#all the freemos
meiko3323 · 2 months
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what is sleep?
stayed up till 7am exploring new areas and also jebaited myself into finishing a whole world quest only to find out it doesnt directly take me to the golem boss and you gotta like take this side path to it that was accessible from beginning 🙂 going to sleep was a mistake cuz now i woke up late and theres less time in the day for me to do stuff unless i stay up again and i got work tmo 😩 cant wait to do Fathers story quest, its gonna be so lit o3o
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A Thank-You Letter to All Travelers
Dear Travelers,
Thanks to your support, Genshin Impact was nominated for the "Best Ongoing" category at The Game Awards 2023. Thank you for coming alongside us through this journey!
As a token of our gratitude, we will be giving away a total of Primogems ×800 from December 9 – 12.
*How to Claim Rewards:
Primogems ×200 shall be given out to Travelers via in-game mail at 00:00 (Server Time) each day from December 9 – 12.
These Primogems can be claimed at any time before the end of Version 4.3. All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 7 or above can claim a total of Primogems ×800 via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.
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rubys-domain · 9 months
... i think i'm gonna pull for arlecchino actually...
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#today i woke up and was suddenly hit in the face with the realization of how insanely attractive she is#it's weird why it's only hitting me just now when i finished act 4 like three days ago#way to kick in late,queerness. smh#anyway,pulling plans#still pulling for venti on main obviously#on the alt i just lost the 50/50 on the neuvillette banner#and i really only pulled on it because i got the hp sword super early and i don't need any of the 5 star weapons#and i figured i would benefit from his diving passive because i failed to get freminet in the previous banner#and i was just bored honestly#i'm exercising all the self-control i can muster on main. so it feels good to dump my primos onto whatever on the alt#but now i think i'm gonna save the guarantee i now have for arlecchino#i still have a shit ton of freemo sources on the alt so it doesn't matter if she comes home at hard pity#plus my alt is literally pyro central so she'll be right at home there#fingers crossed that sigewinne drops alongside her banner so i can get her too while i'm pulling#whether i pull for her on main or not will depend on her kit tho. my pyro dps needs are pretty much filled with lyney so idk#i really should just save my guaranteed on the alt for shenhe#but i'm BORED#and i still have thousands of untapped exploration freemos on the map so i'm not worried about being unable to get her#and who knows when the hell she's getting a rerun anyway. it could take months,and i'm not willing to sit on primos that long quite frankly#it would also be wiser to get furina because hydro archon and she's probably gonna be a broken support for all the pyros on my alt#but i really don't care for her honestly. she's interesting in the story,but not in a way that makes me want to pull for her as a character#maybe in a rerun after i reach the pulling for utility stage on that account#which i already kinda was considering i tried to pull for zhongli (sort of. who i really wanted was freminet)#idk where i was going with all of this. but yeah. those are the pulling plans#my freemo well is running a little dry on main tho. so i'm gonna redirect some of that pulling because i want to into the alt#ugh pulling for utility is boring tho#the only reason i'm so dead-set on pulling for shenhe is because i am first and foremost a chongyun main and she's his best support#and i also like her a fair amount so there's that
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regineau · 8 months
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❝     good evening everyone . jury duty is coming up . innocent or guilty ?     ❞
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nc-vb · 1 year
since i'm off from classes this week, maybe I'll finally complete that whole Enkanomiya thing, that I haven't even once touched lololol
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scarletooyoroi · 7 months
But the mistsplitter cucked me. :( Got the whole banner to get it though! Gonna throw all the event freemos in that effort. However-
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I did manage a workable version of her new set. She's just.. Destined to hit like a truck. LOL.
I love it.
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burritowitch · 7 months
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had my friend log into my genshin account to collect all the gift freemos for me and god this is a combination of me not having logged on in like a year and me being a fucking lunatic and having saved up like crazy for yelan
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mxddyhero · 1 year
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I hit 420 wishes right before the update, so I'm stopping converting to see just how many freemos the new area can give... so far, so good! And I'm not gonna say I'm happy baizhu's delayed, but it has given me chance to farm up all the new items for his talents and wep... now all I need is the weekly and he's ready to go ! Plus, since kaveh is on his banner, I'll probably be able to c6 him too, so that's lovely. Though, it is all for baizhu.
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wxndswept · 6 months
Aaagggghhhhh I used all the freemos from the event and everything
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rougekithes · 10 months
lmao if the unity thing goes the way they want now, I can see next years 4th genshin anniversary going "lets all uninstall and reinstall Genshin over and over again until we finally get enough freemos!!" instead of review bombing on the playstore
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asexual-levia-tan · 2 years
finished up the rest of the summer event right at the last second❤
i dont use the interactive map much but it really came in handy for the one week rush that i did to complete the storyline, mirages, and 100% exploration. i feel like i missed something on xinyan's island but. it was only just one potential chest anyway. what can ya do
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
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rubys-domain · 8 months
i haven't played genshin since i finished the waterborne poetry event on my main account. i didn't even finish it on my alt account. days' worth of resin are going to waste and freemos are slipping through my fingers. it's not like i don't like it anymore. i just feel like i don't have enough time for the game these days. genshin doesn't feel as casual to me as it probably should. if i want to play it, it feels like i have to sit down and really tick off all the dailies+weeklies i possibly can in one sitting because putting it down halfway doesn't feel good to me. which is compounded further by how long the loading time to boot up the game on my phone actually is. it doesn't feel like i can just pop in and condense all my resin and then fuck off until i have the time to knock out my dailies because i feel like i need to do more while i'm there to justify the long loading time. which is made even worse by the fact that i can only have a day or so's worth of condensed resin at a time, which means i have to sit down and play every two days so no resin goes to waste. i know that you can forge enhancement ore with resin, but the magic crystals i need to do that can only be farmed manually, so i'm also fresh out of those a lot of the time. i feel like being able to hold 20 condensed resin max would solve most of my conundrum. but that's not the reality we live in so yeah.
