#fashion impact fund
selenagomez92 · 9 months
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Selena Gomez for Rare impact fund benefit
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whoworewhatjewels · 9 months
Who Wore What Jewels Weekly
In a world where fashion and jewelry collide in a glamorous spectacle, the battle for the title of “Best Bling” never takes a day off! And this week was no exception! We had the luminous Jennifer Lopez rocking Surrealist jewels from Schiaparelli, the iconic Paris Hilton making a statement with massive Wonder Women cuffs from Area at the Latin Billboard Music Awards, and the enchanting Rihanna…
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worldcottonday · 1 month
United Nations Fashion and Lifestyle Network Annual Meeting.
The third edition of the UN Fashion and Lifestyle Network annual meeting, jointly organized by the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the Fashion Impact Fund, stands as a crucial milestone in advancing collaborations within the fashion and lifestyle sectors.
Bringing together advisory committee members, registered partnerships, industry stakeholders, leaders, media, and UN representatives, the meeting serves as a pivotal platform for showcasing impactful actions and progress. The overarching objective is to increase sector engagement in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recognizing the profound influence of these sectors on societies and the environment.
This year's gathering will focus on key sectors such as fashion, home, textiles, jewelry, luxury, and travel which will help strengthen the promises of the SDGs, striving for global transparency, inclusivity, and sustainable transformation.
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Watch the United Nations Fashion and Lifestyle Network Annual Meeting!
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meiko3323 · 2 months
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what is sleep?
stayed up till 7am exploring new areas and also jebaited myself into finishing a whole world quest only to find out it doesnt directly take me to the golem boss and you gotta like take this side path to it that was accessible from beginning 🙂 going to sleep was a mistake cuz now i woke up late and theres less time in the day for me to do stuff unless i stay up again and i got work tmo 😩 cant wait to do Fathers story quest, its gonna be so lit o3o
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shaadiwish · 9 months
Check Out How Selena Gomez Rocked The Stunning Iris Dress By Indian Designer Rahul Mishra. Stay Tuned To ShaadiWish For Latest Trends And Ideas.
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bigdorks · 1 year
closer | hobie brown
A/N: Idk what this is tbh. It's like a mix between a series of hcs and a lil bit of smut. There's like 3 lines of dialogue in the whole fic opps. Warning: smut towards the end so 18+, afab reader, this is kinda cheesy, pls read the tags for more info WC: 1k+
At first, you didn't know what to make of Hobie Brown. He was a tall, formidable presence, so steadfast in his beliefs in a way that wasn't really shared among many of his peers.
Cliche as it is, you'd never met anyone quite like him, despite the many variants of Spidermen that existed across the multiverse that you had come across.
Like the rest, he fought valiantly against the evil within his own Earth, battling fascists and collapsing oppressive corridors of power with his 'Spiderband.' But he did it in his own unique way, true to his punk lifestyle. You remember how hard you'd laughed when he told you about the time he had once rushed a stage at a fashion show in protest.
He never faltered in abiding by what he felt was right. You saw the way he supported those who desperately needed it, even when it diverged from the majority. That Hobie had stood by Miles even when the entire multiverse was against him.
And with that, you couldn't help but to admire Hobie, wanted to be more like him. Be a little more unapologetic and devoted in ways you had not learned of yet.
When Miles got his powers, you resigned yourself to a mere supportive role in the background. But you had always wanted to do so much more. To be more helpful than a quick phone call to the authorities as the computer nerd in the chair. A part of you wanted to prove to yourself that you didn't need superpowers to be a driving, albeit small, force of change. So, you set out to do just that.
Beyond supporting Miles's operations as Spiderman, you found grassroots organizations to involve yourself with. You volunteered at schools as a mentor, supported mutual aid funds in any way you could, and advocated against the local forces that threatened to destroy all of the progress Miles had made as Spiderman.
And maybe you inspired Hobie, too, in your own smaller efforts. Perhaps it was not as great or impactful as the collective heroic actions of the Spider-people, but it was enough to create a small ripple of change within your own community.
There was one time when Hobie had smiled, so proud and excited when you'd told him how you'd teamed up with Miles to raise enough funds to save the local struggling performing arts center.
You could still recall how giddy you felt when his arms pulled you to his chest and held you there, maybe for a beat too long, while his pierced mouth rained you in praise.
As you grew closer to him, talking to him about anything and everything became so easy. Relaxed banter flowed in your conversations with the complement of his dry humor to your sarcastic remarks. You'd become so consumed in each other during your talks that hours would pass by without notice.
Among the lingering touches and steady chatter, the frequent looks of longing that you and Hobie gave to each other were enough to clue the others in on the tangible tension between you. They were gleeful in their sly matchmaking attempts, especially Pavitr, who didn't even try to hide his play at Cupid.
Nonetheless, it wasn't long before you and Hobie fell into a relationship. A relationship that existed beyond labels and social titles. You both just went together. And it was as simple as that. As natural as breathing.
That is not to say it wasn't hard sometimes.
Problems arose from the cosmic distance between you two. Conflicts born out of Hobie's obligations as Spiderman and yours to Miles. And yet it wasn't anything you both couldn't work out. It took a lot of self-humbling and vulnerable communication you hadn't thought yourself capable of, but it was all worth it in the end.
So even though you and Hobie lived on two entirely different Earths, in different planes of reality, you still managed to find a way to be together.
You'd go to his universe and support him when he played packed shows in some underground pub, decked out in a patch-filled leather jacket and spikey accessories you had made with him. You’d drank with his mates and proudly screamed the lyrics of every song until your throat felt raw.
Some days, he'd stop by your apartment, and you'd introduce him to everything that had yet to be made in his own universe, particularly the music.
You watched as he combed through your vinyl collection and picked a new album to listen to, how his wicks moved around when he bobbed his head along to the melodic shouts of Mommy Long Legs, the versatile flows of Bad Brains or even the soothing tones of Sweetback.
And there were days like this when conversations lulled, and desire took over. Days when the history between the two of you felt as ancient as the cosmos, vast and full of eons of memory. Like you'd known Hobie longer than you really had. Every touch was well-practiced and well-placed, brewing ecstasy wherever they landed, as though you both had done this same dance a million times before.
Clothes litter the small space of your living room floor. He lays with you astride his hips and his back to the old cushions of your secondhand couch, which creaks noisily underneath your heavy movements. Kisses are stolen in between pants. Your breaths are shared in the small space that exists before your bodies.
Hobie's hands slide up and down the curves of your body, brushing your thin braids from your face, groping at your chest, guiding your hips to keep a steady pace with him. Your combined moans and the wet sounds from your repeated joining create a heady atmosphere that clouds the expanse of your mind.
You sit up and throw your head back when the pleasure becomes too much. Your braids follow the harsh motion like a whip, but you don't register any pain when they slap against your back, too focused on feeding your ravenous need for release.
