#Teenage leolas
aviradasa · 2 months
I know this is my second request in less than 30 minutes, but what about a fic of reader and leola, Both sync during that time of the month and they just sass and complain about everything Aaravos does down to his cooking while he takes care of them🤣😂🤣
Also, can this fic be like a comedy thing
🤣🤣 say less, I got you. Also, I decided to make this in more of a oneshot style! I hope that is alright. Sorry, I got a bit lazy towards the end. Maybe this will get another part, lol, but it's a comedy I don't think I've ever seen a well thought comedy 🤣🤣 anyways I hope you enjoy 🖤
Reader and Teen!Leola sync up.Aaravos is done.
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I 100% believe this is his default look before he says some sass ass shit to yall in this.
Also, I have a confession. I miss his old model he looked so much more intimidating. Anyways
Aaravos x Fem! Mom Reader. Hc
{Comady} warnings:there's like an innuendo at the end and cussing. Besides that, you're good
Check out the other parts to this string of HC
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola
Teenage!Leolas first partner is human how do you and Aaravos react
@delusional-mushroom @josmarney23 @imsimping4life
The sun had just peaked when you woke up feeling a lot more irritable than normal. Which was a sign to you that the next week was going to be a nightmare, as you and your teenage daughter had synced.
You reluctantly look over towards the window and roll your eyes at the light poking through.
Yes, we have curtains up, but you swear they can never close all of the way, and it pisses you off to no extent.
But since there is nothing you can do about it. You just groan in frustration, covering your face with your hands before turning to look at your husband, who lays peacefully next to you in bed
You are always jealous of him. because he sleeps and wakes up so pretty, and you always say you wake up looking like you fought 3 wars, then had a night out in a tavern. But besides that, you're jealous that he doesn't have to feel like the gods are mid-fistfight with your uterus.
That prick
Just as you're about to get up, you hear your daughter in the kitchen. A few seconds pass, and you hear the sound of one of your plates hitting the ground.
as the sound of the shattering glass hits your ears, Aaravos shoots up, and you fall back into the mattress as fast as you can.
Cause they got you all the way fucked up if they think you're dealing with that in this condition
Sorry Leola yo daddy's coming for you.
It's probably for the best today. Those were cute plates, and you're a little pissed that one is now broken
In the kitchen, Aaravos walks in to see one of your NICE ass crystal plates shattered and an irritated leola floating above the mess
And this shit is broke broke. There are no hella big pieces to pick up; it's all small shards, and they are everywhere. So Aaravos pushes leola to the side and uses a quick spell on the broom so it will sweep up on its own as he tries talking to his daughter.
"How did this even happen?"
"I don't even know. I opened the cabinet, and it fell onto the floor when I tried to grab the one under it." She starts saying in a quickened, frustrated tone
"Well, why would you try to grab the one under it in the first place," Aaravos says, rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. For him, it's too early for this bullshit.
"Because the one on top might have dust on it? Everybody knows that, dad!" Leola says, getting more annoyed.
"Girl, lower your damn tone with me. I'm not the one who broke your mother's plate." He says, narrowing his eyes at her. She just groans, getting more frustrated.
"Well, it wasn't my fault! It was just an accident!" She shoots back at him.
"Who's accident was it if it wasn't your fault? Because I would really like to talk to the person who I'm cleaning up broken crystal after right now. At 7 o'clock in the morning." Aaravos says in amusement with a raised eyebrow.
Leola just rolls her eyes and floats out of the kitchen with a " well you missed a spot" as Aaravos stands there chuckling to himself.
He does not feel bad about talking back to yall during hell week.
He loves both Leola and you to death, and he will help all and try and accommodate you both to the best of his abilities, but he will sass back and get some attitude if Leola and you do
The king of matching energies lowkey
He thinks of it like this. If I'm doing this shit for yall on my own, voluntarily I'm not taking any shit.
He isn't just part of the sassy man apocalypse he started the damn movement.
As he stands across the kitchen, watching his little magic broom clean up, you walk in
As you walk into the kitchen and see his little magic broom floating around your side eye tf outta him
And he side eyes you back
"Good morning, my love." He says suspiciously, knowing you're about to say some shit
" Why is there a floating broom cleaning. Do We have to rely on magic for everything?" You say approaching him.
"If you don't want me doing it with magic, you can be my guest to do it manually. Because I don't think Leola is going to." He says with a smirk
You're gagged, honestly. Are you supposed to come up with something witty this early in the morning, like you already feel like you're getting stabbed? You don't have time for that
You just avert your gaze and go to the other side of the room to get some food.
" If you want, I would be happy to make something." Aaravos offers
"Oh, I keep forgetting you can cook. Yes, that would be lovely"
That smug face he was making drops before you could snap your fingers.
"Excuse me?"
A little while later, he is sitting there flipping some pancakes, and you and Leola appear over his shoulder
"You flipped that one a little early it's a kinda light. I like em dark golden, not light golden," Leola starts.
"Then eat one of the other ones. There's 10 on the plate right there." He says back quickly
" You poured that one on their weird pancakes are supposed to be circular," you say, pointing out a wonky-looking one
" Oh really. I didn't know that." He replies sarcastically
" How the hell didn't you know that? You gettin' old or something -" Leola starts. She was never good at understanding sarcasm
You quickly cover her mouth with your hand. " Watch your damn mouth, girl. Don't be talking to your father like that."
"Thank you-"
"but she is right what the fuck kinda shape is that I've never seen anything like it?"
You both are kicked out of the kitchen until it's time to eat
After the morning passes and all eat, it gets better, and even apologize for SOME of the things you said
The afternoon is pretty chill. You all kinda do your own thing, Aaravos researches in his study while you read a book next to him, and Leola goes out with some friends.
Everything is pretty nice
Until night comes
He doesn't even tell you guys he's cooking dinner. He doesn't wanna hear it.
He didn't account for your scary ass sense of smell.
You and Leola enter that room looking like the twins from the shining
Yall just appear behind him hand like
He sees now that Leola got her scary-ass look from you.
