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-- mistletoe. pt v. (feat. the magnetic Dar of @darcar!)
#Pigeon Screens#Odette Hollows#Dar Cebe#FFXIV Screenshots#Midlander Hyur#Viera#FFXIV Viera#StarlightSmooches2024#<- they will most certainly go into 2025 at this rate but LISTEN#MWAH MWAH MWAH#THANK YOU DAR FOR LENDING ME DAR!!!!!!!!!#she is truly one of the most beautiful women in the world#beauty is SHARP#also Dar is not that short !! Odette is standing on a pile of presents#and even then it was v hard to get them both in frame with a long shot#thus !!! the tall#also i hate not getting viera ears in the shot you know??????
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[Marriage ceremony headcanons w/ Noa!] [commission!]

A/N: Thank you for commissioning me Fox ! Your support to me means everything and I hope this is good!
Summary: What marrying Noa would be like and how you both go about it.
Warnings: Noa x reader romance, very self indulgent and may be a lil ooc

Marrying an Ape is not easy, and you're sure you're the first human to have ever put those words together in a sentence and thought of them to begin with.
The ceremony is a big deal, it's you and the Eagle clan leader after all.
Human marriages have been lost to time, so there won't be any pretty dresses or suits, but you're still adorned with gifts and whatnot.
A lot of your accessories come from Noa himself, things he has crafted you in the courting process. Arm guards, necklaces, bracelets, all lovingly crafted by himself when he was ever away from you on scouting expeditions.
His mother and Soona help you too, get ready for their own customs that you may not be privy too.
It's apart of their culture that betrothed each give one another a feather from their eagle, to wear it almost as if it's a wedding ring, so they let you know to make sure to keep one handy for it.
Noa has a good bunch to choose from, subtly freaking out and thinking none of them are good enough for you, to which Eagle sun peeks at his master. It doesn't help, Noa just side eyes him all the more with a glare, smacking his lips.
Anaya is there to help him get ready as well, despite not ever going through the ceremony himself. Though he's mostly there just to lend an ear to whatever Noa needs to let off his chest.
I like to think Noa would ask you about your human customs, while yes, you're his mate, and this is firstly his home. He would never any to alienate you. He's more than willing to add in whatever you see fit. You're his mate, his equal. It's only right.
The ceremony takes place a little ways off from the colony, next to a waterfall. There's really no officator, nor is there a really big crowd. It consists of you both, Dar, Soona and Anaya, and a few other of the elders, who, while not fully accepting of the union at first, comes to their senses when Noa is adamant.
You've told Noa about vows about the speeches people usually make, and it scares the ape so badly to say it outloud just how much he cares for you. So you leave it for when you two are alone in the nest, it's more special that way you figure.
You and Noa exchange feathers, gently wrapping it around each other's arms. Your hands are trembling as you finally, and I mean, finally secure the knot.
Noa grabs your hands within his, intertwining your fingers together to the best of his ability due to the sheer size difference and pulls them to his chest, sighing deeply when you immediately move to brush across his scar, a smile on his lips.
He tugs you in, then pressing his forehead against yours as he cups your face, brushing the strands of hair away from it.
The leader is quiet as he soaks you in, your warmth, your scent, the feeling of you finally being officially his, in both of your worlds.
"Will you marry me?" You mumble, eyes opening ever so slightly to look up at Noa, and your heart is pounding so damn hard in your chest you fear you're gonna pass out.
"Yes." Noa answers without a moment of hesitation.
Now here comes the tricky part, kissing you in front of his family, the way humans do.
Lord help him, he's found echo fairy tales and he did enough reading to get the gist of how a marriage kiss should be.
It's a little bit awkward to situate you in his arms so suddenly, but the giggle you let out when he finally kisses you is all he needs in return.
Yes, both of you ignore the hooting in the distance.
#teddy loves apes ☆#teddy loves noa ☆#kingdom of the planet of the apes noa#kotpota#pota#noa x reader#teddy commission ☆#planet of the apes x reader#pota x reader#noa
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I Realized. Then I Couldn’t Stop Realizing.
Chapter 9: C-53
Depending on – what was he doing, still looking? It was right there in front of him, plain as day.
C-53 shifted through boxes indiscriminately, scanners peeled for a very specific rectangle. Bargie’s file trees may be well organized, but her cargo hold wasn’t nearly as meticulously maintained. The crew’s fault, he allowed. He would have to come back and sort things out once he found what he was looking for.
He hadn’t seen Pleck in the several days following their last conversation. The tellurian slunk into the kitchen for food only at night, when he was certain C-53 was powered down, and spent the rest of his time barricaded in his own room. They were back to square one, and the frustration C-53 felt probably was lending to how haphazardly he pawed through boxes of cargo.
How someone could be just down the hall and yet so very absent astounded him. He missed Pleck. Deeply. Limited as he was by the size of his frame, C-53 might as well be across the entire galaxy from him.
Something had clearly rattled the tellurian to his core, enough to force him back into hiding, and C-53 had resolved to cross that yawning chasm between them. He waded through the cargo hold, wiring frayed, cube in flux. It was somewhere around here; he was sure Bargie hadn’t actually gotten rid of it.
Pleck’s absence somehow hurt worse this time around. Now, C-53 was intimately aware of how deeply the tellurian feared, how fiercely he loved. He knew how hard he fought every day just to keep his mind intact. Pleck had entrusted that part of himself to C-53. He was not about to let himself betray that trust.
Since they started working together, C-53 had rescued Pleck from an impressive array of dangers, but it was time now for the droid to tackle a new threat. He had to protect Pleck from… Pleck.
“Aha,” he said, scanners finally landing on what he was searching for.
A three foot tall frame, fitted with vents and a water tank. Never before used on account of it being, unfortunately, filled with sand. C-53 gingerly picked up the dehumidifier in his clamps and carried it back through the path he’d made in the sea of boxes. He felt slightly guilty for the thin trail of sand he left in his wake, but this was important.
The pathways in his code were shivering like violin strings as he made his way to the bridge. In the days Pleck had been gone, he realized that separating how he felt about his friend into neat little compartments was as pointless as it was impossible. The exasperation of a coworker, the protective instinct of a guardian, the unbearable tenderness of… whatever they were becoming was inseparable. The emotions crossed and doubled over and tangled up in the binary designation for the tellurian’s five letter name.
He was doing this for Pleck, but he was also doing this for himself. Dancing around the situation was only harming both of them, and C-53 was not prone to feeling this dumb very often. He and Pleck were just a pair of idiots orbiting one another, too afraid to touch.
C-53 was done orbiting. He was ready to crash land.
Dar’s voice floated from the bridge as he approached. It sounded like they were reading aloud a passage from one of their leadership books. C-53 nudged the wide door open and ducked inside, the sandy humidifier held carefully before him.
“Captain Dar, I’m sorry to interrupt,” he began.
Dar looked up from their book. They were lounging in one of the pilot’s chairs, an unnecessary accessory that Bargie was fond of despite the fact that she piloted herself. Horsehat was seated in the chair opposite their parent, chin in hand, looking drowsy. Outside the windows, the galaxy whisked passively by.
“Oh, hey, C,” Dar said. “I was trying to decide whether I should read Horsehat a bedtime story or brush up on my captaining knowledge, and I thought, well, why not both?”
Horsehat themself did not seem to think that idea was a particularly good one. Their eyes were glazed over as they stared distractedly out the window. C-53 guessed that maybe they’d picked up a bit of AJ’s mindwiping technique during their time together.
“Ah, well, that will certainly put Horsehat to sleep,” C-53 reasoned, too caught up in his own thoughts to bother offering any constructive advice. “I actually have a bit of a favor to ask you.”
Dar’s big yellow eyes snagged on the machine in his hands for the first time. “Is that the shitty dehumidifier Nermut sent us like a year ago?”
“Along with that very suggestive bottle of sand, yes,” C-53 affirmed. He tilted the frame sideways, releasing a deluge of particulates onto the bridge floor. Dar raised their brows.
“I can clean that up,” C-53 said hurriedly.
“Oh, sure, you and what range of motion?” they asked, but their tone was more curious than irritated. “What’s the favor?”
There was no point in hesitating when the situation was this important, but C-53 found himself pausing, anyway.
“You’re not gonna get in that thing, are you?” Dar pressed. They rose from their chair to stand at their full height, an intimidating motion even to the much taller scanners in his loading frame. “What are you planning?” they asked.
“I… need to go talk to Pleck,” He admitted. His vocals took on a stronger edge, “And since he seems so keen on staying in his room, I figured I’d go to him.” He shook the dehumidifier. He and Dar watched it belch more sand onto the floor.
“…And you want me to put your cube in that ?” The captain seemed skeptical.
Across the room, Horsehat was nodding off with their face smushed onto an important looking keyboard.
“Well, I was hoping you’d help me clear out some of the sand, too,” C-53 said. “And, ah, maybe keep Bargie distracted so she’s not listening to our conversation. If it’s not too much to ask.”
Bargie, summoned by the sound of her own name, crackled onto the intercom. “You know I can hear you right now, right?”
“Respectfully, Bargie, this is precisely why I need you to be a little distracted for this,” C-53 said.
“Distracted from what? All the sand in my hallways? You realize you left like, a ridiculous amount of sand in my hallways.”
“He’s gonna go talk to Pleck,” Dar explained, their voice going melodic with intrigue. “In his room. Alone.”
“Oh, you’re finally confronting it, huh?” Bargie asked.
Before C-53 could fire off a retort, Dar stepped heavily forward to take the dehumidifier from his clamps. “C, please, let me get that for you.” They took out the water reservoir and emptied it unceremoniously onto the floor. “You’re about to make me a lot of kroon.”
“I fail to see how-” His processor lagged as he connected the dots. “I’m sorry?”
“C-53, you are literally the last being on board to catch on,” Bargie explained. “I didn’t even tell Dar anything. They had it figured out months ago.”
“Yeah, the only person more clueless about this is Pleck himself,” Dar went on.
They slapped a heavy hand on the dehumidifier’s exterior. Sand was beginning to pool at their feet. Horsehat startled awake at the sound, looked around groggily, and went straight back to sleep on the control panel.
C-53 finally put the necessary words together for a response. “I don’t really appreciate that you’re taking bets on my relationship status.”
The captain paused their de-sanding to give him a serious look. “I don’t appreciate that you’ve taken this long to update your relationship status.”
“It’s not just about that.”
“No,” Dar agreed, expression softening. “It’s not.” They tipped the machine idly in their hands. “But that’s a big part of it, right?”
They certainly weren’t wrong. Now that he’d had time to look, the more certain C-53 was that the connection between himself and the tellurian had always been there. Realizing Pleck’s feelings for him had tilted his perspective sideways, and he could finally really see it.
Every encounter between the two of them could be traced through his memory like a lifeline. Every excited smile Pleck flashed his way. Every reassuring touch in passing. Every moment of unshakeable loyalty they shared.
It wasn’t a plunge into affection, but rather a gentle drowning, and Pleck had pulled C-53 deep beneath the surface with him.
“Alright, I think I got most of it,” Dar grunted, bending to set the dehumidifier down. They straightened and gave C-53 a brief once-over. “Are you sure you want to go inside that thing?”
“If I had the choice, no,” C-53 replied, “but in terms of frames with any sort of mobility, my options are rather limited.”
They shrugged. “It’s your cube,” they reasoned. “You ready?”
“I am.”
The captain ejected his consciousness and everything went black. Sensation was limited in this state – he registered a faint feeling of being held and moved, but little else. It was always a somewhat disorienting process. Then his sensors fired off like so many synapses and he was in a body again. He adjusted to the change gradually as he powered on.
“Oh, this is… not ideal,” he muttered immediately.
Everything was small and cramped and full of sand. Dar had definitely shook out all they could, but C-53 could still feel microscopic grit in his machinery, trapped in the tiny spaces inside the frame. He reached into the dehumidifier’s limited capabilities one by one, testing out the treads, the scanners, the humidity sensors. It was a process made mildly uncomfortable by the sand, but it would do.
“You are so tiny,” Dar mused as they grinned down at him. “Are you gonna be okay in there?”
“I’ll be fine, Dar, thank you,” he assured them. His processor was juddering more over the upcoming confrontation than the state of his frame. “Before I go, may I ask what exactly you and Bargie are betting on?”
“That could ruin the outcome of the bet,” Dar said, a split second before Bargie blurted, “100 kroon says you make him cry.”
“ Barge ,” the captain groaned.
“Okay, I’m getting out of here,” he said in exasperation, throwing the machine into reverse.
“Go get him, C!” Dar called as he drove the dehumidifier out of the bridge. “Let us know how it goes!”
He didn’t bother to respond as he rolled down the hall, through the common area, and toward the ship’s living quarters. Sand ground in his gears as he went, lending to his anxiety. He was starting to think that this was perhaps a bad idea when he arrived outside Pleck’s door.
The hallway was dark and silent where he hesitated. He hadn’t even prepared what he was going to say to Pleck, so caught up as he was in his own thinking. But maybe it would be better this way. To speak spontaneously. To say exactly what he felt without pushing it all through three different filters. Pleck never watered down his thoughts. Why should he?
He didn’t have arms to knock, so he surged forward and rammed the dehumidifier against the door.
“Pleck,” he said, bumping the door again. “It’s me. Open up. I just want to talk.”
His audio sensors picked up a shifting sound from within, and then the door cracked open. Pleck’s straw-colored eye peered out, at first gazing way too high before noticing the three-foot droid below his line of sight. He pulled the door open a little wider, surprise jerking up his eyebrows.
“C-53, what are you-” He stalled to look at him more closely. “Are you in a humidifier?”
“It’s a de humidifier,” C-53 corrected on impulse. “It’s… not important. Can I come in?”
Pleck gazed mournfully down at him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, fatigue pulling under his eyes and at the corners of his mouth. His hair fell loose around his shoulders and his ruined eye socket was uncovered. C-53 watched him self-consciously pull forward a few blue locks to hide the injury.
“There’s… not a lot of room in here,” he said after a pause.
“I know,” C-53 answered stubbornly.
“Are you okay?” Pleck asked. “You sound kind of…”
“Sandy?” he supplied. “That would be the sand.”
The ghost of a laugh tripped out of the tellurian. “The what?”
“I can explain later,” C-53 said hastily. “Can we please talk? I don’t know how long Dar will cover for me.”
Pleck sighed, and the sound made C-53’s coding fray with concern. His friend considered him for a moment longer and finally stood aside to beckon the droid in.
Time to crash land. C-53 crossed the threshold.
Chapter 8 <-----> Chapter 10
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Chapter 30 Text Translations
Hey guys, we’re back with another Text Translation, with this chapter being about cooking! Stay tuned for more Text Translations that’ll be posted soon!
Translation: Holmes TLC: Manaphy
TIME. 30 - Bread Class
[Even in the sighs of relief , thoughts go around...?]
K: Alright, everyone, did you sit down?
K: Today, I will introduce the teachers who will teach how to make bread!
[Class 1B Homeroom Teacher - Kobayashi Sumiko]
[BACKGROUND: Handma[...]
Bread cl[...]]
[PAPER: Fermenting]
K: From Café Poirot, Enomoto Azusa-san,
K: And Amuro Tooru-san!
< We’re counting on you!
M: It would have been better if Conan-kun could have come, though...
[Class 1B - Higashio Maria]
T: Yeah...
T: You're right...
[Class 1B - Takuma Sakamoto]
