#Sustainable denim brands
greenthestral · 11 months
Green Denim for A Sustainable Future
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In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue across a wide range of industries, and the fashion industry is no exception. As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental consequences of their choices, there has been a significant surge in the demand for eco-friendly and sustainable clothing options. One particular sector within the fashion industry that has experienced a notable transformation is denim production. With the emergence of green denim, individuals with a passion for fashion can now fully embrace sustainable practices without sacrificing their personal style.
The traditional methods of denim production have long been associated with substantial environmental impact. The excessive water consumption, chemical pollution, and high carbon footprint of conventional denim manufacturing have raised serious concerns among environmentally conscious consumers. However, the rise of green denim has brought about a positive change, offering a promising solution for those seeking sustainable fashion choices.
The increasing popularity of green denim can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, consumers are now more informed and aware of the detrimental effects of traditional denim production on the environment. They are actively seeking alternatives that align with their values and desire for sustainability. As a result, fashion brands and manufacturers have recognized this shift in consumer preferences and have begun to adapt their practices to meet the demand for eco-friendly denim.
Green denim entails a comprehensive approach to denim production, incorporating environmentally friendly practices at every stage of the manufacturing process. From the cultivation of organic cotton to the manufacturing and finishing processes, sustainable techniques are employed to minimize the negative impact on the environment. This holistic approach enables fashion enthusiasts to enjoy denim products that are not only stylish but also ethically and ecologically sound.
One of the key components of green denim production is the use of organic cotton. Unlike conventionally grown cotton, which relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), organic cotton is cultivated without these harmful inputs. By opting for organic cotton, green denim manufacturers reduce water pollution, protect biodiversity, and promote soil health. This shift towards organic cotton cultivation significantly contributes to a more sustainable future for denim production.
Another crucial aspect of green denim is the adoption of natural indigo dyes. Traditionally, denim fabrics were dyed using synthetic indigo, which is not only environmentally harmful but also poses health risks for the workers involved in the dyeing process. In contrast, natural indigo dyes are derived from plants and offer a biodegradable and less toxic alternative. By using natural indigo, green denim manufacturers ensure that the dyeing process is more sustainable and safer for both the environment and the workers.
Moreover, water conservation plays a pivotal role in green denim production. Conventional denim manufacturing processes consume vast amounts of water throughout various stages, such as cotton cultivation, dyeing, and finishing. However, green denim manufacturers have implemented innovative dyeing techniques that minimize water usage without compromising on the quality and appearance of the denim. Techniques like foam dyeing and laser technology significantly reduce water consumption, alleviating water scarcity concerns and reducing the environmental impact of denim production.
Energy efficiency is also a crucial focus in green denim production. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting renewable energy sources and investing in energy-efficient machinery to minimize the carbon footprint associated with denim manufacturing. By reducing energy consumption and transitioning to cleaner energy sources, green denim contributes to mitigating climate change and creating a more sustainable future.
In addition to these sustainable practices, green denim manufacturers prioritize recycling and upcycling denim waste. Discarded garments and denim scraps are repurposed into new products or incorporated as recycled fibers in the production process. This circular approach to denim production minimizes textile waste, conserves resources, and promotes a more sustainable and circular economy.
The benefits of green denim extend beyond environmental considerations. By choosing green denim, consumers actively support fair labor practices and social responsibility. Green denim manufacturers prioritize the welfare of workers, providing safe working conditions and fair wages. They also eliminate harmful chemicals from the production process, protecting the health and well-being of the workers involved. Thus, embracing green denim is not only an eco-friendly choice but also a commitment to supporting ethical and sustainable fashion practices.
The rise of green denim has revolutionized the denim industry, offering a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional denim production. Through the adoption of organic cotton cultivation, natural indigo dyes, water conservation measures, energy efficiency, and recycling initiatives, green denim manufacturers have successfully addressed the environmental concerns associated with denim production. By choosing green denim, fashion enthusiasts can make a significant positive impact on the environment and support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. Green denim represents a step towards a more sustainable future, where fashion and environmental consciousness can coexist harmoniously.
The Environmental Impact of Traditional Denim Production
Before delving into the realm of green denim, it's essential to understand the environmental impact associated with traditional denim production. Traditional denim manufacturing processes are notorious for their excessive water usage, chemical pollution, and high carbon footprint.
