is about her.
She rolls her shoulders back and stands. Time to get breakfast started.
"Mama, do you think they would like something like this?" Shippo points to a crossbow. He and Koushi are wearing matching jeans and a polo shirt. The man behind the counter with a mustache that curls down instead of upward, rubs his hands together in anticipation of making a sell.
Kagome considers the crossbow in question. Sango prefers to use her hiraikotsu, but she doubts Sango or any of the villagers would turn down more weapons to protect themselves. She nods and points out a couple more crossbows and bows to purchase.
"Good eye, Shippo," she compliments. Kagome thanks the man and then glances at her watch. "Okay, I think we should head back home so I can see what this surprise is." They've made a pretty good haul of getting stuff for Sango and the kids, and some stuff for this trip out to the fox village. Shippo wanted more fox-themed clothing.
She leads them out of the store and towards the car. She feels slightly bad for using the car so much, but it is nice not having to pack all this back to the house by herself. Kagome gets Koushi settled into his car seat and the other items into the trunk.
"Question," she starts as she slides into the driver's seat and buckles her seatbelt. "How are we feeling so far about being here? With Satoru?" She catches Shippo's gaze through the rearview mirror.
"Papa is papa," Shippo quips. "He's way better than InuYasha. Nicer. And he lets me help with missions. And he's nice to you."
Kagome winces. "InuYasha was..." she falters. Guess the urge to defend InuYasha hasn't gone away completely.
"He was," Shippo says. "Not sure why he got so mean after everything. But Papa is different. His heart always upticks when you come into the room. I love Papa. He doesn't get mad if I play a trick or if I get scared because of a mission. I love it here." He smiles. "And I got a little brother." Shippo sniffs.
"Can you smell if the baby is a girl or a boy?"
Shippo sniffs again. "I smell something, but I don't know. Sesshomaru can probably tell."
"That's alright." Kagome makes a left at the light and taps her fingers on the steering wheel to the music coming through the car speakers. "You don't know how happy I am to have you here and how close you and Satoru have gotten in such a short time."
"I think you either hate Papa or you love him. At least that's what I picked up, hanging around him and the other sorcerers. I think it's jealousy."
Kagome's brows knit together. Truthfully, she hasn't spent that much time around other sorcerers, Satoru's students not included. Maybe she should give Utahime a call sometime and check in with her. She seemed nice, but she is also dating Naoya, who is something else.
"You can smell that?"
"It's a spicy scent," Shippo replies. "Not all of them. I mean, not the ones that went to the amusement park with us, but other sorcerers don't seem to like Papa all that much. I think it's because they are inferior. And they don't seem to like me and Koushi, so they must be jealous."
Kagome frowns. "Don't dim your light to make someone else comfortable. Got it?"
"Got it."
Kagome pulls into the garage and gets Koushi out of the car seat. She'll move the stuff out of the trunk later. She ruffles Shippo's hair as they go into the house. "I got us a hotel room with a hot spring, so we can have a semi-family bath."
"What's a semi-family bath?"
"Well, I'll only be able to dip my legs in and it might be too hot for Koushi, so semi-family bath." She lifts Koushi and then nuzzles her nose against his, inciting a stream of giggles from him. Koushi is getting so big. A small part of her wishes Koushi can stay this little forever. Soon he'll be crawling and then walking, and before she knows it, he'll be joining in on the pranks.
The doorbell rings, putting a stop to her train of thought.
"Is it one already?" Kagome cradles Koushi in her arms and heads to the front door. She opens and greets the man, who tips his hat back and then motions to someone else. Kagome blinks at the sound of a car backing up.
She slides on a pair of shoes and steps out.
"Papa said the car was too small and you should have your own. He also said that it has TVs in the back so Koushi and I can watch TV while you drive and there's a massage feature. Whatever that means."
Kagome stares at the black Range Rover that is being rolled down from the carry truck.
"Can we take it for a drive?" Shippo tugs on her pants.
Koushi turns his head and then up at her.
"Yeah, we can take it for a spin," she replies, a bit distracted as she signs the paperwork. "Are there any other surprises?"
Shippo pretends to zip his lips.
Kagome exhales. What is she going to do with Satoru?
A/N: Next chapter will be the fox village, so more Kagome and her boys hanging out while Satoru is out cleaning up everyone else's messes. We'll get a babysitting chapter and another Sota POV. Next update will be How To Tame and there will be a slight time skip because that Satoru has a surprise/something he wants to do before the fight. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead! Make sure to take care of yourselves and to get plenty of rest. Take a day off if you need to recharge. I took this last Friday off and it did wonders as far as not feeling so burnt out.
Answering a few questions below:
"Are Shippo and Koushi going to go on playdates?" - I can write a chapter like that. I'm sure the lesser families are trying to find ways to cozy up to Kagome and build those connections.
"Kinda surprised he didn't pleasure Kagome in the kitchen" - There's a reason Satoru got kicked out of the kitchen.