[They came to Teitan Elementary School!]
E: Now we’ll distribute to everyone the bread dough that got through a primary fermentation!
< What's a "primary fermentation"?
E: It's when the yeast absorbs nutrients and makes the dough expand!
A: So, let's try kneading it to the shape you prefer!
< It's so soft!
< And so doughy!
T: ?
T: Huh?
M: Takuma-kun, did you forget your apron?
M: Use this, since I've finished kneading!
M: There!
T: T-
T: Thank you...
E: So, everyone, let's line up the finished bread in front of yourselves!
< Maria-chan, your bread looks like okonomiyaki!
M: And yours, Takuma-kun?
T: He he! Ain't got no choice...
T: Ta-da!
M: Woah!
M: ...
M: Is it a soccer ball?
T: It ain't!
T: No matter how you look at it, it's a dice!
M: Ah, I see!
M: A dice!
*ha ha ha...*
T: You liked sugoroku*, no?
*TN: Sugoroku is a japanese board game with two versions, one close to backgammon and the other close to ladders & snakes
T: To thank you for lending me your apron, I'll show ya a nice thing!
M: A nice thing?
K: Enomoto-san, Amuro-san,
K: Thank you for today!
E: Likewise, thank you as well!
E: All of the children were delighted!
E: Is it really okay to...
E: Leave the leftovers and equipment to you, Amuro-san?
A: Of course it is!
A: After I deliver them to Poirot with the car, I'll come back!
K: Thank you, then!
A: Take care!
M: Takuma-kun, wait!
T: Come, quick!
A: Huh?
A: If I recall correctly...
A: In that direction, there is...
M: Takuma-kun, didn't the teacher say it was no good to get close to this area?
M: That ghosts can appear...
T: 'Das just rubbish!
T: It ain't scary, so come already!
M: Can we do such a thing without permission?
T: Uuhm...
T: It was around here, I think...
T: Here it is!
T: It's an unusual dice, right?
T: Since it also has 12 numbers, it's crazy strong if used for sugoroku!
M: Woah!
T: It's something I got that was lost by an older student who graduated!
T: I’ll give it to you!
M: For real?
T: I told ya, it's to thank you for the apron!
T: And because I have other treasures...
T: A Yaiba card gotten from Mitsuhiko,
T: Menko* received from Genta, and other than that...
*TN: Menko is a traditional japanese card game consisting of pogs and cards representing popular culture of their time
A: Is anyone here?
M: Amuro-san!
A: Ooh, it looks like an awesome secret hideout!
T: Don't come inside!
T: It's off limits for adults!
A: Without saying so,
A: It's dangerous!
A: And it appears a case occurred before...
T: A case?
A: A corpse that had been locked here has been found...
A: So come on,
A: You should stop playing here already,
A: and go back home before it gets dar-...
A: Both of you,
A: Lay face down to the floor!
M: Kyaaa!
T: An earthquake?
*rumble rumble*
T: D-Damn it!
A: You guys aren't injured, right?
T: Hm?! It won't open!
*bang bang*
T: We're trapped inside?!
A: It's okay!
A: Let’s call for help with my smartphone...
*beep* *beep*
A: Huh?
A: There's no reception...
A: So apparently we've been locked in...
*damn it!*
T: If Conan and the others didn't go to the camp, maybe they could have come to help us...
T: What bad luck!
M: It's my fault...
M: Some time ago, I... I got locked in by mistake...
M: Into my grandpa and my grandma's house...
M: I'm sure I'm being cursed...
T: It ain't your fault!
T: If you look at things from the start, I suggested to come in this storehouse...
M: U... Ugh...
T: Do-Don't cry,
T: If you cry, then even I...
A: It can't be helped...
A: The class is prolonged...
A: After the bread class,
A: There's survival class!
[Continues in issue #20]
[Break in the next issue.
From issue 20, an outta escape routine (tea time)!!]
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Gelatina Morada
I've never thought I'd find solace
In a person who's 9,723 miles away.
But I do know things like these are lawless;
Heck, even my night time is your day.
We were always up for laughs, banter, and jokes.
Though, there were also serious stuff, honey, trust me, I know.
I would crack up so much, I might even choke;
Oh dude, you made me cry, but it wasn't from woe.
You said you were a demigoddess, who's purpose is to help;
Girl, trust me, you've helped, in just a span of few days.
You managed to break down my walls, made me do self-help.
That is unusual for me, babe, you left me amazed.
I really love talking to you, I hope one day we meet;
Because I need to let you know in person, how awesome you are.
You may appear to be tough and strong, but inside you're sweet.
That still baffles me, in a good way: that's just bizzare.
Recuerda siempre que eres la mejor.
Me hiciste dar cuenta de lo ciega que estoy;
Gelatina morada, sé que me siento bendecida.
Me diste un lugar seguro para desembalarme: el 'Gram.
(Always remember that you are the best.
You made me realize how blind I am;
Purple jelly bean, know that I feel blessed.
You gave me a safe place to unbottle myself up: the 'Gram.)
Girl, know that I am thankful you're here.
As someone I can talk to, whenever I please.
I'm glad you're always up to lend an ear;
Know that it's the same with me, so be at ease.
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Culture and Translation - S01 E02 C04-C07 and SKAM+ Clip 1
Hi hi! Okay, so I’ve both gotten a bunch of followers and the tag is a lot more poppin since the last time I posted one of these. Quick explanation: when I got into og Skam, I felt I had to piece together a lot of the cultural context behind it, such as, yes, Russetiden, but also stuff like the cost of a bunad or sex without protection. I’ve also read from multiple Norwegian people that the fansubs didn’t do justice to the slang Skam characters use. So these posts provide cultural context. They also provide explanations for the translation I went with in the subs and the best approximation to the slang the Skam España characters use on the show in the cases where I felt the translation didn’t fully do justice to the actual dialogue.
Note: these posts are based on my own subs/translations, so they might not make as much sense if you hadn’t watched those.
Note 2: You can check the culture and translation tag for the rest of the posts.
CLIP 4: In which I learn that a dj system is not a mixer.
This clip was shot in the Pinar de Chamartín subway station. It’s the only station that connects another line with lines 1 and 4, and the show thanks Metro Ligero in the credits. Pinar de Chamartín is a Metro Ligero subway station. (There are several kinds, depending on which company manages the station.) They probably used this station because it’s big and doesn’t get a lot of commuters. Otherwise, it’s completely out of the way of anything these characters would go to.
Hola acosadora! (“Hi creeper!”): would be closer in meaning to, “hi, harasser!” (which doesn’t flow well in English) or “hi, stalker!” (but Eva uses the word in English right after). So creeper it is.
Dale duro (Subs: Hit it hard): I don’t really have any comment about this, other than it seems to be Lucas’ signature phrase. He’s always saying it.
La gente se cree que hacen una movida los DJs que flipas (“People think DJs are some kind of crazy wizards”) Holy shit, I had so much trouble with this sentence. I wish I knew whether this line was on the original script or if Jorge’s actor reworded it. As per the FormulaTV article, the actors get to reword lines if they think it’d sound more natural some other way. Alas, I couldn’t think of how to translate “movida” in this context (it comes up again later), so I settled for the line in the subs. Let’s just say that the implication is that DJs are almost unknowable in their mad DJ skillz, what with the “movida” and the verb “flipar” that we’ve seen so often at this point. I find my translation much inferior to Jorge’s line, which provides such a vivid visual and is hilarious.
Hablando de punchi punchi (“Speaking of sick beats”): Jorge obviously doesn’t say sick beats, but he’s trying for an onomatopoeia for the beat in dance songs. There are a lot of variants in Spanish for this specific purpose of talking about the beat in a song. Another popular one is, “chunda chunda.” I’m actually really proud of how I translated this line, lol. Too bad I can’t put it on a resume.
“¿Te renta?” is another idiom that often comes up on Skam España. I’ve been told it’s Madrileño slang, but I’ve personally never used it or heard it before the show. (Which doesn’t mean it’s not in use, lol, just that it hasn’t made its way to me yet.) A literal translation would be, “Is it worth it?” Jorge asks Lucas whether it’d be worth it to Lucas to do something this weekend, and Lucas responds going out for beers would be worth it to him. In this case, I didn’t go for the literal translation as this scene is already too long and involved to be throwing more idioms into the mix. Other times, I’ve translated it as is, because I do feel it sums Madrileños up well. Like, we can’t be bothered to do anything or go anywhere if we don’t feel it’s worth it.
Keli (“House”): This has been Madrileño slang for decades at this point. It just means house.
Sí, movidas, ya sabes (“Yeah, shit, you know”): “Movidas” comes up again, this time in the context of Lucas’ home life. Basically, there’s trouble, but the use of “movidas” implies movement, i.e. it’s an active, ongoing situation.
Tengo un programita (“I have some ‘wares”): The literal translation is, “I have a little software,” but I remembered downloading completely legal software from sketchy websites, which would call them ‘warez.’ I thought this phrasing would be more vivid for English speakers. Also, there’s really nothing about Jorge’s persona that suggests this software would’ve been obtained legally, so yeah.
It’s unclear what part of what Eva is saying Jorge reacts to when he says, “Fuck…” Personally, I think he’s impressed that Eva has scammed a rich dude out of an invite to that huge-ass house. But it could also be that he’s proud she’s making plans with the girl squad! Either way, he’s impressed!
Pico, pala, pico, pala (“Joke, flirt, joke, flirt”): OKAY. So, the literal translation of this is, “Pick, shovel, pick, shovel.” This is fairly common Spanish slang for the process of flirting with a girl until she is won over, or she is less reluctant to flirt back. Visually, it makes you think of a miner having to put in long hours of exhausting physical work in order to get results. It makes it sound like more scummy than it is, kind of? I translated it as “joke, flirt, joke, flirt,” because that’s what it usually amounts to. As we’ve seen from Jorge, he does voices, gives odd nicknames and generally aims to be cute in a cheesy way. That is the kind of techniques that are meant to win a girl over, or at least get her to joke along with you.
One more objectionable maneuver, which would still fall under the umbrella of pick and shovel, would be Cristian’s “my DMs aren’t working” move to get Eva to give him her cellphone number.
Final lines from the clip that didn’t make it to the episode:
Eva: But, okay, no. Save up or ask your parents to get it for your b-day, no?
Jorge: Nah, maybe I’ll just get one secondhand.
Lucas: And you lend it to me.
Jorge: Okay.
Lucas: But you can’t… [cuts off]
I love the way all the dj system talk ended up having no impact whatsoever on the plot. It’s not like I had to look specific terms or anything.
CLIP 5: The girl squad chooses an impractical, yet picturesque, meeting point
Eva is waiting right outside Tribunal subway station. I’ve met up with friends at this station probably since I was allowed to hang out on my own, lol.
You can barely make out a building behind the girls. It’s this one: Museum of History of Madrid. Entrance is free, and it has tons of cool stuff to check out.
The girls have a quick chat on how they’ve dressed up for Cristian’s party. Cris says it was about time they had a chance to dress up. Nora says she put on one of her daily outfits, but the girls don’t buy it and tease her over it. Honestly, she doesn’t look overdressed at all? She wore an actual dress for New Year’s Eve.
Maripili! (“Maripili!”): Maripili is a name, which Nora randomly uses to call Viri over. It doesn’t seem to be a meme, so I think Nora is just teasing Viri with a name that sounds dated and cutesy. It’s very gentle teasing though.
Al chino (“To the convenience store”): Eva instructs the girls to go to “el chino,” which is slang for a type of convenience store owned by immigrants. These are usually Chinese immigrants, hence the name, but stores owned by Maghrebi and Latinx immigrants are also fairly common. The name “chino” has stuck regardless. These convenience stores sell a small range of foodstuffs, such as canned food, microwavable food, some fruit and vegetables, ice cream, bread, and, as the scene implies, booze. They also remain open longer than most grocery store chains, often until 23:30 on a weekday and way past midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. They’re not allowed to sell alcohol to minors, but I guess they don’t mind breaking the law? I don’t know, guys, we got older students to buy us booze lol.
Que me acaba de dar un cringe (“I just cringed a lot”): “Cringe” is an English loanword, which is obviously the word cringe.
Tú la que más, tú la que más (“You’re partying the hardest, you are”): The literal translation is: “You’re the most, you’re the most.” It’s implied that whichever girl is “you” (it’s the singular form, so Cris doesn’t mean all of the girls) is doing something the most, but the sentence doesn’t have a verb. Basically, it’s a way of hyping themselves up for the party. I assumed Cris meant “partying” from context, but it’s not explicit.
In the episode, clip 5 became two different clips to account for the train ride. That’s why there’s a timestamp in the middle of the clip when you watch the episode version.
Cristián lives in Pozuelo de Alarcón, an affluent Madrid suburb with its own city hall. At the time, twitter commentary from Spanish viewers was critical of the show choosing to make the girls meet in Tribunal, because public transit from Tribunal to Pozuelo takes too many connections and it’s not like Madrid isn’t rife with convenience stores. I included both the route the girls take, and an alternate for ur edification.
I just realized that when Viri goes over to greet Lara, you can clearly hear Lara saying, “what’s up, dude?” in response.
And also, when Eva begs Nora not to leave her alone, Nora teases Eva by saying the sentence back to her. That’s why Eva laughs and says Nora is being dumb.
A saco (“going all out”): “A saco” is that kind of slang that’s hard to translate, but Eva means that Viri is assertively taking the lead in pursuing (and making it clear she wants to make out with) ALEJANDRO, rather than waiting for him to notice her.
CLIP 6: Viri lost a battle, but she didn’t lose the war!
Nora’s ringtone is so… She truly leaves me speechless sometimes.
No soy celoso (“I’m not possessive”): I translated “celoso” as possessive, because if I translated it as “jealous” it would mean that Cristian, right this moment, doesn’t feel jealous of Jorge. In fact, what Cristian is saying that this is a general personality trait of his, like being blond. He is totally chill with any and all girls he is interested in having boyfriends. That’s not at all an obstacle!
It’s also a very corny thing Spanish guys say all the time when a girl says she’s taken, hence Eva’s uncomfortable smile in response.
As Inés and Alicia greet ALEJANDRO, he seems pretty annoyed by Viri floating around him, clearly laying a claim on him. The three of them intentionally crowd Viri out.
CLIP 7: Hard work pays off
En doce siglos (“in twelve centuries”): This is Amira’s catchphrase for measuring time. She also uses it during the truth or dare game.
One of the season 1 mysteries: what did Alicia say to Inés to make her leave so quickly? In hindsight, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Jorge, but that was one of the popular theories at the time.
Another detail: Cristian is behind Inés, seemingly on her side of this girl fight. ALEJANDRO’s crew seems to be pretty friendly with Inés and Alicia. They celebrated Inés’ birthday together, and often post ig stories together.
Social media:
I already mentioned this in a post, but Cris’ instagram makes it very obvious that Cris is a stoner. Her rainbow tops are peak Spanish stoner girl fashion, the soap video she regrammed is the sort of thing a stoner would be fascinated by, she follows ifyouhigh and highpeopledoingstuff, and she’s holding a blunt for her first ever ig pic. So yeah. I also just realized the implications, seeing she’s the s2 main. I don’t think she’ll lose a bunch of weed, but she might smoke it with 🐸?
“Perezón,” i.e. the title of clip 4, would literally translate to sloth or laziness, but its actual meaning is “what a drag,” as in “that party/those people/going to that rally is such a drag.”
Viri’s house is pretty basic-looking. What we can see of it looks like a working class household, but it isn’t the borderline hoarder situation in Vilde’s clip.
Eva watches an 11-episode show, which may or may not be Skam s1. The fun thing is she promises she won’t watch episode 12. The NYE special is listed as episode12 on the Movistar site.
Jorge got ahold of a charger after midnight!
SKAM+ #1:
This clip takes place between episode 2 clips 6 and 7. Specifically, 20 minutes before the last clip.
Aitana is a Spanish singer born in 1999. She became famous thanks to talent show Operación Triunfo, where she came in second. At the time season 1 aired, she had only dropped two songs, Lo Malo with Ana Guerra, and Teléfono. Both of these songs played a prominent role on the show.
