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andmaybegayer · 1 year ago
Last Monday of the Week 2023-11-06
It was Bandcamp Friday so I'll open with a rundown.
Listening: One song per album let's go
Do The Hate by MiSLeD, off TERRORTORIES, a deeply uncomfortable sounding song.
I originally picked up MiSLeD's acoustic album a few Fridays ago and took a while to come around on their unbelievably blunt and hyperlocal style. A sledgehammer through Johannesburg concrete, I have come to love 'em. Do the Hate has an aggressive chant that makes it genuinely kind of uncomfortable to listen to and also extremely fun to yell along with.
The Length of the Chain by Chamber Mage, off their 2022 demo tape and thus far their only album release unless you go see them live.
I picked these guys up off I think the Topic Lords podcast? Solid reliable heavy metal. Can't wait to see their first full album, they're from Denver so if you're from that part of the world definitely find out if they're playing.
All On Fire by Double Sun, from the album of the same name, Pretoria boys playing bluesy punk.
One of the last bands I saw in Johannesburg before I moved. I had the three-part Dead Wreck Beach stuck in my head for a good long while. I'm still not sure what it is about Gauteng that produces so many psychedelic punk bands but I'm not complaining.
Two Jack de Quidt albums, soundtracks from Friends at the Table which I have been getting really into.
First up, The Tower, As Built By The Divine Candidate Chital, from the soundtrack for COUNTER/weight, meditative track to match the meditative and still incomplete two-player game The Tower.
Apperances of The Tower in F@TT games are always great. It's a game that the GM and composer have been working on forever and they get really, really into it.
Next, gotta be Marielda, from the season of the same name. The clarinet from this is so memorable.
The intro tracks to every game are obviously the ones you hear the most, and they're all bangers.
All Through the Night [Patrick's Version], from the Titus Andronicus demotape for their most recent album The Will to Live. Rough cuts from studio sessions.
I adore The Will to Live, when I'm honest I really don't care much for most of Titus Andronicus's work other than The Monitor and now The Will to Live. These are good at capturing what I like about live performances: performers going ham and not necessarily performing well but definitely performing the most.
And lastly, Threshold from sungazer, off the album Perihelion. This was an experimental piece combining rhythms at both extremes of human perception, with the overall rhythm of the song being as slow as possible with individual bars being impossibly fast.
There's a whole Adam Neely video on it, because he's one part of sungazer.
Alright on to the rest of the show:
Reading: Back into The Count of Monte Cristo, rapidly seeing the roots of many other stories I've read crystalize into this genre, most notable Eoin Colfer's Airman.
Watching: The various Hackaday talks that have been uploaded over the past week, some good ones lately like A Hacker's Guide to Audio and Video Formats.
Playing: on Saturday evening I finished making dinner and sat down to play Titanfall 2 from the start because for some reason my save was incomplete and I figured I'd just start over. And then it was two in the morning and I had beaten Titanfall 2. Great game.
Making: Abortive attempts at designing some adapters for my vacuum cleaner because I realized I took my reference images wrong and had to start over, fortunately before I wasted any filament.
Also Hack Week at work, so I'm working on some original code with two much, much more experienced python developers, which if nothing else is a good learning experience.
Tools and Equipment: Modern text editor configuration systems can be rigged to almost completely bootstrap themselves if given an internet connection. You should use this to your advantage. I use lazy.nvim in bootstrap mode now and it's so easy.
Side note, nvim's lua configuration mode is real nice, major improvement over vimscript when you want to do anything complicated. Sorry Tim Pope.
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decepticrew · 1 year ago
impactor wandered around the self exiled mechs terrortory "d-16!" he shouted
A few cycles ago and Megatron would have killed anyone who dared utter that name to him again. Now the war was over, and he was too worn out to care.
"That's a designation I haven't heard in a long time, Impactor."
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metalcultbrigade · 28 days ago
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Halloween - "Terrortory" 25/02/2012
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shortnasties · 1 year ago
2878. Terrortorial
This is "Terrortorial." The sky is no different.
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I knew a man with a house of full bunnies. I worked with the man and you wouldn't think he would take his abode in a house full of bunnies. But he did. You wouldn't think of a house full of bunnies in relation to this man. What I'm saying is nowhere in the thinking about this man would a house full of bunnies be involved. And yet...And yet he was the owner of a house full of bunnies.
His name was Carl and he said, Some bunnies will kill the others, they are very violent when territorial. (But the weird thing was he pronounced it terrortorial and this made me think of a horror movie—one in which the bunnies overrun a town, devouring the people and claiming their land!)
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btrandolph · 1 year ago
new night terrortory
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traumamade · 2 years ago
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Leon has been cooking ever since he was a child, putting out a stove fire is nothing. He knows exactly what to do so that it doesn’t get bigger, he’s simply glad he got here in time before the flame got bigger and ended up hurting her. 
