#The owl-dessy
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aspenonpawzzz · 2 months ago
Epic the musical X The Owl House AU
ok epic fans, we just got the ithaca saga, and its been 1.8 LoNg YeArs since WAD TOH fans so...
"I am the infamous.... HUNTER!"
"she's my everything, my willow..."
under the cut, the very bad no good "who gets swapped with who?"
hunter as odysseus
willow as penelope
luz as telemacus (except its his sister instead of his son-)
Amity as euryclous
eda as ✨hermes✨
Lilith as athena
Gus as polites (I'm so, so, sorry.)
Phillip as Poseidon [aka wet hades] (hunter gets to stab him!!!!)
emira as circe
edric as calypso
barkus as tiresias
and a few SECRET people as the other gods! )(notice I said people, not characters. that's a hint ;3)
edit: here's the Pinterest board :3
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jessicas-ocs · 2 years ago
been a WHILE since i posted and so here, have some quotes i got from an incorrect quote generator
Rune: Apparently, it was Rude™ of me to pitch in my two cents on a conversation I happened to overhear, despite agreeing with them. Rune: On an unrelated note, I am no longer allowed in the ceiling vents. --- Katka: So, I heard you like bad girls… Katka: I'm bad. Katka: At everything. Katka: *winks with both eyes* --- Eris: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favor. --- Aylan: In alcohol’s defense, I’ve done some pretty dumb things while completely sober too. --- Jadan: Do you even, cuddle, bro? Do you even lift, bro… each other up with kindness? Do you tell your loved ones that you care about them regardless of who is listening? DO YOU EVER RESOLVE CONFLICTS, EMOTIONAL ISSUES THROUGH COMPROMISE AND COMPASSION RATHER THAN ANGER AND DENIAL?! --- Vindict: Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no. --- Diani: I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon. --- Shipper: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now Buttons has to physically restrain me from putting a light bulb in my mouth  --- Aaray: Assert your dominance over your friends by stabbing them through the chest, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead. --- Esme as a child: I can’t wait to grow up and have cool adventures! Esme now: I can’t wait to go to bed. --- Zhaya: No problemo! Zhaya, internally: But it was all problemo. --- Edessa: I can't stay tonight; I have work to do. Calder: But, Dessie, I'll be so lonely without you! Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Edessa: …are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Calder: Calder: Is it working?
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theburgerlist · 4 years ago
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𝙂𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙙 🥩 If you can get down to @thenightowlfp for dinner this week before it closes on Sunday evening then you need to do it. @thenaughtycornerdeli are just about to finish a very short run there and you HAVE to try out the menu. Dessy is an amazing chef and he’s done comfort food VERY well. It’s definitely one of those meals that I will specifically remember and point out. His Coq Au Wings are coated in a delicious red wine & bacon ketchup, which has got that deep and rich red wine jus taste that you’d have with beef, then topped with bacon crumb and crispy shallots. The cornbread was the best I’ve had, perfect amount of sweetness, stuffed with sweet corn, smothered in a popcorn and jalapeño butter. The Mac & Cheese uses a mix of cheddar, mascarpone, bechamel and mozzarella, so you know you’re getting an actual cheesy dish, complete with cheese pull. The Oyster Mushroom “Fried Chicken” is a vegan dish which could easily replace the real thing for me. Rub My Pork Belly has huge portions of pork belly coated in Dessys own rub, smoked and then finished on the grill. You can also upgrade it to be deep fried. The meat pulled apart so easily, it was beautiful. Then the desserts, which I swear were made for me. The Cherry Paratha Pie and Vegan Cherry Creme Brûlée, both had cherries that had the perfect mix of sour and sweet. You’ve only got 4 days left to catch @thenaughtycornerdeli at @thenightowlfp, but after that you’ll find him at The Green Man in Bristol with @circumstancedistillery on 31st July, and The Great Northern in St Albans, 17th-23rd August. . . . . . #porkbelly #oystermushrooms #cornbread #macandcheese #macncheese #finsburypark #london #londonfood #londoneats #londonist #londonlife #timeoutlondon #londonfoodie #londonfoodblog #londonfoodblogger #bristol #bristolfood #foodphotos #foodpictures #foodpicture #foodpicoftheday #foodphotooftheday #foodpicsdaily #foodphotographyandstyling #foodphotoshoot (at The Night Owl Finsbury Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRn1HfWHo_p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ahoeinplainsight · 4 years ago
james headcanons that are important to me
- has the WORST insomnia
- never sleeps at night but always sleeping during the day
- you will never catch this boy awake in history of magic
- used to chain smoke but when he started dating lily, he stopped because he knew she didn’t like the smell of it
- sirius stopped smoking as well because he didn’t want to tempt james into smoking again
- bisexual king
- until the day he died, he would’ve been completely fine marrying sirius and even in the afterlife
- literally has the BEST friendship with sirius it’s not even funny like everybody is so jealous
- mother hen :’) 
- since he never sleeps at night, he’s always awake at the crack of dawn and is always waking the boys up with him
- “if i don’t see feet on the ground in thirty seconds, i’m opening the curtains!’
