#vlad tepes
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tutanchanup · 3 days ago
I don't know why I have decided to murder you all... I apologise
The Beheading of Vlad Draculea
…a short story intertwined with history.
Now I STRONGLY RECOMMEND PLAYING THIS WHILE READING! (sorry for the weird format but I haven't figured out how to do it properly here on Tumblr yet, someone help me 😅)
Because it captures perfectly the tone of the scene, thus making your experience fuller too 😉
(The video is amazing too if you'd be interested later)
First, the (un)necessary wall of text (feel free to skip 😄):
What historical facts I was inspired by that we have at least somewhat documented:
What his personality seems to be from what we know of him - pragmatic, resilient, unbreakable, a genius strategist and warrior
His behaviour and crowd interaction I base in the ways of mediaeval aristocracy, a field I specialize in*
We know he'd been killed by his enemies shortly after he'd ascended the Wallachian throne for the third time after 12 years of exile, in 1476, at the age of 45.
He was probably attacked by another pretender for the throne
There's a possibility he suffered from haemolacria
Even though in the world he became known by the propagandistic stories depicting him as a monster, fascinatingly, it has never happened in Romania itself. Somehow there survived his image of a just and beloved ruler, something only now the modern science started to discover has basis in history
Facts for those that don't know much about him:
For his memories, I use the real historical events that we know happened in his life
We know he built his castles with secret passages
We know he was an excellent fighter
His war strategies were legendary, he must've been incredibly clever and was very resourceful
His people probably really loved him. He defended them against the Ottomans and brought down those nobles who exploited them. Their living conditions improved greatly during his reign (justice for everyone, no unfair immunity for boyars, support of lower class, tax exemption for craftsmen, new roads, ending exploitation from Saxons, rewards for common people, commoners lifted to boyar status, ending the sending children as slaves to the Ottomans).
One theory states that that was the reason why they called him Drakgwlya (Dracula means ‘son of the dragon’- his father had the nickname ‘Dracul=Dragon’, his enemies changed that to ‘son of the devil’, but it has one other possible origin - as you'll find out later in the story)
My assumptions that I used to cover the missing parts:
If I was Vlad's enemy and managed to overpower him, instead of murdering him on the spot I'd choose to behead him publicly, had I the chance (beheading was the only allowed way how to execute a nobleman - btw Vlad upheld that too, he never impaled them, as opposed what the propaganda stories accuse him of).
Why? See the following:
His people were waiting for his return for 12 years with patience and hope. I would want to make sure that they'd see that he's finished for good and that there's no chance that he could return again somehow someday
Vlad the Impaler at this point had an absolutely massive reputation as undefeatable scourge of his enemies (an image even strengthened by the propaganda depicting him as the devil incarnate). I'd absolutely want to create in the public eye the physical image of me being the one ending him
We think that his head was probably sent to the sultan of the Ottoman empire, Mehmed II. Possibly shortly after. But in mediaeval times, the body of the fallen monarch was preserved and paraded around, so that people could make sure that he's really dead - both his followers and his enemies. However without head, how could you persuade them that that's really the legendary Vlad the Impaler and not just some guy in his armour? Public execution solves this, as there would be testimonies from people that saw it happen
*His personality in my works is based on my own thorough research. I'm considering his upbringing as a 15th-century voivode - influenced by medieval Christianity, and needing the moral code required of a ruler who led his people into battle (I'll do some posts on these later).
Does he sound like a B-movie superhero to you? That's not a coincidence! Modern superheroes are the continuation of mediaeval legendary knights. And many traits we associate with classic heroes - unwavering courage, honor, strategic brilliance, and even calculated ruthlessness - were not just ideals for a medieval ruler. They were necessary for survival. A voivode leading his army personally into battle couldn’t afford fear, hesitation, or weakness. His power depended on his ability to inspire loyalty, intimidate enemies, and outmaneuver both foreign invaders and internal threats.Those who succeeded in embodying these ideals became themselves legends or saints - like Charlemagne or Vlad’s cousin, St. Stephen (guess whom he had the opportunity to learn from…).
And if one thing is certain, Dracula’s name became more than legendary.
This short story tries to imagine how that could've happened.
Now let's leave the realm of cold facts and musings, and let us step into the warm embrace of art:
Hear, hear! For I have a tale to tell you, of the last day of Vlad Voda of Wallachia:
And let the captivating tones of the bard Farya Faraji wash over your ears while I will be doing so.
Vlad Draculea, or "the Impaler" as he's become known lately, was standing in a cold, dark cell of his own castle. A massive iron collar around his neck, the chain linked to it binding him to the iron bars of the prison.
That collar was the problem.
