ajaynetic · 11 months
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I just saw a clip from the episode and I’m actually losing it. That single clip got way too many emotions stirring in me now. Ramble in tags
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diamondsheep · 2 years
Ram!!!!! Ram I started watching One Piece because of you and I'm only a few episodes in but it's really entertaining! Luffy is a super charming character, the color palette is eye catching (bright yet easy on the eyes) and the animation really surprised me! The artstyle is simple but the animation team really did a lot with it. I used to not like the artstyle but actually seeing it in motion changed my mind and I'm noticing a lot of unique things about it that make me like it more
I see that my One Piece spam propaganda worked >:3c ✨ !!!!
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I totally agree with you !! Luffy is a really fun protagonist and he has a heart of gold ❤ ( aaaa you will see in the next episodes / seasons how kind he is c: )
Yeah !!! One Piece has really interesting color palettes and character designs, they always catched my attention even before I actually started watching OP
And i totally get it, at first sight the art style is little bit weird ? Some of the characters have weird proportions (looking at you most of female designs 😑 ) and is definitely is not what you would expect from a typical shonen anime artstyle but at the end they have a really nice charm 💖 !! And they are super recognizable !!
Plus I think that Oda's artstyle is pretty much influenced by cartoons, ( hence Luffy literally being a rubber man and you know rubber hose animation n stuff... ) and i think THAT is what makes the animation so GOOD, the movement and facial expressions of the characters are exaggerated in such a cartoony way that makes the animation so unique ?
And oh boy in each arc it keeps getting better and better !! (I still haven't fully catched up with the anime but as always i like to spoil myself cof cof 😅 )  and In the last episodes they have released I keep getting surprised because it is SO COOL 😭 and tbh i started watching One Piece cuz someone in my 2D animation class shared a clip of the current arc / season (i think) and aaa my jaw dropped and i almost cried from how beautiful that animation was 🤣
And i find it interesting that in each arc you can actually see how the studio and the autor keep advancing as artists ? It is really inspiring and you can totally tell how much they love One Piece 💖
adkfksjfks sorry for gushing about One Piece so much, it is just that is so interesting and i love it so much !! i could totally keep writting about One Piece's animation, story and artstyle all day and I'm really happy that you are enjoying it 😄I know that watching OP can be a long journey but it's totally worth it 💖✨
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
Why you should give Text Adventure games a try (and how to do so)
There is not nearly enough love for Text Adventure Games here on Tumblr. Or anywhere really. But especially here, I feel like you guys would really get a kick out of them. Here's why:
(quick note, I'm gonna be using the words Text Adventure and Interactive Fiction pretty interchangeably here. Technically that's not perfectly accurate, they are technically different things, but I don't care to explain the difference Just roll with it.)
Do you like weird short stories told through unconventional mediums? That's most of what Interactive Fiction is
You like story based video games but hate the finicky combat? Congrats, there is literally no combat skill required beyond the ability to type "hit guard with crowbar"
Blind or visually impaired? Since these games are (with a few exceptions) entirely text based, they work great with a screen reader!
Sick of profit motivated AAA titles with no creative integrity? Well, these games are almost always produced by a single nerd (usually a horrid amalgamation of computer geek and literature geek) with no budget and no responsibilities of the product they're making. And they're usually not paid, since these games are free. Text Adventure is a labour of love, and in most games you can feel the care and effort the creator has put into the game.
Sick of spending $20-70 on a video game? Lucky you, I've been playing TA for years and I have not spent a cent in doing so (Fallen Londen will try to make you pay. But Fallen Londen sucks and is run by bigots. Fuck Fallen London.) Games are either available free on a browser, or as free, small downloadable files (most of which can be played using the Parchment Interpreter)
Wish you read more, but reliant on the quick dopamine of digital media? Well now you can read while also being an active participant in the narrative.
Bad at puzzles? Me too! Games from the 80s and 90s, as well as more famous newer games, have walkthroughs and hints easily available online. Newer games tend to either have a "hint" command, or come with a walkthrough file.
Do you like weird surrealist horror? Well there's... A lot of it.
Okay, but where do I start?
So there are two types of text adventure. The one you might be more accustomed to, and which sees more modern use, is called Hypertext Interactive Fiction. The other is called Parser Interactive Fiction, it's generally seen in older games, as well as games that are larger, feature more puzzles, or involve more exploration.
Hypertext games
Basically, the game will give you a scenario, and then a list of options (hypertext links) to click on to decide what to do next. These are usually more beginner friendly since you don't need to fiddle around with parsers, but personally I find them a bit limiting. Nonetheless, if you're new to Text Adventure, they're a good place to start.
Some of my favourites hypertext games (summaries in green)
My Father's Long, Long Legs is an interactive horror story about family, unease, and loss. Really more of a story than a game, but still good. Very nice use of sound. It does have some visual aspects, so this one might not work with screen readers
Scene Kid Simulator is pretty much what it says on the tin. A cute, nostalgic, coming-of-age slice of life story from the POV of a 2000s scene preteen. Nothing special, but a fun time.
The Uncle Who Works at Nintendo is a strange, unconventional, witty, and heartfelt horror game. Your friend has an uncle who he says works for Nintendo. You're about to meet him, or so he says. A fun and spooky look at childhood, childhood friendships, and childhood lies.
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonald's is... A joy to play. The name says it all honestly. Witty, charming, tense, engaging, and emotional when it wants to be. I actually found this one through a lucky Tumblr Blaze, which makes sense since this is perfectly suited to Tumblr sensibilities. This one has more puzzle aspects than most hypertext games, but it's still relatively easy and beginner friendly. You're a vampire hunter. It's your night off, and you go to McDonald's. But there's something wrong with the customer sitting beside you...