- “don’t you make me count to three, mister!”
- “sirius get out of the bathroom, peter needs to pee and he can’t hold it anymore” “you didn’t have to tell him that james!” “we’re all men here, peter, grow up and learn how to tell people you need to pee”
- super smart 
- loves the library but refuses to admit that he does
- once quoted shakespeare at lily and later, she told him it was one of the reasons she fell in love with him
- actually has really good sportsmanship
- like of course he gets super butthurt when he loses anything but he makes sure to tell the other player or players that they did a good job 
- literally the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet
- like he’ll hit your books out of your hands and then help you pick them up
- resorts to physical violence because “it gets the job done faster moony don’t lecture me”
- has punched snape before but only because he called sirius privileged and james was not having it
- has a toad at home
- never told anybody about the toad (her name is cecilia and he loves her very much) so when sirius moved in and saw the toad vibing on his window sill, he flipped his shit
- cecilia pees on sirius every time he picks her up but it never stops him
- james is sure sirius loves cecilia more than he himself does
- when remus and peter find out about cecilia, they also flip their shit
- cecilia becomes the marauders mascot
- lily finds out halfway through seventh year that they have a mascot and it’s a toad named cecilia and teases them endlessly about it
- also has a cat at home
- his name is sandwich (james named him when he was four) and he’s best friends with cecilia
- the potter family owl is named odessa (james calls her dessy) and she hates james but james loves her
- he had a crush on regulus in his fifth year and never told a soul. remus knew but didn’t say anything
- his friendship with remus :’)
- it was his idea to become animagi (he read about it in a book) and it was also his idea for the map
- he did a lot of the charm work on the map
- there were a lot of ‘hypothetical’ questions for flitwick during this time period and flitwick was all too happy to answer them
- took ancient runes and arithmancy from third year to seventh and made an O in both
- took divination in third year with sirius, remus, and peter but he was the hermione in that group
- while remus, sirius, and peter were like ‘alright i can dig it’ with divination, james was getting SO heated about it 
- for the remainder of their school career, he made sure to tell them all the flaws in divination at any chance he could
- lily was super into divination, though, just because she thought it was really interesting and there were too many instances of it being real to be counted as coincidences, and james literally almost imploded when he found this out
- when they heard the prophecy for the first time, james literally stood up and left lmao
- “i’m not believing some bullshit prophecy that tells me my son has to die at the hands of voldemort, lily!” “what if it’s not bullshit” “are you fucking shitting me right now lily”
- only agreed to go into hiding for lily 
- also took care of magical creatures from third to seventh year and also made an O in that
- when they learned about unicorns, the unicorn looked at all the girls in the class and then trotted past and stood in front of james
- james never stopped gloating about this ever
- “sorry what was that? i couldn’t hear you over the sound of being trusted by a unicorn” “a unicorn trusted me minnie why would i ever break the rules like that”
- didn’t actually mind slytherins
- was almost one himself and def wouldn’t have made a huge deal about it because euphemia was a slytherin when she went to hogwarts and he knew they weren’t all bad
- the only reason he never styled his hair was because his dad invented sleekeazy’s. that’s it, that’s the only reason. he did it to spite his dad.
