#The batman superman movie world's finest
Best Mark Hamill movies and performances:
1. The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner (1980)
2. Return of the Jedi - Richard Marquand (1983)
3. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm (1993)
4. The Batman/Superman Movie: World's Finest - Toshihiko Masuda (1997)
5. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker - Curt Geda (2000)
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rymslim · 1 year
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ME: Maybe I'll come back and properly draw Batman instead of being tired…
Also ME: This works…. 😅😅😅
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laylamorrison11 · 5 months
Batman & Superman in film
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Kirk Alyn & Lewis Wilson (1940s)
George Reeves (1951) & Adam West (1966)
Christopher Reeve & Michael Keaton (1980s)
Nicolas Cage & Val Kilmer (1990s)
Brandon Routh & Christian Bale (2000s)
Henry Cavill & Ben Affleck (2010s)
David Corenswet & Robert Pattinson (2020s)
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swugflower · 2 years
So what exactly is happening in the Batman vs. Superman movie that suddenly Bruce Wayne is the top of the couple?
While it’s not unheard of in SuperBat fanfictions for Bruce to be the top and Clark the bottom it’s certainly not very common.
But with BvS it’s fucking everywhere? So WHY? All I know about that movie is that they have beef and fight and maybe Bruce kills Clark, but also he doesn’t and then he buys Clark the Kent Farm but Clark still dies I think?
Is it the killing and fighting? Does that make him the top?
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starberry-cupcake · 2 years
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this movie knew exactly what kind of movie it was and I appreciate that of a dc film
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batman & Superman: World’s Finest
This is a concept for a DC World’s Finest movie to take place in my DCU. This film will be apart of phase five.
Synopsis: Lex Luthor decides if he’s gonna run for President he must get rid of Superman once and for all.
Bruce Wayne/Batman…….Oliver Jackson-Cohen
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Clark Kent/Superman……..Pierson Fodé
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Lex Luthor……..Michael Fassbender
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Metallo………………..Karl Urban
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Deadshot………….Jense Ackles
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Parasite……………Wilson Bethel
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Lois Lane………….Ashley Greene
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Wonder Woman/Diana Prince…Christian Serratos
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Alfred Pennyworth……….Pierce Brosnan
Commissioner Gordon…….Stanley Tucci
Amanda Waller……….Angela Bassett
Robin/Damian Wayne…….Mystic Inscho
Rick Flagg………Richard Madden
The film opens with two parallel scenes of Batman & Robin gearing up to respond to the batsignal, as well as Superman leaving a conference at work after hearing alarms at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Superman arrives and it’s a militia of armored men who have Scientists and inters. Superman makes quick work of the main room and frees the hostages, and then progresses through the rest of the facility.
Batman & Robin arrive to a apartment in Burnley with the Commissioner where three government agents were gunned down.
Superman arrived and tells a smaller group of men to stop. They open fire on him and the leader shoots at some test tubes, and containers releasing gases and specimens. One of the goons calls out to the leader,”Rudy” who flees during the gas leaks.
Superman clears the room but Rudy got away.
Batman and Robin return later to the cave. Robin informs him he’s going to train before bed and Bruce begins examining the crime scene from earlier. Alfred arrived with dinner and the two talk and think about how the murder managed to kill three government agents without being spotted as well as without leaving a lot of clues.
The next day Clark returns to work and is greeted by a irritated Lois Lane who tells him that Perry was so pissed off he left the meeting that he spent the rest of the time nagging her about her assignments. Clark jokes with her and promises her dinner. They arrive to their floor.
Meanwhile, Rudy is in his cramps apartment in Metropolis and he has a nasty cough and doesn’t feel and good. He looks through his duffle and finds a open canister with purple goon still inside. He further looks at it and it’s from LexCorp research and development department.
Bruce enters his office at Wayne Enterprises and is met with Amanda Waller. They have a chat and she slips him a file, and tells him that this could help Batman. He warns her to stay out of Gotham and she tells him she’s only here to help and leaves with Rick Flagg.
Bruce calls Alfred and on his watch and the two browser the file on a assassin named Deadshot.