Toadstools is a game about hunting mushrooms. You have trespassed in a national park and you are wandering blindly through the woods looking for rare fungi. Good luck :)
Parser games
Okay these fuckers are where I really get excited. These games have the classic flashing cursor line where you input text like "go north", "search bookshelf", or "kiss my husband", and the game's rudimentary AI parses your input to decide what happens next. These are my favourites. They really allow you the feeling of exploring the game world, immerse you in the protagonist and the story, using just text on a screen and simple inputs. This does make them considerably more difficult, since a) you need to decide the right way to phrase what you want to do, otherwise it won't work, and b) more possibilities means more chances to mess up and miss things. Unlike video games, your cursor won't light up when you see something important, you'll have to search stuff and work things out on your own But, in my opinion, it is so, so worth it. Summaries in red
The first text adventure game I ever played was One Eye Open. It's an extremely graphic and gory medical horror game (although I would consider it tasteful medical horror, in that it never derives horror from medical procedures, disability, or ooOoHh gross scary sick people) You play as a volunteer test subject for a medical research facility, having to unravel the mystery of the hospital's bloody past. It's good. It's fun. It's tense. It has some really dumb mechanics. Don't play if you're sensitive to descriptions of gore, death, or corpses. This one doesn't have a walkthrough, but I've played it enough times to know the puzzles by heart, DM me if you need help.
Anchorhead is possibly my favourite piece of interactive fiction I've ever played. It's incredible. You play as a newlywed woman, moving to the small seaside town of Anchorhead after your husband Michael inherited a mansion from some distant relatives. There's something wrong with the town though. There's definitely something wrong with your husband's mysterious ancestors. And you're starting to think that there might be something strange happening to Michael. Get ready for some wonderfully atmospheric and immersive Lovecraftian horror, action sequences that are incredibly vibrant for Text Adventure, and a super compelling mystery that the game lets you work out on your own. The puzzles here are hard. I'm not gonna lie, I used a walkthrough at several points during this game. But my god it's worth it. Big massive huge content warning here for mentions of incest, sexual assault, and pedophilia. Not in excess, and nothing explicit, but it will be mentioned as part of the story.
Little Blue Men is a short, strange, sci-fi-ish horror-ish comedy-ish game by the same author as Anchorhead, though the two games are wildly different. You are an office worker. Cope with it. Take The Stanley Parable, Stella Firma, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, mash 'em together, and you have Little Blue Men. It's bizarre. It's evocative. It's pretty darn good.
Coloratura is a strangely beautiful sci-fi story. You're a weird little alien blob. You've been separated from your home and are trapped aboard a human spaceship. You need to get home, need to make the humans understand in the only ways you can: color and song.
Slouching Towards Bedlam is a brilliant little steampunk game about language, choice, cults, Armageddon, and triangles. This game has multiple endings. It's neat in that none of the endings are really "good" or "bad". Rather, you need to decide where you stand, and act in the way you think is best.
The Lurking Horror is the grandparent of horror interactive fiction, released in the late 80s. You're a tech student in university. Something more than electricity is powering the school's computers. Find it, but don't die along the way. Besides the comically archaic descriptions of computers, this game doesn't feel all that dated. It's tricky, puzzle-heavy, and charmingly surreal. (Fun fact, this game and another old TA game called Zork inspired the "darkness kills you" mechanic which would later be popularized in Don't Starve!)
Nine Lives is a very short, very weird, very cartoony game where you play a cat that is very bad at staying alive. Cw for non-graphic but repeated cat death.
Spider and Web is one of the most ingenious uses of Text Adventure as a medium I've ever seen. It's famous for having one of, if not the singular best puzzles in video game history. It's tense, it's fast-paced, it introduces you to mechanics slowly and then lets you test them out on your own. I won't spoil too much, but you play as a very badass spy, reliving your brilliant heist during an interrogation. This game even features a character destined to be a Tumblr Sexyman. It really has it all.
If anyone actually read through all this, and has even considered playing any of these games, I'll be a little surprised. This post turned out a lot longer than I wanted it to be. It was meant to just be "hey interactive fiction is a cool and underappreciated medium, go check it out", but this is my special interest, and not one I often get to talk about. I guess this was me infodumping to the only place that will listen, the empty void of the internet. But these games are fun. And they do not get enough love. Text games are a dying genre, if they're not dead already. Give them a chance, show them some love.
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sugarcanehoes · 4 months
i'm watching scar's pov of the mcc he played last year with tubbo antfrost and bekyamon and i'm gonna use this to note down Things That Made Me Feel Something (mostly fawning over scar and Tubscar Propaganda TM)
warning for a Very Long Post ahead bc i got carried away lmao
scar drinking water with a spoon
the whole "leaning over helps you swallow" bit
scar: no chat don't start with the 'sand daddy' / tubbo: sand daddy? i beg your pardon?
tubbo: can we- are we gonna talk about the social implications of the term Sand Daddy? / scar: you gotta live a little, tubbo
scar asking if tubbo has slept <3
everyone using 'they' pronouns for everybody else just. idk it makes me happy
parkour tag screams primal hunt play to me. i think there's something here.
tubbo praising scar for surviving the whole round ghh
also tubbo saying he always feels the need to pee when he's nervous??? There's Something Here.
tubbo yelling out an OH FUCK and then apologizing profusely and scar saying 'no no you're good no apologies allowed' HJSDJGHK pure gold. i love Them
tubbo's psychic services <3
scar: Expert Sand Daddy Here
scar: we made some mistakes / tubbo: it's alright scar (3x) you're a king (multiple times)
i don't understand a single thing they are saying about the games 🧍 ant talks sO FAST omg
scar: i got a kill!! ....myself...
tubbo: i'm saying that soMEONE WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING WITH ME oh sorry scar sorry sorry sorry
the whole slushy bit is too cute i am crying i love Them
OHHH SCAR'S ADVICE ABOUT WIGGLING THE TOES TO RELEASE STRESS!!!! omg it was over a year ago and tubbo still remembers it... gay
scar: the dyslexic duo (referring to him and tubbo)
scar not remembering one map of tgttos from tubbo's video... "what was i doing? i didn't see it".... oh mr goodtimes i know what you were doing and i know what you are.
everyone rooting for false at the end was so sweet aaa
not tubscar saying bye to beky and ant and IMMEDIATELY planning a date to smash their go xlr's in the forest together (which honestly just sounds like an euphemism)
whenever tubbo says something like "what about [xyz] scar? tell me about it" it's so sdfgfhshjk he's always so interested in what scar has to say
tubbo saying he's going back to the mcc lobby to say hi to scar... clingy
tubbo: scar has the BEST metagame strats
scar explaining the mattress store bit to tubbo is just hjshgjkgs and tubbo being like "you can say bull fighters i think it's easier to pronounce it"
scar being utterly amazed at tubbo's stream stamina
scar venting to tubbo is just. this shouldn't make me feel anything but i. i am thinking. and Thinking.
