leeksoupforstardew · 21 days
I made the ultimate tierlist for the characters spice tolerance (minus leon and birdie)
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daniel-nerd · 7 months
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biancadavri · 5 months
if YOU were to fumble a dwarven woman there would be nothing on this earth that would bring you joy no therapy that would fix you no riches that would make it worth it people would look you in the eyes and see nothing behind them think before making alistair king
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
I love how most of the Hobbit (1977) characters look pretty decent compared to their modern counterparts. Like...
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Good. Nice long beard, staff to not let them pass. Perfect for our favorite weed wizard. 10/10
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Pretty decent. Looks a little bit like a human chipmunk, but he's doing his best and is cute in his own Hobbit way.
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Snow white and the, like, 13 dwarves? 'can't blame them for going basic and at least they look like dwarves, so I'll let it pass
And then there's just...
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...Oh God. Thranduil, what have they done to you?!
This...This is a criminal offense right here! Dwarf propaganda at it's finest!
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
Round 1 Group 12
Cat (Red Dwarf) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
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yacrimago · 10 months
I'm back 😊
I'll try to draw a bit more now. So here you can have this young Ori, yes, he's still my favourite and I hope that you like it @i-did-not-mean-to because I always think of you while drawing him.
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catebees · 1 year
Can I just say how much I love Verena’s facial hair? It inspired me to give my own Aeducan girlie a nice moustache :)
I'm so happy to hear this!! I'm such a fan of bearded dwarven women, it's great to know another one joined the club! I'm sure everybody has already seen it but the concept art book for The Hobbit movies has so many renders of beautiful dwarven ladies sporting great facial hair styles, if you ever want to take further inspiration:
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these are just some examples!
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loremastering · 1 year
Only including those who are non canon to the books and featured most prominently, or whoever caught my eye ;)
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please (hot) dwarf mickbell win
Too shy to post it under the poll itself?
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chunky-doggo · 1 year
Just say no!
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A fun spoof of an old soviet era poster, I think the origional was trying to tell people to not drink booze with meals? Anyway, I like the whole Elves Vs Dwarfs Dorf Fort has going on and I tried to capture the low graphic nature of the game in a different way to the previous PETSCII/ASCII ones.
I actually like salad, but as part of a meal, not the whole thing itself.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Apple of my eye
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This beautiful moodboard has been made by @sorisooyaa, my beloved baby...
In an attempt to break me out of my funk, here comes a little Ori story from the sweet sheet of the @fellowshipofthefics February Bingo.
Words: 1.5 k
Characters: Ori x reader
Prompt: Kissing in the rain
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Your thoughts were flickering in and out of focus as you stared at the raindrops running down the opaque windowpane beside you despondently.
The weather had been rotten for days and you yearned for sunshine and blue skies with almost childlike fervency.
“What I wouldn’t give for a sweet, golden apple,” you sighed, well-aware of how whimsical and random that thought was, and leaned your head against the cool glass.
Rainstorms always made you feel profoundly lonely; they were meant for lazy cuddling by the fire and self-indulgent poetry readings. Unfortunately for you, the one who insidiously crept into all of your daydreams of sweet, innocent togetherness seemed stubbornly oblivious to your affections and so, you were doomed to petulant moping instead.
The slamming of a door interrupted your morose thoughts suddenly, and you looked up in surprise; surely, nobody would dare brave the vicious downpour when nightfall was so close at hand. You were, after all, well supplied and there was no good reason to venture forth at this hour.
“Lassie,” Dwalin grumbled reproachfully, “take a care what you wish for!”
Startled, you scanned the room and soon realised that it was indeed Ori, the very person you had been musing about so miserably, who had left the shelter of the small hut you were perched-up in together until the storm had abated.
“What is he thinking?” you exclaimed in dismay, springing to your numb feet in alarm.
“You’ve asked for some fruit, so he went to get you what your heart desires.”
“Nonsense!” you opined vehemently. “Why would he do something so recklessly thoughtless? He’ll get mired down in the mud or lose his way in the blinding rain! What my heart desires…and he leaves, really!”