Leaving the office Clark and Lois notice a large crowd gather and see a man perched on a nearby building threading to jump. Clark blends into the sea of people to a nearby alley where he begins to change.
Bruce gets into his car and begins to drive away from Wayne Tower.
Meanwhile, Superman shoots up to the guy and begins to talk to him only to find the guy isn’t really is a dummy. A gunshot rings and Superman is shot in the chest and crashing down to the streets.
Bruce is still talking to Alfred on the phone when a breaking news flashs across his screen. He races away. He tells Alfred to have his suit and the Batwing ready.
Superman is surrounded by police and Lois pushes her way to him and tells him to stay conscious.
Bruce rushes downstairs into the cave where Alfred had a live feed playing from Metropolis news channel. He presses a button on the computer and Martian Manhunter appears on screen. He tells him he’ll need his help.
Lois is still trying to keep Superman awake as EMTs gather around him but his flash is trying to heal around the bullet,one of the Swat team walks to him and kneels and transforms into Martian Manhunter. He tells him help is on the way to stay alert.
Meanwhile, Deadshot from three rooftops away loads his rifle with one last Kryptonite bullet. He sims it at Superman’s lifeless body and before he can fire it a Batarang disarms him. Batman looms over him on a a/c unit. And descends towards him and the two fight.
Martian Manhunter turns his head to the side of the fight and tells Lois to have the EMTs prep him for the bullet extraction. She rushs to get them as J’onn presses on his earpiece and calls for the device.
Batman and Deadshot fight across the rooftops and Batman uses a disruptor to jam his wrist guns. And knocks him out.
J’onn received a black briefcase from a red and yellow blur and opens it to a kryptonite scalpel.
Having Deadshot cuffed Batman glides down to the scene and pulls a small vial from his belt. He tells Superman to hold on and pours the iodine on him, he takes the scalpel and J’onn morphs his fingers and pulls out the bullet allowing the wound to close. The crowd cheers and Lois helps Superman sit up.
Later that night Superman and the police chief integrate Deadshot. Seeing as their not getting anything from Batman glares at the door and enters, a moment later he returns and tells them it was private hit, they supplied the gun and rounds and all he had to do is kill him.
Lex Luthor exits his limo and enters his company. Lex is having a phone call with Mercy about Superman still being alive. She tells him not to worry as she just left Iron Heights and their backup plan is go. Upon entering his office Luthor find Rudy who’s looks worse and is spastic.
He demands Lex give him an antidote or he’ll expose what his research is really about. Calmly Lex tells he figured this would happen and lures the man to his desk where he pulls out a vial, He tells if wants it it’s his. Rudy takes it and ask him what’s the catch. Smugly Luthor tells him there isn’t one just take the vial and all will be fixed.
Still unsure and without much choice Rudy tells him he’ll leave,and Lex tells him if he has any questions to call,and Rudy leaves with a smug Lex watching.
Batman and Superman arrive at warehouse in downtown Metropolis, it’s where Deadshot had set up shop. Superman questions why someone wants to kill him, more than normal and Batman hacks into Lawton’s computer to decrypt the secure messages.
Luthor has cameras planted inside and tells Mercy to active plan B.
Batman has the data sent to the Batcomputer where Alfred tells him he’ll have it decoded in just a few moments, a large object crashes through the wall knock Batman back and Superman turns to see Metallo free from prison with upgrades making him more robot. He and Superman fight out of the warehouse and Batman gets to his feet.
Rudy doubled over in pain drinks the vial from Lex and for a brief moment he feels fine before he screams in pain and violently trashes his apartment before follow over and purple light eliminates the apartment from outside.
It’s a fight through the streets and rooftops of Metropolis and Superman is still weak from his wound from Deadshot.
Metallo nearly stabs Superman with a Kryptonite blade but Batman uses his Arsenal of gadgets to distract him and lure him away from Superman. Metallo attempts to grab Batman but missed everytime.
He manages to throw the Bat into a water tower and Batman is injured. Before Metallo can strike Superman quickly throws a car at him knocking him into a nearby building. He grabs Batman and flies but his knocked back by Metallo blast of Kryptonite.
