confluencechimera · 1 month
ah, i think i understand now, thank you!! in that case, what kind of headlights do you think optimus prime would have? i am the most definite least car knowledge for a tf fan but i make up for it by being a silly little guy /lh
NO WORRIES AT ALL I love sharing my knowledge :D Also. Okay. So here's the funny thing with me complaining about them: Optimus probably have LED headlights in ES LOL
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A lot of semis nowadays come out the factory with LED lights equipped (like your everyday car does, safety stuff), but truckers apparently do often to upgrade to them anyway due to their longevity and use at night.
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Its hard to get a good picture of them lit in canon, but they look like LEDs to me! Fun little continuity thing to me also is that his bot mode screen display and his headlights look similarly lit. < really autistic about those little details
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I actually don't mind semis with LEDs though because they tend to be aligned nicely and don't blast my car with the concentrated power of the sun when they're behind me LOLLL
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Also, a fun fact about semis and lights - a lot of them have this diamond pattern to reduce glare when vehicles are following them!
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The "dragon obsessed kid" to queer late realized autistic adult pipeline has to be insane
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
Opinion on teddies midwinter outfit
Actually. IT Midwinter outfit tierlist even if you will.
oh my god i love teddie midwinter . ok tier list!!!
S: teddie , naoto(plain clothes ver), rise (yaso)
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A: yosuke (plain), chie (yaso), yukiko (yaso), naoto (yaso)
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B: yosuke (yaso), yukiko (plain), kanji (plain), yu.
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C: chie (plain), kanji (yaso), rise (plain)
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D: no one i think sure.
By plain i mean no yaso uniform, i think they are also reffered as the new years outfits. the yaso ones are with uniform stuff (usually...looking at chie ahah).
shout out to the ski outfits. bonus round under cut
1- yosuke . he looks so fluffy....
2- naoto !!!! rrraaaa
3- chie
4- kanji
5- rise
6- yu
7- yukiko
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astrolavas · 1 year
Wait that hunter and willow struggle with vulnerabilty essay you mentioned... Hand it over 🫵
KXJSK thank you for enabling my brainrot, let's GO 🫡
okay so, for starters, we all know both hunter and willow tend to hide their vulnerability, push down their feelings and repress a lot, but it's actually super interesting how they do it in completely different ways and for such different reasons.
i've already written one essay about hunter's tendency to do that here, but that was a while ago, so let's refresh it up a little bit with season 3.
hunter lived his entire life in the emperor's coven, as a magicless witch at that, isolated from everyone and manipulated. he got used to ignoring and hiding how he felt, because showing vulnerability in the coven was seen as weakness, and showing his real emotions could have genuinely very very bad consequences for him. especially with him having no magic, he was already disrespected and seen as lesser by everyone (for example, the covenheads) but he yearned to be respected, to be treated well, equally; so he couldn't afford to show any vulnerability there. and when it came to showing negative feelings near belos... well. that especially had the potential to take a dark turn really fast; to provoke belos to do something. it was genuinely dangerous for him to express his emotions, it wasn't safe for him at all. he could NOT do it.
his golden guard persona also comes into play here and it's SO interesting how he uses it. masking (in a literal, psychological AND metaphorical sense); using it to feel braver, to act more confident. taking on a role of the emperor's trusted right-hand man instead of the lonely kid that he was. all this... well, surrounded by that hurtful mentality and hostile coven environment, he had to do it; to be more respected, to be able to do things that he had to do, to actually FUNCTION. it was a necessity for his survival.
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but here's the thing, he likes to think of himself as a more of a practical/logical/rational thinker, and he IS in general, that is true, but he actually DOES act based on his emotions and moral compass quite often. he's also really good at reading and analyzing people, and immediately getting them. he's oblivious to some things but overall he's emotionally smart, and very very insightful and perceptive....... it might be sth he's naturally skilled at, but he also definitely had to learn it; had to know how to read belos' mood and probably learnt all the little things he had to watch out for on some days, all the little signs to stop talking or look away. all that was, once again, for his own safety. BUT OKAYKXJSKK we're accidentally going off course here so let's go back slightly- hunter is also VERY expressive (which makes sense considering he wore a mask most of the time. ............. also hyper-expressive autism #real #so true—) so oftentimes his emotions are actually (no matter how hard he tries to hide or deny them) well visible on his face, before he manages to school them; although that also depends on the exact emotion he's feeling, some are more visible than others. so this is interesting, how he simultaneously automatically represses/hides some of his feelings and manifests them as something else but also feels everything so intensely and is such an open book based on his initial facial expressions. both of these facts coexist.
so, vulnerability. we already know hunter has trouble expressing his emotions at times. he loves to pretend he's okay when he clearly isn't; and it takes a LOT for him to open up to someone. he only really lets himself be truly emotionally vulnerable next to people he fully trusts and feels safe with, it doesn't come to him with ease.
that's why his scene with luz in the forest shack's basement is so important. that ENTIRE scene, actually. we can really see how much they've grown to trust each other, how safe they feel in each other's presence. what they had going on with their secret-keeping was not really fully healthy at the time, because they kept comforting each other from their VERY similar perspectives/stances, which just further locked in their mentality of "oh they'll hate both of us when they find out our secrets"; they were ensuring each other's fears by relating to each other; it was a circle. but nevertheless, they still cared about each other and have grown to care about each other even more throughout the few months.
here, hunter managed to admit that he was scared. he felt comfortable enough to admit his vulnerability like that to luz since they've grown closer and truly trusted each other with this. he's grown SO much.