Cristian’s dad works at a record label! Explains Cristian’s huge ass house and mixing room!
ALEJANDRO asks Aitana where she’d like to hang out with him at Retiro Park. Retiro Park is one of the largest parks in Madrid. The park belonged to the Spanish Monarchy until the late 19th century, when it became a public park. It’s one of the most picturesque sights in the city and it’s overrun by people. So I don’t think it’s the place you want to take a celeb on a low-key date, but otherwise, good choice! Almost makes it seem like ALEJANDRO isn’t after sex!
Hasta yo preferiría a Aitana (“Even I’d rather Aitana”): That is… so lesbian of Viri.
Speaking of lesbians, Cris is also absolutely overcome by Aitana’s beauty.
In case you weren’t aware, Spaniards greet each other with two cheek kisses when we meet someone. Touching people’s hair without their permission, though, is still a no-no.
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Ao3 Link
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
An attempt on his latest target doesn't go as well as Eraser had hoped.
And Hizashi gets into trouble that he couldn't have ever expected.
Chapter 6
Hizashi saw a pattern the more he looked into the QAP. All the backers...where the target of those arson attacks.
So it was pretty clear that yeah, Eraser was most definitely the one behind them. He needed to thank Gran Torino again for giving him these. Sure a lot of the information was blacked out but it was something other than the 404 Error pages he swears he sees whenever he closes his eyes.
He was able to get a bit more information on what tests went on...the ages of those who participated. Eraser and him were about the same age! He was just, a few months older than him.
He jumped when his phone suddenly buzzed. Reaching into his pocket he pulled it out and looked at who it eyes. Eyes widening.
What was--he was already opening the text.
>>Sorry but not finding a list of names of who were participating during our exams.
He sighed. He figured as much. There was always so many student who would take part, it was easier to just assign a number and record their--
His stomach dropped a bit.
List of quirks? And...I wasn’t expecting a response man! Good to hear from ya!<
>> Thanks. And thanks for visiting me. And yeah I have that!
Is there...an eraser Quirk?<
>>Erase? Ah…
>>Yeah there is one! Looks like he didn’t score high enough to get in the hero course.
Hizashi felt his breath catch in his throat. So..h-he DID try to get in at U.A. He WAS in the lot of student hopefuls that he was in!
Right? T-that was enough to make that connection...maybe? Or was he getting ahead of himself?
>>Also for that second bit...you talking about your crush?
My what now?<
>>Your crush! I swear, you were head over heels for that guy you helped.
All I did was look for him during like the first week of school dude.<
>>No dude...you didn’t.
>>You did it EVERYDAY until graduation.
He stared at the screen. What was Tensei going on about? Heaving a sigh he pressed the dial button.
"Yo Hizashi," Tensei’s voice greeted.
"Yeah hi...what are ya on? I didn’t look everyday!"
"Uh...yeah you did. You would go to the GenEd department and look. The teachers actually got annoyed and threatened to kick you out if you didn’t stop."
Hizashi tried to remember. Usually his memory was pretty good. So why couldn’t he…
"It was a bit annoying, but as your friend I just let ya be. I mean...you seemed adamant. And to be honest...man you almost made me cry during our last year when you finally gave up! You sounded so heartbroken!"
Heartbroken? That….could explain that then. H-he usually didn’t like remembering things that depressed him. He really couldn’t recall things about his birth parents even though he lived with them until he was about seven or eight.
Or much detail of his first date, other than he and the girl agreed that it really wasn’t going to work.
"Tensei...what do you remember?"
"Huh? Hizashi? What’s going on? You know I hate being kept in the dar--"
"I think...I found him."
"What do you mean you’re not going to the training camp!?" Midnight nearly screeched. "The kids are already on their way there! You can’t just--"
Hizashi sighed. "It’s just what it sounds like...I’m, working on something."
"Uh-huh," she didn’t sound convinced.
"I think I got a lead on the arson attacks Nemuri," He didn’t have time to waste, and it wasn’t technically a lie. After all he was PRETTY sure he really did know who was behind them.
"So...you really were looking into them," she sounded shock.
"You thought I wasn’t?" He blinked.
"I...well, I didn’t think that. But…" she trailed off.
"Somebody else was thinking that?" What the hell? When was this a thing?
"It was Snipe. He said you were acting, different," Nemuri explained.
What the absolute hell Snipe? Yeah alright he knows that they didn’t always see eye-to-eye but he was pretty sure they were on good terms with one another. Looks like that old saying about assuming was right. "And you agreed with him?"
"Well ah...Hizashi you have been...there’s something different about you. I just can’t put my finger on it."
He pinched his nose bridge. Sighing some, he didn’t have time for this. "Listen I’m just wrapped up in this alright? I...there’s some connection that I’m not liking. So I’m just...I don’t wanna believe it."
"Hizashi...I...I’m sorry," she frowned. "If you need to talk--"
"I’ll be fine just--this is why I’m not going alright?" He looked over to her.
She nodded. "I’ll be sure to let them know."
He had to do this as fast as possible. Too many people were around. Why were there so many people? What was--
Wait what was that?
Lots of muttering. Was somebody following him? Did somebody catch him. He set down the canister and listened closely. Where was it coming from?
With practice ease he made his way to it. Doing his best to move as soundlessly as possible.
How to go about this?
Civilians, he could try and lead them away.
Villains? He could take them out easily enough.
Heroes? That could be an annoyance but he was certain he would be able to handle the--
He stared at the group of students; who inturned just stared back at him. He wasn't sure if he was more shocked to see kids this youn in this area of the city…
Or at what they were wearing.
Right how does he get this place freaking opened?
Hizashi was studying the wall. He had to call into the station stating there was going to be a good chance he wouldn’t make it in. Sure it wasn’t Friday but he liked trying to pop in a few days out of the week just to lend a hand. It felt like the responsible thing to do after all.
This "case" might take more of his time than he hoped it would.
There was a small click. AHA! There it was!
He tried to pull the door open--holy shit this was heavy! Eraser seriously made this look so much easier to open!
He stepped in and looked around. Right which way again? Left? Yeah he was pretty sure left. He pulled the heavy door closed behind him. This place still made him feel...it still made chills run up his spine. His footsteps echoed almost too clearly in this place. Green eyes darting from side to side as he took in how the doors looked once again. Reading the numbers adorning them. He stopped as one in particular caught his attention.
Number 155.
The number assigned to the eraser Quirk.
Did that mean that was...Eraser’s? He swallowed slightly. Well he needed to talk to him. It’s why he came here. And if there was a place to start looking for him, this was a good place.
Holy fuck, were all the doors in this place this heavy? For real!? He got it opened enough for him to squeeze through. Jeeze, they really wanted to make sure there was going to be no way for them to get out.
Ah, he wasn’t in here…
In fact it looked like nobody was in here for years by the layer of dust that covere--
Holy shit! The was loud! It almost gave him a hear--
"No...oh nononono!" Hizashi whipped around to see the door was now closed behind him. Rushing over he tried to push it op. His heart was pounding. Shit shit shit! He could start feeling himself breathing hard and fast.
Not good! Not goo--
"E-ERASER!?" He called out frantically. Please please please be here! Please be here!
There was no answer, and he felt his stomach drop. He started again trying to get the door to budge. Stupid stupid stupid! This was such a stupid idea!
Please...please answer me!
"There’s no reaction even though we’ve gotten this close," the girl said.
"The lights aren’t even on. It doesn’t look like anyone’s there," the redhead added.
"Why are you five doing this again?" Eraser asked as he glanced over at the building. There was something...off about it. Not the outside of it, but the feel from it. A feeling he knew all too well.
There was something definite hiding in the--
"Hey, what’re ya doin’ hostess?"
The girl stepped back as she let out an uneasy sound.
"Come drink with us!" Great drunken idiots. He hated dealing with them.
"Stop it idiot," the other laughed as he slapped the back of the head of the other.
"Th-there’s a lady with a huge ra--" the lewd remark was cut off as he was knocked out. Eraser suddenly behind him.
"Hey wha' jus--"
Four of the kids just watched in awe as he knocked them out without any delay. This was getting to be more tiresome than he thought it…
"Let’s get away from here now," Todoroki suggested.
Reasoning behind the number 155 for Eraserhead? It's a homage to his appearances; Season 1, Episode 5, Chapter 5.
#erasermic#maizawa#eraserhead#present mic#yamada hizashi#aizawa shouta#villain!Aizawa#villain!eraserhead#what do I dream to be?
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“Pool at bucks” a Dal-pop fan-fiction.
It was only 11 pm. I was laying on the couch like a sack of potato's groaning and sighing. Darry was in the kitchen fixing lunch up for later and pony was at the kitchen table being forced to study. Me? I've fallen into a state of not caring much, had no motivation.
I'm the type of guy to be out around this time and hang out with some friends but lately I've just been tired, it might be from the lack of sun, seasonal depression sucks..
"Hey Cola, what's with the sappyness?" Pony asked as I groaned. "Nah kiddo, the cloudy days aren't making me as happy." I said lifting my head up facing the kid. "Well...you can go sit infront of a light?" Pony was really worried for me, he had some worried look and pierced lips like he wanted to say more, "I'll be okay pone I promise it'll get better!" I said flopping my head back down, the kid was worried and I felt bad..but I had no idea how to get happy again, if the sun wasn't such a stubborn thing I could've asked it to come out.
I looked over under the tv to see some board games the guys and I usually play when we're bored. I mean there's pony's skates he never uses and could fit me.
I kept looking around for something to do, I started thinking of someone to hang out with. Two-bit is Proably wasted, pony has homework, Darry is to busy and a lump on a log, johnny is already so exhausted, Steve is working over time today when I took the day off.
It was like circles going through my head, fuck I hate being bored. I felt like I was missjng someone though?
"Hey dar, hey pone" Incame a deep voice and heavy boot like foot steps. I sat up a little to try and catch a glimpse of which greaser came over to lump around. Dallas came through the living entrance and plopped beside me with a weed 'n' beer.
"Hey soda," he said sticking the weed between his light pink lips. "Whats up? Buck kick you out again?" The hoodlum looked at me and took the weed from his lips and laughed with smoke coming out. "Nah nah, not this time cola. I just wanted to see my favorite brother trope" he said head locking me and gave me a nuggy. I chuckled and unlocked his arm around me sliding my hair back. He took a sip of the beer and put his weed arm on the back of the couch facing me.
"Why you drooping on the couch? Shouldn't you be at work with Steve?" He said twirling the liquid. "I took the day off, seasonal depression." I said lay my head back closing my eyes and crossing my arms. Dallas seemed worried, but, you never know when he ACTUALLY is he's like a stone statue when it comes to emotion, he grew up thinking showing emotion would label him as being a pussy to society.
He looked around the room and looked down the hallway to make sure Darry wasn't near and he came close to my ear so I could feel his smoky hot breath sending chills down my arms and legs. I opened my eyes. "Why don't we get you out of the house, you know go out for lunch?" He said backing up as I sat up and looked at him, he never was this nice to anyone unless he was trying to hook up with some girl. I was very uncomfortable with accepting this offer from a hood. Plus he's probably lonely and needs someone to fuck. "I'm good Dal, but thanks." I said stubbornly as he nudged me "come on cola it'll be fun I'll bring you back, I'm not gonna harm you." He said with worried brows making my face soften. Maybe he wasn't lonely maybe he genuinely wanted to help?
My body was still unsure and it was a hard decision. "You promise your not gonna lay a hand on me?" I said putting a brow up as he looked at me confused. "Why would I put a hand on my best buddy?" "Dallas you put hands on everyone if it's sexual or not you still do." I said putting him in his place as he side and made his weed hang out of his mouth. "Fine you caught me but please? I ain't tryin to hurt someone like you and if I did Darry would stab me." Dallas's looks looked soft like he was trying to get me to come. His puppy dog eyes didn't make it better...I could feel my cheeks heat up like a bomb fire.
"Fine" I said as he smiled "I'll tell Darry, wanna come?" He said as I nodded and we walked to Darry who was focused on food. "Hey Darrel" dally said greeting the older man with a wave. "Hey Dallas what's up?" Darry said turning around and placing a bowl of already drained noodles down. "Me and soda were just gonna go out for some lunch and maybe a drive around town? He's been down lately" Dallas said with a rough look a lit another weed. "That's fine but bring him back before midnight, hear me? Or your head is on a knife." Darrel said point a wooden spoon at the hood as Dallas nodded. "12 sharp" Dallas said and tugged my sleeve and we walked out the door.
"Why are you doing this anyway?" I said fixing my flannel collar, "to bring the old soda back" he said popping his Proably stolen car doors open. I opened the passenger side and plopped in.
He drove off, it took a couple minutes to get there but we arrived to this run down bar looking place. I was very unsure about this so I looked at Dallas who seemed to be looking for something. I didn't wanna say anything cause I knew he was only trying to help but I felt very uncomfortable. "Hey dal is this a bar?" I asked as he looked at me "no don't worry cola it might seem like it but my buddy owns this place it has the best food. I always brought dates here" he said with a smirk and I was supprised I never knew he took girls to this place?
We stepped out and walked in, the fresh smell of brewing green tea and the sound of people chatting filled the air. It seems like Dallas was already noticed by the register person. "Hey Dallas, what another date?" The cashier said sending me into shock and my face went red. "Nah nah this is my buddy soda, I've talked about him before" Dallas said sending me into a confused look, I never knew he talked about me? "Ah the guy your in-" before the guy could finish Dallas slapped him, it scared me and I was confused why he'd hit him. "Daniel shut up, funny story, table for two goodbye." Dallas said angerily and took me by the sleeve. I was still so confused.
He sat us in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. It was nicely decorated it was a type of food place Highschool kids would go to, to bring their girlfriends to. I scanned the menu and Dallas was right they had good looking food. "What do you want? I'll pay" he said with a harsh voice I knew he was still angry at whag 'Daniel' was gonna say and it made me confused. "I'll just have a water I'm not that hungry" I said not wanting him to waste his money. "No order something the tables on me, buck lended me some bucks yesterday." He said, he looked sure he wanted to do this and it made the tips of my ears red, I never gone to such a nice place to eat with someone, I only ever brung sandy to old run down restaurants I never knew a hood had better taste than me. "I'll have their....actually Dallas, surprise me." I said since Dallas wanted to be mr nice I wanted to see if he'll be nice with his choice, to see if he knew me enough. The hood laughed and nodded his head and the waiter came over. "Not you again" Dallas huffed as Daniel had a sly face and laughed "who pissed in your cereal tucker?" The boy said "tucker?" "It's my middle name." He said and looked back at Daniel "just get me a water, for him, get him a Pepsi with..." he paused and then a lightbulb practically lit up on his head "some tea cake along with chicken tenders" this boy did know me it was scary, I lit up when he said all my favorite items "that'll be out soon winston" Daniel said and nudged his head and Dallas swatted his hand away. "Who's he" I asked "high school buddy he's annoying, hhhh, but he's a good friend" Dallas said pulling a weed out. "Ha..." I thought for a minute of whag I was gonna say to him "you really do know my taste...how do you know I liked that stuff?" I said as Dallas looked at me from his lighter. "I just do I pay attention to you soda, I ain't some jerk who dosent listen when you rant" he said having trouble with the lighter and giving up throwing the smoke and lighter on the table. "Well" I picked both the things up and lit the weed instantly handing it to him, "I never knew someone listened, thanks tucker" I said handing him the smoke as his cheeks went somewhat pink and I smiled, he just looked away and smoked and we sat in silence waiting for the food.
