#TED Education
nofatclips · 4 months
💬 TED-Ed on Fernando Pessoa - Lesson by Ilan Stavans 🎥 Directed by Héloïse Dorsan Rachet
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nofatclips-home · 2 years
The myth of Zeus' test - Animation by Vitalii Nebelskyi
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laurencekaijin · 2 years
Como o Drácula se tornou famoso?
Mais de 100 anos depois do descanso eterno de seu autor, Drácula é conhecido como o vampiro mais famoso da história. Mas esse nobre da Transilvânia, que não foi o primeiro vampiro da ficção nem o mais popular da sua época, que estaria enterrado no anonimato se não fosse por um acaso do destino. A primeira aparição de Drácula foi em 1897 no romance de mesmo nome de Bram Stoker. Mas foi muito depois dos mitos de vampiro. Monstros sugadores de sangue já faziam parte do folclore por pelo menos 800 anos. Inclusive, foi no folclore eslavo que nos deu a palavra vampiro, ou upir no russo antigo. O primeiro uso do termo que se tem registro, é do século 11. Mas a crença em vampiros na região é de antes da chegada do cristianismo e continuou, mesmo com os esforços da igreja para acabar com a crença pagã. Histórias de vampiros nasceram da falta de entendimento de doenças como raiva, pelagra e decomposição. Nesse último caso, o corpo inchado por gases e sangue saindo pela boca fazia que os mortos parecerem vivos e haviam bebido sangue recentemente. Se dizia que vampiros eram inchados, com unhas e dentes longos, o que deu origem a rituais para evitar que os mortos se levantassem, como enterrar os corpos com alho ou sementes de papoula, assim como cravar estacas neles, queima-los ou multila-los. A lenda era um fenômeno local até o século 18, quando a Sérvia sofria entre super potências, a monarquia Habsburgo e o império Otomano. Soldados austríacos e funcionários do governo observaram e documentaram os estranhos rituais de enterro da região e esse relatório ganhou notoriedade. A história resultante saiu tanto do controle que, em 1755, a imperatriz austríaca foi obrigada a enviar seu médico particular para investigar e acabar com tais rumores, publicando um minucioso artigo científico refutando o caso. O pânico diminuiu, mas os vampiros já tinham criado raizes na imaginação da europa ocidental, dando origem a trabalhos como O Vampiro em 1819 e Carmilla, de Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu em 1872. Esse livro influenciou fortemente o jovem crítico irlandês, Bram Stoker. Stoker tinha nascido em Dublin em 1847, vivia acamado devido a uma doença desconhecida até os sete anos. Naquele tempo, sua mãe contava lendas e histórias de terror, incluindo a própria experiência com a crise de cólera em 1832. Ela descrevia as vítimas enterradas vivas em túmulos coletivos. Mais tarde, Stoker passou a escrever histórias de fantasia, romance e aventura, e em 1897, Drácula. Apesar de acredita que o vilão e o título do livro foram baseados na figura histórica de Vlad tepes terceiro ou Vlad, o empalador ou Drácula, a única coisa que eles tem em comum é o nome. Outros elementos e personagens foram direta ou indiretamente inspirados por muitos trabalhos da era vitoriana, como o estranho misterioso. O romance, na época do lançamento, teve sucesso moderado, nem foi o trabalho mais conhecido do Stoker, recebendo apenas uma menção em seu obituário em 1912. Mas uma briga por direitos autorais mudaria por completo o destino de Drácula, e jogaria o personagem para o renome literário. Em 1922, um estúdio alemão fez uma adaptação do romance para o clássico filme mudo, Nosferatu, sem pagar os royalties. Apesar da mudança dos nomes de personagens e pequenas partes do roteiro, a semelhança era óbvia. O estúdio foi processado e quebrou. Para evitar outras tentivas de plágio, a viúva de Stoker decidiu cria um contrato de direitos autorais para a versão de teatro de Drácula, aprovando a produção de um amigo da família, Hamilton Deane. Mesmo com muitos cortes do original feitos por Deane, a peça virou um clássico, muito graças à atuação de Bela Lugosi na Broadway. Lugosi seria principal na versão para o filme de 1931 da Universal, dando à personagem muitas de suas marcas registradas. Desde então, surgiram muitas adaptações de Drácula. Tendo uma vida eterna, muito além das humildes páginas de seu nascimento.
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ayowotsdis · 2 years
My comfort yt channels are kurzgesagt and ted ed, does that say anything about me?