Your hands press against his abdomen for leverage, your thighs aching when you bounce on him even faster. As his hard cock continues to bully your insides, your walls start to clench tighter around him, a sign that you're close to crossing the line that separates you from complete delirium.
"You feel so good." His voice strangled in his throat, his hips humping upwards toward yours. "Look at how well you're takin' all of me, love. You're soakin' it."
You look down to see the heat in his gaze as he watches the two of you join again and again. The sticky mess of your fluids wet his dick, spreading further and further across his lower half with each smack of your thighs. It makes you grind down harder, your blood pulse even faster, and your breathing grow heavier as your body reaches a plateau.
But what really pushes you over the edge is when his thumb finds your engorged clit, rubbing a series of smooth circles against the tacky skin. It's exactly enough stimulation to help you fall right into the throes of euphoria.
"S-shit, Hobie!"
Your limbs tense and shake as you groan, a mixture of his name and incoherent praises and begs falling from tender lips. You barely notice Hobie finding his release beneath you, his grunts joining your symphony of noises as his hips stutter to a stop, a warmth blossoming from where he's hilted inside of you.
You take a moment to catch your breath and steady the harsh palpitations of your heart. When Hobie gently pulls out of you, you can feel the slow drip of his cum further wet the damp skin of your thighs and his pelvis.
Like always, he's a master of aftercare, cleaning you both up and then helping you dress in fresh clothes. He carries you to your bed despite you insisting you can walk.
And when he lies down beside you and pulls you to lay on his bare chest, you're content as you think of how deeply he's become a part of your life, a part of you.
"I really love you, y'know." You whisper to him, slowly drifting off to sleep.
He presses smiling lips to your forehead in a kiss and somehow pulls you even closer. "I really love you, too."
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 4 months
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You Are Changing with TXT
life brings changes, and TXT is unconditionally, lovingly and supportively by your side (fluff)
5 member x reader scenarios in the form of bullet points TRIGGER WARNIG: hinting body dysmorphia, destructive habits, social anxiety, perfectionism, low self-worth wc: ca. 1740
deviders by @cafekitsune
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your body is changing and with that you have to get to know its new form
there are two major things that are affected in your daily life:
one thing is that you have a different capacity of moving through a day, a different sense of how you feel your body
Yeonjun will be by your side when you actively decide to workout, monitoring your capacity and reminding you to do it at your pace, letting you discover how your body currently works.
If you grow frustrated that one exercise is not as easy as it used to be, he reminds you that it is perfectly fine, that with lifestyle, mental and physical changes, you experience changes in almost every realm and that it is not a bad thing, just a natural one.
He motivates you, dries your tears, holds your hand to help you with your balance, but also to prove that you are not alone, that he literally got you.
Besides sports, he gives you an abundance of loving touches, massaging you, caressing you, cuddling you, he wants to make you feel your body comfortably, welcoming you in this world in every singly form you go through in life.
the other thing is how you perceive your vessel
Yeonjun will fund your new wardrobe. Clothes that fit and you feel confident in.
You might be uncomfortable with your current clothes, so he will make sure to not only express that you can take his, he will put a pile of clothes on the bed in the morning, so that you can simply reach out and put fabric with his scent on you.
If it’s a day you especially struggle, he will dress you himself, gently pushing sleeves over your arm and he will add kisses and hugs, letting you rest in his presence, to make sure to remind you of comfort’s existence when you initially cannot find yourself feeling comfortable in your skin.
If you enjoy going shopping by yourself he’ll give you money and lets you buy whatever you want. He will also always let some money in your pocket in case you spontaneously stumble upon a piece of fashion you find gorgeous, so you can get it right away.
If you want to go shopping, but you feel like you cannot handle it by yourself, seeing your unfamiliar reflection in the unflattering light of the changing rooms, he’ll join you and he will be rather picky with what you should get.
He will judge clothes with all of his honesty, keeping a high standard omnipresent, because you deserve the best of the best regarding the financial capacity he can provide.
Quality over quantity.
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you have built some habits that are rather destructive and you want to get rid of them
Soobin will first of all always listen to what you are telling him, quietly sitting next to you and nodding along you animately taking about what’s on your mind.
When it comes to actually working on getting rid of habits, let’s say, trying to not look at your phone first thing in the morning, he will observe you in the beginning without interfering.
Only when you grow frustrated, because you cannot manage to break the habit, he offers help that he only lives by when you accept it.
He’s help you come up with habit replacements, letting you switch off your alarm on your phone and immediately imitates the melody, making you laugh at first, but you join him.
He would ask you to do stuff, just so you can transition between moments without returning to the undesired habit.
In this case, he’ll ask you if you’d make him coffee, knowing that you love the scent of it.
So, slowly, but surely, you build a new routine excluding the tasks you dislikes and Soobin’s celebrating every step on the way to a slightly yet impactful different course of your day that allows you to go to bed more carefreely and at peace.
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you used to be carefree in social realms, but people hurt you over and over again and even though you thought you would be able to handle it, you learnt that the past will eventually catch on and limit your abilities that you used to see as your irrefutable strong suits
Beomgyu knows you as being talkative and bubbly, joking with people and making them laugh. He watched you speaking to strangers, just because you found them interesting, asking them about what book they were reading and presented your current fav or where they got their jacket from, telling them that it would perfectly fit to your new pants.
He registers you becoming more and more timid, finding you sitting quietly, listening to the people around you and he waited for you to jump in with a horrible pun you would spontaneously come up with just for the joy of it, but you do it less and less.
When you have to prepare for a presentation, he watches you practicing it the same way you used to, but has a message on his phone, asking if he can pick you up, at a time that he expects you to still be in class.
He learns that you are not doing well in talking in front of people anymore and embraces you after the presentation, holding your shaking hands and caressing your palm with his fingers in a rhythm that you can use to match your breathing with.
When people talk over your quiet voice, strength not vocalize your thoughts needing to be build up every time you want to say something, he will speak up to ask you directly what you wanted to say during a break of conversation and even when no opportunity arises in that moment, he will make sure to ask you later on, so that you can tell at least him.
He wants to make sure, you will always have someone who listens to your thought, regardless whether you bring them out all shy and quiet or loud and excited.
At days you really cannot bring yourself to speaking without tearing up, he offers you to write.
Sometimes you put only key-words onto the paper and let him talk about whatever comes to his mind, nodding in agreement or shaking your head in disagreement, to convey your connotation in the most minimalistic way possible.
At other times you write whole essays in your diary and let it open on your bed, a signal for Beomgyu to have concerns to read through your thoughts.
Beomyu will not be less entertained by you. You are still the same funny and exhilarating person you used to be. You just express yourself differently, and that is fine. Outgoing or not outgoing, you are just as valid as always, and the world changes and so do you.
