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adams-fav-roach · 3 days ago
Just a random TLB post
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Some things about TLB that are funny/cool to me;
• The real reason David has gloves on except for like 2 scenes is because Kiefer was hurt and it was to hide that. However, David wearing gloves has become such a staple in the fandom.
• Before Jason and Kiefer were even properly introduced, Kiefer went to Jason when it was his birthday (dude just turned 20 at the time) got the knife, cut the cake, but! The cake was a picture of Jason and Kiefer cut his head off for his piece and walked away with it. If that ain't the most David shit I've ever heard.
• David introduces everyone but Laddie.
• Grandpa.
• Michael shouting down "NO!" at Star when she asks if she can come up and talk to him. Then she proceeds to come up anyway and Sam wraps himself in a blanket as a defense.
• The flying nun.
• Edgar asking Allen at the end how much they think they should charge for this (meaning getting rid of the boys, while looking at the Emerson house in shambles).
• How the boys slept through Michael screaming, the Frogs and Sam.
• David dropping from the bridge and Michael screaming DAVIIIID afterwards.
• How Michael stops screaming for a second after he has let go on the bridge, then proceeds to scream again.
• Where the fuck is Laddie when Michael and Star get it on.
• Originally it was meant to be more Peter Pan like with the Lost Boys being like 13 year olds, but good old Joel made them older.
• Kiefer and Jason went out (as in off the set, out in the real world) to lunch with the vamp makeup on.
• Alex playing Marko as if David was his pimp.
• Alex taking care of the Corey's.
• In the prequel script I will never get over the other boys chasing David down a train.
• Anastasia telling David he is leading with the wrong hand.
• Marko being a feral kitten in the hotel and mimicking David in the prequel.
• Marko saying Vald's ring is his.
• Just Marko vibing in the background in the film, smirking. My little chaos gremlin 🖤
• David caught Michael in the book when they jump from the bridge, he most likely flung Michael on his bed like that.
• Star describes Dwayne as awkward in the book.
• Paul and Dwayne being the fun uncles to Laddie.
• Billy panicked because he was told to do something when he jumped down on the bridge, so he did fingerguns.
• The boys prank Max in the book.
• The boys' reactions to seeing Lucy and Max in the video store, especially Paul's little 👌
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Please feel free to add your own little tidbits 🖤
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lostbetweenvampiresandmusic · 10 hours ago
Even more so when he realises that character is also named Michael
Some random Lost Boys headcanons I have:
Marko loves gore and snuff movies. And he'd probably bring a human to snack on during the movie. A bit the same as us eating in front of cooking shows.
You've heard about dad lore, well they have David lore ! Once every blue moon, the man would mutter some random fact about his life in the 19th century. Like, da fuck you mean you met Bram Stocker !?
Max was born out of wedlock.
I just know in my heart that Star is an indie theater & thrift store girl.
The boys can't sew for shit. Star always end up fixing their cloths.
That one is mostly to conciliate the fact that Laddie is officially 11 and that his actor looks younger than anything. Laddie has been a fledgling vampire for 3 years
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starlahuskyz · 2 days ago
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A lil wip that I cleaned up from last year, pigeon bugging their nap time.
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gothamslostboy · 1 day ago
Guys I think Marko would heavily fuck with doll customization. Please hear me out on this
Just getting to design the clothes, challenging himself to make those intricate ass designs in a small scale, he’d get to repeatedly stab the head while rerooting the doll, and drawing/painting the face would be right up his alley
Occasionally making them as creepy as possible and just leaving them on the front doors of future meals
He makes versions of everyone in the cave and when someone makes him mad he puts the doll in ugly clothes and sets it on a lower shelf
He can just go all out with the gore, making as many different monsters/creatures/urban legends as he can think of
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aviradasa · 12 hours ago
After seeing kiefer Sutherland with long hair it would be so funny if there Was a David x reader where they found like a hella old photo of him when he was alive with longer hair, and they have the same reaction of seeing your crush get a buzzcut and they are basically just asking him
"Why?? Why the fuck would you cut it 😫"
" Because????? I wanted to???"
"That's no excuse you looked majestic 😭"
"Tf do you want an apology?!"
I just feel like it would be hilarious. Matter of fact i need readers reaction to seeing photos of all of them from back in the day cause that would be hilarious.
@vxncevis @ariastur9z @adams-fav-roach @sillyturquoisepuffin
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alethianightsong · 10 months ago
Ok, so in the original Bram Stoker novel, sunlight is not lethal to Dracula. He just loses most of his powers. I'm bringing this up cuz I want a horror comedy where the hero, sensing dawn, tears off the curtains as a last-ditch effort only to have the vampire go "Aw shit, there goes most of my fancy powers. Guess I'll have to beat your ass the old-fashioned way" then proceeds to just deck the hero cuz a vampire at half-strength is still a fucking vampire.
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persephone-s-moon · 3 months ago
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You're one of us now, Michael
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fawndollie · 3 months ago
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80s movie blinkies
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williamprattz · 6 months ago
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The Lost Boys (1987) dir. Joel Schumacher
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adams-fav-roach · 1 day ago
Dwayne: *panicked* Marko!