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and then... the crying scene. i am not exaggerating when i say this is SUCH an important moment for hunter's character, as well as a perfect insight into his dynamic with luz. especially since the thing that jumpstarted his cry was luz telling him he's family now, and that she wants to ensure he's safe too... all his emotions coming to the surface, him finally not managing to keep stuff in, allowing himself to be vulnerable like that next to someone, actually crying and letting it out instead of holding it in or distancing himself in order to go through it alone... it was a big step for him, and it perfectly illustrated just how much he's grown. and the way luz responded to it was also so thoughtful. she was extremely tired and depressed herself, but she still showed worry. she knew hunter needed space to let it all out and avoided crowding him, since jumping at him with worry and questions and hugs would only make it worse and freak him out, but she initiated a delicate half-hug after a moment, non-verbally expressing her care.
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but moving on!
now, let's focus on hunter post-flapjack's death.
it's a big, traumatic event that affects and shakes him a LOT. he doesn't feel good, he doesn't feel happy, and that predictably results in the same thing as always..... hunter repressing his negative feelings and masking them as anger. prioritizing helping others and focusing on a mission at hand. not being sure if he's okay or how he feels or how to express what he feels when someone asks.
this is the behaviour we've ALWAYS seen from him in such situations. in season 2a, when he's just generally unhappy even if he doesn't realize it, and appears as angry and irritable... and in labyrinth runners, when he lives alone while dealing with serious life events; distances himself from everything and everyone, and then tries to act as if nothing had happened, and isn't sure HOW to express/talk abt his feelings, prefers to focus on someone/something else instead. andddd at the end of thanks to them after flapjack's death! when he immediately asks if everyone else is okay and jumps in to comfort luz and focuses on taking belos down; on a task. JUST... AUGHH! he prefers to push through his feelings cuz it's a defense mechanism, the same one he's been using in the past; in the coven. it allowed him to survive, and such instinct is not something that's easy to abandon.
so, this entire pattern is so, so clear in how he acts in for the future too. he tries to mask his grief and sadness with anger and coldness. he keeps pushing people (and palismen) away, distancing himself from others, acting irritable, focusing solely on the mission at hand, just wanting to find belos immediately; thinking about literally anything but flapjack or what happened just a few hours prior, cuz it hurts too much to think about it. the sadness and other emotions that accompany him as a result of flapjack's death keep sneaking up on him in random moments, but he fights not to let them through fully. he cannot allow himself to break down right now.
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but then, he's alone for a moment, and he allows himself to feel some vulnerability here. he's overwhelmed by what's happening and misses flapjack. and, as always, he doesn't know what to say. he feels everything so intensely inside but he has no idea how to express that on the outside, he doesn't know how to put everything that he thinks and feels into proper words; how to accurately communicate everything he wants to communicate to gus and willow. he struggles with that.
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but just like willow had her arc of repression (to be talked about in a second) and finally realized she can rely on other people too and allowed herself to show feelings and vulnerability instead of letting it all consume her from the inside out, hunter similarly let himself show some of that vulnerability to his friends. in the span of that moment, driven by pure instinct and his love for his friends, he managed to put what he'd always wanted to say into words.
he also realized that flapjack is always going to be a part of him in a way (both literally and metaphorically), even when he's not actually there, and it brought him some comfort at last... it didn't heal him or got rid of his grief ofc, there's a long journey ahead of him, but it helped him with the first step of dealing with grief and accepting what had happened.
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now, when we compare how he is with feelings right now to how he was at the beginning of the series, he's truly grown so much. he's always gonna somewhat struggle with expressing his emotions and vulnerability, but now that he's surrounded by people who care about him, whom he trusts with his life, who he doesn't fear being vulnerable around, it's going to be so much easier for him. of course, there are always going to be instances where something bad happens and he represses again; his defense mechanism and trauma response aren't going to just instantly disappear like that. but he has people he can be his true self around now, people he can confide in; it's going to help him a lot. and he's going to continue growing, and developing as a person.
.....yeah! okay, now... willow time!!
willow's repression arc has always been always kinda sprinkled in and hinted at throughout the duration of the series. we know she was bullied for a significant amount of time and it affected her confidence a lot, but it also made her repress and push down her feelings.