The food came out, Daniel winked at Dallas and Dallas slapped him again. "okay okay im sorry" he said rubbing his cheek and walked off, "enjoy ur food princess" he said sarcastically just teasing me as I went red from embarrassment. "Never call me that again." I said as he chuckled "okay Pepsi" he said wish a wink and drank his water as I just rolled my eyes and ate.
Time went on asn we gossiped, talked about gang stuff and laughed. Dallas had some humor not a lot of people noticed, but i didn't know how much I was red until he pointed it out making me think of a lie. "Just cold" I said smiling as he smiled "sure but okay, by the way Pepsi I got something to show you" he said making me tilt my head, "what?" I said as he smiled "you have to wait" he said and me being impatient sighed "fine.".
It was 1 pm and we finished our talk and food. "Hey dal, done?" Daniel came over and asked and the hood shook his head, Daniel handed the bill, "just place the money on the table I'll pick it up" he said and dallas left 10 bucks, not the right amount of money but Daniel rolled his eyes. "Now scram before I knock ur head off your body" Dallas said standing up and lunging at Daniel and Dan took the money and left. Dallas looked at me and sighed me to get going. I walked with him and went out the door and suprisingly the sun was out, I looked up and smiled and he looked at me "happy?" He said with a smile as I looked at him "now I am...that was nice Dal..." I said as he smoked a bit and walked down the steps with me. "Your welcome soda, now come on I got something to show you" he said and we drove off.
During the drive I could seee bucks not to far and I already had a bad feeling. My stomach grew sick. "Dallas wnat are you gonna do to me?" I said in fear of him touching me. "Nothing buddy, slow your breathe I just want to show you what me and buck bought for some parties!" He said happingly sending me into fight or flight. "Um okay". Dallas looked sad and looked at the road.
We parked and he got out and he opened my door, "come on Pepsi" he said as I stepped out and he put a arm around me and walked with me. "Look it'll be okay" he said trying to calm me down.
We walked in and country music was playing, bucks place always gave me iffy vibes Darry didn't even want me coming. Dallas let go of me and we walked to a stair case "come on" he said and we walked down creeky stairs and I was so glad it wasn't a bedroom.
We made it down and it was dark, Dal flicked some lights on and in the middle of the room was a pool table. Dallas walked over to it and grabbed one stick and looked at me "ever played?" He asked "not in a long time," I said calming down and he motioned for me to come over, I was quite excited me and my dad use to play and I smiled and walked up to him.
He took the triangle casing off the balls and walked behind me, he handed me the stick and helped me be in the right position, he made me follow his hips into a bending like position and put his hands over mine. I was blushed head to toe, feeling the guys body on mine made me flustered, I wasn't uncomfortable j was more excited, my ears face and finger tips went pink and a lump in my throat appeared. "And then" he said and hit the ball for me, I started to remeber it and I looked at him when he stood up "got the hang of it?" He asked grabbing his own stick. Fuck I didn't want his warmth off me, it felt weird to think that but I was being honest, it made me feel safe.
"Maybe one more time still rusty" I said smiling and giggling as he gave a smile "alright alright" he said as his smiled made my stomach flutter, right when he did the same motion to me my stomach was full of butterflies, I was uncontrollably smiling and giggling and he did the same "stop laughing your gonna mess me up" he said laughing as I laughed harder and when he let the stick go it went horribly. "Soda what's so funny" he said as I stopped and smiled "I don't know" I said facing him when he got off and he smirked
"Yeah Dal"
"Are you gay?"
My face went fully red making me grow a sweat, I never thought about it. Yeah I've found guys pretty but never dated one. But Dallas he made me wanna run a marathon when he was close to me, even at the restaurant I was flustered as his sly remarks or sex jokes, I daydreamed about him quite a lot but didn't think much of it.
"You don't have to answer" he said caringly as I snapped "no it's okay but.." I said looking at my fingers not wanted to make eye contact being afraid of him hating me. "I'm not sure, I've found guys pretty but never had a crush, but, I've never had someone to help me with knowing if I was" I said as Dallas nodded "I understand kiddo, can I admit something?" He said as I nodded "I'm pansexual kiddo so if your gay I'm fine with that, I won't ever hate someone for finding attraction to the same sex, I'd kiss a guy and jm some tuff hood" he said as a smiled peeled on my lips as he smiled too "plus you want someone help you to see if you are?" He said "kinda" I said as I looked anywhere else but his eyes
Before I could speak another word he put his hand on my cheek asn his lips on mine. I wasn't uncomfortable I was melting, it wasn't a rough kiss it was a quick peck but my body wanted more. His lips were rather soft and his hands were warm, once he let go I froze my eyes wide and my stomach fluttering. "Did that do anything? Sorry it was unex-" before he could finished I dropped my stick and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a rough kiss with tongue, my stomach fluttered my heart raced and my hands kept gripping his hair. He dropped his stick and Held my waist with one hand and the other in my hair pushing me closer.
It felt like a dream it felt so good, so right. By then I was pushing against the pool table and I wanted more of his lips, it felt so good but he let go, panting, and damn it was hot.
"Sorry" I said catching breathe as he smiled "are you kidding that was,,,great, amazing even" he said as my eyes glittered he pecked my forehead "so how do you feel" he said as I gripped the collar of his jacket. I felt so gay and I loved the adrenaline running through my veins, "I feel amazing" I said playing with the back of his hair as he chuckled, never knew a hood could be so loveable.
His lips were soft, his tongue was desperate and rough and I liked it. "I'm glad" he said "wanna keep playin pool?" He said as I nodded "need more help?" He said as I laughed, "I might've only kept asking so ur body would be against mine" I said as he said oh snd smiled "I see, I guess you need more help?" He said as I nodded.
He kept helping me as I was focused on the game and I finally was able to do it alone, I already had my turn and got a coiled balls in snd I watch focused dally try to get a good hit. I sat on the corner of the table as he let his stick go and only got a couple in, "fuck" he said as I laughed, there was a ball almost in and I dropped it in for him.
"Good job tucker!" I said smiln as his face went heated "don't call me that" he said as I fucked around "okay tucker" he went fully red and walked around the table and put his hands by my hips and his face close to mine. "What'd I say boy" he said smiling making his Smokey breathe hit my face. I liked when he got aggressive it was a good look on him. "I said tucker" I said getting in his face smirking as he narrowed his browns and put our lips together.
Not gonna lie I expected to be hit but this was better. This went on for another hour before we got tired of the game. "I'm hungry" I whined as he put the balls back up. "Buck went shopping let's go get some food sugar." He said swiping his finger under my chin and I smiled and follwed him up the steps.
The kitchen table was full of bags of food and Dallas already was snooping and I followed his steps. "Ah-ha chicken tenders" he said raising a box as I laughed and smiled "I'm down".
He cooked them up in the microwave as I sat of the table and he took them out. "Their hot" he said right as I touched one. "OW" I yelped as he placed the plat down in worry, he came up to me and put some pressure on my finger. "Are you okay?" He said as I nodded. "He kissed my finger making me flustered as he just laughed, "alright good time" he said kissing my cheek as I smiled and brung me to his room.
We walked up the stairs as I kept trying to steal a tender or two but he kept swatting my hand and we made it to the room. He sat on the bed ans so did I "now you can eat" he said as he took a beer from his dresser and handed me one "I don't drink Dal" I said as he smiled "I know" he said abs turned so the label faced me "it's root beer, I know you don't like alcohol" he said as that made my face lit up, damn a hoodlum must have a crush on me.
We ate and drank and talked but we ended up laying in bed next to eachother taking, he had his hands behind his head and I layed next to him. "What time is it Dallas" I asked as he read the clock "11:40- I HAVE TO BRING YOU HOME" he said as I stoped him from jolting up. "Dallas" I said "yes sodapop?" He said as I put my arms around his big build "tell Darry im sleeping over" I said "but Darry dosent like you at bucks?" "Tell him were sleeping at Steve's" I said as he nodded, he picked his phone up and dialed Darry.
"Curtis place" Darry said "Heya Darry me and soda are sleeping at Steve's tonight" he said with a promising voice "Alright bring him back by 10 am okay? I trust you Dallas." Darry said "okay Darry wanna talk to him to make sure?" Dallas said as Darry indeed wanted to hear my part, in a sleepy voice I got handed the phone and talked "I'll be home at 10 Darry tell pony okay?" I said as Darry made sure too, "have fun soda" he said "thank you Darry" I said as he hung up.
I looked at Dallas and put the phone down as he looked at me. "Hey Dallas" I said "yes?" "I think I'm gay.." I said as I almost got emtotional "that's okay soda...and I have a question" he said as I looked into his icey eyes. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He says as it felt like my heart started to flutter left and right and my face lit up, my fingers gripped him tighter and I dug my face into his side "HELL YEAH" I shouted into his side as he laughed..."okay kiddo" he said stroking mg hair. "Wanna go to bed it's pretty late?" He said as I nodded and yawned. "He turned the lights out and took off my flannel and snuggled to me. "Night Pepsi"
"Night dal."
8 am
"Soda, soda" Dallas said slightly shaking me "huh?" I said opening my eyes a little trying to get the sun out of my eyes. "Good morning Pepsi, want breakfast?" He asked as I nodded, he slid out of my grip and I sat up watching him, he was in a t-shirt and pajama pants and I was in different clothes.
A big green t-shirt and ok'd Christmas pj pants. "I hope you don't mind I changed you, no I didn't look at ur dick." He said grabbing a smoke and lighter, I smiled "thanks dally" I said as he looked at me and smiled
"You gotta leave in two hours kid, want me to drive you?" He said as I looked out the window to the sun "can we walk?" I asked his face was confused but gave in.
We walked downstairs to breakfast already made and buck in the living room, "breakfast is ready, I made your friend some too" buck said as I smiled "thanks buck" I said as he nodded reading the news paper as we entered the kitchen. Me and Dallas ate the food.
After we finished Dallas put the plates away, "imma hop in the shower" he said scruffing his hair" I looked at him and a idea popped in my head. "Yeah I smell bad I need a shower like now" I said, "wanna go first?" He said as I rolled my eyes. "No dingus" I said and walked up to the taller man and when on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his nose. "Can I join you?" I asked as he went red but my puppy eyes made him give in. "Fine fine"
We went to the bathroom and he shut the door, it was a nice white bathroom buck kept clean. Dallas took off his shirt and so did I, to be honest I forgot how jacked this greaser was in build caught me off guard to the point he was snapping his fingers snd caught my attention "earth to soda" he said I as o peeked up "you gonna undress you can't shower in pj pants" he said smiling as I blushed. I was very insecure about my lower half and this man could tell when I looked down in disappointment.
"Look I won't make fun, I like your body kid, I won't make it sexual." He said holding my cheeks as I smiled. "Okay" I said and undressed.
We hoped in the shower and it was nice, the warm water made me feel clean and Dallas there some how made me feel safe. He put soap on his hand and scrubbed my hair, "do you want grease in ur hair today?" He asked cleaning my head as I soaped my body, "nah to early" I said as he smiled, "okay cause I am" he said put a shower cap on so he didn't have to dry his hair. "You look like a doofus" I said laughing histariglg as he frowned smiled. "Shut it" he said and we finished out shower.
We stepped out and I started to dry off and he took the cap off and dried his body. Sometimes I need to catch myself dozing more often. "I know my dicks nice but you have to dry your hair" he said as I jolted up "Sorry" I said with blush scattering my face.
After we got done drying Dallas insisted to watch morning cartoons with me, he got me dressed in my clothes and he did the same. We walked down to the living room when buck left for work and we turned the tv on, he put his arm around me and I snuggled my head in his side. He kissed my head.
It was 9:50 and Dallas woke me from my nap so we could go. "Come on I was enjoying my nap." I said "darrys gonna kill me Pepsi" he said as I rolled my eyes and stood up with him, "come on kid" he kissed my head and we headed out.
We started to walk and we joked and flirted all the way down, right when we got there we didn't notice and everyone was outside when Dallas had his arm around me non stop flirting makin me red, we were bt the front yard when I caught glimpse of pony looking at me and slapped Dallas "OUCH" he said as pony ran up to me "HEY SODA" he said tackling my in a hug "hey pone" I said rubbing his back as Dallas let his arm down "hey kid" Dallas said. "Hey pone how was Steve's, he came home early" Darry said walking out pointing at Steve's behind him. "Wait what?" He said I tried to over talk him "we never got together" he said "IT WAS GOOD" I said walking in the driveway with Dallas. "Darry looked mad and confused, Dallas where did you bring him?" Darry said as Dallas went pink.
"Steve's." He said "no you didn't?" Steve said "fine I took him to bucks BUT buck was nice, I made him dinner, took him out to eat, played pool, went to bed, woke up ate breakfast That BUCK made and took him home on time" dallas said "and were saying how you'd do naughty shit to him?" Two said "that too, WAIT WHAT NO" Dallas said as two bit over heard our talk. I went red and Darry gave Dallas lifted eyebrows "soda?" He said I was stuck in place Dallas froze and smiled. "Come on soda your gay same with you Dallas, YALL wanna butt fuck blah blah" two bit said as we went pink "okay not the last thing I didn't put my hands on him but" Dallas looked at me and I shook my head in approval "were both gay" he said casually.
Pony got rather excited, Steve was shocked, two already knew, Johnny only smiled cause he wasn't a party person but he was proud and Darry smiled. "Well I'm proud of both of you but I still waiting for one last thing." Darry said
"Are you both a thing and if so Dallas you have rules." Darry said as Dallas shook his head proudly as I got flustered.
Dallas and me were now sitting in camp chairs in the front yard with the gang and Darry as Darry told Dallas rules.
"No sex until atleast one month, no getting him drunk, treat him right, if there's a emergency call me, atleast keep him home some days so he's not always out" he went on and on and Dallas understood everything.
At the end of the day we all went and watched late night cartoons. Two and pony on the floor with Johnny playing cards, Steve brought his girlfriend over and they were talking in the kitchen, Darry was asleep on the recliner. Me and Dallas were on the couch and I was laying on top of him watching the tv, I never felt more free, I felt more happy and more energetic. Dallas was practically always there for me and I couldn't ask for more...and the more I realize when I was sad and Dallas was there he was like my sun, and when I was around him the sun came out more, I guess you'll find your sun some day you gotta wait till you really need it and never expect it.
I layed on his chest as he looked down at me and I looked up. He smiled and along with me, he fluffed my hair up and I laughed.
"Goodnight Pepsi."
"Night sunshine."
(5073 words)
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Magic Story Abridged: Limited Time Offer
(Episode 7; Battle for Zendikar Episode 1; Original Stories HERE and HERE )
When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural All those who chose to oppose his sural fall When there’s crime to thwart or a war to fight You can count on the man who is mono-white When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural.

