#Supergirl Reviews
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principalinstigator · 1 year ago
sometimes I think I was a bit delulu for this ship then I remember this is literally how Supergirl and Lena Luthor met
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bisexualwolverines · 11 months ago
i was reading a book about space to my baby sister and it mentioned how yellow stars are hotter than red stars and it had me thinking about the impact that has on kryptonians
earth in general is so much warmer than krypton, yes the yellow sun gives them powers and makes them almost invulnerable but it's so hot and they're so sweaty all the time
maybe someone like clark who has lived his whole life here has acclimated to the weather, but as much as he can do that the heat still doesn't feel natural to him which is why his fortress is in the coldest climate you can get on this planet, where he feels most physically comfortable
for someone like kara though, who grew up on krypton, the earth's heat would be absolutely unbearable, and would it increasingly more difficult for her to adapt to earth life, an unfamiliar culture, new unfamiliar powers she has to control and the heat just makes matters entirely worse. heat is uncomfortable, it's a stressor, it can lead to irritability and anger and aggression. all of that to deal with on top of the death of her family and her home
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ballinandcantgetup452 · 3 months ago
Am I the only one who's noticed that Supergirl designs have been booty cheeks up until recently?
Here, just lemme show you.
Her Debut Suit:
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This cover was recreated by somebody for those who can't tell. But it's the same cover and this is what I could pull up quickly. So this first suit is fine. Gets the job done. Doesn't feel gratitutious. It's a little safe, little unrefined. But that's what a first suit is for. The idea's out in the world. The cool part about comics is the fact that there's a revolving door of people with ideas to bounce off of yours. Let's have this be our baseline. 5/10
There's an interlude of suits here, but I can't find them all.
Crisis on Infinite Earths Costume
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Apparently, Screenrant isn't fond of this suit, but I also trust Screenrant as much as I trust my local politician these days. So screw 'em. I think this design kind of rocks. I like how they clearly tried to evolve her look in a way that's different from Clark's while still having the baseline stay the same. I like how the cape goes into the crest. I'm even kind of a sucker for the stupid headband. My only complaint is the skirt feels a little too high which can cause a lesser artist to sexualize her, but, modern day comics have proven that you can prevent this problem by either making the skirt a litle longer, changing the skirt into those half skirt-half shorts thingies, or having Kara wear spandex beneath it. Overall, an admirable attempt at evolution. 7/10
Post Crisis Supergirl (and all adjacent designs)
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I have these designs in order of "hate the most" to "hate the least". I absolutely DESPISE Kara's comic post-crisis look on literally every level. I hate how it feels like a cheerleader outfit. I hate how BLUE it all is. I hate how the outfit feels DESIGNED to be sexualized. It's just a bad look. Not just for her, but for feminist representation in comics as a whole. I have the same complaint for the other two. But Kara's first DCAU suit feels more homemade, which I'm fine with. Her second one has a fine enough color scheme. The skirt isn't frickin BLUE. But overall, it doesn't feel like a superhero design. It feels like the worst person you know in high school wanted to dress slutty to the Halloween party (which there's nothing wrong with that if you dressed up slutty in high school, nobody should've been perving on you anyways) and threw together a slapdash Supergirl outfit. 3/10. Uncreative for people literally PAID to be creative.
New 52 Supergirl:
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A step in the right direction, but, not my personal favorite. I get that this suit is supposed to line up with the New 52 super costumes. HOWEVER, I just don't like the New 52 super designs. I just think it's too complicated. I admit this is a personal preference thing, but, I like my superhero designs simple. I believe that you've designed a superhero right when a child can draw one in class with relative ease. This costume is fine, I don't disparage its fans. It's just not for me. 5/10. Objectively not bad, just not for me.
Rebirth Suit:
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A much BETTER step in the right direction. It takes all the notes I've given and streamlines it the best it can. It still feels like a CW suit, which is fine, but it's just a note. Can't really change or disparage it for that. I give it the "real solid" award. 7/10.
Woman of Tomorrow MK I:
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Perfect. Perfection. No notes. I love the golden trimmings. I don't know if it's Bilquis Everly's design philosophy, but I love how her top is kinda baggy, I love the cape, I love everything about this suit. I love how her belt is kind of like a corset. It's helps to round out the colors well. Just absolutely perfect. 10/10. No notes. Do this.
Woman of Tomorrow MK II:
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If you need to "modernize" the costume, then this gets the job done just fine. I'm not ecstatic about it, but I think y'all can tell that's just my preference when it comes to DC designs. I like them simple. I like my Superman to have trunks and look dorky. I like my Supergirl to follow suit. I am really fond of the cape collar. They did something like that in Superman Up in the Sky and I liked it there, too. Overall, solid, but not for me. 8.5/10.
Current Suit:
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The epitome of fine. I'm still a believer that jackets are to the 2010's as pouches were to the 90's, but still fine. It's just missing something. Dan Mora typically has the sauce here (and he cooks with her design in World's Finest), but something here isn't clicking for me. 6/10.
Overall, Supergirl's designs didn't really begin to get good until recently. And that makes me sad.
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xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3 · 8 months ago
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So, more dresses, are you surprised? Probably not.
