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startheskelaton · 3 months ago
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Don’t look down.
I've been wanting to draw this "Howls moving castle" refence with Sparkplug and Nightflyer for a while. So I jazzed it up a bit with the medieval AU. let's just say there is a monster hidden in Starscream's kingdom, but it may not be who many think it is.
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thebritishdragon · 4 months ago
“More than meets the eye.”
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Trying to get better at drawing transformers. So I drew ocs that are actually my friends!!! More are coming, these are just the ones I’ve finished today.
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months ago
Wouldn't be funny if any transformers found granny predicon and them just yelling at them to get off their lawn on earth
XD, ok I will try, also doing Bayverse since you didn't state what type of AU you wanted. So I hope you like it!!!! (Also you dident state who you wanted to just gonna do a few)
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Granny predicon Reader X Bayverse Transformers
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Optimus and his team was sent out to look at a single they found
While walking through the forest, at some point optimus got separated from his team.
When walking through the forest to found a little garden.
It had flowers of all kinds. Roses, lillys, tulips, and more.
Optimus approach it and couched down to touch it. Amazed these are growing out here.
That is where he hears a growl and looks up and he sees a predicon coming out of the cave.
He backs up surpised and with fear since it's been centuries since a predicon was seen.
The predicon drew in a breath and coughed. Smoke coming out of his mouth. After it's coughing fit, it looks at optimus.
It spoke with a deep and tierd voice.
"Get the fuck off my lawn! I spent years making this place suitable for growing flowers and you ruined it! That's why there is a path!"
This is not what optimus was expecting.
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Ratchet was out with Bumblebee when they came across a open field of crops.
These wernt wild vegetables, these here grown ones by somone
Ratchet crouched down and digged up a potato. It was large and very round.
While ratchet looked at these strange vegetables, he felt Bumblebee tap his should and pointed.
In the distance was a cabin but that is not what cought there attention. It was the 70 food tall predicon standing next to it.
It was letting a human pet it's snout. When the predicon saw them, it looked pissed.
It came over to them. Stomping down a path that was there.
Ratchet and Bumblebee got ready to fight back but we're surpised by the predicon speaking
"My primus! Look what you did! You ruined all of my humans hard work! You cybertronian are so dirty and destructive!"
Ratchet coming back to register what the predicon said, starts to get angry and argues back.
"Well, excuse us! We didn't know this was someone's farm. Maybe you should put up a fence, maybe you predicons wernt that smart!"
Ratchrt and (Y/N) argue like an old married couple. The human and Bumblebee stand off the side and ate the popcorn they had. Enjoying the show.
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Bumblebee escaped the base to go take some time to himself.
He needed a break from the humans who are always ordering him around and ratchet always telling him what to do.
He drove on a road but when a tight turn came up, he was not ready and slid off the road. Rolling down a hill, knocking out when he hit the ground.
Hours later, he woke up by the sound of spmone yelling and complaining about all their work destoryed.
Bumblebee looks over to the voice and freezes when he sees a predicon. (Y/N) noticing he is awake, huffs and speaks
"Finally you're awake! Look what you did to my garden! It was perfect for years before you came along and destoryed it!"
All the flowers and scarecrows around him were destoryed. Bumblebee spoke through his radio to say sorry but (Y/N) told him to shut up and help them clean up.
Bumblebee stayed with them for 3 days. Helping them clean up the mess he made and replanting all the flowers he destoryed.
When he returned to base, optimus, ratchet, and everyone were happy to see him and asked him were he went.
When Bumblebee explained that he flew off the road, knocked out, and then met a predicon and helped them with their garden, ratchet quickly took Bumblebee to the medical wing.
Believing he hit his helm to hard.
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tripleglitchwriting · 9 months ago
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I love ask blogs
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searchingforthedreamscape · 2 years ago
I thought I was okay enough to continue watching Transformers Prime. I was NOT.
Four words: MECH. Violated. Breakdown’s. Corpse.