Art by Dan Scott
(We open on Kytheon Iora, now a man, fighting a number of Eldrazi spawn. In the background, a group of Kor, Humans, Elves, and Goblins watch patiently.)
Munda, a large, muscular Kor: (Quietly, to the others in his group) ...Here we see a wild Gideon Jura, latin name Kytheon Iora, taking down its prey. Though the beasts are larger and more powerful than he, his glowing golden aura protects him from all known forms of attack. His Sural, also known as an Urumi or Whip-Blade, can cut through the flesh of even the toughest of Eldrazi, though it may take many such blows to cause one to fall. Though Eldrazi meat is inedible, this kill with give the Gideon great renown. If the hunt is successful, he will not have difficulty finding a mate this season.
Kytheon, now going by Gideon full time: (Calling over) I know you’re there, Munda! Are you going to lend a hand or not?
Munda: You’re doing fine, bro! They can’t even scratch you!
Gideon: I’d still like to finish up sometime today!
Munda: Fine, fine! Everyone, attack!
(Munda and his party help Gideon dispatch the Eldrazi.)
Gideon: Really wished you’d shown up earlier. I’ve been fighting those things for hours. Literally hours.
Munda: Sorry, bro, but we just came from our own fights. Bala Ged’s overrun. Gone the way of Sejiri. Everyone’s running to Sea Gate, but who knows if we can hold that.
Gideon: Sea Gate… Right… I’ll meet you there. Right now I need to… go place.
Munda: You need to sleep. Maybe have something to eat. You look exhausted.
Gideon: Can’t. Gotta be at work in an hour.
Munda: What work? We’re in an apocalyptic situation and all society in that general direction has collapsed.
Gideon: Well, the thing about that is THERE’S A BALOTH BEHIND YOU!
Munda: Wha-
(Gideon planeswalks away.)

