#Sustainable denim industry
greenthestral · 11 months
Green Denim for A Sustainable Future
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In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue across a wide range of industries, and the fashion industry is no exception. As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental consequences of their choices, there has been a significant surge in the demand for eco-friendly and sustainable clothing options. One particular sector within the fashion industry that has experienced a notable transformation is denim production. With the emergence of green denim, individuals with a passion for fashion can now fully embrace sustainable practices without sacrificing their personal style.
The traditional methods of denim production have long been associated with substantial environmental impact. The excessive water consumption, chemical pollution, and high carbon footprint of conventional denim manufacturing have raised serious concerns among environmentally conscious consumers. However, the rise of green denim has brought about a positive change, offering a promising solution for those seeking sustainable fashion choices.
The increasing popularity of green denim can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, consumers are now more informed and aware of the detrimental effects of traditional denim production on the environment. They are actively seeking alternatives that align with their values and desire for sustainability. As a result, fashion brands and manufacturers have recognized this shift in consumer preferences and have begun to adapt their practices to meet the demand for eco-friendly denim.
Green denim entails a comprehensive approach to denim production, incorporating environmentally friendly practices at every stage of the manufacturing process. From the cultivation of organic cotton to the manufacturing and finishing processes, sustainable techniques are employed to minimize the negative impact on the environment. This holistic approach enables fashion enthusiasts to enjoy denim products that are not only stylish but also ethically and ecologically sound.
One of the key components of green denim production is the use of organic cotton. Unlike conventionally grown cotton, which relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), organic cotton is cultivated without these harmful inputs. By opting for organic cotton, green denim manufacturers reduce water pollution, protect biodiversity, and promote soil health. This shift towards organic cotton cultivation significantly contributes to a more sustainable future for denim production.
Another crucial aspect of green denim is the adoption of natural indigo dyes. Traditionally, denim fabrics were dyed using synthetic indigo, which is not only environmentally harmful but also poses health risks for the workers involved in the dyeing process. In contrast, natural indigo dyes are derived from plants and offer a biodegradable and less toxic alternative. By using natural indigo, green denim manufacturers ensure that the dyeing process is more sustainable and safer for both the environment and the workers.
Moreover, water conservation plays a pivotal role in green denim production. Conventional denim manufacturing processes consume vast amounts of water throughout various stages, such as cotton cultivation, dyeing, and finishing. However, green denim manufacturers have implemented innovative dyeing techniques that minimize water usage without compromising on the quality and appearance of the denim. Techniques like foam dyeing and laser technology significantly reduce water consumption, alleviating water scarcity concerns and reducing the environmental impact of denim production.
Energy efficiency is also a crucial focus in green denim production. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting renewable energy sources and investing in energy-efficient machinery to minimize the carbon footprint associated with denim manufacturing. By reducing energy consumption and transitioning to cleaner energy sources, green denim contributes to mitigating climate change and creating a more sustainable future.
In addition to these sustainable practices, green denim manufacturers prioritize recycling and upcycling denim waste. Discarded garments and denim scraps are repurposed into new products or incorporated as recycled fibers in the production process. This circular approach to denim production minimizes textile waste, conserves resources, and promotes a more sustainable and circular economy.
The benefits of green denim extend beyond environmental considerations. By choosing green denim, consumers actively support fair labor practices and social responsibility. Green denim manufacturers prioritize the welfare of workers, providing safe working conditions and fair wages. They also eliminate harmful chemicals from the production process, protecting the health and well-being of the workers involved. Thus, embracing green denim is not only an eco-friendly choice but also a commitment to supporting ethical and sustainable fashion practices.
The rise of green denim has revolutionized the denim industry, offering a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional denim production. Through the adoption of organic cotton cultivation, natural indigo dyes, water conservation measures, energy efficiency, and recycling initiatives, green denim manufacturers have successfully addressed the environmental concerns associated with denim production. By choosing green denim, fashion enthusiasts can make a significant positive impact on the environment and support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. Green denim represents a step towards a more sustainable future, where fashion and environmental consciousness can coexist harmoniously.
The Environmental Impact of Traditional Denim Production
Before delving into the realm of green denim, it's essential to understand the environmental impact associated with traditional denim production. Traditional denim manufacturing processes are notorious for their excessive water usage, chemical pollution, and high carbon footprint.
Conventional denim production requires large amounts of water for various stages, including cotton cultivation, dyeing, and finishing. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it takes around 2,000 gallons (7,600 liters) of water to produce a single pair of jeans. This water-intensive process depletes natural resources and contributes to water scarcity in many regions.
Additionally, the dyeing and finishing processes involve the use of hazardous chemicals, such as synthetic indigo dyes and toxic fixatives. These chemicals not only pose a threat to the environment but also to the workers involved in the production process. Furthermore, the energy-intensive machinery and transportation required for traditional denim production contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change.
The Rise of Green Denim
Recognizing the need for sustainable alternatives, the fashion industry has started to embrace green denim. Green denim refers to denim products that are produced using eco-friendly and socially responsible methods. These methods aim to minimize the negative impact on the environment and promote fair labor practices throughout the supply chain.
Green denim involves a holistic approach to denim production, from the cultivation of organic cotton to the manufacturing and finishing processes. By adopting innovative techniques and materials, manufacturers can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of denim production.
Sustainable Practices in Green Denim Production
Green denim manufacturers prioritize sustainable practices at every stage of production. One of the fundamental changes involves the use of organic cotton. Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is cultivated without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This reduces water pollution, protects biodiversity, and promotes soil health.
Furthermore, green denim manufacturers employ natural indigo dyes, which are derived from plants, rather than synthetic indigo. Natural indigo dyes are biodegradable and less harmful to both the environment and the workers who handle them. Additionally, manufacturers minimize water usage through innovative dyeing techniques, such as foam dyeing, which requires less water compared to traditional dyeing methods.
To reduce the energy consumption associated with denim production, green denim manufacturers employ renewable energy sources and energy-efficient machinery. They also focus on recycling and upcycling denim waste, repurposing discarded garments into new products or incorporating recycled fibers into their production processes.
The Benefits of Green Denim
Green denim offers a range of benefits, making it an attractive choice for both consumers and fashion brands. Firstly, green denim promotes sustainable agriculture practices by encouraging the cultivation of organic cotton. This reduces the reliance on synthetic chemicals and protects the health of farmers and surrounding ecosystems.
Secondly, green denim contributes to water conservation by implementing water-efficient dyeing techniques and minimizing water usage throughout the production process. This not only helps to alleviate water scarcity issues but also reduces pollution from chemical dyes and wastewater discharge.
Thirdly, green denim supports fair labor practices and social responsibility. Manufacturers prioritize the welfare of workers by providing safe working conditions, fair wages, and eliminating harmful chemicals from the production process. By choosing green denim, consumers can support brands that value ethical and sustainable practices.
Lastly, green denim offers consumers a stylish and eco-friendly option. With advancements in technology and design, green denim is now available in a variety of styles, cuts, and washes, catering to diverse fashion preferences. From high-end designer labels to affordable fashion brands, green denim has made its mark in the fashion industry, proving that sustainability and style can coexist.
Embracing Green Denim: How You Can Make a Difference
As consumers, we have the power to drive change by making conscious choices in our fashion purchases. Here are a few ways you can embrace green denim and contribute to a sustainable future:
Choose green denim brands: Look for fashion brands that prioritize sustainability and transparency in their denim production. Check for certifications such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) to ensure the authenticity of organic cotton.