Batman assists Superman to a kneeling position and Metallo stocks toward the but his restrainted by the Lasso of Truth. Wonder Woman is flying above the men. Batman helps Superman stand and Alfred chimes in to tell him the source of the payment as well as the message ping back to an off shores account. That belongs to Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman commands Metallo to tell her the truth of who sent him and tells them Luthor wanted him to finish the job.
Superman gets up and tells them it ends tonight and knock Metallo out. Wonder Woman descends to the rooftop and tells them she saw the news and wanted to make sure they were okay. Batman tells her timing needs work and she tells him they’re both welcome. Superman is angry and flies toward LexCorp.Wonder Woman grabs and tells them they have to back him up.
Lex is drinking scotch on his balcony when Superman with red eyed lowers in front of him and demands to know why. Lex sips his drink and tells him his plans for Presidency but that can’t happen with the Boy Scout around. And on cue a large form jumps onto the balcony and before them is Parasite. Luthor tells him if he really wants to stop the pain he’ll kill Superman.
Parasite attacks Superman and the two crash down to the streets. Wonder Woman lands Batman on the ground and rushes towards LexCorp he tells Diana to buy him time.
Lex unstable and enrage watches the fight from the balcony and marches inside and calls for Mercy.
Batman arrives at the entrance of LexCorp and guards with military equipment are deployed to secure the lobby and Batman enters through the door with smoke and quickly disarms all the guards and takes them out. He calls to Alfred to scan the building and Alfred tells him Lex is fleeing down southwest staircase and Batman rushes after him.
Superman is struggle to handle Parasite in his current state, Wonder Woman reminds that weather or not he’s at full strength he’s more than capable to stop Parasite who is enraged with powers and vows to kill them both in order to avenge what he’s become, and they two fight him again.
Lex calls for Mercy but his line isn’t working and finds one of his car’s and attempts to flee, the Batmobile begins to chase after him. The two are engaged in a high speed pursuit in the city while the other members of the Trinity battle Parasite.
Batman is able to hack into lack’s database is slowly draining his files and experiments. He tells Lex that he has the evidence he needs and their no where he can run to where Batman won’t find him, and slide swipe Lex’s car cashing him to crash. Lex crawls out and is confronted by the Dark Knight.
Superman is sent through a Department Store and Wonder Woman uses her bracelets and it dents Parasite flying. Superman shoots throw the air and begins to beat up Parasite, who throws several punches back. Batman arrived and holds a device he tells Wonder Woman to help Superman restrain Parasite to Batman can inject the antidote. On cue Parasite crashes into a nearby car. Wonder Woman flies towards Superman tells him they need to by Batman time.
Together the work together to get Parasite in a clear open space and using the Lasso of Truth their able to restrain him and Batman injects the antidote. Parasite slowly returns to his human form and falls unconscious. Superman thanks them both but ask for Luthor. Batman presses a button on his belt and the Batmoblie opens to reveal an unconscious Lex Luthor. Superman stocks toward the car and Lex wakes up to Superman’s looming figure. He tells him he isn’t scared and Superman grabs him, tells him prison isn’t like anything he’s seen before.
In the finale scene we skip to a month later and Lex Luthor is being sent to Ryker’s Penitentiary and is awaiting trial and sentencing for his crimes against Metropolis and his unethical actions. Lois tells him if he keeps grinning like that his face will free like that. And Clark says he’s just glad Justice will be served and Luthor can’t by his way out of this one.
She tells him that she’ll see him at home later as she and Jimmy have an assignment down by the park and Perry wants the scoop.
Superman flies up through the clouds and lands on a rooftop in Gotham and asks him is he always this gloomy. Batman emerges from the shadows and looks at the city. He asks him did the drive help and Superman smiles. Batman tells him people like Luthor will always exist. And Superman places a hand on his shoulder and tells that it’s a good that they have Batman to scare them off. And Batman grins slyly at the comment. Superman lifts off and tells him they’ll have to work together and Batman tells to not press his luck and Superman flies off. Batman sees the Batsignal and grapples towards it.
