#Team honey mustard
jaycethepancake · 2 years
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souenkun · 1 month
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Can't believe after the amount of shit talk that I did after this announcement, my dad pulled og steven from the ticket scout for me... the coincidence is insane lmao 😭
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patolemus · 5 months
Sterek fic recs: High School AU Edition
In honor of my conversation with @darling-winnie about same age!Sterek, as well as my promise to @oldefashioned, here are some high school au recs!
1. Double Cherries (And 'Extra' Hoodies) by undercoverbastard
“No, no - wait - don’t tell me,” Stiles suddenly said, leaning forward and grinning at the boy directly on his right, eyes gleaming with joy and mischief as he spoke. “You want… a salmon burger, swiss, with fruit, and a vanilla shake. Eh?”
Derek scowled, shoving his menu at Stiles as he slumped back. “No,” he said plainly. Stiles pouted.
“Too bad! That’s what I’m penning you in for, Eyebrows,” Stiles said, scribbling on his notepad as he stood and began to walk away. Derek huffed, opening his mouth to give Stiles his actual order, but the only word he got out was ‘I’ before Stiles waved him off without even looking back at Derek or down at the notepad, stride unbroken, as he recited:
“Double cheeseburger, half swiss, half cheddar, no pickles, curly fries, side honey mustard, strawberry milkshake, extra thick, double cherries.”
OR: alive hale family, alive claudia, and high school friends stiles/derek - all wrapped into one, based on a joke from a TV show i watched when i was 7, and then got wildly out of control!
Notes: adorable, I love their banter and the conection they have. Alive!Hale family is always such a treasure, and Claudia and Talia's friendship is great here. It's completed.
2. i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleepobleep
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he's not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he's ever wanted— except he doesn't seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
Notes: Derek is not having a good time. Pookie just wants to be with his best friend but it turns out they're not best friends anymore and the world doesn't make sense because of it. A little angsty but it all works out. It's completed.
3. Don't Kiss and Tell by Hedwig221b
Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Notes: When I tell you I go feral for this au every single time I read it! Hedwig has the best unhinged obsessive sterek fics and I'll swear on that, don't even try to change my mind. Poor Paige is definitely being led on here, and both Derek and Stiles are assholes in this one, but they're in love and they're completely devoted to each other, so it's okay (I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will. Trust). It's completed.
4. But Then What... by Stoney
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Notes: Typical Jock/Nerd enemies to lovers only it's Stiles being incredibly paranoid and angsty all of the time lol. They both had me shaking my head because my babies truly don't know how to communicate, but we got there! Eventually. It's completed.
5. Just The Same by foxlavander
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.” “Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—” “Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.
Notes: This one is so good. Stiles is onto you, Derek! But seriously, they're so awesome in this one. And Derek bakes and he wants to open up a bakery and it's adorable. I love them and I love the Hales, everything is great. Look out for the werewolf reveal! It's completed.
6. The In Which Stiles Is Secretly Magic series by apocryphal
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
Notes: The lore for magic users in here is honestly so good. Love the world building! The Hales are alive in this one as well, which for me is always a plus. A little bit (maybe more than a little bit) angsty but it ends well. There's a few things going on, but basically Stiles is basically Deaton's apprentice and there are Rules(TM) he has to follow as a magic user. He's pretty badass though! The series is technically not finished, but both parts in the series are completed.
7. cheer up, babe by graveltotempo
He was the basketball captain. And he was a cheerleader. Can I make it any more clear? OR: Derek Hale thought he had his crush on Stiles Stilinski under control. And then Stiles decided to show up to school in a skirt.
Notes: Derek spends all 20k words thirsting over Stiles, as he should. Stiles gets to wear a skirt and be generally awesome. They are disgustingly sweet together.
8. Made Your Mark on Me (A Golden Tattoo) by writteninthewolfstar
Beacon Hills High and Lycan Heights High are well-known enemies. Derek Hale, Lycan Heights' star quarter-back, is well-known for being aggressive and arrogant. Imagine Stiles surprise when he discovers that Derek Hale is actually his soul-mate.
Notes: This one is very sweet. There's insecure Stiles and absolutely lovely Derek. It's abo with Omega!Stiles and Alpha!Derek, and it's actually pretty wholesome. Derek is like public enemy number one of BHHS and a jock, Stiles is a loner, and when they turn out to be soulmates they have to navigate what that means for it. It has 13 out of 14 chapters, last updated in March of 2024.
9. too busy being yours to fall for somebody else by whiry
Stiles, worried that Scott may actually leave him behind because of his newfound popularity, is desperate to cling to something away from the drama of Lydia Martin's amazing parties and the woes of high school lacrosse. What he finds is Derek Hale, a guy who seemingly hates Stiles at first, but slowly, and insistently, becomes friends with him. As their friendship grows, Stiles starts to wonder if they could ever become something more or if pushing what they have will lead him to being alone for good.
Notes: Also very sweet! It's strangers to friends to lovers, and Stiles falls out of love with Lydia without even realizing because he's fallen in love with Derek. The Hales are alive in this one, yay! The way sterek bonds over music is also so good! It's completed.
10. Stupid Over You by Wolfspurr
It's a Friday night, and instead of enjoying any of the numerous things he'd rather be doing, Stiles has been roped into dinner with his dad at the Hale's. On the plus side, Derek Hale will be there. On the minus side, Derek Hale will be there, and Stiles already has a hard enough time not making an ass of himself in front of the hottest guy in school. There's no way this can end well.
Notes: Overall amazing fic! Stiles is his oblivious awkward self that we all know and love, Derek is completely smitten with him. All this wrapped up in a dinner with the Hales and the Stilinskis. That's it, that's the fic. It's completed.
11. Six Minutes by CosmoKid
“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves. Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.” That makes Derek smirk, but it’s so condescending that even Harris would be impressed. “No offense, Kitten,” Derek starts and Stiles just narrows his eyes at the nickname. Derek keeps his eyes trained on Stiles as if to dare him to challenge the nickname. Stiles bites his tongue and resists it. “But you’re not really my type.”
Notes: This is not your typical high school au, but it's a nice change of pace. It's got werewolves, which we love, and bad boy Derek. Stiles stood no chances lol. It's completed.
12. The covalent bonds series by HaldFizzbin
Awkward Nerd Derek has been crushing on Handsome Jock Stiles since forever—so getting paired with him on a Chemistry project is definitely the best/worst thing that's ever happened to him.
Notes: I went on a little Nerd!Derek and Jock!Stiles fixation the other day so here we have it. Derek is awkward and funny and insecure and we love him. Stiles is Stiles, and he's awesome. The series is not finished, but all the parts of the series are complete.
13. It's Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands. “We should?” “Yeah!” “But… Do you even care about photography?” “Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
Notes: Stiles is helplessly pining, Derek is painfully oblivious and the absolute last to find out. Somehow, they still go on like three dates together. It's pretty great, and it's completed.
