#fabio medina
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xmenshitposts · 6 months ago
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cyclops' icon is by thelastcoffeebender on pinterest!
original under the cut!
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nitpickrider · 1 month ago
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Charles has failed at more than his fair share in life. But he truly, honestly, is a VERY good teacher of mutants. X Men Unlimited Infinity 65
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months ago
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As the remaining Quiet Council are discussing family matters and their plans on going home, Kafka the winged mutant boy overhears the conversation and starts to have doubts. Kafka eventually talks to Exodus about his doubt about how the rest of the mutants may have to stay behind in White Hot Krakoa while some of the mutants are selected to go home (and fight Orchis). The Quiet Council and the chosen mutants prepare for a ritual which Mister Sinister empties a vial of Cypher's genes into the pool so that Krakoa could help them in teleporting the mutants back home. The Krakoan vines wrap around Mister Sinister & the mutants and turns them into buds. Hope Summers remains behind on White Hot Krakoa as she reminds herself that she has to bring Phoenix Force back and she has some Messiah shit to do. Back on Earth, Apocalypse is dragging Krakoa-Treant back to Krakoa island when the chosen mutants pop right out of the flowers.
Much later, Hope Summers is having much difficulty in dealing with the Phoenix Force and Jean Grey. In order to save all of mutantkind and resurrect both the Phoenix and Jean Grey, Hope alongside the help of Legion (as the talking Hope Gun) shot the Phoenix with the consequence being her sacrificing herself in the process. Jean and the Phoenix have come back but Hope is gone. Meanwhile, the mutants are fighting the Stark Sentinels on the ruins of Krakoa island when Exodus, Destiny and Mystique teleport in. The Hope Sword is back in Nightcrawler's hands. Even though Destiny hugs Nightcrawler after some getting her motherly memories back from Xavier, she gives the bad news - Hope Summers is dead. Exodus at first doesn't believe it then announces that Hope has returned to whence she came. "The word made flesh, the flesh made immortal. She is with Krakoa in exile in spirit." Nightcrawler says the Krakoan mutants are trapped in the White Hot Room, lost forever. But Exodus, returning to the fight and attacking a Sentinel, says the people of Krakoa will return, that the Krakoan age will come again. Nightcrawler asks Destiny if they can win but she still sees no victory.
The Krakoan mutants including the Five minus Hope and Jumbo Carnation are stuck in the White Hot Krakoan Room arguing around a table trying to figure out how they will function, who will do what, etc. Little Kafka gets annoyed and tells everyone to shut up. He tells the room that they have to be better than this, that they have no rulers, no leaders, no heroes. That they have to be the Quiet Council and that means they have to listen. He takes charge and starts working to assign tasks such as food supply, tutoring, teaching. It's a bittersweet last page as that little hero is determined to make Krakoa, despite being lost in the White Hot Room.
X-Men: Forever #2, 2024 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pics)
Rise of the Powers of X #4, 2024 (7th and 8th pics)
X-Men: Forever #4, 2024 (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th pics)
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The trapped Krakoan mutants in the White Hot Room reminds me of the ending of Drifting Classroom manga when the elementary school students in the bad future dimension cannot go home after several tries. So the trapped students decide to stay and work together in the ruined future to build a new civilization.
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jojoseames · 5 months ago
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The Uncanny X-Tober day 1: Life!
Ink & Watercolor, 6 x 9 inches JoJo Seames, 2024
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shamlesspandanerd · 4 months ago
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npdclaraoswald · 1 year ago
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Another cross post from my Instagram, this time for Latine Heritage Month! A combination of superheroes I've read and loved and ones I'm interested in reading in the future! The ones I've read at least one full book for are marked with 📚
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comicwaren · 1 year ago
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From Immortal X-Men #016, “The Island of Doctor Xavier”
Art by Lucas Werneck and David Curiel
Written by Kieron Gillen
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year ago
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Immortal X-Men #16 - "The Island of Doctor Xavier" (2023)
written by Kieron Gillen art by Lucas Werneck & David Curiel
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
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Hellfire Gala Variants - Part 1 | Part 2
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braddocklegacy · 19 days ago
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Excalibur #1 (2019)
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tournament-of-x · 1 year ago
The Hole
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Contestants Index
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dalekofchaos · 2 years ago
Ultimate Spider-Man fancast
My other Marvel fancasts
Fantastic 4
Other Marvel characters
Miles Brown as Miles Morales
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Shemar Moore as Jefferson Davis
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Roselyn Sanchez as Rio Morales
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Hudson Yang as Ganke Lee
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Amandla Stenberg as Phin Mason
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Skai Jackson as Hailey Cooper
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Jenna Ortega as Barbara Rodriguez
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Storm Reid as Starling/Tiana Toomes
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Rowan Blanchard as Bombshell/Lana Baumgartner
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Tom Holland as Spider-Man/Peter Parker
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Donald Glover as Aaron Davis/The Prowler
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Rico Rodriguez as Fabio Medina/Egg
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Alan Tudyk as Simon Krieger
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Ving Rhames as Tombstone/Lonnie Lincoln
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Donnie Yen as Mister Negative/Martin Li
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Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin/Wilson Fisk
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JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year ago
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The Five had brought back many mutants from the dead and usually the resurrections involves in celebrations. However, not all resurrected mutants liked the return to the land of living. One such resurrected mutant was Jeffrey Garrett, the mutant boy who originally haunted the X-Mansion as a restless spirit. Prodigy visits The Five who told him that the resurrected Jeffrey had already teleported before anyone could visit him. Prodigy figures that Jeffrey Garrett was too bewildered and disoriented about the new changes so he goes off to look for him. Prodigy finds Jeffrey at the cliff of the waterfall to talk to him.