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i'd say her arc almost had... two parts to it. the first one was her coming out of her shell, gaining confidence and embracing her strength. the second one: her struggle with vulnerability and repressing feelings.
meeting luz and transferring to plant track was what definitely helped her with the confidence problem. she flourished (lol) after she was allowed to embrace her interests and strengths. but what remained, was that willow saw her insecurity and emotions as her weaknesses. she even said it herself, she most of all wants to protect everyone she loves (similar to hunter actually), and all-together that resulted in her shutting herself off and just focusing on others' feelings. wanting to be reliable for her friends, seeing herself as the "strong one" in the group; the rock. the mature one.
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always pretending she's okay and fine with everything, putting a smile on her face through it all. because after all, she doesn't want others to worry about her, right? (she did it for all emotions too, basically)
especially if we take into account that she was bullied and seen as inferior to others for years + her entire past with amity + just in general her history with the abomination track and the expectations from her dads regarding it, all of it was trauma for willow and she ended up with the need to hide her feelings (something she saw as her weakness/flaws/weak spots) as a coping mechanism. she hated being seen as weak, and after she gained more confidence in herself, that feeling only grew.
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in for the future, we could see just how much the suppression was affecting her. she still tried to be cheerful, dependable, not bothering anyone with her own worries, trying to make others feel better. but with each next moment, every feeling of hers builds up more and more, until finally it cannot be contained anymore. and explodes.
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her magic is actually also a great metaphor/illustration of her feelings suppression. whenever willow's especially feeling things, we can always see how her magic reacts too it, how her emotions manifest through it. and this scene in ftf is a great visual representation of it; how the vines slowly cover her until she's completely buried under them. how helpless she feels. man...
but at last, she allows herself to let her feelings out. she's assured that she's not any worse for it, told that reliable people can rely on others as well. she lets all her worries and fears and thoughts and vulnerability finally show, instead of letting it all consume her from the inside out. it's such a turning moment for her. because from then on, she's shown to genuinely express more emotions and not depend entirely on herself, now that she's aware it doesn't make her any less strong. she's assured none of her friends are gonna think any less of her, or to see her as weak, and that's good.
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actually, another thing i wanna bring up is willow being saved and bridal-carried by hunter in this scene.
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could she have saved herself? yes, most likely, just like she did in any sport in a storm, when she was still suppressing any weaknesses of hers and relying on herself only. if hunter hadn't teleported to save her, she'd probably do just that. but this little moment is actually such a good illustration of how now that she's allowing herself to depend on others too (instead of just be dependable), she allows herself to be saved. when she needs it.
see, this is actually the thing i've seen lots of people confused about because "willow is independent, she wouldn't want to be saved" and... that actually confuses me, because it truly misses the very core of her character arc.
the point is that she CAN take care of herself and she wants others (especially people who see her as weak) to know that and to not underestimate her abilities (just like we've seen in labyrinth runners, for example). but, at the same time, she also wasn't allowing herself to take her guard off or to be saved by others for a long time exactly for that same reason; because she didn't want to be seen as weak anymore. she wanted to be seen as only strong and independent, to the point where she deemed any weakness of hers as bad.
like, that's the entire point of her character, her repressing negative feelings then finally allowing herself to open up and be more vulnerable (+ realizing it doesn't make her any less strong). she doesn't hate being saved necessarily, she hates being seen as inferior and weak and incompetent. for example, willow hated when amity constantly tried to save her in labyrinth runners instead of letting her take care of things herself or acknowledging her strengths because it made her think amity thought she was not capable of protecting herself. because it was amity saving her from the smallest things. it made her feel disrespected, as if she was called weak right to her face.
now... hunter never saw willow as weak, ever, and he knows perfectly well that she can take care of herself. he respects her and likes her in her entirety, both for her strength as well as her softer, more vulnerable side. BUT in moments when he thinks she does need protecting or saving, he doesn't hesitate to do so. and now that willow has let herself be more vulnerable and realized she can let herself rely on others more, she clearly appreciates and doesn't mind it whatsoever.
the mutual trust and respect is the actual key point in hunter and willow's relationship; they both know each of them are strong and skilled and able to protect themselves, but they also know each others' vulnerabilities and want to protect each other when a situation actually calls for it. both willow and hunter want the ppl they care abt (each other included) to be safe and they will protect them when they need it, but neither of them would like... completely discredit someone's abilities to stay safe on their own. so when it comes to willow's strength complex, hunter knows when willow can take it cuz he respects her and trusts her abilities, but when she actually needs it, he'll gladly save and protect her as his priority; but not in frivolous instances when she can take care of herself. and she will do the same for him.
so yeah!
tldr; it's actually super cool how both willow and hunter repress their feelings a lot and prioritize others over themselves but it manifests in such different ways and comes from slightly different circumstances/reasonings for each of them.
willow more-so feels like she has to be the more mature one in the group, and she pretends she's okay and fine and focuses on how others are feeling instead of herself cuz she wants to be dependable and hates showing weakness or being seen as weak. whereas, hunter isn't sure how to express himself and when he feels negative things, they manifest as anger/irratibility. he prefers to focus on some productive task instead and he prefers to distance himself from others, and it also all comes down to how he grew up in the coven and how he was raised by belos. like it's... SO interesting how they both do something so similar at its core but so differently.