All stared into his soul, and he wasn't even facing you both
"What are you making?"
"Why does it look like your stiring diarrhea-"
"Get out."
You all get the doors magically locked on you 😭
But when yall are let it, that shit tasted good as hell.
Like damn food, it's so good that you lowkey contemplate if you should give him head later.
Jk yall, don't do that when your daughter is in the house. Only when she leaves.
After dinner, Leola just thanks her dad and goes to bed
Not long after, you and Aaravos have the same idea.
Time to repeat for the next 6 days 😊
Don't worry, on day 8, you'll kick Leola out of the house for a few hours.
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lolabearwrites · 2 months
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i slightly changed my design for Leola as a adult/teenager since I noticed that both aaravos and the merciful one both have their chest exposed so you can see their star.
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therosettasun · 2 months
Leola Facts!!🐦‍⬛🍇
🥩Leola is agnostic! She was raised Christian, like her twin sister Lucy, but she’s always been a bit of a skeptic.
🥩Leola loves playing sports✨🥎Softball is her favorite!
🥩Leola is the shortest of the main four!!
🥩Leola might look like a tomboy, but she loves boy bands, romcoms, and girly fashion magazines!
🥩Leola is, physically, the strongest of the four. She’s also the oldest, making her a bit of a mother figure
🥩Leola’s bird used to be the peacock!🦚 Now she’s a crow!🐦‍⬛
🥩In her home town, Leola ran with a gang of shitty teenagers. She was expelled a dozen times for fighting
🥩Leola is pretty overprotective. Even if Lucy is clearly in the wrong, she will defend him. (Followed by a lecture later)
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handeaux · 10 months
Cincinnati Gasped At The Idea Of ‘Trial Marriages,’ But Practiced Them Anyway
Judge Stanley Struble was fed up. As he looked over his docket in 1929, the judge grew suspicious that the Hamilton County Courts were being forced into abetting the immoral practice known as the “trial marriage.” It was increasingly common, Struble noticed, for Ohio teenagers to elope to Northern Kentucky, where marriage laws were much looser, and then, when the match proved unsatisfactory, to ask Ohio courts to annul the union on the basis of their immaturity. Judge Struble told the Cincinnati Post [30 November 1929]:
“These marriages seem to be becoming a habit among youthful couples, and clerks who issue licenses in such cases seem to be interested only in obtaining the fees, the same as would appear the case of those who perform these marriage ceremonies.”
Judge Struble held two annulment appeals aside until further investigation revealed the motivation behind those cases. The couples placed under the microscope were Leola Stouder McCloskey, who testified that she was only 16 when she married 19-year-old William McCloskey in Covington in 1926 and Elizabeth Bruenen Edwards, married at age 16 to Robert Edwards in Newport, also in 1926. In neither case did any testimony reveal why each couple had waited three years before seeking annulment.
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Judge Struble was reacting to a controversial topic that had stirred debate in Cincinnati since at least 1906 – the idea that temporary marriages, giving couples a no-fault option to leave the marriage after a brief trial period, were the solution to the social problems of divorce. The idea was most popularly promoted by pioneering anthropologist Elsie Clews Parsons in her 1906 book, “The Family.” Almost from the day it was published, Doctor Parsons’ book was widely (if surreptitiously) read and just as widely condemned. The Post [23 November 1906] was editorially outraged, claiming that it was already too easy to terminate a marriage:
“The reform is needed in the other direction. We need to get rid of the feeling that marriage is a mere experiment.”
In condemning the concept of trial marriage, The Post had lots of company. Doctor Sarah Siewers, one of Cincinnati’s foremost suffragists, told the Post [20 November 1906]:
“Abominable! Who ever heard of a woman making such a fool of herself? Why, the plan Mrs. Parsons proposes means the end of society and the home and a reversal to the dark ages. The whole thing is disgusting to me. The only solution to the divorce problem is for men to behave themselves better and for women to insist on being treated as equals, not as inferiors or slaves.”
Mrs. Jessie Oliphant, described as a “Norwood club woman,” declined to comment:
“It is a very serious problem that Mrs. Parsons has started out to solve. The subject is very distasteful to me and I would rather not discuss it.”
Judge John A Caldwell was four-square against the idea:
“Trial marriage could be no marriage at all, and would ultimately destroy the marriage relation altogether. Such a system would destroy the home, the greatest of all our institutions, and would illegitimatize thousands of children”
The more opinions the Post published in opposition to trial marriage, the more letters it received in support of the concept. Furniture dealer Maurice C. Williams wrote [26 November 1906]:
“The views of Mrs. Parsons, as expressed in the book, ‘The Family,’ are as the faint rays of a dawning day which become gradually more resplendent until the shimmering light gives way to the sun in all its glory, casting its benignant influence over all. So it will be with man. The ideas advanced are along the lines of altruism.”
In the same issue, cabinet maker Fred Walthard (Yes, most of the supporters of trial marriage were men.) wrote:
“The majority of marriage ceremonies still take place in churches or similar places, where a priest is the ‘matador.’ But you don’t find one couple out of a thousand that are advanced enough to seek the judgement of a reliable physician concerning their match. I am afraid the divorce problem will never be solved so long as law and religion have everything to say about marriage and science nothing.”
An unnamed judge of the Hamilton County courts dabbled in statistics and informed the Cincinnati Post [28 October 1909] that all marriages were trial marriages anyway, and that he had the data to prove it. Looking over his cases for the past month, the judge found 140 divorce suits. Of these, 107 requests for divorce were filed by couples married less than 10 years:
“’Proving,’ said a Judge of the Hamilton-co. courts, ‘that marriage is naturally a 10-year-trial proposition. The figures indicate to me that couples who manage to live together for 10 years will in most cases stay married the rest of their lives, and the couples unsuited for each other usually find it out before 10 years are over.”
The anonymous judge scoffed at the idea of a trial marriage, since his experience showed that all marriages had a natural trial period built in. A closer look at his numbers revealed that 73 divorces – more than half of the month’s total – involved marriages that had not yet marked a five-year anniversary.