"Does Koushi or Shippo have the same effect on Satoru as Kagome?" - When Koushi gets older and has more control over his powers, then he'll be able to provide a similar calming energy as Kagome. Shippo not so much, though he could boost a sorcerer if he wanted to.
"Did he know or notice that she likes pink and that's why he got her pink flowers?" - No, it's just that pink represents feminity, love, grace, etc. It's a safer color than red as far as expressing affection.
"Naoya passive-aggressively gifts Satoru some condoms." - Here's a snippet:
Naoya walks over to Satoru with a tight smile plastered on his face. "Satoru!" he greets, injecting a false amount of joy into his voice. "How have you been?"
Satoru turns his head and looks down on Naoya. "Zenin."
Naoya swallows back the frown and tightens his fingers around the bag. "I got you something as a peace offering."
"No need."
"Well, it would mean a lot to me…and to Utahime if we could all get along."
Satoru sighs. "Did you come over here just to pester me? Or do have some business with the higher-ups?"
"I had a prior engagement with the higher-ups. I donated some weapons to the schools." Naoya holds the bag out. "For you."
Satoru grabs the bag and pulls out the box of condoms. "The hell is this?"
"A gift. I heard about the party. Congratulations by the way." Naoya stuffs his hands into his pockets. "Figured why not get you something you could use."
Satoru tosses the box at him. "Too small." A malicious grin snakes its way across Satoru's face. "And they don't work anyway. Not on my super sperm."
Naoya blanches.
"But thanks for the concern," Satoru chirps. "How nice of the Zenin clan to be so interested in my sex life." He giggles, but the sound is so sinister, it freezes Naoya in place. "Doesn't matter how much or how hard you beg, I'm not giving you any tips." Satoru wags a finger in Naoya's face and then pushes the bag at him. "Thanks for the laugh. Guess your gift was good for something after all." Satoru walks by him.
Naoya tightens his hold on the box and glares down at it.
Too small?
Super sperm?
He hates everything about Gojo Fucking Satoru.
#crossover pairings#jujutsu kaisen x inuyasha#gojo satoru x kagome#kagome higurashi#gojo x kagome#inuyasha fanfiction
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Crossover Crack Ship- Jaune Arc X Jane Doe
#answer#answered#answers#answer post#answered post#crossover#crossover ship#crossover pairings#crossover crack ship#rwby#zenless zone zero#jaune arc#jane doe#jane doe zzz#jane doe (zzz)#arcdoe#jane's arc#anonymous chivalry
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"Her Wimp and His Dork" (Art by MangodragonAAA)

Behold, a new crack ship pairing. Grekki is a byproduct of Diary of Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries fandom subreddits constantly dissing each other series back then. The creation of Grekki/Grikki initially started as a joke, and now it is a supposedly well-liked and unironic ship. You may see it sometimes randomly on either series subreddit. Technically, this ship is old because the traces of this pairing supposedly existed since 2015. However, around 2020, a notice of resurgence of Grekki's artworks on the internet arose.
If you are wondering what my thoughts are on the ship Grekki? I ship it unironically. (I know what a shame I am.😞)
#dowak#diary of a wimpy kid#wimpy kid#dork diaries#nikki maxwell#greg heffley#crackship#crossover#crossover art#crossover ship#new ship#shipping#crack pairing#crossover pairings#fanart#shipping fanart#sketch#dowak fanart#new pairing#grekki#Grekki is the ship name#otp#otp ship#ship crack#cute ship#wholesome#cute pairing#wholesome ship#GregxNikki#Greg x Nikki
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This is a Kagome Higurashi x Gojo Satoru piece I recently commissioned from @minthe-drawings, who did a wonderful job bringing it to life 🥰 Kagome and Gojo are a crossover ship I've had for a little while and I'm thrilled to have this wonderful piece to obsess over.
My fanfiction about them who are we to fight the alchemy? is available on Ao3, and chapter 7 will be out soon, so check it out if you'd like!
#inuyasha#kagome#kagome higurashi#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#gojo#gojo satoru#gojo x kagome#crossover pairings#crossover ship#rarepair#crossover fanfiction#crossover fanart#inuyasha fanfiction#jujutsu kaisen fanfiction#gojo satoru x kagome#gojo satoru x kagome higurashi
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Heyyy 🫶🏻 Hi everyone! How have you been?
I know, i know—it’s been a while, and this account has gathered a bit of dust, hehe. Sorry for disappearing! I’m back ‘cause i’d love to organize a #CrossoverShipsWeek 2025 edition! But wait, there’s more! I have so many ideas i wanna pick up again, like hosting a Valentine's Day event soon… and some other fun stuff. 🙂↕️
Oh, and i was thinking of making a strawpage so we can hang out, take drawing/writing requests and hear all about your amazing crossover ships. 🩷
What do you think? Anyone interested? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! Feel free to write me anonymously.
I’ll probably post a google form in the next few days to get organized and keep track of everything.