Art by Richard Wright
(Gideon bursts into the Millennial, one of the finest, most expensive restaurants in the entire city-plane of Ravnica. He’s still covered in dirt and Eldrazi ichor.)
Maitre’d: Sir, you can’t just-
Gideon: (Flashes a badge) Official Boros business, stand aside, civilian.
(Gideon marches up to a table full of finely dressed goblins)
Krenko, the devilishly handsome goblin leader in a homemade crown: Can I help you, officer?
Gideon: You’re under arrest for arson and six counts of murder… And that’s just today.
Krenko: Sorry, officer, but this crown means I don’t have to listen to you.
Gideon: And why is that?
Krenko: Because it’s made of knives.
Gideon: (Sigh)

Art by Richard Wright
Dars, a real, actual Boros Soldier: Great work as always, Jura!
Gideon: (heavy breathing) Thanks. I try.
Krenko, in cuffs, covered in blood: Seemed a bit unprofessional if you ask me.
Dars: We don’t. You’re going straight into lockup… After medical care, of course.
Gideon: He’s fine… The blood’s mine.
Dars: Aren’t you invincible?
Gideon: I’d thought so...
Dars: Then how…
Gideon: Krenko must’ve been tougher than the other criminals I’ve fought… and the Eldrazi… and that vampire… and the pyromancer… and the titan… and Erebos, God of the Dead.
Dars: He must be as powerful as he is handsome.
Gideon: He is very handsome.