You see, he had expected something like this could happen. He wasn't called one of the best strategists of his time for nothing. He knew that there was a chance that one day some of the pretenders to the throne could capture him and throw him in a cell so they could prepare to execute him publicly. He would have done the same. That's why he had rebuilt his castles with secret passages leading from the prison cells he could one day find himself in, including this one. The secret way was hidden under the wooden bench, its opening accessible after removing the third floor stone from the right of the northern wall.
But he hadn't counted for the collar.
It wasn't there when he last checked the state of the castle after his return from 12 years of exile. But his enemy has fished it out of who knows where.
Apparently, the ingenuity of Vlad Draculea had become so legendary, that his enemies made sure to be thorough. Curses.
And so he had ended with an iron collar around his neck, chained to the bars, just a few steps away from the secret passage that could've led him to safety, and yet now made agonizingly unreachable.
He tugged at the chain again, but it was no use, the metal was just too strong.
Vlad couldn't but laugh heartily at the sweet irony of this whole situation.
The saddest thing is, that of all places, the shackle was around the neck. If he'd been chained by wrists, he would consider breaking his thumbs. Maybe he'd manage to break his ankles too, if the shackles had been there instead. But breaking his neck was... a possibility, for sure, but not one that would lend him much advantage.
Vlad smirked again and slightly bowed his head in respectful admiration. "Well played, indeed!" he mused. As a warlord he could always appreciate a clever strategy, even when it was used to defeat him.
But he didn't bash himself over his defeat for too long. He knew he had done the best he could. This wasn't really something he could have prevented in advance.
Sometimes, life was just like this. Sometimes, even the best strategy still couldn't guarantee that you stayed alive.
There was no use in spending his last moments on earth wallowing in pointless grief.
So instead, he decided to use this moment of respite to contemplate his life. And what a life that has been!
He smiled sadly at his cruel childhood. He wept briefly for those he'd loved that had fallen. He laughed again at the times that had brought him joy. He smiled with gratefulness at the moments when he had felt true happiness.
And then he finished with a short prayer, thanking God that he could've lived through all that, and now pleading that his soul be received in heaven.
He then took a deep breath in and out and then looked at the cold cell around him anew, his expression now calm.
"I wonder what awaits me next?" he pondered. The thoughts about his own death inadvertently looming over him couldn't be escaped. But maybe, it won't be so bad... Maybe he'll see his loving wife again. What a nice sight that would be, to once more see her with her arms open, welcoming him home after he will return from his very last battle.
He might even set his eyes upon the face of his beloved brother Mircea, now surely a better sight than when he'd last seen him, when his dead face with gouged out eyes was marked by the horror of having been buried alive. Ah, how he was excited to see him smile again instead!
And his father would be there too... father who he'd hated until the last moment for giving him away to the Ottomans as a hostage and then subsequently betraying them, thus sentencing his own son to death, which neither of them couldn't have known at the time that wouldn't come. But then when Vlad met him again he'd sacrificed himself to save Vlad and Radu’s lives... Vlad longed for the opportunity to talk to him again ever since.
And then of course there would be his dear mother, who he had last seen when he was just 7 years old, and never got to know what had become of her after that. Now he will finally be able to hear her story.
Vlad smiled wryly at those thoughts.
His chain of thought was broken by the metallic sound of keys in the door. Ah, the time has finally come. He looked with a bittersweet smile as that damned collar fell to the floor. Oh well. Now when the fully armed soldiers had clasped him firmly with their hands, it was a dead end anyway.
As they led him over the courtyard that his steps had marked for so many times before, he quickly assessed the situation. The soldiers were many. Too many. And they were armed too. Even if he managed to wriggle himself free from their grip, they would catch him before he'd even reach the closest window. No, the only thing that would achieve was him dying sooner, with no pride whatsoever, and staining his reputation with the mark of "coward" as well. That simply wasn't worth it.
So he let them lead him to the newly raised wooden terrace, where his enemy already awaited him, along with the executioner's sword, and the crowd to behold that. Draculea walked with his head proudly raised, a brave smile across his face. He wasn't scared at all. Why should he be? Fear would do him no service, especially not now. Being scared wouldn't change the situation in any way, so why spoil his last moments with it? He was calm instead, his gaze already fixed beyond mortal matters. He didn't pay much attention to the words of his enemy. It didn't matter anyway, and he would risk that he would roll his eyes if he heard his enemy boasting how he was the one to bring the fearsome Vlad the Impaler to his demise.
His gaze stopped at the sight of the beheading block, and his eyes sparked with curiosity: "I wonder how that will be!"
Then suddenly, a sharp shout tore him away from his thoughts.
It came from the public.
