theoutcastrogue · 1 year
The John Oliver segment on solitary confinement. Which is torture. See also this video from the Real News Network, where "Mansa Musa, who spent 48 years in prison, talks about what John Oliver’s recent Last Week Tonight segment on solitary confinement gets right and what it leaves out, including the fact that solitary was used to isolate Black Panthers and other radicals entering the prison system in the ’70s."
"When I got locked up and I went into Maryland Penitentiary in ’73, they had what they called the hole, and the hole would have been consistent with the concept of solitary or isolation, because they basically had made about four or five cells and they would isolate people in them that they deemed to be unruly. But overall, you had punitive segregation, which was you stayed locked in your cell, but you was in an environment where you had access to people, you could talk to the person in the cell next to you.
But when solitary confinement reemerged, when they started locking up radical elements, the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, Puerto Rican nationalists, anybody who was fighting, anybody who was antiestablishment, anybody who would stand up for human rights and self-determination, that’s when it became a tool, a mechanism to suppress that. This massive prison population exists and in its existence it creates a threat. The threat being the potential for organization, and organizing to combat and fight fascism, racism."
— Mansa Musa
"John Oliver and his team of writers talk about the reemergence of solitary in the 1980s, coinciding with the explosion of the prison population. So we’re entering the age of mass incarceration, more people are coming into the prisons, and the way that they explain it is that there’s overcrowding, there’s fighting, and then solitary emerges as this punitive weapon to try to get this prison population under control.
But what you’ve added to the conversation is that, you, like our dearly departed brother Eddie Conway, like so many other radicals that we’ve talked to on this show, knew they were targeted for solitary confinement because they are these radical elements coming in, they’re going to organize, they’re going to talk to other inmates, they’re going to build and develop that revolutionary consciousness.
So for a prison warden, they’re like, “Well, we don’t want that, so let’s just isolate these guys.” That was a really crucial additional context to the John Oliver segment. I just wanted to clarify for folks watching and listening, like you said, before solitary really became the weapon of choice in the prison system, there were other proto mechanisms for isolating, proto solitary confinement mechanisms."
"Albert Woodfox, another lifelong activist and Black Panther, was incarcerated after being wrongfully imprisoned for over 40 years, spent over 44 years in solitary confinement in Angola, was released I believe in 2016, and died only a few years after that. Just the thought of 44 years in solitary confinement breaks my brain a bit."
— Maximillian Alvarez
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neon-emojiz · 3 months
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some wordmojis, TRNN is one of my mods, they made me and the other mods similar emojis :D
also expect more clown emojis in the next few days
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
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The Real News Network
by Maximillian Alverez
The train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio catapulted the degraded condition of the US’s freight rail network into national consciousness. But workers have been sounding the alarm for years. Long hours, short staffs, poor sick leave, and dangerously extended trains have raised the risks inherent in railroad operations for workers and the public in order to fatten the profit margins of corporate rail carriers. While the Department of Transportation has called for stricter regulation in the wake of East Palestine and other recent disasters, rank-and-file workers say it’s not enough. The problem is not simply one of inadequate regulation, but the power of private, profit-driven interests to shape what is ultimately public infrastructure. 
Thus comes the call to nationalize the railroads. But how might this be accomplished, and how effectively can it solve the problems plaguing the rail system today? Journalist and professor Kari Lyderson and former Railroad Workers United General Secretary Ron Kaminkow join TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez to discuss current issues in the US rail system, and the potential solutions nationalization could offer.
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sataniccapitalist · 1 month
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
As the time counts down to nasrallah's second speech, seemed like an appropriate event to bring recollection to.
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How Brazil's MST fights for agrarian reform while battling hunger
Hunger skyrocketed in Brazil during the tenure of former president Jair Bolsonaro. 33 million Brazilians, some 15% of the entire country, are now food insecure according to official statistics. As Brazil's poorest were abandoned to deal with the overlapping crises of COVID-19 and inflation, the MST, or Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement, stepped in. With 20 million hectares of reclaimed land under their control across 1,200 municipalities, the MST possessed the necessary base of land and labor to effectively make a difference for millions of Brazilians. TRNN reports from the ground in Brazil to investigate how the largest social movement in the Americas is simultaneously eliminating hunger, seizing land for the tillers, and fighting for agrarian reform.
This story, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is part of The Real News Network’s Workers of the World series, telling the stories of workers around the globe building collective power and redefining the future of work on their own terms.
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mojave-pete · 1 year
Follow the link to a Elon post that works on twitter of which tumblr seems to be blocking!!!