Real, actual photograph by Empire State Photography Also Karl Kopinski and Winona Nelson
Dars: IT’S A BOMB!
Gideon: It’s a letter.
Dars: A letter bomb?
Gideon: It’s from Rikkig and Gardagig, two of the Shattergang goblins. They want us to hand over Krenko for murdering their brother, or… then the bomb.
Dars: Why do these goblins insist on killing each other?
Krenko: Well, when we kill non-goblins, your pink asses call us racist.
Gideon: ...I’ll go deal with them. As soon as I run some errands first.

Art by Vincent Proce
(Gideon fights some Eldrazi on Zendikar. Munda’s there, too. And a random sorceress who shoots lightning bolts.)
Munda: Hey, Gideon, buddy, pal, bro… Remember when I said everyone was running to Sea Gate?
Gideon: Yes…
Munda: Turns out that includes the Eldrazi.
Gideon: Well, slith. On my way. After goblins.

Art by Michael Komarck
(Gideon busts down the door to a warehouse)
Gideon: It’s over, Rikkig! I already captured your brother offscreen!
Rikkig’s voice, from somewhere inside the building: Didn’t bring Krenko, huh? And here I was going to exchange my hostages for yours.
(Light goes on in back, revealing a group of old women, children, and kittens tied up.)
Gideon: I can’t just hand over a prisoner! He’s been lawfully arrested, just like you’ll be!
(Rikkig steps out, wearing twelve layers of padding, a helmet, and goggles)
Rikkig: Well, if you don’t have a Krenko for me, I still have something for you.
(Rikkig throws a bomb)
(Things explode)
(Rikkig is padded. Gideon is indestructible. The hostages scream. The building begins burning and collapsing.)
Gideon: Damn damn damn!
(Gideon rushes to save the hostages. There’s a lot of them. He can only carry a few at a time. The building continues to burn.)
(Boros rush the building, rescue hostages, put out the fire. Rikkig escapes.)
Gideon: How did you get here so fast?
Dars: Followed you. You seemed like you were biting off a bit more than you can chew.
Gideon: I can handle it myself:
Dars: No. No, you can’t. We’re a Legion. We use tactics and teamwork so screw ups like this don’t happen. We’re going to go send a bunch of guys to catch that one goblin, and you’re going to sleep.
Gideon: But if I do that, who’s going to fight the giant monsters?
Dars: What?
Gideon: Bye. (Gideon planeswalks away.)

Art by Nic Klein

Art by Igor Kieryluk
(ALL THE ELDRAZI ATTACK THE CITY! Hundreds of Eldrazi. Thousands of Eldrazi. Millions and billions and… okay, maybe not that many. In the center: Gideon, indestructible and kicking ass.)
Gideon: I don’t care how many of you I have to kill! I can do this all day! I haven’t slept in a week and I’m not about to start now!
Jori En, a mermaid who is evenly distributed human and fish: HELP! HELP!
(Gideon bursts into a burning building, scoops up the mermaid, and runs off as it collapses behind them)
Gideon: Why didn’t you evacuate with the others?
Jori En: My friend Kendrin and I were checking for records about the Hedrons! She almost figured out what they do and how they’re supposed to stop the Eldrazi!
Gideon: That’s wonderful! Where is she?
Jori En: Uhh… In that building.
Gideon: Oh.
Jori En: Yeah…
Gideon: So…
Jori En: But I have all her notes! Unfortunately, she was a complete nerd and I don’t understand any of them.
Gideon: …. Go. Run. Get to safety. I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can.
Jori En: You have a plan?
Gideon: I have a nerd.

Art by Adam Paquette
(We cut to Jace Beleren, a blue cloak with a wizard inside it. With him is Lavinia, his assistant and bodyguard.)
Lavinia: That was your last meeting for today. Time to have a healthy dinner, and then get to bed early.
Jace Beleren: Or I’ll fill myself with coffee and stay up until three in the morning solving Sudoku. Sudokus? Sudoki.
Lavinia: You’re going to be grouchy all day tomorrow if you do that.
Jace: You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my mom. I think. I honestly don’t remember.
Lavinia: I distinctly remember not being your mother.
Jace: Then I’ll see you at work first thing in the morning!
Lavinia: ...Of course. Goodnight, Jace. (Lavinia heads off)
(Jace starts to fetch his coffee when… there’s a knock on the bookshelf)
Jace: WHO IS- … wait. Who even knows about my secret passage? (Jace magically opens the bookshelf from a distance, preparing for trouble)
Liliana Vess, hasn’t aged a day in years: Jace! Snookums! (Walks right in.)
Jace: No.
Liliana: How are you, dear! I’ve missed you! You never showed for our last date!
Jace: That’s probably because you tried to kill me.
Liliana: Oh, pish posh. That was on Nicol Bolas’ orders. I’m freelance now.
Jace: You killed my best friend.
Liliana: And I killed my brother. This isn’t a competition, you know.
Jace: What do you want?
Liliana: I missed you! Can’t a girl visit her lover without getting the third degree?
Jace: (incredulous) You came all the way to Ravnica, presumably went to a lot of effort to find my secret passage, and showed up here unannounced because you missed me?
Liliana: I thought we could catch up. Spend some time together. Talk about our feelings.
Jace: You’re a murderer and a liar, and that’s not even bringing up that you managed to turn Garruk into some sort of superpowered psychopath hunting ‘the most dangerous game’ from plane to plane.
Liliana: Yeah, that was fun.
Jace: Go away.
Liliana: Take me to dinner.
Jace: ...You’re not leaving if I don’t play along, are you?
Liliana: I am not.
Jace: Fine.