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amomentoftimeandword · 8 months ago
Finally gave this one a chance...🫣
For my DC fans.. I'm *very* aware Ezra Miller was/is currently? controversial. BEFORE you come at me, I am a huge Batman nerd and that's really the only reason I watched this movie! 🫣
1. Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman 🦇🙌🏼 . 2. Batman being Batman. 3. George Clooney showing up at the end as Bruce Wayne (solid ending). 4. Gal Gadot 🤩👏🏼 That's it 🤷🏼‍♀️
** I hate saying this as a DC fan, but DC just CANNOT do live action movies well at ALL (The Dark Knight trilogy aside)!! I feel like they've never learned from their mistakes?? Have they never analyzed what is wrong and why their movies tank more often than not?? Sorry not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll stick to the animated movies/shows which they excel at!! **
1. Ezra Miller's Flash. Can you say cringy?? (Not the whole time honestly, but majority, yes) 😬 seriously my least favorite version. Might be biased because I don't particularly care for Miller as a person... (Grant Gustin will always be my Flash) 2. The cameos of both George and Christopher Reeves and Adam West's Batman, felt weird. They don't appeal to a younger generation. The only reason I know about them is because my owner parents were around during that time and educated me on them. I think this film had plenty of missed opportunities to have current cameos of the same heroes. Especially since the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths pulled in Miller's Flash. Could have returned the favor?? 3. Nicholas Cage Superman?? Hated that. No no no. Honestly not a huge Superman to begin with, but I respect a good portrayal of him when it happenes. But that was just bad. 4. Supergirl/Kara.. eh. 5. The Jason Momoa cameo in the post credits... Come on 🤦🏼‍♀️ Aquaman could have been so much better. 6. I love The Flash, as much as the next person, but there seems to always be a recurring theme with this character and it lacks uniqueness. Which theme? The one where Barry tries to go back in time to save his mom and inevitably f*cks up the timeline, creating a paradox. It is an overused plot to say the least. There's GOT to be more out there on him besides that?? I wanna see more of him taking on his enemies, his known ones from the Rogues gallery!!
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sinnermannn · 10 months ago
This movie is incredibly bad and at most bland as hell. Unfortunately even with the amount of characters they have that are so interesting they do nothing with it. What are your thoughts on the movie if you seen it? Thanks for all the support guys!
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Is It Really That Bad?
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I don’t think I’ve ever felt like the universe actively conspired against something until I witnessed the production of The Flash.
Since 1991 there have been quite a few proposals for Flash movies, but they never really got off the ground for whatever reason. Following Barry’s debut in Justice League, a movie finally was announced before multiple delays due to rewrites, in particular to cut Ray Fisher’s Cyborg from the story after he went public about the awful shit he had to deal with under Joss Whedon. Things seemed hopeless until It director Andy Muschietti came onboard, at which point production on the film finally started to go smoothly. Sure, there were rumblings about Ezra Miller having episodes on set, but that’s just typical actor nonsense, right? Surely it couldn’t get any worse!
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Look, I’m here to review a movie so I’ll keep this brief: Miller committed crimes. Lots of crimes. So many, in fact, you’d think they were method acting for the role of Reverse-Flash. The thing is, despite all of this, Miller was basically given a slap on the wrist by the studio, being forbidden from doing promos and press tours (oh no! The horror!). And as if the situation wasn’t already a fucking mess, while Miller’s crime spree was ongoing WB canned the nearly-complete Batgirl movie that featured Michael Keaton and Academy Award-winning actor Brendan Fraser while simultaneously inflating The Flash’s budget to nearly $300 million with reshoots. It seems baffling to cancel a movie that was nearly done and that people were marginally interested in for the sake of a movie that people were losing interest in quickly due to its star’s erratic behavior, but remember: Leslie Grace isn’t white, while Ezra Miller is. WB is never beating those racism allegations at this rate.
With a normal movie, this is where the nonsense ends. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!
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This film was meant to smooth out the clusterfuck continuity of the “Snyderverse” with a soft reboot, with Henry Cavill filming a end-of-movie cameo alongside Miller, Gal Gadot, Keaton, and Supergirl’s actress Sasha Calle to establish the new direction of DC going forward. Unfortunately, the hierarchy of power at DC changed, and Gunn shot that down. While this meant the ending would probably not get people confused with regards to upcoming projects, it also meant the movie wasn’t going to really have any closure for the old universe. Affleck, Cavill, and who knows who else are just gone, and the future is just a big old question mark. At least Aquaman is safe, maybe?
Literally none of this news was very reassuring to fans. Nothing above is any good for a film’s perception to audiences under normal circumstances, but here we have all this news coming to a fanbase that genuinely did not want this fucking movie. The DCEU was already divisive when the film was announced, and Miller’s portrayal of Barry doubly so; the fact it was adapting Flashpoint was seen as lazy and uninspired, not to mention its not really a story that lets Flash stand on his own merits, making it seem more like this movie was just an excuse to reboot; it was a multiverse story in a day and age with an abundance of such stories, and it was releasing around the same time as Across the Spider-Verse to boot; and Gunn’s reboot plans meant this story was likely a narrative dead end. This movie had an uphill battle the likes of which haven’t been seen since Sisyphus.