Post Credit:
- Floyd Lawton is working out in his cell when the buzzer sounds and heavy footsteps are heard. He asks his being let out for good behavior and standing before him is Rick Flag who drops a duffel bag in front of him. He tells him to gear up the Boss wants to hire him for a job. And he leaves his cell, on the bag is a large red X.
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A not-so-small review of Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons (Me? Be on time? Never.)
Beware Of Spoilers!!
IDK why, but Clark's origin story gets me every time. His parents holding each other through their deaths in every version oof.
Clark being a good dad but having to choose between his son and helping the world is always a good plot device. At the end of the day, there's only so much time he can give to everything in his life.
I hope more writers take note and keep Superman and Batman friends in any upcoming media. They're both people who have similar goals but contrasting methods, yet they always respect each other.
Jon, my sunshine, my sweetheart, my adorable little one why are you a gamer.
Also, I love the way they characterised Jon in the movie. It kinda nods at the way Superman: Son of Kal-El characterises him: he has his dad's heart and his mom's brain plus both their tenacity.
Batman being Jon's favourite superhero made me bust out laughing. The funnier thing is that Clark seemed completely unphased by this too??? Like "yes, batman is the perfect hero to stan my offspring"
Bruce being very caring but also very awkward is very in character.
Finally, a piece of media acknowledges that Damian's upbringing was really traumatic and that his life experiences are the source of his actions. He deserves empathy and accommodation, not being lambasted by online idiots who can't spare a shred of sympathy for trauma victims and neurodivergent people.
Batcow carried this movie, fight me if you disagree you losers.
The starro spores popping out of people's mouths was genuinely disgusting ngl. The blood too? It makes sense though considering the PG-13 rating. Though edgy thirteen-year-old me would have totally rocked with it.
Krypto was kinda terrifying in that chase scene. Big dogs are usually really terrifying for kids, can you imagine a big dog with Superman's superpowers? Yeesh
Go, Robin! keep dragging Green Arrow.
"You're arrow-proof?" "I'm arrow-proof!"
The Super Sons V Super Dads fight was brutal goddam. The team did not pull any punches when writing that scene (pun intended).
Damian and Jon watching the earth as the Watchtower burns and Damian discussing his preferred methods of leaving the mortal coil evoked emotions in me. Can't tell which ones though.
The emotion in Bruce's voice as he points out the Watchtower burning and says "the boys" was so heartbreaking.
The end scene of Damian flinging Jon off and the "still can't fly" line? give this boy a comedy award. God, I love that little bastard.
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thepixelmachine · 2 years
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something clark can only get away with so far up into the atmosphere so nobody else can see
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viewfromthelake · 2 years
I just want a movie Superman who exists in the same world as a movie Batman and they go from mild distrust in each other to best friends over the course of an adventure. But not like Batman v. Superman. I would like, please, for Batman not to be trying to kill Superman.
Like at first Superman sees this guy as potentially dangerous and disturbed, but then when he has to work with him he sees that the "insane, violent bat vigilante" is a public misperception that Bruce allows to exist to make criminals and henchmen more scared of him when he shows up.
Clark sees that the real Bruce is trying to save lives and do as little harm as possible in a Gotham City that's become a warzone of super-criminals. And then in his role as Bruce Wayne, taking real action to address the social/economic issues that are exacerbating this crime.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
The Geek Cave’s annual Golden Justin Awards
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Every year, we look back at the best experiences we’ve had from a comic book, video game, and television/movie perspective, then proceed to hand out fictional statuettes. 
Join us! 
You can also sound off in our Discord on some of your favorite moments of 2022! 