Thanks so much for all your support! 🌷🌼🦋
Btw, not sure if anyone cares, hahaha, but there used to be two of us running this account. Sadly, there’s no “us” anymore ‘cause my friend and i aren’t friends anymore. It’s been tough reconnecting with the stuff we both loved, but… anyway, i’m back!!!
#interest check (?)#crossovershipsweek#crossovershipsweek 2025 (?)#crossover pairings#crossover ships#multifandom event#ship week
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What kind of wrestling they did... Sandcrawler (Regent) was shock that he is top.
Finally finish this bootiful masterpiece
Original meme:

#suggestive#suggestive themes#valveplug#robot#transformers g1#transformers#tf sunstreaker#tf springer#sunstreaker#Springer#tobot#tobot v#tobot galaxy detectives#Tobot Regent#Regent#sandcrawler#crossover#crossover pairings#maccadam
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The Speedster GFs are going to the Grand Galloping Gala!
The only reason why RD wore lipstick was to cover Sonic's face in kisses.
#typical nightowl art#sonic#rainbow dash#mobian rainbow dash#sondash#sondash shipping#powernap#powernap shipping#crossover ship#niche ship#crossover pairings
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先日、尤斯様に愛を込めて #ロクモン を描いた画像をいただきました。本当に嬉しかったです!!!誠にありがとうございました、大好きです!!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for granting permission to repost.
The other day, I received an image of #amon6 drawn with love by Youth-sama. I was really happy!!! Thank you so much, I really love it!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
It's so cool and amazing, full of charm. You two are simply the best!! 😍😍😋😋😋
#i became a god in a horror game#lord of the mysteries#lotm#amon#bai 6#amon lotm#bai liu#amon6#fanart#crossover#crossover pairings
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Eat Your Greens
Also on Bluesky | WIP Shots on Ko-fi
#shikihei#ntwewy#twewy#twewy shiki#my art#sitraxis#neo: the world ends with you#neo twewy#neotwewy#the world ends with you#genshin heizou#heizou#shiki x heizou#illustration#crossover pairings
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Cringetober 2024: Crossover
Just saying….sarah and Yuyuko would probably besties (or maybe a lil more than that)
#sarah yolo crystal fantasy#yuyuko saigyouji#crackship#saryuko#?#Yusarah#idk i’ll figure it out#cringetober#cringetober 2024#ibispaintx#digital art#rareship#crossover#crossover ship#crossover pairings#Touhou#yolo crystal fantasy#yolo silver destiny
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Ok, just one more post of my cross-company otp, Tim Drake and Jubilee. But just one more, I mean it, just one. This is my last post on these two... for a while. Just long enough that this doesn't become a blog about these two.

Also, just for fun, here's when Remy and Logan stole the Batmobile

#comics#dc comics#marvel#marvel comics#crossover#crossover pairings#dc marvel crossover#jubilation lee#jubilee#tim drake#robin#robin x jubilee#batfam#x men#generation x#batman#nightwing#wolverine#gambit
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One Night (30)
Naoya wipes his sweaty hand on his jeans and then moves the bouquet of pink flowers, not roses because wants Kagome to seethe about no longer having his attention, to his now not sweaty hand so he can wipe his other one.
Kagome gave Utahime her house address for tonight's group date. Was it wrong of him to suggest they hang at Satoru's residence? Probably. But this is the only way he can talk to Kagome alone. He racked his brain all day since Kagome and Utahime came up with the great idea to have a group date on how he could talk to Kagome alone, but the only option he could think of was getting her address and showing up unannounced.
Naoya rolls his shoulders back and then rings the doorbell. Hopefully, she is home. She should be right? Kagome is just a house girlfriend. He swallows back the wave of nerves, which is stupid. He's Zenin Naoya. There is no reason for him to ever be nervous.
Kagome opens the door and frowns. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and yet there is something endearing about it. "You know dinner is later today, right? It's not a lunch date. And you're supposed to bring Utahime with you."
It's not lost on him how Kagome does not open the door all the way and how she isn't as friendly to him as she was with Utahime, but he cannot allow that to deter him. Who knows what lies Satoru has been spewing in her ears all these years?
"I know." He clears his throat and then holds out the bouquet. "I wanted to come by early so we could talk."
Kagome doesn't look at the flowers. She doesn't open the door wide enough for him to step in. The way she is staring at him has him hot under his collar.
He wants to bend her over and fuck that look of distrust off her face.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior and the things I said to you. They were out of line and disrespectful to you and your family."
Kagome narrows her eyes, but takes a step back. She opens the door wider and crosses her arms.
Naoya tries to keep his eyes on her face, but when she crosses her arms like that, her tits are just begging for him to wrap his lips around her nipples. She just walks around the house in a tank top and shorts?
Scratch that. She answers the door like that? If she were his woman, he'd raise hell.
"You're worried I was going to say something to Utahime," Kagome states as if it is a given.
"No," he admits. "She isn't the type to jump to conclusions. We weren't dating when I approached you. I came over early so I could apologize to you without Gojo-san threatening to break my neck." He holds out the flowers. "I hope we can all have a good time tonight and put the past behind us."