But much like that mythological figure, the boulder came crashing right back down when the numbers came in. The movie would likely need to gross $500 million at minimum to break even after factoring in the reshoots and advertising, and it only managed half of that with a pitiful opening weekend followed by a massive 73% drop. It now sits alongside films like The Lone Ranger and Mortal Engines as one of the most expensive bombs in history, to the point where WB would have saved more money by cancelling it like they did with Batgirl. And despite glowing praise from the likes of Tom Cruise and Stephen King, it received middling reviews from mainstream critics.
Audiences haven’t been any less mixed, but considering most people weren’t particularly excited or invested in this film’s existence this is basically a miracle. Sure, there’s plenty of people out there saying this is the “worst comic book movie ever” like they do every time a new superhero movie drops, but even more people are saying they enjoyed the film… although even they tend to have some severe criticisms.
Even though I knew most of what was going to happen in the movie going in, I wasn’t really sure what to expect given everything surrounding the movie. But you know me, I’m willing to give almost any movie a chance, and bombs this big don’t happen every day, so even before it was voted on I was trying to make time to check it out. So sit down, microwave yourself a snack—
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—and watch as I try and determine if The Flash is really that bad.
The biggest shock of this film is that Ezra Miller is actually really good here.
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Their Barry is still a bit of a goofball, but he’s clearly matured as a character since his precious appearances. They managed to make him much more charming and likable than he ever was, and this gets compounded when he interacts with the younger Barry and gets confronted with how annoying he was before. I think young Barry could have come off as really insufferable, but the fact he annoys everyone around him and also ends up maturing makes him a lot more endearing.
Miller really kills it with the emotional moments, particularly the ending encounter with Barry’s mom and the scene where old Barry snaps at young Barry. The film is really carried by the dramatic, emotional moments far more than any of the superheroics, and Miller manages to sell a lot of it very well. It was to the point where I started thinking, “I really wouldn’t mind if they stick around.” Then a scene where Barry says the Justice League has no real psychiatric help or where his younger self ends up repeatedly exposing himself in public by accident happens, and then I remembered, “Oh yeah, aren’t they a mentally unwell criminal?”
Unsurprisingly, Michael Keaton absolutely kills it in his role as Batman, but much more shockingly is that Ben Affleck's brief return as Bruce is pretty great as well. I always thought Affleck, much like Henry Cavill, was desperately trying to give a great performance while weighed down by bad writing; here, he gets an actual poignant scene where he talks to Barry about how dwelling on tragedies isn't the way to do things, and you should try and move forward instead. It shows he really could have been great if given better material to work with.
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Okay, enough being nice to Affleck, I wanna talk about Keaton again. As much as the marketing hyped him up and as much as he is obviously the most blatant fanservice possible, it's still so cool to see him in the suit again. I am not immune to nostalgia pandering, and as corny as it could have been from anyone else, the zoom into his face when he says The Line really is a highlight of the movie. Keaton has a great deal of charisma, and while there are issues with Batman they aren't his fault at all. Most impressively, he doesn't steal the show away from Miller like I thought he would; he enhances the scenes he's in without stealing the spotlight completely from their performance. I feel like this is a problem in a lot of movies like this, where the lead gets overshadowed by a hyped up character, but somehow The Flash of all things managed to avoid this.
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And as bad as the cameos could get, this movie gave two of the greatest cameos ever put to film with the return of the GOAT George Clooney Batman and, best of all, Nicolas Cage Superman from the unmade Superman Lives, fighting a giant spider to the death just as God intended. I am not immune to the charms of Nicolas Cage.
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Overall, this movie presents us with a solid story, plenty of fun moments, great character dynamics, and more... for the first two acts, anyway.
Once this movie hits the third act, it basically just loses any and all focus and becomes a big dumb video game-esque battle against Zod and his forces in a bland desert landscape. While both Barrys admittedly get some pretty cool moments sprinkled in and Keaton’s Batman’s second death is actually a well done emotional moment, Supergirl ends up being completely wasted, with her sole role being to angrily scream and then die repeatedly.
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This actually highlights the problem with Kara in this movie: She’s basically nothing but a plot device and has zero personality, and a good 80% of her dialogue is just angry screaming. As hot as Sasha Calle is and how much she obviously wants to make Kara compelling, she is given so little to work with that her efforts end up being fruitless. She does nothing of consequence after helping Barry get his powers back, and could be replaced or written out of the story and it would still make perfect sense.
Zod’s inclusion is pretty baffling as well, especially since they chose to water down one of the only good things from Man of Steel into a boring, generic doomsday villain. You can really feel that poor Michael Shannon would rather be doing anything else, and his bored performance just highlights how poorly implemented Zod is in the plot. Like, the Fladh has some of the best and most colorful DC villains in his rogues gallery, one’s that are often overlooked because Batman’s villains sell more toys. Why not highlight some of them instead of taking a Superman villain and stripping him of all personality to the point the actor clearly has no passion for the role? Cutting Zod would make cutting Supergirl even easier, and then two of the biggest problems with the movie are gone!