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you used to be academically high achieving, but now life is not as favorable for being able to focus on studying like you knew it
you struggle with two things:
one is that academic validation used to be your evidence for being smart and without good grades you doubt your own intellect, causing you to feel insecure and stupid
Taehyun will ask you for your expertise often.
Even if you feel like your knowledge is not profound enough, he will assure you that you are valuable regardless of what numbers on paper say.
He asks you a lot about your hobbies, just to listen to you rant about topics in such depths that not only he finds inspiration and knowledge, but you do yourself, having fun with what your brain is capable of instead of only harassing it for productivity.
the other thing is that you used to have high goals that required good grades, but now you find yourself with the unfamiliarity of not envisioning the same future for you anymore and you do not know what do do and where to go, lost the sense of what you actually want
Taehyun loves to daydream with you, just talking about everything and anything, fantasizing about the most unrealistic ideas, because he believes that there is always to an access the making reality similar to fantasy. You only have to return to thinking realistically, adding the valuable pinch of fantasy into your daily life.
That is how he helps you explore yourself.
Besides that, he will take you to new places and into new situations, also familiar places and situations, and lets you evaluate those, looking out for whether you enjoyed it and what specifically, so that you find orientation in what makes you currently happy.
Even if you find yourself discovering something that makes you feel embarrassed, he will react in excitement, infecting you with the curiosity of who you are right now rather than who you used to be and he will love you with every new thing you embody and says goodby to everything you decide to let go with utmost thankfulness.
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you used to make sure to not be an inconvenience for people, but you grew sick of unnecessarily considering everything and everyone around you without considering yourself
Kai likes you being easy-going, but he hates seeing situations not being easy-going for you. You are giving so much with nothing in return, aware that he can not just expect you to get everything without asking for anything.
You might worry that you turn out being too much, too high maintenance if you start claiming requirement, so Kai suggests that you start with verbalizing your wishes and expectation to him more nonchalantly, calling him out for not tidying up after him or directly asking him to get you a pretty rose, you see in a flower shop.
He reminds you that people around you are autonomous individuals and can decline requests or compromise with you when you feel like you might be too harsh and careless.
Kai will comfort you when you are uncomfortable and not able to stick up for yourself, following people’s preferences that do not go against your own but don't align with you as well as they could if you showed initiative, and he lets you rant and be annoyed and embrace the emotions until you realize again that you can take action and protect your well-being and that you deserve to do so.
He proudly watches you becoming more confident and carrying yourself with a better sense of responsibility and respect, and he himself grows, inspired and motivated by you.
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comments are highly appreciated 🤗
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redwoodrecords · 11 months
— redwood. —
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━ introduction. ━
Congratulations! You have just received an acceptance letter from Redwood University.
A highly selective institution with alumni ranging from Nobel Peace Prize winners, Film Directors, Diplomats and other internationally renowned individuals. You are the first in your small town to make it to the 'big leagues'. With the weight of their expectations, your desire to make it somehow, your college fund suddenly emptied and the academic pressure placed on your shoulders, everything was already shaping up to be a stressful time. But now, there are letters, weird circumstances, a dead body, and suddenly, you're thrown into a game that you never knew was playing.
Everything powerful harbours secrets. Are you willing to uncover them?
redwood is rated 16+ for sexual content, violence, substance abuse, and more. everything will be tagged accordingly before the chapter containing it.
━ the game ━
You play as ‘the pledge’, a new recruit to the universities’ houses, of which there are five. You have to impress the house’s inhabitants and compete against the others who are fighting for the same spot that you are.
You can choose your approach to the game and how you treat your competitors. Every gameplay is unique, as most choices leave an impact.
While your character competes for their spot in a ‘House’, they will also be attempting to uncover the secrets that are buried within. Make sure to balance school, pledging and mystery hunting! It’s harder than you’d think.
━ genre(s) ━
mystery. coming of age. romance.
━ features. ━
a fully customisable MC, including choice of gender, name, sexual orientation, dietary requirements, house, pronouns, race, appearance and personality.
choose your relationship with your family members, friends, competitors and romantic interests!
a story that relies heavily on your choices, every playthrough is different.
GoC love interests that are optional, play with an option of romance or without!
build relationships with others and create enemies or allies.
get to the bottom of your family’s history, and how it intertwines with redwood.
━ romance options. ━
not only are there four main romance options, but you also have the ability to have romantic/sexual encounters with others.
⇢ max bennett
Max Bennett was born with a silver spoon in their mouth but never learnt how to use it, raised by their quirky auntie in upstate New York. With a tall stature and thick black hair, they are the epitome of a dream indie movie star. They applied to Redwood because of its prestige and their desire to follow in their parents footsteps. They never expected to meet you, especially considering their history with the Houses.
Maximilian Bennett is 6’4, with messy black hair, pale skin, green eyes and a beauty mark on his left cheek.
Maxine Bennett is 5’11, with her black hair cut into a bob, a beauty mark above her right eyebrow, and a slim build.
⇢ sam washington
Sam Washington is always looking for the next scoop and they think they’ll find it in you. Born to a family of media moguls, Sam is wishing to find their independence at Redwood. They’ve been given the scoop on the Houses and they could be a good ally to have due to their connections and charisma, although they would not blame you if you want to be something more.
Samson Washington is 6’2, with short curly brown hair, hazel eyes, a broad build, glasses (although he prefers contacts) and a beauty mark under his right eye.
Samantha Washington is 5’7, with long curly lighter brown hair, a single beauty mark under her left eye, a curvier build, glasses (because she hates contacts) and full lips.
⇢ frankie blake
Frankie Blake is the child of a major fashion designer and your also new roommate, although their family is known for being extravagant and ostentatious, they are the complete opposite. An art enthusiast who is looking for their next muse, and the quirk of your smile is enough to inspire a thousand drawings. They are a Redwood legacy and they’re willing to show you around, for a price of course. Nothing comes for free. Frankie has dark brown skin that is covered in freckles, with kinky hair and the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen.
Francis Blake is 5’10 with short twist outs, a toned build, freckles and a wardrobe filled with shorts.
Frances Blake is 5’4 with long, back length braids that are decorated with gold accessories, a slim build and freckles.
⇢ ali nakamura
Ali Nakamura is the only child of their politician mother and is already well-established at Redwood. They seem perfectly pleasant in public, however it is your first day at Redwood and you have already presented yourself as a rival. Through no fault of your own, that’s what you insist anyways. They have silky, dyed blond hair, well-groomed black eyebrows and an affinity for neutral tones. Although they insist on their aloof demeanour, you occasionally catch them looking at you with a look you can’t decipher.
Alistair Nakamura is 6’0, with an average build, tan skin, short honey blond hair with dark eyes.
Alison Nakamura is 5’5, with an average build, tan skin, shoulder-length sunflower blonde hair and dark eyes.