This short story of Prodigy and the X-Kids take place before the fateful Hellfire Gala attack.
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #100, 2023
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rei-ismyname · 6 days ago
Jean outs Bobby Drake part 2
It's a bit of a misleading title as Jean is mostly here for support, but this is a follow up to the younger Bobby being yanked out of the closet, and now it's older Bobby's turn. Huge intervention vibes.
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'Sooo, we're gay. Right?'
Bobby 1 (the older one) is having a chuckle at Fabio Medina's codename when he finds Jean and Bobby 2 waiting for him in his room. Very little preamble here in this entirely unique situation. Bobby 2 straight up says 'I'm gay. Aren't you?' to Bobby 1. It's a lot more fraught than in part 1, because it means Bobby 1 has been closeted for a decade or two (or however the fuck long it's meant to be with the sliding timescale.)
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It's definitely an awkward situation, but more 'written by a straight dude' awkward than anything else. I do like the single hard teardrop falling and Bobby 1's almost immediate acceptance. There isn't really a close real world analogue to this that I can think of - it's a good example of how the O5 change the present and their future by being here. There's also the unfortunate implication that Bobby needed to go back in the closet for however many years when they were mind wiped upon their return to their own time.
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Bobby 1 confirms Bobby 2's theory about his sexual orientation being the easier minority status to put away. It's kinda awkward that Bobby has spent most of his life around nosy telepaths and Young Jean was the first to talk to him about it. Bobby has been aggressively performing heterosexuality since we first saw him in 1963, with varying degrees of success. Everyone's experience is different and being able to come out is a privilege. I wouldn't expect Marvel to go any deeper than this, like ripping off a Bandaid - but it would be nice.
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The whole 'Angel being hot' thing is the epitome of the 'written by a straight dude' vibes, but both Bobbys use humour to break the ice, so to speak. It works as that, though it skirts close to the edge of the kind of thinking behind the 'gay panic' defence. I do like the mental hugs, though not wanting to touch gay men has plenty of fucked up real world antecedents.
With that, Bobby Drake was confirmed gay, something he'd been coded as for a while. His romantic and sexual life has been a mixed bag from this point, but it's had some strong moments of representation. I'd feel dishonest if I didn't point out that this wasn't exactly groundbreaking. I've seen it held up as an example of the X-Men's 'wokeness' but it's really only that compared to itself. I'm absolutely glad it happened and couldn't be undone but this was 2013-14. Late to the party by any measure. Also, I have a theory about why Young Jean was the first telepath to pick up on his repressed sexuality - a predestination paradox caused and resolved by time travel.
Considering that the O5 always came to the present and ended up returning without memory (and it's shown they did, with deviation leading to dark futures) then it's a predestination paradox and a closed time loop. Bobby came out with Jean pushing him, who then confronted his older self. They were forced to go back by Cable, who took extreme measures to ensure NOTHING changed history - hence the closed loop. He cut Warren's fire wings off and replaced them with those cut off Mimic, for example. On every level the X-Men had to go back and live their lives with zero changes from how they originally did. ZERO CHANGES. Once they got back Jean performed telepathic surgery on all of them, including herself, all based off Cable's precise instructions. Jean's mind-wiping was a complex thing and the X-Men of the present only received those memories once the time loop had been closed and they were the correct age. To make it work she would have had to push him so deep into the closet that he was incapable of remembering until the psychic trigger removed those memory blocks. That's why no other telepaths ever picked or Bobby himself picked up on it, because Jean had always put that psychic block there. Time travel made it impossible for events to happen any other way. I don't think it was written intentionally, but that's how time travel works in Marvel comics.
