#The Politics of Human Sexuality
bonniehooper · 3 months
COMMUNITY REWATCH, 1x11: “The Politics of Human Sexuality"
-Wait, she thinks "officey things" is a better title than "secretary"?
-The women's restrooms don't have toilet seats?!
-Of course, Pierce is dating an escort.
-Troy: "Taking a call girl to a STD fair. There's a joke here." *a couple minutes later* "Don't eat the crab dip. Yay-yay"
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-Dean: "Don't worry, not a real one. No, it's an anatomically correct model, you know? But trust me eyes closed; you can't tell the difference."
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-Annie: "The Dean is counting on me, and I want him to know that I'm someone he can trust. We have to break into his office." Annie that is the exact opposite of what you need to do.
-I love Troy losing his mind over Abed beating him in everything.
-Troy: "You broke my hand, you bastard." Why did he say it like that?
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-The condoms are faulty?! WTF??
-Troy: "Go, Abed, go! Before people sex one another!"
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-Abed: (over the loudspeaker) "Attention, Greendale students. Don't use the condoms! If you're going to have sex tonight, don't use condoms!" Worst STD Fair Ever!!!!!
Troy, why are you sleeping there? GO HOME!!!!
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achillean-archives · 2 years
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Community Season 1, Episode 11: The Politics of Human Sexuality
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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ilostyou · 2 years
let me make something very clear: it’s weird and strange and invasive to speculate about anyone’s sexuality unless it’s your own. hope this helps
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burnandblind · 2 months
Poke the Bear: Silencing of Trans Masc Voices and Why it Matters in Relation to Patriarchy
I've made a previous post about my experience being a disabled trans man of color. As you can see from my profile pics I present masculinely. I occasionally paint my nails white, black, or navy.
I'd consider myself someone who is balanced. Despite everything, I am a whole and beautiful person. Flaws and all. I know my darkness as well as I know my light.
And I know humanity, just the same.
So, I know why this is happening.
Humanity doesn't want to grow up. Different people don't want to grow up. What do I mean by that?
They don't want to accept the complexity and multi-dimensional nature of reality. They don't want to accept people as they are -- they just want people to be what they think they should be. They're not really interested in the happiness and freedom of others.. no. Just their own.
How could I say such a thing?
Because they're decrying some of the most oppressed minorities on the planet. These minorities hold the key to ending this cycle of ignorance and hate.
That's all there is to it. Trans men, trans women, intersex people, and every form of outcast that you can think of? Yeah. We all have something to teach society. Society has things they could learn from us. If it wasn't so dead set on killing, ridiculing, silencing, etc the people who could help them see a way out of the darkness.
Am I making this seem grandiose? It's not. Every one of us has something we could possibly contribute - especially if we had the resources and support available to us.
Why else would you want to take those things away from any group of people?
Because you're scared of what they represent and what they can do.
I'm black. I'm white. I'm Greek. I'm other races I'm not sure of. I have a pussy. I'm a man. I love women. I like men. I'm autistic, I have cPTSD. I have low iron. I'm something most akin to a Buddhist. I know science and spirituality both have a role to play in helping humanity out of this stage in evolution.
So .. yeah. I know why you're scared. I am, too. Because I'm probably one of the most fit for this "role" and I very much do not want to be.
Especially considering how people have been thusfar.
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haggishlyhagging · 11 months
The issue of lesbianism really exploded on May 1, 1970, opening night of the second Congress to Unite Women, when forty lesbians pre-empted the scheduled proceedings to raise the issue of lesbianism. (The divisiveness over class and lesbianism prompted some women to dub this the "Congress to Divide Women.") The action was planned by a group that included Brown, Funk, Hoffman, Hart, and Bedoz. The following account of the "Lavender Menace" action appeared in the women's underground paper Rat:
“On May 1st, at 7:15 p.m. about 300 women were quietly sitting in the auditorium of intermediate school 70 waiting for the Congress to Unite Women to come to order. The lights went out, people heard running, laughter, a rebel yell here and there, and when those lights were turned back on, those same 300 women found themselves in the hands of the LAVENDER MENACE. . . . Seventeen of the Radical lesbians wore lavender t-shirts with LAVENDER MENACE stenciled across the front. These women were the first wave of the action and the ones who took over the auditorium.”
The other demonstrators were dispersed throughout the audience and were supposed to declare their support for the action and join the women on stage. Once on stage, they would reveal both their Lavender Menace t-shirts and their lesbianism. However, as Woodul explains, the demonstrators needn't have acted as "pigeons" in the audience for "as soon as the floor was taken, women by the droves began to come up on stage." For two hours the protestors held the floor as they talked about what it was like to be a lesbian in a heterosexist culture. The final assembly of the Congress adopted the set of resolutions advanced by "The Lavender Menace: Gay Liberation Front Women and Radical Lesbians." The resolutions read:
“1. Women's Liberation is a lesbian plot. 2. Whenever the label lesbian is used against the movement collectively or against women individually, it is to be affirmed, not denied. 3. In all discussions of birth control, homosexuality must be included as a legitimate method of contraception. 4. All sex education curricula must include lesbianism as a valid, legitimate form of sexual expression and love.”