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primefan15 · 2 years ago
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ronin-warriors-fanatic · 4 days ago
Koji...Koji, don't make assumptions. Optimus isn't like the decpti...predicons, he's a good guy, like Iron Giant
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Hii there! If you have the time, can I please request hcs or scenario of Knockout and reader being absolute chaotic bff's. Like they may both be a total pain in everyone's aft but KO and reader are also surprisingly efficient when together so it's hard to get mad at them (I hope my rambling is easy to understand 😅)
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((Do I have to say "Spoilers for Predicons Rising" in 2023? Probably now but i'm nothing if not paranoid, lol.))
Being chaotic besties with Knock Out would include...
- Megatron finally recruits another medic and- OH SWEET PRIMUS THERE'S TWO OF THEM OH NO
- Seriously, you get along like a house on fire and might one day actually set a house on fire. The leader of the Decepticons realizes he made a mistake the moment you actually giggle at one of Knock Out's snarky comments... but what can he do? It's not like he has a long list of medics he can just call up and have come all the way to Earth. He was lucky to run across another medic at all, so the resists the daily temptation to (literally) throw one of you off the Nemesis.
- Starscream is also absolutely devastated by this development. Now he has two idiots trying to suggest he upgrade his weapons, his look, his face... at this point, he's pretty sure both you and Knock Out are resisting the urge to just gesture to all of him when he comes in for a checkup.
- Of course, you can't be friends with Knock Out and not also be friends with Breakdown (who is very much alive and nothing bad will ever happen to him shut up). He also likes you immediately, if only because you clearly drive Starscream up the wall just by existing, and another medic means more of his friends, the Vehicons, are getting patched up in short order.
- (Okay but real talk, in some crazy AU where Breakdown gets horribly murdered, which totally did not happen in canon, having someone supportive who treats him with genuine friendship and respect by his side might have made him finally question his allegiance just a bit sooner? It's amazing what happens when a seeker who screams at you constantly is not your only source of companionship on a proverbially sinking ship. Whether it's sooner or not, you follow him to the autobots, and now your chaotic dynamic is their problem. Ratchet will never emotionally recover from this.)
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pod-the-panda · 4 months ago
I just realized that the Rescue Bots had no idea Optimus died. As far as they knew Optimus just didn't answer them for a few months. Also since it's implied season 4 of rb is happening around the same time as season 1 of rid2015 it means that while the Rescue Bots got to talk to Optimus through a computer Bee just had to deal with ghostly apparitions.
Yup. The Rescue Bots are kept so out of the loop.
Other things they might not know about:
- Ending of the war.
- Disappearance of Megatron.
- The entire synthetic energon situation.
- The ENTIRE dark energon shit.
- Predicons.
- The destruction of a few artifacts.
- And so much more.
(Speaking of dark energon, they also wouldn't know that zombies are a thing that could happen to them. I need more zombie apocalypse fics.)
Do what you please with this information.
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yayasvalveplay · 2 months ago
I've been obsessed with rescue bots lately and I remembered that Optimus has a dino alt mode so I wanna know your thoughts on how the other Megatron's would react to this
And would Optimus go feral and eat them or get the urge to breed and valvedom them?
Breed and valvedom especially tfp Megatron. Megatron would be terrified because he's still recovering from the predicons and suddenly Optimus can turn into a dinobot!?
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startheskelaton · 3 months ago
Sparkplug and Soundblaster will definitely have Prediconfragger appear of their processer lol/j
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thebritishdragon · 4 months ago
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Drew another one of my friends. And with each…creature I draw. They get better!! My dinosaurs were already on fleek though, these cybertronians on the other hand… oof.
