#The Teen Titans question
Hey. I just wanted to apologize if my ask regarding Teen Titans caused you any sort of grief. When I sent it, I was genuinely confused about why it was banned when the reasons you'd given originally also applied to ATLA. But I realize my tone might have been rather harsh. My deepest apologies.
I've always considered Avatar The Last Airbender anime lite because unless you were a mega fan, you probably would have assumed it was a Japanese production, or at least partially a Japanese production.
That also goes for Castlevania, which is based on a Japanese game series even though it's an American production. Blue Eye Samurai tells a Japanese story even though it's in American production. Blood of Zeus is also in the same category it looks and feels more like a Japanese production than an American one.
However, Teen Titans never felt the same way to me. It definitely was a Warner Brothers DC animation project, even if it was trying to replicate popular anime art styles. It was trying to separate itself from the DC Animated Universe, but that might also be because American and Japanese superhero stories have a different vibe, at least to me. That's why I was hesitant to allow any Western superhero shows, including The Suicide Squad Isekai or even the ninja Batman films that were directed by the guy who did Afro Samurai
Also, remember that most of the Teen Titans characters are teenagers. I didn't initially allow teenagers in my polls, and no character from that show has an official age that I can find, so I kind of preemptively banned that show because it was going to cause so many nightmares for me. It's already causing me headaches right now since I had to delete, I think, good seven-ish comments complaining that these characters are underage. I've only allowed these characters for two days. We're cruising towards Fandom Jail people.
Also, I am running into problems where people want to argue. Any show that is animated in Japan, South Korea, or China should automatically be included because I allow not only anime and manga characters but manhwa and donghua characters, too. I will be fighting this a bit more because of how many shows I'm finding out are outsourced to studios from one of these three countries, including significant anime studios in Japan.
Any other show that has not been mentioned is probably on the list because someone has brought it up. I did minimal research to make a judgment call and have not watched the show. It will probably change dramatically if I ever watch most of the shows on that list. But I am a full-time college student with a job, so that is unlikely. I simply don't have time
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rozenphox · 6 months
oh absolutely, anon ❤️
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metropolisblue · 1 year
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pinkiemachine · 8 months
Hey. Pst! DC Lore Masters. Got a sec?
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K, so like, I’ve seen Teen Titans… and some of Young Justice… but I’m interested in the comics.
See these guys up here? These guys specifically (Robin/Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Wonder Girl, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, and Cyborg), what’s the condensed version of each of their stories? Is there a way to condense it? Is there even a story to condense?
I’m familiar with Raven’s story—half demon, Trigon wants to use her to end the world, blah blah blah, etc etc—and I know some of Starfire’s origins on Tamaran and Beast Boy’s past with the Doom Patrol, and of course there’s Dick Grayson which I know most of the story already, but like… especially Cyborg, Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl… what are their stories? Who are their arch nemeses? What journey do they go on? How do they grow as people? Am I asking the wrong questions? I am just curious, and Google isn’t helping me rn…
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laufire · 3 months
as I read green arrow '01 I've been going through mia's simultaneous cameos in other runs, and that's how I found out about this little arc in gotham central #33-36, aptly named "dead robin".
the story starts when they find the corpse of a young boy dressed in a high quality robin costume, with the tools to match, prompting the cops to wonder if he's the real robin, aka tim (who has a cameo here and there). at the end of the second issue a second dead boy appears, proving this was no accident, but that in fact they're likely facing a serial killer. a third boy (third robin) is saved just in time before the end. the man behind it turns out to be a journalist obsessed with costumed vigilantes, who wanted to be "part of their world."
what drives me insane about this is the timing. because if you look at the publication dates, this story arc started right after jason unmasks himself before bruce in batman #641, and it finishes around the time utrh picks up again (you know, after that little detour where bruce ~investigates steph's death just so he can be exonerated from it, at the cost of character-assassinating another female character).
just imagining that while jason was back in gotham doing All That, this was all happening, with bruce clearly going berserk during it (entering arkham and assaulting every immate, breaking a cop's nose, scaring the living crap out of the perpetrator... and I know it's simply about lack of synergy, but it's interesting to me to think that for all of that, he -rightly!- must've not suspected jason).
as I said. insane asñflkjdsf. I can't wait to use it in fic.
oh, and, please, behold (click for better quality):
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anything to say, bruce?