- momma’s boy !!!
- until the day euphemia died, james was not embarrassed to hold her hand as they crossed the street and tell her he loved her
- could not fathom a world without his mother so when she died, he shut down for a good month and a half
- used to actually be afraid to curse
- said his first swear word in fifth year and never looked back
- “what the fiddlesticks” “for the love of all that is holy, just say fuck”
- “f-f-” “yes, you can do it” “i’m nervous”
- fleamont found out that he smoked when he was in his sixth year and he ripped him an entirely new asshole before pulling out his own cigarette and lighting it
- cannot hold his alcohol
- was drunk by the third butterbeer
- was destined to be the chill dad because his dad wasn’t
- yes you heard that right. euphemia was the chill parent. fucking deal with it.
- was an amazing liar purely because of fleamont
- like this boy could lie straight out of his ass the second he learned how to talk
- “james fleamont potter did you break this vase” “didn’t I tell you, dad? the manor’s got a poltergeist!” “we do?!”
- the manor did have a poltergeist but he didn’t know that at the time
- humble rich kid
- his house is huge but so is his heart
- sirius found out his middle name was fleamont when he moved in because fleamont yelled his full name SO often
- james hates that sirius knows his middle name
- sirius loves that he knows james’ middle name
- sirius and sandwich the cat have a silent feud going on that james fuels by privately telling both of them that they’re his favorite
- his actual favorite is cecilia
this got super long but still, feel free to add your own weird james headcanons!
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odessazabini-blog · 8 years ago
||;O D E S S A   Z A B I N I ~ an introduction;||
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Full name: Odessa Lotus Nailah Ada Alika Zabini.
Odessa - (oh-DEHS-ə)  From the name of a city of Odessa in the Ukraine; “the pearl of the Black Sea”. 
Lotus - (LO-təs) From the name of the lotus flower or the mythological lotus tree
Naliah - (NAH-ee-lah )  “One who attains” 
Ada - (ah-Dah)  First Daughter
Alika - (ah-LEE-kah) Most Beautiful 
Zabini- (zah-BEE-NEE) “One who holds fire”
Also Known As: Dessy. Zabini.
Birthday: April 12th, 2005.
Real Age: seventeen.
Ethnicity: english. african.
Nationality: scottish. ugandan.
Birth Place:  Entebbe, Uganda.
Raised in: Glasgow, Scotland
Current Residence: Glasgow, Scotland // Uganda (Uagadou School of Spells and Wizardry)
Species: witch. half veela.
Blood Status: half-breed. (otherwise pureblooded)
Astrological Sign: Aries
Gender: Cis-gender Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Languages: English, Swahili, Arabic, Amharic (semi-fluent)
Accent: When speaking English she has a very heavy Scottish accent, given she lived most of her childhood years in Scotland. However, she can also speak Swahili fluently, as it is her mother’s native language and it was spoken around the house.
charismatic. bright. patient. kind. loyal. determined. friendly. protective. optimist. dauntless. curious. skillfull. night owl. impulsive. daring. stoic. indepedent. stubborn. reckless. proud. persistant. 
Occupation: student.
Likes: home (her manor). Scotland. magic. school. friends. arizona tea. cotton sheets. snow. trees. lavender. chamomile tea. astronomy. stargazing. divination. transfiguration. Africa. traveling. herbs. candles. 
Dislikes: rude people. elitists. dark magic. strong perfume. dresses. early morning time. early classes. fire whiskey. cigarettes. 
Hobbies: traveling. practicing divination. tarot readings. 
Dominant Hand: right.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Black.
Build: Slender. curvy.
Height: 5'5.
Piercings: 3 on each side of her ears. belly button.
Health: perfect physical health. 
Tattoos: three. wrist. back of neck. inside of ring finger.
Scent: fresh soil. paint.
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aspenonpawzzz · 1 month ago
AU masterlist post
long post!
TW's: heart transplant mention, belos, mentions of kidnapping, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of ransom, mentions of MIA, unethical experimentation.