Conventional denim production requires large amounts of water for various stages, including cotton cultivation, dyeing, and finishing. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it takes around 2,000 gallons (7,600 liters) of water to produce a single pair of jeans. This water-intensive process depletes natural resources and contributes to water scarcity in many regions.
Additionally, the dyeing and finishing processes involve the use of hazardous chemicals, such as synthetic indigo dyes and toxic fixatives. These chemicals not only pose a threat to the environment but also to the workers involved in the production process. Furthermore, the energy-intensive machinery and transportation required for traditional denim production contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change.
The Rise of Green Denim
Recognizing the need for sustainable alternatives, the fashion industry has started to embrace green denim. Green denim refers to denim products that are produced using eco-friendly and socially responsible methods. These methods aim to minimize the negative impact on the environment and promote fair labor practices throughout the supply chain.
Green denim involves a holistic approach to denim production, from the cultivation of organic cotton to the manufacturing and finishing processes. By adopting innovative techniques and materials, manufacturers can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of denim production.
Sustainable Practices in Green Denim Production
Green denim manufacturers prioritize sustainable practices at every stage of production. One of the fundamental changes involves the use of organic cotton. Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is cultivated without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This reduces water pollution, protects biodiversity, and promotes soil health.
Furthermore, green denim manufacturers employ natural indigo dyes, which are derived from plants, rather than synthetic indigo. Natural indigo dyes are biodegradable and less harmful to both the environment and the workers who handle them. Additionally, manufacturers minimize water usage through innovative dyeing techniques, such as foam dyeing, which requires less water compared to traditional dyeing methods.
To reduce the energy consumption associated with denim production, green denim manufacturers employ renewable energy sources and energy-efficient machinery. They also focus on recycling and upcycling denim waste, repurposing discarded garments into new products or incorporating recycled fibers into their production processes.
The Benefits of Green Denim
Green denim offers a range of benefits, making it an attractive choice for both consumers and fashion brands. Firstly, green denim promotes sustainable agriculture practices by encouraging the cultivation of organic cotton. This reduces the reliance on synthetic chemicals and protects the health of farmers and surrounding ecosystems.
Secondly, green denim contributes to water conservation by implementing water-efficient dyeing techniques and minimizing water usage throughout the production process. This not only helps to alleviate water scarcity issues but also reduces pollution from chemical dyes and wastewater discharge.
Thirdly, green denim supports fair labor practices and social responsibility. Manufacturers prioritize the welfare of workers by providing safe working conditions, fair wages, and eliminating harmful chemicals from the production process. By choosing green denim, consumers can support brands that value ethical and sustainable practices.
Lastly, green denim offers consumers a stylish and eco-friendly option. With advancements in technology and design, green denim is now available in a variety of styles, cuts, and washes, catering to diverse fashion preferences. From high-end designer labels to affordable fashion brands, green denim has made its mark in the fashion industry, proving that sustainability and style can coexist.
Embracing Green Denim: How You Can Make a Difference
As consumers, we have the power to drive change by making conscious choices in our fashion purchases. Here are a few ways you can embrace green denim and contribute to a sustainable future:
Choose green denim brands: Look for fashion brands that prioritize sustainability and transparency in their denim production. Check for certifications such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) to ensure the authenticity of organic cotton.
Extend the lifespan of your denim: Invest in quality green denim pieces and take care of them properly to ensure longevity. Wash your denim sparingly, using cold water, and air dry them whenever possible. This reduces energy consumption and preserves the color and shape of your denim.
Support circular fashion initiatives: Explore options for recycling or upcycling your old denim. Many brands and organizations offer programs to collect and repurpose old denim into new products. By participating in these initiatives, you contribute to reducing textile waste and promoting a circular economy.
Educate yourself and spread awareness: Stay informed about sustainable fashion practices and share your knowledge with others. By raising awareness about the environmental impact of traditional denim production and the benefits of green denim, you can inspire others to make more conscious fashion choices.