14. can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? by whirl
There's something strange about Beacon Hills. Stiles can't really put his finger on it, but the way certain classmates look at him at school and the way certain adults look at him in the grocery store has him curious. And it's not the sort of pitying looks that his mom's coworkers used to give him, but these ones are longer, more searching, like they're looking for something. Not to mention the weird noises that sometimes come from the woods when he runs, too human to be animal and too animal to be human. Plus the way the Hales have seemed to sequester themselves to the wild and give Stiles serious Cullen family vibes. But Stiles, like everyone else apparently, ignores it. Until it becomes too great to ignore and he has to investigate for himself and find out what is actually going on in Beacon Hills. +++ Or, the one where Stiles and Derek meet, hate each other, slowly get to know one another, and fall totally head over heels for each other all while avoiding curious classmates, an angry ex-girlfriend, and, oh yeah, imminent death.
Notes: This one is kinda crazy but in a good way! It's 120k words long so be prepared for that, and Stiles finds out about werewolves. Derek, pookie, I'm rooting for you all the way! Also Cora, my beloved. I adore her. Stiles is pretty confused all the time for a while there. It's completed.
15. scary stories and roasted goods by graveltotempo
“I have more, you know?” grumbled Jackson, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine. Here’s another; a man goes is staying at a hotel for the weekend. On his way to his room, he notices a door with no number on it-” “An albino woman with white skin and red eyes committed suicide in that room years ago,” finished Erica, inspecting her nails with a smirk. “We know that too.” “A babysitter goes to put two children to sleep in their room and notices a large creepy clown statue in the corner-” he tried again. “Get out of the house, we don’t have a clown statue,” said Allison, tried to hide a laugh at the flustered expression on Jackson’s face. “Two roommates in a room. Sarah says that she wants to go to a party and Mary wants to stay home-” “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn the lights on?” said Derek, and Stiles laughed, looking at him with sparkling eyes. OR the cheerleading squad, the lacrosse team and the basketball team go camping.
Notes: Another cheerleader!Stiles and Jock!Derek. I love them your honor. It's all very sweet and Derek pines as he ought to do lol. Don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's completed.
That's all I have for this one. I probably have more in my TBR but I guess we'll find out. If I ever get there. My sterek TBR only ever grows and I never seem to be able to finish fics as fast as I find them lol. Hope you guys like these!
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
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Casey Novak x autistic fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Graphic sex, oral, fingering, language, homophobia, homophobic slurs. Word count: 2,443 "Onions and relish!?" you observed, watching Casey scoop condiments onto a ballpark hot dog. Your face screwed up. "Gross."
"I've got highbrow taste," Casey retorted, glancing at yours. "And you shouldn't talk. Ketchup and mustard? Are you five?"
"It's a classic," you argued, both pushing your way through the crowded line of Yankees fans waiting for their own ballpark snacks.
You returned to your seats, up in the nosebleeds along with a scattering of other die-hard baseball fans, the humming of a summertime crowd and the buzzing of the lights wrapping around you like a blanket. You heard the crack of a bat, and both you and Casey froze, watching the field.
"Yes!" you yelled, pumping your fist in the air as your team–the Cardinals–drove in another run. "Fuckin' Redbirds!"
Normally, you'd be a lot more self-conscious about drawing attention to yourself in a crowd like this–almost exclusively Yankees fans, including your girlfriend. When the Yankees weren't playing the Cardinals, you wore some of Casey's Yankees gear and cheered them on with her. But the Cardinals? They'd been your family's team for generations. You'd grown up on Pujols and Molina and Wainwright, and you were nothing if not loyal. But in this crowd, you stood out amongst the black-and-white like a red thumb. Casey had looked embarrassed, and you'd worried for a moment that she really was bothered by your vocal support of the away team.
"Am I embarrassing you?" you'd asked.
"In a bad way?"
Casey looked at you and smiled at your serious expression. "No, honey. Like, embarrassing but it's endearing. Does that make sense?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I think so. You would tell me if I was bad embarrassing?"
"I would," she confirmed, patting your hand.
It was one of your favorite things about Casey that she was so patient when you misread or didn't understand social cues. She never made fun of you. She always explained, and she always reassured you when you were afraid you'd done something wrong.
But this time it was definitely Casey who had done something wrong. You watched her shove a bite of hot dog into her mouth, beautifully messy, as always when she wasn't at work.
"Your whole mouth is gonna taste like pickles for the rest of the night," you muttered, taking a bite of your own hot dog.
She looked at you, smirking. "And why are you so concerned about my mouth, huh?"
You blushed. "No reason..."
"Mmhm." She took another bite, smug, then grasped your chin, pulling you to her for a kiss. Her lips were salty with sweat, and she smelled like the ballpark dust and the leather of her glove. She was intoxicating, but then you always felt lightheaded when Casey kissed you. Something about the stadium lights and the summer heat just made you that much more dazed.
"That's fuckin' hot," you heard someone say behind you. You shrank and glanced back, Casey's hand squeezing yours protectively. Two men, unshaven, with beers to go with their beer bellies, leered at you from the row behind.
"Nobody asked you, asshole," Casey shot back, flipping him off. You avoided eye contact with them, trying to make yourself smaller. Having grown up in the south, you'd been in enough unsafe situations because of your sexuality that your go-to defense was to ignore and hide. Casey's was not. She was tall and strong, and she'd grown up with absolute confidence in who and what she was.
Your nostrils flared in disgust as one of the men licked his lips, raking his eyes up and down Casey's body.
"What's a hot piece like you doing with a dyke? You oughta let a real man take you for a spin."
Casey stood and pushed him–hard. The man reeled, sloshing his beer all over his front. "You better shut your fucking mouth or I'll shut it for you," she growled.
The man's arm shot out, grabbing Casey by the back of her head. He dug his fingers into her hair to pull her closer. "That's okay, honey," he said. "I like 'em feisty."
Any fear you had dissipated into white hot anger as you watched, as if in slow motion. You, however, were not stuck in slow motion. Without thinking, you lunged forward, grabbed the man's wrist, and wrenched it back until he squealed. You shoved Casey behind you.
"Get your fucking hands off her!" you spat, puffing yourself up as you stood between him and your girlfriend. Which, considering your diminutive height, probably didn't do a whole lot to deter him.
Your teeth clenched and your whole body buzzed with rage. It took a lot to make you angry, but you were spitting angry now. All you knew was that no one–no one–was going touch Casey on your watch.
The man laughed, knocking your cap off your head with a swipe of his finger. "And what are you gonna do about it, Tiny Tim? Or should I say Tiny Tina?"
Without warning and, for once, without considering the consequences, you slammed your first into his groin as hard as you could which, considering you played softball, was pretty damn hard. It was a perk of your height that you were at the optimal angle to punch someone in the dick.
The man doubled over, coughing, and spilled the rest of his beer. "Fuckin' dykes," he muttered. He motioned to his friend, cupping his balls, and they sidled off. Probably looking for another section to harass women in.
You let out a shaky breath and turned to face Casey, your heart beating rapidly as the adrenaline faded and the nerves returned.
"Are you okay?" you asked, frantically looking her over, placing a gentle hand at the back of her head where the man had grabbed her.
You hardly noticed Casey watching you, biting her lip. You were too concerned with making sure she was safe and unharmed. As you rambled, checking her hands and neck and hair and face for any signs of hurt, Casey stared.
Finally, she interrupted you. "Y/N."
You stopped and made yourself meet her eyes.
"I think we should go." She looked at you pointedly.
You face fell. "Oh, love. I'm so sorry. We can go home if it'll make you feel better."