Kíli gave you a long, dumbfounded stare, his unwavering disbelief starkly evident in every single line of his face.
“Ori would try to unhook the moon and pick stars like flowers for you,” he eventually said and shook his head regretfully. “Not that it has done him much good thus far.”
The heat of indignation and of disappointed love rose into your cheeks as you strode towards the door without sparing a thought or word for the unduly forward prince.
“Bloody fool,” you cursed. “Thrice confounded idiot!” Without paying any further heed to the astonished faces turning towards you in your passionate outburst either, you threw open the door and rushed out into the onslaught of icy water fearlessly.
Immediately, rivulets of stunning cold made their way down your spine and permeated your clothes as you advanced, tottering, towards the nearby line of fruit trees on unsteady feet.
This might well have been a mistake, you conceded, but you were too proud and decided to turn back now like a beaten cur.
Soon, you could make out the beloved silhouette of a small, dainty being – leaning forward to defy the vengeful violence of the sheets of rain driving him back – moving resolutely under the shadow of the dark trees.
He turned around, wiping one hand over his eyes to clear his vision.
“What are you doing? Come in! It’s raining too much for you to go trudging off alone; it’s not safe.”
With a small, slightly quivering smile, he let his other hand shoot forward and – as his stiff fingers unravelled – you could discern a beautiful, golden apple lying like an unlooked-for treasure in his palm.
“I just…you said..” Ori grimaced and took a step towards you, his offering still stretched out reverently in front of his drenched and wretchedly trembling body.
Before you could either chide or thank him, he slipped on a treacherous spot of deep mud and fell hard.
“Ori!” You hastened forward, instantly losing your balance as your foot caught on a stone that had been obscured by the churned-up earth, and slithered into him on your hands and knees. “Are you okay? Oh, you shouldn’t have!”
Overcome by worry and love, you started patting his legs and arms – checking your hands for blood every other second – in a public display of attachment you would have been deeply ashamed of if anyone else had witnessed it.
“I just wanted to make you feel better,” Ori finished his previous thought quietly. “You looked so very sad because of the rain.”
“The rain?” It was true that you were not overly fond of overcast weather, but it had not really been the storm that had soured your mood. Maybe, you thought, it was time to tell him the truth; for once, you were perfectly alone and – surrounded by a veil of water – you truly felt as if you were the only people left alive in a world made of fury and darkness.
“I have tried to make you understand how much you mean to me for weeks now,” you confessed, crawling up over his prone body and staring longingly into his wide eyes. “It was the lack of a favourable reaction from you that has dampened my joy.”
Ori blinked in confusion. “That is highly irregular,” he finally said. “I might be slow, but I am steady; thus, I have dutifully studied your glances and smiles and I’ve memorised every one of them to make sure that I was not deluding myself.”
Proffering his apple once more, he blushed furiously. “I would have fulfilled your every wish, proving myself to be caring and reliable and then, a few months hence, I might have gathered the courage to present you with a token of my undying affection, made by my own hands and accompanied by a long letter of confession.”
He looked positively distraught now, wiping at his wet hair falling into his beautiful face periodically and gazing up at you with imploring intensity. “Never would I have guessed that my reticence would cause you pain. You must believe me when I swear that this was never my intention!”
You wanted everything he had described, of course, but you desired him more; you were restless and wet, and consequently good manners and wise precaution were not foremost in your troubled mind at that moment.
“Tell me true, Ori dearest, do you reciprocate my helpless infatuation then?”
“Of course!” he exclaimed, obviously scandalised by the minute flicker of doubt in your expression. “How could I not? Take this apple as a proof of my devotion; you yearned for sweetness and sunshine, and I’d stop the very rain from falling if only the depth of my love could tear the heavenly veils.”
“Sweetness,” you mused with a smirk and leaned forward to press your lips onto his brow. “I accept what you are offering, my darling.”
