#Terra: what?
silvertherogue715 · 4 months
Hello! How are you doing? apologizes for being late I got a bit busy this week and wasn’t able to send in an ask that fast ;-; but I brought Terra his coffee
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(This particular blend is called death wish coffee this stuffs got 165 mg of caffeine in it… in other words don’t let any menaces get to it.)
since Terra’s the one getting the coffee I thought we focus on him for this ask. Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow stardroids (romantic or otherwise) and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi?
What is his job in the stardroid group I assume from the sketches of him he keeps an eye on any Navi trespassing near by specific regions? I also assume he’s the second in command or another job or rank?
How exactly does Terra act like emotionally? Besides how bad this man needs a coffee ;-; he looks so tired and done all the time XD.
Im also kind of curious as to how to came to deciding on his final design? I hope you have a great rest of your day/night! Thank you!
I'm doing well! Thank you for asking. Don't stress about taking time to send questions, I get super excited to see them all the same! If anything, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Been busy and art is very time-consuming :”) 
Also, I love the cup design. Terra is gonna need every ounce of that caffeine! Long answer below. Art included!
Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow Stardroids (romantic or otherwise)?
Terra and Sunstar eventually become a couple in the AU. 
Terra was created before any other Stardroid, and had the hardest learning curve–he takes pride in his work and is more or less a workaholic. 
Sunstar was the last “Stardroid” activated, but had Terra to help him learn his new role. Kind of funny, given Sunstar was created to serve a role above him. Sunstar is happy to let Terra run things, though, for both of their sakes. 
Both eventually bonded after spending enough time together, but due to plot reasons, it takes until present-day Earth for things to really move along for them.
Saturn is romantically interested in Terra, but it’s very one-sided. Terra primarily sees him as a frustratingly laid-back coworker, if anything. 
…and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi? 
Terra and Minx did not meet under...the best circumstances. A misunderstanding, yes, but not one that either would have been able to clear up prior to meeting. He regrets the outcome of it, but both learn to become semi-comfortable around the other eventually.
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He has regrets--although he was not himself at the time.
Terra has mixed feelings about humans, he prefers them over the Earth’s…last inhabitants. He is a solitary individual, and does not have any friends (for now) outside of his ‘brothers.’ This will change!
Terra’s closest friends among the Stardroids are probably...Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter.
He knows most of the MMBN main cast’s Navis (megaman, roll, blues, shadowman, napalmman, etc). he also knows and favors minx's pet cat, Tango. Cat person.
He likes Napalmman, and is distrustful of Shadowman.
Terra respects Sofie and Nenji for their work ethic, and a cautious eye on Miyabi, but admires his abilities for a human. 
He finds Lan annoying (who is also a highschooler in my AU)
He fears Dr. Wily, to a degree (plot reasons).
What is his job in the Stardroid group?
Terra is Sunstar’s second-in-command-but-not-really who maintains their spaceship and assigns the other Stardroids tasks.
The art you saw of him in a fighting stance was him getting ready to square off against Slur near the end of Arc 2. Terra is about the second strongest of the Stardroids after Sunstar–but does not fight often.
How exactly does Terra act emotionally?
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“Tired and done” is pretty accurate for Terra’s personality, honestly.
He’s no-nonsense and likes to keep himself busy–burying himself in work is his way of coping with personal problems. Which, in itself, is a problem.
Earth forces him to change this behavior
Oh, you thought closing yourself off from others would have less consequences than being open? How cute.
Despite a cold demeanor and excellent poker face, Terra cares deeply for those around him. He’s not a softie like Sunstar at his core, but he can be surprisingly gentle. 
Though he used to be a hardass, he’s mellowed out a lot since re-arriving* on Earth. 
Unrelated–his lack of experience with building deep relationships or opening up to others makes him surprisingly easy to fluster, once the joke lands.
A secret romantic at heart? Who’d have known.
I’m not gonna lie, he’s kind of bland for a decent period of time. It takes him a while to unlearn a lot of emotional repression, but it also makes it all the more worthwhile when he’s in uplifted spirits.
If Sunstar catches this man smiling it’s game over
If Sunstar catches Terra without his visor? His month has been made.