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rad-batson · 1 year
Hi I'm rewatching Psych (2006) and have found some glaring similarities between Shawn Spencer and Bruce Wayne:
This is very important research. Do not scroll >:(
Bruce Wayne and Shawn Spencer
Not Your Average Detective TM
Works with the local police department, solves crimes in the most illegal way possible
Definitely needs to see a therapist, literally would rather die
Puts on an elaborate show to lie about his identity but he really doesn’t need to be that dramatic about it???? Calm down 🤨
Barely one step above a silly cartoon character, but it is very close
Has a father figure who constantly vocalizes they did not raise him like this while also cleaning up his messes (with love, of course. And sarcasm)
Autistic Swag. Unmedicated.
Hyper-observant with incredible deductive reasoning skills to the point that others are convinced he has supernatural abilities
✨ Breaking and entering ✨
Sleeps in his man cave more than in his actual bed
Homoerotic tension with a grumpy salt-and-pepper detective (if you squint)
Has a psychotic mortal enemy who insists they’re friends despite attempting to kill his family members on several occasions through fun little games and riddles
Owns a business
Wants to lie down and take a nap but if he does then he’ll be left alone with his thoughts so he instead performs dangerous acts of heroism, knowing full well that said dangerous acts do not promise a paycheck
Way smarter than he publicly lets on
Wanted in several foreign countries, probably
His best friend is both tired of his shit and constantly enabling his weird antics despite having a serious day job because they know he is Much Worse when left unsupervised and they are secretly also just as unhinged
Has mad sexual tension with a concerning amount of criminals
Casually tries to walk off a bullet wound, worrying everyone
Lives in a major coastal city with perpetually constant weather conditions and a surprisingly high crime rate
Bisexual, Canon Be Damned
And yet the straight ship? Still Iconic
Uses his ditzy, flamboyant playboy image to simultaneously protect his biggest secret and hide his deeply scarring childhood trauma
Is babygirl
Bruce Wayne
Outwardly has a dark, pessimistic outlook on life
Secretly hopeful and would do anything to make his loved ones happy
Won't shoot a gun but will beat the crap out of you
Bats on everything
Lives on the East Coast
Actually has Autism AND ADHD but his sidekick has more ADHD, making him the default Autism solidarity
Has health insurance
Shawn Spencer
Child of divorce
Outwardly hopeful and would do anything to make his loved ones happy
Secretly has a dark, pessimistic outlook on life
Doesn't know hand-to-hand combat but is a great shot
Pineapples on everything
Lives on the West Coast
Actually has ADHD AND autism but his sidekick has more Autism, making him the default ADHD solidarity
Does not have health insurance
Feel free to add stuff if you also love Psych :D I'm on my third rewatch now
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myrthing · 7 months
I am James Somerton.
or, This Is Not A Defence of James Somerton Because He Fucking Sucks
The thing I've been thinking about since I watched Folding Idea's unlisted video about Somerton's second apology yesterday is how much I recognised myself in Dan's analysis of James, and how conflicted I've felt since then.
I should start by saying that as a Swedish lesbian woman with autism, ADHD and MDD, who has neither college degrees nor work experience, but who does have scruples, burnout, a sense of responsibility, some talents (if no way to consistently use them), a desire to create, basic financial sense, and a living parent who can read; I'm actually not like James Somerton at all.
But those are really rather superficial differences, aren't they? What got me thinking is the line with which Folding Idea ends his video:
"Ambition without actions and avenues to achieve them are called fantasies."
That is both an accurate analysis of James Somerton's personal failings, and a summary of me. The ambition to be something without the ability to put in the work needed to succeed. A deep-rooted optimism about how things will always work out in the end, somehow.
In James's case, this is currently demonstrated by his unwavering conviction that he will be able to return to YouTube. He hasn't considered the alternative. I don't think he can—the idea that he has permanently destroyed his chances of being a youtuber is too big, too real, so instead of engaging with that reality, he pretends to himself that he can't see it. Out of sight, out of mind. Literally, apparently, if we take James's account of his TBI at face value.
I want many, many things. I have many, many ideas. I would like to be a successful [anything]. I have imagined myself in many careers, from freelance editor to self-published author to youtuber. Anything that would, like James, enable me to work from home. It's partially desperation: after all, how else would I get a job as a disabled woman in her mid-30s who has never been employed and who can't go back to school?