Extend the lifespan of your denim: Invest in quality green denim pieces and take care of them properly to ensure longevity. Wash your denim sparingly, using cold water, and air dry them whenever possible. This reduces energy consumption and preserves the color and shape of your denim.
Support circular fashion initiatives: Explore options for recycling or upcycling your old denim. Many brands and organizations offer programs to collect and repurpose old denim into new products. By participating in these initiatives, you contribute to reducing textile waste and promoting a circular economy.
Educate yourself and spread awareness: Stay informed about sustainable fashion practices and share your knowledge with others. By raising awareness about the environmental impact of traditional denim production and the benefits of green denim, you can inspire others to make more conscious fashion choices.
Embracing Green Denim for a Sustainable Future
In conclusion, green denim offers a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional denim production. By prioritizing organic cotton, water conservation, renewable energy, and fair labor practices, green denim manufacturers are paving the way for a more eco-friendly fashion industry. As consumers, we have the ability to drive change by supporting green denim brands, extending the lifespan of our denim, and spreading awareness about sustainable fashion. By embracing green denim, we can contribute to a more sustainable future and make a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.
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jdinstitute · 2 years
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If you’re a denim aficionado who cares about the environment, you’ve always wondered about the sustainability of denim fiber. There has never been a better time to commit to sustainable fashion than now, with climate change on the horizon. The garment industry is constantly being scrutinized, with organic cotton and denim being examined to determine how natural they are…The origin of the fibers used in denim cloth, whether natural, organic, or synthetic, will determine its long-term viability.
Read More:-https://jdinstitute.co/denim-fiber-sustainability-innovation/
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beyondfabric · 6 months
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Introducing: Mr. Archive
What better way to kickstart 2024 than with one the most beautifully curated, styled and fair-priced vintage stores out there?
Mr. Archive has been one of my go-to places the last few months, be it for visual inspiration on their instagram profile or the browse some of the most interesting pieces around. To be fair, after 15 years of working in this industry is getting more and more difficult for me to find garments and brands that are truly exciting and fresh. If on top of that we take into account the price point of some of these labels, many of which produce in Portugal with accessible costs, my enthusiasm dims even further.
I’ve always been passionate about the universe of vintage and pre worn garments, but this love has been fueled in recent years by the appearance of highly specialized shops that seem to be perfectly in tune with my personal style. I’ve had the chance to chat with Matteo, the mastermind behind Mr. Archive to learn more about this outstanding project.
BF: I came across Mr. Archive fairly recently and I must say that it definitely hit a soft spot within the range of vintage providers currently on my radar. How long have you been in business? What drove you to create it?
Matteo: I'm passionate about my job, believe I have a somewhat general knowledge of the fashion world, but about 4 years ago, I got fascinated by this industry, even though I already knew it. I come from a family that has always worked in the clothing industry.
BF: For me, your selection is perfectly curated, bringing a mix of military and navy-inspired garments, with a twist of Americana. Is this an extension of your own style and taste, or is it more business-oriented?
Matteo: What I propose is all based on my personal taste; I create outfits on the spot, drawing inspiration from magazines, newspapers, etc., and then I elaborate and create. My mom is an artist, and I think I took inspiration from her.
BF: Vintage has always inspired me ever since I got into fashion roughly 15 years ago. There's just something distinctive about the fabrics and the history behind each garment that you can not replicate with new items. How/where do you source your amazing selection?
Matteo: My pieces come from warehouses worldwide; I'm constantly looking for new things, and that's the wonderful thing about my job! I have strong trust in my suppliers!
BF: With sustainability being the word of order when it comes to fashion, have you noticed an increase in demand for pre-owned garments? Do you think part of the solution can be provided by vintage?
Matteo: Recently, there has been an increase in the purchase of vintage and second-hand clothing items. To be honest, I believe that a few years ago, not many people knew about this world, but now it's expanding and captivating even those who knew little about it.
BF: I noticed you have a small capsule of garments carrying your own label, namely selvedge denim and accessories. What's the story behind those? Can we expect more designs in the future?
Matteo: I won't deny that creating my own clothing line would be a great personal satisfaction, a significant growth. I recently created a small line, "MRARCHIVE," currently composed of jackets, pants, and hats. One day, I'd like to expand, but I still have much to learn and study.
BF: Any tips or advice you wish to leave for those more reluctant to explore the world of previously owned items? It's still somewhat taboo for some people.
For many people, this world is still a taboo; they're still stuck in the thought of "they're used clothes." What I think is that one should see the story and originality behind each piece to appreciate its value, both from a historical and an aesthetic perspective. Sometimes, I compare some clothing items to paintings—they should be framed.
You can find Mr. Archive here.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Called Infinna, the fibre is already being used by global brands including Patagonia, H&M and Inditex, which owns Zara. "It's a premium quality textile fibre, which looks and feels natural - like cotton," says Mr Alava, rubbing his own navy blue tee between his fingers. "And it is solving a major waste problem."
Around the world, an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste is created each year, according to non-profit Global Fashion Agenda, and this figure is set to rise to more than 134 million tonnes by 2030, if clothing production continues along its current track.
To the untrained eye, samples of Infinited Fiber's recycled fibre resemble lambswool; soft, fluffy and cream coloured. Mr Alava explains that the product is produced through a complex, multi-step process which starts with shredding old textiles and removing synthetic materials and dyes, and ends with a new fibre, regenerated from extracted cellulose.
This finished fibre can then simply "hop into the traditional production processes" used by High Street brands, replacing cotton and synthetic fibres, to produce everything from shirts and dresses to denim jeans.
Much of the science involved in making the fibre has been around since the 1980s, says Mr Alava, but rapid technological advancements in the last few years have finally made large-scale production a more realistic possibility.
In parallel, he believes High Street brands have become more focused on "really honestly looking for changing their material usage", while millennial and Gen Z consumers are increasingly concerned about shopping sustainably. "They are different animals, different consumers, to people my age," he laughs.
The company has already attracted so much interest in its technology that it recently announced it was investing €400m (£345m; $400m) to build its first commercial-scale factory at a disused paper mill in Lapland.
The goal is to produce 30,000 tonnes of fibre a year once it's operating at full capacity in 2025. That is equivalent to the fibre needed for approximately 100 million T-shirts.
"I think the impact could be quite big, if you think about the whole textile system, what exists currently and how much textile waste that we have," argues Kirsi Niinimäki, an associate professor in fashion research at Aalto University, a few blocks away from Infinited Fiber's headquarters.
"It's a really good example of actually how we can 'close the loop'… really begin to move to a circular economy."
Infinited Fiber's growth is tied into a wider vision in Finland, which wants to become Europe's leading circular economy, with a focus on reusing and saving resources. In 2016, it became the first government in the world to create a national road map designed to help reach its goal.
Several other Finnish start-ups are looking at ways to produce new textile fibres on a big scale, while also cutting down on harmful emissions and chemicals. These include Spinnova which, from its textiles factory in Jyväskylä, central Finland, transforms cellulose from raw wood pulp into ready-to-spin fibres.
Spinnova's yarn is attracting plenty of global attention and has so far been used by brands including upmarket Finnish clothing label Marimekko, and outdoor wear firms North Face, Bergans and Adidas, which recently used it in a limited edition midlayer hoodie designed for hikers.