I'm also kind of curious as to how you came to deciding on his final design? 
THIS!!! Oh my god he was both a huge pain and super fun to work on (like most of the stardroids)
I wanted him to have an ‘admiral’ look to him! But also space-invader-y and elegant (to a degree)
The gloves were more to fit the ‘commanding officer’ vibe
His stomach-region is designed in likeness to a belt on the bottom and vest in the middle! 
The fun poofy boots went more with the space invader vibe, but also to give him a more navi-like appearance.
His cable-hair and visor were strongly inspired by @liskobot’s Terra.exe design. They didn't have a ton of pictures of him, but they were a huge contributor to me even realizing the potential the Stardroids had to just exist in a MMBN universe.
Speaking of his visor–Terra absolutely uses it to hide the exhaustion in his face as well as his emotions. Reliable leaders need to stay composed, don’t they? >:)
The colors were done largely in part by my lovely dearest friend @hawkthespork. She’s a coloring GOD and helped me realize that not all of the stardroids have to have super saturated colors. I use saturated colors in my art a lot.
Until next time! Terra’s gonna enjoy his coffee in peace.
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Some alt. cup designs:
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kiyterra · 2 years
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was discussing w @bruceyknyght abt civilian bruce getting his shit rocked in a disaster at a gala but his first/only thought is “WHERE ARE MY KIDS ARE MY KIDS OK”
the nice bunch of teenage vigilantes who are totally not his kids see their dad literally bleeding out but still asking after them and combust in protectiveness :)
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xehanortsreport · 3 months
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he didn't need to say all that though.
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thegreatyin · 7 months
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haunted-xander · 3 months
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nekky-nek · 8 months
Terra has brown eyes, Ven has green eyes, and Aqua has buff arms
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butterflyscribbles · 1 year
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Loved and Lost
After an intense run in with the Purple Dragons, Terra gets brave enough to ask about Shelldon, something that Don has been notoriously reluctant to talk about with her…
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robotsafari · 19 days
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rescue operation going real smoothly
bonus under the cut:
aqua will never be ballin—
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scalacaelumx · 9 months
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I will return to this land...and protect...my friends!
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kiyterra · 2 years
About the Civilian Bruce AU, have there been any cases of Bruce being this close to discovering his kids being vigilantes, and them coming up with the most absurd explanations/distractions?
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jason's excuse was "i've never heard of that name in my life, actually i don't even know what names are, k bye"
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rhythmmortis · 2 years
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mutuals please sit down we are watching bbs
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pepperpepi · 28 days
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me when i pop out of the ground
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gummi-ships · 5 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Depths of Darkness
#kingdom hearts 0.2 birth by sleep a fragmentary passage#kh0.2#depths of darkness#realm of darkness#my gif#they did a good job making the realm of darkness look distinct from the realm of light#because this place really does feel like nowhere we've ever been before#the rocky pathways with no sign of organic life make me feel like i'm on the moon or an alien planet#it's interesting how fallen worlds feel like they're all stitched together between areas like this#aqua can simply walk from place to place without needing a ship or keyblade glider to fly her to a new world#though who's to say how long it takes her to do all of that#as if the realm of darkness is one big ever growing expanse of land without any known boundaries between worlds#we know that all worlds used to be connected in the realm of light long ago and i'm guessing that's the case in the realm of darkness#it's never been split or fractured by keyblade wielders so it still follows its own rules and laws of nature#that'd be pretty interesting#we see this area start as a rocky wasteland that transitions into flat sandy terrain from the destiny islands#but you have to walk through a huge blinding light to get there first which is really unusual#it makes me think of how terra and aqua were guided to destiny islands by a bright light#and how destiny islands appears as a ball of light on the world select menu in bbs#but why portray it that way? we've been shown before what the world of destiny islands looks like from afar with the CoM world cards#and it's not like they even needed to include it on the world select screen in bbs because it's not a world you can even visit on your own#i don't know what it's all supposed to mean yet but#i believe the islands are more significant than we know at this time and this game continues to raise a lot of questions#it's certainly called 'destiny' islands for a reason
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thephoenixcave · 2 months
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