One of the most important things to come out of the Congress action was the Radicalesbian position paper, "The Woman-Identified Woman," copies of which were distributed to women in the audience. Like the action, the paper was designed to assuage heterosexual feminists' fears about lesbianism. In fact, Jennifer Woodul contends that the "Menaces" decided to use the term "woman-identified" because they hoped it would prove less threatening to heterosexual women:
“I was there when the ideas for ‘Woman-Identified Woman’ were beginning to take shape. We were trying to figure out how to tell women about lesbianism without using the word, lesbian, because we found that at these conferences we kept freaking people out all the time. And I believe it was Cynthia [Funk] who came up with this term, ‘woman-identified.’ At least, that was the first time I had ever heard it. So what we were trying to do was make women realize that lesbians were not different from other women in any sort of strange way.”
To legitimize lesbianism, Radicalesbians had to persuade feminists that lesbianism was not simply a bedroom issue and that lesbians were not male-identified "bogeywomen" out to sexually exploit other women. They accomplished this by redefining lesbianism as a primarily political choice and by locating the discourse within the already established feminist framework of separatism. They criticized as “divisive and sexist” the tendency to characterize lesbianism "simply by sex." Moreover, they suggested that far from being male-identified, lesbians, by virtue of their distance from contaminating maleness, were actually more likely to be woman-identified than heterosexual women who were "dependent upon male culture for their [self]-definition:"
“Only women can give to each other a new sense of self. That identity we have to develop with reference to ourselves, and not in relation to men. . . . Our energies must flow toward our sisters, not backward toward our oppressors. As long as women's liberation tries to free women without facing the basic heterosexual structure that binds us in one-to-one relationship with our oppressors, tremendous energies will continue to flow into trying to straighten up each particular relationship with a man. . . . This obviously splits our energies and commitments, leaving us unable to be committed to the construction of the new patterns which will liberate us.”
Although the paper's tone was not antagonistic—for instance, they avoided defining heterosexual women as collaborators—the assumption was that feminism required lesbianism:
“It is the primacy of women, of women creating a new consciousness of and with each other, which is at the heart of women's liberation, and the basis for the cultural revolution.”
"The Woman-Identified Woman" was not the earliest expression of lesbian-feminism. Both Rita Mae Brown and Martha Shelley had angrily denounced movement homophobia in the pages of Rat and Come Out, respectively. But what set "The Woman-Identified Woman" apart from these earlier pieces, what made it so significant, was that it redefined lesbianism as the quintessential act of political solidarity with other women. By defining lesbianism as a political choice rather than a sexual alternative, Radicalesbians disarmed heterosexual feminists. Of course, the knotty problem of sexuality remained. Even Radicalesbians had to admit that lesbianism involved sex:
“Until women see in each other the possibility of a primal commitment which includes sexual love, they will be denying themselves the love and value they readily accord to men, thus affirming their second-class status.”
The introduction of sex troubled many heterosexual feminists who had found in the women's movement a welcome respite from sexuality. Ellen DuBois was just one of many heterosexual feminists who initially resented the intrusion of sexuality into the movement:
“I felt finally I had found a movement where I didn't have to worry about whether or not I was attractive or whether or not men liked me. . . . And just as I was beginning to feel here at last I could forget all of that, sex once again reared its ugly head.”
-Alice Echols, Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America: 1967-75
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neuropoppins · 4 months
How Undiagnosed Autism led me to Gender Distress Click to read full story 👇
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burnandblind · 2 months
Acceptance/Surrender: The Self that Could Be
Acceptance is the first step.
Acceptance is a surrender.
A surrendering of who you were, or what you knew. Of what was and what could be.
An acknowledgement of what is.
To see, to hear, to feel, to think of, and experience an instance or truth -- is a surrender.
But you can, if you so desire, choose to NOT accept.
Depending on what it is, you'd be deluded. You would be in denial of reality.
That is sometimes preferable, depending upon circumstances.
What if this lack of acceptance causes issues?
You can probably see where I'm going with this.
There is something within or without that people are unwilling to accept.
It may be a scientific or historical fact. It may be something about themselves they don't want to admit or deal with.
It may be all of reality seems unnatural to them, for the simple fact that it is full of awesome things. Things they don't want to accept.
"You can lead a horse to water"
Yes. Some people would rather dehydrate or drink poison than know Truth. Or to grow as people.
It's as simple as going from 1+1 to algebra, to geometry, trig, and calculus onto physics etc
A progression of knowledge gained.
But first: acceptance and surrender.