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The third act does manage to mostly rerail itself once it goes back to Barry trying to unfuck the timeline, with only a disgustingly egregious bit of fanservice that I’ll discuss in the next section hampering it. But at the end, despite the incredibly based George Clooney cameo, there’s just so many unresolved and unanswered questions, with the biggest one being who killed Barry’s mom? Considering her death is what kickstarted the whole plot, you’d think this might come up, but it never does. A lot of other things come up and get dropped too, like whatever was going on with Batman in the opening, but maybe I’m just crazy for wanting elements introduced in a plot to have significance beyond just being there to be cool.
Even beyond that, there’s the fact that Supergirl and Keaton!Batman’s final fates are never really resolved, something that apparently wasn’t a problem in early versions of the film since they showed up alive in the final scene. As much as I loved seeing Clooney, I think trading him for getting some closure for Keaton and Calle would have been more satisfying.
Everyone harps on how bad the CGI is—and it absolutely is, don’t get me wrong—but for the most part I found it endearingly bad. Like the opening with the CGI babies? That’s too goofy for me to hate. But once the movie revolves into bland grey and black CGI bad guys and creepy deepfake celebrity cameos, I stop being quite so forgiving.
Oh, and on the subject of cameos, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one as pointless and unfunny as Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman showing up out of nowhere (complete with theme music) to make Bruce and Barry look like dumb assholes. Imagine thinking this was a good idea.
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The biggest point of contention surrounding this movie is the CGI necromancy used in the aforementioned cameo clusterfuck from the climax, which gives us George Reeve, Christopher Reeves, and Adam West posthumously reprising their DC roles in non-speaking appearances (there’s archived audio from West, but his cameo isn't really focused on to the point you can barely tell it's him) where they just stand there before the camera swoops around like in that Saul Goodman gif.
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I think this is one of the very few times where I actually think the outrage is mostly justified. To be clear, I’m not getting mad on behalf of dead celebrities I never knew, and as long as the filmmakers went through the proper channels and the estates of these stars were properly compensated, I don’t have any legal objections. All of my distaste is coming from a subjective, moral standpoint.
I have never liked this CGI necromancy ever since Rogue One popularized it. I find it really gross and distasteful, and in most cases I think finding a lookalike actor would be preferable than playing Weekend at Bernie’s with a computer generated facsimile of a dead person. In The Flash, I understand having lookalikes would diminish the wow factor of the crossover, but there was an extremely easy workaround to this: Have cameos from all the living DC stars.
Was Brandon Routh not available to put on the Superman tights? Would it have been so bad to let Grant Gustin pop in for a cameo? They acknowledge Helen Slater, so why not Melissa Benoist? Hell, if you want to reference bad, campy movies, have Shaq show up as Steel or Josh Brolin pop in as Jonah Hex! Or even Ryan Reynolds, I’d bet he’d be down to return if you gave him a real suit this time!
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Like there’s just no excuse for ghoulishly parading around dead guys when there’s so many alive guys you could use instead. People can complain all they want about the fanservice and cameos in the past few Spider-Man films, but at least they only had returning characters played by living actors. And when this movie already has the niche, out-there Nic Cage Superman cameo, proving they were down to do things as out there and inoffensively creative as reference unmade movies, it’s really just inexcusable. It doesn’t ruin the movie for me, but it makes me lose a bit of respect for the people who okayed this over less offensive cameo ideas.
To my surprise, this film actually turned out to be pretty good. Not “great,” not “the best superhero movie ever,” but genuinely mostly good and enjoyable.
My opinion is that the movie is good in spite of itself. The third act is truly a hot mess, the stupid desert battle against Zod is awful and boring, Supergirl is depressingly pointless, so many plot points are just dropped or otherwise forgotten, and the CGI necromancy is nothing short of ghoulish. But the rest of the movie is truly a lot of fun. Barry and his younger self have a fun dynamic, Keaton really manages to take what little he’s given and show that he’s still got it as Batman, the Clooney and Cage cameos were delightful, and most importantly the emotional moments are actually effective.
I think with a bit more polish this film could have actually lived up to the hype around it. There is a great movie in here being suffocated by fanservice and CGI but still managing to get a few gasps of air regardless. I think if they’d kept the conflict more grounded or made Reverse-Flash the primary antagonist, things might have turned out better.
I think its score is pretty fair. My friend @huyh172 described this as “the worst good DC movie,” and it’s an assessment I fully agree with. It’s not as good as Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad, the Snyder Cut, or Shazam!, and it’s definitely not as bad as stuff like Wonder Woman 1984 or Josstice League. It’s also a bit too enjoyable to be mid. It’s just a really solid movie held back from true greatness by some damning flaws… and really, that makes it the perfect capstone to the "Snyderverse," a cinematic universe that had some solid movies but was held back from greatness by incredibly bad ones.
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birdies-blog1 · 4 months ago
Night Terrors: Superman
Issue #1 Analysis
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I find the concept of this run of comics very interesting. They exist for many heroes, in which a villain traps them in their worst nightmares come true. This one is about Superman, in which Clark is in a world where Lex Luthor created world peace, making the need of Superman obsolete.
Rating: 6/10
+1 quotable moment
+1 for badass supergirl
+1 making superheroes be introspective
+1 for questionable morals
+1 for making Superman more grounded in human through his emotions and fears
+1 for crossover event
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simeonscott · 1 year ago
Why Supergirl is my Favorite Character in all of Fiction
Let's face it, this video was always going to happen at some point this year.