Embracing Green Denim for a Sustainable Future
In conclusion, green denim offers a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional denim production. By prioritizing organic cotton, water conservation, renewable energy, and fair labor practices, green denim manufacturers are paving the way for a more eco-friendly fashion industry. As consumers, we have the ability to drive change by supporting green denim brands, extending the lifespan of our denim, and spreading awareness about sustainable fashion. By embracing green denim, we can contribute to a more sustainable future and make a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 4 months
GOOD NEWS the expensive pair of jeans i impulse-bought last week (bc my current jeans make me actually angry to wear) don't fit me, so i can return them and get a refund 😊
#on the one hand YES it would be great to have a pair of jeans that fit me#on the other hand i regretted that purchase financially as soon as i made it and i will be v glad to get the money back#WHY DOES NOWHERE MAKE JEANS THAT FIT ME#they're always just too baggy in places and too tight other places like they're usually too big and too small at the same time#and in that situation u can't just get it in a different size bc then it would still fit weird#these ones fit really well around my hips but were just weirdly baggy in the crotch? WHY#also they're always ALWAYS way too long on me but that's ok i can alter the hem length really easily#i guess the real answer would be to learn how to tailor the tops of jeans to fit me properly#i have been seeing some vids recently on pinterest on how to do that and i'll definitely look into it more#because it PISSES ME OFF TO NO END#the current pair i have are just. SO baggy and not in a cute way like they are definitely too big for me#and i guess i have lost a little weight since i bought them but i think probably they never fit right#and i was just so desperate that i settled#also i kind of made a loose resolution that i would only buy second hand or sustainable clothes from now on#and the vast majority of sustainable jeans do not come in sizes big enough for me#it fucking sucks but fast fashion brands really are the only places you can buy decent plus sized jeans#no 'good quality' denim brands eg levi or wrangler make plus sized jeans and you for sure can't find any second-hand#that's why this pair was expensive (bc the brand is sustainable)#i've ordered from them before and i remember having the same problem and having to return everything so i really should have known better#sustainably making clothes that don't fucking fit me lmao#🧃
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dippedanddripped · 9 months
The Sustainable Denim Series | Episode 2: Sustainable Fabrics
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rocket-candy-heart · 2 years
The frustration of going to a website that rates clothing brands on how ethical they are and clicking on their "plus size" category only to see that almost none of these brands are actually making plus sizes
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beyondfabric · 6 months
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Introducing: Mr. Archive
What better way to kickstart 2024 than with one the most beautifully curated, styled and fair-priced vintage stores out there?
Mr. Archive has been one of my go-to places the last few months, be it for visual inspiration on their instagram profile or the browse some of the most interesting pieces around. To be fair, after 15 years of working in this industry is getting more and more difficult for me to find garments and brands that are truly exciting and fresh. If on top of that we take into account the price point of some of these labels, many of which produce in Portugal with accessible costs, my enthusiasm dims even further.
I’ve always been passionate about the universe of vintage and pre worn garments, but this love has been fueled in recent years by the appearance of highly specialized shops that seem to be perfectly in tune with my personal style. I’ve had the chance to chat with Matteo, the mastermind behind Mr. Archive to learn more about this outstanding project.
BF: I came across Mr. Archive fairly recently and I must say that it definitely hit a soft spot within the range of vintage providers currently on my radar. How long have you been in business? What drove you to create it?
Matteo: I'm passionate about my job, believe I have a somewhat general knowledge of the fashion world, but about 4 years ago, I got fascinated by this industry, even though I already knew it. I come from a family that has always worked in the clothing industry.
BF: For me, your selection is perfectly curated, bringing a mix of military and navy-inspired garments, with a twist of Americana. Is this an extension of your own style and taste, or is it more business-oriented?
Matteo: What I propose is all based on my personal taste; I create outfits on the spot, drawing inspiration from magazines, newspapers, etc., and then I elaborate and create. My mom is an artist, and I think I took inspiration from her.
BF: Vintage has always inspired me ever since I got into fashion roughly 15 years ago. There's just something distinctive about the fabrics and the history behind each garment that you can not replicate with new items. How/where do you source your amazing selection?
Matteo: My pieces come from warehouses worldwide; I'm constantly looking for new things, and that's the wonderful thing about my job! I have strong trust in my suppliers!
BF: With sustainability being the word of order when it comes to fashion, have you noticed an increase in demand for pre-owned garments? Do you think part of the solution can be provided by vintage?
Matteo: Recently, there has been an increase in the purchase of vintage and second-hand clothing items. To be honest, I believe that a few years ago, not many people knew about this world, but now it's expanding and captivating even those who knew little about it.
BF: I noticed you have a small capsule of garments carrying your own label, namely selvedge denim and accessories. What's the story behind those? Can we expect more designs in the future?
Matteo: I won't deny that creating my own clothing line would be a great personal satisfaction, a significant growth. I recently created a small line, "MRARCHIVE," currently composed of jackets, pants, and hats. One day, I'd like to expand, but I still have much to learn and study.