Kagome uncrosses her arms and accepts the bouquet. It annoys him that she doesn't smell the flowers or swoon over them like Utahime does. Does she think he gets just anyone gifts? So, what if they are not roses? He still went through the effort of taking time out of his busy day to pick them out and bring them to her. The least she can do is pretend to be grateful for them.
"Thank you for the apology," she says after a moment.
Is she not going to invite him in?
Kagome tilts her head. "Was there something else?"
"Uh...no." He bites back the wince and keeps his expression unbothered. So that's a no. "Well, I also wanted to thank you for the other day."
"Don't mention it. Must have been a real nasty curse." Kagome places a hand on the door, and it's obvious she wants the conversation to be over, but Naoya is reluctant to leave, though he needs to finish getting ready for tonight and he needs to pick Utahime up from her place.
"I'm looking forward to tonight." He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back. "Are you—"
"Why are you bothering my wife?"
Naoya flinches. How did Satoru sneak up on him? She must have called him or texted Satoru when she saw who was at the door.
He feels betrayed.
"Satoru! When did you get here?"
The affection in Kagome's voice is making him nauseous. Why can't she sound like that when she addresses him?
But, there's also a hint of surprise, so perhaps Kagome did not betray him after all.
Naoya half turns and offers Satoru a small smile. "I came to apologize. That is all. I didn't want that hanging over us during dinner."
"Uh-huh." Satoru walks by him and into the house. He leans down and kisses Kagome. "Sounds like ya tryin' to bother my wife."
Has he no decorum?
"What's this?" Kagome asks, pointing to a bag in Satoru's hand.
"You said you were craving strawberry shortcakes." Satoru takes the flowers from Kagome and exchanges them with the small black bag. He does not look over his shoulder at Naoya. He acts as though Naoya is no longer standing there.
Prick. How dare he dismiss him as though he is not worth the effort.
"I didn't expect you to stop working to get me food."
"You can't tell me you want something and expect me to keep working," Satoru says with a laugh. "The boys taking a nap?" He wraps an arm around Kagome, hiding her from Naoya's view. "You smell good."
Naoya catches the flowers right before the door slams in his face. He grits his teeth.
This is fine.
He'll show up with Utahime on his arm and Kagome will reveal her true nature. How desperate she is to be away from Gojo Satoru.
Naoya is the only man that knows how to handle a woman like her and if those were his sons, he would have them training nonstop to strengthen the Zenin name. Resisting the urge to look back at the house, Naoya walks away with his head held high, chin tilted up. The day he lures Kagome away will be the day he gets to look down on Gojo Satoru.
Fucker needs to be reminded that when it comes to power, the Zenin clan has that in spades.
He tosses the flowers at a couple arguing in the middle of the sidewalk and blows out a breath. His temple throbs with agitation. He can't get her out of his mind or how her energy felt when she dispelled that curse. Naoya flexes his fingers and stops in front of a hotel.
He needs to make his move tonight.
Knock. Knock.
Utahime jumps and glances in the direction of the front door from the bathroom. Shit. Naoya is early, and she is not ready. She runs her fingers through her hair, styled in soft curls.
"Coming!" she yells, rushing to open the door. She inhales and tries to calm herself down, but it's not working. She can't help it. Ever since she said yes to Naoya, he's been showing her sides of him she didn't know he had. His gentle side.
Turns out, Naoya in a relationship is attentive, sweet, and everything she didn't know she wanted.
"Hi!" she breathes, opening the door. "You're early."
Naoya's eyes rake over her from head to toe. She flushes. Is the light gray long-sleeved jumpsuit not sexy enough? It is low cut with a drawstring in the middle to highlight her curves, but maybe it is too casual. Kagome did say to dress casually, but still, it is a date.
"I can change into—"
"You look beautiful," he compliments. Naoya hands her a bouquet of roses and steps inside the apartment. "I got you something. I hope you wear it tonight."
Utahime holds the bouquet close to her chest and closes the door. "You didn't have to do that." He's already gotten her so much stuff.
Naoya reaches into the bag and pulls out a box. "Nonsense, I'm dating you with the intention of marriage." He opens the box, revealing a gold necklace with five small hearts. Each heart has its own set of diamonds. "I vow to always provide for you while we are dating and when we are married."
She presses her fingers to her lips. Her eyes do not know what to focus on. Naoya's soft smile or the necklace.
"Will you put it on me?" She turns, giving him her back, and moves her hair to the side. She shivers at the feel of his fingertips on her. Naoya presses a kiss on the column of her neck. "Naoya..."
He slides his hand around her front and places it on stomach. There's a possessiveness to his hold.
"I got us a hotel in Tokyo for the night."
Utahime bites her bottom lip. Naoya isn't being subtle about what he wants. They're both adults, but this feels like a huge step. What if she doesn't like it? Sex has always been a bit mediocre.