"No, that's not why."
A look of confusion crossed your face.
"We should go home because we have things to do."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't understand what you're saying, Casey."
She stepped closer, placing your hat back on your head and her arms on your shoulders. Her expression was self-satisfied as she leaned in, so close you could feel her breath, and whispered into your ear.
"Y/N," she breathed. "I need to do things. To you. Now."
"Oh," you said, the realization hitting you. "Oh my god. Okay."
You started gathering your things, then stopped and glanced at her. "From this? Really?"
"Y/N," she said, cheeks already flushed. "Don't make me wait. I'm gonna have a hard enough time making it home."
You tried to hide the mixture of shock and excitement on your face as you left the stadium, walking by the now abandoned concession stands and into the quiet parking lot.
"What's the alternative?" you asked her as you climbed into the driver's seat.
"To making it home. You said you were gonna have a hard time making it home. But, like, where else would we–"
You were cut off by Casey's lips on yours, her breath hot and desperate as she grabbed your collar. She slid her tongue into your mouth, her teeth clacking against yours as she surged toward you, pushing for more.
When you separated, you both breathed heavily. Casey's face was flushed with lust. "If it were up to me," she said, leaning back in the seat. "I would've fucked you in the ballpark bathroom. I'd take you right here in the car. But I know that's not your style, so for the love of god..." Her eyes bored into you. "Drive."
Usually a slow driver, you made it back to Casey's apartment in record time. And, true to her word, Casey did have a hard time making it to the apartment, stopping at every chance she got–stoplights, outside the car door, in the elevator, the hallway–to kiss your neck, your mouth, undoing buttons of your Cardinals jersey as you went. Her hands slipped inside your shirt whenever you stopped for so much as a second.
When she finally got you into her bedroom, she was ravenous, tugging your clothes off and tossing them to the side with a singular focus. Her eyes were glazed and her face red as she struggled with your bra clasps.
"Fucking hell," she muttered, her fingers fumbling.
"Jesus, Casey," you said, reaching back to do them for her. "Calm down."
She groaned, letting her eyes rove over your now nude body, pushing you gently but forcefully on your back. She pecked you on the lips, then took your bottom lip between her teeth. You gasped, filled with both pain and pleasure. When she let you go, she was grinning.
"I'm gonna make you feel so..." She kissed your neck. "Fucking." Your collarbone. "Good." She lowered herself over you and pressed her mouth into yours, breathing you in, letting her tongue roam freely.
You moaned, arching your back. "Don't hold back on me now," she growled, leaving bite marks down your neck and across your chest. Usually quiet, you gave yourself permission to make some noise. After all, it drove Casey crazy.
"Fuck, Casey," you whined as she swirled her tongue across your nipples, first one and then the other, her hands pressing just above your hips. You writhed into her, squirming for more, your center already sopping wet.
"Tell me what you want," Casey said, trailing her tongue from your chest down to your stomach.
You struggled against her hands, pressing you into the bed. "Come on," you complained, nearly begging.
"Tell me," Casey said again, more forcefully, her fingers grazing over your clit.
You saw stars. "Fuck me."
Casey chuckled, her low voice vibrating against your already swollen clit. "That's my girl."
You gasped as she sucked your clit between her lips, swishing her tongue back and forth, back and forth. Her arms pinned your thighs in place, holding your writhing body tight. You heaved and moaned as you pushed Casey's head into your center. Her hair was soft and damp with sweat under your fingers, and you felt desperate for her as you chased your high.
She waited until you were nearly bursting, your breath hitching and your back arched against her, then pulled quickly away, wiping her mouth.
You gasped frantically. "What the fuck, Casey!?"
"Shh," she commanded, crawling back up your body and grabbing your chin. She straddled your hips, her own soaked center resting over yours.
"Casey, please," you begged, your eyes fluttering shut, the need of her flooding you.
"Don't close your eyes, honey. Look at me."
You huffed but opened your eyes, staring defiantly into hers, green and hungry and lustful.
She held your face still with one hand, then crept back down your body with the other. You let out a moan, squirming.
"Now arch your back for me," she said, the heel of her palm pressing hard into your clit.
Your body nearly exploded with the sensation, and you thrust into her with everything you had. You grabbed at Casey, pulling her into you, elated to know that she was using you, too, unable to put off her own pleasure any longer.
Your breath came faster and faster, your body jerking into Casey as Casey thrust toward you. You watched each other, both on the brink of losing control. Casey moaned, shutting her eyes briefly before squeezing your chin and staring at you.
"Now," she said.
And that one word was all it took. Your body shook against Casey's, your hips riding into her again and again, desperate for the friction as you moaned. She did the same, her nails digging into the skin at the top of your throat as she rode out her own orgasm. It felt like the two of you were hurtling across space, starbursts and supernovas and whole galaxies flashing inside you as you held onto one another. You quivered against her as the fireworks dissipated, spent and sweaty and heaving.
Casey grinned and planted kisses across your collarbone, counting. "One. Two. Three..."
You laughed and groaned. "Casey," you protested.
She'd discovered early on that, if she timed it right, she could make you come indefinitely. The only thing that stopped her was you getting overstimulated.
"Twenty-two," she finished and, once again, pressed the heel of her hand into your clit, harder and harder until she had you ready again, your hands grasping the bedsheets.
Your orgasm washed over you again, like a wave this time, pouring over you from head to toe.
Casey started in again, this time with her lips at the back of your knees. "One. Two..."
By the fifth round, you were nearly delirious, and Casey was salivating.
"Casey," you groaned, your body still pressing into her hand, almost against your will. "It's too much."
"Come on, sweetheart," she said, kissing you roughly. "Give me one more."
She continued grinding her hand into you, meshing her lips with yours, her tongue roving. Your breath caught and you moaned into her mouth, your orgasm taking you over one final, quaking time.
Casey cradled your head in the crook of her arm as you continued to shake, finally letting you relax.
"Thank you," she whispered, peppering your face with kisses.
You scrunched your nose. "For what? Letting you beat your record?"
"Well, that, too." She chuckled, deep and throaty, then brushed your sweaty bangs out of your face. "For protecting me. From that asshole."
You turned to her and tucked her hair behind her ear, running your thumb across her eyebrow.
"I would die before I let someone hurt you." Your voice was so quiet that, had anyone else been in the room, even they wouldn't have been able to hear. But you did. And Casey did.
She looked at you for a moment, then leaned down and kissed your forehead, hard and purposeful.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you, too."
You lost yourself in her arms for a bit as she ran a hand absentmindedly through your hair.
"We should go to more baseball games," Casey mused after a while.
You laughed. "Only if there's no relish involved."
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Summary: Spencer admires Reader while pregnant and in the depths of her cravings.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content warnings: Pregnancy, eating
Word count: 848
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Spencer can’t pinpoint when he’s loved you the most. Hearing you groggy over the phone when he was on the jet heading home would’ve been the obvious moment, considering he blurted the three special words out in the middle of you talking about your upcoming work day. You and the team, who also witnessed it, were stunned into silence. But he still spoke to you after, whispering like he was alone the entire time.