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esonetwork · 1 year
The Earth Station DCU Episode 338 – The Flash Movie
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-dcu-episode-338-the-flash-movie/
The Earth Station DCU Episode 338 – The Flash Movie
This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs review The Flash Movie! The Akkadian gods attack in Black Adam #11. The Joker strikes, Storm Watch, Superman, and other stories in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1. Robots attack in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #15. Steph, Cass, and Babs try to hunt down the sniper who is terrorizing the hill in Batgirls #18. Selina teams up with Eiko to take on the other dons in Catwoman #55. Superman and Lex Luthor work together to uncover Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft’s secret hideout in Superman #4. Move in day is interrupted when the Titans are contacted to stop a giant ape from destroying a nuclear power plant in Titans #1. Wally, Mr. Terrific, and others team up to rescue Wally’s newborn son Wade from the clutches of Granny Goodness in The Flash #799. Diana travels through the dreams of Etta, Siggy, Steve, Nubia, and others in Wonder Woman #799. All this plus, DC News, DC TV, Shout Outs, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:05 DC News
0:12:42 Black Adam #11
0:19:32 Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1
0:25:34 Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #15
0:29:56 Batgirls #18
0:33:40 Catwoman #55
0:36:51 Superman #4
0:40:30 Titans #1
0:44:47 The Flash #799
0:47:58 Wonder Woman #799
0:52:02 The Flash Movie
1:33:37 Show Close
Black Adam #11
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #15
Batgirls #18
Catwoman #55
Superman #4
Titans #1
The Flash #799
Wonder Woman #799
Flashpoint (Cletus’s Read More Comics Pick)
The Flash: Rebirth (2009-2010) (Cletus’s Read More Comics Pick)
Flash Vol 1: Move Forward (Cletus’s Read More Comics Pick)
Earth Station DCU Website
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If you would like to leave feedback, comment on the show, or would like us to give you a shout out, please call the ESDCU feedback line at (317) 455-8411 or feel free to email us @ [email protected]
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protect-the-pack · 2 months
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The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest (1997)
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ayspooky1 · 2 months
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More BatMimikyu with suits.
Man-Bat from “Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Lord Batman from “Justice League 2003”
Arctic Batman from “The Batman 2004”
Super-Batman from “Batman: The Brave and the Bold
“SuperBat” from Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #4
Kryptonite Batman from “Superman/Batman #23”
Fairy Batman from”Lego Batman: Movie”
Rainbow Batman from “Batman: The Brave and the Bold
So, what’s your favorite Batman? 😉
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thestargayzingheroine · 7 months
Why A Better World is my favourite "Evil Superman" Story
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So in the last two decades or so, there's been a notable amount of dark and edgy stories around superheroes turning evil and whatnot and most of them really love to do their own expies of Superman. I've never been the biggest fans of these kinds of stories.
And then there's the actual stories of Superman and other heroes being outright villains or at least just massive assholes. In recent years, this has been largely thanks to the influence of media like the Injustice Games or the Synderverse DC movies. It's... honestly become a trope I am tired of.
Because you know the damnest thing? There is a story that does all these ideas really damn well and arguably better. It is the two-parter from the Justice League cartoon "A Better World".
Now, I am aware how most people favouring the DCAU has become a bit of toxic nostalgia at times and it's something I myself am trying to work through a bit. But in this case, I do think it's the best idea of doing an evil DC story, much better and more interesting than the Crime Syndicate, who if you ask me are not very interesting, though I do remember liking the Crisis On Two Earths movie a lot, which funny enough, was originally going to be this two parter before various things led to it being canned and then later repurposed as a direct to DVD movie.
Anyway, my main crux of why I love this story is simple... The entire Justice League turns evil... and the reasons are very much in-character for all of them. You look at the scene with Justice Lord Batman for example.
As fucking evil as the Justice Lords are... Batman can't quite fully hate his alternate self for his reason for taking part in all this being basically one-step further than his own mission, that no child should ever go through what he did. Hell, I recall reading that the reason the writers had Batman drop his batarang at the end of this scene... was because he genuinely wouldn't be able to come up with an argument to that.
Superman likewise kills Lex Luthor because yeah, Luthor literally exploited the flaws in Democracy and became president of the US, threatening to kinda basically start world war 3. It's obviously horrible... but Superman is a character whose main motivation is making the world a better place. And if people who abuse the systems of power of the world are hurting people, why shouldn't Superman put a stop to that?
And yeah, Superman should obviously never kill, he's the most paragon of paragons of the DC universe, a man committed to always being better than the villains he fights... but this is him pushed to his most logical extreme. Hell, the main Superman knows this and its why Lex used his knowledge of this alternate universe as part of his plan in the season after this, to goad our Superman into crossing the line because yeah, there's a part of him that could go this far.