She thinks back to Mei Mei's words and nods her head.
"Give me some time to pack and then I'll be ready."
"No need. I got everything you might need in the room." He pulls away and leans against the door. "I'll wait here for you to turn off your lights."
"I wasn't done with my makeup, and I still need to—"
"You look beautiful," Naoya repeats. "We need to get going now if we want to make it on time. Unfortunately, I can't teleport us there, so we'll have to settle for driving."
She hesitates for a moment and then turns to do as he asked. This is a big moment for everyone. A chance for the Zenin and Gojo clan to put their differences aside for the greater good of Jujutsu society... and she wants to know more about Kagome. How does she get Satoru, of all people, to apologize? Satoru has been an ass since the day Utahime met him, but seeing him with Kagome is like seeing a different person.
Utahime unplugs her curling iron and turns off the lights. She goes into the kitchen and puts the roses in a vase before grabbing her heels. She meets Naoya by the door. He looks handsome in a simple black shirt and jeans. His watch is the only accessory on his arm. She loops her arm with his and smiles up at him. Her body feels light.
Is this what it feels like to be infatuated?
Naoya returns her smile and then turns away, getting the door for them. He walks with the confidence of a future clan leader. And he's all hers.
They make small talk while Naoya drives them to Satoru's residence with the navigation playing in the background, ensuring they don't make a wrong turn. When they pull into the driveway, Naoya parks the car and then opens the passenger door for her. Utahime silently marvels at the outside of the house.
Holy shit.
She knew Satoru was loaded, but what the fuck?
She should ask for a raise.
"Zenin," Satoru greets. "Utahime." He's wearing a pair of black sweats and a white shirt. No blindfold and no shades.
Doesn't he need to wear something for his eyes? She could have sworn she heard that from Shoko.
"Come now, you can call me Naoya. We're here to put the past behind us, after all."
Utahime nods in agreement. "Something smells good. Where did you get the food catered from?" she asks, breaking the ice.
Satoru steps to the side, allowing them into his house. "We made it. Well, Kagome did most of the work. She shooed me out of the kitchen." He closes the door and then motions for them to follow him. "She enjoys cooking."
"Oh okay. If she enjoys it, then I guess that's fine," Utahime says. "I can help with the cleanup, then." She bends down to slide her heels off.
Oh. The floor is heated.
"Nah, it's fine. I'll help Kagome with the cleanup."
Naoya stiffens.
Utahime glances at him. What's with that reaction?
"Dinner is almost ready!" Kagome yells from the kitchen. "Make yourselves at home."
"Don't actually do that," Satoru whispers.
"You cannot be serious."
Satoru shrugs. "Just go sit down at the table. We'll be there in a second." He walks to the kitchen, leaving Naoya and Utahime alone.
Naoya chuckles. "It'll take more than one night to repair the relationships between the clans. Do not let Satoru's words get to you." He grabs her wrist and tugs her forward. "Would you like a place like this or to stay at the clan estate?"
"Uh... I haven't given it much thought." Utahime laughs. "But I would prefer somewhere where we have privacy. I'm not used to living with a bunch of people."
Isn't this a bit too fast?
She doesn't have time to ponder on it more because Kagome and Satoru walk into the living room with food floating behind them.
Utahime blinks.
"Hi!" Kagome greets. "I'm so glad you could make it." She's wearing gray sweatpants that are so wide, they remind Utahime of a pair of comfy bell bottoms, and an oversized black shirt that looks like it belongs to Satoru and not Kagome. "Shoko told me that hamburger steak is your favorite."
"Oh, that's so sweet of you."
"Don't mention it." Kagome motions for them to sit down. "Sorry, we don't have any wine. She said you liked alcohol, but she didn't know which brand was your favorite."
Satoru places a hand on Kagome's lap and uses his other hand to direct the food on to the table. This must be a common occurrence because Kagome is not fazed by the casual use of Satoru's technique.
"So, how did you two meet?" Utahime asks.
"Bar," Satoru quips. "Like most people."
"I thought you didn't drink," Naoya comments.
"I don't."
Utahime chews on her steak and watches Naoya and Satoru. They appear to be having a conversation that only they can hear.
"He was drinking like a smoothie," Kagome says.
"So, you two met at a bar and then you guys went on a date?"
Kagome snorts and then laughs. "No, we... uh..."
"Went to a love hotel and made Shippo," Satoru says, without any shame. "Been together ever since. I didn't need more than a night to know she was the one. We kept things under wraps for obvious reasons." He throws an arm over the back of Kagome's chair and strokes her arm. "As much as I miss having you all to myself, it is nice to go out without worrying if someone will catch us."
"We were worried about assassination attempts," Kagome continues. "But Shippo is strong enough to handle himself, and Koushi is... every day, he gives me something more to worry about."
Satoru smiles. "That was pretty funny, though. Ijichi should learn how to dodge."
Utahime glances at Naoya. His expression is unreadable. She glances down at his clenched hands and places her hand over his. He stiffens but relaxes himself when he looks over at her.