Your wedding day would be another appropriate answer. He didn’t tear up as any groom would. No, he cried. His tears collected at the brim but took time to overflow, blurring his view of you gliding down the aisle with thoroughly-planned elegance. He had to block them to gather himself, as one would shield themselves from the sun.
But this moment tugs at his heart: when he opens the front door with the classic, “Honey, I’m home,” and you emerge from the bedroom with a swollen belly hidden under an old sweatshirt. The joy on your face is a moment he won’t forget. Granted, a portion of said joy might be thanks to the greasy bag and styrofoam cup he’s clutching desperately in one hand. Nevertheless, he savors the look and the feeling that must have felt similar to men who graced their families with bountiful hunting results.
Except in this case, the “bountiful hunting results” are chicken tenders with fries, extra honey mustard, and a large hot fudge sundae from your favorite restaurant that happens to be in the middle of nowhere and roughly 30 minutes away. But cravings are cravings, and they’ve been relentless throughout the second trimester. He’ll scope out the specific restaurants, local or corporate, if it makes you happy and appeases the baby girl (hopefully) inside you.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” A kiss on the cheek sufficed as you waddled toward the kitchen. You put the sundae in the freezer for now and barely waste time getting a plate and napkins, but it’s less to clean up. And less for Spencer to double-clean later.
Before you sit down, Spencer takes the plate from you, and he swears for a minute he saw motherly instincts kick in.
“You don’t have to eat at the table," he says. “Come on,” he tilts his head toward the couch as he walks, the obvious not mentioned.
“We don’t eat on the couch.” You reply.
He’s still walking.
“You don’t like it. Crumbs, lingering nastiness, and other science-y terms you’ve used.”
He puts the plate on the coffee table. “I’m willing to make exceptions. Plus, with a baby, mess is inevitable.” He leans down, revealing the breakfast tray he bought. You clearly never saw it before. Because the way your open mouth morphed into a smile, he would've thought he unintentionally did magic. He pulled out the small legs. “I figured it’s best to adjust slowly while I still can.”
You walk toward him, your hands resting on your belly. “But this is your couch.”
“In our apartment.” He takes a pillow and fluffs it, setting it against the arm. “Sit.”
You eventually comply. There’s still a look on your face, indicating second-guessing, like you’re somehow doing this without his knowledge. Meanwhile, the breakfast tray is in his hands, and he makes sure you’re settled. You lay across the couch.
Spencer puts down the tray, asking if you want a drink before devouring. You shake your head, eyes staring down at the fatty American dish in front of you. While you begin, he picks a vinyl from your shared collection. The one thing he won’t waver about is the classics.
As in classical music.
As in Mozart. Spencer has noticed your familiarity with the symphonies over the past six months. He loves it, regardless of whether it’s just because he’s insisted you listen to classical after you told him the news.
When the melody flows, Spencer finds a seat on the couch. You slide your feet toward you to make room. As soon as he sits down, he puts your legs in his lap, letting you stretch out again. His lips disappear into his mouth for a minute as he suppresses a giggle.
All the chicken was either swallowed or mush in your mouth and specks of salt littered your lips and hands along with honey mustard drippings. This. Spencer's in love again. As you suck the sauce off your own fingers like it’s the only sustenance you’ve had in days. The comfort he feels here, knowing the woman basically attacking her dinner will be the mother of his child. This is something even his three PhDs are unable to put into words.
“Do you want some help?” Spencer leans over, takes the napkins under the plate, and wipes the corners. You continue chewing, polite enough to keep your mouth closed and manage its volume. “There.” He puts the napkin down. And he looks at you, realizing just how much you've changed his life.
“What?” Your mouth is so full.
You swallow almost everything. “Something.”
He shrugs. “I just love you.”
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oldschoolvpq · 2 months
Tamagotchi Pizza!
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Being an American from Boston with parents from New York, my love for pizza is deep and immense. Combine this with Tamagotchi and obviously you have a dream team in my eyes! I had soba for lunch with my friends but ordered delivery for dinner.
Fun fact about my apartment, I live across the street from a Domino's. My old apartment was equidistant between Domino's AND Pizza Hut. In Japan pizza is PRICEY and you get a good deal if you go pick it up at the shop as opposed to having them deliver it, which occasionally brings it into the price range of "nearly affordable". (So why delivery? Totally worth the extra 250 yen service fee to not have to go out in this beastly hot summer weather! Eternally grateful to the delivery staff.)
The other big delivery pizza chain here in Japan is Pizza-La, which I'm not sure I've actually eaten...but anyway! Of the American chains, Pizza Hut has much tastier cheese, more exciting crust options, AND black olives on their toppings menu...so I'm happy with this outcome.
(Another fun fact, when you Google "Pizza Hut" Domino's has a sponsored result with a 40% off delivery coupon, which I find hilarious.)
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The original menu item is not an actual pizza, but "Hut Melts", which are a ton of cheese and toppings wrapped in crispy thin crust that you dip into sauce. Because it's Tamagotchi, the filling is egg salad and Canadian bacon...and pink crust, which looks odd but tastes normal. Ordering one of these gets you one of seven special stickers, and I bought two...because they're not very big.
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Those Japanese portion sizes, man.
Anyway, it comes with two types of sauce, honey mustard and basil. I personally thought the basil was the better fit as it was a more subtle sour/savory taste. The honey mustard was a bit strong, and I'm not sure the sweet really matched the savory pizza. But, the colors (yellow, green, and pink) are emblematic of Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, and Violetchi, so I can see why they did it.
There was no special packaging, sadly.
Anyway! The food is good and all, but the best part? The code on the back of the sticker so you and your Connection can eat pizza together!
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Because nothing in this world is free you have to pay 140 Gotchi Points whenever you want to feed your Tama pizza, but it's totally worth it.
Overall a fun little collab! Yay pizza!!
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pokemanix · 3 months
Welcome to POKEMANIX
Enjoy your stay. I like reblogging pkmn stuff of all kinds! That includes fanart and official stuff
I also post pkmn card posts for every pkmn character. If your favourite isn't up yet, they either don't have a card or theyre in the queue.