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war-of-heirs · 1 year
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Demo | Forum | Discord
War of Heirs is a low fantasy story where you are thrown into court intrigue, conspiracy, and rivalry with your siblings.
The game focuses on family, romance, war, and relationships.
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You’re the third-born son/daughter of Queen Celine and Emperor Otto. Your mother declared your name for succession without your say-so, making you a contender for the Golden Throne and a threat to Queen Helga and your older half-brothers. Will you manage to build a power base, an army, and most importantly, win the throne, or will you die trying?
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Play as a prince or a princess.
Have a beast of a companion by your side that is ready to die for you.
Customize your appearance and personality.
Have children.
Be a cruel person or kind or both.
Survive assassination attempts.
Build and lead an army.
Gather support from outside of the empire.
Fall in love.
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ROs (Portraits are still in the works and could be changed later.)
Lady Gossa
Lady Gossa of House Noorga, known as the Blood Queen of Noorga.
Gossa is an unstable, sadistic, and cruel woman, even by her house standards. She suffers from the Noogren madness that plagues her entire family. She sees and hears the world differently from others.
Unlike her mad mother, Gossa is good at hiding her true self. She will not leave you alone until you fall in love with her, whether you are into women or not.
Nobody knows what she will be like as a partner, but having her support will mean having access to her father’s large duchy and the feared Black Guard of her house.
She can be romanced by a male or female MC.
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Lady Sabrina
Lady Sabrina of House Astilaa is a known figure in the Northern regions of the empire. As the younger sister of the Duke of Ouwdel, she commands great respect as a member of one of the strongest houses in the area, serving as a bannerman to the Northern Archduke.
Sabrina possesses a sharp mind and ambition, always looking to expand her power and influence. She has earned a reputation for throwing extravagant parties and being a trendsetter in fashion, drawing the attention of many throughout the empire. She rules her brother’s duchy while he spends most of his time at the brothels, making her the true power in the duchy. A duchess with the title of a lady.
As an ally, Sabrina's intelligence and influence make her a valuable asset, but as an enemy, she is not to be underestimated. Those who cross her would do well to beware of her formidable wrath.
As your enemy, can she even be trusted?
She can be romanced by a male MC.
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Lady Quella
Lady Quella of House Goldstone, the Hand of the Emperor’s daughter.
Quella is a sweet, shy, kind-hearted, and compassionate young woman who has devoted her life to improving the lives of others. While some dismiss her as naive or overly idealistic. Quella is beloved by the common folk for her tireless efforts to champion their cause.
Using her vast wealth and resources, Quella has established numerous charities throughout the city, providing aid and support to those in need. She has also taken it upon herself to build an orphanage to house the countless children left homeless and destitute on the streets, constantly funded by her.
Despite her soft-spoken nature, Quella is fiercely protective of those she cares about, and she will go to great lengths to support those who share her kindness and compassion. Her unwavering dedication to doing good in the world makes her an invaluable ally to any who seeks to make a positive impact on the world or improve their reputation.
Those who would seek to take advantage of her kindness, however, would be wise to tread carefully. While she may seem gentle and unassuming, Quella is no pushover, and she will not hesitate to use her wealth and influence to protect those she holds dear.
She can be romanced by a male MC.
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Lady Varina
Lady Varina of House Stefield: Your friend and companion. She was sent to serve you in exchange for you to find her a good marriage offer and to secure the alliance between your grandfather and her house.
She can sometimes be a controlling freak over everything and everyone around her.
As a fifth-born, most see no future for her but to marry into a minor nobility. But Varina always strives for perfection and will never rest until she achieves her goals.
She can be romanced by a male or female MC.
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Sultana Layla
Sultana Layla of House Morved: A foreigner from a rival empire. She is the sultan’s favorite child.
Layla is a strong-willed and free woman that likes to do what she wants. She will hate anyone who tries to control her. She loves riding horses and hunting. She also learned how to fight from a young age and prefers fighting using a spear
. She will be a supportive and strong partner that will stand with the MC no matter what happens. Having her support will mean having access to the sultan’s massive resources and the empire’s formidable army, maybe even war elephants.
She can be romanced by a male MC. (Maybe also a female MC?) ¯(ツ)/¯
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Lord Sandor
Lord Sandor of House Noorga. The crown heir to his house and Gossa’s older brother. Like his family, the Noorgen plague haunts him every day. He’s in a constant battle with his other self, the other Sandor that wants to control him.
Yet Sandor still remains strong, but for how long? Which one of them will win in the end? The MC can help him in his battle.
He is also a formidable commander that can cause havoc across the battlefield. His enemies never see him coming. If romanced, he will cut the tongue of anyone who speaks ill of the MC and will do his best to protect her.
He can be romanced by a female MC.
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King Vlad
King Vlad of the Kindom of Avridia. Betrayed by his uncle, Vlad is forced to run away from his kingdom with his mother and some forces loyal to him.
He crossed the empire border seeking the support of The Vorla Empire to reclaim his throne. Unfortunately for him, Emperor Karl is yet to grant him an audience, so Vlad sets his eyes upon his heirs. He will do everything in his power to reclaim his throne, no matter what.
At first, he will see the female MC as nothing more than a naive little girl that can be easily manipulated, but he will be on a tough ride once he finds himself in love.
He can be romanced by a male and female MC.
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Prince Karif
Prince Karif of House Morved: A foreigner from a rival empire. He is the sultan’s second child.
Advangerer, fighter, mercenary, and explorer, Karif had the most freedom among his siblings leading him to follow his dream of exploring the world.
From the Far East to the Deep North, Karif wants to experience and explore everything the world has to offer. He would very much love to explore it with the MC.
He can be romanced by a male or female MC.
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Lord Oliver
Lord Oliver of House Stefield: Your friend and companion. He was sent to serve you and to secure the alliance between your grandfather and his house.
Oliver wants to be your bodyguard in hopes of raising in status. Unlike his twin sister, Oliver is chill and outgoing. He doesn’t care about what others think of him.
Oliver will cherish and love the MC with all of his heart and will do anything for her.
He can be romanced by a female MC.
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
Good News From Israel
In the 4th Feb 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Kibbutz Be’eri re-opened its printing press 3 days after the Hamas attack.
Thanks to Israeli tech, a totally paralyzed woman is “virtually” cured.
The first Arab Israeli delegation to visit Auschwitz.
Lab-cultivated coffee cuts water used in production by 98%.
An Israeli startup delivers the world’s first fully electronic truck.
Israelis win international gold medals in ice hockey and fencing.