BF: Any tips or advice you wish to leave for those more reluctant to explore the world of previously owned items? It's still somewhat taboo for some people.
For many people, this world is still a taboo; they're still stuck in the thought of "they're used clothes." What I think is that one should see the story and originality behind each piece to appreciate its value, both from a historical and an aesthetic perspective. Sometimes, I compare some clothing items to paintings—they should be framed.
You can find Mr. Archive here.
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beegalactica · 1 month
I haven't been on Tumblr in about 3 months (life has been busy), and when I finally decided to check back in today, I kept seeing the same thing over and over again, so I am here to dispel some myths.
If you have seen any of my posts, you will know the issues I have with traditional TikTok-y trendy 'glow-up' advice, but today I realised how much of it is just a ploy to get us to spend tons of money on things we CAN live without. I think we all need to be more CONSCIOUS: conscious of what we can realistically afford and implement into our daily lives.
For example, in a typical 'glow-up' advice post, tiktok or youtube video, they recommend these super unrealistic routines that include a full skincare routine of every type of cream you could ever imagine, and an incredibly detailed list that lays out how you need to spend every 10 minutes of your day in order to achieve this perfect form.
It's all hear-say.
Don't get roped into thinking that you need those brand new clothes, or you need those skincare items to be your best self. The idea of turning your 'glow-up' into a sustainable part of your life is to do things you can manage to do over and over again. The secret to glowing up permanently is having a routine that keeps you happy and healthy. Instead of buying a full shelf of skincare all in one go, get 1 or 2 items with positive reviews to start. You don't need to throw out your whole wardrobe and sell your soul to TEMU just to look aesthetic; use what you have. Rather than making short term impulsive purchases, treat every part of your life as an investment.
Especially when it comes to clothing, being someone who has lost weight and no longer fits into all their old clothes, instead of throwing everything out and starting from scratch, I bought a little amazon sewing kit with a couple of needles and different types of thread and started cutting and sewing my way to a better wardrobe. (Even TODAY, I turned an old pair of jeans that I never wear into a cute miniskirt all from a 5 minute YouTube tutorial.) If sewing isn't your thing, you can try using some hemming tape and an iron, fabric glue, or whatever you can. Be conscious of the things you buy and how often you buy them.
I know lots of people like thrifting, and you can thrift online with apps like Vinted, which I personally use and love, if you don't have access to massive thrift stores like they do in America (I'm totally not jealous at all 🙄🙄; I live in the UK and the closest things I have near me are charity shops but there's a sort of stigma around shopping in them but honestly who cares what others think).
When you shop for clothes, look for timeless and versatile pieces you can mix and match, layer and style with lots of different things, allowing you to wear them well. Try to find good staple pieces, that will make the basis of your wardrobe. Be an outfit repeater. Do not blindly follow trends; take the time to curate and explore to find your style. Make a massive Pinterest board of everything you think looks good, and start to make a list of common items of clothing and accessories you save the most; these will be your staples. Don't feel like you have to stick strictly to one aesthetic; my wardrobe ranges from 'fairycore' maxi skirts to y2k denim skirts, but what matters is that I am mindful of whether I will use the things I want to buy.
Of course, feel free to treat yourself, you 100% deserve it, but don't get sucked into the idea that your self worth is determined but WHAT you have; instead it should be how you FEEL in what you have.
I like to see my blog as a little notebook of things I wish I could have told my younger self, and things I want to remind my future self, and I feel like it would be a disservice to not talk about the oversaturation of our feeds with infinite products, to the point where everything feels like an AD.
Moral of the story: don't just take everything you see online at face value. Don't get trapped in extensive consumerism; it's bad for your bank account, it's bad for the environment and it's bad for your mental health.
Also here's my Pinterest if you want to have a peek around <3 Pinterest
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nyc-looks · 2 years
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Gianni, 24
“My jacket is from Depop, pants from Revice Denim, and Demonia brand shoes. I’m vegan so I try to shop as sustainably as possible but still stylish. I thrift almost everything and I love being that through that I am able to find unique pieces. If I could label my “vibe”, I’d describe myself as a y2k prince/ss.”
Oct 14, 2022 ∙ Chelsea
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Called Infinna, the fibre is already being used by global brands including Patagonia, H&M and Inditex, which owns Zara. "It's a premium quality textile fibre, which looks and feels natural - like cotton," says Mr Alava, rubbing his own navy blue tee between his fingers. "And it is solving a major waste problem."
