Just Call Me Medi (No Longer On Hiatus)
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UPDATE: With Hope...We'll Escape is on hiatus. Teams Are Merging, Just as the World Falls Apart-Reboot/Reux Arc 2 will be staring soon. Taking asks for both AUs.
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
isthemedia · 2 days ago
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The sequel to this is Tony being absolutely covered in hickies, whereas the two idiots with healing factors get away still a bit worse for wear
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isthemedia · 4 days ago
“Today I found out I’m fucking adorable” YES YOU ARE! And anyone else in a dress YOU ARE ADORABLE!
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isthemedia · 4 days ago
People complain “woke” when it’s actually just “not interesting”. But they cling onto the added diversity cause it’s something they can tangibly see.
Retelling fairytales isn’t new-HBO showed that with their Happily Ever After series!
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King Midas
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Snow White
I wished Disney would take more risks when adapting things to live action. But it feels so much like they’re just remaking whatever into live action than pushing what can be DONE with live action.
Like dip into alternate retellings of these stories for the live action. Do you know how cool it would have been to see a Rimonah of the Flashing Swords movie?!
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Rough-Faces Girl? I would cry!
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One thing that I really, really DESPISE about the culture war is that propositions like: "Let's update this beloved but clearly outdated story" or "Let's add more diversity to this all white cast" weren't that controversial ten years ago.
The same people who say that Disney is too woke nowadays, would be the first ones throwing stones at Brandy as Cinderella, Stephanie Mills as Dorothy Gale, Anne Hathaway as Ella and Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White if these productions had been released nowadays.
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Hollywood didn't become more "woke", people just became much more overtly racist and misogynistic.
@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @the-blue-fairie @adarkrainbow @princesssarisa @storytellergirl
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
I feel a mix of sympathy and vindication toward any Robo-Ky fans who are a little bummed about him not being his own character and is instead stuck as a machine being used by someone else like damn. At least yours isn't dead.
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
i actually rushed to make this a gif
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
Venom's getting added tomorrow (Mon. March 24) at midnight PST (GMT -8)
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
Omg yes! Like not much of a Sonic fan but Scott would take up dad-figure! Especially’97 Scott!
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It's been one year since X-Men '97's premiere 🥳
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isthemedia · 5 days ago
And thus even more a reason why I just ADORE the details Guilty Gear puts into their characters!
was looking through axl artworks for reference and i just started looking at the way his eyes are drawn sometimes, it kinda reminded me of a lazy eye. now i’m imagining the bandana and long hair being a way to hide his eye…
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isthemedia · 6 days ago
Fresh batch of more Omega Red memes from the discord:
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isthemedia · 9 days ago
X-men: Demons and Death #1
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X:Men Demons and Death #1
Written by Alex Paknadel
Art by Phillip Sevy
Cover by Mike McKone
Follow Havok and Omega Red’s journeys from Krakoa into X-Factor and Sentinels!
Deep in the heart of the Limbo Embassy, Havok and the Goblin Queen sit surrounded by the secrets they keep from each other. And amid the cold mountains of Russia, the man called Omega Red returns home for the first time. Can these bloodstained heroes of Krakoa hold onto their new lives when old demons come calling?
Collecting X-men: From the Ashes #7-12 for the first time in print!
Omega Red’s fans are really winning today!! If you were hoping to get a physical copy of this incredible story arc that is, quite literally, Arkady’s best story, your prayers have been answered!! Tell your friends, buy some copies and let's cross our fingers and hope it sells well enough for Marvel to consider giving Arkady an actual Origins book. Alex Paknadel really wants to write more of him.
And speaking of which, there was an interview on Aipt's X-men Monday, where Alex Paknadel got a chance to talk about some of his latest works. Not too much on Arkady, but it's still a very insightful interview that I think is worth checking out:
So if you're an Omega Red fan, I hope you get this book! If you're not (yet) I hope you will get it too. You won't regret it, I assure you. The story was amazing and a real insightful look into Arkady’s character.
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isthemedia · 10 days ago
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After weeks of deliberating, brainstorming and voting, all of us from the Omega Red Army Discord server are very excited and happy to announce the first-ever Omega Red Week!
The idea first stemmed from holding a vote on the server to decide which day to celebrate Arkady’s birthday together, which we agreed will be celebrated by all of us on Aug. 14. And then, the idea just grew from there into what will be a week-long celebration of Arkady. With luck? Hopefully, it's an annual one.
So, how will this work? We have selected seven themes, which will be the subject of fanfiction and/or fanart that we will create and share with all of you during the week of Aug. 10-16. We all hope you will enjoy the things we come up with!
This event is not just limited to us on the server, however. Everyone is invited to take part in any way they can following the themes we have chosen. You can do one day or all seven -- however you want to celebrate Omega Red during the week, however you want to express your love and appreciation of his character -- we will be very glad to have your creations sharing your love of Arkady to be posted along with us! Just be sure to tag your posts #omega red week 2025 during the week of Aug. 10-16. We'll all be celebrating what makes Omega Red special to us.