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afaimscorner · 10 months ago
Liste der 97 besten X-Comics-Charaktere
Rogue (Anna Marie LeBeau) (1981)
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Kitty Pryde (Shadowkat) (1980)
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Gambit (Remy LeBeau) (1990)
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Laura Kinney (Wolverine) (2004)
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) (1967)
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Dani Moonstar (Mirage) (1982)
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Illyana Rasputin (Magik) (1975)
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Magneto (Max Eisenhart) (1963)
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Alex Summers (Havok) (1969)
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Jean Grey (Phoenix) (1963)
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Scott Summers (Cylops) (1963)
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Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) (1982)
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Lorna Dane (Polaris) (1968)
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Doug Ramsey (Cypher) (1984)
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Storm (Ororo Munroe) (1975)
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Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) (1975)
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Banshee (Sean Cassidy) (1967)
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 Siryn (Theresa Rourke) (1981)
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Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) (1982)
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Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta) (1982)
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Rictor (Julio Esteban Richter) (1987)
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Northstar (Jean Paul Beaubier) (1979)
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Husk (Paige Guthrie) (1986)
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Blink (Exiles) (Clarice Ferguson) (1994)
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Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox) (1974)
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Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) (1964)
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Rachel Summers (Askani) (1981)
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Mimic (Exiles) (Calvin Rankin) (2001)
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Hellion (Julian Keller) (2003)
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Elixir (Josh Foley) (2003)
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Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) (2003)
Warren Worthington III (Archangel) (1963)
Iceman (Bobby Drake) (1963)
Logan (Wolverine, James Howlett) (1974)
Tabby (Tabitha Smith, Boom Boom) (1985)
Karma (Shi’an McCoy) (1980)
M (Monet St. Croix) (1994)
Alison Blair (Dazzler) (1980)
Strong Guy (Guido Carosella) (1985)
Juggernaut (Cain Marko) (1965)
Nocturne (T. J. Wagner) (2001)
Betsy Braddock (Captain Britain) (1976)
Brian Braddock (Captain Avalon) (1976)
Mystique (Raven Darkholm) (1978)
Maddie Pryor (Goblin Queen) (1983)
Madison Jeffries (1983)
Jay Guthrie (Icarus) (1984)
Lila Cheney (1984)
Rusty Collins (1986)
Skids (Sally Belvins) (1986)
Domino (Neena Thurman) (1992)
Nate Grey (X-Man) (1995)
Pete Wisdom (1995)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)(2002)
Noriko Ashida (Surge) (2004)
Heather Mac Daniel Hudson (Sasquatch) (Exiles) (2002)
Quentin Quire (Kid Omega) (2003)
Laurie Collins (Wallflower) (2003)
Santo Vaccarro (Rockslide) (2003)
Pixie (Meggan Gwyn) (2004)
Amor (Hisako Ichiki) (2004)
Layla Miller (2006)
Gabby Kinney (Scout) ((2015)
Hope Summers (2007)
Magma (Amara Aquilla) (1983)
Warlock (1984)
Mindee Cuckoo (2001)
Longshot (1985)
Chamber (Jonathan Starsmore) (1994)
Destiny (Irene Adler) (1981)
Empath (Manuel Alfonzo Rodrigo de la Rocha)(1984)
Emma Frost (White Queen) (1980)
Cecilia Reyes (1997)
Callisto (1983)
Caliban (1981)
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (1964)
Snowbird (Naya Eason) (1979)
Oya (Idie Okonkwo) 2010)
Vulcan (Gabriel Summer) (2006)
Eva Bell (2012)
Goldballs (Fabio Medina, Egg) (2013)
Christopher Summers (Corsair) (1977)
Hepzibah (1977)
Moira MacTaggert (1975)
Mac (James Hudson, Guardian) (1978)
Heather McDonalds (Nemesis) (1980)
Aurora (Jeanne Marie Beaubier) (1979)
Daken (Akihiro, Fang) (2006)
Eyeboy (Trevor Hawkins) (2012)
Phoebe Cuckoo (2001)
Celeste Cuckoo (2001)
Trance (Hope Abbot) (2005)
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (1991)
Gabriel Cohuelo (Velocidad) (2010)
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine) (2005)
Sabretooth (AoA) (Viktor Creed) (1994)
Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) (1989)
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