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classicschronicles · 2 years
Hi lovelies,
The other day a teacher asked me what my first introductions to Classics were, and other than a picture book on Helen of Troy that I read when I was six or seven, the first distinct memory I have of Classics was watching a TedEd video on the Vestal Virgins back in year seven one night when I couldn’t sleep. I was feeling a little nostalgic after that, so today’s entry is on the Vestal Virgins.
Within the bustling city of Rome sits the relics of the ancient world- the Roman Forum (Latin name- Forum Romanum). It is a labyrinth of ruins, overgrown plants, crumbling buildings, eroded statues, and the foundations of once magnificent temples. One of the most well-preserved temples is the Temple of Vesta, home to the ancient Vestal Virgins.
The Vestal Virgins were the priestesses to the Roman goddess Vesta, goddess of the hearth and home. She was one of Rome’s main deities and she was said to protect the city from any harm. The Romans honoured and thanked Vesta by keeping a sacred flame lit for her in the Temple of Vesta, located at the Forum at the bottom of the Palatine Hill. It was said that the fire had be to kept alight until the end of time, or else the city would fall to ruin. Thus, it became the job of the Vestal Virgins to protect and nurture the flame.
The start of Vestal Virgins was said to be in the 7th century BC by King Numa Pompilius. Allegedly the king was informed that the goddess Vesta would protect Rome if they kept alight the sacred fire bestowed upon them. According to Livy (a Roman historian), Numa gave the Vestal Virgins salaries from the public treasury. Additionally, he assigned the pontifex maximus (or the high priest) to watch over the Vestals. The fact that these women not only received wages, but also had the right to own property, live without a male influence, and even attended festivals/ ceremonies that other women were not able to attend, shows how well-regarded they were in society.
The Vestals were chosen from high-born patrician families at the age of only about 6 or 7. As children they would have had little choice or understanding of the commitment they were about to shoulder, thrusting them into a long servitude of dedication and responsibility. Each Vestal’s time in the cult lasted thirty years, with a change in duties every ten. For the first ten years, the Vestals were in training, learning the ways of their sisters and how to honour the goddess. The second ten years were spent in service of the fire, and the final ten years they spent training new Virgins. The Vestals were a highly exclusive cult, with only six serving Vestal Virgins at any one time. After being chosen they were made to take a vow of celibacy until their thirty years were up, after which they were free to leave and marry.
Unlike other Roman women Vestas were allowed to own property, vote, and even write a will. They could attend public events and would be given great seating at public games. Such was the power of the Vestals that they were able to free prisoners or slaves simply by touching them. And anyone who tried to harm a Vestal would be put to death. All of this was because they were seen as the purest and gentlest women in society, and the protectors of Rome. However, the levels of freedom also came with the threat of great punishment if they neglected their duties.
However, if the Vestals let the sacred fire go out, they were stripped and beaten. To let the fire burn out was to endanger Rome and disrespect the gods. However, this was not the worst transgression, as sexual deviancy called for an even worse punishment. As you may have guessed from the name, remaining celibate was an integral part of the role of a Vestal Virgin, and to lose their Virgin status made them unfit to perform their duties. Initially, the punishment for the Vestals was to be whipped or stoned to death, but this went against the sacred law that forbade the spillage of Vestal blood. Tarquinius Priscus came up with an alternative, and far worse punishment, which was to bury the Vestals alive. They were sent to an underground chamber, underneath the temple, and given some bread, oil, and milk, as well as a blanket and a bed. The vault was then filled with earth until it reached surface level and the Vestal would’ve been left in the vault, never to emerge or be seen alive again.
An exact date for the dissolution of the Vestals is unknown, but it is thought to have been around 382 AD, after the confiscation of their revenues by emperor Gratian, who wished to spread his Christianisation of the Roman Empire and end pagan worship. The last historical mention of a Vestal was in 394 AD when the emperor’s niece Serena insulted the Goddess Vesta and stole a necklace belonging to her temple to wear as her own. An old Vestal said to be the last of her kind, cursed Serena. Whether or not the curse endured is unknown, but the fact that there is a written record of this shows the importance of the Vestals to the non-Christian citizens of Rome.
Well anyways, that wasn’t exactly the cheeriest story of all time but my first serious introduction to Classics at any rate. I will link the TedEd video here. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
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aimcreativestudios · 10 months
Explore the differences between how a car’s internal combustion engine and an electric vehicle’s induction motor use fuel, in another fun project for TED-Ed!