Phantom of bonesborough (PoBb): Microwaving this au in my head at all times. I took grimwalkers and turned them into shapeshifters bc i really really like that concept. Au starts after hollow mind. Hunter ends up hiding in a cave for a while. I lengthened the time between HM and TDOU to ½ a year. I also moved labyrinth runners. Fanfic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55487494/chapters/140809777
Whispers on the wind (Wotw) Au: the duology
A whole garden of flowers (ahgof) [WIP]: 12 years pre-canon, hunter disappeared, and was replaced with Maple, a omni-genderfluid, "system"  (explained in brother au) pan oriented aroace nerd grimwalker. maple is the grimwalker that phillip likes the most,  least ab#used and is the most Phillip (due to hair color)  looking. instead of becoming the Golden Guard, Philips made them the Platinum Peacemaker. Phillips gave it a heart transplant, allowing them to do some magic, but she can't do some of the more draining/ difficult spells. he looks like a (depending on the day) andro, masc, fem, or all/none mix of hunter, Phillip, and @catboymoments huntlow child. tracks IF she went to hexside/ special interests are oracle, illusions, and potions he is 15 physically, tho she was "born" Abt 6 months after hunter disappeared. instead of a wolves and cardinals for hunter, foxes and starlings are maples symbols. Platinum peacemaker outfit is a gender neutral GG out fit, with black in place of white, deep violet =yellow, gold= dark silver. instead of a barn-owl mask, symbolizing wisdom, helpfulness, and death of the unworthy,  the PP( noo) mask is a phoenix, which symbolizes rebirth, second chances, the afterlife.
Fanfic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58405162/chapters/148965310
My name carved in a rock (mncir)[WIP]: Ahgof's brother story, about this Au's hunter,  a demiace biro boyfreak he/it (called graves [gray for short]  in this) who 12 years pre-canon was "kidnapped" by Darius, but lost, and fell into a titans blood pool, entering the inbetween, and meeting collector.  Graves learned many wittebane and Phillip things, and is far more unhinged than canon. He is still 16 (more like 14-ish mentally) , but far less mentally stable. It watches luz and the gang, and TRIES to help (cause he has conversed with kings dad before like 3 times) out giving hints, using the wind. oh did I forget to mention that it can control the wind in this AU? yeah, so he uses that to push important papers toward luz, whispers things in the gang's ears (sound like that little voice in ur head but it's the wind saying it but not out loud? that makes sense?). the main hexsquad can kinda hear it, but not really. maple however, being a grimwalker so having an intimate relationship with death, hears it quite well! maple mistakes this as a system, and gray plays along. it meets luz when she enters the inbetween in "yesterday's lie", and luz pulls him out, ignoring its demands to stay. he stays tho, and after a little bit freaks cause he's like "oh shit maple " and maple has not heard for their headmate gray in a minute. graves doesn't spoil the whole "phillip is Belos" stuff tho.
deviltown (syshun)[WIP]:
ok this is a stupid self-indulgent au where hunter is the Evenader system with 3 alters. everything happens like canon, but ✨system style.✨ 
Flint: "Hunter". he/they. biromantic demisexual. Trans demiboy. mostly canon. front-sticky, host/core.
Xander: "The GG incarnate." it/its, doesn't mind he/him tho. caedo-triple a battery. (aroace, Agender). standoffish, robotic, jumpy. trauma holder/ protector
Caleb: "Some rando introject"  he/him, . Bisexual. Wise, fatherly, quiet. Protector. 
oh happy day (ohd) [WIP]:s3 happened, but flapjack lived.thats it. That's the whole au. 
The Hexsquad and The Astrophile Cabin  (THaTHC au):
the gang makes a friend in the human realm, named finch, who uses they/them and is divine kin.
can you see where this is going?
anyway flapjack lives cause one day the vial of titans blood and a map to the gate is left on the door to the Noceda house. Vee goes too.
everything plays out like canon, but flapjack is alive( I can’t write dead bird) and yeah.