Around the world, an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste is created each year, according to non-profit Global Fashion Agenda, and this figure is set to rise to more than 134 million tonnes by 2030, if clothing production continues along its current track.
To the untrained eye, samples of Infinited Fiber's recycled fibre resemble lambswool; soft, fluffy and cream coloured. Mr Alava explains that the product is produced through a complex, multi-step process which starts with shredding old textiles and removing synthetic materials and dyes, and ends with a new fibre, regenerated from extracted cellulose.
This finished fibre can then simply "hop into the traditional production processes" used by High Street brands, replacing cotton and synthetic fibres, to produce everything from shirts and dresses to denim jeans.
Much of the science involved in making the fibre has been around since the 1980s, says Mr Alava, but rapid technological advancements in the last few years have finally made large-scale production a more realistic possibility.
In parallel, he believes High Street brands have become more focused on "really honestly looking for changing their material usage", while millennial and Gen Z consumers are increasingly concerned about shopping sustainably. "They are different animals, different consumers, to people my age," he laughs.
The company has already attracted so much interest in its technology that it recently announced it was investing €400m (£345m; $400m) to build its first commercial-scale factory at a disused paper mill in Lapland.
The goal is to produce 30,000 tonnes of fibre a year once it's operating at full capacity in 2025. That is equivalent to the fibre needed for approximately 100 million T-shirts.
"I think the impact could be quite big, if you think about the whole textile system, what exists currently and how much textile waste that we have," argues Kirsi Niinimäki, an associate professor in fashion research at Aalto University, a few blocks away from Infinited Fiber's headquarters.
"It's a really good example of actually how we can 'close the loop'… really begin to move to a circular economy."
Infinited Fiber's growth is tied into a wider vision in Finland, which wants to become Europe's leading circular economy, with a focus on reusing and saving resources. In 2016, it became the first government in the world to create a national road map designed to help reach its goal.
Several other Finnish start-ups are looking at ways to produce new textile fibres on a big scale, while also cutting down on harmful emissions and chemicals. These include Spinnova which, from its textiles factory in Jyväskylä, central Finland, transforms cellulose from raw wood pulp into ready-to-spin fibres.
Spinnova's yarn is attracting plenty of global attention and has so far been used by brands including upmarket Finnish clothing label Marimekko, and outdoor wear firms North Face, Bergans and Adidas, which recently used it in a limited edition midlayer hoodie designed for hikers.
Elsewhere in Europe, there are a range of other companies developing technologies to create more circular yarns, including Swedish startup Renewcell, and Bright.fiber Textiles, which plans to open its first factory in the Netherlands in 2023.
But experts say there are a range of challenges facing these new fibre brands as they plot their expansions.
Ms Niinimäki underlines that the clothing manufacturing sector has, until recently, been slower than many other industries when it comes to embracing sustainability, which could set the tone for a slower transformation than companies like Spinnova and Infinited Fiber hope.
"It has been so easy to produce the way that we have been producing, and just to move towards more effective industrial manufacturing on an increasingly bigger scale," she says.
"There hasn't been a big pressure to change the already existing system." However, she is hopeful that, in the European Union at least, new rules aimed at ensuring clothing manufacturers focus on more sustainable and durable products will speed up "a change in mindsets".
Another issue is whether clothing brands will be able to pass on the additional costs of their new high-tech production techniques on to consumers, especially at a time when the cost of living is spiralling globally.
Adidas' latest limited edition hoodie produced with Spinnova fabric costs €160 (£137; $160) to buy online in Finland, at least €40 more than most of its other technical hoodies.
"Fashion is a complicated area, because even if people are saying that they are environmentally aware, they don't always act rationally," says Ms Niinimäki. "There's also this kind of emotional side when you talk about fashion consumption, and of course, the price is also linked to that."
While both Infinited Fiber and Spinnova insist their business plans look holistically at all aspects of production - for example using renewable technologies to power their factories - climate campaigners argue it is still too early to accurately estimate the net effect of these new techniques on carbon emissions.
"Pulp and other alternative fibres can provide diversity for sourcing textile materials and therefore lessen the burden caused by production of more traditional textile raw materials such as cotton," says Mai Suominen, a leading forest expert for WWF. "However it depends on the use of energy, all the processes they use and how they use waste materials."