He looked at the crowd for the first time. He didn't pay them much attention before, as he wasn't interested in seeing faces of people cheering over his demise or laughing at his defeat. But he was surprised that that wasn't what he saw. No. The expressions he saw were full of... sadness. The people... His people... were mourning him. "Vlad Voda!" one man had cried with desperation. Soon one woman accompanied him, tears running down her face. These were the people who'd waited for 12 years for his return, and now they were forced to see their hopes of him being their ruler once again thwarted before their very own eyes. "Vlad Voda, don't leave us!!! Don't go, dragul...!"
Dragul. Beloved. The name his people had given him.
Vlad smiled at them kindly, saying without words "But what can I do?"
From the crowd came the answer: "Fight!"
Vlad almost laughed out loud. What use could there be in fighting? Don't they see the odds? The platform was full of armed soldiers, two of them were holding him as well, and his hands were tied behind his back.
But the crowd stood firm. "Fight them!! Fight, Vlad Voda!!!!"
Vlad smiled again at the unfaltering faith they had in his fighting skills.
But then he gave it a moment's thought. Sure, there was no chance to win whatsoever, he knew that beyond doubt. But maybe... Maybe it would be nice to have one last battle. To once more unleash the admirable strength of his body that he had cultivated since childhood. To use the battle skills he had drilled into his mind with such care that they became part of his instincts now. To feel his heart race with adrenaline in the heat of battle ...for that one last time.
But the voice inside his head had stopped him. It was that voice which always rose up to make him aware that he as a voivode had responsibility to his people. He couldn't just let his own desires win. His life wasn't his own, it never was, it always belonged to his people. He was there to serve. And starting a fight here and there wouldn't do them much service, what if they'd risen up and started fighting the guards themselves? That would result in a bloodshed.
He looked back at his people with an apologetic smile.
But they weren't satisfied, no, they had started to rally even more when they noticed he'd actually considered their proposition. Someone started shouting his name, and more people joined. They wanted to see. They wanted to see their Vlad Voda fight one last time.
Vlad again eyed the surrounding, his eyes narrowing in focus as he was taking assessment of his situation. Then he smiled with a playful smile. Truly, there was no chance. But he himself was curious - how many soldiers he could take down before they'd overpower him? One? Two? Five? It was surely a challenge with conditions like this, especially since his own arms were still tied behind his back. But he always rose up to a good challenge!
And if this was the wish of his people, he'll hear out their call! All his life was tied down with responsibility, but maybe now, moments before his own end, he could let himself be free. He deserved at least that one short moment of freedom.
So be it then!
He gave his people a mischievous smile as his old fighting spirit was rekindled in his green eyes. The crowd had noticed and held their breath with excitement. But the guards, who didn't see his face, didn't notice. And so he striked!
In one fast moment, quick as the strike of lightning and just as deadly, he'd butted the head of a soldier next to him with his forehead. The soldier shrieked out with pain as his nose broke and sprayed him with shower of blood. Before the other soldier had even time to notice what happened, Vlad had already managed to slam with full force into his belly with his shoulder, effectively bringing the soldier to the ground. The crowd cheered loudly. Seeing Vlad fighting was a symphony to behold. Vlad was always an excellent fighter, there wasn't anyone who could've bested him in one to one combat. Even here, overwhelmed, his moves were lightning fast, and his hits powerful and resourceful too. When he couldn't use his arms - as they were tied behind his back - he used his feet instead, kicking with deadly precision at the weakest points in the soldiers defences, who weren't prepared for such an unorthodox attack from below. While they were trying to grab him, he'd kicked them out of balance, toppling them to the ground before they could even use their weapons. Vlad had moved with the swift elegance of a deadly dancer, dancing between their pole arms and using his legs, head and shoulders to carry out strikes. He even managed to make use of his elbows, restricted that they were. And at one moment he made a soldier run away while only using his fierce expression, he was proud of that one!
No less than eleven soldiers were out before one managed to hit Vlad in the back of his head with the pommel of a sword, bringing him to his knees. Another five soldiers clasped him, taking a hold of every inch of his body should he find a way to use that in a fight somehow. The crowd shouted with disappointment. Vlad gave them one last look, an apologetic smile across his face, as if he was saying "I did the best I could, but the odds weren't in my favour. Forgive me.
But thank you. It was fun."
With the corner of his eye he saw the massive blade of the executioner's sword swing. He bowed his head in reverence, accepting his fate with grace.
And then, just a moment before the sword fell and severed his head from his body, one single tear dropped from his eye. It had the vivid colour of blood - a condition he was affected by since childhood. The scarlet tear contrasted brightly with his pale face as it made its way across his cheek, found a way through his beard, until it reached his chin and from there dripped on the soil of his kingdom.