Spotting a saucy topic, the entertainment industry jumped on the trial marriage bandwagon. Cincinnati audiences enjoyed a play and a couple of silent films based on the trial marriage concept.
As late as the rock ‘n’ roll era, the Post’s medical advice columnist, Dr. George W. Crane, warned young women to avoid over-sexed men who proposed this immoral arrangement [16 September 1958]:
“Trial marriage usually is suggested by a person who may feel sexual infatuation but no true love. And there is a whale of a difference! Trial marriage definitely does NOT benefit the girl. She makes the sacrifices and is likely to be left pregnant and unable to earn a living for herself.”
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chestaschildren · 6 years
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Chesta Anna Powell (July 19th, 1886 - August 10th, 1921) was my maternal grandmother’s maternal grandmother. My mom’s mom’s mom’s mom. The youngest of my 8 great-great grandmothers. The first genealogical story I ever heard was that she was shot dead while cooking in the kitchen. The bullet came through a window from the gun of drunken men fighting outside. That’s all I was told, but there’s so much more to her story.
She was born in Clay County, Georgia to Mary Terrell (aka Mary Mason) and Benjamin Reynolds. Chesta Anna was the oldest of 14 children born to the couple, who married on October 31st, 1885. It is relatively clear that her name was pronounced as a confluence of the male name ‘Chester’ and the female name ‘Anna’, said so fast that it was often written as one word. Many of her sisters’ names were also unusual, such as Era and Louatra, but her brother’s names were more conventional, such as Sylvester, Robert, and William (the only child traceably named after a family member). When Chesta Anna was a teenager, her parents moved the family to their birthplace of Early County, Georgia. She married Arelius McLendon just before her 17th birthday in 1903. She had already given birth to a girl named Mary, and under wedlock followed a boy named Bernice, a girl named Bennie Lee, and finally a girl named Annie Mae. Arelius McLendon was deceased by 1910, making Chesta Anna a 24 year-old widow. It is believed that she had plenty of help raising her children. Her sister Ethel and brother-in-law Tyson Hutchison were her next door neighbors. Tyson’s parents and family were on the other side and nearby.
The family appears to have remained close until 1918. Chesta Anna and Ethel’s parents got divorced. Their father, Benjamin, remarried and had at least one other child. Their mother, Mary, continued to raise her youngest children, who were the same age as Chesta Anna’s children. Chesta Anna remarried and moved away from the Hutchisons. Her new husband, Charles Powell, was a cousin of the Drinkard family, one of the first black families to own land in Early County.
On August 7th, 1920, Chesta Anna and Ethel’s younger sister, Leola, was killed by her husband, Joseph Hamilton. Joseph killed himself immediately after. On August 10, 1921, Charles Powell accidentally shot and killed Chesta Anna Powell. On July 9th, 1923, Benjamin Reynolds died at the age of 59 from heart problems. On November 30th, 1925, Ethel Hutchison also died from heart problems, at the age of 38.
The 20’s were a disastrous time for this family. Charles Powell was arrested for murder. He was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter in October of 1921. He served his prison term from 1922-1926. Chesta Anna’s children were split up after her death. The oldest, Mary, ran away, and was never seen again. The youngest, Annie Mae, was only 12 years old. She was sent to live with Benjamin’s younger brother, William M. Reynolds. ‘Uncle Billy’, as he is affectionately known, was a tall and fair skinned man that lived in Clay County. When Benjamin’s second daughter Ethel died, Billy sent Annie Mae to the Hutchison’s home to help out Ethel’s widower, Tyson Hutchison. Annie Mae was 16 years old, already able to cook and clean in a masterful manner. All the Hutchison children were younger than her, but they were her first cousins. A certain series of events are quite unclear at this point, but within a month of Ethel’s death, Annie Mae was pregnant, and Uncle Tyson was the father.
The child was born in August of 1926. She was named Chesta Ann McLendon, after Annie Mae’s mother, and Tyson’s sister-in-law. This little girl was my grandmother. She may have been born into confusion, into a family grieving multiple murders, into a family grieving other untimely deaths, and into a mixed race family in Southwestern Georgia only 60 years after emancipation, but my grandmother grew up to be one of the most loving human beings on Earth. She used her strength to make a difference in the lives of so many people, and she taught my mother and I how to do the same. She left her birth name in Georgia when she moved up north, but she kept her birth certificate with her until the day she died in 2017. I started genealogy research on this side of the family at the end of 2016. I was able to show my grandmother the death certificate of her grandmother, where it states Charles Powell was the killer. She couldn’t believe what I found after all those years. She died two weeks after I visited Blakely, Georgia for the first time. I was able to attend a Reynolds Family Reunion, hosted by the family of Chesta Anna’s father. I even met Uncle Billy’s youngest two daughters, who are Chesta Anna’s first cousins.
I’m still gathering information on my great-great grandmother. The newspaper article about her death that also explained what happened to Leola was actually just discovered in September of 2018. Chesta Anna’s story will not be forgotten. She was taken from the world in such an unfair manner, but would be so proud to see that her name lives on, and that her family was still able to triumph through all the tragedy. This tumblr will contain more stories about her family, along with pictures, as well information about my grandfather’s family from Americus, Georgia. I also might post about the Hutchisons who came from Coffee Springs, Alabama, and any other ancestors and cousins I discover. I might also post about cases I’m working on, with the permission of my clients. I probably won’t post much about my music, but I will post some musicians’ genealogies as I’m related to Whitney Houston, Cissy Houston, Dionne Warwick, DMC from Run DMC, Cannonball Adderley, John Coltrane, and more. I hope you’ve enjoyed my first blog post! This is for Mrs. Chesta Anna Reynolds McLendon Powell!