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dconscreen · 6 months ago
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The Folly of Fearing the Fantastical | News
On this episode of DC on SCREEN:
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New Trailer: https://twitter.com/i/status/1831693774638170520
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Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story Trailer Released by DC Studios | https://youtu.be/gX-B3HMlMfY
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The Batman Part II
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Gunn Reveals What a Batman & Superman Team-Up Movie Would Be Called
Lanterns TV Series Rumored to Add Josh Brolin as Hal Jordan
A Game in The Batman Universe?
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romancemedia · 9 months ago
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detectivereads · 8 months ago
Superman Vs Meshi vol 3 By Satoshi Miyagawa & Kai Kitago
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Click here to see Vol 1
Click here to see vol 2
Ok, when reading the first chapter, I remember why for such a long time I didn’t really like Superman, but maybe I just didn’t like the people around him. Because the first chapter has Clark Kent and Lois Lane talking about the last chapter of volume 2 about her article that she was told to write.  Clark comes out to Lois and tells her that he is Superman, but I guess Superman can do a mind reset and he changes his mind about letting Lois know about his identity and reset her mind. Lois now doesn’t remember the Superman is Clark Kent. But you want to know how he does it…with a kiss.
(*Cue table flipping and punching the dry wall in anger*)
I know I haven’t followed Superman in any form, and any knowledge I do know is from the Justice League Animated series or any other cartoon, but when can he do that????
Now cut to later when Superman is with Batman at a very popular restaurant, Superman is still thinking about the kiss that he doesn’t remember anything about the food he has eaten (that is the real crime right there) Batman really wants another hamburger streak but he doesn’t want to wait in the long line and he even contemplates about the restaurant but stops because he doesn’t want to be a jerk and cuts in front of people who were waiting their turn.
So, Superman popping a mint into his mouth and resets Batman’s mind, (before you ask no Super doesn’t kiss Batman. Apparently, he can reset minds with his breath see picture above thank you @deathmetalunicorn1 for helping me with photo.)
So, with no memory of standing in line, Batman and Superman get back in line to eat hamburger steak.
In some of the later chapters and huge fight happens with Doomsday and Superman dies.
However, no one told Batman, so getting a special artifact (Mother Box) and it opens up to place where certain items are needed to help Batman make the life saving cure: Okonomiyaki. Which upon completing the dish, and the smell going over to Superman he wakes up.
So, the breakdown of this, Superman dies, and Batman finds it weird that his body is not decaying so this leads Batman to suspect that Superman is not dead. So, with the help of Mother Box, it opens a boom tube to a Japanese grocery store when Batman gets the items to Okonomiyaki, and lo and behold Mother Box doubles as a microwave. So, Okonomiyaki has saved Superman life.
Later in the book we get to see Supergirl, and she is just Superman she loves Japanese food.
Now we have another Lex Luthor chapter, Superman and Lex are talking about Darkseid which Superman had hope that Lex would join forces with the League which Lex flat out refuses and says he has to leave to go to a big fancy lunch, when leaving he happens to see Superman going into one of his buildings and buying bento.
Now this bit where Lex was spying on Superman picking out his bento, I was really questioning Lex’s sanity. Then he busted in when he sees Superman taking a cold bento instead of fresh bento. (Pretty much they have lunch together.)
The last chapter of the book is of the heroes fighting Darkseid. During the fight Darkseid hurt Batman. So, both Superman and Flash do flash point and sends Superman to an alternate time where Lois Lane is Chief editor of the Daily Planet. The overall goal is to fight Darkseid.
I won’t spoil the rest of the book because I thought the ending of this volume was well done.
As I said I don’t know if there will be more (I hope there will be) but for now it looks like a 3-volume series. 
When I first started this series, I thought ‘Oh lord Superman is a dork” but as I got engrossed with the manga, I still think he is a dork but I think I could see myself having friendly banter about food with him.
I would recommend this series to a foodie or a superhero fan.
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scorbleeo · 1 year ago
TV Series Discussion: Supergirl
Season 6 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
The adventures of Superman's cousin and her own superhero career.
Source: IMDb (2015)
A Bittersweet End
I am going to start this out by saying I had no expectations for Supergirl Season 6. I might have watched all the previous seasons, but I was disappointed with the last or last 2 season(s). Although I adore Supergirl and the Super Friends, the plots were often average. Now thinking back, I can't even name a Supergirl villain that stuck to me.
That being said, this final season of Supergirl was much better than the previous seasons. It got me hooked onto the show and there were times when I was actually emotional. Although the villains were way below mid, the storylines were solid. And the action, I absolutely enjoyed it. Even the character developments were good. As a Supergirl season, season 6 was one of the better ones. As a final season, I believe it could have been better plotted.
Lets start with the villains. I'm not saying Nyxly was a marvellous villain but because of her existence and actions, it created several great storylines, especially the role it played into Kara's self-realisation, then development.
Lex on the other hand, his arc was so weirdly written. The Lex Luthor I was used to disappeared in season 6, for real. Him being in love really ruined his arc, when he could have gone down as one of the show's better villains. But, I like what the writers did with this character. I mean, people have tried to kill Lex, he lived. People have tried to incarcerate Lex, he walked away scott free. Other than the Phantom Zone, I doubt there would be another way to get rid of Lex once and for all.