It wasn't a tear spilled over a sadness of his life, or the cruelty of his fate.
It was a tear mourning what could've been but wasn't to be anymore.
And as his enemy has grasped his raven black hair and lifted his severed head for all the people to see, the face of Vlad Draculea had for one last time looked down at his people. And on his face has been clearly strewn his last expression, now etched there for the rest of eternity. It showed his people kind smile, yet his brow was full of courage, his fighting spirit staying alive even while his own soul has left the mortal plane.
Because his face told to his people this last message:
"We have lived. We have fought. And it was worth it!"
And his people have never forgotten this. Outside of his realm he became known as the sadistic tyrant from the woodcut-printed stories. But his OWN people have never forgotten who he really was. Even as the dent of time has stripped down every living memory of him, deep down they remembered.
Even 550 years later.
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Made in thank you to the marvelous community around the real Vlad Draculea. The illustrious Corpus Draculianum, working tirelessly on finding new knowledge about Vlad, buried in old documents and archaeological sites. For their dedication in clearing Vlad’s name in the eye of the public, fighting against vampiric monsters and child-eating tyrants, however impossible a task that seems to be. And also as thank you to the Vlandom, the amazing community which celebrates what could Vlad teach us still, and in their works, be it written stories or memes, make him live once again.
… And last but not least:
Mulțumesc, Măria Ta.
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I am not well
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My piece for @castlevaniaszn!
I was honored to be a part of this amazing zine with amazing artist!
I had Summer and just love to create family moments that they shared.
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alethianightsong · 10 months ago
Ok, so in the original Bram Stoker novel, sunlight is not lethal to Dracula. He just loses most of his powers. I'm bringing this up cuz I want a horror comedy where the hero, sensing dawn, tears off the curtains as a last-ditch effort only to have the vampire go "Aw shit, there goes most of my fancy powers. Guess I'll have to beat your ass the old-fashioned way" then proceeds to just deck the hero cuz a vampire at half-strength is still a fucking vampire.
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ineedmoretrevorcardcontent · 4 months ago
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Guess who lost their emotional support Lisa, guys😔
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didanagy · 2 months ago
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dir. francis ford coppola
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macmanx · 2 years ago
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Vlad The Inhaler
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pinkmirth · 10 months ago
Hiiii! Hope you are well!
Hey I know you are Alucard's number 1 fan🥰 but I was wondering if you would consider writing something (maybe smutty🫣) for us girlies who prefer his daddy.
Sincerely, a Vlad girlie!!
as much as i adore adrian, i cant deny that he gets half of those looks from his father . . . dracula lovers surely deserve a treat too, so here’s a little handful of hcs for papa vlad >.<
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protective to the very ends of the earth, is what he is. vlad’s doting to the point where it could come across as concern— but when you have the very king of the undead as your beloved, there isn’t much to fear.
with a man of his stature, over seven feet with the broadest shoulders, largest hands and coldest gaze, just know that the size kink is turned all the way on. though he has to crouch a bit lower to just kiss you, he’ll always make sure to meet you where you stand and shower you in his affection.
let’s give a reminder as to why the people call this man the ‘impaler,’ because he’s packing enough to pull at least five orgasms from you. vlad’s a good 220 cm tall, of course he’d have so much to offer you in bed. there, he takes things ever so slowly; interlacing his hands with yours, careful of his claws, while his other cold palm goes to press against your waist, pulling you into his imposing frame. firm muscle and cool flesh is what you feel when in his grasp. his thrusts are paced, thoughtful, and just enough to make you writhe and mewl beneath him. his goatee grazes your skin as he comes to plant a kiss to your forehead, his breathing heavy and rasped. vlad groans out his endearment, hips throttling forward to slam into yours. as you hold onto him for dear life, legs entangling behind his waist, he goes on to whisper how greatly he loves you.
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eurikaplisetsky · 1 month ago
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More noomdles ft. Sweepy grampa vlad
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sharpenededges · 2 months ago
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periodcostumefantasylover · 7 months ago
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Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024
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Day: 4 Favorite Relationship
Vlad & Mirena (Mina) in Dracula Untold
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acebender · 6 months ago
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black-ak9 · 9 months ago
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"Drink as much as you want
I'd like to join you but I don't drink ...wine."
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spookychiptune · 5 months ago
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Children of the night. What music they make!
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dontcallmetreffy · 3 months ago
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The Nocturne discord I’m in pointed out how tall Alucard appears now so I rounded up screenshots of different vampires next to humans to show just how freakishly tall they are in comparison
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ineedmoretrevorcardcontent · 3 months ago
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Part 2
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didanagy · 2 months ago
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dir. francis ford coppola
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