© Orice Jenkins 2018
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worldofdate · 5 years
Leola vigilante poses as 15-year-old girl, confronts potential child predators on live video | Local News
Leola vigilante poses as 15-year-old girl, confronts potential child predators on live video | Local News
#online dating [ad_1]
He was in his 20s, looking to have sex with a 15-year-old girl he’d met on a dating app. He arrived at their meeting spot carrying a 15-pack of Miller Lite and had condoms.
“She” wasn’t who he expected.
The real person behind the teenage girl’s online dating profile turned out to be “Mr. 17540,” a self-styled vigilante who confronts could-be…
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yestoabortion-blog · 5 years
Elsie Leola Bodiford August 23, 1953
Dear Diary,
I am pregnant. I can’t believe this is actually happening to me right now. I am so scared and ashamed to tell my father and my friends. What will they think of me? How could this happen to me? I shouldn't have had sex with him. I thought he was being careful, but accidents happen. I just wished we used protection and thought about the consequences. I am not ready to have this baby. I am only a teenager and haven’t even started college yet. How will I go to school when I am pregnant? Even when I have the baby, I need to stay home to take care of it. But how can I take care of it when I don’t even have money? I need to find a job, but how will I work when I am pregnant? Everything is going downhill for me and I don’t know what to do. I have to tell William. If the abortion was not illegal, I would not have to go through all this.
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cloud8andahalf · 5 years
 This is just something I may only do for this story, or maybe I’ll do it for multiple but I’m liking the idea of looking back at my stories like this. So bear with me I guess? Story Title: Embers Year created: 2009 Status: Unfinished Current Plot: The year is 2667. Nuclear Winter has wiped out nearly all life on earth. What's left of humanity now resides within a large city called Avalon. For centuries mankind has survived within the great walls of the last safe city following the laws of the Lord of Avalon. Those who don't follow these laws are numbered and sent to Sector Zero, the prison district. However, after generations of prisoners, Sector Zero has become a mixture of numbered and non-numbered people. Those born there aren't considered actual citizens of Avalon and receive no rights. Growing up with riots, Underground businesses, diseases, and every sort of criminal; Shiloh, Rose, and Sen are looking for a bit nicer hand in life for them and their friends. The only problem is what risks will they take in order to achieve that life and how far are they willing to go? Evolution of Story under cut
July/August 2009: Story idea was created based off a weird ass dream I had around this time. There were five friends involved in the initial dream that involved me and my friends Connor and Marty breaking into this high tech building and stealing information from a computer. (Like it just straight up started there it was weird) My friends Courtney and Chelsea were driving a get-away car. And then Alex was there and his role was weird? Idk how to explain what he was doing. Either way my friends and I were in a big city, it was dark, and we were stealing shit. That’s the basics of what I remember. So basic plot was based off that dream. Then I was also playing a lot of Jak II at the time so the setting was based off of that. August 2009: On the way to band camp that year I made the characters for the story. Story was originally slightly a joke because I used to make comics where my friend Marty would die in various ways (there’s a lot behind that and it was mutually funny). So I was making all the characters based off my friends so that it would all just lead up to Marty’s character dying because I didn’t feel like drawing a comic on a moving bus that year. Characters created on that bus ride were: Shiloh, Rose, Sen, James, Celia, Felix, Cole, Aubrey, Lanie, Xavier, Renny, Cat, and Brona. November 2009: Wanted to try Nanowrimo so I treated the story idea a little more seriously and started to write what was the first draft. I got very close to actually finishing nanowrimo since i got to 42522 words. Original draft plot actually took place in 2354 and the city was called Salvatio. The members of the Safe House then called the base (main home of the main characters) were Shiloh, Rose, Sen, James, Celia, Felix, Cole, Aubrey, Lanie, and Xavier along with multiple unnamed kids who came and went from the house. Prologue introduced characters Ed and Spencer as minor characters who were quickly killed off. Characters: Hatch, Leola, Keemi, Cassie, and Brian were also introduced. Sector Zero was called slums more often than Sector Zero. There was a rule that once you were sixteen you could leave the sector during the day and characters easily were able to come and go out of Sector Zero. There was something called a count for plot reasons I don’t remember. Mines in Sector Zero were coal mines that Cole, Felix, Xavier, and Sen worked in. Shiloh and James infiltrated Lord’s tower to meet Renny and Cat. Rose, Aubrey, and Lanie worked in factories in Sector One. James was only character who was supposed to die after hacking into a computer he wasn’t supposed to and book was meant to end shortly after group attacks Lord’s tower. Antagonist was Lord Tobius and he was a huge dick. 2010-2013: Multiple changes were made. Characters added: Aggie, Tal, Lionel, Elmira, Sam, Terry, David, Sarah, Vance, Maruxa, Mabel, and Aaron. Salvatio changed to Avalon. Safe House became the new name for the base. Placement and looks of Safe House changed to current placements: Along edge of Sector Zero against the wall of Avalon, large two-story beat up wooden house with attic. Based off one of the houses in Jak II in the water part of the poorer sectors there. I could point out the exact house it’s based off of in that game. Residents of Safe House change as well. Ed and Spencer are added as actual characters and not just prologue characters. Safe House residents now include: Ed, Sarah, Terry, Vance, Spencer, Shiloh, Sen, Rose, Celia, Mabel, Felix, Cole, Elmira, Sam, and Aaron. Aggie and David are added as former members of the Safe House who died before the story began. James, Xavier, Aubrey, and Lanie are moved out of Safe House and placed in other areas of Sector Zero. Elmira and Sam are added as the younger siblings of Hatch and Leola. Keemi is now the younger sister of Ed. Maruxa was added after a girl on my ski team asked to be added into the story. Since many of the characters were still based off my friends I agreed and she chose her own name as Maruxa. Maruxa was officially added after I extended the length of the story to include characters leaving Avalon and heading into the wastelands. I was originally going to make that the ending but I decided not to do a ‘oh no what happens?’ ending there and just actually say what happens. Maruxa lives in a town called Haven in a non-dead part of the world that is starting to regrow after the nuclear winter. She was my way of bringing in a whole new half to this story that would involve Rose and Sen discovering that there was life beyond Avalon and Shiloh still in Avalon fighting for a better life in a rebellion they started. Maruxa’s addition also brought characters of A.J. and Soren in being. Brian and James are officially changed to be gay and bi. (this is where I start changing the characters to not be based off solely my friends and be their own beings because the friend that Brian is based off of is not gay). Celia, Sam,  Vance, and Tal are added to characters that die. Sen, Rose, Felix, Cole, Elmira, Shiloh, and Xavier are the original cast who leave the city. Shiloh’s reason for turning back changes from deliberate to accidental in multiple rewrites and Xavier joins her in final draft decision. Spencer is added to group later on as well. Exits from Sector Zero changes from crumbling wall/just walking out of the gates to a broken grate in a sewer pipe that they sneak out of into the city. The name Embers changes from just the book title to signify the lights that Shiloh, Sen, and Rose light through the city to a name they would call themselves as kids when they were playing games and wanted some sort of cool super hero group name. Entire plot point of Brian, James, and Shiloh setting up lights all over the city is completely scrapped. Guard counts also scrapped. Safe House having children that come in and out every day is scrapped. Anyone under the age of eighteen in the story working is scrapped so now Ed, Terry, Vance are the only workers in the mines and Sarah works with Cassie in the textile factory.  Terry later taken out of workers due to an injury that caused him to lose his right hand. With added rebellion Shiloh’s leg injury and voice morphing mask are added into story. 2nd draft of story was attempted in 2013 but only got to 1000 some words before I went back to just writing scenes. Character of Brona cut out of story and character of Tobius slowly starts to become less of an asshole. 2014-2020: Smaller changes made. Far more background is given for the characters. Background stories are mapped out entirely for all protagonists in the Safe House. David’s name is changed to Davie for whatever reason. Hatch’s name is given an explanation cause it’s the wildest name I’ve ever used. Xavier, Aubrey, and Lanie are added to characters that later die. Multiple endings are written and scrapped and current ending is still going to possibly be scrapped. Multiple beginnings are written and scrapped and current beginning may be scrapped if ending is scrapped (they’re incredibly reliant on one another). Shiloh’s leg injury becomes a leg amputation. Character of Ludgio is added. Lanie and Aubrey’s roles grow increasingly smaller. Cassie’s role becomes larger after backstory is introduced with her and she now has three children and a husband added. Shiloh is given clear burn scars on left side of face and arm. Rose, Sen, and other characters also given more in depth character development. Diversity slowly added (remember these characters were based off friends and unfortunately I could count on my hand the number of kids who weren’t white in our band). Characters become fictional characters and not amalgamation of fictional and real people. Sub-point/joke about Sen’s pants are added. Characters are changed from being less serious all the time to talking and acting more like teenagers and having fun. I wanted their rash decision making to make a little more sense. Possible sub-plot of romance between Brian and James has been thrown about, but due to James death I’m nervous to actually add it. Brian is added to people who leave Avalon. Overall 2nd half of the book with the revolution is changed and rewritten many times to the point where there still isn’t a clear line of events until climax of story. However the events of Haven are pretty clear leading up to the climax. 1st half plot points are only clear on Shiloh story line. Multiple sub-plots have been added to Sen and Rose story lines. Antagonists have changed. Lord Tobius is still considered a minor antagonists but is no longer a complete ass. He is just some twenty-something Lord who wasn’t ready to lead and actually is being used to by his uncle for his Uncle’s own plans. The name Brona is brought back, but as a completely different character who is now the cousin to the Lord. Her role is still...iffy on whether or not it’ll be scrapped. Currently on 3rd draft (if you can call it that and not draft 4000) and have written possible prologue again. Changed year to 2667 and may change it to later than that because I’m dealing with nuclear winter here. Mines were also changed from coal mines to a new element created through nuclear reactions that is used as energy in Avalon. Avalon is given more explanation to how it survived all these years through radiation and such and weird futuristic, but not, setting is given to the book. Initial date I gave to the nuclear war that started this book was 2037 btw. Which is...not ideal, but we can see that my outlook in high school was as grim as it is now.
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truecrimedrive-blog · 7 years
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Anthony Kirkland (born September 13, 1968) is an American serial killer. Between 2006 and 2009, Kirkland murdered two women and two girls in the Cincinnati area, following a 16-year prison term for the 1987 killing of his girlfriend On May 20, 1987, Kirkland killed his girlfriend, Leola Douglas, and set her body on fire. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter and served 16 years in prison. He was released from parole in 2004. From May 4, 2006, through March 7, 2009, Kirkland murdered four females (two women and two teenagers), three of them by strangulation. In each case, he had burned his victim's body in an attempt to conceal evidence of rape. Kirkland was arrested near the scene of his last murder victim in possession of her watch and iPod. Kirkland's five victims include: Leola Douglas, age 27, killed May 20, 1987; Casonya Crawford, age 14, murdered May 4, 2006; Mary Jo Newton, age 45, murdered June 14, 2006; Kimya Rolison, age 25, murdered December 22, 2006; and Esme Kenney, age 13, murdered March 7, 2009. On the morning of his trial, Kirkland voluntarily entered a plea of guilty to the murder and abuse-of-a-corpse charges relating to Mary Jo Newton and Kimya Rolison. On March 12, 2010, the jury found Kirkland guilty on all the remaining counts, including all the death-penalty specifications; the jury recommended a sentence of death. On March 31, 2010, he was sentenced to death. The court sentenced Kirkland to death for the aggravated murder of Esme Kenney (while committing or attempting to commit a rape) and for the aggravated murder of Casonya Crawford (while committing or attempting to commit a robbery). The court also sentenced Kirkland to 70-years-to-life for the murders of Mary Jo Newton and Kimya Rolison. Kirkland is presently incarcerated at Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio. #gymlife #health #fitness #fit #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #fitbody #health #healthy #active #strong #motivation #instagood #lifestyle #diet #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise #murder #serialkiller #death
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A brief history of DeWalt power tools
From the time he was a child of war, Raymond E DeWalt saw and learned from his father the subtleties of wood and complex construction. When he left the school when he was a teenager, he went on to draw attention this way and earned his grip on mills and construction sites as it provides jobs. The young DeWalt, but also learned from his father who lived in the difficult mill and simplified their lives and exploit the physical and economic problems of hard work, harnessed his youth and experience to continually improve the machine and improve safely Meet requirements and specifications of the various construction sites.