“Consider me surprised.” Leon says teasingly, his blue eyes full of mirth. It’s sweet that she wanted to cook for him. Even sweeter when he learns she was trying to make him something from his home. It makes his expression shift and soft into one of fondness. 
“Hey - I am comfortable. You don’t need to cook something like that for me to feel comfortable.” He hasn’t been this comfortable in someone else’s home in a very long time. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to sleep as well as he did. He feels well rested for once but that might also have something to do with how throughly she ended up fucking him. 
“How about we leave the cooking to me, huh?” Leon glances around at the mess and the ingredients laying about. He may be able to salvage this, make another one, or come up with something entirely different.
“Comes with the terrortory of being a DSO agent, I guess. I’m always hyperaware of everything.” What he doesn’t say, is that it’s mostly the PTSD that causes him to be fully aware of everything even in his sleep.
Flames lick dangerously close to her knuckles, but before she is singed, she feels him push her away.
“Ah—” she releases a small noise of protest, caught between shock and offense, but any kindling of annoyance is stamped to ashes when she realizes he has saved her from harm. “Oh…”
The woman is only capable of uselessly standing there. She observes, studies how he so diligently snuffs the flames. Trained. That man is a warrior on and off the line of duty, it seems.
“I—” she stutters. “No. I’m. I’m okay.” Her face is going beet red. How silly she feels, caught under his searching gaze. “I wanted to surprise you.” In a way, she has accomplished that. Not quite the surprise she was aiming for, but a bit of imminent jeopardy keeps the heart young. Or something like that.
Her shoulders slump and she is pouting like a scolded juvenile. It can be gleaned from the irritation in her stance that she has been banging her head against this particular dish for…a while.
“It was supposed to be a frittata,” she admits. “I thought…maybe…if I cooked something that reminded you of home, that—” Aurélie wipes at her cheek, sighing. “Maybe you’d be more comfortable?”
She is growing more and more impatient with herself and finally crosses her arms. “…you are a terribly light sleeper, by the way.” She tests the feeling of a smile, not quite ready to feel mirth. “It took me a long time to sneak out, aha…”
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gutbag · 4 years ago
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silverview · 5 years ago
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i tried to draw fitzjames and. i
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andmaybegayer · 1 year ago
Last Monday of the Week 2024-01-29
Sometimes you forget how to use a computer. It's fine it'll come back.
Listening: TERRORTORIES is so good. It took me a while to come around on MiSLeD but it's so worth it. They are having so much fun with it. Here's Real Boy and also Five Less Fingers for good measure.
Reading: Finished Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie. Worthwhile if you haven't spent a lot of time looking at hard numbers on climate and sustainability topics, it covers a lot of good ground, like getting reasonable proportions on plastic waste in the oceans, land use for various use cases, drivers of particulate pollution, all without being very defeatist or too triumphant.
Started on Calvino's Invisible Cities. because that feels appropriate.
Watching: Started Mobile Suit Gundam because I figure it would help me make sense of Friends at the Table and I did not realize how much F@TT directly apes Gundam specifically.
This show does not fuck around, from the memes I assumed it was more subtle with the horrors of war but nah. The gundam is firing the war is bad missile directly at you. What if you were driven to instrumentalize yourself as a tool of war.
Also Legend of the Roller Blade Seven at Bad Movie Night which is truly the worst movie we've ever had at Bad Movie Night, utterly incomprehensible in a bad way, don't watch it, not worth it.
Playing: More Dark Souls, entered Blighttown after clearing the Gaping Dragon. So far so smooth but blighttown seems like it might be a difficulty spike, although I have a lot of upgrades I haven't made yet.
Making: @thosearentcrimes hit me up for some photography and I am always down for that, here's a couple of my favourites:
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Tools and Equipment: The best $20 you can spend on kitchen knives is getting one you already have sharpened by a real professional.
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crow · 8 years ago
not the territory (20170319)
not the territory (20170319)
the map is not the territory or so they say but what if you could drive a pin into a point not blue and everyone there would see descending from the heavens like some silver judgment of divine origin a javelin as big as city block entering the earth like a rough boyfriend with about as much foreplay opening the ground breaking the waterlines and gas mains demolishing city squares and family picnics
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moviesandmania · 7 years ago
TerrorTory - USA, 2016
TerrorTory – USA, 2016
‘When they said don’t go in the woods they meant here’
TerrorTory is a 2016 American anthology horror feature film written and directed by Dan Doran, Kevin Kangas and Mark Wenger. The movie stars Nadia White, Bianca Allaine and Johnny Alonso.