Official Pokemon Trainer Cards Easy List;
Gen 1
Red, Blue, Green, Leaf, Ash Ketchum, Mom, Professor Oak, Imposter Professor Oak, Daisy Oak, Bill, Celio, Mr. Fuji, Copycat, Giovanni, Jessie and James, Butch and Cassidy, Sird, Team Rocket Grunts, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance
Gen 2
Ethan, Kris, Lyra, Mom, Professor Elm, Silver, Eusine, Mary, Mr. Pokemon, Kurt, Buena, Archer, Ariana, Proton, Petrel, Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, Clair, Janine, Will, Karen
Gen 3
Brendan, May, Mom, Professor Birch, Wally, Zinnia, Scott, Mr. Briney, Mr. Stone, Gabby and Ty, Lanette, Brigette, Professor Cozmo, Captain Stern, Aarune, Lisia, Archie, Matt, Shelly, Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney, Team Aqua Grunts, Team Magma Grunts, Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate, Liza, Wallace, Juan, Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Steven Stone, Noland, Greta, Tucker, Lucy, Spenser, Brandon, Anabel
Gen 4
Lucas, Dawn, Johanna (Mom), Professor Rowan, Barry, Felicity, Looker, Roxy and Oli, Cheryl, Riley, Mira, Buck, Marley, Bebe, Roseanne, Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Team Galactic Grunts, Charon, Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, Volkner, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, Cynthia, Palmer, Thorton, Dahlia, Darach, Argenta
Gen 5
Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Mom (BW), Mom (B2W2), Professor Juniper, Cedric Juniper, Fennel, Cheren, Bianca, Hugh, N, Colress, Ghetsis, Zinzolin, Gorm, Bronius, Giallo, Ryoku, Rood, Anthea, Concordia, Shadow Triad, Team Plasma Grunts, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, Drayden, Iris, Roxie, Marlon, Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Alder, Benga, Ingo, Emmet
Gen 6
Calem, Serena, Grace (Mom), Professor Augustine Sycamore, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Alexa, Cassius, Inver, Sina, Dexio, Gurkinn, Bonnie, Emma, AZ, Lysandre, Chalmers, Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Marie, Xerosic, Team Flare Grunts, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Ramos, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Wulfric, Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom, Drasna, Diantha, Dana, Evelyn, Morgan, Nita, Kali, Katherine
Gen 7
Elio, Selene, Mom, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Lillie, Hau, Samson Oak, Guzma, Plumeria, Gladion, Team Skull Grunts, Lusamine, Wicke, Faba, Aether Paradise Employees, Phyco, Dulse, Soliera, Zossie, Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, Mina, Hala, Olivia, Nanu, Hapu, Kahili, Molayne, Mohn, Ryuki
Gen 8
Victor, Gloria, Mum, Professor Magnolia, Sonia, Hop, Bede, Marnie, Sordward, Shielbert, Ball Guy, Team Yell Grunts, Rose, Oleana, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, Raihan, Leon, Cara Liss, Jack, Dan, Mustard, Klara, Avery, Honey, Hyde, Peony, Peonia, Digging Duo, Koko
Rei, Akari, Professor Laventon, Kamado, Cyllene, Zisu, Pesselle, Tao Hua, Sanqua, Colza, Beni, Ress, Rye, Cogita, Choy, Anthe, Charm, Clover, Coin, Vessa, Adaman, Mai, Arezu, Iscan, Melli, Sabi, Irida, Lian, Calaba, Palina, Gaeric, Pearl Clan Members, Diamond Clan Members, Ginter, Volo, Tuli, Mani
Gen 9
Florian, Juliana, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Nemona, Arven, Penny, Clavell, Jacq, Dendra, Miriam, Raifort, Saguaro, Salvatore, Tyme, Katy, Brassius, Iono, Kofu, Larry, Ryme, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Poppy, Hassel, Geeta, Giacomo, Mela, Atticus, Ortega, Eri, Carmen, Youssef, Team Star Grunts, Carmine, Kieran, Perrin, Kitakami Caretaker, Billy and O'Nare, Briar, Cyrano, Drayton, Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, Liko, Roy, Friede, Dot
Professor Willow, Candela, Blanche, Spark
Imakuni?, Holon, Trainer Classes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Pokemon Center Ladies, NPCs (1, 2, 3, 4)
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TW: mentions weeds
I fully believe Gaz is the type of person to be so considerate when high. For Example,
Gaz stumbled down the hall, still careful to make sure his steps were quiet, as he made his way to the kitchen. The Brit had managed to sneak some weed onto the base, for the first time in a long while, and he had underestimated his tolerance. That’s why Gaz was standing in the kitchen staring intensely at the fridge. After trying to figure out what kind of sandwich to make (he ended up making turkey because they were low on Ham and Soap really likes ham), Gaz was trying to figure out what kind of dressing he wanted. The choice was between honey mustard and Thousand Islands. Normally Gaz wouldn’t bat an eye and would have used the Honey Mustard — the only issue was there wasn’t a lot of honey mustard left and he knew Ghost only eats Honey Mustard on his sandwiches. So after an internal debate, Gaz just gave up and grabbed the Thousand Island despite not liking the dressing.
Gaz ate the sandwich rather quickly and stared at the plate he had used. With a groan, the Brit trudged over to the sink, still careful to be quiet, and washed the plate. The next step was for Gaz to put everything he had gotten out back and he made sure to put it back in the same exact spot but then he noticed the fridge wasn’t organized — something that annoyed Price so Gaz gave a tired and heavy sigh and started to rearrange the fridge the way Price always did. This continued for a good bit, Gaz would find something that usually got on someone else's nerves so he fixed it. The sergeant ended up cleaning the kitchen before he was finally convinced he could leave the kitchen happily and sneak back to his room.
You could imagine the surprise of the team the next morning.
Price was the first to discover the kitchen. He was aware it was going to be dirty — no one had cleaned up from dinner. He was expecting plates piled up and dirty counters. The captain just convinced himself he’d make time to get it cleaned at some point. He went into the kitchen to make himself some coffee but he found himself frozen in the doorway. The sink was spotless, the trash had been taken care of (and there was even a new bag in the bin), and the counters were all wiped down and honestly looked like you could eat directly off of them. Next to be as shell-shocked as Price was Ghost. The lieutenant just wanted some cereal but found himself astonished at how clean and organized the fridge was — only growing more confused when Price didn’t take credit for any of the work. Soap was the last to enter, taking a quick glance around the kitchen before laughing out,
“Gaz must’ve been high again”
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dollyprincessollie · 10 months
please tell us about avery pokemon i don't know much about him but you post about him a lot
but ask amd u shall receive. i will now be listing off every piece of canon information abt him i can think of. HERE GOES
Avery is a tall, skinny (but he has, and i usually dont like these words together, thick thighs) white guy with long blond hair and like. those creepy kinda icy blue eyes 👁👁
He's a psychic type trainer and minor-division gym leader!!! he's also an ACTUAL psychic, hailing from a long lineage of psychics, and has telekinetic abilities :3 however, telekinesis is the only psychic ability he has, so he's kind of the black sheep of his family
because his family thought of him as a disappointment, he developed a like. superiority complex to compensate for his simultaneous inferiority complex. he's very prideful and even would go so far as to LITERALLY LEVITATE PEOPLE if they won against him in battles. he basically covers up his feelings of inadequacy by flaunting his good qualities, though he's prone to exaggerating them as well. he literally straight up pretends to have psychic visions and literally goes "AVERY TELEPORT" when leaving the area
he initially arrived at the dojo in the isle of armor due to being kicked out of the league as a gym trainer for levitating people 💀 he was kind of an asshole at first but since mustard and honey were so nice to him, he kinda chilled out too. HOWEVER when he met the player character, his Superiority-Inferiority complex kind of came back in full swing. he saw that they were better than them and literally LIED to them to keep them away from the dojo. when they make their way to the dojo, he basically fought tooth and nail to make sure he bested them in all of the trials, going so far as to even cheat during the battle by setting up psychic terrain, giving himself an advantage 😭
after he's beaten, he basically goes tsundere mode and is like. "If Only I Was As Strong As . . . BAH FORGET IT ." and after the player beats mustard, avery like. kind of realizes that he wants to be acknowledged by them. he literally trains alone in the dam desert like "OH SLOWPOKE WE'RE REALLY IN IT NOW .... OH TO BE RECOGNIZED BY YOU-KNOW-WHO...." and from then on u can battle him every day :3
after all this, he becomes the minor-division psychic leader 🫡 hard work DOES PAY OFF
AND NOW FOR SOME MISCELLANEOUS but still canon facts
avery's final team is galarian slowbro, galarian rapidash, swoobat (she's the only girl in his team btw :3), alakazam, and galarian slowking! in the galarian star tournament, he only uses his slowbro, alakazam, and slowking :3
avery (and klara, by extension) has a chance of fighting alongside u in a raid battle on the isle of armor! idk what the exact likelihood is though but they Definitely don't show up with each one but. he still oulls up on occasion o7
in the galarian star tournament, he has special dialogue with mustard, bede, fucking SHIELBERT, marnie, and melony!