This post is about all the trnns gender, gender fluid crap being push down our throats it's a very good post so you know Rated BG
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nando161mando · 1 year
Swedish Communist Party stands with Palestinians against Israeli occupation
“The Communist Party in Sweden—we are the strongest supporters of Palestine [out] of all the other parties in Sweden,” says Jonas Hjelm Smith, Swedish-American human rights activist and member of the Swedish Communist Party, on board the 2023 Gaza Freedom Flotilla. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, a grassroots people-to-people solidarity movement working to end the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, has launched numerous Freedom Flotilla voyages since 2008. TRNN contributor, lawyer, and freelance journalist Dimitri Lascaris reports from The Handala, the flagship vessel of the 2023 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, en route from Gothenburg, Sweden, to Oslo, Norway. On board The Handala, Lascaris speaks with Hjelm Smith about why he is traveling with the Flotilla, and about the Swedish Communist Party’s unwavering support for the Palestinian freedom struggle.
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nadiasindi · 1 month
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theoutcastrogue · 1 year
Even though he was framed for the killing of a local police officer, sentenced without a fair trial, and imprisoned for 44 years, former Black Panther and dearly departed TRNN Executive Producer Marshall “Eddie” Conway never stopped organizing. In 1980, while incarcerated himself as a political prisoner, Eddie helped organize a prisoners’ educational outreach program called “To Say Their Own Word,” which brought thinkers and scholars to Maryland Penitentiary to speak about topics like US fascism, capitalism, the prison-industrial complex, government surveillance, and many other issues that have become even more pressing today. Through their organizing work, Eddie and his fellow inmates were responsible for dramatically increasing literacy levels among prisoners inside the Maryland Penitentiary and transforming the lives of countless inmates. [x]
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alanshemper · 2 months
O'Brien is in hot water as rank-and-file Teamsters speak out against his appearance at the Republican National Convention this week. The International Brotherhood of the Teamsters President was the sole union president to make an appearance at the RNC, and the audience's tepid reception to his anti-corporate message might help explain why he was the only union man around. Rank-and-file members have attacked O'Brien's appearance as undemocratic, harmful to union members of color and LGBTQ Teamsters, and politically unproductive. Longtime Teamsters organizer John Palmer sits down with TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez to discuss the speech, and why the union deserves better.
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Exposing the lies
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rnomics · 11 months
Life, Vol. 13, Pages 2068: Novel #tRNA Gene Rearrangements in the Mitochondrial Genomes of Poneroid Ants and Phylogenetic Implication of Paraponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Ants (Formicidae) are the most diverse eusocial insects in Hymenoptera, distributed across 17 extant subfamilies grouped into 3 major clades, the Formicoid, Leptanilloid, and Poneroid. While the mitogenomes of Formicoid ants have been well studied, there is a lack of published data on the mitogenomes of Poneroid ants, which requires further characterization. In this study, we first present three complete mitogenomes of Poneroid ants: Paraponera clavata, the only extant species from the subfamily Paraponerinae, and two species (Harpegnathos venator and Buniapone amblyops) from the Ponerinae subfamily. Notable novel gene rearrangements were observed in the new mitogenomes, located in the gene blocks CR-trnM-trnI-trnQ-ND2, COX1-trnK-trnD-ATP8, and ND3-trnA-trnR-trnN-trnS1-trnE-trnF-ND5. We reported the duplication of #tRNA genes for the first time in Formicidae. An extra trnQ gene was identified in H. venator. These gene rearrangements could be explained by the tandem duplication/random loss (TDRL) model and the slipped-strand mispairing model. Additionally, one large duplicated region containing tandem repeats was identified in the control region of P. clavata. Phylogenetic analyses based on protein-coding genes and #rRNA genes via maximum likelihood and Bayes methods supported the monophyly of the Poneroid clade and the sister group relationship between the subfamilies Paraponerinae and Amblyoponinae. However, caution is advised in interpreting the positions of Paraponerinae due to the potential artifact of long-branch attraction. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/13/10/2068?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sataniccapitalist · 3 days
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Life inside an MST landless workers’ settlement in Brazil
‘Out there they call us riff raff. But we are really organized. And we are able to build much more than people out there believe.’
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For nearly 40 years, Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) has been fighting the concentration of landownership among the country’s elite through the direct occupation and settlement of fallow lands. Founded at the end of Brazil’s military dictatorship, the MST now has settlements and occupations throughout the nation. TRNN contributor Michael Fox reports from an MST settlement in the state of Paraná, where landless workers have built their own homes, schools, and cooperative farms.
Continue reading or watch the video.