She gets it.
He's jealous because Satoru and Kagome are so in love, and they wear their love for one another on their sleeves. Naoya wants to settle down. She still isn't sure about rushing into a marriage with him, but hearing how things worked out for Kagome and Satoru gives her something to think on.
The night continues on, with Utahime and Kagome doing the bulk of the conversing with Naoya and Satoru sizing the other up. Utahime offers to help clean up again, but Kagome waves her off and walks them to the door.
"Thank you for having us," Naoya says, placing his hand on her back. "We should do this again sometime."
"We'll see," Satoru says. "I have been busy lately cleaning up messes."
Naoya's smile is tight.
Utahime blinks. What is that about? Did someone botch a mission?
"Whenever our schedules align, then," Naoya says. "Have a great rest of your evening and thank you again for the hospitality." He turns them away from the door and walks them towards the car.
Utahime squeezes her thighs together and glances out the window. "Where to now?"
"To the hotel or I can drop you off at your apartment." He places a hand on her leg and squeezes. "The choice is always up to you."
They are moving fast.
So did Kagome and Satoru. From the sound of it, Kagome didn't even know much about the jujutsu world before she and Satoru got together, and they seem to be working out.
"The hotel."
Utahime barely has time to take in the hotel room before Naoya's lips are on hers. She moans, pushing herself closer to him as she trails her hands down his chest. He's pure lust and strength. Naoya brushes his thumb across her scar and then grips the back of her head. She can feel him straining in his jeans, and her body quivers in response.
"Naoya," she murmurs against his lips.
"Take this off," he says, though his hands are pushing the top of her jumpsuit down. He backs her up against the door and bends his head, kissing the top of her breasts. Teasing her. "I'll buy you another," he says before ripping the fabric. "You can leave these on." He taps at her heels and then stands, leaving her in just her bra, the necklace, her underwear, and black heels.
Utahime opens her mouth, but Naoya kisses her complaints away. Her head is filled with nothing but the pleasure that follows his touch. He slides his hands down and squeezes her ass right before lifting her into his arms. She lets out a squeak in surprise that blends into a moan at the feel of his mouth wrapped around her nipple through the soft lace fabric of her bra.
Naoya turns and walks them over to the bed, or at least she thinks that is where he is taking them. All she can see now is the door. He lowers her down and plants one hand on the bed near her head. She resists the urge to cover herself.
It's stupid, but her body has small scars on them. She's gotten looks from the few times she's gone to the beach in a swimsuit. Looks of disgust, but Naoya isn't looking at her as though he is disgusted.
She reaches for him, but he pulls away just enough to keep her hands out of reach.
"No, tonight is about you." He tosses his shirt over his head, reaches for the sides of her underwear, and slides them off. "Look at cha, glistening for me. Ain't even touched ya yet." He hooks her legs over his shoulders and inhales.
Her nerves flare to life, sending sparks of electricity down her spine. She forces her eyes to stay open as she tries to prop herself up with her elbows. There's a sleekness about Naoya. Something about him reminds her of a panther.
She shivers with a deep, aching need. His tongue flattens against her. Utahime cries out, threading her fingers in his hair.
Oh, this is...
Naoya groans. He traces her clit with his tongue and then sucks on her lips, bringing her closer to the edge. She grinds her hips against him, needing more. She's so close.
"Mine," Naoya growls out right before curling his tongue. With just one tension-filled word, she comes apart in his arms. He flattens his tongue once more and then stands, shoving his pants off and kicking his shoes off.
The breath is knocked out of her.
He grips his cock in his fist and strokes. The head is red. Angry.
She wets her lips, tracking the bead of precum. He's as affected by her as she is by him. Utahime leans forward and unclasps her bra. She wants to feel him completely.
"I need you."
A faint shudder racks his body as though he cannot believe he's there with her now.
"Turn around. Ass up," Naoya commands.
She turns and does as he says, though she's slightly disappointed that she can't see the faces he'll make.
His large hand slaps her ass. Utahime jumps at the sudden contact. Her hands grip the cover.
"So beautiful," Naoya murmurs. He runs his hand down her back, over her ass, and then cups her pussy. "And all mine." He pushes two fingers inside of her. She inhales and pushes back against him.
"Naoya, please."
He pauses and then leans over, nipping her ear. "Shush, I'll give you what you need." Pressing a kiss on her shoulder, he pulls back, but his fingers never leave her. He works them in her until she is a vibrating bundle of nerves.
The pressure mounts. He teases her, bringing her close to the edge again, but not quite giving her what she wants. Utahime squeezes her eyes shut. The pleasure borders on too much. She wiggles her hips.
"Such a needy thing you are," he says with a chuckle, withdrawing his fingers. Her heart beats faster at the sound of him sucking his fingers. "Hold on. Gotta get the condom."
She sighs in relief. Utahime goes to turn her head, when Naoya's hand wraps around her neck.