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dragonridernoobie · 8 months ago
For TFP how would each team atobots reaction when they found THE original prediction and not a clone like predaking
Who has been sleeping and been guarding a piece of Primus for many years even at their old age, they just wanted to protect the last thing they have as a family and sort of the reason of the mythology of the world serpent in Norse mythology and quetlaquotal in Mexican mythology by how huge they are
Hmmm, I like the idea, I will try my best. Like I have said before, I am sorry this took so long, I've been busy with my injured arm/hand.
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TFPAutobots X OldPrediconReader
Optimus found another artifact location after doing some codes.
So, the autobot team got ready and head out. This time bringing the kids since they believe it would be safe enough.
On their way, Raphael was showing miko, Jack, and Bumblebee how they were going to the location that made the legend of the world Serpent originally came from.
They were excited, we'll miko was since shebwas hoping to see a real life serpent.
Oh, how she will know how her wish came true.
When they got close to the location, they realized how the mountain had some old ruins around it. Lost in time from the jungle around it.
While they slowly go into the ruins, they see art on the side of the ruins walls. It showed some type of creature that was fighting other giant creatures.
Raphael couldn't take pictures to figure out what they were saying since it was so badly run down from time.
When they got closer to the center of the mounting, they saw a gaint predicon laying down, covering the hole room.
It looked offline, but it was as huge as the decpticons warship. This offline predicon has been here for years since it had moss, fallen rocks, rust, and plants growing on it.
In the back of the room is the artifact. A artifact that can regenerate any cybertronian part from nothing.
The team approaches it and looks at it. More ancient text is above it, but again, it's too hard to read because of the years of erosion.
When the autobots grabbed it and started to walk away from it. It suddenly turns on, and let's go a powerful pulse that sent all the autobots back.
Once the autobots are able to get back up, the predicon body moves. Everyone stairs in disbelief as the optics of the predicon body turns on and the body starts to move.
The predicon slowly rises, debri falls while it rises. Once it's at its full height, it stairs down at the autobots.
Its mouth opens, and the most loudest and ear piercing sound comes from it. It suddenly charges a fire breath that causes the autobots to grab the artifact, kids, and run.
The fire stream follows them outside and burns the trees around the mounting temple.
The autobots wasted no time to transform and drive. In the review mirrors, they see the mountain explode and the predicon rises from it.
It roars and takes flight. It chases after them and blows fire. Burning everything. They eventually come to a cliff where there is no riffed at the bottom and no way out.
The predicon lands before them and walks toward them. They prepare for a fight.
Optimus decided to try one last option and prays for it to work.
He steps forward and with his most powerful and loud voice, he interduces himself as pptimus prime, the last of the primes.
The predicon stops and stairs. It growls and a old scratchy voice is heard from the predicon as it speaks.
"Prove it. Show me you are a prime."
So, pptimus opens his chest and shows the all spark. The predicon sees this and lowers it's head.
"Apologies for attacking you. I was only keeping the artifact safe."
Optimus asked why, and the predicon explains they were sent on earth by primus himself to portact the powerful artifical since dark times where to rise soon.
Optimus explains those dark times are the great war. The predicon understands and asks to join Optimus and his mission.
Obviously Optimus excepts. Thought, not even 3 seconds later, miko runs forward and up to the gaint predicon.
"Can you let me ride you! How much do you weigh? Have you ever fought something as big as you? How old are you? Are you a boy or a girl?"
Bullhead had to grab miko to shut her up and apologizes for mikos behavior. Though, the predicon just laughs.
"It seems humans have not changed at all in my 8000 year slumber. Hello little one. Hello to all 3 of you."
Arcee wasent on bored of (Y/N) being on the team because of them almost killing them.
Ratchet as in agreement, but optimus reminded them that they were only doing their job.
Bumblebee says they are excited since they want to ride (Y/N), which caused (Y/N) to say they aren't some creature to ride on.
This is gonna be fun.
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paxarsenal · 1 year ago
Organic Music, Organic Love
As requested by @mx-jester, I shall write another Wavewave fanfic! This time, Soundwave gets a bit tired from working...