Most importantly, she argues, simply slotting more sustainable fibres into the multibillion dollar fashion industry won't be enough to combat climate change, if we keep making and buying clothes at the current rate.
There is no sustainable development unless the overall natural resource consumption is radically decreased to a level that fits within planetary boundaries," she argues.
But within the Finnish fibres industry there is a sense of boomtown optimism that the increased use of recycled or reimagined fibres could be an important part of the jigsaw in the battle to limit climate change.
"The fast-fashion companies who have been kind of creating certain parts of the problem are highly interested in new technologies," says Infinited Fibers chief executive Petri Alva. He believes that if investment continues, the recycled fibres could become mainstream within ten to 15 years.
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styleevolution · 5 days
Summer Fashion Trends 2024: What to Wear and How to Style Them.
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🌞 Introduction
Summer is here, and with it comes a fresh wave of fashion trends to explore. From bold prints to sustainable choices, 2024 is all about making a statement while staying cool and comfortable. Whether you’re heading to the beach or enjoying a city stroll, here’s your guide to the hottest summer fashion trends and how to style them effortlessly.
🌸 Bold Prints and Patterns
Bold prints are taking center stage this summer. Think florals, animal prints, and abstract designs that demand attention.
• Styling Tip: Pair a bold print top with neutral bottoms to let the pattern shine, or mix prints for a daring and fashionable look.
🌿 Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable fashion continues to grow, with more brands offering eco-friendly options. This summer, embrace recycled fabrics, ethical brands, and timeless pieces that are kind to the planet.
•Styling Tip: Incorporate sustainable items into your wardrobe by pairing them with classic pieces. Think organic cotton tees with denim shorts or recycled fabric dresses.
🍭 Pastel Colors
Soft pastel hues like lavender, mint, and peach are perfect for a fresh and summery vibe. These colors are easy to wear and add a touch of elegance to any outfit.
•Styling Tip: Combine pastel pieces with whites or denims for a chic and effortless look. A pastel dress with white sneakers is a summer staple.
🧥 Oversized Blazers
No outfit is complete without the right accessories. This summer, go for oversized hats, chunky jewelry, and statement belts to elevate your look.
• Styling Tip: Use statement accessories to add personality to simple outfits. A chunky necklace or a wide-brimmed hat can transform your look from basic to fabulous.
💬 Conclusion
This summer, don’t be afraid to experiment with these trends and find what works best for you. Fashion is all about expressing yourself, so have fun with it! Share your favorite summer outfits and tag us in your posts. What are your favorite summer fashion trends? How do you plan to style them? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to follow for more fashion inspiration and updates!
•📲 Follow Us on Instagram for daily fashion tips, outfit inspiration, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content, follow us on Instagram @styleevolution_! Join our community and stay updated with the latest trends. 🌟
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Fashion Brands that stem from the Entertainment Industry: Victoria Beckham
British pop sensation, Victoria Beckham, first came to the scene in the 1990s as “Posh Spice” in the girl group, Spice Girls. She became synonymous with the “posh” style with her sleek and sophisticated fashion looks. After the group took a step back from music in the early 2000s, she began to further transition into the fashion industry.
In 2006, Beckham launched a denim line called dVb. She later expanded the brand to include clothing, accessories, and eyewear. A few years later in 2008, she launched the self-named brand she is known for today, Victoria Beckham. The brand debuted with a line of elegant dresses that encapsulated Victoria’s classic style. The garments were feminine, modern, and well-tailored. She aimed to create a brand that withstands the test of time with elegant, timeless pieces. She emphasizes tailoring, luxury fabrics, and sleek silhouettes in her collections. Victoria Beckham has spoken of a commitment to sustainability in her brand's operations. She has implemented eco-friendly practices, such as using sustainable materials and reducing waste in production processes, to minimize the environmental impact of her label.
The Victoria Beckham brand has expanded greatly since its origin, having flagship stores in London and Hong Kong. Outside of the official stores, the brand can be found and purchased online. Her brand has received widespread acclaim in the fashion industry, even earning her Designer Brand of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2014. 
The Victoria Beckham brand has elevated modern luxury with its sophisticated designs, impeccable craftsmanship, and commitment to empowering women through fashion. Her journey from girl-group pop star to esteemed fashion designer reflects her evolution as a multifaceted creative force in the entertainment industry.