I'm also loath to the idea of doing work. Self-employment is hard and it requires dedication. I would like to have already achieved my success, thank you very much. None of us can say what the reasons are behind James's unwillingness to work (although laziness is certainly not unlikely). For me, though? It's probably a combination of certain autism symptoms that I've dealt with since I was a child, and the burnout I suffered from in high school. Those aren't excuses, they're embarrassing weights I carry around to remind me of why I'm a failure.
This is what has been on my mind because of Somerton. I found myself not empathising with him, but recognising certain attitudes as a mid-30s adult with a disability (between the TBI and epilepsy as Somerton describes them, he certainly qualifies as disabled) who has been largely shielded from consequences. Although James certainly also seems willfully ignorant of his actual faults in a way I don't think I am. If nothing else I do know how to genuinely apologise. And I can cite sources! I know how to do that even without completing though school or managing even one term in university!
My mother—who can read, thank you very much—would eviscerate me if didn't. Besides, I entered fandom shortly after Cassie Clare's plagiarism scandal. It was instructional.
This is a goddamn ramble, so I'm going to end this by putting all cards on the table, and admit I actually have one (more) thing in common with James Somerton:
My dad, you see, can't read.
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kafus · 9 months
ok i've decided i want to infodump about vee and nova a little after all! because uhh not only am i impatient because autism but i also. want to dip my toes into talking about this. just days ago i was still terrified but now i am Tentatively Brave... if i can talk about it here casually like this then i should be able to write a more formal summary later some other time
i've tagged this post appropriately (at least i think i have, feel free to suggest if i should add more) but also a heads up here too before i keep talking that while i'm not going into graphic detail on anything there are STRONG themes of organized sexual abuse of a child, sexual abuse of animals, and grooming! (there are no disturbing visuals in this post, just text)
takes a deep breath alright so the deal with these two. back all the way in 2021, i decided i wanted to make "vent ocs" as in i just wanted some concrete/consistent designs i could use in vent art drawings that weren't a direct reflection of what i envision myself to look like or whatever. i was going through a lot in 2021, in december 2020 i had just gotten my first big repressed memory back and my life was in a whirlwind of change and heavily increased PTSD and DID symptoms, so i was using art a lot as an outlet. in the end i settled on this drawing, based on the design taste i would have had as a young person (god the quality is so old now LOL i've improved a lot but anyway)
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i was intending for these two to be just visual designs and nothing more than that but i got attached and actually ended up giving them a whole storyline and everything, which is something i admittedly hadn't done in a long time up to that point so that's cool.
the reason i preface explaining the premise of the storyline with this is because i think it's important to acknowledge that these two are intrinsically tied with my real life and the feelings i experience as a CSA/OA survivor. not because i think someone has to go through awful things to write or draw about them necessarily, but because i am passionate about expressing myself. it's important for me to be seen in some way, to be heard after years of silence. it is not safe for me mentally to share the exact details of my abuse online rn (and please don't ask for them!) but i also don't want these two to be removed from the message that i survived something and this is me making art about that in an abstracted and magical way with a fictional universe that brings me a lot of comfort. i hope this makes sense lol
oh and also with that in mind if you think for even a second any of this is a weird sex thing for me or some shit please stop reading this post and go do something else with your time. this is my trauma expression and i don't need to be compared to the people i was abused by when i was a literal toddler thank you!
AANYWAY so! premise! gonna be point blank with it! vee (not her original name but shh) is born as a normal 100% human girl, aka without the eevee ears and tail. she is groomed from a very young age (like, toddler age) and eventually abducted by her groomers which happen to be members of... well right now it's team rocket because i haven't spent the time to worldbuild a new villainous pokemon organization yet. roll with me here. she is taken to a remote facility out in the middle of fucking nowhere and is never returned to her previous life or family.
Why? well i'm glad you asked! the org is running a bunch of different experiments in this facility and one of them happens to be trying to enable humans reproducing with pokemon. this doubles as both a money thing and a power thing. they seek out a child as the victim of these horrible experiments because children are easily malleable. way easier to control a child than an adult who already has a firm identity/self.
vee is the child they chose. surgery is forcibly done on her to give her working eevee ears and tail, and also like, fuck with her body chemistry and stuff. she's biologically part eevee now. yes this is bullshit pokemon magic science LMAO but she is kept in this facility and chronically sexually abused for a few years by pairing her with various mons and trying to get eggs to happen.