scar: oh i'm about to get nerdy / tubbo: [giggles]
scar telling tubbo all the Hermitcraft Shenanigans and tubbo being like wait what?. yeah tubbo me too
TUBBO IN HERMITCRAFT I AM CRYING that would be the bestest day of my life why didn't it happen I'M GONNA SCREAMmmMMM scar quit being an old man and remember your promises man. whitelist Tubbo_ NOW.
scar: tubbo is the nicest guy in the world, i always love hanging out with him <3
i have no fucking clue what scar is talking about (star wars) but i could listen to him talking 24/7. my man should have a podcast or an asmr channel or smth because his voice is just so. So. i love you mr goodtimes
scar: i'm such a nerd
scar is a disney adult but like. underground syndrome disney adult. i don't know if this is funny or terrible
scar ended the stream and raided tubbo!! they are too sweet i'm gonna cry <3
well that was 4 hours well spent! i'll be thinking about All Of This now.
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ralvezfanatic · 5 months
what’s your favorite Ralvez episode? Underrated but I like surface tension when they’re being huge nerds lol.
okay so first of all, im bad with episodes, i dont pay attention to where im at when watch.. and im barley finishing up season 13 so erm forgive my non-straight answer
I really like the episode where Luke goes to blackmail visit that guy in prison to protect Spencer. Protectice Luke my beloved 🫶🫶
Also whichever episode this is
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I just love the scene where Emily is profiling Luke's desk and he shows up behind her. And then how Luke literally just looks past Emily to look at Spencer AGDHAHAKS bfs 🫠🫠
and then this whole thing
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okay anyways !
had to quickly look through surface tension cuz like.. idk my episodes ! BUT !!! yeah that ones so cute 😭😭 i love the little nerdy bfs they're so silly omg
ermm.. obviously i cannot pick one im so sorry ehajskwk
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r7inyz · 5 months
my fav shows with reasons why under cut because I am a nerd and am bored
(warning this is very long lol 💔)
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•disenchantment- THIS SHOW DGUDGUDUGO AAA THE LAST SEASON MADE ME CRY it was so good omg. the pacing of the show isn't great at times BUT I LOVEE THE MAIN CHARACTERS (not elfo. he makes me mad and I don't know why) really enjoyed the storytelling and vibe of this show
•bee and puppycat- major art inspo for me, I LOVE THE COLOURS AND THE ARTSTYLE <3 this show is just sososoooo cute and a joy to watch,,,I love the silly plots in each episode (I love bee she's so real)
•hilda- HILDA HILDA HILDA **THE** SHOW EVER. I LOVE HILDA. I HAVE ALL THE COMICS AND TIE-NOVELS. this show means the WORLD to me.. i adore the inspiration behind it being like,,, European (mainly Scandinavian) folklores,,like omg that's so cool,,,,I love all the little creatures (alfur and tontu my favs 💪💪) everything about this show is so good 😭😭 (I used to be a Hilda fanblog in 2021-2023 before I rediscovered my love for COUGHS fnaf,, still adore that show)
•the baby- DAMN. WHY DO I EVEN SAY ABOUT THAT ONE. the only show on that list that is LIVE ACTION‼️ (well um aside from dhmis in ways) this show omg. I need a season 2. There HAS to be one. IT CAN'T JUST END LIKE THATTTTT... This show. Very normal show where this woman unexpectedly finds a baby ((it legit falls from the sky LMFAO)) that's like. evil. demon baby. IT'S SO CREEPY SFUFDUOKUGD love this show it was so fun to watch (it terrified me)
•dont hug me im scared- RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAHHH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAÀÆÅÂ that's how I feel about this show <3 this show!! It's fantastic I LOVE HOW IT'S SO?? EXPERIMENTAL?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT I LOVE IT. an actual horror show with disturbing themes pretending to be a cute innocent kids show?? WITH SILLY PUPPET CHARACTERS WHO ARE DEFINITELY NOT TERRIFIED??? YEAH COUNT ME IN 💪💪
•king of the hill- saving the best for last/j I LOVE THIS SHOW. MARRY ME. MARRY ME RIGHT NOW. KING OF THE HILL IS RIGHT. everything about this show marry me rn. The writing of this show, how the characters GENUINELY FEEL SO REAL?? AND MAJORITY ARE JUST SO LIKEABLE!!!perfect. And the humour is just 👍👍👍 the voice acting are just. Wow. it's just very good and I love it with all my heart..words cannot describe how good this show is. ALSO HANK'S FRIENDS. DALE, BILL AND BOOMHAUER. ARE JUST AMAZING if there is a KOTH fandom on Tumblr PLEASE find me
ok um see you next time for pt2
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redkyrii · 10 months
History of Cheat!-related Advent Calendar pages [Part 1/3]
'Tis the season. The Cheaters have appeared a few times throughout the site's Advent Calendar, and this is my blog so I get to ramble about it. Here's all the cameos I've gathered with some additional commentary.
For our first appearance/mention of Cheat! in the advent calendar, we have December 4th, 2009.
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This is… An odd one.
The animated graphic for this day clearly depicts Black Pawkeet Slots; however, one of the items that you receive for visiting on this day is the Brucey B Holiday Mug.
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One of those ginormous ceramic mugs with painted slots and… A random blue bruce?
That is NOT Brucey.
I'm supposing that this day is supposed to have a more general slot machine theming, but this mug barely has anything to do with Brucey B Slots, despite the item's name; even the description is generic.
For a more on-topic entry, we have December 5th, 2013.
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Like all days for this year, this day comes in the form of a fully animated short.
A short-and-sweet story. Kalora and Brucey are having a festive game of what else but Cheat! Kalora decides the throw the game, pushing all the neatly-wrapped winnings on the table to her friend. Brucey is delighted by this tremendous generosity, doing a little happy dance and everything, while Kalora can't help but playfully eyeroll at the display.
This is extremely cute, probably one of my favorites of these. All the days in this year are really well-animated, with original, charming art to go with it. It also seems to have unique voice-acting, making it debatably the closest thing we've got to their canon voices.