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planetbefall · 3 years
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kokomi's story quest be like
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aotaku12 · 2 years
𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐢
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✧ Summary | It started out as a simple daily commission...But you just had to get that chest in a place surrounded by fatui camps. Yep. You're screwed.
✧ Warning | Near-Death Experiences, Mild Swearing
✧ Additional Tags/Notes | Gender-Neutral Reader, First Person POV, Gameplay References, Reader = Player/Traveler, SelfAware!AU, Scaramouche uses a Catalyst
✧ Inspiration | Scaramouche's (Non-Canon) Wind Glider Voice Line by voidkinnie
✧ Word Count | 635
✧ Author's Notes | You guys seemed to enjoy "You Again?" so here's another Scaramouche x Reader (I probably won't stop writing about them anytime soon so I think I should make a Masterlist...)
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"Another day for daily commissions Oh gee I am soooo excited!" I sarcastically say as I yawn and teleport my way to Tatarasuna. The commission wasn't that hard, just blow away the electro fog. fight some enemies. and done. To be honest, I'm just bored...and tired.
As I stretch and yawn, I spot a familiar red glow in the corner of me eye. "Chest." I immediately thought as I tried to get to that chest as fast as possible because I might forget about it and if I forget about it, I WOULD HAVE NO FREEMOS!!!.
"God, sometimes I hate this place!" I curse as I climb up and cross the broken bridge foundations only to bump into a...Fatui camp. Just great.
"This is fine. My team won't die on me...right?" Oh how wrong I was. You seem my team comp consists of Ayato, Chongyun, Kazuha and Kokomi which is a Swirl-Freeze comp. And being surrounded by electro does not put me in an advantage...especially with the fact there is a Mirror Maiden here.
By the time I finished clearing out this Fatui comp, I had lost sight of the chest so I had to roam around again...which isn't a bad thing since I could look for more chests but I had already gotten through most of them sadly.
I stop by an area to rest and heal up by summoning Kokomi's jellyfish but I got interrupted by another Fatui camp. "How many of these are here!?!?" I exclaim as I did my usual routine of rounding them up and freezing them. What I didn't account for was the fact this battle was WAYYYY high up in the air and near the edge!
I was panicking as I am running out of stamina so gliding won't save me. I could just plunge down but with how far I am, I won't be able to make it. I try to think of other options but I'm surrounded with no stamina and low HP. "I'm screwed aren't I..."
I prepare for my fate and close my eyes only to see a flash of purple lightning and a familiar face show up. "Scara...? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask. "Less talking, more fighting." With a flash of electro from his catalyst, he knocks them down but they brought back-up.
"Change of plans. On the count of 3...we jump." Scaramouche said as we were literally getting backed over onto the edge.
"One..." "Wait, WHAT!?!?" "Two..." "I have no stamina!" "Three!"
He shoves me off the edge and jumps right after me, opening his glider and carrying me bridal style. "Catch us if you can suckers! HAHAHA!!!" He cackles. "Wow...my hero!" I dramatically say. "I am literally a criminal." He stated. "Doesn't change the fact that I love you hehe." I say with a sly smile. "I am so tempted to drop you off right now." "PLEASE DON'T!!!" "I was just joking! ...sorta." "SORTA!?!?"
He drops down onto a safe place away from the camps so we can rest. "First of all. What were you thinking!? Your team isn't suited for this environment! And there are Fatui Camps everywhere!" Scaramouche exclaims. "I was doing a commission and then I spotted a chest and I wanted to go get it! What are you even doing here?" I ask. "I had to take care of some...unfinished business." He explains.
"In a place surrounded by Fatui camps while you are trying to run away from them?" I stated. "It's personal. So it's none of you business." He stated. "Fair enough." I say. He sighs, "Let's get out of here while we can, lest we be spotted again." He says as he was about to leave.
I summon Kokomi's jellyfish. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Healing us, those Fatui surprisingly had high HP." I explained. "Tch. I don't need it." He says. "Suit yourself."
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bluexiao · 3 years
AAAA GOOD LUCK TO U TOO THO,,, hoping for xiao rerun, hoping you win all ur 50/50s !
i slpashed all my freemos on albedo so,,, maybe i will,,, forbidden whaling,,,,
i was going to try and collect all cryo characters but if zhongli does get a rerun,,,, ,,,,,
— 🦆
me who already have the money: 🧍🏼‍♀️
Xiao constellations will come home to me NO MATTER WHAT
zhongli>>>>>> tho dlsksk tbh i can never imagine not getting zhongli i was so lucky that time
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