the experiment isn't working though so they hypothesize that giving her a dedicated partner, especially of the same evolutionary line, would help, and they raise nova from birth as an eevee to take on that role. eventually the two of them are paired together. despite the acts they are forced to commit on each other and the abuse they endure, they actually become inseparable very quickly cause like. they don't have anyone else. and also they just genuinely care about each other. additionally at this point nova has evolved into an espeon and has telepathic powers, so him and vee can communicate linguistically with each other, so you know that helps
generally my current focus of this story is in the early years, when vee is 12 and younger, before they start realizing that shit is fucked up and they need to escape (up until that hypothetical point they have been successfully groomed into believing everything happening to them was not abuse/was normal). i have left out a metric fuckton of detail here just to get across the basic premise. i am constantly exploring vee's psyche, nova's psyche, it's like an in depth exploration of the mind of an abused child in horrific circumstances and god it's cathartic. i love these two so fucking much
btw i guess this art has more context now huh haha after i infodumped off the plot to my sister they looked at this art again and was like. OHHH THIS IS EVEN MORE OMINOUS AND HARD TO LOOK AT WITH CONTEXT. AND I WAS LIKE YEAH!!!! YOU SEE THE VISION!!! THE SYMBOLISM!! ETC!!!!
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uh yeah if you read this far thank you and i just wanna say i've been building up the courage to talk about these two for GENUINELY two years, it has been over 2 full years since that initial drawing, and i am nervous and jittery posting this but i do not want to die without having shared my work with the world and i'm willing to take the risks to get my voice out there. so you reading it is very much appreciated ur like my first step into being more confident as a survivor lol
oh and fwiw despite these guys being so correlated with my trauma it's not offensive to make headcanons or ask me questions about them or compliment darker art of them however you want, in fact i love that shit!! please i've been holding these guys back for two years i have so much to say that hasn't been said. as much as i am nervous i am EXCITED
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arwasis · 4 months
My name is Amal Muhaisen , a Palestinian residing in Gaza. I urgently seek assistance to evacuate my family of nine to Egypt. Over the past four months, we have been displaced from north to south Gaza following the complete destruction of our home. Funds collected through this campaign will be used to facilitate their exit through the Rafah crossing. Your contribution will significantly impact their lives and ensure their safety during this period. We have endured significant losses during the ongoing war on Gaza, including family members and the total destruction of our home in the northern area. Currently, we reside in a tent in the southern part, having lost all means of livelihood like many other Palestinian families. We are facing unimaginable circumstances, lacking essential food and medicine, and constantly living in fear for our safety and that of our children. My son has suffered repeated injuries during the conflict, and his condition worsens due to the scarcity of medication and the lack of proper medical care. However, the most challenging aspect is the situation of my son Fares, who suffers from autism. Fares was receiving necessary care and support, making significant progress in his development. However, the war disrupted everything. Medical care ceased, essential medications became unavailable, significantly impacting Fares's condition. He can no longer access the treatment he needs, increasing our worry and despair about his future. Fares is not just a war victim; he represents thousands of Palestinian children suffering from its devastating effects. My family comprises nine individuals, five adults, and four children. Your generosity and support can make a significant difference in saving their lives. The only way out of Gaza is through the Rafah crossing, requiring a fee of $6,000 per adult and $3,000 per child. Every donation, regardless of its size, will contribute to securing their safe passage from Rafah to a more stable environment in Egypt." "Regardless of its size, your contribution will help secure their safe passage from Rafah to a more stable environment in Egypt. Your kindness will provide them with an opportunity to rebuild their lives and renew hope for the future. Today, I stand before you not as a victim or a weakling, but as a displaced person searching for a livelihood, medical care, and a safe haven for her family. We are in desperate need of your support to escape this hell and start a new life away from fear and suffering. Your contribution will be a lifeline for us, enabling us to break free from the perilous conditions we endure. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support and contributions. Amal".
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pineapple-psychic · 8 months
i made a pjo/psych crossover
thanks to @autism-criminal for enabling me
Shawn Spencer, son of Hecate
henry and hecate hooked up once; thinking maddie finds out and its part of the reason for the divorce
this means shawn has real psychic powers!! yay!!
