#also i hate not getting viera ears in the shot you know??????
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ahollowgrave · 2 months ago
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-- mistletoe. pt v. (feat. the magnetic Dar of @darcar!)
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knightingale-xiv · 6 years ago
Nightingale's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Really Bad Week: Day 2
Chip Wayman, or Arthur D'ehcan in this moment, was startled awake by a loud buzzing noise and a cacophony of shuffling feet, creaking matresses, and mumbled half-awoken curses. He looked around as he slowly shifted out of bed and got to his feet. The sun wasn't even up yet...The other prisoners were quickly moving to the ends of their bunks and standing in line...It reminded him of early morning inspections back when he had joined the Immortal Flames...he could guess that's what this probably was. Still, his movement was sluggish. He hadn't adjusted to his weakened aether yet, especially since thay was primarily how he moved.
He wasn't fast enough to dodge a pair of long, tanned legs as they swung down from the bunk above his, clocking him in the side of his noggin. He staggered and fell to the ground with an 'oof' of forced out air. He squinted at his 'assailant' and followed the legs up to the amazonian physique of a VERY tall woman. He thought, for a moment, that it was a Wildwood Elezen but upon further inspection he noticed a pair of looong black rabbit-like ears. A viera. Her eyes swiveled down to him and she narrowed her eyes. Her gaze was inquisitive, not malicious, but it still made Chip feel uncomfortable. She looked to the door as authoratative voices began yelling from outside.
"On your feet, new blood." The viera woman hissed, closing in on Chip in a single stride and hauling him to his feet. Her accent was unlike others Chip had heard...Must have just been how Dalmascan viera talked...Maybe. She hustled Chip into the line beside her and motioned for him to remain quiet. He obeyed, eyes shifting to the doors as the slammed inward and a group of four armored prison guards marched in.
"Alright you savages...You know the drill!" The man in the lead, an angry sounding Roegadyn, called out as he motioned for his men to search. "Stay in line, and do as you're fucking told. First person that steps out of line gets to take a nice relaxing vacation to the cages!" The Roegadyn growled as he began turning over matresses and stepping hard on floor boards. Contraband checks...Made sense.
Chip frowned as he observed two of the guards riifle through sheets, spare clothes, and perform the occasional pat down. Seemed everyone was clean...this was probably just a scare tactic at this point, but at least it was going smoothly...Everyone here knew the drill...knew their place. The Roegadyn actually seemed dissapointed by that fact as they finished their search.
"Alright then...Odd numbered work teams, get to your posts before first whistle." He barked gruffly as he motioned for his men to follow him out. Once the door slammed shut once more, everyone began to slowly move again as if statues waking up and coming to life. Chip took in their postures and expressions...All the prisoners looked so...empty. They looked devoid of hope and will. Some were covered in soot and looked gaunt and starved. They must have been here for some time...His gaze shifted up to the viera woman who had kicked, then 'saved' him. Amber eyes stared back at him, sharp focus boring into his own icey blues. Her face, while somewhat angular already, seemed to show signs of malnutrition as well...
"You are new." The viera woman said quietly. "How did they take you?"
"Uh, well...Long story short, I got shot down and taken in for piloting a stolen Garlean ship." Chip responded carefully. The viera, much like the warden, afforded him a raised brow.
"Quite the charge...You are a resistance fighter then?"
"Ahhh, no. Not really. Enthusiastic and curious tourist, looking to get back in touch with my heritage..." Chip looked around the gloomy barracks, his eyes almost fully adjusted to the dim lighting now. "This wasn't really what I had in mind though. You'd think it'd be on the brochure."
The viera sighed, but had a slight smirk on her face. "Humor...That will get you through a bit." She looked at the breast of his jumpsuit. "Hmm...forty-three." She said. Chip looked understandably confused.
"Pardon?" Did he look THAT old? "I mean, I know my hair is white but-"
She cut him off by poking his torso. "Your number. You are on the odd work shift, like me." Chip looked at his chest, then at her own number. Also an odd number...neat! "I am Kaja (Kai-ya). You are?"
Chip hesitated. He used his birth name to disguise himself with the Warden on impulse...But would lying to these people here be wise? Especially if he may need their help to escape later...
"Chip..." he said quietly. "But please call me Arthur." She gave him another quizical look, but shrugged.
"Many people here do not use real names...It is ok, Arthur." Kaja offered him a reassuring smile then motioned for him to follow her. "I will show you around...We must help each other to survive here, and the Garleans are eager to hand out strikes and punishments to people who do not know any better."
Chip had to somewhat fast walk to keep up with the long and elegant strides of the viera. The sun was still not up, but the desert was lit up by a series of flood lights from the watch towers, and light posts along the 'roads'. There were streams of prisoners coming out of the other barracks and heading into the factories, each looking about as worn out as the ones in Chip's area. Some fared better than others...the strong, the stubborn, and the new. Others looked like ghosts trudging through the sand.
"What do they have you do here?" He asked curiously, jogging so he could move beside his escort. Even that took considerable effort...