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blackwomanvibes · 3 months
🌻 How To Live Your Best Ace Life! 🌻♠| Capitalism Induced Generational Trauma @BlackWomanVibes Ep 17
As an Ace (Asexual) life outside of cishet patriarchal normativity often is lonely. Even as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, we are often relegated as a mystery due to the lack of media/social representation of Asexuals and being replaced as a + sign after the Q in LGBTQ(+). Amatonormativity may rule the day, but we still exist as the alternative and that’s beautiful. 💜🖤🩶🤍 Like the content? Support the content creator Cashapp: $BlackWomanVibes Socials: BlackWomanVibes 🔮 🧿         
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annies whole speech in politics of human sexuality is so lesbian of her like wdym you’re comfortable being uncomfortable with your sexuality 🤨 wdym you don’t get what all the fuss is about 🤨🤨🤨
also the credits scene thing was so gay troy should have said i love you
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People who get mad about what gender other people are/are romantically interested in are weird
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mejomonster · 8 months
If you are young (or not) i think the biggest thing i can really hope is that you learn its okay to change
To be able to learn you were wrong about something and grow and improve is vital to your own happiness, to recognize you used to like something and now like something else (even as mundane as a band or drawing flowers) and its okay to do that, having an idea of who you are (from basic identity to big values) and learning and growing over time and noticing u may view things different now. Realizing that it happens all through life. Its normal. Ita okay. Youre not a bad person for feeling one thing before and discovering you later feel something else, for learning new things and reevaluating how you'd like to live or act, or even just simply existing and recognizing hey you liked apples before but now you would rather have an orange (and i genuinely do mean this as basically as u were not bad for liking whatever u did at age 5 10 15 20 and ur not bad if what you like changes, as well as the big things like protecting ur boundaries as a child by being quiet to keep safe and then later in a safe enviornment u feel like talking more). U didnt fail if you changed. Ur just alive. Life is a shifting state and it is okay to do so
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
chapter one coming out tomorrow (hopefully)
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masterlist | playlist | taglist
 javi gutierrez x f!reader (mia meadows, no body descriptions)
He only saw you only once, before you moved away with your father, far from your mother but now you’re back with no clue what to do with the rest of your life.
The first time was an accident. One day Javi sees you getting out of the shower and can’t help himself. It’s not his fault you never heard of closing the curtains before. After that he should’ve stopped. You’re the daughter of his favorite house keeper after all. But he can’t help the way your body calls out to him again and again.
I've been thinking about this series for so long and now that most of chapter one is finally written out, wanted to share a sneak peak which is under the cut-- enjoy 🧡
(I did dice the chapter up a bit so the sneak peak wasn't too long)
The sky is a matte gray. It reminds Javi of the sea when there’s a storm raging underneath, the sand lifting from the bottom and giving the beautiful blue a more mud-like color. He sees crunchy leaves and smells cinnamon. It’s fall alright. He always found this time a bit somber, but in a romantic way. He’s holding a cup of espresso, the liquid still steaming. The pool has been drained for cleaning. 
“Excuse me sir?” 
He takes a sip of his coffee. 
“Yes Miss Meadows?” 
“I wanted to ask if my daughter could come for a visit. She's done with university and needs a place to relax, figure things out.” 
That’s right, she had a daughter. Javi remembers meeting you once, before you left the island to live with your father. 
He takes another sip of his coffee, it’s finished now. A leaf slowly spins down from above and lands in the empty pool. 
“Of course,” he says, and smiles. “When is she coming?” 
“Next week.” 
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hag-lad · 1 year
Holy fuck, all of your takes about homosexuality are DOGSHIT today, kiddos. Has “queer” in-fighting fully circled back around to become pure homophobia? It’s more likely than you think!
#i just saw a post that said ‘it’s understandable and justified to distrust normie cis gays and lesbians’#to be fair I think they’re probably referring to right-wing gays but the post didn’t actually say that and I think there’s a reason why#because these fuckin dipshits actually think that homosexuality is some kind of regressive/ non-radical ‘identity’#they think that individual identity is where the sex & gender revolution takes place#that’s why they prioritize micro-labels and ‘queer’ identities so much#because most of them aren’t gay and don’t have gay sex or same-sex attraction#they just want to be the most radical person in the room#so they pretend like their personal nuances of gender are purely individual and rare and not a basic fact of human experience#and they’re insecure about being ‘less valid’ than people who are recognizably gay#so they make up ultra-radical sub-categories that are Way More Queer than HOMOSEXUALITY#i see it all the time here. and irl with younger people. its fucking absurd#gayness has been a sexuality way longer than it’s ever been a community or trend#gay sex is as old as human sexuality itself. pithy identity politics are a construct of a media culture that centers individual branding#I’m fuckin sick and tired of existing in a brand culture— especially as it pretends to be radical and revolutionary#stop fucking agonizing over whether or not you’re valid and try having some GAY SEX for once in your lives#jesus fucking christ
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