because hes a child of a titan, not a god, less monsters came after him so he was doing good until 18, when he ran away
him and gus looked out for each other :] bc of course henry cant see the monsters (and didnt know abt camp halfblood)
Burton 'Gus' Guster, son of Apollo
because pharmaceuticals and the god of medicine
absolutely HATES snakes. worse than dead bodies
i think itd be really funny to give him both the natural healing and the plagues powers because that would give him such a crisis
gus tries to go to college, but without the additional protection its more dangerous so he doesnt finish before asking shawn for help
shawn tells him abt this camp he found and whoo! shawngus in new york! (ik santa barbara is The City on Psych but listen theyre in pjo now)
Carlton Lassiter, son of Ares
this is mostly because of his obsession with guns, landmines, and the civil war
basically the only ares kid who gets along with athena kids. probably wishes he was one
and of course he HATES magic because it doesnt make sense so bam instant rivalry with shawn
part of the reason he doesnt get along with his mother is because of being lied to about his parentage, cause his stepdad is a dick and he wouldve been glad to know they werent related
Juliet O'Hara, daughter of Athena
pissed off at her parentage. she loves athena but she hates knowing that shes related to frank and not her mom
gets along great w lassie cause he may be an ares kid but hes not incredibly stupid like most of them
hates spiders of course
she joined the camp rather early in her life, because frank knew about the camp and she wanted to get away from him. ironic huh
Chief Karen Vick, child of Athena
they left the camp when they could to become a police officer up to chief, then returned to help Chiron out as a co-camp director because Mr. D does absolutely nothing
this way them and juliet are half siblings :D
Woodrow Strode, unknown
kinda just showed up one day
no one knows if hes a demigod or like a sighted mortal but he is just there
lives in the woods
hangs around the hades cabin a lot because death. also the Vibes
Busby 'Buzz' McNab, son of Demeter
can you imagine him tending to the gardens?? all 6'7 of him??? yes
also because buzz. bees. plants. demeter
i have basically no notes on him sorry
anyway im so wise. take my word as law (joking. do not do that)
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antirqclover · 5 months
HII!! welcome to this clove's blog!!!
id hoard
plantkin (cloves, clover, water lily)
pro transid & pro para but ANTI RADQUEER
i have autism, bipolar, npd, and more
im a paraphile and i use transids
tagging system and the ramble tm under the cut
🍀;; yapyapyap (talking)
🍃;; heyy (asks)
🌿;; opinions (yapping abt identity or stances)
🌱;; eewwww (rq related)
☘️;; stuff (media)
I USED TO BE NAGISAISM!!!! lmfao yes i used to be that crazy bitch. while saying that the radqueer community groomed and enabled me isnt an excuse for anything i said or did, its an explanation, and i know the only thing i can do atp is say that im sorry and that ive grown. i was an awful person, and if you supported me/still support my past actions please dont come NEAR ME thank you. i want to use this account to talk about my experiences in the community, and also to surround myself with people who arent part of that echo chamber. thx for reading this.
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chococookiez · 5 months
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Your name is KINITO AMICIA and you've taken a keen interest in that TROLL DISEASE known as FRIENDSHIP.
happy 2 days late 4/13 nerds
thanks to @jimposts and @kinito-bonito for enabling me to do dumb shit
notes and non gif versions under the cut
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non gifs with the violet (since he's violet) and the olive (because im a leo LMAO)
i autismed this incredibly hard and in my mind ive pinned kinito as a witch of light (also points at his sign being aquapio . prospit!) after staring at the aspects and class speculations on the wiki and also fuck the class genders i will put kinito in a pretty god tier dress and you can't stop me (it's fine if you have a different classpect idea for him!! this is just what i came up with)
his jacket in the gif is cycling through all the blood colours (including candy red and lime + bonus anon grey) cause i thought of him changing his jacket to match someone's blood colour (or favourite colour)!
something else i thought of was troll sam and jade being time and space players respectively (idk about class, also haha kinito jade space like homestuck jade) and kinito osmosising so much off them with his light bullshit during their session he fucked off into the great beyond and somehow glitched into other sessions to spread Friendship :)
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i had a lot of fun with this idea
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freehideoutpuppy · 9 months
I need to share my triumph of making people see Bakugo as the shitstain that he is, lol. So, storytime a couple of weeks ago, I was out with my BFF. we were at this arcade type place that's open super late, and I had on my Midoriya hero costume backpack purse(it's my favorite) and this guy saw it and complimented it and was like oh cool! I guess he's your favorite then, and I'm like, yes! Though Todoroki is, of course, a close second. Guy then went on to say he like Bakugo best, and because autism and my brain to mouth filter being shit at this point, thanks pandemic, I just snorted and went ah yes the character that has the least character development, the worst backstory, and has been an abusive jerk from the beginning and hasn't stopped.
The dude was like,"What do you mean he's great?"
So I pulled up the scene from season 5, where Bakugo throws his headpiece at Midoriya and impaled him with it. And then mentioned his apology scene that I went into detail about on here a couple of months ago and did a short summary of why it was wrong. And went oh yes, so much character development. His abuse is funny now instead of being considered bad. His apology was just victim blaming and complaining about how much better Midoriya is as a person than him. And the guy just looked at me and had this look of horror and realization. And when he finally responded, it was glorious! "I never thought of it like that, but now that you brought it up, no wonder you hate him." Which was kind of awesome because some Bakugo fans are really unreasonable in their love of him, so it was refreshing not to have the guy jump down my throat for not liking him. Especially since I have genuine criticisms about Bakugo. Could he have been a good character? Yes? Is he a good character as far as the manga/ anime is concerned? No. His character development is 1 step forward 5 steps back, and I hate that.
Also, my BFF is an enabler she doesn't watch or read mha and all the knowledge she has comes from myself and another friend of ours ranting about it, but she enjoys hearing my rants about why I dislike Bakugo so much lol. I love her for that she's the best.