Elsewhere in Europe, there are a range of other companies developing technologies to create more circular yarns, including Swedish startup Renewcell, and Bright.fiber Textiles, which plans to open its first factory in the Netherlands in 2023.
But experts say there are a range of challenges facing these new fibre brands as they plot their expansions.
Ms Niinimäki underlines that the clothing manufacturing sector has, until recently, been slower than many other industries when it comes to embracing sustainability, which could set the tone for a slower transformation than companies like Spinnova and Infinited Fiber hope.
"It has been so easy to produce the way that we have been producing, and just to move towards more effective industrial manufacturing on an increasingly bigger scale," she says.
"There hasn't been a big pressure to change the already existing system." However, she is hopeful that, in the European Union at least, new rules aimed at ensuring clothing manufacturers focus on more sustainable and durable products will speed up "a change in mindsets".
Another issue is whether clothing brands will be able to pass on the additional costs of their new high-tech production techniques on to consumers, especially at a time when the cost of living is spiralling globally.
Adidas' latest limited edition hoodie produced with Spinnova fabric costs €160 (£137; $160) to buy online in Finland, at least €40 more than most of its other technical hoodies.
"Fashion is a complicated area, because even if people are saying that they are environmentally aware, they don't always act rationally," says Ms Niinimäki. "There's also this kind of emotional side when you talk about fashion consumption, and of course, the price is also linked to that."
While both Infinited Fiber and Spinnova insist their business plans look holistically at all aspects of production - for example using renewable technologies to power their factories - climate campaigners argue it is still too early to accurately estimate the net effect of these new techniques on carbon emissions.
"Pulp and other alternative fibres can provide diversity for sourcing textile materials and therefore lessen the burden caused by production of more traditional textile raw materials such as cotton," says Mai Suominen, a leading forest expert for WWF. "However it depends on the use of energy, all the processes they use and how they use waste materials."
Most importantly, she argues, simply slotting more sustainable fibres into the multibillion dollar fashion industry won't be enough to combat climate change, if we keep making and buying clothes at the current rate.
There is no sustainable development unless the overall natural resource consumption is radically decreased to a level that fits within planetary boundaries," she argues.
But within the Finnish fibres industry there is a sense of boomtown optimism that the increased use of recycled or reimagined fibres could be an important part of the jigsaw in the battle to limit climate change.
"The fast-fashion companies who have been kind of creating certain parts of the problem are highly interested in new technologies," says Infinited Fibers chief executive Petri Alva. He believes that if investment continues, the recycled fibres could become mainstream within ten to 15 years.
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Fashion Brands that stem from the Entertainment Industry: Victoria Beckham
British pop sensation, Victoria Beckham, first came to the scene in the 1990s as “Posh Spice” in the girl group, Spice Girls. She became synonymous with the “posh” style with her sleek and sophisticated fashion looks. After the group took a step back from music in the early 2000s, she began to further transition into the fashion industry.
In 2006, Beckham launched a denim line called dVb. She later expanded the brand to include clothing, accessories, and eyewear. A few years later in 2008, she launched the self-named brand she is known for today, Victoria Beckham. The brand debuted with a line of elegant dresses that encapsulated Victoria’s classic style. The garments were feminine, modern, and well-tailored. She aimed to create a brand that withstands the test of time with elegant, timeless pieces. She emphasizes tailoring, luxury fabrics, and sleek silhouettes in her collections. Victoria Beckham has spoken of a commitment to sustainability in her brand's operations. She has implemented eco-friendly practices, such as using sustainable materials and reducing waste in production processes, to minimize the environmental impact of her label.
The Victoria Beckham brand has expanded greatly since its origin, having flagship stores in London and Hong Kong. Outside of the official stores, the brand can be found and purchased online. Her brand has received widespread acclaim in the fashion industry, even earning her Designer Brand of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2014. 
The Victoria Beckham brand has elevated modern luxury with its sophisticated designs, impeccable craftsmanship, and commitment to empowering women through fashion. Her journey from girl-group pop star to esteemed fashion designer reflects her evolution as a multifaceted creative force in the entertainment industry.
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cacpartmobile · 9 months
Reflection on Renée Neblett Talk
Reflections on “Building Kokrobritey” 
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Renée Neblett’s talk on her work and mission with the Kokrobritey Institute was deeply moving. As someone who is passionate about sustainability and its connection with the arts, I knew I had to take advantage of the opportunity to learn about eco-conscious art and design initiatives. I am a current fashion design student at MassArt, entering my final year. My approach to my studies has been hyper-focused on sustainable alternatives to the negative global impact of the fashion industry. I know that Ghana has been overwhelmingly impacted by imported second hand garments and textile waste, so I was curious to learn what the Kokrobitey Institute is doing to alleviate this issue. 
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The talk was eye-opening. Ms. Neblett has built an innovative educational program that trains community members, amplifies their creativity, lifts up local traditions, cherishes ancestral knowledge, and prepares the next generation of Ghanaian creators and changemakers. Kokrobitey takes trash out of the streets and landfills and transforms it into furniture, clothing, jewelry, home decor, and more. Advertisement banners become satchels and pouches, glass bottles become earrings and construction supplements, denim jeans become tapestries and furniture upholstery, and much more. With a sewing studio, a glass kiln, a woodworking shop, a medicinal and nutritional garden, all in a self-constructed building, Kokrobitey is an innovative example of holistic environmental sustainability, such that we should all strive to achieve within our own communities. 
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I was deeply inspired by this talk and the discussion afterwards. I look forward to learning much more about the Kokrobritey Institute and how I may someday be able to transform my vision for a cleaner, more just fashion industry into a broader positive movement to protect the environment and the culture that kept us near it.
— Heily Rivas, Fashion Design ‘24 – CACP Radical Welcomer/Office Assistant
Please check out the links below to learn about Renée and the African Renaissance. Other videos and information are available by visiting the Kokrobitey Institute website.African Renaissance. Other
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positivexcellence · 1 year
towwn:  eco-friendly denim lines we love 👖🌎♻️ there are lots of benefits to eco denim—from reduced water waste and fewer harmful chemicals, to the use of sustainable dyes, fair labor practices and more high quality organic and recycled cotton. next time you’re in the market for new denim, consider one of these 4 brands doing better for both people + planet.* 👖@eticadenim prioritizes low-impact chemicals derived from plants + minerals in its production process. safe, alternative lightening agents are used to create multiple washes, and the denim is washed via e-flow technology—which saves 1000+ gallons of water in every load. overall, ética tracks+ reduces water usage by 90%, energy consumption by 63% & chemicals by 70% compared to industry standards. 👖@boyishjeans is committed to sustainable fabrics, such as tencel™ lyocell, organic cotton, recycled cotton + more grs-recycled fabrics. made with fewer chemicals, the brand uses natural plant-based dyes + reduced dystar indigo, reducing the toxic impact of synthetics + sulfates. boyish is vigilant about water safety, recycling h20 to keep chemicals out of local fresh-water sources. 👖@outerknown supports regenerative farming practices and chooses earth-friendly fibers with good circularity potential, like organic + recycled cotton, hemp + responsible wool. it works with 2 b-corp certified suppliers and runs 8 production facilities on renewable energy. workers’ well being is prioritized via high labor standards, extended health insurance, scholarships, housing support + more. it also launched outerworn, a resale platform for pre-loved styles, to keep clothes out of landfills. 👖@shopredone is best known for its innovative approach to upcycling vintage @levis, which gives them a new lease on life and reduces waste. utilizing existing fabrics, the brand saves on cotton production + water-intensive dyeing techniques. this approach helps minimize environmental impact while offering customers a unique pair of upcycled jeans.. (*as always, the most eco-friendly option is to shop secondhand whenever possible. ✌️)
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victorysp · 2 years
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Her Majesty Queen Máxima paid a working visit to MUD Jeans in Laren on Wednesday 23 November. MUD Jeans is the winner of the Plaque for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, one of the King Willem I Prize.