Not sure how a two-person Cheat! game is supposed to work, but go them for figuring it out.
The prizes for this day are Brucey B Plushie and Chocolate Lucky Coin.
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Absolutely ridiculous, 10/10.
Next up, we have December 7th, 2016.
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This day is a fully animated short.
The Avinroo siblings are spending the day the Deserted Fairground. AAA, being his smug self, stops by every game to swiftly dominate it and show up those playing it. Abigail, tired of her brother being a blowhard and crushing the spirits of other fair-goers, urges him to test his skills at Brucey B's High-Striker next. He confidently obliges, however, this game "strikes" him at his weak spot; when he tries to merely pick up the mallet, his noodley nerd arms give out, and he crumples under the weight of it. Brucey and Abby have a good laugh at Aristotle getting humbled, and the short concludes.
A very fun, unique short, and pretty decently executed, all things considered. The world needs more crossovers like these.
The relevant item that's given out by this page is Brucey B Mini High Striker.
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Interesting item. The art style really makes it look like a junk piece from 2003 or something, and that's not a bad thing in my book.
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
17, 22, 24, and 25 for Salieri >:3c
HOHH MY BRAINROT IS FEASTING TODAY TY FOR THE ASK this one got long again whoops
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
So as many people know I am a massive nerd and I have a million books on all sorts of things like architecture and fashion and music and advertisements throughout the years. And with how much impact Salieri had on music during his life I feel like he would love books like Music: The Definitive Visual History or Modern Music and After to see where music has gone.
Bookwise I feel like it would depend on what he was feeling? I will admit to being extremely biased but I think he would enjoy Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, to see all the evils of the world but also to see them righted, or at least confronted. Idk I feel like Salieri is so good at heart and all the suffering all the time that Chaldea has to face...would leave someone craving a 'good' end. Since we STILL DON'T GET THAT IN GAME :'D But also I think he reads a lot of fairy tales both because I HC him as friends with Andersen and, well, he must read his friend's work! And so that he has them memorized so he can tell the child servants in Chaldea a bedtime story/anytime story no matter whether he has the book with him or not. It also allows him to study fairy tale story structure so he can create his own stories for them.
TV Shows, MORE BIAS FROM ME INCOMING but because he shares his body with the Man in Grey and constantly has to battle with feeling like an impostor in an unfamiliar place, I feel like the unknown in shows like The Twilight Zone would really draw him in. He finds some peace with it. He will also absolutely bingewatch any wedding based show like Four Weddings or Say Yes to the Dress and he will be SO CATTY about the dresses people choose but the SECOND any of their family talk down to them he is fully backing the brides and their dress choices. While still mentioning things like "oh god not the appliques" and "sure, fine, you have a gorgeous tiny petite figure but fine, hide it in a cupcake made of lace, why not" because his hatred of people insulting the brides and making them cry does not override him cringing at their choices. If he watches Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids he tears almost EVERY dress to shreds because good lord WHY.
For movies, I think thrillers/early horror. Not any of that jumpscare stuff, but things like the House of Wax [Vincent Price version]. Showing horror within the hearts of people or that comes from Beyond, not the horror of AAA SCARY THING IN FACE MUSIC LOUD. Detective films as well, like Murder on the Orient Express [1970s] or any Holmes movie because he enjoys them and also it's fun [and maybe cute] to watch Holmes get frustrated or flustered at the interpretations of himself on screen [this also stands for tv shows]. He and Lobo also have movie nights to watch dog movies or animal documentaries.
22. Give us a headcanon for [character]
Oh no I have so many. So so many.
Okay well my big one is he basically sees Anastasia as his daughter. Even outside of the fics I've written/am writing where he had time to get to know her in LB1, there's something about seeing her after and seeing the scars that it's left on her that makes him approach her and offer her comfort. A scene in my head has been Anastasia being summoned, seeing where she is, and having a magic-fueled breakdown that nearly freezes the summon room solid. Salieri comes running from who knows where and just. Somehow talks her down. Bows to her, kisses her hand, speaks kindly and gently while treating her as one should a royal, until she's calmed down before showing her Novum Chaldea. After that they fall into a closer father-daughter relationship and Anastasia gets to let herself be a child when she's with him, she can be childish and loud and do what she likes and at least One person will love her regardless.
Related to that one, he has, at least mentally, adopted ALL of the child servants in Chaldea and he dotes on them hard. Sweets, stories, little concerts performed solely for them, taking the time to listen to their stories...you name it, he does it. He could be in a very serious meeting debriefing and if a child servant came to get him he would leave immediately no questions asked. The MC and Mash are NOT IMMUNE TO THIS. He and Lobo share custody of them, obviously.
I know it said one but I have so so many, another is that he and Hessian Lobo [yes both parts this time] are very close, and they can be found discussing things in sign language in small, quiet corners. When Lobo's grief and rage grow too strong for him and he begins howling throughout Chaldea, Salieri always comes running, coaxing him or both he and Hessian to the music room, avenger room, or his own room and playing for as long as he needs to to help soothe him.
ANOTHER ONE he loves to cook and bake but he's self conscious of it because he lives to compare himself truly so he worries he'll be in Emiya or Boudica's way. So he typically only slips into the kitchens late at night when no one else is there. Yes, the child servants have figured this out, and yes, they do show up for snacks or dessert. Mozart also discovered this on accident, but Salieri managed to keep his focus on cooking to avoid the intense Murder Thoughts. Mozart seemed to notice, so they didn't speak at all, just exist together on those nights.
This one I feel runs inline with game canon but he struggles with intrusive thoughts a lot, and given he was Italian in the 1700s-1800s, he was absolutely raised religious and absolutely taught that bad thoughts = bad person, so on top of the Man in Grey constantly thirsting for Mozart's murder he also struggles with other intense or mundane intrusive thoughts. There are many days when it is too hard for him to face the world because of them. Therapy would be good but I mean Kiara is Chaldea's only therapist I think AND UM, NO.
ONLY ONE MORE I PROMISE but I tend to headcanon that when he works himself hard as a servant/is critically damaged or possibly even dying, a lot more of Antonio Salieri comes out, and he is softer, more tired, less bent on revenge and hatred. This is due to the Man in Grey part of him being exhausted, since it does all the fighting, and thus he gets brief periods of Belonging in his body again. Yes he has sought out Mozart in those moments, yes it did crush them both. He can also fight through the hatred with his love for Mozart, so if Mozart is critically in danger, the 'kill Mozart' switch is forcefully flipped by himself to 'kill what is killing Mozart' switch.