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nyaskitten · 9 months
Share your head lore about the connection between the Oni and magic.
You've opened possibly the WORST can of worms anon and I love you for it. Thank you for enabling my Autism <333
OKAY, I think the Oni made the first magic, turning their powers into dark abilities that could be used by other beings. They created spells and magic.
Fast forward a few thousand years to the start of the war, a large group of Oni left the realm to another realm, one in the sky. Over a few millenia they changed from what they once were into the first Djinn, their legs gone to match the gravity of this realm, and their magic changed to match it's harshness.
As they had kids and those kids had kids, there were more noteable changes, which led to the modern Djinn like Arrakore, Nadakhan, and Khanjikhan!
Now, as time went on, magic began to shift, and suddenly Djinn magic was also split in two, more dark and malicious for those in power (royalty, nobility, etc) while it was more normal and kind for the average Djinn (like Arrakore.)
Unfortunately, the darker magic is what Djinn are known for as the higher Djinn were the ones who went around spreading their magic and spells.
The Serpentine learned of their magic and integrated it into their culture, twisting and manipulating it into moreso just spells, which would eventually be written and published in their own right (all those spells could be found in Clouse's spellbook.) Serpentine magic doesn't do spells tho, only a Djinn can do spells, it's a natural/genetic thing for them.
Other's chose to practice Djinn magic the ancient way, like Hazza D'ur. Because he wasn't Djinn though, it slowly killed his body, leaving his remains cursed into a painful eternity. He DID find a way to do wish granting but it slowly tore his soul and left him in painful agony, which is why he so rarely did it.
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Im thankful for my high-emotions autism because Ive had to learn the perspective over the years that just because something makes me uncomfortable, even very emotionally upset, does not mean that I have actually been wronged or that the person who upset me is a bad person. Some of the best people in my life have also upset me the most in my life because of small slights/misunderstandings that my brain went "oh, I gotta get mad/sad to protect myself from being taken advantage of," and then spilled the entire bag of sad/mad into my brain leaving me feeling like Ive been completely betrayed.
Dont get me wrong, if you're raising a kid and constantly dismissing their feelings that would be so wrong for their development, but so is going the other direction and telling them that every ounce of discomfort is proof that the other person is actually a Bad Person and that your feelings are proof of their crimes.
Anyway, Im an adult who was never an anti and I still have to step away from situations and remind myself that another person's fandom headcanons or whatever are not a sign that they are a bad person, that my feelings of discomfort are not a basis for the other person's badness levels.
I cant imagine what an uphill battle it must be if you were once an anti and you have to fight this mindset after years of being enabled to react like this, especially as some people grew up surrounded by antiship culture. Props to ex-antis who are keeping your behavior in check. Your internal struggle and internal improvement is real, no matter how invisible it may be. You should be proud.
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ouroborosorder · 7 months
thank you for the AK VFX asks, folks, btw, I love answering these questions so fucking much. I've got a few that I still wanna answer but that will take me some time to actually answer because I'm trying to put together Proper Responses to 'em.
also if you have any more, please send them my way because this is enabling my two greatest autism hyperfixations at the moment and I love having them synced like this
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Hi! I just got my first appointment for a neuropsych evaluation scheduled today. I'm going in to find out if I can be officially diagnosed with autism/ADHD, and I was wondering if you had any tips for me. I'm super nervous and my anxiety isn't helping, so I was hoping for something that might put my mind at ease a little. Any words of wisdom on what I should expect?
Hi there,
I would start by writing down what symptoms/traits that you think applies to you. They might ask about your childhood experiences. I found an article talking about what to expect during an evaluation process:
Autism evaluations usually start with a screening questionnaire. If the questionnaire indicates that a child might have autism, then it’s time for a more in-depth evaluation. A child should never get a diagnosis based on just the questionnaire.
The evaluation will include a set of tests in which the clinician watches how the child plays, behaves and communicates. These tests include specific tasks and ways of evaluating the child, and they are backed up by research. One common version is called the ADOS test.
The results of these tests can be hard to interpret. For example, a child might not make eye contact because they have autism. But they might also avoid eye contact because they are very shy. It’s important for an experienced clinician to do the evaluation because they can recognize the more subtle signs of autism.
A full evaluation should also include interviews with parents, teachers and other adults who know the child. Structured cognitive tests should be part of the evaluation as well. These tests show how the child thinks and provide important information about what kinds of support at school would be helpful.
A pediatrician might give the first screener, but the full evaluation should be done by someone specially trained in diagnosing autism. You can ask about the clinician’s training and experience, as well as how they usually do evaluations. They should be able to give clear answers to your questions and take the information you provide seriously.
I’ll leave the full article below so you can check it out.
I hope this can help. I wish you luck during your evaluation.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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