Client: TED-Ed Production: AIM Creative Studios Producer: Tiago Ribeiro Direction: Kevin Herrmann Composer & Sound Designer: André Aires Augusto Illustration: Kevin Herrmann Animation: Kevin Herrmann, Genia Kim
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reality-detective · 2 months
Was this 👆 Ted Nugent's greatest 30 seconds on TV? 🤔
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gubler-garbage · 1 year
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Queer solidarity
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samwpmarleau · 1 year
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jamie + learning
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squash1 · 3 months
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here’s to being there.
[the anthropocene reviewed by john green / stranger things / the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater / käthe kollwitz “the people” / ted lasso / in memoriam by alice winn / sex education / frog and toad]
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Must-Watch TED Talks On Female Sexuality
"Confidence and joy are the keys to a great sex life" by Emily Nagoski (required watch for everyone, especially women/AFAB)
"Reclaiming Female Sexual Desire" by Pamela Joy
"Good Sex Isn't About Knowing What You're Doing" by Sarah Byrden
"Cliteracy" by Sophia Wallace
"Joy of masturbation" by Julie Gaia Poupětová 
"Shame, sex, and silence" by Dr. Faith Harper
"The Vagina Whisperer" by Tami Lynn Kent 
"Women's Sexuality Isn't 'Complicated'" by Sarah Barmak 
"The virginity fraud" by Nina Dølvik Brochmann & Ellen Støkken Dahl
"Why We All Lose When We Talk About Virginity" by Shelby Hadden
"Making sex normal" by Debby Herbenick 
"Let's Talk About Sex: The Reality of the Sexual Pleasure Disparity" by Grace Wetzel 
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shesalewa · 4 months
She says "what does your heart say Jiwoo???" Ksbdjrvsj FB eirhbrbfj ugUGHHHHHHHHH SPARE ME THE EMBARRASSMENT.
LIKE DAWG. The only reason why jiwoo is drawn to Jiyoung is because he's thankful that she was there to help him and protect him. And because she's strong.
Jiyoung actually has no reason to like Jiwoo. "slow burn?" NO. IN THE EARLY EPISODES. Jiyoung blushed at Jiwoo because she was growing fond of him. JUST LIKE HOW INHYUK BLUSHED AT JIWOO'S CUTENESS BECAUSE INHYUK SEE'S JIWOO AS SOMEONE HE WANTS TO PROTECT.
I do not approve of this relationship. It's ugly. It's disgusting. It's forced. I hate it.
BUT FKN DAMNIT THE ART MAKES IT WORSE. "But wdym makes it worse???" THE ART MAKES IT LOOK LIKE IT'LL BE A GOOD SHIP WHEN GOSH DAMN IT DOES NOT. (no hate to the artist. I just hate how it's drawn as if they're drawn to each other when they clearly have absolutely no chemistry.)
Okay let me explain.
In action. Romance is a thing that shouldn't be written in. (Unless you're the dude that wrote down White blood/unholy blood then yes. Because you're a professional.)
Designated bully.
VIRAL HIT. (How to fight)
Damn 😭
DO I???
The gays are the most active. When it's Action, Sports, Action-fantasy(ORV, trash of the count family etc.), idc. Idk. There's probably more. BUT. AS LONG AS IT INVOLVES FIGHTING. GAYS ARE MOST ACTIVE.(Yes this involves debating. Like ace attorney. Cause gosh damn. Miles and phoenix have so much chemistry)
Take True education/ Get schooled.
It has absolutely 0 romance. And the romance that did exist. Is gone bc our Mc Warren, lost his fiancee. And this was the best action story that spoke of romance without getting it involved.
If writers wanna write down Romance-action they should learn from White blood . ESPECIALLY IF THEY WANT IT TO BE STRAIGHT.
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nateconnolly · 1 year
Ted Lasso: All right, guys, listen up. The things in the world originate only because of their relation to other things. That means they have no essence or existence of their own. Their true nature is that they are “śūnya" or "empty”.
Coach Beard: Emptiness isn’t their true nature, either.
Ted Lasso: Say what now?
Coach Beard: Emptiness isn’t truer than the false natures of the things that are empty. 
Ted Lasso: Now how the hell does that work? 
Coach Beard: Emptiness did not arise independently, either. Its existence is also dependent upon its relation to other things. If there was nothing to be empty, then there would be no emptiness. 
Dani Rojas [excitedly, like a little kid with a new toy]: if all things are empty, then emptiness itself must be empty, too! 