An embassy for indigenous people is to open in Jerusalem.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Israel’s resilience in the wake of the Oct 7 onslaught has astounded many of its overseas supporters and opponents alike. Israel is making an astonishing comeback, as this week’s positive newsletter highlights.   On the Jewish New Year for trees, JNF-USA volunteers planted thousands of trees at the site of the devastated NOVA music festival. Israel’s largest printing press resumed operation 3 days after Hamas overran the kibbutz. The IDF brought back a tractor stolen by Hamas on Oct 7 from Gaza to its kibbutz owners. Wounded IDF soldiers are being brought back to health thanks to heroic rescues, surgeons using hi-tech medical technology, and empathic volunteers providing rehabilitation, respite, and emotional support.   Aside from the war, Israeli medical technology brought back the ability to communicate to a paralyzed Israeli woman. And an Israeli startup won an international award for regrowing human bone tissue. Meanwhile, two initiatives are restoring trust between Israeli Jews and Arabs.   Israelis are helping the USA bring its aging power grid back to life; and an Israeli startup is recycling waste into fashion products. Israel’s economy is certainly coming back, and a new Resilience fund is helping war-impacted startups make a comeback. Meanwhile El Al is increasing its flights to bring back tourists and to encourage international business.   The warm winter and welcome rains have brought back color into Jerusalem’s streets; Israel’s ice hockey team came back from being banned from a tournament, to winning all its 5 games; and Israel just celebrated the 20th anniversary of its greatest ecological comeback – the rehabilitation of the Hula Valley.   Finally, "they will all come to Jerusalem" – as the world gradually recognizes that the Jewish People have come back to their ancestral homeland, the Indigenous peoples of the world have opened an embassy in Jerusalem. The photo is of the Netanya offices of Elbit Systems, which has helped Israel make a fighting comeback.
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selenagomez92 · 9 months
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Selena x Rare impact fund benefit 2023.
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seafoamreadings · 7 months
planetary money
mercury and jupiter are the most commonly understood types. but all the planets can impact you financially or represent a financial gift or mode of operating.
the sun - actual gold. the vitality one experiences when one has plenty of resources at one's disposal, whether those are money, friends, time, or just a full refrigerator.
the moon - actual silver. the need one has for material resources and money, the way it can keep us healthy and happy, the way it can connect us to other people. the way we are nourished by food and goods, which we must buy with money, or barter for.
mercury - the exchange of money. the way it flows. really the current of the currency. mercury shares etymology with words like merchant, market, and mercantile.
venus - this is the attraction of money, the sparkle that people love about gold, the thing that convinces people to pay for your product or service.
mars - the lust for money, which can be dangerous, and its pursuit too. the hustle, for better or worse. at best it is good old fashioned hard work, at worst it is extreme devastating greed or miserliness.
ceres - the fruits of your labor, the way you reap what you sow. the harvest, literally and metaphorically.
jupiter - accumulated wealth, abundance of resources - money, time, food, helpful people, etc - the savings in your bank account, the nest egg, the big profit. jupiter does best when this is handled both wisely AND generously.
saturn - often associated with deprivation and scarcity, poverty, but can also if well-placed and well-aspected be wise frugality, talent with a budget, stretching a small amount to live a better life or better provide for others, and also inheritances, wills, trust funds, etc.
uranus - unexpected money. a lottery winning, a wild gift, finding a suitcase full of money buried in your yard...? nothing easy, nothing normal, nothing you worked much for.
neptune - this spiritual planet ALMOST transcends money, but it is also the soul of money, the spirit of how we can use resources to bolster each other and the world rather than to tear it down for greed's sake. neptune is the anti-greed. but it can also be deception or confusion about money, so be careful.
pluto - wealth that lasts. wealth that is impervious to inflation and the whims of humankind. huge inheritances. the bounty put forth by the earth itself. the metals and gemstones and minerals out of the dirt.
any thoughts? :)
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 44
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 2.6K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
The days stretched on into weeks and the absence of news about the conflict between the Night Court and Autumn Court gnawed at your stomach like a knot. You kept telling yourself that no news was better than bad news, but it did little to ease your worries. Trying to distract yourself, you threw yourself into community housing projects and outreach work. Living in the apartments now, you saw firsthand the changes that needed to be made - everything was too dull and lifeless. Despite hoping that residents would bring their own personal touches to make the place cozier, many of them had nothing more than the clothes on their backs. It was then that you decided to create a fund for hiring interior designers from Velaris' fashion districts to liven up the homes. However, many of them were hesitant to step foot into the lower end of the city, let alone work for its impoverished residents. But there were a few generous souls who gladly offered their time, resources, and expertise to help transform the complex. Plush carpeting, fresh paint, and cozy furniture slowly brought life back into the once dreary space.
Your days were now consumed with work, keeping busy whenever there was a moment of quiet. But despite your efforts, thoughts of Azriel lingered constantly. You wondered what he ate for dinner, if it was anything like the delicious chicken curry that one of the mothers had spent all afternoon preparing but didn't have enough ingredients to feed everyone. Did he reach for you in his sleep, searching for warmth and finding only cold sheets? Did he gaze at the moon and feel comfort knowing you were both living under the same night sky?
As promised, Rhysand came to the apartments three times a week, bearing trays of delectable desserts made by Elain and fabric swatches painstakingly chosen and sent by Nesta. Even though you often found yourself lost in thought, trying to discern the minute differences between the fabrics, Nesta still desperately sought your opinion on the nursery. It was an odd sight, seeing the High Lord of the Night Court seated in a too-small apartment, perched upon a rickety second-hand chair. The residents would bow down in reverence at his presence, but he would just give them a soft smile, urging them not to treat him as anything more than a visitor. You rolled your eyes at this statement, knowing all too well that those who saw him with such admiration would be shocked to see him lounging in an oversized chair in his library - feet propped up in pajamas while Nyx curled into his lap, both of their hair tousled from sleep. It was a familiar scene for you now. How had you become so intimately acquainted with the most powerful male in all of the Night Court?
Your conversations were solely focused on practical matters - discussions about the housing project, funding allocations, building permits and requests for aid. You often also worked on your shielding practice. But there was one question that lingered in your mind - if you were able to build up that barrier between you and your mate, could you return to the safety of the Townhouse, to Azriel? Although a part of you wanted to ask Rhysand for his plans regarding your future, you hesitated. You thought it better to live in the naivety that if you just worked hard enough on your shielding you might be able to go home instead of the more probably reality that even if you could keep everyone out, you wouldn’t be allowed back until everything had been resolved.
The bed was like a slab of concrete, the sheets coarse and rough against your skin as you lay on your side. The darkness of the room seemed to press in, with only the faint light from the streetlights outside casting long shadows of trees onto the ceiling. The branches swayed and scraped against the window, causing an eerie rhythm that matched the howling wind outside. You squinted at your clock, trying to make out the time. Was it nearing three in the morning? It felt like hours had passed since you crawled into bed, but sleep still eluded you. With a heavy sigh, you rolled onto your back, feeling the cool lace of your nightdress brush against your fingers. The blankets were suffocatingly warm, so you kicked them off, only to be met with a sharp chill from the drafty windows that refused to seal properly. Another thing to add to your never-ending list of things to fix within the apartments.
You slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the hard mattress beneath you as you sat up. Rubbing your tired eyes, you took a moment to adjust to the dimly lit room. With a sigh, you stood up and your toes touched the cold wood floor, sending a shiver through your body. Your back ached with exhaustion as you walked over to the desk on the other side of the room. Flicking on a small lamp, you pulled on the cozy wool cardigan that was draped over the chair, still warm from when you had thrown it there earlier in the day. The thick material hugged your body as you settled into the desk chair, surrounded by stacks of papers waiting to be sorted through. The desk was cluttered and much too small for all of your work, so instead of working there, you often spread everything out on the floor like a giant map. But tonight, it was too late for that, so you simply grabbed a fresh sheet of parchment and started writing a letter to a contractor who could potentially fix your broken windows.
As you wrote down a few words, a cool breeze brushed against your ankle, causing you to look down in surprise. But there was nothing there. You shook your head, pushing away any creeping feelings of loneliness or sadness. Brushing a strand of hair out of your face, you continued writing. Suddenly, another chill ran up your leg and you couldn't ignore it any longer. Pushing away from the desk, you got down on your hands and knees to investigate.
In the corner of the room, two shadows darted up the wall and disappeared into darkness. You let out a light laugh and whispered out into the empty space, "Hello." Your voice caused ripples in the darkness and for a brief moment, it seemed like something was stirring.
"It's okay," you whispered again, beckoning them closer. "Come down!"
One of the shadows hesitantly crept out from the darkness, moving along the top of the wall like a cautious cat. "Don't be shy," you encouraged with a soft laugh.
The shadow paused for a moment, its edges rippling and shifting in thought. Slowly, it started to make its way down the wall, eventually morphing into a thin line before dissolving into a pile on the floor. "Come on," you whispered, crouching down and reaching out your hand.
The other shadow, slightly smaller than the first, followed suit and slithered down the wall towards you. It stayed close to the floor, wrapping around your ankles as it cautiously approached. As it touched your fingertips, you could feel the coldness of its touch enveloping your hand in a grey fog. But as it recognized your touch, it seemed to gain confidence and began moving more quickly up your arm.
You couldn't help but giggle as the cool tickle of the first shadow joined by another, both climbing onto your lap and wrapping themselves around you. The first shadow seemed to have a mind of its own, making its way up your body until it reached your neck, sending a shiver down your spine with its chilly touch. It then weaved through your hair, lightly tugging at strands as it hid behind you while the second shadow curled around your thighs and settled in your lap.
"Did he send you?" You whispered. The shadows seemed to quiver with excitement and you took that as a yes. "Is he doing alright?" The shadows seemed to pause momentarily, their movements becoming more drawn out as if considering your question. You couldn't bring yourself to hope for good news as the shadow on your lap curled down towards the floor. Suddenly, it slithered over to the lamp, coiling around the adjustable arm and then rearing up as though it was looking right at you. You raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?" The shadow continued its slithering path, occasionally stopping to seemingly look at you.
You stood up and approached the lamp where the shadow seemed to pause in its journey, staring back at you. "What do you want?" You asked, reaching out to touch the lamp and adjusting the arm slightly downwards. The shadow halted its movement so you stopped yours as well. But when you started moving the arm of the lamp back up, the shadow picked up its pace again. You soon realized that this was how it communicated. As you turned the lamp upwards, the light illuminated against the wall, casting bright rays against the otherwise bland beige paint. In what seemed like pure excitement, the shadow scampered down your arm and back up again before joining its companion on the wall.
You took a cautious step back, your eyes locked on the two shadows as they seemed to merge and shift against the wall. The darkness coalesced into a swirling mass, like ink spilled on a canvas, until it finally split apart into two distinct figures. The larger shadow moved to one side of the light while the smaller one slunk to the opposite, as if in a dance.
Feeling a chill run down your spine, you retreated further onto the bed and pulled the rough wool blanket over your legs. As you watched, transfixed, the larger shadow began to take shape - sharp edges forming and an image materializing before your eyes. It was a male figure, with wings that resembled those of a bat. Your heart caught in your throat as the other shadow also shifted into a silhouette of a female.
The two shadows turned to face each other, their postures mirroring that of two lovers leaning against a windowsill. But then, the larger shadow split into two smaller pieces that scampered across the wall towards the female figure. With awe, you realized that these shadows were telling you a story - how Azriel had sent them to comfort you in his absence.
A small smile tugged at your lips and you felt tears prick at your eyes - tears of joy and longing. But you quickly blinked them away as the shadows morphed once again, shifting back into their amorphous forms before intertwining in the center and taking new shapes.
This time, it was the familiar outlines of Azriel and yourself. The two shadows embraced, their arms wrapping around each other in an intimate embrace. You could almost feel Azriel's kiss pressed gently into your hair - just as he always did when you hugged.
The shadows danced and shifted, creating a mesmerizing display of figures in the dimly lit room. Azriel sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he ran his hand through his hair - a nervous habit that you had grown to love. In one swift motion, he crumpled a piece of paper and tossed it away from the light, where it disappeared into the darkness.
You chuckled softly as the shadows transformed again, this time into the muscular form of Cassian with his signature half-up bun. Beside him stood Nesta, her pregnant belly rounded and glowing in the dim light. She delicately hung stars and moons onto a mobile, while Cassian worked on something below with a hammer in hand. The pile of materials suddenly transformed into a beautiful cradle, which Cassian proudly presented to Nesta.
So he had built it after all, you thought to yourself with a smile.
Cassian wrapped his strong arm around Nesta's shoulders as she rested her head against him, her hand gently tracing over her stomach. The scene before you was one of pure love and contentment, and you couldn't help but feel your heart swell at the sight.
The shifting shadows revealed Azriel, standing on a balcony overlooking the moonlit city below. The other shadow, representing the moon, soared upwards as Azriel reached out to touch it with one hand. But his posture was hunched and tense, back rising and falling as though it was sobbing. Your own tears mirrored his as you watched Nesta approach him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. The shadow of Azriel turned and fell into her embrace, continuing to cry.
The scene shifted once again, showing the shadow of Azriel and your own shadowy figure walking together, hand in hand in slow motion. As you continued walking forward, the shadow of Azriel suddenly stopped and reached back for you. Your shadow turned to face him and he rushed towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up into the air with joy. A bittersweet laugh escaped your lips as the shadow of Azriel brought your figure close to his, pressing a tender kiss against your lips.
In another scene, the shadows depicted a family dinner with Cassian, Azriel, Rhysand, Feyre, Nyx, Lucien, Elain, and an empty chair. As the shadows sat down to eat and a somber silence settled over them, even little Nyx remained still in his seat. The shadow of Azriel looked towards the empty chair – your chair – and you could feel their longing for you.