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breakingnews-880 · 2 years
NEWS - We must bring Macron down
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After weeks of targeted strikes, French workers launch an indefinite strike against pension reforms. French President Emmanuel Macron refuses to alter his plans to reform the country's beloved pension system. In an effort to compel his hand last week, unions across France raised the stakes and launched an indefinite strike.
The French government has so far refused to change course despite weeks of targeted strikes by workers against President Emmanuel Macron's plans to raise the national retirement age and reform the country's beloved pension system. For that reason associations across various enterprises raised the risk last week, sending off an endless strike until laborers' requests are met. "We have no choice, we must make Macron back down, make the employers back down," said Eric Challal of the Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques (SUD) Railway Union. We have this chance to fight together as workers because wages are too low, prices are skyrocketing, the threat of war is real, and there is no shortage of money in this society. Brandon Jourdan, a video journalist and contributor to TRNN, covers the most recent escalation of strike actions in France from the streets of Paris.
This video is part of a special Workers of the World series that looks at the crisis with Europe's high cost of living.
Brandon Jourdan, the storyteller: The ongoing strike wave in France against President Emmanuel Macron's pension reforms entered a new phase on March 7, 2023. The government claimed that 1.28 million people participated in strikes, while the unions estimated that 3.5 million people took part in the largest single day of action in decades. The sixth day of national strikes in two months was the most extensive according to either estimate. After the main day of action, tactics have escalated toward continuous strikes in many key sectors because the national strikes have not prevented pension reforms from moving forward.
TotalEnergies: Eric Sellini, General Confederation of Labor (CGT). It is abundantly clear that the government is still carrying out its plan. The presentation was made in the National Assembly; it is now in the Senate. We have the impression that, regardless, Macron is not ready to give up immediately. In this way, that is the reason every one of the associations, and specifically the CGT, we chose to take the preparation up a score and today to check the start of a significant stage as far as preparation which is the start of the ceaseless strike in many organizations the nation over.
Brandon Jourdan (storyteller): A general assembly of railway workers at Gare du Nord was held prior to the main rally in Paris to decide whether or not to continue their strike beyond March 7.
SUD Railway Union's Eric Challal, speaking before the assembly: We haven't seen the strength of workers on this scale in a long time. We also know that because we have all witnessed what transpired in Parliament and the Senate, as well as all of the parliamentary motion pictures, we should not anticipate anything different. A new phase of the movement—the strike—the continuous strike—begins here.
Therefore, I propose that we continue the strike. We accomplished this by holding a general assembly here at 11:00 a.m. Therefore, the general assembly will be reconvened and the strike will continue through tomorrow, the eighth, at 11:00 a.m. https://shazam2-onlinsubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://shazam2-online-subtitrat-2023.statuspage.io/ https://shazam2-filmulonline-2023.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-shazam2-furyofthegods-online-subtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://scream6-onlinesubtitrat-1080p.statuspage.io/ https://screamvi-onlinesubtitrat-2023.statuspage.io/ https://urmariti-scream6-filmulonline.statuspage.io/ https://filme-scream6-2023.statuspage.io/ https://johnwickcapitolul4-onlinesubtitrat2023.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-johnwickcapitolul4-1080p.statuspage.io/ https://johnwickcapitolul4-filmonline-2023.statuspage.io/ https://vezi-johnwickcapitolul4-filmhd-2023.statuspage.io/ https://creediii-filmulonlinesubtitrat-2023.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-creed3-2023-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://urmariti-creed3-hd-2023.statuspage.io/ https://creediii-filmhd2023-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://vezi-ramon-2023-filmonline-1080p.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-ramon-filmonlineromana-1080p.statuspage.io/ https://urmariti-ramon-hd2023.statuspage.io/ https://ramon-filmhd2023-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://vezi-theperfectescape-filmonline-hd1080p.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-theperfectescape-filmonline2023.statuspage.io/ https://urmariti-theperfectescape-hd2023.statuspage.io/ https://theperfectescape-filmhd2023-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://vezi-rominavtm-filmonlinehd1080p.statuspage.io/ https://filmul-rominavtm-onlinesubtoitrat2023.statuspage.io/ https://urmariti-rominavtm-hd2023.statuspage.io/ https://rominavtm-filmhd2023-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://filmul2023-shazam2-onlinesubtitrat.statuspage.io/ https://newsworld-223.blogspot.com/2023/03/we-must-bring-macron-down.html https://fnw-2023.blogspot.com/2023/03/fnw.html https://hutananak35.medium.com/we-must-bring-macron-down-2023-1e146aa66581 https://groups.google.com/g/world-football-news-2022/c/noZj-PlVTOE
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