it's implied that he's afraid of dark types, considering said special dialogue with marnie is like "🥲 I Do Not Wish To Be On The Field With A Dark Type Trainer, But At Least We Are On The Same Side." becaude of this, it could ALSO be implied that he's afraid of ghost types and bug types, considering that dark, ghost, and bug are all strong against psychic types
according to the manga, he's a little weak and tires easily due to his reliance on his telekinesis
...HOWEVER, his second league card shows him.doing pushups with a whole ass galarian slowbro on his back WITHOUT telekinesis, so despite his low stamina, he can lift at least 155.4 lb
due to his speech patterns, avery seems to have a pretty keen ability to associate things with psychic types, or pokemon in general. he often incorporates different psychic type moves in his speech and talks about people (or, the player, specifically) as if they have like. pokemon natures (bold, quirky, hasty, etc.)
avery strongly values elegance and tries to conduct himself in a very gentlemanly way <3 however, he's not immune to being sassy and definitely will be snooty to someone's face
besides the psychic type uniform, avery's clothing is definitely 19th-century inspired! his hat, cravat, shoes, and socks are definitely inspired by victorian dandyism imo. even his glasses are very victorian
THIS IS ALL I HAVE FOR RIGHT NOW.... this is (almost) every piece of canon info i have abt my sweet booboo bear avery *kisses him*... i can also delve into headcanons but. i thought i would delve into the actual factual stuff
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barbedwireheartz · 27 days
hey, my name is valentino - but some people just call me val. i was born and raised in galar, having come from the isle of armour specifically. i attend naranja-uva academy. i’m also an exchange student at the blueberry academy and am part of the league club there.
i am a champion within the paldea region, as well as a black-belt dojo trainee back at home. i live with my three sisters, though i highly doubt they’ll join rotumblr. i’m just here to blog random shit tbh, so don’t expect much from me.
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male (he/him)
pansexual & ambiamorous
born & raised in the isle of armour, galar; currently live at the outskirts of the south province (area four)
son of dojo master mustard & dojo matron honey; black-belt of the master dojo
taken <3 marcy & arven
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fuilech the seviper - ♂- ✨
tera fire
adamant (+ attack / - special attack)
poison jab / coil / ice fang / fire fang
i found him fighting a zangoose in south province area one, and he ended up being injured (though he did win). i patched him up afterwards, and we ended up getting along beautifully - so, i took him in and added him to the team. he’s definitely a trickster, constantly causing mischief. he loves being up on my shoulders whenever he’s out, i think it makes him feel powerful haha.
aurelia the hydrapple - ♀- ✨
grass dragon
tera steel
loaded dice
supersweet syrup
serious (no effect)
bullet seed / fickle beam / recover / tera blast
i discovered her as an applin whilst training in tagtree thicket, and i thought she was so adorable so i added her onto the team. she wasn’t going to be a part of my battle team, but i found out about the hydrapple evo line whilst at kitakami and one thing led to another. she’s a very sleepy pokémon, whenever i set up a picnic she’s asleep 90% of the time. she is also incredibly affectionate, debatably more affectionate than an arcanine.
koray the ursaluna - ♂
normal ground
tera normal
wide glasses
mind’s eye
modest (+ special attack / - attack)
blood moon / earth power / protect / hyper voice
i discovered him on accident whilst in kitakami’s timeless woods - i accedentally pissed him off, and after crayola swiftly defeated him he ended up joining the team. most of the others see him as a father figure, whilst he’s mated to ilayda and highly idolises crayola. he’s extremely hyper-vigilant, and is always the first to notice when something is wrong.
ilayda the primarina - ♀- ✨
water fairy
tera psychic
throat spray
liquid voice
modest (+ special attack / - attack)
sparkling aria / moonblast / hyper voice / psychic
ilayda actually found us as a popplio, when the rest of the team was having a picnic and verena was dancing to my singing - ilayda joined in out of curiosity and excitement, and she hung out with us for our entire picnic before i ended up catching her and adding her to the team. she and koray are mated partners, and she’s seen as the mother figure to almost everyone else. she loves being given attention, and loves showing off.
verena the bombirdier - ♀- ✨
flying dark
tera rock
rocky helmet
rocky payload
jolly (+ speed / - special attack)
dual wingbeat / foul play / roost / rock slide
verena approached me whilst i was training in alfornada to take on gym leader tulip, drawn in by my appearance i’m assuming - she decided it was worth sticking around, and after helping me obliterate tulip’s team she officially joined as a team member. she loves to relax, unwinding by dancing to music - whether from the phone or from me singing. she is still easily enamoured by other people’s appearances, and loves to look at people; observing and taking in their physicality & fashion choices.
crayola the slither wing - o - ✨
bug fighting
tera bug
booster energy
jolly (+ speed / - special attack)
first impression / body press / leech life / wild charge
i actually found crayola during a week-long vacation to paldea with my family before officially moving, being unaware of the rules around the great crater (trust me, arven’s already given me an earful). i found her injured, and the others were continuing to ostracise and attempt to harm them - so i caught them and patched them up before they officially became my partner pokémon. crayola is hard to budge, both personality-wise and in battle a - not a lot phase/ them. they have incredibly endurance, and love to battle.
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bunny the breloom - ♂
grass fighting
tera grass
i found them injured outside of medali, and they ended up being permanent - so it was more dangerous to let them back out into the wild. they don’t battle, simply hang around. the rest of the team and i love him though.
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OOC //
hi!! my name is domino, aka @w0nderl-ust !! this is a side blog, so follows and likes will likely come from my main. some important notes:
based in canon within games, but not anime - some personal headcanons may also be thrown in
content with interacting with other gimmicky stuff (sentient pokémon, hybrids, crossovers, etc..), but will not be taking part in them myself
most posts will be in-character, the only exception being if i reblog art from my main that relate to valentino and/or his team!
speaking of in-character, valentino is not terribly friendly to most; he’s sassy, a bit egotistical, speaks his mind with no filter, and a bit bitchy
this blog is just for fun, so whilst valentino has story elements this blog will not delve too far into those itself
unless stated otherwise, all art belongs to me!!