MUD Jeans is a circular fashion company that sustainably develops and reuses jeans, one of the most polluting items in the fashion industry, to minimize the impact on the environment. Every MUD Jeans is produced from twenty to forty percent recycled denim and additionally uses organic cotton. After use, the jeans are recycled again. MUD Jeans aims to ultimately be able to make jeans from one hundred percent old jeans, so that new cotton is no longer needed. The company has also launched Lease a Jeans: this model allows customers to rent jeans on a monthly basis. The impact on people and the environment is also kept small by a short production chain and by paying attention to good working conditions in the factories.
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teamwilsonfamily · 1 year
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fashionimpactfund: Ciara, the Grammy Award winning music icon, entrepreneur and philanthropist, joined our United Nations Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network annual meeting to discuss how her B Corp fashion brand ‘The House of LR&C’ has built sustainability, giving back, and gender equity in from the beginning. The House of LR&C is a network member with a priority commitment to SDG 10. Ciara was joined by Kaley Roshitsh, Sustainability Editor, Women's Wear Daily; Therese Hayes, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, The House of LR&C and Janelle Shiplett, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Commercial Officer, The,House of LR&C. The meeting, co-convened by the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the Fashion Impact Fund with supporting partners Calik Denim, Lenzing, Renewcell and The LYCRA Company, brought together more than 150 media, industry stakeholders, and United Nations representatives to highlight actions, solutions, and progress from the fashion and lifestyle sectors to advance knowledge and strengthen engagement to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Rise of Sustainable Manufacturers in the USA
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Denim has been a staple fabric in American fashion for decades, worn by people from all walks of life. However, the traditional methods used to produce denim have had a significant impact on the environment. In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward sustainability in the fashion industry, and denim manufacturers are no exception. Sustainable denim production methods have been gaining popularity in the USA as a way to reduce the environmental footprint of denim production. In this blog, we will explore the rise of sustainable clothing manufacturers in the USA, including the benefits of sustainable denim, the challenges that manufacturers face, and the trends driving the demand for eco-friendly denim. We will also look at some of the leading sustainable denim brands and their efforts to create denim that is both fashionable and environmentally responsible.
Rise Of Apparel Manufacturers in the US
The rise of apparel manufacturers in USA can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly fashion, the rise of e-commerce, and the popularity of athleisure wear. Both sportswear and denim manufacturers have played a significant role in this trend.
Sportswear manufacturers have been at the forefront of designing and producing athletic apparel that meets the needs and wants of consumers. In recent years, they have also placed a greater emphasis on sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and production methods to reduce their environmental impact. This has led to the rise of sustainable sportswear brands in the US, such as Patagonia and Adidas, which have gained a loyal following among consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.
Similarly, denim manufacturers have also been adapting to the growing demand for sustainable fashion. Traditional denim production can be highly resource-intensive, but sustainable denim production methods have emerged as a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative. Denim manufacturers have been adopting waterless or low-water production methods and using organic cotton and recycled materials in their products. The rise of sustainable denim brands, such as Levi’s and Nudie Jeans, reflects the shift towards eco-friendly fashion in the US.
The popularity of e-commerce has also contributed to the rise of apparel manufacturers in the US. Online platforms have made it easier for smaller, independent brands to reach a wider audience and compete with larger, established brands. This has led to a greater diversity of fashion options for consumers and has helped to drive innovation in the industry.
Finally, the rise of athleisure wear has also contributed to the growth of apparel manufacturers in the US. Athleisure wear has become increasingly popular in recent years, with consumers seeking comfortable and functional clothing that can be worn both for exercise and everyday wear. This trend has led to the emergence of new sportswear brands and has also influenced the designs of traditional fashion brands.
In conclusion, the rise of apparel manufacturers in the US is a complex trend that reflects changing consumer preferences and industry innovations. Both sportswear and denim manufacturers have played a significant role in this trend by adapting to the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly fashion, as well as by embracing e-commerce and responding to the popularity of athleisure wear.
The Rise of Sustainable Denim
The rise of sustainable denim is a growing trend. It has become more popular in the last few years, as people are becoming more aware of how their clothing impacts the environment. Sustainable denim is made from recycled materials and uses less chemicals, water, and energy during its production process.
Sustainable jeans are created using more sustainable processes that don’t harm the environment or contribute to climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. There are many ways you can make sure your jeans are environmentally friendly: buying organic cotton; choosing hemp or bamboo fibers over pesticides; using less dye (which requires lots of chemicals) than conventional dyes do; avoiding leather patches made from real animal skins; avoiding zippers made out of plastic since they take hundreds of years before breaking down completely!
How Sportswear Manufacturers Are Lead Trendsetters
Sportswear manufacturers are often considered trendsetters because they are at the forefront of designing and creating new athletic apparel that meets the needs and wants of athletes and consumers alike. These manufacturers invest heavily in research and development to create high-quality, functional, and stylish sportswear that can improve performance, enhance comfort, and meet the latest fashion trends.
One of the ways that sportswear manufacturers can lead trends is by working closely with professional athletes and teams. By understanding the specific needs of athletes, manufacturers can design products that are tailored to their unique requirements, whether it be for performance or recovery. This close collaboration allows them to create innovative designs and materials that are tested and proven by some of the world’s top athletes, which then leads to greater demand from consumers.
Another way that sportswear manufacturers set trends is through their marketing and advertising campaigns. These companies often employ high-profile athletes and celebrities to promote their products, and they leverage social media and other platforms to showcase their latest designs and collections. This helps to build hype and anticipation around new product releases, and it can also influence the fashion trends of consumers who want to emulate the styles of their favorite athletes and celebrities.
In addition, sportswear manufacturers also have the advantage of being able to quickly adapt to changing trends and consumer preferences. They have the resources and expertise to pivot their designs and materials to meet the demands of the market, whether it be for sustainable and eco-friendly materials, or new technologies such as smart fabrics that can monitor and enhance athletic performance.
Overall, sportswear manufacturers are leaders in the fashion industry because they are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with athletic apparel, and they have a keen understanding of the needs and wants of athletes and consumers. Their innovative designs and marketing strategies set the trends for the latest styles and technologies in sportswear, and they continue to drive the industry forward with their creativity and ingenuity.
Sustainable Denim Is a Cost-Effective Option for Apparel Manufacturers
Sustainable denim is becoming a popular choice for American clothing manufacturers because it offers a cost-effective option that benefits both the environment and consumers. Traditional denim production can have a significant impact on the environment due to the large amounts of water, energy, and chemicals required in the process. Sustainable denim, on the other hand, utilizes eco-friendly production methods that reduce water consumption and chemical usage, resulting in a lower environmental footprint.