DEWALT imagination wealth and experience in the field of real estate and much of it is still obvious and will soon have a position when the head was quickly a large sawmill all made simple box of six panels of the modern house complex offered. How was the mill goal DeWalt had more work than it is, and as the president of the company was approved for the cost of additional workers DeWalt every space budget had only to gain generation of electricity is only more efficient through force. DeWalt was forced into a traffic jam and came out with the first working model, who knows how was how low-arm saw.
 It can be the design of a yoke that is directly connected to a motor, and a saw, and this mechanism is mounted on a high standard arm, and lowered DeWalt's machine could slide back, and could tip and a bevel; DeWalt in the hat lead, the work of four men produced by this machine, the production costs are reduced and the total the total productivity. In 1922, as superintendent of Seabrook Farms DeWalt Arm radial its perfected machine and changed the wood industry, trade and construction and then.
 Just two years later, in 1924, he founded the DeWalt DeWalt Products Company and acquired a factory building and office in Leola, Pennsylvania where "Miracle" treatment was developed of universal wood electrical machine that was sold in Seabrook Farms. 1929 products DEWALT the company expanded its facilities with a new, modern facility and office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, consisting of 40,000 square meters of production area, an exhibition space of 8,400 square meters and is now a warehouse of 16,000 meters of space. 1947 DeWalt Products Company has been reorganized under DeWalt Inc.. Later, he only strengthened his company, DeWalt Inc. expanded its operations to Canada and acquired a two-way Bennett-US and Canadian patent rights.
 For the purposes of the first radial arm 1967 DeWalt's other Benches shaft tool compound dipped when the table grinder DeWalt's and soon followed by an intense machine of iron and non-ferrous metal cutting. In 1992, DeWalt is designed specifically for business professionals and private its first line of portable power tools and accessories. In 1994, just two years later, DeWalt broke out again with new wireless systems, which included unlocking power tools over 30 extreme power tools. Among them is a / 14.4 V battery drill, which was then the most powerful battery tool market war and the first combination tool drill hammer / driver / war. To enable craftsmen much more productive a powerful electrical device, the system has brought the building to a whole new level to work and build.
 In 2001, power tools and over 800 accessories to improve them. Today, after more than nine decades of innovation in Tool Wood Industry and Energy, DeWalt, the community is set to continue at new heights. Accordingly, DeWalt remains one of the most reliable and powerful brands in the industry.
 For over 70 years M & M Tool is the ultimate resource for power tools and power tools for favorite brands, such as Dewalt, Porter-Cable and Delta. Dewalt thousands of spare parts on hand, and the supply of parts and service for all wood products tools, machinery and power tool-MM authorized Dewalt power tool for sale, tool parts and power tools.
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aviradasa · 2 months
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Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Hc
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Aaravos x reader Hc
{Fluff} @delusional-mushroom
Warnings: none
Sorry if this seems rushed it's really late at night 😭 but I think it's cute. This is not proofread whatsoever, so if there are spelling errors, I apologize. I will look it over in the morning and fix it up.
Check out the other parts to this string of oneshots
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Teenage!Leolas first partner is human how do you and Aaravos react
You and teenage!Leola sync up that time of month Aaravos is done
It's been a while since you moved in with Aaravos and leola, and things are going amazing.
Leola is fully attached to you at the hip. You are her second parent.
It was an early morning.
The sun was hardly even up
Cause leola woke you up and dragged you out of bed. Reminding you that you promised to take her on a morning walk.
As you are forced from your slumber, you notice Aaravos isn't in bed, which you find odd. So you ask her
"Hey unicorn, where is your dad?" You ask
She just giggles and pulls you out the front door
" he's gone into town for a little bit he will be back soon, though!" She tells you with a cheeky giggle
You don't put much thought into it, though, as it's pretty normal for her. Though you are curious as to why Aaravos left for town before dawn even broke. Normally, he would tell you.
As the sun rises, you and leola walk. On your journey, you point out bits of nature that are absolutely gorgeous in the morning light, and she's just so happy to see everything.
She will sometimes run ahead a bit, pointing at animals and flowers and plants she finds interesting. Her little eyes practically glowed with happiness
It's absolutely adorable
On your way back, you notice Aaravose walking into the house.
As soon as you point at him, leola grabs your hand and pulls you off. Now walking through a field away from the direction of the house, and looking back, you swear you saw him shooing you both off from the window
You are hella confused
You try asking leola about this odd behavior, but once again, she just starts laughing and distracting you. Everything today is just odd, and you're starting to sense it.
This goes on all day.
You see Aaravos in the distance, and leola will just laugh and pull you away. Not dare letting you get close to him or telling you anything.
And you have noticed him just watching the two of you from afar. It's not that uncommon, but today it's just even more odd, and with leolas behavior today, everything is suspicious, and you just wanna know what's happening
Until you and leola were making little rock towers, Aaravos came up behind you. It honestly surprised you, making you jump and accidentally knock your rock tower over
He offers you his hand to help you stand up, and he shoos his daughter off with a wink. She jumps up from her seat and squeals with excitement, waving her hands in front of her with a bright smile, and she runs away
Once she's gone, he begins walking you through the field as the sun sets, you try to ask him what's been going on all day and why him and leola had been acting funny but he just dismisses it
"Don't mind that, you'll know in just a moment."
You roll your eyes but continue to follow him. The both of you chat, and you tell him all about what you and leola got up to today. As you talk to him about your little adventures, he just admires you. Sometimes, forgetting to respond or react. He almost seems nervous.
You both walk a little longer before stopping by a little stream that looks almost golden due to the light. A little blanket has been set out with flowers and little magic stones lining the edges as well as a little basket that has been placed in the middle.