Marko: *in David's chair with a pigeon on his lap* Yeah?
Dwayne: Have you seen Laddie?! I can't find him anywhere! *turning frantically, Laddie is clinging on the back of Dwayne's jacket, but he doesn't realise*
Laddie: *puts his index finger to his lips, asking Marko to not tell*
Marko: Nope. You asked Paul?
Dwayne: Paul?!
Paul: Yo! Sup?
Dwayne: Have you seen Laddie?!
Paul: He's on your back buddy.
Dwayne: What?
Paul: *plucks Laddie from Dwayne's back*
Dwayne: Oh thank God! Marko! Why didn't you tell me?!
Marko: Laddie asked me not to and it was funny. High five little man.
Laddie: *gives Marko a high five*
Dwayne: *wants to be mad but is happy Marko+Laddie are finally getting along*
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thefuseoftemptation · 1 year ago
me whenever I read smut with the straightest face ever:
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p4r4syte · 6 months ago
if youre cold, theyre cold. Let Them In.
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otonokis · 5 months ago
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insert guitar riff here
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aviradasa · 2 days ago
I had the idea to tell the story of how I got into the lost boys Fandom cause it was lowkey hilarious. This is not told very well but hopefully you get a good laugh out of it 🤣
So one night me and my sister/ best friend where very very high and we where sitting in the living room after finding some food to Munch on. While scrolling through movies on her TV. She landed on the lost boys and i took one look at it and was like "bitch what tf is this?" Cause i had seen the movie around a couple times but never looked into it (except for the one time when i was 3 when my sister put it on and i fell asleep within the first couple minutes ), so I had no clue what it was or what it was about.
She was just like "girl trust me it's good as hell" so she put it on while I was sitting there stuffing my face with Buffalo wings.
Well the carousel scene come on and david rat lookin ass popped on screen and it was immediate hatered cause I though he looked like and asshole. (This is the start to my David hater era and then the love hate relationship i still have with this man)
Then the others came on screen and she has a video of me seeing dwayne for the first time and actually fucking screaming "DAMN YOU DIDNT TELL ME THEY WAS FINE" at her.
Yes I want the video but she hasn't sent it to me in all this time 😭
Well during the movie we would pause it to rant or just to make fun of dumb shit they did.
At David's feet pic scene we paused it and laughed for 10 minutes while just insulting tf out of him and dying.
Then when we learned Paul's name my sister was just like "that is unmoanable who's name is fucking paul" so that started a whole inside joke between us and whenever someone does something dumb we go " He's just Paul. What can he do?" Or anything like that which is hilarious.
Every single time markos name was said we would shout "polo" and i was obsessed with his jacket from the start and she was acting like a proud mother the whole time we watched this movie. Also I was living for how sassy this guy was and from that moment I was convinced Marko was just me as a man
We don't speak on dwayne cause when I first saw that man I went on a tangent about him being fine and me being mad at her for not telling me there where fine mf in the movie and she was just instigating the whole thing. And after the only fucking sentence he said then died I was sitting there looking at her like " you are a traitor ass bitch" cause she told me he lived 😒
I was convinced sam was fruity after the first 10 minutes. He lowkey pissed me off by being so nice to Michael but as a younger siblings I sympathized with him on it, plus him trying to snitch to lucy about everything made me so damn mad at first lmfao.
Micheal.. i was so done with him. Meanwhile my sister is sitting there twirling her hair thinkin he fine. HE PISSED ME OFF SO BAD I remember saying he has a very punchable face. She didn't agree.
We got into an argument because I was saying how I wanted to beat his ass, and she was saying he was to pretty for me to beat up. I am still on the beat Micheal ass team BTW. I just don't hate him AS much as I used to 🤣
We both where gay as fuck for star thats that we both are just gay for her.
I was screaming about the plot though and my sister refused to spoil anything. But I figured out max was the head vampire right when he asked Michael for an invitation so she spent the rest of the movie trying to deny i was right. And she failed lol
When Marko got killed i was ready to square up with her cause she was laughing at my sadness when he died.
This also happened when Paul died but we got distracted cause he had a cool ring on or something that we where obsessing over while he drowned in the bathtub i don't remember.
When Dwayne died we woke her mom up and she screamed at us through the floor to shut the fuck up 🤣🤣 we explained the situation to her though and she was just like "oh yeah that sucked." And left us alone lmfao
When David died i laughed like and evil fucking villain the first time in watched it.
I was then slapped in the back of the head (what a bitch) cause my sister liked him.
(Oh when just learned he came back to life in the comics I was pissed for reasons I would have to express in another post lol)
Then during the end scenes I was so happy to be right about max and I rubbed in her face that I guessed all by myself who the head vampire was without her help and she still tries to say she gave me a hint like no tf you didn't girl I got that all by myself.
Anyways the next night i was on tumblr and the rest was history lmfao thanks for reading 🤣
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skylessknights · 4 months ago
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David and Michael + Train Scene
THE LOST BOYS 1987 | dir. by Joel Schumacher
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