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pelipper mail: ON
musharna mail: OFF
magic anons: OFF
mystery gifts: ON
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even though both valentino and myself are adults, i will not allow nsfw on this blog
any pokéirl blog can interact!
in-character banter/dislike is perfectly fine, just be respectful about it
triggers will be tagged
you will be blocked if: you look like a bot account/your account is blank, you’re an nsfw account, bring hate or malice of any kind, are a creep, actively post about harm to yourself or others, romanticise or demonise disorders, support shitty people
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gender apathetic [any pronouns]
queer & ambiamorous
host of a DID system
dating our arven alter (who is the big inspo for our version of arven) & aster’s owner baetyl, another alter in-sys
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#💌 val posts -> posts made by champion valentino
#💌 val shares -> valentino reblogging
#💌 val answers -> ask box responses
#💌 team member [name] -> posts about specific team members
#🗝️ ooc dump -> posts that are out of character
#🗝️ ooc rb -> reblogs that are out of character
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[ in progress ]
❝ Some kid named “Clive” is pestering Valentino & Arven about Area Zero.. but why?❞
#𝓪𝓷 𝓾𝓷𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭
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fallershipping · 1 year
Felt inspired to write a lil bit of my headcanon for Anabel's ranking amongst trainers:
She's certainly not THE best, but amongst the best. Since her Battle Facility days, she's around a champion level. Which might sound rare, but champion ranked trainers can have all sorts of ranges that might make for great disparity between them all.
Cynthia is one of the strongest, while Honey (Mustard's wife) is somewhere in the middle, and several nameless NPCs that go into the Frontier/Facility challenges are on the lower/middle side.
I'd say Anabel is a mid/high-mid tier Champion level trainer. She reached that title in her Salon Maiden days, then fell and was hospitalized for some time. Her memories were scrambled, so she thought she would never bond with her Pokemon again.
Those fears were quickly disregarded. Being around her Pokemon during her healing allowed for some lost memories to clear up. Her bonds never disappeared-- ANABEL never truly disappeared... But she had to accept she was a new Anabel.
Her battle focus became more Interpol related rather than competitive for some time, but this led to her having a different perspective on her Pokemon. She suffered some losses, but she's not pressed on becoming the best-- only to study and study and study. She is analytical, and does have strategies depending on whether she is testing a recruit, in a mission, or in a full force tournament.
Anabel is also shown to be keeping up with the times and putting G-Max on her Snorlax or Z-Crystals on her beasts or Mega-Evolution on her powerhouses. I don't think she canonly has all of these... But at the very least I like to consider Mega-Latios, Z-Move Raikou, and G-Max Snorlax as canon. Hell, I love that Masters Anabel is a defensive/support Snorlax to synergize specifically with Looker's strategy while Snorlax has an offensive movepool when she's solo.
So Anabel isn't worse than who she was in Gen 3 but... Different. A little bit more experimental and introspective. She watches a battle carefully in her animations: arms crossed and snapping her fingers when she commands her Pokemon with grace.
I guess for me the first SUMO Anabel battle, even though her team was level 61 across the board, gave me trouble the first time I battled her. And I was like "FUCK POST GAME IS GONNA BE HARD IM GONNA DO SOMETHING ELSE FOR A WHILE" because I had to use Solgaleo to get her to stop beating my ass LOL. So if she was going a bit easy on me here... I can't imagine how she is in the Battle Tree.
She's the ONLY special character to be a 1/7 rarity. She barely appears compared to the others. I think for me, that's a sign Anabel still got it so many years later...
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mariacallous · 10 months
For many Jews, eating potato latkes on Hanukkah is non-negotiable, whether store-bought or made from scratch. But what should we be eating with them?
I’m not talking about the old applesauce vs. sour cream debate (I’m team neither), or about nibbling on a latke while holding a glass of bubbly at a chic Hanukkah soiree (I’m team exhausted mom in bed by 9). I’m talking about practical, everyday stuff: How can latkes be incorporated into a balanced, filling, seasonal meal that won’t leave you nauseous? 
The answer was harder to find than I’d anticipated; most people I asked were similarly stumped.
After much contemplation, research and a deep-dive into The Nosher’s Hanukkah archives, here are 13 ways to turn latkes into a complete meal — from the centerpiece of a festive breakfast to a side dish alongside classic brisket.
Crockpot Sweet and Sour Brisket
Throw this together in the morning before work and let the promise of a hearty dinner get you through your day. Make sure to let the flavorful gravy soak into your latkes.
French Onion Brisket
Drawing inspiration from French onion soup, this modern twist on a classic braised brisket is even better when it’s made a day ahead. Serve with your favorite steamed veg.
Juicy Instant Pot Brisket
Tender, sweet-and-savory brisket that’s ready in two hours. The best use for your Instant Pot.
Perfect Roast Chicken
All the secrets, straight from a bubbe’s mouth.
Quick Skillet Roast Chicken 
An easy one-skillet chicken for the soul, complete with veggies. Let the latkes soak up all the schmaltzy pan drippings.
Za’atar Fried Chicken with Spicy Thyme Honey
Why not go all in and match fried with fried? Hanukkah fare doesn’t get much better than this herby, succulent, shatteringly crisp fried chicken.
Roast Goose 
Hear me out! Decadent, golden roast goose is a long-forgotten Hanukkah tradition from the Middle Ages, but the flavors more than hold up today.
Israeli-Style Turkey Pastrami
Salty, sweet, spiced and ready in a flash. Serve warm, sliced, with mustard and a salad. I recommend this mayo-free Russian health salad for optimal crunch.
Latke Deli Sandwiches
Sub the rye bread in your favorite deli sandwich for two latkes for the ultimate Hanukkah treat. Warning: not for the fainthearted.
Latke Hotdish
A twist on the beloved casserole from the Upper Midwest, this hotdish is topped with mini latkes instead of tater tots. Filled with brisket and a whole load of veg, this is a great way to feed a crowd.
Everything Bagel Latkes
Aka breakfast latkes. You can’t go wrong with topping your latkes with dill-y, lemony cream cheese, lox and everything bagel seasoning. Poached egg optional, but encouraged.
Latke Poutine
Inspired by New York’s Mile End Deli circa 2017, top your latkes with cheese curds and gravy a la classic Canadian poutine. The real miracle of Hanukkah.
Latke Board
A festive take on hot girl dinner (or post-school snack time), this board proves that it only takes a few store-bought additions to turn latkes into an entire meal.
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1: don’t know if I ask this already but what story arc would you give to the duo if an actual comic exists?
2: for starknights/titans of tomorrow, is the members powers the same as canon? Like Robert having super strength & Cerdian having water powers.
3: what powers would you add for both teams? I saw a AU where mar’i had invisibility as a power.
4: you know some ppl hate the word moist, what’s something they hate? Most likely Chris hating the word zod.
5: what’s something the duo hates? Homework & chores XD
6: does the duo do anything childish/juvenile like armpit farting or foaming spit out of their mouths?
1) Well……besides their origins first meeting when Chris was 7 and Jake was 5, their first real team ups with Brainiac then later a grand misadventures in trying to recover some stolen Tamaranean and Kryptonian tech, Zod’s invasion and Chris running away to the Graysons’ apartment before he’s able to reunite with his family, Jake discovering a bunch of slain orphans and steers urchins courtesy of a small underground gladiator ring run by Victor Zsasz;
One arc I can give the Duo would involve Chris being captured by warlord Mongul as a representative of earth for a special Mortal Kombat like tournament spanning across the universe with Darkseid being its host and champion to defeat. All of this while Jake anyways abroad Warworld and hides within the ranks of Mongul’s younger warriors in his quest to rescue his friend. A bulk of the arc would focus on the various opponents from across the universe Chris would face that are summoned to his grand event whom the Duo can befriend and others develop into rivalries which can set up for further stories later, culminating with Chris stepping up against Darkseid himself while Jake finally revels himself and takes on Mongul. It’s an epic two front clash that would see all the other tournament participants the two befriended come to their aid and win the fight with their numbers, allowing the Duo to escape with said new friends back to Earth, destroying Warworld in the process and sending Darkseid into a retreat.