In addition to the environmental benefits, sustainable denim can also be cost-effective for manufacturers. While the initial investment in sustainable production methods may be higher, the long-term savings can be significant. For example, waterless or low-water production methods can save up to 95% of the water typically used in denim production, which can result in significant cost savings on water bills. Sustainable denim production can also reduce the need for expensive chemical treatments and can even extend the life of the denim, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving on production costs.
Moreover, sustainable denim is increasingly in demand by consumers who are becoming more environmentally conscious and are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products. This demand can lead to higher profit margins for manufacturers who produce sustainable denim. By offering eco-friendly options, manufacturers can also appeal to a growing segment of consumers who prioritize sustainability when making purchasing decisions.
Overall, sustainable denim can be a cost-effective option for apparel manufacturers. By reducing their environmental impact, manufacturers can save on production costs and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, which can lead to increased sales and profits. As sustainability becomes increasingly important in the fashion industry, manufacturers who prioritize eco-friendly production methods will likely have a competitive advantage.
What is Sustainable Denim?
Sustainable denim is a fabric that’s made from recycled cotton. The process of recycling cotton uses less water, energy, and chemicals than conventional methods. It also results in a more environmentally friendly product for apparel manufacturers to use and consumers to buy.
Sustainable denim is more durable than conventional denim because it doesn’t have any toxic dyes or finishes applied to it during manufacturing — it’s just pure white cotton! This means you can wear your favorite pair of jeans without worrying about how much they’ll fade over time (and if you want them faded out even quicker, just wash them with dark clothing). Plus, the less chemical-laden dye that goes into making sustainable clothes means they won’t rub off on other items in your closet as conventional dyes do!
Finally — and perhaps most importantly — sustainable clothing feels better against your skin than traditional fabrics like polyester blends do because there aren’t any harsh chemicals present during production processes that might irritate sensitive areas such as armpits/groins/etc.
Rising Demand for Sustainable Denim
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about where your clothes come from and what they’re made of. But if you do, chances are good that sustainability is at least part of the reason for your purchase decision.
Sustainable apparel is growing in popularity — and for good reason! From its use of organic materials to its emphasis on manufacturing processes that minimize waste and environmental impact, sustainable apparel helps us all feel better about ourselves while reducing our carbon footprint. And it’s not just an abstract concept: The demand for sustainable clothing has risen dramatically in recent years.
Why Is Sustainable Denim Important?
Sustainable denim is an important movement for a variety of reasons.
First, it helps reduce the impact of denim on our environment. Second, it helps reduce the impact of denim on human health by reducing harmful chemicals and toxins in clothing production. Third, sustainable fashion increases the quality of life for workers in supply chains by providing fair wages and safe working conditions; this also benefits consumers who buy sustainable products because they’re helping create jobs that improve lives instead of destroying them through exploitation or abuse.
The Future of Sustainable Denim
As the demand for sustainable clothing continues to grow, so will the industry’s ability to meet it. If you look at a few key indicators of sustainability in denim over time (e.g., organic cotton production), they’ve already been on an upward trajectory since 2010 and show no signs of slowing down. This means that as we move forward into 2019 and beyond, we can expect to see more and more brands offering sustainable options at different price points — and even some mainstream retailers getting in on the action too!
The Demand for Sustainable Apparel Is Growing
The demand for sustainable apparel is growing. Consumers are becoming more aware of the effects of their purchases on the environment and are looking for ways to make better choices. Sustainable clothing can help them do this, but there’s still a lot of confusion about what “sustainable” means and how it affects the quality of the product.
Sustainable apparel is an important trendsetter in the fashion industry because it helps consumers understand that they have more options than simply buying new clothes every season or two. It also allows manufacturers to create innovative products by using recycled materials in creative ways that don’t compromise style or performance — and can even improve both!
The future of sustainable denim is bright and the demand for sustainable apparel is growing. Apparel manufacturers are finding new ways to create denim that’s both environmentally friendly and stylish.
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carmensolny · 1 year
Transparently Chic: Embrace the Jelly Bag Craze and Make a Fashion Statement
In the world of fashion, trends come and go, but there's one style that has captured the attention of fashionistas everywhere: the jelly bag. These transparent accessories have taken the fashion industry by storm, offering a unique and stylish way to carry your essentials. With their vibrant colors and versatility, jelly bags from Carmen Sol have become a must-have item for women looking to make a fashion statement.
Jelly bags are not your average handbags. Made from high-quality, durable PVC material, these bags offer a modern twist on the classic tote or crossbody design. The transparent nature of jelly bags adds a playful and whimsical touch to any outfit, allowing you to showcase your personal style with a hint of transparency.
Carmen Sol, a renowned brand in the fashion industry, has embraced the jelly bag craze and has become a leader in creating stylish and functional jelly bags for women. Their collection features a wide range of designs, from classic totes to trendy crossbody bags, all crafted with meticulous attention to detail.
One of the key advantages of Carmen Sol's jelly bags is their versatility. These bags are available in a spectrum of vibrant colors, allowing you to find the perfect match for any outfit or occasion. Whether you're heading to the beach, attending a summer festival, or simply running errands around town, a jelly bag from Carmen Sol will add a touch of chicness to your ensemble.
What sets Carmen Sol's jelly bags apart is not just their style, but also their functionality. Each bag is carefully designed to provide ample space for your belongings, with interior compartments and pockets to keep you organized. The durable PVC material is water-resistant, making these bags ideal for beach trips or rainy days. Additionally, the adjustable straps and handles ensure a comfortable fit, allowing you to carry your essentials with ease.
Jelly bags have become more than just a trendy fashion accessory; they have also become a symbol of sustainability. Carmen Sol is committed to eco-conscious practices, using non-toxic and recyclable materials in the production of their bags. By choosing a jelly bag from Carmen Sol, you're not only making a fashion statement but also contributing to a greener future.
These stylish and eco-friendly women jelly bags have captured the hearts of fashion-forward women worldwide. From fashion bloggers to celebrities, the jelly bag craze shows no signs of slowing down. Embrace the trend and let your personal style shine through with a Carmen Sol jelly bag.
Whether you opt for a classic clear jelly tote or a bold colored crossbody, these accessories are sure to turn heads wherever you go. Pair them with a breezy summer dress, a casual denim ensemble, or even a sleek evening outfit; the possibilities are endless.
In conclusion, the jelly bag craze has taken the fashion world by storm, and Carmen Sol has established itself as a go-to brand for women looking to embrace this trend. Their stylish, versatile, and eco-friendly jelly beach bags offer the perfect combination of fashion and functionality. So, why wait? Embrace the jelly bag craze today and make a fashion statement that is transparently chic.
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What is the “Trend” ?
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What is the “Trend” ? In the age of technology and social media, the term “trending” has become a popular term to describe something that is becoming popular or receiving a lot of attention. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube all have a “trending” feature, allowing users to see what is popular and being talked about on their platform. The most popular keywords on these platforms are often displayed on the homepage or search results page.
Why is “trending” important? Understanding what is popular and being talked about can help marketers, businesses, those working in the media industry, and even individual users understand the trends and interests of users, thereby creating relevant content that attracts the attention of customers or followers.
Additionally, “trending” helps users stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, or trends in their community. This can help users make more informed decisions and interact with other users on social media.
In today’s era, trends in fashion choices and shopping habits among young people are rapidly changing. With the development of technology and social media, young people have easy access to the latest products, fashion styles, and unique collections. This article will introduce some popular shopping and fashion trends among young people today.