Then the part with the collector happens (belos is still in the BI) happens. After the part where the gang breaks out of the spell in the dream, the spell just drops. The gang is stuck in the dream world but that’s all that’s left. Then the here a distorted voice that sounds 𝘞𝘈𝘠 too similar to their “human” friend finch.
finch appears and WHAT A SURPRISE, it’s actually my self insert Arhen, with their right and left hands Maple (WoTw) and Briar(A2A)  and “breaks them by talking” and reveals the secret that ALL of my toh au’s Hunter knows (the multiverse and the fact that it’s a TV show) and that all of the Hunters are loyal to them.
(Yes all of them it’s a fantasy i made up)
they all are like (surprised pikachu) and then all the gang -hunter have to compete in a hunger games style thingy (but they are a team cause I’m not THAT evil).
Ashes to Ashes (A2A):  in a attempt to make hunter as loyal as possible, belos digs into his past, bringing up something (or someone) he'd never thought he'd see again. caleb's stillborn twin sisters finger. now there are two grimwalkers in the castle, Hunter: anxious, cautious, autistic, transmasc, aroace, protective, and Briar: cocky, bold, ADHDer, transneutral, aroace, protective. the imperial pair are the best of the best, untouchable- until they aren't. the two grimwalkers suddenly disappear from their shared room one night, are held ransom by "wild witches", then mvrdered on live tv.
or so the castle thinks.
the imperial pair run off, sick of the castle and the coven, faking their own death, leaving to a town called bonesborough. now, Kaleb and Sage Linden live in a treehouse, pranking their schoolmates and causing trouble.
(all Canon events are ignored in this au for the sake of Briar on hunter's sibling-ship. flapjack is there tho!)
Divine!au [placeholder name]: Hunter? nah, faernitus is here! god of will o' wisps, auroras, shape-shifting, canines and cryptids, the one we all know and love! [placeholder description]
The Owl-dessy: "I am the infamous.... HUNTER!"
"she's my everything, my willow..."
hunter as odysseus
willow as penelope
luz as telemachus (except its his sister instead of his son-)
Amity as euryclous
eda as ✨hermes✨
Lilith as athena
Gus as polites (I'm so, so, sorry.)
Phillip as Poseidon [aka wet hades] (hunter gets to stab him!!!!)
emira as circe
edric as calypso
barkus as tiresias
and a few SECRET people as the other gods! )(notice I said people, not characters. that's a hint ;3)
here's the Pinterest board and fic
Empirical Robotics Company (ERC au): back in 2007, the Empirical Robotics company teamed up with the government to create the Golden Guard, a extremely expensive and high-tech android made for combat and surveillance. 12 years later, the robot, dubbed H-4023 went Rogue, and is considered MIA.
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aspenonpawzzz · 2 months ago
The owl-dessy pinterest board
heres the Pinterest board!
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aspenonpawzzz · 2 months ago
The first chapter of The Owl-dessy is out on Ao3!!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon), EPIC - Jorge Rivera-Herrans (Albums) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Gus Porter, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Willow Park, Amity Blight & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Eda Clawthorne & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Lilith Clawthorne & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Raine Whispers, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Camila Noceda, Edric Blight & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Edric Blight & Emira Blight & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Emira Blight & Hunter | The Golden Guard Characters: Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Willow Park, Luz Noceda, Gus Porter, Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne, Camila Noceda, Lilith Clawthorne, Dana Terrace, Tinella Nosa | Tiny Nose (The Owl House), Darius Deamonne, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Amity Blight Additional Tags: Epic x The Owl House, Hunter | The Golden Guard Needs Therapy (The Owl House), Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House) as Odysseus (EPIC), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The Odyssey References, Willow Park as Penelope, Gus Porter as Polites, Crossover, Alternate Universe - Character Swap, Luz Noceda as telemacus, Eda clawthorne as hermes, lilith clawthorne as athena, dana terrace is zeus, belos as Poseidon, Inspired by EPIC: The Musical - Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Hunter | The Golden Guard Needs a Hug (The Owl House), Boscha as Antinous, Odysseus is Trying (EPIC: The Musical), Author Is Sleep Deprived Summary:
Tagging: @deceasedcardinal
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