Ted Lasso: now that right there is what we call “insight beyond insight” back in Kansas 
Higgins: Er, wouldn’t that make nirvana empty as well? And if it’s empty, doesn’t that mean there’s no reason to try to achieve it? 
Jan Maas [unfiltered Dutchman]: Thoughts like those are why you’re still stuck in samsara. 
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laurencekaijin · 2 years
Como escrever suspense?
O que faz uma boa história de terror? Claro, você pode por alguns monstros horríveis, fonte de sangue e coisas pulando de todos os lados, mas como o autor de horror cósmico HP. Lovecraft escreveu," o tipo de medo mais antigo e mais poderoso é o medo do desconhecido", e autores aproveitam esse medo, não ao revelar os horrores, mas por deixa a audiência esperando por eles. Ou seja, em estado de suspense. O exemplo de suspense mais familiar vem de filmes de terror e livros de mistério. O que tem na mansão mal assombrada? Qual dos convidados do jantar é o assassino? Mas o suspense também existe em outros gêneros. O herói vai salvar o dia? O casal vai ficar junto no final? E qual é o obscuro que causa tanta dor no protagonista? A chave do suspense é que ele cria uma ou mais perguntas para as quais a audiência espera obter a resposta, e atrasa essa resposta, mantendo a interessante e tentando adivinha. Então, que técnicas pode usar para conseguir isso em sua escrita? Limite o ponto de vista. Em vez de um narrador onisciente, que vê e conta tudo o que acontece, conte a história pela perspectiva dos personagens. Eles podem começar sabendo tão pouco quanto a audiência, e à medida que eles descobrem mais, nós também descobrimos. Romances clássicos, como ppr exemplo Drácula, são contados através de cartas e diários, em que personagens relatam o que viveram e temem o que está por vir. A seguir, escolha o cenário e elemento visuais certos. Mansões antigas ou castelos com corredores sinuosos e passagens secretas surgerem que coisas perturbadoras estão escondidas. Noite, neblina e tempestade tem papeis similares em limitar a visibilidade e restringir os movimentos dos personagens. É por isso que a Londres vitoriana é um cenário tão popular. E mesmo lugares e objetos comuns podem se torna sinistro, como no romance gótico Rebecca, em que são descritas como vermelho sangue as flores na nova casa da protagonista. Três, brinque com o estilo e forma. Você pode construir o suspense ao prestar atenção não só ao que acontece, mas também no ritmo e na forma da transmissão. Edgar Allan Poe transmiti o estado mental do narrador em coração delator, com frases fragmentadas que quebram de repente. E outras frases declarativas curtas na história, criam um misto um misto de pressa ofegante e pausas pesadas. Na tela, a cinematografia de Alfred Hitchcock, é conhecido pelo uso de longos silêncio e cenas de escadas para cria a sensação de desconforto. Quatro, use a ironia dramática. Você não pode deixar a audiência no escuro para sempre. Às vezes, o suspense é melhor servido ao se revelar partes chave do grande segredo à audiência, mas não aos personagens. Essa é uma técnica conhecida como ironia dramática, na qual o mistério se torna não o que vai acontecer, mas quando e como os personagens ficarão sabendo. Na peça clássica Édipo o rei, o personagem principal não sabe que matou o próprio pai casou com a própria mãe. Mas a audiência sabe, e ver Édipo descobrir a verdade gradativamente, fornece à história seu clímax angustiante. Por fim, a situação limite. Cuidado para não abusar dela. Alguns a consideram um truque fácil e barato, mas é difícil negar sua eficácia. Isso ocorre quando um capítulo, episódio, volume ou temporada acaba antes que algo crucial ser revelado ou no meio de uma situação perigosa com poucas esperanças. A espera, seja de momentos ou anos, nos faz espera o que pode acontecer depois, criando um suspense extra. A coisa terrível é quase sempre evitada, criando uma sensação de fechamento e libertação emocional.
