regineau · 10 months
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Scary guard dragon privileges --
A combo of @regineau feeding me and Nidhogg deciding that Furina is to be protected, and needing to practice using my portable tablet again for work projects so here I am trying to get used to the much smaller screen ngjhkfnk-
Nidhogg who dislikes clothes greatly would only dress up to match Fontaine's stylings at the behest of the archon and the melusines and them only.
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regineau · 11 months
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regineau · 11 months
good evening . i heard his theme this morning at work, &. have been lost in thought about azhdaha &. the geo dragon sovereign theory thoughts all day &. brought out old faithful ( the tablet )
all the power to the people that make human! azhdaha ikemen, but that is not a skinny dragon .
do you see my vision ?
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regineau · 11 months
good evening, im begging every single one of you to watch this tiktok my friend sent me .
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regineau · 11 months
in case you didn't know
for muses who need to share some intimate thoughts with one another. can be platonic, romantic, familial ... works with any kind of dynamic really. feel free to change pronouns, descriptor words, whatever you may need!
❝ you know i love and care about you, right? ❞ ❝ ... i guess i'm just scared of losing you. ❞ ❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ ❝ you're not alone. you'll never be alone. not as long as i'm here. ❞ ❝ by your side is where i'm meant to be. ❞ ❝ not one person is more important to me than you. ❞ ❝ i don't know what it is about you, but, you just ... you're the only one who can make me feel like this. ❞ ❝ you're amazing, you know that? ❞ ❝ who has the greatest (friend/brother/sister/sibling/parent/etc) in the world? me, that's who! ❞ ❝ i'm only managing to stand here on my two feet because of you. i made it because of you. ❞ ❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ ❝ i know for a fact that you're special. i can feel it. ❞ ❝ you've actually made me feel like a person again, like i'm ... normal. ... thank you. ❞ ❝ i used to think that everyone else was just evil and cynical, guided by their own self-interest. that is, until i met you. ❞ ❝ you truly are too good for this world. ❞ ❝ i'm always blown away by just how talented you are. ❞ ❝ you deserve so much more than what you were given. ❞ ❝ nobody i've ever met has been more gifted than you. ❞ ❝ if you ever need a place to stay, let me know, okay? ❞ ❝ you always feel really comfortable and safe to be around. ❞ ❝ i think i have a new purpose in my life. to be with you. ❞ ❝ you have a kind heart. i know you don't believe me, and you try to hide it behind a facade, but i know for a fact that you do, deep down. ❞ ❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ ❝ you're safe here with me. nobody's going to harm you ever again. ❞ ❝ i don't deserve someone as amazing as you. ❞ ❝ i was kind to you because you looked like you needed a friend. ❞ ❝ i'm never leaving you. you're stuck with me. ❞
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regineau · 11 months
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Archon of Drama 🎭
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regineau · 11 months
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anyways . good evening, jury of my peers . while i work on asks ( &. convincing a good friend to make a neuvi ), would you mind giving this post a like / reply / smth if you'd like to talk pre - established relationships, dynamics, just in general about muses &. genshin ? i got dms &. i also got discord for moots ! prepare for eye emojis in your dms .
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regineau · 11 months
if there were scales, with all the people of fontaine on one side, &. my pain on the other ... is it not obvious where the scales should tilt ?
there is a saying— that inevitably, love conquers all . with a love strong enough, one can overcome any obstacle put before them . &. for furina, whose unflinching love is as strong as the seas are deep, there could be nothing more true indeed . —— spoilers for 4.2
furina loves fontaine .
it is a simple fact . she loves the waters &. all creatures who inhabit them, the cliffs &. hills of green that are perpetually damp, the melusines that she thinks the nation as a whole is fortunate to have eventually welcomed . but above all, she loves the people of fontaine .
her people .
human she may be, no matter how desperately hard she tried to hide the fact for five centuries ... but her love is no less strong for it . she cherishes the people of fontaine as morax cherishes the people of liyue, or as baal does the people of inazuma . after all, it was not from a profound sense of duty that she accepted the role of archon from herself, her other half, but from compassion . a desire to keep them safe, no matter the cost .
how easy it would have been, to play the role of archon as those who set the stage before her did: the god of contracts, descending once a year to provide guidance in the year to come . the god of freedom, as free — spirited as the winds he commanded, appearing at key moments in history, &. then vanishing just as quickly .
but she is human, &. her love is all the more powerful for it .
the god of justice, who walks the streets of the court of fontaine— who dives to submarine canyons in the waters beyond . the god of justice, who both takes to the stage alongside mortals as an actress &. sits in the audience to admire &. applaud . the god of justice, who sits upon her grand throne during each &. every trial without fail, &. reviews documents in the quiet afterwards, ensuring she will not forget a thing .
the god of justice, who does not shy from sitting face to face with her people . who watches them as they fumble about the streets as babes, laugh &. cry in their adolescence, marry &. grow old in their late years . who commits to memory each &. every one— even as their casket is brought to wheresoever in this beloved land hers they seek to rest . &. then she can meet with the next generation, reminisce on their family line, inquire to the woes that once trouble them . &. the cycle will begin again .
even now, in the wake of her sentencing, she loves her people .
some see furina de fontaine on the streets &. in studios, &. flock to her in admiration of her talents . some see the woman who sat upon a throne of lies, &. narrow their eyes, bare their teeth &. turn their head . good riddance, some say .