"Weapon and armor manufactoring. You can work with me in weapon production...it is like an assembly line...parts come down, we put them together, then shift it on to the next part of the line. It is easy enough work." Kaja explained as they stepped into one of the facilities. Garleans guarded nearly every aspect of the facility, with armed men at the doors, overhead on walkways, and patrolling the work lines. Kaja explained everything to Chip and showed him where to stand. The whistle blew, and everyone began working.
It was monotonous work...The garleans had them strapping the barrel and cylinders of gunblades onto the blades themselves, before shoving it down the line to have the firing mechanisms installed and the guards attached. It wasn't difficult, but Chip could see how doing this for hours, day in and day out, could be...soul crushing.
He hated this place already...This prison seemed to be designed solely to crush out any hope or spirit out of the occupants. Poorly fed, worked all day, then forced to go to sleep late wjth the knowledge that the weapons you're making are being used to subjugate your friends and family. He still was fresh and strong, so he needed to formulate a plan to get out of here, and maybe get as many as he could out too...For now, he would have to stay out of the cages, and make sure he got out before too long...He could probably last about a week before fatigue set in...
He could do this...hope was his currency after all, and these people needed tons. Raih'ir had asked him what he would do in this sort of situation...time to make good on his words.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Final Day
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years ago
No Moving On - Comic Script
ARR - Patch 2.4
Wolfram calls Raubahn to talk about Shiva.
Catch up on my WoL Comics (Chronological List)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Raubahn in his apartment in Ul'dah on the bed, leaning against headboard. On linkpearl. Narrator - "Wolfram has just defeated the Primal Shiva. He calls his friend and former partner Raubahn to relay the event and hopefully distract Raubahn from the recent betrayal by his close friend Eline Roaille (The Ivy)."
Wolf sitting on a bed in Camp Dragonhead talking excitedly on linkpearl - "It was wild Rau! She *became* the primal! Transformed right there in the bloody arena!"
Rau shocked - "Gods that's amazing! Do the Scions have any idea how she could do that?"
Wolf beams - "Not yet but once I return to Mor Dhona we'll discuss it. I'm too tired to make the journey back so I'm staying at Dragonhead. Haurchefant said he'd be happy to let me rest here for the night. I certainly need it, she was damned strong. Worst primal by far. Ice powers - I'm not sure if you remember but I hate the cold."
Rau laughs - "Aye, I remember. Though I half suspected you used that as an excuse to snuggle up to me when we went camping." Thought - ‘Which I thoroughly enjoyed.'
Wolf looking down, smiling sadly. Thought - 'How can he talk about our past so casually? I'm sure he doesn't know how I still feel about him. I'm pleased he didn't forget the memories we made together, yet it hurts sometimes to recollect them.'
Rau smiling sadly. Thinks - 'Damn I miss him. He mentioned moving on recently… I don’t think I ever will.’
Wolf smiles sadly, blushing lightly - "Aye, you are half right. Though tis also true that I hate the cold."
Knock on door, Rau surprised - "Oh, sorry Wolf I've got to go. Pray call me tomorrow when you safely reach the Rising Stones." Thought - 'Surprised he's off duty this early.'
Wolf smiles - "Sure will. Goodnight Rau…be careful." Thought - ‘…I hate that I had to leave while he's still grieving Roaille.’ *click*
Rau reaches for doorknob. Thought - 'Hope Wolf's got a large fire going. If only I could be there keeping him warm. Would be poor luck for him to fall ill after protecting the realm like that.'
Bran (very large blonde Viera) walks in beaming - "It's nice to see you General. Been a while." Ears twitch happily.
Rau looks embarrassed - "Please Brandt, call me by my name when it's just us."
Bran laughs - "Sorry Raubahn, it's a habit." Rau grins - "Suppose I can't fault you for it, but it makes me feel very unprofessional given the things I've done to you."
Bran smiles - "You don’t need to worry. I’m discreet. I’m glad you had time for this with everything going on in the Flames. That was quite a shock with Roaille. How are you handling it?"
Rau smiles - "Worry not lad, I have it all under control." Rau thinks - ‘If by under control I mean - can barely eat or sleep because one of my best friends betrayed me and now there are only three people left on this star whom I have complete trust in.'
Bran grins and moves closer to Rau - "Of course it is. I knew you'd have a plan! We can always rely on you." Rau smiles awkwardly, thought - ‘That’s right, everyone is relying on me…’
They hold each other. Rau smiling - "Aye, I’ll take care of everything and ensure that any conspirators are caught… but tonight let's take care of each other."
Bran beams - "Gladly, Raubahn. We both need a bit of fun." Rau thought - ‘Bran couldn’t have worked for her…right?’
Rau holds him up against the wall and they kiss. Rau scratching behind Bran's ear as they twitch happily.
Zoomed in shot of the kiss. Rau thought - "...I wonder if Wolf has friends like this. Seven hells! I should not be thinking about him right now!"
Catch up on my WoL Comics (Chronological List)
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