2) Pretty much exactly like it is in canon for the lot of them with canonical counterparts. As for say Jasper Logan who’s an OC belonging to @fireflyxrebel-writes and @hains-mae , his powers are more linked to his mother’s dark magic whereas I give him the spin of using said dark magic to create constructs in the shapes of various animals that he can think of then surround himself with said constructs if need be like a suit of armor, a small shout out to his father’s animal based shapeshifting.
3) ah yes, @snothing and the invisibility power for Mar’i. I can probably add both that and also from it Jake’s ability to feel into the electromagnetic spectrum whenever his eyesight fails to function correctly, detecting heat signatures and the energy fields living things can give. Those are probably powers I can later adapt as they two start actually reach their teenager years at least in my version events
4) Chris would feel real…REAL uncomfortable with ‘Abuse’ it just rings too close to home for what he went through. That said he doesn’t want to bring that up to Colin Wilkes regarding his moniker as for Chris, that’ll be rude of him as far as he’s concerned
Jake, humorously, can’t stand ‘Honey-Mustard’ it just confuses him to no end and it kills his appetite for actual mustard which is a shame since like his mother, he loves it.
5) Homework is the bane of the Duo’s existence. The tediousness, the amount of hours it takes for them to complete, the sheer bulk of it they’re given usually due the next day; whenever their parents remind them of homework needing to get done, Chris and Jake have to steel themselves and prepare their minds for the tedium that is to come.
6) Well besides maybe like say Tickle fights between them at sleepovers and even just hanging out by themselves at their base, or even surprisingly causal for them Handstand contests and roll laying as famous Kryptonian and Tamaranean warriors, thumb wrestling, patycake, freestyle dance contests, and tossing snacks into the air to catch with their mouth, those are some things I can see them pulling off
Thanks for the asks buddy XD @pin-crusher2000
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s1lverm1stsapph1re · 4 months
《L.I.F.E comic/story》
Masterpost (18+ comic)
[COVER PAGE made by me, no stealing pls]
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MAIN STORY: [Slow up loading but has ship art and other art to keep the content sweet]
Chapter 0: A Name Fitting for Apollo (Prologue)
Silver – Cross – X!Chara
Dream – Ink – Blue
Nightmare – Killer – Dust – Horror – Error
CHAOTIC DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
MERCY DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
DANGER DUO: [Platonic/ Siblings at heart]
CROCHET DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
EXCALIBUR DUO: [Platonic! Friends]
DAWN RISE DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
SCATTERBRAIN DUO: [Platonic! Friends]
LAZY DAY DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
HONEY MUSTARD DUO: [Platonic! Friends]
ZONE HOP DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
MEME DUO: [Platonic BFF's/Siblings at heart]
NEBULA DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
FASHION DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
SOFT SOUL DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
HIPPY HOP DUO: [Platonic/Siblings at heart]
Classic(Sans) – Error – Fell/Red – Outer – Fresh – Science – Farmer – Dance – Lust – Geno – Reaper – TK(TimeKid) – Bird/Skye – Epic – Mafia – X!Gaster – Frisk(OG) – Chara(OG!) – Core!Frisk
Gaster!Sans – Sugar!Sans – Chess!Sans – Little!Sans – Gas!Sans – Sleek!Sans
MY VERSIONS OF Y/N (More to add later):
Y/N(Girl) – Y/N(Boy) – Y/N(Non-Binary)
ART TAGS WORKS (For others OR me):
Fanart | Gift Art | Commission | Submission | Other
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Interested in my work?
I gave up on this project, but not my other ones, or art in general. Follow my other blogs for more of my work!
@eepop-artz (art blog)
The Team Angel Revival and the little comics I'm posting on my main (and by extension NIOC should evoke enough all soul energy. Mostly because, yknow, they're all made by the same person. I tend to usually have the same kinda mean sense of humor in almost everything I make.
All Soul (Complete)
This post has links to every chapter of this one incarnation I was able to complete during this blog's run.
Main theme:
The first chapters of the second incarnation will be coming soon.
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Eating a burger with no honey mustard
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alolanrain · 1 year
Can we have more Aurafangshipping with Ash's plants/babys
My beloveds. Also sorry for the red tint recently on mobile. I have dark screen option and the text are all black now instead of white which SUCKS.
\ Ash absolutely has a garden at their Alolan house. It’s taken cared of by the team and the class as Mallow also uses it for special stuff like nectar and stuff from other regions. This is the one plant thing Raihan can do without hesitation and do it right because Mustard and Honey taught him, Leon, and Gordie how to garden. It’s his escapism while Ash is still figuring how to run a new league. It takes years to set up and Kukui had definitely rushed despite doing what he could. Now Ash is just filling in the wholes because he’s familiar with the orange Island. Nothing gets approved without his consent in the matter no matter how tiny legality wise. Like workers pay but not vacation, health is important.
\ there’s a set type of group of Pokémon, mixed from both their teams, that reside either in the kitchen or the garage. Back in their main home in Galar.
\ Raihan’s little entourage is Charizard, who mains Raihans furnaces and smelter when he decides to delve into metal to make specialized hooks and such. He could seriously become a private carpenter if he wanted to white being a gym leader, his shit is of really good quality and Ash had been bragging almost to everyone about it. Then there’s Buizel who’s just Raihans number one fan besides Ash and he chills out in the desk with all the plans and bolts. Asleep and tucked into a little bed in the corner of the wall and some shelving unit Raihan made special for just this. Goodra is also there and sits in a kiddie pool. She’s to help strip paint of off wood or varnish, it’s a pretty effective way of wiping away mistakes while keeping the wood perfect.
\ Pikachu is Ash’s main lad so he’s in the kitchen 80/20 of the time. It’s like that bc sometimes ash gets angry and needs everyone out and away to process. But sometimes Pikachu would just lay on Raihans shoulder while he’s bent over a pause of wood for a long time. Flagon is also in the kitchen despite being one of Raihans main Pokémon. Typhlosion is a good Pokémon during winter when the house gets cold no matter what happens. The two Torkoals chill in the adjacent slightly open living room so their apart of Ash’s crew as well. Dewatt likes to help make sushi and it’s all sanitary because he washes his razor sharp shells carefully.
\ their shared dislike for HOA come from hearing their friends stories and both agreed not to join one. Their house wasn’t listen as in an HOA area but surprise surprise. They don’t sign any papers and basically just entertain the people that try.
\the monstera lives in the bedroom. It’s the main piece of decode in the light gray room. The colors of green and gold popped amongst the almost dork ish rendition of inside a fairy cave. It’s all Ash’s creation and Raihan genuinely likes all of it so he’s fine for the Kantonian to do his thing.
\office is off limits though. Raihan has perfected the best office in his opinion to help him with his productivity because he’s a NERD
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