"Oh my god this is beautiful!" You say as you look at the scene. Before you can sit down though he grabs you lightly
"Y/n I have a very important question for you." He says, taking your hands as you face him
As you are about to ask him what's going on you hear a little whisper from a nearby bush
"Did they say yes???"
You and Aaravos share a smile before you raise your eyebrow and look over to see leolas face sticking out of the leaves.
"I didn't even get to finish asking silly."
He says to her with a laugh. As she sighs impatiently and rolls her eyes.
"Whats taking so long. All you gotta say it 'will you marry me' its very simple" She says, tilting her head to the side before shaking her head. Her eyes suddenly go wide as her arm pops out of the bush to cover her mouth
"Oop! Sorry dad!" She says quickly
Both you and Aaravos are shocked, but you are quick to break the silence luckily.
"You're asking me to marry you?" You say with a smile as you look up at him. You are a bit shocked as you were not expecting this so soon, but you are overjoyed
"Yes, I was, but it seems our little unicorn decided to ask for me." He jokes, shaking his head from side to side with a grin a little embarrassed and worried about your response
" Yes."
"Yes. Of I will marry you."
You say with a wide smile. Aaravos let's out a loud sigh of relief and quickly pulls you in for a hug.
As you both pull back, leola jumps out of the bush and hugs both you and Aaravos as hard as she can, not letting yall go for a minute.and you all share a laugh.
After a moment, Aaravos kisses you i celebration of your now engagement, and leola turns away and dramatically gags. While loudly saying "Ewww"
Making you roll your eyes at Aaravos. Before chuckling.
"Well, I guess that's the queue to sit down and eat then." You joke as you all sit down on the blanket and open the little basket of food.
It was a simple engagement. With a few hiccups, but it didn't matter to any of you. All that mattered is that you are all finally a family,and for all of you that's more that you could have ever asked for 🖤
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aviradasa · 2 months
Maybe an Aaravos x reader where reader is Leola’s step parent? Like maybe mr. Aara-dilf introduces the two when Leola was she was slightly older — maybe like 9 or 10 (or the star touched elf equivalent idk bro). How would their relationship and dynamic play out? 🤔
Omg hey mootie! I absolutely love this and I hope it's alright that I decided to write this in a headcannon format instead! It's just a little blurb bit if you like it I would be happy to write more!
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
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Aaravos x reader HC
Requests are open in my inbox!
{Pure Fluff <3}
warnings: none <3
Check out the other parts in this string of oneshots!
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola
Teenage!Leolas fist partner is human how do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!Leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
You and Aaravos had been seeing each other for a while now, and it was going amazing
One day, you both were walking about on a little date if you would, when he decided to ask you one of the most horrifying questions known to mankind
"Would you be inclined to meet my daughter?"
It's not that it was scary because of who she was but mostly because you had never been with a man who had a child. And you did not know how his daughter would react.
What if he had brought another before you to her and she liked his previous lover better?
What if she just hated you for some reason?
You were terrified. But seeing the look of joy and excitement on his face when you agreed gave you a bit of hope.
When the day comes that you are to meet her Aaravos is pretty convinced his little girl will love you. He had spoken about her many times leading up to this day, like how she was very smart and loved making friends with everybody. It was really sweet
When you first meet Leola, she's curious about you; she even looks at her dad and says, "What is this?" And you weren't sure if she was talking about you or the situation.
But as the day goes on leola warms up to you really fast. Like within a couple hours you have become her best friend.
And as your relationship with Aaravos and leola grows and you start coming around more often she just gets more attached.
She asks her dad about you all the time
"When's y/n coming over again?"
"Is y/n coming over today?
"Y/n would love this!"
"I wanna see y/n"
Like she asks about you so much Aaravos starts low-key getting jealous,but he finds it adorable that leola loves you so much.
If at one point you move in with them leola is fucking ecstatic.
She is so happy her best friend is now living with her and her dad
Like she's probably happier then Aaravos about it.
After awhile though she slowly starts giving you a parental title
When it happened the first time, you thought it was a slip-up, but as time went on, Leola just adopted you as her second parent, and neither you nor Aaravos corrected her.
As a matter of fact, it makes Aaravos love you even more. He is so happy he has found someone that he loves and cares for who is not only amazing with his little unicorn, but that she also loves enough to start deeming you a parental figure
It honestly makes him want to marry you. 🤭 (I will make a part two with proposal HC / oneshot if yall want me to)
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aviradasa · 2 months
Teenage Leolas first partner is a human?How will you and Aaravos react?
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Aaravos x reader hc!
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Ask and you shall receive! This was such a cute idea, and I couldn't resist lol. Also again sorry it this is shitty I'm extremely exhausted and am writing this from my phone late at night, lol also sense this probably is shitty I'm happy to announce I'm going to be making a series based off of the Aaravos family hcs I've posted which will be more in depth and fun!
I'll link the other hcs here
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with leolas help
You and Teenage!Leola sync up that time of month and Aaravos is done
{Fluff} Warnings:none!
@josmarney23 @delusional-mushroom @imsimping4life
It was a beautiful day out, and you and Aaravos were just chilling out studying the universe and all of its secrets with no worries in the world
That was until your 16 year old daughter Leola walked in looking a little too nervous for your taste
"Hey, mom..dad.I have something to tell you!" She says with an awkward smile as she waves her hands up and down in front of her, a nervous stim she's had since she was a little girl.
But it just makes you and your husband more concerned
You look at Aaravos with confusion and concern and are a little disappointed when he gives you the same look back before you both turn towards leola once more.
"What did you do?" Aaravos asks
"Did you kill someone? It's ok if you did, we can help you take care of that." You join in with a straight-face
"Yes, if that's the case, don't worry, me and your mother can handle that. It was probably only an accident!" Aaravos agrees as you as you both stand up and approach your daughter.