Once more, the shadows shifted to show Nyx standing on a platform with Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys at the edge of a lake. The shadows moved like waves over the water as Nyx took a running leap off the platform, his small wings flapping furiously before giving out and sending him plunging into the water below. The shadow of Cassian erupted in laughter while the shadow of Azriel pretended to winnow down to rescue the little boy. The scene repeated a few more times until finally, Nyx took a running leap and his wings caught in the air, allowing him to flap upwards with pride. The shadows of the three males on the platform joined Nyx in the air, their wings unfurling in celebration. He had learned to fly, something Feyre had been so worried about.
The shadows danced and shifted, revealing scenes from your old life that you had never truly appreciated until now. Moments with Azriel stood out the most - curling up on the couch together, wandering through the vibrant streets of Velaris. As they settled into place, the cool touch of the shadows caressed your skin, causing a shiver to run down your spine. One shadow even reached out to brush away a stray tear rolling down your cheek. You let out a soft sniffle and whispered, "Thank you."
In response, the shadows seemed to flicker and settle further around you, as if trying to comfort you in their own way. You allowed yourself to fully absorb the sensation of being enveloped by them, knowing it was Azriel who had sent them, directing them to show you what you had missed and how much he longed for you.
Feeling grateful, you shared your own memories with the shadows, including a few moments that you knew would make Azriel blush for slightly different reasons. With a smile, you thanked the shadows once more and watched as they dissipated into the night, carrying your love and longing back to their master who was surely missing you just as much as you were missing him.
Readers: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria
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novankenn · 10 months
Ah, come on!?!
Jaune sat before his secure terminal in his small bioengineering lab, slack jawed and totally dumbfounded. Head of and the sole staff member of the Inner Circle's Grimm Development Division, he just couldn't understand what he was being instructed to do.
Salem: I feel your proposal has merit, Executive of Espionage Oleander Arc.
Oleander (Executive of Espionage): Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: All in favour of this information gathering operation, please raise your hands.
Every Arc Sister plus Watts and Tyrian raise their hands.
Salem: All opposed?
Hazel raises his hand, along with Jaune.
Salem: Jaune I appreciate your desire to contribute to the discussion, you however are not an executive and your vote will not be recorded in the official meeting minutes.
Jaune: But...
Azalea Arc (Executive of Policy and Procedures): Jaune please, don't embarrass yourself. While you are head of the Grimm Development Division, you are not a member of the board.
Jaune: But why not? I'm the Head of the Department I'm the only member of... plus you're all deciding to ADD to my work load!
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Jaune as this operation will have the greatest impact on your department, it is only appropriate that you lead the operation. You will be compensated for your time.
Jaune: Compensated? Does that mean I'll get some staff members?
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources) : I'm sorry that is not currently a priority. Combat and Liaison Departments along with Mobile Applications Development require such resources.
Jaune: But I'm the only...
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources): I'm sorry, Jaune. It's not in our mandate for this quarter.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Your department is constantly over budget and under performing, and as such we can not justify the additional resources to hire more staff.
Jaune: But... I would meet deadlines and budgets if I had staff to share my workload! I mean, I have six projects that are in limbo because I don't have the time to allocate to their development.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): It's not in this quarter's budgets. You'll have to make due. Sorry little brother.
Salem: We are getting off-topic. So as per the vote, I would like it noted in our minutes that the Proposal for Grimm Development to infiltrate Beacon to observe and analyze the training methods deployed by our foes in an effort to make more effective grimm as a countermeasure has been approved.
Jaune: This is not fair! What am I supposed to do with my latest project? Wolf Bete's brain is complete, I just need to work on fashioning his body...
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): I would like to introduce a counter suggestion and amend grimm Development's Wolf Bete proposal.
Salem: Please continue.
Juniper Arc (Executive Public Relations): We have conducted some focus groups about Wolf Bete's final design...
Jaune: Focus Group? How do have a focus group about grimm?
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): Simple, we structure it as the reveal of a potential new character for one of our mobile products. Regardless, while Wolf's abilities were well received and applauded, the consensus was that Wolf's appearance was not cute enough. So I suggest a reconfiguration of Wolf's body to one that of a young woman, preferably around Jaune's age.
Jaune: WHAT?!? DO you KNOW how much work that will require? Not to mention the reconfiguration of the brain to accept the new body structure?
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): We can not allocate any further funds to this project, Jaune. You will have to make the needed adjustments with in current budget constraints.
Jaune: That is unaccepta...
Salem: All in favour of the proposed modifications to the Wolf Bete proposal?
Everyone raises their hands.
Salem: Motion unanimously passed. Grimm Development will make the directed modifications under the budgetary and time constraints originally agreed upon.
Jaune just slumped in his chair. It was just inconceivable the amount of overtime he was going to have to pull to reconfigure Wolf Bete's body along with preparations to attend Beacon.
Salem: If there is no further business (looks about seeing no one stepping forward) Meeting adjourned.
Jaune fell back into his seat as he watched all the holographic images blink out one by one. Until finally it was just him and Lady Salem.
Salem: Jaune, even though you are not an executive like your sisters, I wanted to reaffirm that you are a valued member of our organization.
Jaune: Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: This additional assignment will be rough on you, and as such aside from your Wolf Bete project, I am formally extending all your deadlines indefinitely until you return from this assignment.
Jaune: Really?
Salem: Yes. I look forward to seeing your bi-weekly reports.
Jaune: Bi-weekly? As in, one every two weeks?
Salem: (Chuckles) No, twice a week.
Any relief, Jaune had been feeling, fled his body in that instant. Even with his other grimm design projects shelved, he was still facing a huge backlog of work. As Lady Salem's hologram blinked out of existence, Jaune truly began to wonder if the choice his mother had made in talking Lady Salem out of World Destruction and into incorporating to facilitate World Domination... was really worth it.
/==/ 26 Hours Later /==/
The bio-pod drained and slowly rose into the ceiling. A pair of bare feet splashed through the small puddles of bio-fluid that has not drained away.
Wolf Bete: Finally! Those huntsmen and huntresses won't... hey? What's with my voice?
The nude figure rushed past the sleeping form of Jaune, and straight for the large mirror attached to the far wall.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL?!? (She reaches up and grabs her bare breasts) What the HELL?!?
Spinning about, the nude young woman with a wolf's tail and wolf ears, rushed over and yanked Jaune from his chair, and proceeded to start roughly shaking him.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL, dude?!?
Jaune: Ahhh, what? I'm up!
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me?!?
Jaune: Oh, you're awake, and... (Jaune's face grew bright crimson) naked!
Wolf Bete: Of course I am! I don't own any clothes! But that's not important! What happened to my body?!?