&. she loves them all the same for it .
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regineau · 11 months
if there were scales, with all the people of fontaine on one side, &. my pain on the other ... is it not obvious where the scales should tilt ?
there is a saying— that inevitably, love conquers all . with a love strong enough, one can overcome any obstacle put before them . &. for furina, whose unflinching love is as strong as the seas are deep, there could be nothing more true indeed . —— spoilers for 4.2
furina loves fontaine .
it is a simple fact . she loves the waters &. all creatures who inhabit them, the cliffs &. hills of green that are perpetually damp, the melusines that she thinks the nation as a whole is fortunate to have eventually welcomed . but above all, she loves the people of fontaine .
her people .
human she may be, no matter how desperately hard she tried to hide the fact for five centuries ... but her love is no less strong for it . she cherishes the people of fontaine as morax cherishes the people of liyue, or as baal does the people of inazuma . after all, it was not from a profound sense of duty that she accepted the role of archon from herself, her other half, but from compassion . a desire to keep them safe, no matter the cost .
how easy it would have been, to play the role of archon as those who set the stage before her did: the god of contracts, descending once a year to provide guidance in the year to come . the god of freedom, as free — spirited as the winds he commanded, appearing at key moments in history, &. then vanishing just as quickly .
but she is human, &. her love is all the more powerful for it .
the god of justice, who walks the streets of the court of fontaine— who dives to submarine canyons in the waters beyond . the god of justice, who both takes to the stage alongside mortals as an actress &. sits in the audience to admire &. applaud . the god of justice, who sits upon her grand throne during each &. every trial without fail, &. reviews documents in the quiet afterwards, ensuring she will not forget a thing .
the god of justice, who does not shy from sitting face to face with her people . who watches them as they fumble about the streets as babes, laugh &. cry in their adolescence, marry &. grow old in their late years . who commits to memory each &. every one— even as their casket is brought to wheresoever in this beloved land hers they seek to rest . &. then she can meet with the next generation, reminisce on their family line, inquire to the woes that once trouble them . &. the cycle will begin again .
even now, in the wake of her sentencing, she loves her people .
some see furina de fontaine on the streets &. in studios, &. flock to her in admiration of her talents . some see the woman who sat upon a throne of lies, &. narrow their eyes, bare their teeth &. turn their head . good riddance, some say .
&. she loves them all the same for it .
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regineau · 11 months
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in Furina's voicelines said she enjoys surfing 🥺♥️
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regineau · 11 months
being stuck at work during saturday lunch rush is the exact worse time to have a deep dive into the extent of furina's love for the people of fontaine, &. all the ways it manifests over the years &. yet here we are .
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regineau · 11 months
being stuck at work during saturday lunch rush is the exact worse time to have a deep dive into the extent of furina's love for the people of fontaine, &. all the ways it manifests over the years &. yet here we are .
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regineau · 11 months
sometimes twitter is worth it, because i find posts that link to things like this .
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regineau · 11 months
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@grinmalkyn —— "Lady Furina! I'm so glad I ran into you." The magician claps his hands together as he runs up, visibly brimming with excitement. With a flourish, a... crystal on a stick? appears in his hands. "I found something you might like while I was in Sumeru recently. It's called rock candy. It looks like crystals, but it's actually edible. And very sweet, might I add."
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there has always been a certain scrutiny in her eyes when it comes to magic— particularly that of the most celebrated practitioner in the court . not of the distrustful variety, no— it would be more appropriate to say it is scrutiny born of desire to know . to understand . &. it is born of mutual respect too . from one performer to the next, she has nothing but the utmost of respect when all her focus is upon lyney &. still, she cannot comprehend from where he procures the stick of ... candy ( ? )
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the very picture of excitement, it is an impossible task not to be swept up in that excitement, &. forget a scathing reminder to please, just drop the lady already . inquisitive gaze lands 'pon the candy &. it is, rather fittingly, as though a magic word had been said . regina's thoughtful hum sounds as her hands clap together in brief applause at this impromptu display, &. though her eyes do not leave the subject of conversation she speaks to him all the same .
❝     mmh ... very sweet, huh ?     ❞ be all but certain her interest is piqued, &. she finally turns to regard him properly with one brow lofted in interest . ❝     &. all the way from sumeru, you say ? i'd like to try it .     ❞ ah, but 'tis said with such an air of finality that draws her lips to press into a self—displeased line . ❝     ah— haha ... that is, of course, if you would not be opposed to parting with it . or... perhaps only a bit, at that ?     ❞
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regineau · 11 months
just curious— any of yall got a go—to video or playlist for when you intend to write replies / asks / etc..? because old faithful for me is an hour long video of dragonspine music &. ambiance .
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regineau · 11 months
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❝     good evening everyone . jury duty is coming up . innocent or guilty ?     ❞
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regineau · 11 months
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anyways . good evening, jury of my peers . while i work on asks ( &. convincing a good friend to make a neuvi ), would you mind giving this post a like / reply / smth if you'd like to talk pre - established relationships, dynamics, just in general about muses &. genshin ? i got dms &. i also got discord for moots ! prepare for eye emojis in your dms .
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