Art by Dave Kendall
(Jace and Liliana start walking down the street)
Little Old Lady: Sir! Buy a flower for your girlfriend?
Jace: She’s not my girlfriend! She’s some sort of insufferable hell-witch who refuses to leave me alone for arcane purposes she won’t tell me about.
Little Old Lady: Oh, of course! Buy a flower for your wife?
Jace: Grrrrrrrrrr…..
Maitre’d: Please forgive the mess, Sir Guildpact. We had an incident the other day… Of course, we’ll make sure it doesn’t inconvenience you. (He shows Jace and Liliana to a table)
Jace: It’s fine, it’s fine. Just… It’s fine.
Liliana: That Guildpact title is useful. How is it being grand high king of Ravnica?
Jace: I’m not the King. I’m just a grand high Judge. I uphold the law. I don’t create it.
Liliana: Well, that sounds positively boring. You should become king. I’m sure you could pull it off.
Jace: I really don’t want to be king… And speaking of what I want, what do you want?
Liliana: The lobster looks positively-
Jace: I meant with me. Why are you making me take you out to dinner?
Liliana: Because I wanted to see you. Why would you think there was anything else? Do you think I can’t handle my demons on my own?
Jace: They are four particularly large-
Liliana: Two. I already killed Kothophed and Griselbrand. With the Chain Veil. It’s a wonderful artifact that grants ultimate power that is working out great for everybody involved.
Jace: Uh...huh.
Liliana: It certainly doesn’t have some sort of magical hooks in me that I need help understanding.
Jace: Of course not.
Liliana: And I’ll be perfectly fine studying it on my own.
Jace: Great.
Liliana: I can handle this.
Jace: Good to know. So you just want to sit with me and eat dinner?
Liliana: Yes.
Jace: And nothing else?
Liliana: Why? What are you implying.
Maitre’d: (at the entrance) SIR! NO! NOT AGAIN!
Jace: Hmm?
Art by David Rapoza
Gideon Jura, covered in Eldrazi goop: Need to see the Guildpact.
Maitre’d: Sir, you are covered in I don’t know what! We can’t afford another-
Gideon: Zendikar! It’s about Zendikar!
Jace: (softly) Damn it. (loudly) Send him in!
Maitre’d: Oh, all right…
Gideon: (staggers in) Beleren. Zendikar.
Jace: I’m sort of in the middle of something right now. What do you want?
Liliana: Right, he’s on a date! Go away!
Gideon: (Deep breath) Zendikar is being overrun by the Eldrazi, and we have notes on how the Hedrons might be able to stop them, but I need help from someone with skills I don’t have. Will you please help me?
Jace: … Say that last part again?
Gideon: ...Will you please help me?
Jace: You know what? Sure!
Gideon: Great, we can leave right-
Jace: In the morning. I need to have a healthy dinner and get to bed on time or I’ll be grouchy all day, and you need to get to a healer and rest as well. That’s the offer, take it or leave it.
Gideon: I… alright. Thank you.
Liliana: What the falkenrath, Jace? Here I come, all the way from Innistrad, with my magical artifact and two demons left to kill, and you’re willing to just run off with this oversized slab of beef with barely any explanation?
Jace: Is that a problem?
Liliana: Of course it’s a problem! You were supposed to come and help me!
Jace: Really? Huh. You should’ve said something.

Art by Jaime Jones
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Dysfunctionnally functional
Mon émission favorite est “My neighbor, Charles”. C’est un programme sud-coréen diffusé sur KBS et que l’on peut suivre également sur YouTube. Le principe est de suivre sur un épisode la vie des étrangers en Corée du Sud et de partager leur tracas afin d’en parler.
Dans cet épisode, le 140, ont fait la rencontre d’un couple a-do-ra-ble. En effet, Zuma Chabai et Jin-heui Han sont mariés depuis 3/4 d’an, et vivent actuellement à Daegu. (Zuma est originaire de la Tanzanie.)
Dans leur quotidien, ils travaillent tous les deux dur et s’aiment. Ils ont des caractères attachaaaants. En fait, comme toujours, il faut voir la vidéo pour comprendre... <3 (L’émission est juste en bas de cette page.)
Maintenant, on aura une compilation des plus belles phrases du show ! En anglais~
A environ 1:30
Interviewer : How did you two meet ?
Jin-Heui : I went to do volonteer work in Africa. And Zuma was the head of our medical team. So while I was there, we became close. He has never drunk alcohol in his life. He has never smoked before. He’s the man I dreamed of. In Korea, people think skinny is beautiful. In Tanzania, people like someone with big hips. I could realize I’m also a beautiful person. When I just sit around like this, children would come to me and touch me like this. “Mom, an angel came to my town !”. It’s true, I’m serious.
A environ 9:15
Jin-Heui : They didn’t know he was black. They were okay with foreigners, but not for someone who was black.
Zuma : When I first got the chance to work, I texted the boss after I got home. *Crying* (Zuma had a hard time.) I said ‘Thank you for giving me a chance.’ And I wanted to show him what I was capable of. And let him know that I wouldn’t let him regret choosing me.
A environ 18:00, quand ils parlaient de mieux s’intégrer dans la société coréenne.
Jin-Heui’s dad : If he gets family insurance, he can drive my car. So tell him to get his licence.
Jin-Heui : Wait. Dad, are you going to lend him your car ?
Jin-Heui’s dad : Of course ! He’s my family.
A environ 39:00
Jin-Heui : Why did you do this ?
Zuma : I wanted to show my love to you.
Regardez ce qu’il a fait, c’était adorablement romantique !!!
Enfin, voici leur porte d’entrée :
La Tanzanie est un pays d’Afrique de l’Est, situé en bordure de l’océan indien.Le pays est connu pour ses parcs naturels et donc ses paysages et animaux magnifiques. Le pays avait plus de 51 millions d’habitants en 2015. Sa capitale est Dodoma. Sa capitale économique est Dar es Salam, situé sur le littoral. Ses langues officielles sont le swahili, l’anglais ; et dans certaines région l’arabe est aussi parlé.

La page Wikipédia de la Tanzanie est très intéressante... Allez lire mes amis. (Je ferais des recherches sur le pays et j’écrirais un article dessus : il a l’air passionnant.)

Au dessus, une photographie prise dans le parc national de Serengeti.

En Tazanie, il y a plus de 120 ethnies. Dans cette photo, un homme Maasai.
Réseaux Sociaux
Afin de retrouver ces deux interesting and cute humans, suivez les liens suivants.
L’instagram de Jin-Heui est : https://www.instagram.com/am.gloria_/
L’instagram de Juma est : https://www.instagram.com/am.chabai_/?hl=fr
0 notes
-- mistletoe. pt iv. (feat. the darling Rika of @darcar!)
You've unlocked a second, secret version:
#Pigeon Screens#Odette Hollows#Rika#Midlander Hyur#Au ra#FFXIV Screenshots#FFXIV Gpose#StarlightSmooches2024#MWAH MWAH MWAH#thank you for lending me rika dar !!!!!!!!!!!#rotating her and odette around in my head like leftover spaghetti in the microwave#can't wait to get at it#OKAY LOOK I KNOW THOSE ARE HER EARS THE POSE WAS DAR'S IDEA#and it was SO CUTE that i couldn't say no also odette is....... lowkey an idiot and WOULD grab a horn unthinking#probably just the once and she'd be MORTIFIED but listen#(lmao)#ANYWAY#the story is.......... rika taunted and odette rose to it#“bet you won't” “well i'm no coward” vibes yes???? yes.#something something a ringing in her ears and not just from the grab#ALSO THE GARLAND PEEKING OUT OVER HER SHOULDER KILLS ME#anywya..............#merry christmas eve love you mwah
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-- soft spot.
[with the incredibly charming Tourmaline from @darcar!]
#Pigeon Screens#Solution 9#Dawntrail#Selenite of S9#Tourmaline of S9#SHE IS SO STINKING CUTE I WANT TO EAT HER UP#thank you dar for lending me heeeeeer !!!!#nite getting to be touchy with her friends in ways Odette doesn't (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
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Febhyurary 2025 | Day 4: Touch [feat. Dar of @darcar!]
... she smells of citrus and flowers and warm spice.
Dar being so kind and taking a look at Viatrix's scarring. Out of the goodness of her heart. No other reason. Some extra shots:
#Pigeon Screens#Febhyurary#Febhyurary2025#Viatrix Volkova#Dar Cebe#Hyur#Midlander#Viera#FFXIV#FFXIV Screenshots#THANK YOU FOR LENDING ME DAR AGAIN!!!!#i love her sharp beauty so much#and i love her acceptance of this weird damp stray odette brought around once#thinking about those screens of dar reading to viatrix and wanting 2 cry !!!!!!!!#feeling very feral about these as well !!!!#i like the intimacy despite the space between them#and also i am lowkey v proud of dar grabbing her hand and pushing her sleeve back#viatrix isn't timid about being touched or honestly very fearful at all#she's just so sad and damp all the time you know???#lowkey she has a deathwish so following strangely beautiful women into backrooms of bars is... fine actually !!!!
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