#The mc does
yuigadokson · 1 year
I think to meet someone in life with whom you can share your deepest darkest most insane thoughts without being afraid of anything is truly peak romance and yeah i wish i was a fictional chara who had love too
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zephyrchama · 6 months
Paper cuts come when you least expect them. You thought it was pathetic that a mature human such as yourself couldn't even flip a page without slicing their skin open, but old Devildom books were made of the worst paper. Super thin, and sharp like a blade when touched at the wrong angle.
The small distraction sucked you out of the novel you were reading and back into reality. You shut the book and shook your hand, waiting for the pain to run its course. These actions did not go unnoticed.
"Let me see your hand," Satan murmured. He was suddenly looming over your armchair and gently cupping your fingers.
"It's not bad, don't worry." You were more concerned about the book's pages. Satan's collection had a lot of rare and expensive tomes. The novel in your lap looked fine, but how angry would Satan get if a drop of blood spilled onto it? He might not verbally assault you like he would others, but you feared he'd sulk about it for at least a few weeks.
Satan pulled a square cloth from his back pocket. He paused to stare at it. It looked fine. Maybe a little wrinkled, but nothing that should have made him frown. "My handkerchief is dirty."
He roughly shoved it back into the pocket and instead lifted the hem of his shirt, then lightly blotted at your wound with the still-warm fabric.
"Hey! Nooo, that's just going to make your clothes harder to clean later." You went to jerk your arm back, but Satan's gentle hold turned into an iron grip. Those abs weren't just for show. "It's gonna stain! Knock it off. I can lick it or something."
"Oh, good idea." Satan's shirt slid back down as he dropped it and knelt. He rested his elbows on the seat cushion, one on either side of your legs.
"I can do it! I can do it!" You tried to stop him, but he was already seductively dragging his tongue over your fingertip. "Don't even thi-- ahhh, Satan come on!"
There was far more blood rushing through your face than in the tiny little cut. It astounded you how Satan could pull off an embarrassing action so smoothly, without hesitation.
"Are you done yet?" You didn't know if it had been five seconds or five minutes, but you thought it was long enough.
"Mmh." He mercifully stopped, giving your palm a quick peck. "Move over."
The armchair was meant for one, but it was big and cushy. If you scooted to the side it could probably fit two. "Why?"
Satan was already climbing into the space next to you, raising you onto his legs. "I'm gonna make sure it doesn't happen again. I'll read to you."
He leaned back into the chair, pulling you along with him, and curled an arm around your waist to reach the novel. "So, which page were you on?"
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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(ominis is already on his family's plan but he's there to annoy seb anyway)
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someiicecube · 1 month
messing around; Solstars outfits !
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—feat. Barbatos, the no. 1 Solomon hater
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akiacia · 2 months
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multi-step shenanigans
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luxthestrange · 3 months
Incorrect quotes#953 The 3 Drunkards
The brothers sent you to take care of the drunk trio...it is not what you expect..
Raph: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Luci? Luci: Simeon, easily. Sim, laughing: What the fuck, Lucifer Luci: Well, Mc would be too easy. They’d probably be into it. Mc, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
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It's canon that these three a booze hounds...and we are the sacrificial lamb to bring em back home-
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kxngkasper · 8 days
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don’t you love him..
these two are a year apart but the original was done quickly on my phone with my finger in the middle of my music class
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ryllen · 9 months
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freindsssssss · 3 months
The real reason the long quiet is called that is because of the 30 second pause they take to respond in any given situation due to the voices in their head not shutting the fuck up
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zephyrchama · 5 months
"What did Mammon do now?"
The greedy demon was in his underwear, hanging upside down from a rafter in the hallway. He tried to coerce you into letting him down as you walked by, but you knew better than to do so without consulting Lucifer.
"Gambling. The usual." Lucifer had a hand on his forehead, pushing his hair up while jotting something down at his desk.
"Mammon gambles every day," you pointed out. "What'd he really do?"
By the way Lucifer groaned, you knew it was something juicy. "I caught him pilfering one of my rarest records, a gift from Diavolo, to use as collateral in a bet. It's one-of-a-kind. I doubt he even knows what it is, but Mammon always has a knack for finding things of high value."
