#The Camp Halfblood Chronicles
Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace - The Camp Halfblood Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Whisper/Prince Julien Sandry - Prince and Assassin by Tavia Lark
Wylan van Eyck/Jesper Fahey - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Lark/Rosethorn - Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce
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catcacophony · 2 months
dont you fucking dare imagine jason grace getting to elysium and finding beckendorf and silena and not being able to look at them without them reminding him of leo and piper
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vividiangelo · 9 months
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I really missed these sort of titles. It's drowning me in nostalgia(while making me giggle like a 12 year-old).
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simpingforpjo · 1 year
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a-boneless-lady · 4 months
I’ve noticed recently that there has been a Jason renaissance of sorts.
*Spoilers for the Burning Maze ahead*
Jason has one of the most tragic stories in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles. The boy was stripped from his family at age two as a gift to Juno. He was then raised by wolves and trained as a child soldier. Then he gets ripped from the only home he has ever known, his memories stripped, and then placed with people who have a false idea of who he is.
But its OK! He gets a chance at a second home, a girlfriend, a best friend, his sister back, and memories begin to come back.
Then he gets thrown back into a long quest but he finally gets the chance to return home to Camp Jupiter. Almost immediately the camp gets fired on by a possessed Leo and he is declared an enemy.
He gets thrown into a leader position yet again, only to be pit against another powerful demigod. Not to mention he is repeatedly knocked unconscious, making him feel weak. He gets stabbed and almost dies. And then the cherry on top, he loses his best friend.
Then, once everything is returned to normal, he has a job as he dedicated his life to ensuring the minor gods are venerated. His best friend comes back, but they can’t find him. His girlfriend dumps him. And he ends up alone at a school in Southern California.
But its fine, because he makes a life for himself. He is happy enough and content with his life.
And then he fucking dies.
He never got to see his best friend again. He died having never found a true home. He died as a product of a gods quest. He died a pawn of Hera. He died after once again having devoted himself to the gods, who never thanked or repaid him.
He just fucking dies
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muclunga · 3 months
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gtzel · 7 months
If I could go to CHB I would:
-go surfing with Percy
-play mythomagic with Nico
-talk about books with Annabeth
-ride unicorns with Meg
-build cool stuff with Leo
-prank Chiron with Travis
-practice archery with Frank
What would you do if you could go to camp halfblood?
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katyobsesses · 1 year
The Great War is such a Percabeth song omg
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yyyyanyan · 3 months
Book Club: The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
part 2 of my Camp Halfblood Chronicles binge!
It had suchhh a strong start with The Lost Hero. I love all three of them to bits (especially Jason but also ALL of them are my babies I'm holding them in my palms). The Roman/Greek split blew my mind when I first read this book years ago and honestly I'm still kind of processing it LOL. I'm obsessed with how Piper works on her charmspeak and getting comfortable in her own skin and Leo and his relationship with his fire powers??? god amazing!! And Jason I always felt like was such a strong stern type and I'm just attached to him. I think specifically he came off super perfect at first (especially with how Piper had her crush on him) and it was so pleasant to see him failing.
I like The Son of Neptune slightly less but not for any specific reason I can pinpoint--I think I just really vibed with the Jason-Piper-Leo trio. I did think it was absolutely sick that we got to see Percy is utterly insanely powerful and Hazel's backstory had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I also have a soft spot for Frank since he's Chinese-Canadian (one nitpick: what is his Chinese name Fai supposed to be?).
Unfortunately, I really lost my drive by the third and fourth books ToT I think there was just too many POVs and every time I was getting in the swing of things it was time for a new character in a new situation. And I'm sorry but Tartarus was such a drag for me!! I feel like I didn't get enough of a sense of just how miserable and horrible it was and honestly I just felt sad for Bob/Iaepetus all the time. The one positive of the variety of perspectives was, again, seeing Percy being a madlad from outsider POV <3
Anyways once once I finished Book 4 and went to the last book (Blood of Olympus) it went way faster--I was so excited about reading from Reyna's and Nico's perspectives! Reyna and Nico are sooo good together they're my #1 brotp (maybe). Honestly though once I got to this point I was kind of like, "seven halfbloods" answering the call feels so arbitrary to me? Both Reyna and Nico play such critical roles--especially Nico--that I feel kind of robbed that they're not officially listed as people in the prophecy. This is also the place where I say: ngl I think Annabeth being one of the seven was totally lame LOL (I like Annabeth though!) I feel like she had more of a supporting role and her Athena prophecy could have been a quest that was helping this big one (also 'cause it wasn't listed in this one). However this is definitely also my Nico bias talking because Nico is definitely one of my top blorbos in PJO
Anyways it's been like maybe two or three weeks since I finished the whole series and I have to say the ending was really underwhelming to me. I'm literally not even sure I could tell you what happened in Blood of Olympus in detail. I was so sure it was going to be even more epic and even grander and it kind of totally missed the mark? I remember being so moved and feeling the battles in The Last Olympian so vividly and this one felt so weak. I also thought that Gaea would be like... more prominent I guess? I literally think Tartarus ended up being more scary and he featured so much less. The final defeat was so underwhelming lmao :'D
Kind of related to the above is: I also felt more and more as the series went on that Leo really was a seventh wheel, in the sense that he just didn't seem as close to everyone else. I wish his relationship with Frank had been less prickly especially after the main point of their antagonism was resolved (like why did Leo ALWAYS have to make Frank the butt of the joke?), and I also wish the weird almost-Hazel/Leo thing just didn't happen? I feel like at that point she already liked Frank and neither she nor he really got invested in the sort-of-romance and I feel like if they had just settled into just being friends after the whole revelation thing then it would have made sense. It was exciting that Leo was the key to winning the battle, but I felt like it lacked emotional impact because he felt so separate from them all. Calypso and Leo ARE the cutest though and I was/am rooting so hard for them
The last thing is, I feel like there were a lot of like... plot points that didn't go anywhere? I can't tell if they were put in so they would get resolved in the third series but I'm kind of disappointed that they weren't dealt with in this series. So the ones that I picked up/am really interested in are:
Percy getting more violent/merciless and being scared of it
Jason's sort of... struggle between Roman and Greek? Specifically I feel like in the first book he was so Roman and then suddenly it became that he had a conflict(??) and felt more Greek. I guess with this one it's less that it was unresolved but more it came out of nowhere for me and I kind of wish it had been laid out more from the beginning. I will continue my salt in my ramblings of the sequel series btw
Hazel coming back from the dead?? Did Nico just see her and go "I'm taking her" and that was it lol or was there something else...?