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aiylabaysal · 4 months
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Aiyla Caria Baysal - style aesthetic
In a word, Aiyla's style is soft. She wears soft, silky fabrics, denim and cotton, and as little of it as possible. Aiyla is proud of her wings and will have them out at any possible time. She dislikes hiding them, so she prioritizes fashion that allows for an open/visible back. She tailors any of her clothing without visible backs to have hidden wing access so she can always have access to them. Aiyla likes to keep clothes until they fall apart. Over the years, she has perfected the capsule wardrobe for her needs and doesn't own a large variety of clothes. Perhaps it is a holdover from her life on the move. You will never catch her in stiff fabrics or unnatural fibers! Brand means little to nothing to her; she prefers sustainability and comfort over name recognition. Once an item of clothing is no longer wearable, Aiyla recycles it for a variety of different uses.
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steamz24 · 5 months
Elevate Your Style with Steamz Denim Jeans: A Blend of Comfort and Fashion
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In the ever-evolving world of fashion, finding the perfect pair of jeans that seamlessly combines style and comfort can be a challenging task. However, Steamz Denim Jeans has emerged as a game-changer, offering a unique blend of trendy designs, exceptional comfort, and unparalleled quality. In this blog, we'll delve into what sets Steamz Denim Jeans apart from the rest and why they deserve a coveted spot in your wardrobe.
Comfort Redefined:
One of the standout features of Steamz Denim Jeans is their commitment to comfort. Crafted from premium quality denim, these jeans are designed to provide a snug yet flexible fit, allowing for ease of movement without compromising on style. The fabric's breathability ensures that you stay comfortable throughout the day, making Steamz Denim Jeans ideal for both casual outings and more active lifestyles.
Trendsetting Designs:
Steamz Denim Jeans understands the importance of staying on top of fashion trends. Their collection boasts a diverse range of designs, from classic cuts to more contemporary styles. Whether you prefer a timeless straight leg or a modern slim fit, Steamz has something for everyone. The attention to detail in the stitching and embellishments adds a touch of sophistication, making these jeans versatile enough to dress up or down.
Durability and Quality:
Investing in quality denim is an investment in longevity. Steamz Denim Jeans excels in this department, utilizing durable materials and expert craftsmanship. The reinforced seams and carefully selected denim ensure that these jeans withstand the test of time, making them a staple in your wardrobe for seasons to come. Say goodbye to the frustration of worn-out jeans – Steamz has got you covered.
Versatility in Styling:
Steamz Denim Jeans aren't just about comfort and durability; they're also incredibly versatile when it comes to styling. Pair them with a crisp button-down shirt for a polished look at the office, or throw on a casual tee for a relaxed weekend vibe. The neutral tones and classic designs make it easy to integrate Steamz Denim Jeans into your existing wardrobe, allowing for endless outfit possibilities.
Sustainability Matters:
In an era where sustainability is paramount, Steamz Denim Jeans takes a step in the right direction. The brand is committed to ethical and eco-friendly practices, using responsibly sourced materials and environmentally conscious manufacturing processes. When you choose Steamz, you're not just making a fashion statement – you're making a conscious choice for a better planet.
Steamz Denim Jeans effortlessly combines style, comfort, and quality, making them a standout choice in the competitive world of denim fashion. With a commitment to durability, versatility, and sustainability, these jeans offer more than just a trendy look – they provide a holistic approach to fashion that aligns with the values of the modern consumer. Elevate your style with Steamz Denim Jeans and experience the perfect fusion of fashion and comfort.
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ganjapreneurgal · 7 months
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Introducing my one-of-a-kind upcycled denim jumpsuit, designed and dyed with unique real cannabis leaves to showcase your love for the plant. This jumpsuit is sustainably made using repurposed Wildfable brand denim, ensuring that you're not only looking great but also doing your part for the environment. Fits like a Small/Medium.