As for Lillian. I hated her throughout all 6 seasons. I really did not like the idea of her redemption in the end but her redemption meant enlightenment for Lena. For that, I eventually accepted that there was a redemption arc for this infuriating woman. Perhaps, if her redemption was shown gradually through this last season, I might not have disliked the idea as much.
Through the entire season, I enjoyed more than I was bored. I liked more than I disliked. Unfortunately, there was something I seriously wished the writers never wrote down. What happened to William did not need to happen, or at least, not to him. It's not as if William's death meant the whole Super Friends was going on a revenge path, so why bring him back from being shot only to have him go permanently by being shot? He was the one character I constantly wished nothing happened to him since his first appearance...
Moving on to brighter topics, lets talk about Kelly. First thing first, that episode that was Kelly-centric? Wow. It was the first time Azie Tesfai impressed me. The way Tesfai portrayed Kelly in the episode, it was almost like I could feel everything Kelly was experiencing. Then came their wedding scene and I am never one for vows, not a romantic and could care less about wedding vows. However, Kelly's vows to Alex touched my heart. I really don't know if it's the words, Tesfai's acting, or the combination of both. Whatever it is, I finished Supergirl extremely aware of what a magnificent actress Tesfai is.
Next, Nia. Not only did Nia (and Dreamer) grow, Nicole Maines improved so much too. I never disliked Maines nor her character but the acting always felt a little awkward. Usually, I just let it go because if Nia is one awkward girl, Dreamer will be awkward too and thus the awkward acting. This last season proved me wrong because I still see awkward Nia but the acting very obviously improved. Completely off the tangent here but when Nia confronted Maeve? Atta girl! I loved it when Nia told her sister, she will not forgive her but she can give a second chance. That's the way, actually. How do people forgive without seeing how others handle their second chances?
Lastly, Kara's character arc. I have always loved it when Kara showed vulnerability. In this season, she's practically always vulnerable even when she's not actively attacked. It hurts to watch Supergirl lose hope so often but then the way the smallest things brought back some hope to her? Love it. The courage plot was something else too, something I did not see play out the way it did. As much as I loved it, I still don't know how I feel about the season ending with the world finding out Supergirl's identity.
After watching several Arrowverse shows consecutively, Supergirl was a nice end before a break from the Arrowverse TV shows. Although Kara and Mon-El are not endgame, I am still very happy that the finale brought back the old faces.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More Arrowverse here: Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 | The Flash Season 7
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corinneecrivaine · 8 months ago
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Supergirl : une héroïne inspirante et importante
Créée en 1959 par Otto Binder scénariste et Mort Weisinger rédacteur en chef des Comics de Superman, Supergirl n'est pas seulement une héroïne en petite jupe rouge issue d'une autre planète et dotée de pouvoirs surnaturels. Elle représente bien plus. Elle est née suite à la demande de nombreuses lectrices de la BD Superman qui souhaitaient voir un homologue féminin. C'est ainsi que Supergirl apparaît pour la première fois dans un DC Comics en 1959.
Une série actuelle qui traite de sujets importants
Si les trois premières saisons de la série Supergirl sont un peu ennuyeuses, la quatrième est pour moi la meilleure. Elle traite d'un sujet lourd et malheureusement bien réel : "La peur de l'autre. La peur de ceux que l'on ne connaît pas". Les créateurs de ce personnage, Otto Binder d'origine autrichienne et Mort Weisinger de nationalité juive, ont donné naissance à Supergirl à une époque troublante où être différents c'était s'attirer la haine des autres, où parfois il fallait cacher ses origines pour pouvoir vivre.
Supergirl/Kara Danvers, une femme forte et courageuse
Supergirl/Kara Danvers, nous démontre la vie d'un être venu d'une autre planète qui doit s'adapter sur une Terre qui n'est pas la sienne, se faire accepter et se faire aimer. Comment vivre, s'intégrer dans un monde lorsque l'on est différent et étranger ? L'amitié, l'amour, la trahison, la confiance, tous les sujets sont traités dans la série. La peur de l'autre qui pousse à la haine, à la violence. Et ceux qui vous acceptent tel que vous êtes.
Supergirl/Kara Danvers, est une femme avec ses craintes, sa force, sa souffrance mais aussi ses joies, une famille adoptive qui l'a élevée comme leur propre fille, une sœur présente sur qui elle peut compter et des amis de toutes origines, de toutes cultures et de toutes orientations sexuelles.
Au fil des saisons, on finit par s'attacher à ce personnage qui malgré sa différence et la cruauté humaine à laquelle elle est confrontée, croit toujours qu'il y a du bon en chaque être humain. Courageuse, combative qui ne baisse jamais les bras pour défendre ses convictions, ses valeurs et faire de ce monde un monde meilleur où vivre.
Voici quelques exemples concrets qui montrent en quoi Supergirl est un personnage important et inspirant :
Dans la saison 4, Supergirl doit affronter un groupe extrémiste qui veut éliminer tous les extraterrestres de la Terre. Elle montre alors que la tolérance et l'acceptation de l'autre sont des valeurs fondamentales pour vivre en paix, tout en défendant les innocents contre ma montée de la xénophobie et de la haine.