"What? No! I didn't hurt. Or kill anyone! I just wanted to tell you that me and Michael decided that we want to be together! ( I decided cause I'm lazy that the boy holding her hand in the picture that I made the title card is gonna be her partner for this!)
You and Aaravos share a look of shock.
Like, excuse me. Your little unicorn has a boyfriend? YOUR DAUGHTER?
"Wait, who is Michael again?" You ask; the name sounds familiar, but it's hard for you to remember all of the Leolas friends as she makes so many new ones all the time.
Aaravos, on the other hand, is too busy trying to comprehend what his sweet daughter said. He doesn't even hear you ask her who Michael is. he just folds his hands together like a prayer, lifting them up to his face with eyes so wide they look like they are about to pop out of the socket
In response to your question,leola rolls her eyes and walks out the front door before rentering, pulling a tall human boy into your house by the arm. Once leola releases him, he gives a little wave. "Hello, there!" He says nervously with a smile laced with a bit of fear.
NOW you remember him. He is one of Leola's childhood friends. They used to play outside together with all the others. Before you can say anything, though, Aaravos speaks first.
"No, absolutely not. No. It was nice meeting you, boy." He says with a straight face. You give him a small slap on the arm and a stern look
"What? Dad, what do you mean?" Leola asks in confusion
"No. Just No." He says again.
"Why not? Are you mad he's a human or something?" Leola shoots back. Before it can escalate though, you interfere
" That has nothing to do with. It has to do with the fact that he looks at least 30." (Please tell me you get the reference, lol)
"DAD HES MY AGE! YOU'VE MET HIM BEFORE!" Leola shouts, which honestly gives you the sign to stop this before it gets out of hand
"Okayyy that's enough." You say to them.
You mouth a small apology to leola and Michael before you grab your husband and go to the next room for a moment, and as you're walking out, you see leola facepalm before crossing her arms in frustration. Michael quickly jumped to her aid. He gets a few points for that
Once you get into the next room and close the door you scold the fuck out of your husband
"Aaravos, what is your problem? You know damn well he's not 30! If you don't stop and give the kid a chance, I'm gonna knock you out."
"You won't even have the chance to knock me out before -"
"Oh my gods, once again, what is your problem it's completely normal for kids there, age -"
"I still don't like it!"
"Why not cause it's a human boy she brought home?"
"I never said that!"
"Well, that's what she's getting from it!"
"I don't like it 'cause She is my little girl. I'm not having some human boy mess up her life. she's not ready for that torment."
"Oh, she is fine. It's some puppy love, and she's known that boy for years he wouldn't hurt her! besides, there is nothing we can do about it that won't drive her away from us!"
"Oh, there is definitely something I CAN do about it.-" "Oh, don't you even think about it. That won't end well for anybody!"
"Yes, it will. It will end well for you, Leola, and me"
"If you touch one hair on that boy's head, you're sleeping outside. May the gods strike me down if I'm lying!"
"I suppose they will have to! Cause I'm not allowing this."
"No, we are not doing that. We are going to go out there. Talk to them like adults. And make a decision based on facts and information they provide!"
Your overlapping arguments end up being overheard in the next room, where Leola and Michael are standing. She covers her face with her hand and shakes her head back and forth in embarrassment as Michael reassures her it's fine.
This goes on for a while before you exit the room with a victorious smile. Aaravos follows behind you with a disapproving sigh. Yet he still complies
You decide to sit down and talk. Asking (interrogating) Michael about his life, his family, his intentions with his daughter (Aaravos),
Michael was a farm boy from next door. He had been friends with Leola for years, but he was a shy kid and tended to blend in with the group (which explains why you and Aaravos forgot he existed)
after a nice conversation (plus some cryptic threats)(Aaravos), you both come to the decision to allow them to continue dating. But you and Aaravos insisted on meeting this boy's parents.
Leola is honestly so happy that you guys didn't care that he was human. She was just a little peeved that her dad was being overprotective.
By the way, that never stops. He is always going to be overprotective of his little girl. No matter if she is 16 or 9000, he is always gonna be ready to hide a dead body for her, and you are right there with him.
But anyways
Once everything is settled and you guys send Michael home, you both sit down with just leola and talk to her alone, and luckily, everything adds up!
As time goes on, y'all practically just adopt Michael as a son. Who cares if he has parents of his own. He's always at you guys' house anyway 🤣
Even Aaravos starts to like Michael a little bit after he shows an interest in magic and philosophy
Sometimes, when Michael stays for dinner, he and Aaravos will just be full-on geeking about this stuff while you and Leola just chuckle about it
Aaravos will deny warming up to Michael, though. He will still be like, "No, I don't like him." But everyone knows he's lying, and you and Leola laugh at him.
Though if Michael ever hurts Leola ( he wouldn't dream of it. This is just a what-if), he's got you and Aaravos on his ass in a heartbeat.
All he can do is pray and beg for mercy at that point cause running is not an option. There is nowhere he could ever run that you and Aaravos would not find
Nobody ever hears from him again
But you guys do get a pretty cool coin to add to the collection; alongside that, you guys don't let Leola date after. If she's hurt once, y'all are not letting it happen again.
But other than that, yall are pretty cool about it and don't really care too much human, elf,boy, girl, they, who cares as long as your little girl is happy you guys are happy with her
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lolabearwrites · 2 months
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little drawing of Leola as a young adult/teenager because umm, screw canon she deserves everything
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aviradasa · 8 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Tokyo ghoul
Death note
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Lord of the rings (lotr)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt4
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter pt 1
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Pt 2
Teenage!leolas first partner is human! How do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
Once upon a time:
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit (lotr)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!Reader Hcs
Larry johnson
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry Johnson general hcs
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!reader hcs
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
No self harm. I've struggled with it in the past and still sometimes do so I won't write for it
No Pe*o*hili* (this includes age play)
No R@pe
No Necro
No poop or pee shit
If there is anything else I find out exists that I don't like I will add to this list.
Anything you want I will add
I don't write for Male readers anymore. Due to some uncomfortable and unnessasary comments and requests. I apologize for this. I will write for trans folks though
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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