But right as Superman is about to apparently finish him, the big guy says this.
"I'm not the man who killed President Luthor. I wish to heaven that I were but I'm not."
Because Superman like everyone else, obviously would have those same thoughts and same urges. He's human.
I've kinda gone off Injustice a bit because to be honest... the injustice games were kinda just this but a bit too edgelordy. Hell, in A Better World, Lois Lane still lives and the whole genesis of it doesn't revolve around her getting fridged.
So yeah, A Better World is probably one of my favourite mirror universe stories because of the fact that well... it really is like looking in a mirror and seeing just how easy the greatest heroes can become evil and how they wouldn't be massively out of character doing so. But also it reminds us that as much as this darkness can tempt some of our finest, the ones who don't go down this dark path are stronger in heart than anyone else. Because when the world becomes a dark and horrible place, it becomes very easy to be just as dark. But even though it can be hard to still try and be a good person even in dark times, it's ultimately worth it. Because good always triumphs over evil.
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mydarlingbat · 3 months
Do you know how many times The Batman saved The Joker? If you do not know, then ignore this message pls.
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So i actually been ask this question before, but I'll add a few more to the list. I'm just updating the list. Death of the family. Batman unhinged 13 #14 Batman gotham after midnight #6. Legends of the dark knight annual #1. Batman adventures continue #12. Batman the max. Arkham dreams #2. Batman confidential #11. batman ninja turtles 3 # 5. hitman #3. Batman The shadow #4 ( league of justice. Tales from the dark multiverse the death of Superman #1 ) Batman White knight present generations of Joker #6. Batman #353. Batman damned #3. Batman #7. Batman #1. Batman adventures #16. the Batman strikes #9. Batman fun house of evil. Batman death by design. The batman who laughs #1 the Batman who laughs # 2 Batman secrets. Batman cacophony #3. Legends of the dark Knight # 200. Batman legends of the dark Knight # 145. Batman Gotham Knights #73. Batman dredd / die laughing. The Joker mask. Batman Gotham adventures #31. Detective comics annual #5. Batman vs the punisher. Two face year one #2. Batman #544 Batman Arkham unhinged #29 #30 Batman unhinged # 28 Batman 1992 annual. Batman Arkham knight. Batman #649. Batman #719. Batman Europe #2 legends of the dark Knight #195 detective comics #1058 2024 ) catwoman #63. Legend of the dark Knight #16. Batman adventures #1. Batman adventures #3. Batman and catwoman #6. Batman adventures #30. Batman secrets #1. Batman 2016 #48. Batman the white knight #7. The spectre #51. Batman annual #1. Joker switch. Wonder woman #165 #167 elseworlds finest. Batman Gotham after midnight #8 Batman gotham adventures #31 dc super friends. Batman / Harley and ivy #1 Batman #146 Batman #37. The Joker last laugh #6. Batman last knight on earth. Legends of the dark knight #10 2012. Batman and Superman / world finest #11. Batman legends of the dark Knight. #50 batman Odyessy # 6 #2. injustice ground zero #6. Batman ego. Batman deadly duo #1 Joker devils advocate. Action comics. #719. Legends of the dark Knight 2020 #2 . Batman #139 2024. Batman brave and the bold #118. Batman 2016 #123. Batman adventures continue season two #7. Batman and Spiderman crossover. The fortress #1 Batman #16 The Batman animated series ( Christmas with JOKER ) ( the Phantasm ) The Jokers favor ) Harlequinade ) legends of the dark Knight #2 2023. Joker's Millions ) make 'em laugh and that's all I recall. Batman Arkham origins. Batman under the red hood. The dark Knight 2008 ) The Batman vs. Dracula. Batman Ninja. Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2018) Batman telltale series # episode 5 Batman tomorrow the game. Gotham the series. the Batman series 2005 The Bat in the Belfry )( Rumors ) The Clayface of Tragedy (Part 2) The Metal Face of Comedy) Batman #66
I can't say them all, but he saved the Joker 77 times in comics. How many times he attempted to save the Joker 14 times in comics. 92 times i guess. Not including the movies and series, but all together 118 times i can recall. Thank you so much for asking though.
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