The jumpsuit measures 31" waist, 27" inseam, 28" torso, and 17” pit to pit, ensuring a comfortable fit for a range of body types. The cannabis-inspired design is hand-dyed onto the denim, making each piece truly unique and one-of-a-kind.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
towwn:  eco-friendly denim lines we love 👖🌎♻️ there are lots of benefits to eco denim—from reduced water waste and fewer harmful chemicals, to the use of sustainable dyes, fair labor practices and more high quality organic and recycled cotton. next time you’re in the market for new denim, consider one of these 4 brands doing better for both people + planet.* 👖@eticadenim prioritizes low-impact chemicals derived from plants + minerals in its production process. safe, alternative lightening agents are used to create multiple washes, and the denim is washed via e-flow technology—which saves 1000+ gallons of water in every load. overall, ética tracks+ reduces water usage by 90%, energy consumption by 63% & chemicals by 70% compared to industry standards. 👖@boyishjeans is committed to sustainable fabrics, such as tencel™ lyocell, organic cotton, recycled cotton + more grs-recycled fabrics. made with fewer chemicals, the brand uses natural plant-based dyes + reduced dystar indigo, reducing the toxic impact of synthetics + sulfates. boyish is vigilant about water safety, recycling h20 to keep chemicals out of local fresh-water sources. 👖@outerknown supports regenerative farming practices and chooses earth-friendly fibers with good circularity potential, like organic + recycled cotton, hemp + responsible wool. it works with 2 b-corp certified suppliers and runs 8 production facilities on renewable energy. workers’ well being is prioritized via high labor standards, extended health insurance, scholarships, housing support + more. it also launched outerworn, a resale platform for pre-loved styles, to keep clothes out of landfills. 👖@shopredone is best known for its innovative approach to upcycling vintage @levis, which gives them a new lease on life and reduces waste. utilizing existing fabrics, the brand saves on cotton production + water-intensive dyeing techniques. this approach helps minimize environmental impact while offering customers a unique pair of upcycled jeans.. (*as always, the most eco-friendly option is to shop secondhand whenever possible. ✌️)
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ethiholic · 1 year
Worker Wage - ★★★★☆
90% of the workforce at ABLE is female, changing the community by assigning empowering jobs to women. Able partners with vendors who share the same mindset.
Nashville minimum wage: $7.25/ hour Nashville individual living wage: $14.84/ hour (data from MIT Living Wage Calculator) Lowest wage at ABLE: $15.00/ hour
Wage scored by third party on-site auditor, employee interviews and verified company documents: 89.6% There is no confirmation on how much workers outside of the United States are making.
Working Conditions - ★★★☆☆
We have found that workers at ABLE prioritize empowering women and disadvantaged communities by providing fairly paid jobs, but they only ensure a living wage to the workers in the final production stage. The company also partly traces its supply chain through all stages of production. They do use a third-party auditor to audit their suppliers every year.
Sustainable Materials - ★★★★☆
ABLE claims to use eco-conscious materials and guarantees the pieces to last a lifetime:
Leather used is upcycled from discarded animal hides. Vendor partners use a 100% recycled, closed-loop water system. Sterling silver used is recycled. They steer clear from harsh chemicals like citric acid, instead of sodium bisulfate, for cleaning newly soldered jewelry. Scrap metal is collected and sent to a refinery to be recycled. Denim is sourced from western partners to reduce carbon footprint. They use a liquid indigo that requires less water when being washed. Denim scraps are given to the government to use for housing insulation. Packaging is in the process of becoming 100% recyclable.
Overall, ABLE prioritizes the longevity of their products through the use of low-impact and recycled materials, but there is no evidence they are taking action to eliminate or lessen their use of hazardous chemicals.
Environmental Impact - ★★★★☆
ABLE impacts the environment through the use of sustainable materials and the longevity of their products, resulting in less clothing in landfills.
Social Impact - N/A
Due to the size of the brand, there is not a discernible social impact.
Inclusivity - ★★★★★
ABLE’s website reflects their efforts for inclusivity, showcasing their choice for diverse models and available sizes, ranging from XXS-3X. Prices range from $30 to upwards of $300.
https://www.ableclothing.com/pages/social-responsibility https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/able
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teamwilsonfamily · 1 year
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fashionimpactfund: Ciara, the Grammy Award winning music icon, entrepreneur and philanthropist, joined our United Nations Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network annual meeting to discuss how her B Corp fashion brand ‘The House of LR&C’ has built sustainability, giving back, and gender equity in from the beginning. The House of LR&C is a network member with a priority commitment to SDG 10. Ciara was joined by Kaley Roshitsh, Sustainability Editor, Women's Wear Daily; Therese Hayes, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, The House of LR&C and Janelle Shiplett, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Commercial Officer, The,House of LR&C. The meeting, co-convened by the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the Fashion Impact Fund with supporting partners Calik Denim, Lenzing, Renewcell and The LYCRA Company, brought together more than 150 media, industry stakeholders, and United Nations representatives to highlight actions, solutions, and progress from the fashion and lifestyle sectors to advance knowledge and strengthen engagement to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.
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