Dans la saison 3, Supergirl (Kara Danvers) doit faire face à la disparition de Mon-El et à l'émergence d'un nouvel ennemi, Reign. Elle montre que la force et le courage sont essentiels pour surmonter les épreuves de la vie, tout en jonglant avec des défis personnels et familiaux.
Dans la saison 2, Supergirl doit affronter un ennemi qui veut détruire la Terre. Elle montre alors que la détermination et la persévérance sont des qualités indispensables pour protéger ceux que l'on aime.
En conclusion, Supergirl est une série qui traite de sujets importants et qui met en avant un personnage féminin fort et inspirant. En mettant en avant les valeurs de tolérance, de courage et de persévérance.
Supergirl est bien plus qu'une simple héroïne en petite jupe rouge. C'est une femme qui représente l'espoir et l'acceptation de soi, et qui montre que chacun peut faire une différence dans ce monde.
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kuekyuuq · 2 years ago
One of the things that bug me about how CWSG ended...
And no, it's not (just) a certain lacking endgame XD
We've got a serialized show about Supergirl, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers. And yet the show spent overall so little time on her.
She got traumatized several times over, it got implied that she suffers from claustrophobia and PTSD. Yet it was never fully addressed, the next episode Kara just moved on, carried about - as if this was an episodic show. Which, yes, with the freak-of-the-week nature it was at certain points, but it also did in many others aim to have connected and continuous plots, story and character developments...
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Now, what is it that bugs me in this installment?
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Kara coming out to the world as Supergirl. Aaaand cut. Show over.
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Is this a continuation or inevitable destination of Kara's struggles? Well, I argue, no.
What we did have was Kara struggling to find her place in the world. Kara is many things. She's a (no longer) orphan. She's (no longer) the last daughter of Krypton. Kara(thought she was but really is no more) the last Kryptonian to carry Krypton’s legacy, history, culture, education.. everything.
... Kara is Kryptonian. Was raised as one until she was 13, throughout the majority of her informative years. Kara Zor-El. Kara has incredible powers, which her very nature dictates she uses for good, become a hero. Supergirl. Kara is.. a refugee, adopted and in some ways till the end of the show at times struggling to fully integrate herself as: Kara Danvers. Kara's nature, without her powers also have her to strive to help others, uncover and fight bad things. A reporter. Kara's also just the girl who loves musicals, Big Belly Burger, Karaoke, hates greens, wants a perfect partner at Game Night... Just Kara. Kara is a sister. Kara is a daughter. Kara is a loyal friend...
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Several times in the show, whenever Kara was struggling, Kara thought she had to chose between Supergirl or Kara Danvers.
The Black Mercy clearly showed Kara’s longing to be Kara Zor-El, missing the what-if.
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During her redK incident some more seeds of that were sown, her red-veined self mildly risking her identity - but mostly showing that Kara was unhappy playing herself down (e.g. as Kara Danvers at work).
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The downside of revealing herself was depicted in the 100th episode.
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There were more instances whenever Kara became overwhelmed, that she wondered if her duality (person vs. persona) was the cause of her problems. 
But the solution was NEVER to go full Supergirl! 
It was always something else. ALWAYS, the show, told us, showed us, Kara was ultimately happier being bouncy Kara Danvers at the office and the proud hero on the streets.  That despite her pain and whichever most recent trauma, neither her cape nor the glasses were the problem. Nor was the double-act. [...except when it came to Lena]
Kara considered going full-time Supergirl in season 6 (episode 16), too. Alex and William (quoting Kara who quoted Cat) talked her out of it by letting her know, she can have it all, taking one step at a time, and maybe not all at once - because she's got a team, a family! 
And then she does it anyway.
She also becomes editor-in-chief at CatCo (which likely cuts down her investigative reporting time by a great chunk... You know, the very thing she loved about the job, loved so much it even - temporarily - did cost her that very job).
Oh, and there was also this:
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The argument was made, that the whole double-life spiel had long since lead to Kara no longer knowing who she really was.
But did it?
I mean... yeah, it sure can be stressful at times, but... right, speaking of stress. Kara made that decision after
being part of reshaping the universe (and having witnessed the death of all of them beforehand!)
which reshaped Kara's history she now has no knowledge of (due to being a Paragon) or, if J'onn or her stay in the fractured PZ somehow bestowed her with her Prime-Earth memories, she now has two sets of memories...
she had been cast into the Phantom Zone again, where she had to suffer at the hands... claws... of the Phantoms and their nightmare inducing powers which are known to drive people insane for them eventually no longer being able to tell reality and the nightmare apart.
she found out her father was still alive and she sent him off to Argo / her mother - her family now well, whole and alive somewhere out in the universe
loosing yet another friend (William)
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So, she tells the world she's Supergirl,
which will not erase the in episode 100 mentioned threats to her fam's lives
while the Children Of Liberty had been beheaded, the mistrust in people is still around
two years prior, during the Red Daughter incident, she had been declared public enemy number one
her sister's got a kid
ALL her prior reasons not to do so, have not magically evaporated!