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cassandracain52 · 9 days
The white-washing of Damian Wayne
*sigh* I'm gonna get banned or smth for this I can just feel it but whatever
As you could probably tell from the title I want to talk about the view of "whitewashing" in regards to Damian Wayne, specifically amongst the fandom as in by fans. FANS NOT DC
Now before I go any further, I want to make two things very clear
One: I fully believe that the most accurate/best representation of Damian Wayne is when DC actually portray him as mixed race (giving him dark/tan skin, a slightly crooked nose, and green eyes, etc) like they used to more commonly do instead of just making him Bruce 2.0. (Basically I just think of him as he is in Robin 2021 or Robin Son of Batman if he's younger.) And I do agree that DC is just weird/wrong for trying to completely erase any mixed traits he use to possess and everyone should keep coming at them for it. Come at them for white-washing all you want. Keep calling them out because they know what they're doing and it is being done on purpose
And Two: That everything I am about to say is entirely in regards to toxicity I've seen directed at new Fans or specifically fanartists and not DC itself. Special emphasis on new. I am in no way trying to defend or explain away DC's actions whatsoever, I am merely trying to bring light to some misunderstandings amongst some fans I’ve seen
That being said, I think that it's kind of impossible for new fanartists to "white-wash" Damian
BEFORE YOU RAISE YOUR PITCHFORKS just please hear me out for a second
For some quick background Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne(100% American) and Talia Al Ghul (50% Arab and at least 25% Chinese)
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This is what Bruce and Talia look like respectively
This makes Damian as their biological son 50% American, at least 25% Arab and some percentage of Chinese. (the exact math is not really the point here)
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Batman #656 This is Damian in one of his first ever comic appearances. Note that his physical features(such as his nose, eyes, lips, etc) seem to more closely resemble his mother than his father. His dads traits are still there, they’re just not as prominent
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Batman and Robin 2011 #0
This is Damian again on the cover of one of his first ever comics appearing as Robin. DC changed his facial features up a bit but nothing super drastic
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Robin Son of Batman #1
and here he is about 5 irl years or so later. Note the actually tanned skin and the fact he actually looks like both his parents child possessing clear physical attributes of Talia and Bruce like he should as their biological child
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Supersons 2017 #3
This is Damian again about 1 irl year later. Here his skin tone seems to practically match Jon’s. This should not be the case yet here we are(I am not even going to address his hair, you can see that for yourself). This is about when I personally started to notice DC start drastically rebranding Damian to be more of a mini-Bruce replica than an actual mix of his parents (it may have started sooner but I was 11 so cut me some slack)
That being said, this comic series brought Damian a lot of new fans and as such this Damian is the only one they knew. So if a fanartist drew him with this lighter skin and wretched hair, it’s not the fan “white-washing” him, but portraying him as they have seen in the canon and they believe is correct
And as much as none of us like it(and to clarify we really don't like it)
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Batman and Robin 2023 #1
This is also now Damian
I know you probably would’ve thought it was Tim what from that hair and complete lack of melanin to be seen but no. Unfortunately for all of us that’s Damian.
And this is one of his more recent issues. Which means this is also what new fans are going to see a lot of
Not even mentioning how he looks the entirety of the DCAU(another huge source of new fans)
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For reference this is what young Bruce Wayne looks like in the DCAU
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Yeah they basically made Damian look just like him but with green eyes and grumpy.
and I loathe to even mention the SuperSons movie…
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WHO IS THAT??? His skin is as bright as my phone screen when I check it at 3am I swear💀 I’m sorry you all had to see that
All this to say, since this is how Damian is being portrayed in not only the new comics but in all his animated appearances, there are many fans who don’t know him as anything but this
So when they create fanart where he looks like this it isn’t them purposefully trying erase his heritage. It’s just the only content they’ve seen of him so they think it's accurate. (obviously there will always be exceptions as there is to everything but 99% of the time it is not intentional)
Which means you being a hater accusing them of maliciously “white-washing” or more often just spamming “Whose white baby is that?” (and those are the nice ones) In the comments isn’t you sharing your view/knowledge of the character or even educating them whatsoever on his background: it’s just you being a jerk. And an annoying one at that
We shouldn’t be attacking new fans for simply drawing a character exactly as he is being portrayed in the canon. At this point a fan could draw Damian however they wanted and there’s probably a comic he looked that way because of DC and their inconsistency
By all means take it to the source, DC deserves the criticism and call outs, but the fanartist community does not and I am tired of seeing new fans being persecuted over it
(especially since some of the time, they are still portraying Damian as mixed, just not as much as some people think he should be)
At the very least there are kinder and more helpful ways to actually educate new fans on the subject and about Damian's history other than “WhY iS He WHitE??”. That tells them absolutely nothing and helps no one.
In summary: Attack DC who is doing it on purpose, Not Fans who don’t know any different.
As fans we shouldn't be attacking each other but focusing on the true enemy:
DC, who for some reason is just determined to destroy and tear apart every significant aspect of all their beloved characters to the point of self destruction
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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lassolasso · 1 year
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the difference between ted's and jamie’s mums keeping track of their sons
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