Let's continue to make 2025 Omega Red’s year!!
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isthemedia · 10 days ago
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WIP of Vinity
This is my 3rd attempt at them. I originally wanted to give their hair the silhouette of folded wings but I wasn’t happy with how they were turning out.
I then tried to focus more on their clothing but again wasn’t really giving the “vain beauty” look I was aiming for.
So I stepped away and came back and instead of going with my more detailed approach I stuck with my more Chibi-like style that would let me play around with shapes and important details.
Settled on actually wings that fold into a veil over their face-only when they unfurl their form of the literal god of their fractured universe is shown.
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isthemedia · 16 days ago
Precious baby boy! Precious baby boy!! Sad his trailer is delayed but Precious baby boy!!! He’s so close!!
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isthemedia · 16 days ago
It’s something I’ve come to notice the older I get and the more heroes and teams are made for Marvel books-the X-Men are a weird outlier.
Like the main reason as to why mutants are so feared is because of the potential threat they pose with their mutation.
However-genetically engineered super soldiers get a pass? Billionaire geniuses who have advanced tech? Gods from another plane of existence? Scientists gaining super power through their own experiments? Sorcerer Supreme with magic beyond imagination? Hell even individuals who were born with powers but not the X-genre are seen as more human.
It makes you wonder how they’d feel if someone was discovered to have a dormant X-gene. How they’d react.
Yes yes I know hypocrisy and all but here’s the biggest issue-the fear is mostly around the X-Men as an identity. They sadly do have reputation of doing good things but just as many bad things and a lot of things that happen as a result.
However whenever mutants try to make an identity AWAY from X-Men to distance from that stigma they’re chases to it regardless.
It’s also why X-Men and mutant groups have become so exclusionary in modern time-they’re just tried of repeating the same story beats.
So thanks to both sides it’s now just a self-fulfilling prophecy at this rate. AND IT IS BORING.
Like there’s already a name for those individuals who WILL and WOULD harm those who are weaker than them-they’re called super villains.
Goldballs blows up
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Fabio Medina AKA Goldballs was once a meme in and out of universe. Before he was a member of The Five, he was an awkward kid that joined Cyclops' revolution/school. After Scott shut up shop, the students went their own way for a while, leading to Goldballs going viral.
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Another member of the team uploaded a video of them fighting villains while Goldballs shouted his codename like a Pokémon. The next morning he awoke to fame and fortune, with The Tonight Show (lol) as an indicator that it was for real. He made the cover of Rolling Stone and the people loved him.
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Various producers, like that cartoonish one in the top panel, inundated his parents with attention. They didn't really have a frame of reference for what was happening and the Medinas were all swept up by Goldballs fever.
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The heroism continued, but nobody was prepared for just how much the public hates mutants. Importantly, the attention was validating for Fabio the self described 'chunky Latino kid.' Self actualising. The opportunity to be who he is publicly with pride. The squad took down Klaw (who hasn't been big for a while AFAIK) thinking handling an Avengers villain would be a good thing.
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Normally it would be tbh, but the once adoring crowd turned on Goldballs and the Hero Squad. Shouting slurs and pelting him with anything at hand, this violent mob and some fucking pigs shattered Fabio's fifteen minutes.
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Cops got in on it too, aiming guns at teenagers and attempting arrest for the crime of being mutants. Goldballs nearly died, and his dream of stardom certainly did. Brutal violence from civilians and the state killed it dead.
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They started this whole thing because they didn't want to be X-Men. Months of living in Weapon X and hiding from SHIELD sucked, so once Cyclops abandoned the revolution the kids said 'fuck that.' This is really depressing shit, cruel in how high it takes us before dropping the hammer. These kids wanted something better for themselves but in the end the only place they could go was the Xavier Jean Grey School. The narrative takes pains to portray what Cyclops is doing as wrong and by extension the institutional X-Men path is right, but all these kids would be in prison for nothing without Cyke's rescue team.
That doesn't necessarily mean Cyclops is right, but removing choice until integrationism is all that's left feels trite. That's the X-Men genre, of course but it's still painful. The ideology doesn't move forward and the threats keep coming.
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isthemedia · 18 days ago
Awww he’s a goober! Let’s all thank Lego for this gift
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omega red fans might wanna kill me for this but i love this lil goofy ass lego version so fucking much holyyy shit
(he asks for a selfie too but like. its really hard to pause on stuff with disney+. so just imagine it)
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isthemedia · 19 days ago
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Deadpool (Movieverse) Series: Part 3 of Onomatopoeia Chapter Summary:
The part is underway-and Logan gets to learn a few things.
He learns about Agency X.
Learns about Cable.
Learns Wade loves him...
Wait what?
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