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triggerblaze345 · 1 year
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catcacophony · 2 months
damien white, son of nemesis, goddess of revenge and justice (therefore fairness) and chiara benvenuti, daughter of tyche, goddess of luck and fortune (often portrayed as blindfolded to represent luck's impartiality) and they HATE each other
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delphicstrawberries · 2 years
so y’all remember how the soleangelo book was originally teased that it might be inspired by orpheus and eurydice right
does that make bob the titan eurydice
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
yall i just found out that "Arnold Beefcake" is a cannon character in the riordanverse... he's a child of ares from the 1950s
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oo thanks for the tag @bogreader !! idk which of my mutuals like to read so ill just do my best 😭 @graaaaaayy @glbtrx @manliest-of-muppets @aesthetjic
1) last book I read
the scourge by jennifer nielsen! my friend recommended it to me and was so kind as to let me borrow her copy
2) a book i recommend
anything tampora pierce, but i always especially loved her circle of magic series!
3) a book i couldn’t put down
ah, this goes to assassins quest by robin hobb!!
4) a book ive read more than twice
all for the game by nora sakavic. i reread the trilogy yearly. seriously. there’s crack in those books
5) a book on my tbr
interview with a vampire by anne rice! these were my moms favorites for a long time, so i want to read them for her :)
6) a book ive put down
…crime and punishment. i read like half of it, lost my place on my pdf, never finished. god can that bitch whine tho
7) a book on my wish list
a night sky with exit wounds!!! i ADORE ocean vuong <3 seriously his poems do something unreal to me. would love to own a physical copy!
8) a favorite book from childhood
inkheart trilogy by cornelia funke! easily one of my favorite series growing up. it continues to haunt me even now. so many memorable characters that continue to lurk in my life
9) a book you would give to a friend
ooo this one’s tough!! maybe radio silence by alice oseman? i read it last year, and i always end up liking her novels better than her comics, but yeah. i remember it being very good! most of my favorites are fantasy, but i feel bad telling ppl to read my favorite 800 page books with my blorbo
10) the most books i own in any one series
percy jackson LMFAO more specifically the riordanverse, but yeah. i had a bigggg phase, so I have the magnus chase files, some of the kane chronicles, percy’s guide to gods and mythology, the camp halfblood extra book thing, chalice of the gods, most of the trials of apollo series, and of course all of the original books (1-10)
11) a non fiction book i own
uh. idk if i have any 😭 does my guide to knitting count?
12) what am i currently reading
i keep my exoskeletons to myself by marisa crane! not sure if i like it yet, but not bad either
13) what are you planning on reading next
he who drowned the world by by shelley parker-chan ! been a while since i read the first one, but still excited
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misshiraethsworld · 11 months
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DROPS OF JUPITER ━ jason grace ❂
Lois Faust didn't understand the meaning of being superior, as her name suggests. For a short time out of the year, she was a student and daughter, enjoying the highs and lows of city life in Chicago. For the rest, Lois was a rainbow demigod surrounded by greek armor, pegasus', and monsters on the north shore of Long Island. The young girl had hoped her life would return to its normal state of crazy, but she knew that was impossible given her past. Jason Grace couldn't remember who he was, much less what his name meant. As far as he knew, he was attending a boarding school for delinquents and was currently on a field trip to the middle of nowhere. Now Jason was a confused unclaimed demigod, stuck at Camp Halfblood and receiving a quest to save the Queen of the Gods. The young boy wasn't afraid to take on the challenge, but he knew every challenge had chaos before peace. Lois and Jason would soon learn the worst and best about each other. Lois had fooled herself into thinking she'd seen the last sacrifice in the name of gods. Jason had hoped he would loosen Juno's grip over his life. However, with the rise of Gaea and her army, it seemed unlikely that Lois and Jason would be spared. The world seemed to have it out for demigods, especially when a prophecy was said and a quest began.
THE DEMIGOD CHRONICLES read here: wattpad
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @kmc1989, @ocappreciation, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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