Sustainable fashion: The trend of sustainable fashion is becoming increasingly popular. Young people are now interested in products made from environmentally-friendly materials, durable designs, and recyclable. In addition, fashion brands are also focusing on producing environmentally-friendly products and ensuring good working conditions for workers.
Vintage fashion: Fashion styles from the 80s and 90s are making a comeback and are loved by young people. Denim material, long skirts, leather jackets, plain t-shirts… are popular vintage fashion styles. What’s special is that young people often seek unique vintage products to express their individual style.
Streetwear fashion: Streetwear fashion is becoming an undeniable trend among young people. Products such as sports shoes, jogger pants, t-shirts with images… are becoming essential items in young people’s wardrobes. Famous streetwear fashion brands like Supreme, Off-White, and Yeezy are very popular.
Online shopping: With the development of technology, online shopping is becoming a popular trend among young people. Instead of going to fashion stores to shop, young people now often choose to shop online. This makes it easier for them to access a wide range of products and compare prices and quality.
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victheworld · 2 years
Journal No. 3
Is Media Necessary for Globalization?
Korean fashion or what we know as K-fashion is what’s “in” in countries that are widely open to Korean media that comes in the form of Korean pop, Korean drama, Korean fashion and even Korean beauty products - Philippines is not exempt to the consumption of all of this. Korean media consumers are fascinated not only by the talent of idols and the unique plots of dramas, but also by their fashion style.
Korean idols perform with different outfits for each music show. There is not the same outfit or look for them, their hairstyles and make-up change every time they release a new music, and they perform with beautifully designed costumes that match their concept. WJSN Chocome’s music has a cute concept calling for more colorful, patterned clothing and quirky accessories, as seen in the “Supper Yuppers!” music video, as well as LOONA's "Hula Hoop".
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Globalization is very much present in the idols' wardrobe. During the early industrialization period, women's fashion in Korea had been largely influenced by westerners from the US and its influences had persisted after the Korean War in the 1950s through the 1990s largely due to the close military alliance between the US and Korea (Choi & Oh, 2017). The groups LOONA and LE SSERAFIM wore denim fabric which popularized in the US because the songs they sang were written by foreign artists.
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Black culture has been integral to the development of K-pop, just as it has almost every modern genre. As CEO of HYBE, home to BTS, stated, Black music is the base. (Dahir, 2022).  Black people selling songs they produced to Korean companies is highly practiced in the industry. An example of a popular Afro-Latin pop genre in K-pop is Le SSERAFIM's "Anti-fragile."
Many people who view K-pop on the sidelines are unaware that K-pop is actually influenced by other cultures as well. Globalization Historically, the foundation and development of K-pop music culture are attributed to the prevalent impact of Western cultural imperialism Shim (2006, 2011b). The dominant explanation of the global K-pop phenomenon is the “hybridity”. The rise of K-pop therefore is only natural, given the expanding forces of Asian Culture vis-à-vis Western Culture. In this sense, K-pop is not a new cultural force in the global cultural system as long as it originates from Japan and/or China (i.e., hybrid), both of which have already hybridized their pop culture with the mix of WC since the 19th century (Iwabuchi, 2004, Forthcoming; Park, 2006; Hirata, 2008; Ryoo, 2009; Shim, 2011). South Korea, like the Philippines, was put under the sphere of the political, economic, and cultural influence of the United States. Unlike the Philippines, South Korea used such suppression to their advantage and produced something of their own (Domingo, 2021). In other words, Globalization, particularly in the realm of popular culture, breeds a creative form of hybridization that works towards sustaining local identities in the global context (Shim, 2011).
It is not a secret that some of the most popular K-pop songs were produced by Foreign artists, as seen in album details. Hit song “After Like” by IVE was produced by Ryan Jhun and Anders Nilsen who is a Norwegian songwriter, the song itself features a sample of Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive, an American singer. As well as “Next Level” by AESPA that used the sample created by Aston Wyld, an Australian singer and composer. The practice of putting on a well choreographed and synchronized dance, however, is unique to K-pop, another aspect contributing to their popularity.
While some argue that Kpop is a danger to Filipino culture since our radio plays Korean music more than Original Filipino Music (OPM), there is also evidence that it contributes to xenophobia, or a hatred of or prejudice towards individuals from other nations. An example would be the statement of Jinggoy Estrada during the Senate's budget hearing for the Film Development Council of the Philippines, "From what I have observed, we continue to show South Korean television series and that our fellow countrymen idolize Korean actors, while our artists are losing their jobs”. He also stated that he thinks of banning these foreign shows. Nuelle Duterte criticized his statement on Facebook, "We watched American television shows on Philippine channels. Politicians didn't seem to have a problem with them. It didn't 'kill' the PH entertainment industry". Cavite Gov. Juanito Victor "Jonvic" Remulla also said, "There are no boundaries in pop culture. Learn and take inspiration from what the Koreans have achieved".
These criticisms do make a point. No one bat an eye when Filipinos idolized Hollywood actors, and it’s not the reason why there is a lack of support towards Filipino Telenovelas. The recent unemployment of celebrities was due to the shutdown of ABS-CBN, a decision made by the country’s own law makers. Rather than taking inspiration from it, some people view Korean media as a threat to Filipino culture.
In a study from the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity it revealed that Hallyu or K-wave arrived in the Philippines through Korean dramas which are currently known as “Koreanovelas” in the early 2000. Hallyu was just the beginning of how Filipinos embraced the culture and products of South Korea. (Reasons why Filipinos love Korean culture and Products, 2022). Filipinos have been embracing Korean culture and goods for more than 30 years.
Korean dramas are appealing to youngsters. Every year, a huge number of youth dramas are produced. One the highest rated K-drama of all time is Reply 1998 with 18.803% (Nitura, 2022). It was a heartwarming drama that talked about friendship between 5 families during the 1998 summer Olympics. Most of K-dramas youth dramas reflect growing up experiences and friendships, which are heartwarming and relatable to Filipinos. In the Philippines, there are just 31 youth dramas, the most of them are about love which teenagers find “cringe”.
Another observable distinction between Philippine telenovelas and K-dramas is that the Philippines has “happy endings”, which I believe reflects the Filipino nature of optimism, as opposed to K-dramas, which occasionally finish in a gut-wrenching and agonizing finale. K-dramas are "binge-worthy" not just because of their intriguing plots, but also because they have few episodes, as opposed to Filipino telenovelas, which drag on for a hundred episodes.
Because of the availability of Korean media and technological progress, K-drama is undoubtedly influencing how Filipinos dress. If you look at the top ten dramas in the Philippines, you'll notice that there are 2-3 K-dramas on the list. Filipinos are exposed to other cultures, and they desire to follow these trends if it appeals to them. But, prior to the development of K-drama in the early 2000s, was there a distinct manner Filipinos dressed that was not influenced by Western culture? Take a look at these photos from the 1990s.
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Before the Philippines was exposed to Korean media, the fashion of that time was denim clothing. Baggy and ripped jeans were popular during this decade, as well as denim jackets and chain wallets. Striped sweaters, jumpsuits, and unbuttoned flannel shirts were also a hit among teenagers (Mentos, 2016). Denim clothing is not unique to our culture but rather was influenced by the Western culture. Denim has been used in the US since the mid-19th century. Denim initially gained popularity in 1873 when Jacob W. Davis, a tailor from Nevada, manufactured the first pair of rivet-reinforced denim pants (Denim, 2022). While the denim fabric originated in the southern French city of Nimes (Thrope, 2016). Prior to the 2000s, the Filipino way of clothing was already a product of globalization, and even the early popularization of denim in the US was a result of French export.