The segments are:
The Midnight Clown
The Prowler
Smiling Jack
The Drone Collector
“Acting and direction throughout the film are…
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years ago
Some Sweet Nasty Intimacy I've been thinking about. Some of these are rewritten from a post in my drafts (that I've apparantly posted before?? But I liked them so. Rewrite time).
-You are the only one at the party who recognizes that Marvus has abused one too many substances that night. He’s looking a little queasy but he refuses to either admit it or give up. Cue his delighted face when you tell him hey 😏 you’ve never been there before 😏, and “where’s the bathroom 😏?” He’s sick pretty immediately and you get the pleasure of holding his hair back and rubbing a cool wash cloth against his sweaty neck. He’s so dizzy he’s gripping onto that bowl for dear life, but you occasionally catch him looking at you with the softest gaze you’ve ever seen from him. You also get to see how completely indesctructable alternian face paint is. How is he leaving this bathroom with a full face?? You may never know.
-DATE NIGHT You and Marvus dancing and goofing in the kitchen, singing along to Britney Spears and freestyle rapping some of her verses. He’s wearing basketball shorts and socks and fluffy slippers. You're both drinking faygo out of champagne flutes.
-Marvus asking you to help him pull his hair back but, instead of turning around, he just gets really into your space and hands you a pink ribbon. You rake his hair back and run your fingers through his bangs (which flop forwaed again) as you tie his hair back, facing him. Bonus headcanon: prolongued eye contact with purple bloods makes you see shrimp colors and the world gets all wavy outside of the view of their face.
-Continuation of the above: Marvus asking for your help tying his bowtie. You don’t know how to do it, so he wraps it around your arm a few times and shows you how to tie the bow over your wrist. Or, if you do know how to do it, he takes a moment to pull your hands by the wrists around his neck to that secret space behind his hair, winding the ribbon around his neck. He shivers.
-Marvus pacing around the room, ranting and raving about literally whatever set him off, or just gossiping, or just venting about something that bothered him. And then the second he's done he's pushing his face into your belly, arms around your waist and purring loudly as he nuzzles his face into you. Because expressing his "negative" emotions with someone is High Forms Of Intimacy for him.
-Marvus leaves his dirty clothes "for you" while he leaves to go on tour, and is hurt when he gets home and you've either washed them or, more likely, quarantined them in his closet bc they're stinky. So you weren't sniffing his panties while he was gone?? You weren't wrapping yourself in his sweat soaked shirt and crying while eating ice cream from the tub, awaiting his return?? Bonus headcanon: trolls are pretty terrortorial (lol), and leaving behind their scent in your territory is a way of a. testing the waters of a quadrant and b. trying to sneak their way into some sort of nesting thing with another.
-TAKING CARE OF MARV WHEN HE GETS SICK 🥺🥺🥺 I've said this before, but you know he's PERFORMING for those pity points. He will paint a sadder, more pathetic look on his face. He will rub his snotty nose on your shirt. He will try to make out with you with his nasty sick breath. He will whine and complain and goad you into spoiling him, and he loves that he gets to act like that. He doesn't like when adoration comes to easy.
-Marvus appearing in your nightmares and shifting them into dreams once you tell him you've been having a hard time sleeping lately. Marvus leaving happy jujus (such as: fond memories you've shared, or perhaps a little marvus plush) in your dreamscape to keep your dreams sweet. Marvus showing up sometimes in your dreams just because he misses you. I'm imaginine the music video to daft punk's "something about us" here lol.
I'd love to write some more but my inspo is drained, so perhaps later?
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pirates-pirates-pirates · 3 years ago
Marco would be a good contestant for yonko.
- He's one of the most powerful people that ISN'T a yonko already.
- The remaining WBP would back him up.
- Reputation.
- Could keep Whitebeards old terrortories safe.
I thought before his scene with Big Mom about 'all of us who remain are free!' He'd have been a good pick.
I think he wouldn't want to be a yonko but I think he'll be someone whose considered a yonko.
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romusicent · 5 years ago
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#SoProudOfThisProject #CorporateMoney #Real1Many3ney #R1M3 #RealOneManyEnvy #competition #terrortory #CompetitionTERRORtory El Presidente y Heffe. #ElPresidenteYheffe Chief Executive Officer Leading & Grinding by example R1M3’s CT: Competition TERRORtory EP (Executively Produced) with … “Corporate Money” as the lead Single https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HO7Tpna_x/?igshid=5qw2ldqdandr
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samanthachanplaceagain · 3 years ago
Story of a poor rabbit flyod version
Yandere flyod x mayumi
Tako I won’t hand you over to anyone else
Tako i love you
Eh eh he
I’m a cute little eel
This is my terrortory
I would rather eat you then have you with someone else
Tako we will be together forever
You died
Tinged with blood
This is a poor eels song
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