"Shhh," he coos. "I know you can handle it." His hand leaves her neck and threads into her hair. He pulls on the strands, forcing her head to tilt back while he guides his cock into her. "Fuck, you feel good."
Her heart is beating so fast, she fears it may explode in her chest, but she doesn't want him to stop.
"Naoya, don't stop," she begs.
His hold on her hair tightens. She cries out from the mix of pain and pleasure coming together like a cocktail, leaving her body feeling warm. He lets her hair go and then pushes her head down. He fucks her like she is there for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. Her moans are muffled by the bedding.
He pulls out of her and grips her hips. Utahime squeals from the sudden movement. He lowers her down on his cock and wraps his lips around her nipple.
Did he use his technique to move them so fast?
She grips his shoulders, arching her back, and tries to match his thrusts.
"I'm close," she slurs. Pressure builds between her eyes. It's too much. She's never felt like this with another person before.
"Yeah?" He bites her breast and then soothes the sting with his tongue. "Come on, give it to me." He slides a hand down and flicks his thumb over her clit.
Utahime comes with a sob. She swears the room bursts into a spectacle of stars. Naoya follows her. She sighs at the warmth of his come through the condom. She doesn't want to move.
"Hold me," Utahime says, wrapping her arms around him.
Naoya presses a kiss to her cheek. "I got you."
A/N: I know, I know, this is not the Stranded update, but One Night wouldn't leave me alone, so Stranded will be updated next week.
Naoya is lucky Satoru didn't ask Shippo to help him pull another trick.
"Need a babysitter Megumi chapter"- I might write a chapter where the students get roped into babysitting lol.
Hope you are all having a great weekend and are getting some rest. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead and please make sure to take care of yourselves! The weather is getting warmer and more people are going out, which means more germs are getting spread, so make sure to take your vitamins and get plenty of rest so your body is refreshed.
Side note, I can't believe I wrote a Naoya smut scene before writing Kento's.
#crossover pairings#jujutsu kaisen x inuyasha#gojo satoru x kagome#kagome higurashi#gojo x kagome#inuyasha fanfiction#gojo satoru fanfic#inuyasha x jujutsu kaisen
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“Are we dating now?”
“Have you been single for so long you don’t even know what dating is anymore?”
“Well, it’d never occurred to me before that people like us could date.”
“People like us? Do you mean sexy, daring and indepent?”
“... Criminals.”
“Speak for yourself, Stormy. I don’t consider myself a criminal.”
#madame baggio#crackship#crossover#gifs not mine#crossover pairings#snippet#au#hobbs and shaw#fast & furious presents: hobbs & shaw#madam m#g.i. joe the rise of cobra#g.i. joe#storm shadow#storm shadow x madam m
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More Grekki Art (From RedditKemrit)

I find this art humorous. Fun Fact, anyone? The art you see now is one of the earliest fan art depicting this ship.
#dork diaries#diary of a wimpy kid#dowak#nikki maxwell#greg heffley#crack pairing#crackship#otp#my otp#grekki#grikki#new pairing#new ship#dowak fanart#crossover ship#crossover art#crossover#shipping fanart#shipping art#ship crack#crack otp#crossover pairings#gregxnikki#greg x nikki#otp ship#one true pairing#this is ship art#fanart#Grikki is a better-sounding name for the ship.#wimpy kid
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As far as crossover pairings are concerned, Hiccup Haddock from "How to train your Dragon" and Rapunzel from "Tangled" are one of my top crossover pairings of all time. They have so much in common and would make a fantastic couple. In truth, Hiccup would be a far better partner for Rapunzel than Flynn Rider for many reasons:
Hiccup stands out as a significantly better partner for Rapunzel for several compelling reasons that align closely with her character and qualities. Here are some key points that highlight their compatibility:
1. Emotional Intelligence: Hiccup demonstrates a high level of emotional intelligence. He is empathetic, understanding, and capable of communicating his feelings effectively. This emotional depth fosters a safe space for Rapunzel to express herself, creating a strong foundation for a supportive relationship.
2. Shared Values: Hiccup and Rapunzel both prioritize values like kindness, loyalty, and the importance of family. Their commitment to doing what is right, facing challenges together, and the importance of nurturing connections aligns them on a fundamental level, creating a deeper bond.
3. Mutual Growth: Both characters have personal journeys centered around self-discovery and growth. Hiccup's evolution from a misunderstood boy to a confident leader parallels Rapunzel's quest for identity and freedom. Their shared experiences in overcoming obstacles can contribute to a strong partnership that encourages growth in each other.
4. Adventurous Spirit: Hiccup’s adventurous nature aligns beautifully with Rapunzel's curiosity and desire to explore the world outside her tower. Together, they would embark on exciting journeys and shared experiences, fueling their connection and creating lasting memories.
5. Strong Friendship Foundation: Hiccup's relationship with Rapunzel would likely begin as a genuine friendship, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of one another. This friendship can lead to a more meaningful and sustainable romantic relationship, based on trust and respect.