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Another solar-cycle passed into another mega-cycle. After Shockwave’s initial return, the work within the Nemesis grew tenth fold. Project Predicon as dubbed by Shockwave resumed continuation. The scientist’s underground project not only sucked numerous supplies and resources from the flying ship, but management became desperate and demanding. Not to mention draining every contributing bot’s Energon tank into oblivion. Recharged wasn’t a choice either.  No Transformer could escape this, not even the notorious workaholic communications officer among them. 
Soundwave limped through the hallways. He hadn’t had a dose of Energon since last 48 breems. His engine tank hissed and churned. The HUD visor screen flashed uncontrollably as a desperate call to restock his falling system. Megatron began countless affairs of servitude to the Decepticon cause while Starscream occupied himself with other tasks. It left Soundwave starved and meek, his chassis armor heaving in weight from exhaustion. His digits couldn’t even lift a rusting nail after he finished the final round of code. 
Fortunately, what seemed to be a “mess hall” came to view. Mess hall was an overstretched definition. A large hall with unordered stacks of random trinkets and tools laid in corners as numerous Vechicons crowded the space. Soundwave immediately begrudged his decision. He didn’t want dinner disturbance from the terrible gossips and chatters, no less the own voices of meddling lower mechs. 
Nevertheless, the violet bot turned to the supply table and took out a fresh Energon cube. Soundwave settled into a corner where the light won’t reach and opened his visor, quickly chugging at the drink before slamming the empty shell down. One wasn’t enough. Eventually, Soundwave found himself surrounded by ten high Energon between his desire and hunger. At the end of the cycle, two refreshments were left unscathed. 
Groups of Vechicons suddenly burst into shouts. It perked Soundwave’s attention, turning to the crowd where the one and only Knockout stood in glowing scarlet paint. That particular mech always had something to ‘go on about’ and this solar-cycle wouldn’t be his last. 
“Ah ha,” Knockout jolted slightly in barely controlled excitement. The sports car bot moved out of the way to reveal a small unfamiliar device sitting on the table. It was rusting and dull. A small antenna and loudspeaker stood out from its design. Soundwave titled his helm curiously, signaling Knockout to continue his discovery. 
“I found this machine that organics love to use as entertainment. It’s called a radio!” Knockout announced, “It isn’t like our own radio transmitters, but plays music or news! Listen and watch!” 
The red medic pressed a few buttons and static began to roll over the radio until a coherent tune played. A few Vechicons ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ while others clapped along to the music. Knockout even began to sway his metal hips as he hummed the melody, almost as if he knew the song by spark. Soundwave didn’t know what to say; he was speechless for once, even if he never said anything at all. Words couldn’t describe how much he wanted to convey… 
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
It brought him back to Cybertron. There was a refill shack down the barren streets of Kaon; Shockwave and Soundwave idly pass around and about at the bar counter, bland conversation after the next. With diluted Energon in servo, their night held up. The hangout was a few from the first, and both mechs struggled for words. It wasn’t until Shockwave introduced him to a new discovery. 
“Organic music, have you heard of it?” Shockwave said, his voicebox rough from venting in the planet’s particles of land-waste dystopia.
“Negative: Soundwave… intrigued.” 
Shockwave went on. “For mega-cycles, our scientific team detected some wave signals in search for surplus Energon. However, unlike ours, it played organic tunes and sung songs from planet Earth.”
“… Songs,” Soundwave replayed with Shockwave’s audio. 
Shockwave shook his helm. “Exactly, a worthless find but nevertheless entertaining,” he hummed. His red lens burnt a bit bright as he looked towards the violet gladiator. “Care to listen when you’re available?”
There wasn’t a next time.
The radio continued to play as it lulled to a soft jazz. 