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clarissasbakery · 1 year
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this shipping meme i did on instagram!
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farshootergotme · 29 days
Has dick really lost that many people? To make a whole ass list?
Well, let's see... (keep in mind I haven't read lots of comics so there could definitely be more than what I'm about to mention)
- His parents.
- A few (Teen) Titans members like Donna Troy (brought back to life), Wally West (more than once if I'm not wrong, but it'll depend which era you're reading) and Jericho (aka. Joseph Wilson). And there could definitely be more but I couldn't say for sure.
- Jason Todd.
- The people who lived in the same building as him who he was friends with, that's around 20 people?
- Haly's Circus was burnt down twice and I know one of those times at least another 20 people died and 100 were severely injured (remember many of the members in the circus were like family to him).
- Do we count the city? Because even though he wasn't close with every single person, Dick genuinely cares for the people of Bludhaven and Deathstroke killed over 100,000 citizens.
- Bruce Wayne (he was technically dead, even if in reality he was lost in time).
- Damian Wayne.
- Alfred Pennyworth.
- Tim Drake has died at least once but I don't know if it's happened in the main continuity or if his death has only happened in an alternative universe.
And I have a feeling there's a bunch of people I'm forgetting, but these are the ones I can mention off the top of my head. Not counting the Bludhaven Citizens, that's around 50 people or so.
If anyone can add more to the list, that'd be great.
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batbabydamian · 2 months
Al Ghul enjoyer PKJ as writer and Rebirth Nightwing artist Javi Fernandez for the new Batman and Robin team…fascinating…
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this new run is distinctly darker in tone just based on the summary alone, but i’m so curious how “a different way to help the world begins to present itself” could mean for Damian!!
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madcapberry · 7 months
My top ten favorite DC characters (nobody asked for this):
1. Dick Grayson and Cass Cain (I won’t ever choose between them they’re my favorite mfers in this whole place)
2. LADY SHIVA!! You guys don’t get her like I do
3. Roy Harper (New Earth)
4. Vic Sage!! Charles Victor Szasz! Charlie!! I love him so much he’s such a mess of a person xoxo
5. Helena Bertinelli!! My girl!
6. Kory!
7. Tim Drake little brother of all time
8. Donna Hinckley Stacy Troy and Victor Stone. Whoops another tie idc idc idc they mean so much to me
9. Ollie Queen <3
10. Bruce Wayne. I LOVE a good Batman comic hate to hear it hate to see it.
Honorable mentions—
(11) Bartholomew Henry Allen
(12) Wally
(13) Swamp Thing <3
(14) Dinah!!
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starfiretruther · 2 years
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sometimes its just a girl and her cowgirl boots vs the world
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alexandriaellisart · 6 months
are there any canon ships in your comics? Sorry if I missed it
no, not really! i kinda try to make the tt comics less shippy so that everybody can enjoy them! Robstar is canon, but like, mildly, and I think raven and robin are like, platonic best friends. but really the main ship is just all the titans being a weird family ^-^
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scootarooni · 6 months
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starfire miki!!! becos Comet's personality is inspired a bit by her and her mannerisms
bonus starfire for my friend who mistook miki for star:
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eleanore-delphinium · 6 months
I'm just wondering out of all the damirae stuff I've written which is your favourite and why? And if given the chance would you like that au explored more?
I'd also like to hear why...
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bardicious · 7 months
That feel when you know how old someone is by how they draw Robin. 😔
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harriel · 2 months
Guys, does anyone know if there's going to be (or was, I'm not going to put past myself missing it 😅) a Damirae week 2024... Like for writing? And if there was is it against the rules to join now? Never participated before, so don't know the rules...
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Support
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