The trend in K-drama that Filipinos are incorporating into their wardrobes is more of a relaxed street fashion or Korean street wear, blending rock and hip hop aesthetics into street fashion pieces. Another popular K-fashion trend is the wearing of oversized trench coats, plaid suits and skirts.
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Korean influence has not changed the "Filipino" way in which we dress. Before we indulged ourselves in Korean media, we were already wearing Western clothing.
Technology is directly responsible for the globalization of Korean culture, and Filipinos are impacted by it. However, it is arguable if it has erased or transformed our culture because the way we wore prior to the advent of Korean influence in the Philippines was already a result of Western globalization, and yet no one looked twice, no one complained.
Because of the power of technology, the Korean government has achieved its aim of accessing international markets, including the Philippines. But this isn't entirely negative as it resulted in  the resurrection of OPM and the growth of P-POP or Filipino pop, which are groups influenced by K-pop. These groups are: BINI, Alamat, KAIA, MNL48 (a sister group of famous Japanese groups AKB48 and HKT48), and the most popular yet, SB19.
On December 3, SB19 appeared at number six on Billboard Year-End Social 50 chart, making them the first Southeast Asian act to reach the top 10 of the magazine's annual chart. On April 29, 2021, SB19 became the first Filipino and Southeast Asian act to be nominated in Billboard Music Awards for Top Social Artist.
Contemplating the success of K-pop globally, this is the same goal of P-pop as an emerging and revival cultural phenomenon in the Philippines (Benjamin, 2020). The Philippines is learning to adapt to the influences of globalization, and this has caused the Philippines to gain popularity in the international scene.
The claim that "Filipinos are losing their cultural identity as a result of Korean media" is unsubstantiated. There is no scale to quantify how Korean media has altered Philippine culture. Our culture had already been touched by Westerns and Spanish colonists before the popularization of Korean media.
The media has played a huge role in globalizing cultures, fashion, and music, so yes, it is indeed necessary. Every country under the circle of globalization is influencing one another. It is inevitable for Filipinos to consume Korean media just as globalization is an unstoppable phenomenon. However, the Philippines can adapt to the impacts of Korean culture, incorporate their own culture into and ultimately use it to their advantage. Even though it is inspired by Korean choreographies, P-pop will remain Filipino-made. The world is always changing, and we must avoid being trapped in the past. We should work to globalize our music and telenovelas so that everyone can appreciate our culture and language as well.
Oh, K., Choi, J. (2017). The Impact of the United States Fashion on Korean Fashion in 20th Century. Journal of Fashion Business, Vol.21(3), https://doi.org/ 10.12940/jfb.2017.21.3.80
Dahir, S. (2022, May 12). Naegaz in Paris: How Black Culture Created K-pop. The B-Side. https://berkeleybside.com/blackcultureandkpop/
Shim, D. (2006). Hybridity and the rise of Korean popular culture in Asia. Media, Culture & Society, 28(1), 25–44. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443706059278
Iwabuchi, K. (2004). “Korean Wave as Method Advancing the Studies of East Asian Media Culture Connections,” in John Lie (ed.), The Korean Wave (Hallyu), South Korea Popular Culture: Texts and Contexts; Affects and Audiences; K-pop, Politics, and Theories (New York: Palgrave, Forthcoming).
Park, S. (2006). “Munhwajeok Halin Kwanjeomeseo Bon Hallyuwa Junggukinui Hanguk Drama Sobi” [Consumption of Korean Dramas by Chinese and Korean Audiences in Aspect of Cultural Discount], in Soo-hyun Jang (ed.), Junggukui Hallyu, Eotteoke Ihaehalkeotinga [How Should We Understand the Hallyu in China].
Hirata, Y. (2008). “Touristization of Shin-Okubo and Hallyu in Japan,” in John Lie (ed.), The Korean Wave (Hallyu), South Korea Popular Culture: Texts and Contexts; Affects and Audiences; K-pop, Politics, and Theories (New York: Palgrave, Forthcoming).
Ryoo, W. (2009). “Globalization, or the Logic of Cultural Hybridization: The Case of the Korean Wave,” Asian Journal of Communication, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2009).
Shim, D. B. (2011). Waxing the Korean Wave,” Asia Research Institute, Working Paper Series, No. 158 (2011).
Domingo, L. Z. P. (2021). Korean Pop Music a Threat to Contemporary Filipino Identity? Globalization, Nation, and Interrogation in Philippine Culture and Identity. Asia Review, 11(2), 247–265. https://doi.org/10.24987/SNUACAR.2021.
Reasons Why Filipinos Love Korean Culture and Products (n.d). Bria. https://www.bria.com.ph/articles/reasons-why-filipinos-love-korean-culture-and-products/
Nitura, J. (2022). The Top 50 Highest-Rating Korean Dramas of All Time. Preview. https://www.preview.ph/culture/top-20-highest-rating-korean-dramas-a00268-20200519-lfrm
Mentos (2016). '90s things every Pinoy millennial squad can relate to. ABS-CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/advertorial/life/11/03/16/90s-things-every-pinoy-millennial-squad-can-relate-to
Thrope, J. (2016). How the birthplace of denim is making jeans again. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-37523552
Benjamin, J. 2020, Feb 03. “Filipino Boy Band SB19 Is Becoming a Mainstay on the Social 50 Chart.” Billboard. https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/ chart-beat/8550040/sb19-social-50-next-big-sound-chart-filipino-boy-bandprofile (Accessed: October 24, 2022).
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joessmoncler · 2 years
event in a monogrammed zip-up Moncler Sale windbreaker by the label
At Louis Vuitton's menswear fall 2022 show earlier this month, Venus Williams hit up the event in a monogrammed zip-up Moncler Sale windbreaker by the label. In New York we declared the suit was back, but after today in Milan it's a lock. Another designer could spend a year making the patchwork coat just sort of tossed over a bubble repp stripe midiskirt. The smallest plan offers basic closet access to more casual styles valued up to $300 and one shipment per month. Additionally, Cohen redoubled his efforts around sustainability. If I'm not mistaken, whoever first said can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, was referring to their SO, but I would argue that the saying rings just as true in regards to a certain undergarment: bras.
At for fall 2021, Hedi Slimane showed hunter green windbreakers that made me think of Princess Diana back in the 1980s, when she wore a classic Barbour style in the same hue. The fashion-forward affair was first in the line of various upcoming summer music events, including Canadian festivals Osheaga and Veld. We're eyeing flag touches on backs of denim jackets for both men and women. The collection also includes some covetable pieces that take inspiration from classic American style too. When we Moncler Woman Jackets met for coffee on New York's Lower East Side-between stores like Bode, Cafe Forgot, and adjacent to the highly curated vintage emporium James Veloria, each of which represents the city's new style-Prost appeared like a vision in almost a dozen clashing and ethereal layers: vintage floral jeans worn under a pleated wool skirt inspired by my look at , a tie-neck blouse and crochet vest underneath a Collina Strada pink hoodie, and a long strand of pearls.