24. What's your favourite thing about [character]?
I do know a lot of the things I enjoy exploring with him aren't canon, so to try and stay canon with him, hmm...I mean, he has a strong sense of duty. Just look at the end of lostbelt 1; he promised to play Twinkle Twinkle for the Yagas, and his spirit origin refuses to dematerialize until he does. But that's not really my favorite thing, just something I like, hmm...
HONESTLY probably how he looks; his color palette is just SO GOOD, his clothing detail is amazing, and all of his ascensions are so good? Usually I wind up having a favorite ascension to leave a character in, but with Salieri I like them all. I do leave him second ascension because I like seeing his armor appear all fancy but STILL. We have the Amadeus Alter first ascension with that COAT and MASK and it brings so much angst with it. Second ascension we have MAN IN SUIT and my favorite thing to put ANY character in is SUIT. And then final ascension oh my GOD his final ascension. The TEETH. The CLAWS. The QUESTIONABLE LEVEL OF REMAINING SANITY AND ORIGINAL SALIERI THAT IS LEFT. It's great for all levels of things and yes I am working on a fic where Mozart is fully horny for his third ascension and Salieri is HORRIFIED and CONFUSED and also into it and mad about it XD
Also his interlude...he is so good in his interlude...so kind...confirming all of my headcanons as true and real forever and ever UWU
25. What's your least favourite thing [character] said or did?
Hmmm I have a couple, I guess? This is my friend Wolfie's fault, but I am unreasonably fond of Phantom in FGO, so the fact that Salieri says they can't be in sync makes me SAD because Salieri wrote OPERAS and Phantom has the most incredible operatic range CMON TYPEMOON THEY COULD PERFORM OPERAS TOGETHERRRR and also I just like making servants be friends lmao so I would really like Phantom and Salieri bonding,,,but then I remember that line and I feel like I'm making Salieri too OoC
[Also why is Phantom not a berserker CMON LOOK AT SHINJUKU IT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE]
And also like...look I love Marie, I do, but I don't get why he gets docile around her??? I just don't. Admittedly with how I HC him I forget that he's a grouchy angry deathman to everyone apparently, so maybe it's meant to show she's an exception, but...I still don't get it. I do fully see them being friends or a poly ship w/Mozart as well [and my god Mozart would be so possessive of them both it would be so fun] but I don't get the focus on him being docile around Marie. As if she wouldn't accept him in all his sharp yelly self uwu
Thanks so much for the ask!! <3 Original meme is: here in case anyone wants it or wants to ask me anything else!!
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Something cute I just thought abt, modern au stuff, I guess college ages here
Sabo frequents an arcade and regularly makes first on the leaderboards
Until a new name thats just AAA pops up in the first slot on most of his favourite games, incensed Sabo wants to find the fucker ruining his streaks and challenge him or her fair and square
Koala thinks he’s being stupid but Sabo holds his grudges and needs to know, figures out by the times hes gone and taken first place back that when he returns after dinner rush at the diner he works at, the AAA fucker was back and learns through small cues that this person must also be a student, has a membership, and is extremely good at dance games
He starts asking the staff if they’ve seen a new regular around, roughly his age, what do they look like
Gleans new info until his Biochem professor has them all pair up for a project that will calculate towards the entirety of their grade this year and a guy named Ace ends up matching his number pair, Sabo stares him down, from look alone, Ace fits the “new regular nerd on the block” descriptions from the arcade staff
And the first thing out Sabo’s mouth is something along the lines of: Are you the bastard that keeps beating my score in Time Crisis?
And Ace looks at him in confusion, “time what?” And Sabo hates that he thinks he’s cute
“AAA?” Sabo knows its him, can feel it in his bones.
“I dunno what you mean.” Ace replies, and has the audacity to look away to root around in his bag for something clearly unimportant to their conversation.
“Besides, why do you care, are you like some mega nerd who cares about keeping score?“ Ace asks blandly, pen in hand as he hunches over their project outline.
Koala stifles a laugh from where she’s seated behind them in the auditorium. Sabo makes a rude gesture at her from behind his back.
“That’s funny, considering you keep beating me, which makes you an even bigger nerd!” Sabo retorts, unwilling to let this go now he’s found his perp, “you’ve beaten me in everything from Starblade To Nightslashers?”
“Are you SBAO?“ Ace asks suddenly and Sabo squints at him suspiciously.
“Holy shit, you spelt your own name wrong?“ Ace snickers and circles something Sabo can’t be bothered to check just yet.
“Says the guy who registered under AAA.”
“Nah you can’t blame that on me dude, AAA is my little brother.” Ace sits back against their bench, his smile half amused at how seriously Sabo was taking all of this.
“I just provide the wallet he needs for the membership but I tag along to watch him play. I’m shit at videogames.” Ace explains and Sabo flusters slightly, both at how cute Ace looked when he smiled but also at accusing him so strongly, he can practically hear Koala’s radiating smugness.
“Wait. How old is your brother?“ Sabo asks with growing trepidation.
“He’s twelve.” Ace says and signs off his name at the bottom of their project sheet, sliding it over to Sabo to add his own.
Sabo visibly feels the blood drain from his face, that can’t be true, there’s no fucking way—“you’re telling me your kid brother is kicking my ass at Dungeons and Driveout?”
“Yeah.” Ace looks awfully proud of this little brother of his.
“Are you his guardian?“ Sabo switches tracks, trying to find some kind of flaw with the cute guy smiling up an adorable storm beside him.
“Yup.” Ace tucks his pen behind his ear for safekeeping, which Sabo finds enormously endearing but he will never ever say it, this guy and his kid brother were the enemy!!
“And you let him play video games for that long?“
“What we do with our time is not really your concern.” Ace says smoothly, “And I don’t need anyone telling me how to parent my brother. He’s a good kid and I want him to have fun.”
Koala kicks at Sabo from under the bench, forcing him to apologise for his insensitive mouth.
“None taken.” Ace relaxes visibly, and Sabo kind of likes how he was so ready to protect the things he cares about.