6. Complementary Strengths: Hiccup and Rapunzel each bring unique strengths to their partnership. Hiccup’s practicality and problem-solving skills, combined with Rapunzel’s creativity and optimism, create a balanced dynamic. They can support one another by leveraging their respective strengths to face challenges together.
7. Ability to Navigate Conflict: Hiccup’s experiences dealing with family pressures and external conflicts have equipped him with tools for conflict resolution. He understands the importance of communication and compromise, which are vital for maintaining harmony in any relationship.
8. Respect for Individuality: Hiccup has a deep respect for the individuality of others, which aligns with Rapunzel's desire for self-expression and independence. He would encourage her to be her authentic self while also being supportive of her dreams and aspirations.
9. Adventure with a Purpose: Hiccup approaches adventure with a sense of responsibility and purpose, seeking to make the world a better place by forming connections rather than just pursuing personal gain. Rapunzel would appreciate this sense of responsibility and shared aspiration towards positive change.
10. Trust and Loyalty: Hiccup is fiercely loyal to his friends and loved ones. This loyalty would translate into a strong commitment to Rapunzel, ensuring she feels secure and valued in their relationship, providing the love and support she deserves.
In summary, Hiccup’s emotional depth, shared values with Rapunzel, complementary strengths, and ability to foster growth and adventure create a partnership that is rich, fulfilling, and deeply supportive. This makes him a significantly better match for Rapunzel compared to other potential partners, as their relationship is built on a solid foundation of friendship, understanding, and mutual respect. This friendship would ultimately lead to a romantic relationship that would continue to bloom.
While Flynn Rider may have charm and charisma, there are several reasons why he's not the best partner for Rapunzel compared to someone like Hiccup. He's selfish, duplicitous, lacking emotional connections, and condescending. I remember the first time I watched this movie and was like "how did this cocky idiot get a girl like Rapunzel?" To make a long story short, I hate Flynn Rider, and here's why he's a terrible match for Rapunzel:
1. Lack of Emotional Depth: Flynn starts as somewhat of a self-centered rogue, focused on his own goals and desires. Although he experiences growth throughout "Tangled," his initial motivations and character arc suggest a reliance on surface-level charm rather than emotional maturity. This may not resonate as deeply with Rapunzel, who seeks a meaningful and heartfelt connection.
2. Short-Term Relationship: Flynn and Rapunzel's relationship develops quickly during the events of "Tangled," leading to a whirlwind romance. This fast-paced relationship may lack the foundational friendship and trust that are crucial for a lasting partnership, leaving room for uncertainty in the long term.
3. Incompatibility of Values: At the beginning of their journey, Flynn is primarily motivated by selfish desires—his quest for treasure and freedom. In contrast, Rapunzel values love, connection, and self-discovery. This difference in priorities could lead to conflicts in their relationship, especially once the initial excitement fades.
4. Initial Deception: Flynn's introduction to Rapunzel involves deception, as he initially presents himself as someone he isn’t. This dishonesty could create trust issues in their relationship, which may manifest difficulties later on when they face challenges together.
5. Lack of Support for Growth: While Flynn evolves throughout the film, his character starts with a more reckless approach to life. Rapunzel, on the other hand, longs for personal growth and self-discovery. Hiccup, who is no stranger to overcoming personal challenges, may be more suited to support Rapunzel’s journey of growth and exploration.
6. Adventurous Spirit: Flynn has moments of adventure, but his motivations are often tied to personal gain. Hiccup, however, is characterized by a genuine love for adventure and exploration—qualities that align more closely with Rapunzel’s own desires. This shared adventurous spirit would create a deeper connection between them.
7. Communication Styles: Flynn’s humor and bravado often mask deeper feelings, which can hinder effective communication. Rapunzel needs a partner who can be emotionally available and communicate openly, like Hiccup, who demonstrates vulnerability and understanding.
8. Potential Instability: Flynn’s past as a thief and his frequent desire for freedom over responsibility might introduce instability into a partnership. Rapunzel, who craves a sense of security and belonging, may find it challenging to reconcile Flynn’s more chaotic lifestyle with her own dreams of a loving home.
9. Limited Shared Values: While Flynn is charming and likable, his values are initially more superficial. In contrast, Rapunzel seeks meaningful relationships filled with love, trust, and mutual respect, which may not fully resonate with Flynn’s way of life.
10. Character Growth: Although Flynn does grow through the events of the story—learning to care for others and open himself up to love—his growth may not be as profound or compatible with Rapunzel's journey compared to Hiccup, who has already developed resilience and maturity through his own trials.
In conclusion, while Flynn Rider brings excitement and charm to Rapunzel's story, his initial motivations, lack of emotional depth, and differences in values may make him less suitable as a long-term partner compared to someone like Hiccup, who shares a deeper emotional connection and a more supportive understanding of personal growth.

#httyd#tangled#crossover#crossover pairings#hiccunzel#i love this ship so much#screw Flynn Rider#logicalthinking#friends to more#analysis
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