The unique design concept is derived from the iconic 1951 Ferragamo Kimo sandal, with its woven bucket and lightweight leather construction. Magugu never had the chance to meet Elbaz in person, but he was acquainted with his work growing up in Johannesburg. With so many jobs in the fashion industry, it's no surprise that he has killer personal style to boot. First released as a two toned leather bag, it's now available in a rainbow of solid colors with mini and full size options. For fall 2022 they teamed up with Melbourne artist Lara Merrett, an abstract colorist whose saturated surfaces translated powerfully from canvas to cloth.
Vogue's Phil Oh will be braving the elements on the street to capture all the best outfits from the City of Light. Emily Ratajkowski and Maluma star in Versace's eyewear campaign, Precious Lee and Barbara Palvin are sizzling Moncler Jackets Sale hot in Jimmy Choo's latest, Millie Bobby Brown gets shady for , and more. If I'm not mistaken, whoever first said can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, was referring to their SO, but I would argue that the saying rings just as true in regards to a certain undergarment: bras. I'm trying to do the most I can, personally, to help neighbors and to volunteer in the area.
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jimjackets · 2 days
How To Build A Jacket Brand For Your Company
Are you passionate about fashion and eager to leave your mark in the world of outerwear? Creating your own jacket brand can be an incredibly rewarding venture, and we're here to guide you through the process step by step. Whether you're dreaming of sleek leather bombers, cozy down parkas, or stylish denim jackets, JIMJACKETS is your go-to resource for everything you need to know about building a successful jacket brand.
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Research Jacket Manufacturers
The first step in creating your own jacket brand is finding reliable jacket manufacturers who can bring your designs to life. Look for custom jacket manufacturers with a proven track record of quality craftsmanship and ethical production practices. JIMJACKETS connects you with trusted manufacturers who specialize in creating custom jackets for both men and women.
Define Your Brand Identity
What sets your jacket brand apart from the competition? Take the time to define your brand identity, including your target audience, unique selling points, and brand aesthetic. Are you focused on sustainable materials? Cutting-edge design? Classic elegance? JIMJACKETS helps you clarify your brand vision and position yourself for success in the market.
Design Custom Jackets
With JIMJACKETS by your side, designing custom jackets has never been easier. Work closely with our team of experienced designers to bring your creative vision to life. From selecting fabrics and colors to perfecting every detail, we'll help you create jackets that stand out from the crowd and keep your customers coming back for more.
Find the Best Jacket Suppliers
Partnering with the right suppliers is key to ensuring the success of your jacket brand. JIMJACKETS has established relationships with some of the best jackets suppliers in the industry, ensuring you have access to high-quality materials and components for your jackets. From zippers and buttons to linings and insulation, we'll help you source the best materials for your designs.
Launch Your Jacket Brand
With your custom jackets designed and manufactured to perfection, it's time to launch your brand and start making waves in the fashion world. Whether you're selling online, in retail stores, or at pop-up events, JIMJACKETS provides marketing support and guidance to help you reach your target audience and drive sales.
Building a jacket brand from the ground up is no easy task, but with the right guidance and support, you can turn your dream into a reality. Let JIMJACKETS be your partner on this exciting journey, and together, we'll create jackets that make a statement and leave a lasting impression.
Ready to Get Started?
Contact JIMJACKETS today to learn more about our custom jacket manufacturing services and take the first step toward building your own successful jacket brand!
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cbwmerch · 4 days
Clothes Industry Eco-Friendly Practices 
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The fashion industry has long been notorious for its environmental impact. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards more sustainable and eco-friendly practices within the sector. This transformation is evident across various aspects of the industry, from raw material sourcing to production processes and distribution methods.  
Sustainable Material Sourcing 
One of the most critical aspects of making the clothes industry more eco-friendly is the sourcing of raw materials. Traditional cotton farming, for example, is water-intensive and often relies heavily on pesticides.  
In contrast, organic cotton is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, making it a more sustainable option. Australian brands like Etiko and Pure Pod are pioneers in using organic cotton, which helps to reduce the environmental footprint associated with cotton farming. 
Recycled and Upcycled Materials 
The use of recycled materials is gaining traction as a means to reduce waste and minimise the environmental impact of clothing production. This includes recycling post-consumer textile waste, plastic bottles, and even old fishing nets to create new fabrics. Australian companies like Patagonia and Outland Denim are leading the charge by incorporating recycled materials into their products. 
Upcycling, which involves transforming discarded materials into new products, is another innovative approach. It helps to reduce waste and conserve resources by extending the life cycle of existing materials. Brands like The Social Outfit in Australia are making waves by upcycling fabric offcuts and remnants to create unique, sustainable fashion pieces. 
Eco-Friendly Production Techniques 
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Traditional dyeing processes are notorious for their heavy use of water and chemicals, which can be harmful to the environment. To combat this, the industry is turning to low-impact dyes that require less water and generate less waste. These dyes are also free from harmful chemicals and heavy metals, reducing the environmental impact of the dyeing process. 
Water and Energy Conservation 
The clothes industry is a major consumer of water and energy, but many companies are now adopting practices to reduce their usage. Waterless dyeing technology, for instance, eliminates the need for water in the dyeing process, significantly cutting down on water consumption.  
This technology is being explored by various brands and manufacturers within Australia, striving to minimise their water footprint. 
Ethical Manufacturing and Fair Trade 
Ethical manufacturing is a crucial aspect of the clothes industry’s move towards sustainability. This includes ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for workers involved in the production process. Australian brands like Cue and Nobody Denim have been recognised for their commitment to ethical manufacturing practices, ensuring that their supply chains are free from exploitation and unsafe working conditions. 
Transparent Supply Chains 
Transparency in the supply chain is essential for ensuring that eco-friendly practices are upheld throughout the production process. Brands are increasingly providing information about their sourcing and manufacturing processes to consumers, allowing them to make informed choices. This transparency helps to build trust and demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. 
Green Logistics and Packaging 
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The shift towards eco-friendly practices extends beyond production to include logistics and packaging. Many brands are now opting for sustainable packaging options, such as recycled cardboard and biodegradable plastics. This helps to reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste, which is a significant issue in the retail sector. 
Carbon Neutral Shipping 
Shipping and distribution can also contribute significantly to the environmental footprint of the clothes industry. To address this, some companies are adopting carbon-neutral shipping practices. This involves offsetting the carbon emissions generated during transportation through various means, such as investing in renewable energy projects or reforestation initiatives. 
Consumer Awareness and Education 
Educating consumers about the environmental impact of their clothing choices is a vital component of driving change within the industry. Many brands are actively promoting sustainable fashion and encouraging consumers to consider the environmental and ethical implications of their purchases. This includes campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of choosing eco-friendly materials and supporting brands that prioritise sustainability. 
Encouraging Responsible Consumption 
In addition to promoting sustainable fashion, there is a growing emphasis on encouraging responsible consumption. This involves advocating for practices such as buying fewer, higher-quality items that are designed to last longer.  
It also includes promoting the repair and recycling of clothing to extend its life cycle and reduce waste. Australian initiatives like The Clothing Exchange facilitate the swapping of pre-loved garments, fostering a culture of responsible consumption and sustainability. 
The transition towards eco-friendly practices in the clothes industry is a complex and ongoing process, but it is essential for reducing the sector’s environmental impact. From sustainable material sourcing to eco-friendly production techniques, ethical manufacturing, and green logistics, there are numerous ways in which the industry is evolving to become more sustainable.  
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