“Alright, I need to know one more thing and then I’ll sign your stupid form,” Sabo flicks at the corner of the page Ace has been wiggling at him from across the desktop for the past ten minutes.
“Shoot.” Ace indulges him.
“The dancing games. There’s simply no way a twelve year old is gonna get those combos.”
“You’re right. Those are my scores.” Ace smirks and Sabo feels vindicated at last.
“So you are AAA!”
“In a sense. But we share the account, I can’t afford more than one.” Ace has the nerve to look sheepish over that, of all things.
Sabo can’t help but glance him over, takes in his build and the long sweep of his legs—
“My eyes are up here dude.” Ace drawls and Sabo glances back up with a scowl, annoyed that he was caught looking.
“Ugh. Give me that.” Sabo slaps a hand over the form and drags it over to scribble his signature along the base so they can finally pass it back down to their professor.
“You me, Dancerush Stardom at 7?”
“Without dinner first?“ Ace asks in mock surprise.
“Dinner after,” Sabo shoots back and stands noisly from their bench to take the sheet back down to the front of the hall.
“I think he likes you.” Koala says conversationally, leaning over the gap Sabo’s made and Ace turns to look at her thoughtfully.
“Think so?”
“Yup. He’s obsessed with you actually.”
“I’m not fucking obsessed—“ Sabo shouts from the base of the stairs.
“Yes you are sweetie!” Koala hollers back at him before smiling at Ace who shrinks back at the leer in her eyes.
“Be nice to him, he’s got like zero friends, excluding me.”
“Uhh okay?” Ace glances between the rapidly approaching Sabo and the girl behind him.
“He’s just excited to talk to someone his age with the same interests, he doesn’t bite.” Koala adds when Sabo vaults over their bench row with the intention of silencing her.
“Shut the fuck up,” Sabo seethes after wrangling her into a not so gentle headlock.
“Or what?“ Koala goads and then promptly elbows her friend in the stomach.
“You’re gonna scare him off by being fucking weird again!”
“Hey, I’m still here and I’m getting pretty hungry.” Ace cuts in, his pale silvery eyes creasing up in what Sabo recognises as a positive emotion, he can work with that.
“So dinner?“ Sabo repeats and Ace nods, Sabo glances at Koala who sticks her tongue out at him.
“Uh now?”
“It is almost seven.” Ace says agreeably.
“Oh shit. Yeah okay.” Sabo holds out his hand for Ace to take, and then regrets it because his palms are so so damn sweaty—
“Awww. You two be nice to each other now.” Koala looks between them as her tone takes on a sugary kind of quality.
“I want him home by ten.” She addresses Ace first who looks caught out for a brief moment before playing along, salutes her charmingly with his and Sabo’s linked hands.
“And you, you be nice. I don’t wanna have to bury another body okay?”
“Wait what—“ Ace tries to process that quip as Sabo drags him out of the auditorium, Koala waves them out, neither confirming or denying her statement.
Cuties. She thinks this relationship will last.
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rattrapdadfigure · 2 years
I���m not sorry-beast wars spoilers-
But tarantulas is such a fucking nerd. I love him so much 😭😭.
When one of his inventions works the first thing he does is fanboy and has autism stim vibes 😭😭🥰🥰
He’s just a geek, a hobbyist ;0; he’s so cute and genuine about his hyperfixations/interests
When he successfully poisons an autobot? The FUNNIEST cackle ever. 😭 tarantulas my beloved!
Aaaa don’t even get me started on waspinator!!! I love him sm!! So relatable aaa and not super verbal 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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AAA those asks are cute so i gotta know~! 4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions? How these nerds snugglin? ^w^
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4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions?
Yume is a clingy bitch who usually sleeps cuddling a pillow so when they and Idia start dating and sleeping in the same bed that man is in for the cuddling of his fucking life. (Not like he minds it though, Yume is built soft like body pillows so its like one thats warm and hugs back.) They probably switch sometimes but more often than not Yume is the big spoon, and I'm talking full "if I don't have your leg between my thigh then I'm not falling asleep" cuddling. Other times when they're a bit restless/having a bad case of insomnia Yume likes being the little spoon and being held. It makes them feel safe. They both like falling asleep on each other's chests. Idia especially enjoys it because he likes having the warm soft weight to ground him when Yume falls asleep on him. (Also it reminds him off all the cheesy rom com movies he's seen <3). And he likes laying on Yume's chest bc....soft <3. In general their both big fans of cuddling:
-Yume sitting in Idia's lap while they play games.
-Idia laying his head in Yume's lap when he's overwhelmed/sulking.
-Idia rubbing Yume's legs when they throw them over his lap while knitting.
Idia is forever trying to get Grim to cuddle with them bc kitty cat snuggles AND Yume cuddles would be the best thing in the world. But Grim refuses saying Yume is his minion and he's not sharing their warmth. : p
A meme and old doodles under cut:
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who was 5'0 and didn't say much about herself 🙈
Gender: female
How I am: I'd say I appear to be super shy till you get to know me, then I'll be cracking jokes all day, dancing and showing you music and movies I like.
I definitely have an issue with boundaries and it's something I'm currently working on so I can have healthier connections to people, I struggle a lot with putting myself first.
I don't like arguing, or loud screaming. I like to take life slow, see the sunrise and the sunset everyday. I fear describing myself a little because I don't want to seem like I'm throwing roses at myself for some reason
I get hurt easily but I hide it and only those who know me well, know when something has hurt me. I tend to deal with pain alone and with time I've become central to help my family deal with the hard stuff.
I'm stubborn especially when I'm behind a goal I want to accomplish, I always have to keep in mind I can be more flexible.
Hobbies: I'm not sure if going to the beach everyday is a hobbie, but it brings me tons of peace so I'll say that and watching movies is one of my hobbies. I'm also into astrology so I spend a good amount of time doing charts and reading about zodiac and mystical stuff
Personality: well..I'm a leo sun, Libra moon and Capricorn rising. I like things to be done well when it comes to work but outside of that I'm happy just sitting down and winding down tbh. I am a hopeless romantic who hides behind and says romance isn't such a big thing, but my heart will melt if someone gives me roses.
I don't know if this will help but I have a super hard time talking about myself 😭♥️
hey fam!! thanks for your patience! it took me a while to ship you tbh bc i see you as compatible with so many of them!