I know, she's the Paragon of Hope, but...
People know Supergirl. Only very few know Kara Danvers. Hardly anyone on Earth ever knew about Kara Zor-El.
So, ask yourself, after revealing herself to the world, how would/will people perceive her now?
I think it's very naive to think, that Kara can be "herself" when people (at Al's bar, Noonans, work, performing the rare interview she manages to squeeze in between supering and her new, demanding job at CatCo) now either get star-struck or nervous at "meeting Supergirl", or at worst can't think past her being an (over-powered) alien. Supergirl is (in)FAMOUS! There is only Supergirl now, in the eye of the public, to anyone she meets. ...how could that possibly help her be more “herself”? The only people who she can be herself are the ones she could all along - her friends and family.  If anything it made going for a walk much more stressful, whereas Kara Danvers could eat ice cream without judging her for the messy way she may go about it in her eagerness... 
Is she being more honest?
Yes. There’s no more need to “fly on the bus”, am I rite? No more lies. 
Does this lead to her being more true to herself?
...on the surface at least, yes.
Does this lead to her being able to live as herself, her true and authentic self?
No, and not for some decades either (eventually, far away in the future, her having taken that step, and others following her example, this may very well lead to people not making distinctions anymore, being a Hero possibly just becoming considered yet another job, like a fireman/-woman or police officer).
Just a few years ago they've built the woman a friggin statue!
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So, no. I do not think - and the show has not given me anything to believe otherwise, rather kept affirming my conclusion - that Kara would indeed be able to live as "herself" after the finale episode and her public "coming out".
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I think the writers or whoever was in charge of that decision only saw the superficial symbolism (and a woke pro-LGTBQ+ implication). But they've entirely ignored Kara's path, her evolution and her experiences.
Truth be told, if there had been a seventh season after this cliffhanger (which it essentially was, as it raised more questions than it provided answers and/or closure), it would have had to have featured Kara facing the plenty-fold backlash of that decision. But making the show about Kara - the character - may have been a bit too much to ask for anyway... Maybe even culminating in her needing to call back Mxy to cash in her do-over raincheck.
So, no.
I see what the show was trying to say.
"Be yourself, don't hide, be proud." And that IS a good message.
But within the context of the show? Oh, boi, this one failed hard IMO.
My advice for Kara Danvers? 
TAKE A VACATION! Really, just be "Kara" for a while. No Super, no Danvers, no Zor-El. Just kick up your legs, DEAL with your trauma (talk to Kelly!), clean up shop, find your center, focus on your needs for a while.
Go sing Karaoke with your extended found family. Eat buckets of ice cream. Watch every musical in existence. Maybe even go and visit your re-united parents! Go on a road-trip with your bestie. 🥷 Finally take some time off to mourn: Red Daughter, William, Jeremiah (for good), Oliver... Go meet your nephews! There's two of them now, and they are teens already!
Trust your friends, trust in them having your back, that the world won't get destroyed (again) just because you take a few months of a sabbatical or to just limit yourself to rescuing kittens and helping grandmas cross the streets for a while. Maybe you'll even find a hook for a story to snag yourself another Pulitzer while you're just out there enjoying the world.
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And yes, just ENJOY the world you've saved (over and over and over and...) for once! There's so much beauty in it. Prove to yourself why it is all worth it!
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Because, Kara is NOT just Supergirl OR Kara Danvers OR just Kara...
She's all of the above and so much more.
Revealing herself to the world is not changing that it isn’t an instant solution to Kara's multitude of problems, her traumas, her inner(!) duality (tripality? quadrality?...).
The seasons have put her through the ringer several times over without giving her a chance to breathe, have thrown trauma, drama, loss, grief, shock and terror at her over and over and over again. She's a former last Kryptonian orphan refugee adopted by humans who has her parents back but estranged by time and space, facing xenophobia, racism, sexism (lots of 'isms...) left and right, had to face, fight and lose her own "evil" twin, possibly contradicting memories of her teenage years up to Crisis, keeps losing even when she's winning, spreads herself way too thin because of Big Bads constantly showing up....
For Rao's sake! The girl really doesn't know who she is anymore!
And it only on the surface leads back to her being a reporter and a Super both day and night.
There is a reason the comic book arc of Superman revealing himself got retconned / axed. ...after all, if I grasped that correctly, it was Lex' great idea for Sups to reveal himself to the world...
And no. I don't think either Cat nor Lena meant for Kara to come out like that. They were being supportive. Cat in her "you need to figure out what you want, so just dive, Kara!" way and Lena in the more gentle "whatever you feel is right to you, my one true love best friend" approach. Cat was trying to push Kara (meant well, but IMO after the previous events just wrapped up, a bit of a bad timing). And Lena was ...kinda enabling, having just come on the other end of her own life-long trauma spiel and possibly being over-supportive after the year of hell...
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So yeah, I've got issues with the last few minutes of the finale. In my head-canon it was Kara's fever dream after she finally had a full night's sleep after the final show-down.
Feel free to disagree!
“I was missing the point. It is not about what you do. It is about who you love.” 
- Cat Grant [2x21]
#Kue out.
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sinnermannn · 7 months ago
The Justice League Crisis On Infinite Earths Trilogy Is Finally OVER
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