Jaune: Executive Decision.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: I was out voted... but I can't vote, so does that count?
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me? I was supposed to be a hunk of a guy! Not... not this!
Jaune: The BoD amended your proposal, due to the feedback from a focus group. I was directed to give you the body of a young woman.
Wolf Bete: (Releases her grip on Jaune) A focus group?
Jaune: Focus Group.
Wolf Bete: Okay. Okay... this is NOT okay! I'm supposed to be a guy! I trained in all those simulations as a guy! Why didn't you fix my brain at the same time? I know I'm supposed to be a guy!
Jaune: Deadline and budget.
Wolf Bete: Er... what?
Jaune: The BoD wouldn't extend my deadline or increase my budget for your development... so I did what I could, and I think I did pretty good considering. I even came in under budget... just barely, but I'm under budget.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: We should get you dressed. Now that you're complete, I have to present you to the BoD...
Wolf Bete: Why?
Jaune: Final approval, and quality assurance testing.
Wolf Bete: Quality Assurance testing?
Jaune: Yeah, they'll ask you some questions to make sure you have a functional mind, and can think independently, as well as a physical test.
Wolf Bete: Test? What type of test?
Jaune: You'll fight another grimm.
Wolf Bete: Fight... another... grimm?
Jaune: Yes.
Wolf Bete: And if I lose?
Jaune: Psh. You lose? Wolfie you are the most advanced bioengineered grimm I have EVER created! You can't lose! But try your hardest... I can't afford to have you lose.
Wolf Bete: Wolfie?
Jaune: What? Don't like it?
Wolf Bete: WAIT! You said I couldn't lose, and just said you can't afford for me to lose! Which is it?
Jaune: Both?
Wolf Bete: I'm confused.
Jaune: And cold.
Wolf Bete: And... HEY! Eyes up PERV!
Jaune: (Face cherry red) Sorry! Sorry! I suggest we get you some clothes...
Wolf Bete: (Covering herself with her arms and tail.) Fine clothes first, and then you're explaining all this to me... (pokes Jaune in his chest as he opens his mouth)... again.
(== Table of Contents ==)
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duckprintspress · 4 months
We're Considering Offering Different Rewards for our Patreon - and Want Your Input!
We're considering ways to make the Patreon more appealing to a wider audience by offering a greater range of reward types, so we have some questions for y'all, and would love if you could take a few minutes to complete the linked form and give us some feedback. Here's the basics:
1. We're considering offering exclusive art from artists who work with the Press (long-term, this would probably be instead of a story, as in, one piece of art would mean one fewer story). Backers would get the art as a high-quality download, and backers at higher levels may be able to get physical merchandise of the art.
2. Many Patreons from writers feature "classes" or seminars about writing, publishing, the industry, etc. We could potentially put something like that together, and how much access people get would depend on backer level - for example, maybe $3/month backers wouldn't get anything, $5/month backers would be able to watch the videos but not interact, $7/month could submit questions and we'd pick some to answer, $10/month+ would get access to the live Q&A (these are just examples of how we might scale such a thing, to be clear, with the key being: we'd scale it by backer level in some fashion).
3. Other?
We've shared this form on Patreon with our current patrons, but we also wanted to share it here on Tumblr as we try to figure out both the impact that these changes might have on our current monthly supporters (we don't want to do anything that will make those who fund us unhappy!) and also the extent to which these changes might draw the interest of new potential backers. Our goal, ultimately, is to preserve the things that the folks who already back Duck Prints Press Patreon love, while expanding our options to appeal to a wider base as well.
Thanks in advance for you input!
(didn't know we had a Patreon? want to support us even if we don't make any changes at all? you can become a backer anytime!)
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mariacallous · 4 months
The Federal Communications Commission this week voted to raise its internet speed benchmark for the first time since January 2015, concluding that modern broadband service should provide at least 100 Mbps download speeds and 20 Mbps upload speeds.
An FCC press release after Thursday's 3-2 vote said the 100 Mbps/20 Mbps benchmark “is based on the standards now used in multiple federal and state programs,” such as those used to distribute funding to expand networks. The new benchmark also reflects “consumer usage patterns, and what is actually available from and marketed by internet service providers,” the FCC said.
The previous standard of 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream lasted through the entire Donald Trump era and most of President Biden’s term. There has been a clear partisan divide on the speed standard, with Democrats pushing for a higher benchmark and Republicans arguing that it shouldn't be raised.
The standard is partly symbolic but can indirectly impact potential FCC regulations. The FCC is required under US law to regularly evaluate whether "advanced telecommunications capability is being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable and timely fashion" and to "take immediate action to accelerate deployment" and promote competition if current deployment is not "reasonable and timely."
With a higher speed standard, the FCC is more likely to conclude that broadband providers aren't moving toward universal deployment fast enough and to take regulatory actions in response. During the Trump era, FCC chair Ajit Pai's Republican majority ruled that 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds should still count as "advanced telecommunications capability," and concluded that the telecom industry was doing enough to extend advanced telecom service to all Americans.
2-2 Deadlock Delayed Benchmark Increase
Democrat Jessica Rosenworcel has been the FCC chair since 2021 and was calling for a speed increase even before being promoted to the commission's top spot. Rosenworcel formally proposed the 100 Mbps/20 Mbps standard in July 2022, but the FCC had a 2-2 partisan deadlock at the time and the 25 Mbps/3 Mbps standard stayed in place a while longer.
Biden's first nominee to fill an empty FCC seat was stonewalled by the Senate, but Democrats finally got a 3-2 majority when Biden's second pick was confirmed in September 2023. Thursday's 3-2 party-line vote approved the 100 Mbps/20 Mbps standard and a report concluding "that advanced telecommunications capability is not being deployed in a reasonable and timely fashion," the FCC said in its press release.
That conclusion is "based on the total number of Americans, Americans in rural areas, and people living on Tribal lands who lack access to such capability, and the fact that these gaps in deployment are not closing rapidly enough," the press release said. Based on data from December 2022, the FCC said that fixed broadband service (excluding satellite) "has not been physically deployed to approximately 24 million Americans, including almost 28 percent of Americans in rural areas, and more than 23 percent of people living on Tribal lands."
A draft of the FCC report was released before the meeting. "Based on our evaluation of available data, we can no longer conclude that broadband at speeds of 25/3 Mbps—the fixed benchmark established in 2015 and relied on in the last seven reports—supports 'advanced' functions," the report said. "We find that having 'advanced telecommunications capability' for fixed broadband service requires access to download speeds of at least 100 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 20 Mbps. The record overwhelmingly supports increasing the fixed speed benchmark in this manner."
The report also sets a "long-term speed goal" of 1 Gbps download speeds paired with 500 Mbps upload speeds. The FCC said it intends to use this speed goal “as a guidepost for evaluating our efforts to encourage deployment.”
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