I ship you with:
George Luz from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies
ok hear me out
y'all are seriously so cute together!!
this boy is the crazy chaotic yin to your yang
nobody can draw people out of their shells like George can!
he literally saw you one day when he was with Perco and Lieb
and he made that "AAA-OOO-GAH!!!" sound
and Perco and Lieb were like "omg please don't do that again or we can't be seen in public together"
and George initially shrugged it off as a joke
but secretly
he was completely sold on you!
the initial meeting was maybe a lil awkward
but George is a sweet guy
your shyness never phases him
he actually decided it would be his challenge >:)
he eventually does woo you over
and nothing warms his heart like seeing your crazy kooky side
he wishes that more people got to see it
but George really compliments your personality imho
he's gregarious while you're more reserved
George loves seeing you passionate about something
whether that's movies or music
he can't help but laugh when you literally drag him over to the couch and "force" him to watch your new favorite movie
he will voraciously consume any type of media with you
nerds <3
George honestly just really likes sitting on the couch, watching you intently staring at the movie screen
he also loves your hair and how dimensional it is in the lighting with it's red and brown streaks
I'd wager that George can help you break down some of those boundaries
but encourage you to take more time for yourself
you can't be everything to everyone!
he just wants the whole world to know how truly amazing you are!
but George gets it
he struggles a lot with feeling like an object in peoples' lives
like he's only worth having around for a laugh
but with you, he realizes that he's worth a lot more than that
you help him to analyze the things that bother him
and offer advice when needed
George can't wait to bring you home to Rhode Island!
he wants his whole family to see what a gorgeous girl you are!
also Rhode Island has some of the most perfect shorelines
sooo if you can get George up before 10am
i bet that he would love to go watch the sunrise with you
George is pretty perceptive as to when you've been hurt
but he definitely knows how to cheer you up!
100 goofy impressions and you'll be rolling on the floor laughing
but also George hugs are underrated tbh
something tells me that this boy gives really good hugs
he's super proud of how dedicated you can be to accomplishing your goals
he wishes that he had half of your ambition!
fyi: he will want his whole astrological chart done ;)
idk bro shy girls and george are just canon for me <3
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snail-noodle · 2 years
💌Krang x Reader Headcanons💌
I have it bad for 3 aliens that look like a creeper, a minecraft block, and a squid 😔💍
sorry if this all looks messy, I just wanted to gets these hcs out of my head aaa
Wrote for all 3 krang siblings. It's a whole buffet 😋
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Krang One
he's not the type of partner who would give you physical affection or tell you that he loves you at every moment. Especially when you two start dating.
the concept of "love" and "marriage" is alien (heh) to him and his people. Thankfully, you're there to help him learn about these concepts
it's quite rare, but there are moments when he'll wrap his tentacles around you and hold you close to him. He loves how small and warm you are
your first kiss was awkward and slightly.. uh... messy due to the size difference. However, kisses on the face are just as intimate for the both of you, so you two stick with that most of the time
when you introduce him to earth's many different foods, he ends up enjoying the ones that tend to be spicy
once he gets used to living on earth, he likes to spend the nights with you staring out at the stars.
he's the type of person who would be disgusted at seeing people publicly kissing or holding hands, but then he'll be the one to do the same thing with you. No shame
if you two ever encounter a turtle, you literally have to stand between them so he won't take out his anger at the poor thing. He still holds a bit of a grudge...
Krang Two
unlike her brother, she's very possessive of you and has definitely marked you with her own scent at one point. it makes it easier for her to find you
she finds it amusing whenever you get riled up at something (or at her). She might even find it quite cute.
once you've introduced her to burgers and fries, she's hooked! She absolutely loves the ones with a lot of meat, so be ready for your wallet to take a hit.
she's caught off-guard the first time you hug her. After you explain what a hug is and why you did it, she asks you if you can do it again. You two spend many nights hugging and cuddling together
omg give this tentacled-woman a bunch of kisses please– It doesn't matter if it's on the lips, cheeks, or head! She absolutely loves it when you shower her with affection 💖 everytime you do, she'll give out a little purr
she still has a bit of a temper, so expect her to be ready to demolish anyone who tries to hurt you/talks badly about you. She's ready to throw hands for you! 🤜
please take her outdoors. She needs to stretch those tentacles of hers and get some fresh air every now and then.
Krang Three
because of him being mute, he shows his love/affection towards you with his actions.
if you're having a bad day and need to vent, he'll be there for you. He'll listen to you and once you're done, he'll hold you close close to him. It's one of his ways of providing you comfort.
he'll be very interested to learn about earth and the many creatures and inhabitants of this planet. Once you've shown him the internet and explained that he could search up anything he wants to know about, well, just be ready for him to stay up all night for a few days.
he'll eventually form some sort of mind-link with you (completely safe, promise) and oh boy, the things he's wanted to say to you for a long time. The relationship between the both of you is so new and confusing... he likes it 💖
he loves it when you're the one who holds him at night. It gives him comfort and makes him know that he's no longer in the prison dimension.
after showing him anime, you both spend the weekends watching them and being nerds together.
brother krang might be the most chill boyfriend/husband you could possibly have in a relationship.
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tortilla-of-courage · 2 years
PLEASE share your thoughts on Sky in botw for no reason it sounds hilarious (of course u don’t have to if u don’t want to though)
AAA i have many thoughts but none are coherent be warned. i dont know where i was going with a single point in this post i wrote this all at 1 am so excuse this mess
i like to imagine he just walks into Hateno one day and scares the locals with his weirdly hylian-like but not-quite language (either spoken or signed, because i'd imagine sign language has changed over millennia too), so they call Link and Zelda for help
Link's like "no worries i've met everyone around Hyrule they're probably looking for me" until he walks out, sees Sky, and goes "i've never met this man in my life,"
the first week or so is just the longest and most infuriating game of charades ever between them as they try to learn a better way to communicate
Link keeps wondering why the new guy keeps looking at his horse like he's never seen one before. he won't even go near the creature
which gets funny when the horse decides to follow Sky around and scare him half to death
Link and Zelda try taking him to Impa but he keeps getting distracted with everything in the village because "Hey those are the symbols (his) Impa had on her clothes that's funny. are these people related to her??"