"His secret sixth sense," you agreed. "What'd you do with his clothes?"
"They make it harder to tie him up tightly. He has a slightly higher chance of wiggling free with clothes on, so I made him strip." Lucifer gestured, Mammon's clothes had been put on some kind of mannequin, tucked away in the space between two bookshelves.
You'd never seen it before. Your jaw dropped into the widest half-smile half-astonished expression possible. It had Mammon's hair and his goofy smile. Even a flashy golden earring. "What is that?"
You practically ran across the room to inspect it. It was dressed properly in Mammon's shirt and tie. There were a lot of seams, more than seemed necessary, perhaps from being repeatedly repaired over years of use. "Lucifer, this is adorable."
"It's a necessary tool for my sanity." He pushed the chair back, standing up to join you.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll give you a demonstration."
Lucifer comically wound up his closed fist. With ballistic force, he struck the figure right in its chest. It flopped back, then sprung back up wildly to receive a fistful of lighter blows from Lucifer.
"You made a Mammon punching bag? Really?" You didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Isn't that a bit much?"
"I didn't make it, Mammon did."
Surprise of the day number two. "Mammon made this? Himself?"
To stop the wobbling, Lucifer grabbed the punching bag's tie, pulling it tight and then smoothing it out. "Cute, right? He thought it might make me go easy on future punishments. It's a very thoughtful gift from my little brother."
"Yeah, I didn't know he could sew. Huh." The two of you stood to admire it before Lucifer returned to his desk. You followed him. "Kind of reminds me of the doll Levi made of me."
Lucifer smiled. "Leviathan made you a doll, did he? How very kind."
"No, he made a doll of me."
Lucifer froze to process this information, frowning.
You continued, "I don't know where he usually keeps it, but I saw it under his desk one time. It's pretty big and detailed. I mentioned it once and offered to lend him a shirt for it, but he got really embarrassed and pushed me out. He's gotta take more pride in his work, it was really impressive."
"I see." Lucifer gritted his teeth. "You know, something I have to do just came up. Let's finish this conversation later." He was quietly seething as he escorted you to the door. Along the way he gave punching-bag Mammon a soft whack to the head.
You realized you forgot to ask if you could untie the real Mammon, but Lucifer had already marched down the hall in the direction of Leviathan's room. Rather than trying to catch up, you decided to go see how the Avatar of Greed was doing.
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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congrats on baby #2!🥰👍 part 2 to this post bc seb is a smug ass bitch when it comes to getting clora pregnant. and ty @rednite-dork for sending me the original pic ages ago LMFAO... i knew as soon as i saw it that i had to redraw it eventually 👼
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floweroflaurelin · 6 months
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I was really sick for a while but I’m catching up on minecraft SOS and as a warmup I painted Sausage’s Monolith build! Feels good to just sit down and bang something out in an hour again 💪
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musubiki · 1 month
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doodling mochi outfit concepts again
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hobbithabits · 6 months
Yall know the scene in those ‘coming of age’ movies, where the family is having dinner, and the dad points out that new boy to his daughter with the subtly of a freight train. And he says something about him being a good kid, that he’s talented, and then ends with something that directly aligns with what the daughter likes?
Yes. That’s concept, but it’s dinner with Spock and his parents. And Sarek is under the impression that Spock is with Kirk (not wrong), and is trying to convince him that the doctor is a better option(wrong, because he’s also dating McCoy)
“Doctor McCoy is very talented. He’s recived awards for his work I’ve heard.”
“Yes father, he excelled as a doctor before he had joined starfleet as well.”
“He also saved my life, and your own countless times”
“Yes, as was his duty as Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise”
“I noticed as well, that he has incredibly skilled hands.”
“Father I do not wish to-“
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celestialrealms · 2 months
Barbatos outside of the main story: I have only ever let Diavolo even remotely close to me, and he's the most important person in my life who I am completely devoted to... but I love MC and they are becoming an equal and comparable presence in my life. I want to show the sides of myself I keep hidden from anyone else to them, and for them to feel comfortable enough to do the same in return.
The fandom for some reason:
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