That face you had been dreaming about for so many days and nights was tilted up ever so slightly and your heart understood the cautious invitation before your mind could even make sense of everything that was happening; your lips wandered across his freckled cheeks and along his soft, bearded jaw to land softly on that expressive mouth you so admired.
It was still raining hard and, every so often, you tossed your head back to draw a deep breath to avoid drowning in your greed and the abundance of water battering your back unforgivingly, but – now that you had Ori to yourself – you couldn’t stop kissing him until you were light-headed with giddy triumph.
“You’re soaked,” you finally laughed, leaning your forehead against his, “and so am I. Let’s go in and dry off; I am more than willing to share my bedroll with you until we’re warmed up again.”
His golden eyes flashed with hints of amber and onyx as he realised that you were the only one allotted a separate chamber for privacy reasons; he had never set foot in that forbidden room and the thought of being secluded with you in so intimate a manner made his blush deepen and his fingers tremble.
“Highly…” he started.
“Irregular? Indecent? Tempting?” you supplied with a wink and scrambled to your feet cautiously, grabbing his hand and pulling him up alongside you.
“Well, you’ve risked your health and happiness to get me an apple,” you grinned. “I would be remiss indeed if I didn’t risk my reputation and integrity to show myself appropriately grateful.”
Once more, he looked highly bewildered by your forwardness, but he followed you back to the cabin without saying another word.
“Ah, you’re alive!” The members of his company – friends and kin – seemed both relieved and amused by the muddy, drenched, pathetic sight of your victorious return.
“Indeed,” you said, still dragging Ori by the hand and presenting your apple proudly. “We shall now retire to clean up and to celebrate the successful foray of our dearest Ori.”
You disappeared into the small room at the end of the hall under a hail of hooting and hollering; someone wisely prophesied that Ori would end up marrying you and someone else – Kíli if your ears did not betray you – predicted an outcome of a much lewder variety.
If you had any say in the matter, as you hoped you would, you’d prove each and every one of them right before long.
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So, special thanks to my darling baby for this beautiful edit...
And thanks to @fellowshipofthefics for the lovely prompts and the support.
Lots of love from a very sad little me!
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petirrojito · 3 months
If we are gonna say senshi is feminine by dwarf standards it rly needs to be different from our own gender roles. He can cook and is caring is old news. I need shit like he wears sandles and has a long beard instead of a short one. He doesn’t look after his axe. He’s fat as hell. The fairy
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wall-e-gorl · 2 years
My sister went to dnd club today <3 there's a 2ft tall halfling and a 7ft tall ??? in her party and the tall one threw the halfing at her when they first met
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bowiesbulge · 4 months
Early Jolkien is so mean to dwarves I can't... why would he write about them being massacred to the sound of elven laughter in the Lost Tale of the Nauglafring..... my babies....
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yacrimago · 1 year
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Do I have something for ModernAu! teenage Ori? YES! I think he's cute in that way. I tried with another colour for the line art, what do you think? Btw, sorry for the shoes, so simple asdasdas but I still don't know how to draw them. :3
Anyway, hope you like it, specially @i-did-not-mean-to I always think of you when I draw Ori.
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mlmshipbracket · 9 months
ROUND 5: POLL #1 - Finals!
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Gigolas art by alba_r_art on instagram
Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin:
Any knife ear who has enough taste to pick a dwarf can’t be that bad and they're both the best from their respective LOTR races
Propaganda by @bowlofstars (tags) [HERE]
Propaganda by @lotreaux (tags) and @shittierpost (screenshot reply) [HERE]
Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth:
One of the best examples of friends to strangers to “enemies” to lovers. Despite being technically enemies they still help each other through the game. The way they talk to each other is extremely telling of their relationship. You can really just feel the tension between these two. The fact Phoenix becomes a lawyer just to have a chance at seeing Edgeworth again(after knowing him for like a few months when they were kids).The whole “unnecessary feelings” line Edgeworth gives. The unwavering trust Phoenix puts in Edgeworth through the last case of the game.
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