oh yeah and they also had to convince him to ride a horse to even go there which didn't go well either
they end up leaving him with the cuccoo guy while They talk to Impa and Sky has the time of his LIFE with the tiny birds
Impa, understandably, has no idea who this guy is either, but if she had to guess he's an ancient hero that somehow washed up millennia after his era
Zelda: okay but what do we do with him
Impa: babysit him ig????
you know those movies where the main character suddenly gets handed a child and they have to take care of them throughout the movie? that's Link and Zelda with Sky. except he's technically older than them
the second they manage to like, communicate he starts talking about missing the sky and the clouds and flying and Zelda's like "oh hylia he's the first hero help me"
Sky probably keeps acting way too relaxed for someone who's not in his home
Link leaves the master cycle zero unsupervised for three seconds and next thing he knows Sky is using it no problem and driving directly into a bokoblin camp
oh god okay i know i was talking about this like, post botw but consider: Sky In Pre-Calamity Hyrule For No Reason
maybe in this scenario he's like. Hylia's answer to Zelda's prayers for help. the language barrier isnt too helpful tho
i know her prayers are to awaken her power but i mean. who better to help you understand the Triforce's power than the guy who first got it all?
anyways Sky's never seen Zora OR Gerudo OR Rito before can you imagine how he'd react. this poor man
Revali, seeing both Links standing together: oh Hylia above, there's two of them?
Sky is obsessed with Vah Medoh but Revali wont let him go there. Sky wont give up because if he and Groose ended up getting along he can get along with this weird loftwing guy
i just think he'd get along with the champions :) frends
oh no i just imagined Sky in the middle of the calamity itself. oh no. anyways,
Sky likes playing matchmaking so you BET he'd be out there causing problems on purpose and trying to help around with romantic stuff. like idk hyping up Mipha when she's trying to tell Link something or stuff like that
okay but in general can you imagine how excited Zelda, local nerd, would be over getting to talk to a walking piece of history?? i think it'd be really cute
this got too long and it makes no sense sorry about that
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bokubear · 3 years
flirting with hq boys
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feat. ( timeskip! ) atsumu miya, kageyama tobio, mattsun issei, tendou satori, suna rintarou
warnings ; atsumu’s horrible flirting skills, kageyama being more embarrassed than provacative, slightly suggestive for suna
a/n ; aaa, my cuties mmm
* it was my first time writing for mattsun so forgive me 🥲
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_atsumu comes on hard. he truly thinks he’s a flirt, yet every time just seeing maybe a little bit of a reaction from you has his face heating up and his voice practically cracking. because oh my god. he should be the one making you embarrassed, yet it’s vice versa. i feel like most women gravitate towards him because of his looks but his flirting skills…doubt. he tries though, he really does.
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_kageyama.. well he ends up so so so nervous. he’s fiddling with his clothing and anxiously thanks to a word of advice from hoshiumi. that advice being “be sure to use a pick-up line on her, that’ll do the trick.” but guess what, kageyama wasn’t even sure what a pick-up line was ( this nerd smh ). when he does use the pick-up line of you he almost floats away out of pure awkwardness. he is so cute though. such a little baby despite that frown he wears often.
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_mattsun is a god at flirting. he can easily pull you in by just his look alone. he has that perfect sense of a teasing nature and an extremely hot attitude. to top it off, this entire store of nicknames lives inside his head rent-free that he uses almost all the time. things like “sweetie” or “darlin’” are used generally on a daily basis. he likes to get close to your face to where his breath dances on your face, probably to say something humorous and leave you a bit disappointed while he laughs his head off.
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_tendou cracks many many jokes when he flirts with you. he’ll lean on his elbows and just stare like a love struck moron. the entire time just quietly muttering things like “ahhh so pretty…” or “hmmm.. y/n is cute.” that are sure to leave you flustered. he’s so silly though, so it’s hard to take him seriously sometimes. but if you do take him seriously, he ends up giggling himself stupid out of spite. seeing your reactions are enough to make him feel all giddy inside. he’s a little bit of a pain but not without a good reason.
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_suna has this tendency to take a lot of his flirting to the bedroom. everything he says is just.. y’know? it’s irritating but so attractive in the same. the ideal image of ‘i want to punch you.. with my lips..’ it’s kind of hard to fight back sassily when everything he says leaves you kind of breathless. an even bigger pain than tendou thanks to being a brat with this massively incredulous ego. and there is nothing you can do about it. truly a shame.
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
aSKJFSHDJK I don't think you understand how excited it made me that someone asked for kirideku! I think I was legitimately vibrating with excitement. But I agree AAA KIRIDEKU!!!
- Before they get together, they both ramble about their crush to their friends A LOT, but Bakugou gets the brunt of this and he’s so long-suffering and annoyed with the “Kirishima-kun is so amazing~” and “Midoriya is so manly~” that he basically beats them into asking each other out becuase they’re both to insecure and anxious to make the first move w/o some encouragement. 
- Kirishima LOVES listening to Deku’s rambles. He sits there with a suuuuper sappy look on his face as Izuku’s hands gesture empathetically and he talks at mach speeds. Every once in a while, he’ll insert a comment that will renew Izuku’s passion, and after their conversation is over, Eijirou can absolutely repeat back most of the conversation (even if he was mostly thinking about how cute and smart Izu is).
- Kirideku is probably one of the only situations where I like the hc that Izuku can’t cook. I like the idea of them struggling together and loving all the horrible food that they make for each other.
- Deku likes “spotting” for Kirishima. That’s what they call it, but it’s usually Eijirou using Izuku as an extra weight when he’s working out. It isn’t weird for people to walk into the gym and find Kiri doing push-ups like he was born to with Izuku sitting criss-cross on his back, muttering and writing in a notebook.
- Deku is the short one (significantly), but he can lift just as much if not more than Ei. Eijirou loves it when his boyfriend picks him up with no struggle. And Izuku loves the surprise on people’s faces when they find out that he can bench his boyfriend.
- They love couple’s costumes and cosplaying. They’re both major hero nerds, so you can bet that they have dates to fan events. They love showing up dressed up as famous hero duos. They’re both very serious about it too and put a lot of work into their costumes so that they’re as realistic as possible. 
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