Between the commotion and music, Megatron strode into the crowd with Starscream behind him. The Cons immediately scattered, shifting to precarious position in the mess hall whereas Knockout straightened up his gears and bowed to the warlord. Brief exchanges of information and duties were made as the mech with a bucket for helm scorched the floor. Starscream looked unequally pleased, towards Megatron or to the various Vechicons horsing around, it didn’t matter. The trio of light and dark grey plus a hint of red set forth to the control room. Soundwave assumed he wasn’t needed; Megatron would have called him over since the two exchanged brief eye contact for one another. With the three gone and most of the Vechicons returning to their initial work, it left Soundwave to temporarily freedom. He spotted the lone radio; Knockout must had forgotten it with Megatron’s unexpected visit. 
With the bots gone, Soundwave removed himself from the seat and picked up the two remaining Energon cubes. His footsteps slowed and reached for the device before disappearing out of the exit.
Soundwave strolled down the hallways towards the end-most area of the Nemesis. Unexpressive yet knowing, he thought to himself: Did Shockwave ate today? Time seemed to have past but there were no implications to how much went on. Could be solar-cycles until now. The thought only made him squeeze the Energon cube until it pulsed with glowing blue liquid.
At last, he was outside of Shockwave’s laboratory. 
“Soundwave?” His partner said upon seeing the mech enter his chambers, “What a lovely surprise.” Soundwave nodded his helm and placed the neatly stacked Energon on the lab table and slide them towards the Empurata. Shockwave gave a quick thanks before heading back to work. However, another metal click alerted the violet bot to look the rusting item.
“Ah, a radio,” Shockwave mused, inspecting the musical machine with delicate digits. “It’s a delight to see in front of me.” Soundwave nodded to his statement. He trotted to Shockwave’s berth before sitting on it. Both had became familiar again after Shockwave’s return, and to sit on his personal recharge station was another pastime for Soundwave. The action itself stood pure among the other intimate activities they did behind closed doors. 
“I’m impressed, you remembered,” the Empurata hummed, “How long ago was that? Do you recall?” 
“I’m not surprised.” Soundwave chuckled at that.
Shockwave pressed a button on the device as it played, almost like it was filled with genuine compassion. He motioned himself to Soundwave where he sat quietly and obediently. 
Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
Both idly listened. Their visors gazing over the other for an answer. Shockwave was the first to avert his gaze, Soundwave followed. A heavy wave of exhaustion suddenly occurred within Soundwave’s frame. His helm drooped before tiling back up. 
Shocked noticed.
“Soundwave… Comms to Soundwave,” Shockwave said softly, his large figure hovering over Soundwave’s fatigued body. A gentle sharp servo cupped his helm as Soundwave swatted it away embarrassed. Of course, Shockwave didn’t know that. 
“You seem exhausted.” 
His partner fought to say no, yet his protoform betrayed his mind as he swayed once his pedes attempted to get up. Just in time, the scientist caught him in his gun arm. Perhaps he was, Soundwave concluded.
“Rest, you can borrow my berth for tonight,” Shockwave insisted. It took a few seconds before he added: “I won’t be too nosy.” 
Soundwave measly laid on the berth as told. He listened to Shockwave work. The soft music took any tension left unscathed and that helped him rest. Soon, the mech felt at peace for the first time. No code, no war, and no annoying Starscream buzzing to keep him awake. His HUD visor turned to Shockwave, his back facing him yet the purple con recognize that silent treatment.
“Soundwave… do you think this war would end?”
“Is that a ‘Stand By’?”
“… Affirmative.”
“How illogical of an answer, but I suppose as a scientist—not a time traveler, your answer is most definitely logical.”
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words
In other words
I love you
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stinkytrashman · 4 months ago
Thinking about Emo Barney again...
Would give him a sparkling just to see what would happen
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He’d immediately try to make it into a super strong predicon warrior, but would get way too attached to the little guy
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primefan15 · 2 years ago
I wanna start with telling all my followers that I have an account on Quotev. I have some TF books like my opinion on what happened after Transformers the last knight and some TFP fanfiction. If you decide to check me out, I go by the name Primefan13.
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