#Stylish smart glasses
crazydiscostu · 3 months
OHO Blue Light Blocking Smart Glasses
Whether you’re commuting to work, enjoying a leisurely stroll, or engaging in outdoor activities, having access to your music or assistant is a must. Enter the realm of smart wearables, (or more accurately Bluetooth wearables) where innovation meets practicality. Among the myriad of gadgets available, OHO Blue Light Blocking Smart Glasses stand out as a fusion of style, functionality, and…
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hexamendle · 2 years
Denji, Power 🤓 Manga: Chainsaw Man [Ch.31]
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mr888sworld · 9 months
The Risings 🌅 in all twelve zodiac signs. How do you appear to the world?
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The rising in astrology rules over our physical body/how we are perceived to the outer world/our unconscious energy outwardly towards the collective consciousness.
Aries rising ♈️.
You appear strong/bold or otherwise confident to the collective consciousness.
You radiate the air of warrior/one who has been through hell & survived the victor
Childlike at times/wants new adventure!
You have good physical strength & work ethic.
You unconsciously approach life stead-fast thirsting for the next adventure of reality.
Extremely honest
Goal oriented
Emotionally driven
Extremely passionate
Strong personality
Unconsciously you crave intensity & passion & adventure
You have a thirst for anything that makes you feel alive
Taurus rising ♉️
You appear relaxed & in tune
Others could misunderstand you, misjudge you/mischaracterize you by the tone of your voice or the way you approach situations all together
Looks put together/highly focused on your appearance.
Great singers
Amazing at financing
Approach to Life can be very slow & interchangeable.
Proportional body & face (Venus influence)
Strong throats
Soft features for the women
Aesthetically driven
Unconsciously you love peace/soft luxurious living
Relaxed energy
Heavily influenced by beauty
Attracted to fine dining
Gemini rising ♊️
You appear youthful & inquisitive/thirsty for the next bit of knowledge
Others feel like you know way more than you are letting on
Approach to life can be curious & or calculated & influenced by stimulation
Great at starting conversations
Excellent at forming bonds
Might be into psychology
Known for your analytical mind
Youthful appearance
Unconsciously you want stimulation & exploration
Nosy at times
Always paying attention to everything
Always aware
Most likely Smarter than you
Always has a plan for anything
Cancer rising ♋️
You appear mystical & heavily influenced by magick ( like a psychic or witch)
Naturally good with sensing bullshit
Strong intuition
People could be drawn to you for healing. Be wary of male figures drawn to your maternal energy. (Mommas boys)
Your approach to the world could be full of emotion & sensitivity ( you feel everything)
Might be into tarot/astrology/esoteric knowledge
Influenced by the moon
Might be into glamour
Looks mystical
Soft appearance/approach to life (emotionally turbulent)
Unconsciously you want give love & accept love from the ones you adore
Leo rising ♌️
Appears as if the sun is shining on you/unforgettable smile/infectious laughter
Youthful appearance
Outgoing personality
Dominant force to be reckoned with
Unfaithful at times
Naturally grabs attention
Approach to life could be optimistic & bold
Drawn to dramatic occasions.
Strong fit body/unruly hair
Tall figure
Unconsciously you want to shine without anyone or anything to dim your light
Virgo rising ♍️
You appear analytical & judgmental 🧠/ you gravitate toward anything logical & organized
Book smart
You read folk like no other
Others could see you as overly confident/cocky because of your intelligence
Lanky tall figure
Could come from a judgmental home
You are an organized individual
Strict on yourself/others at times
Well spoken
You look put together
Very particular about your appearance
Petite for the women
Could wear glasses
Others could find you extremely honest
Unconsciously you want someone to make your experience on earth easier by remembering little details about you or your life 🧠
Libra rising ♎️
You appear classy/elegant/ & soft /put together/ stylish & outgoing
Others find you extremely attractive (Venus influence)
Excellent communicator
Attracted to what is fair in their eyes
Drawn to the law
Could potentially be a famous model
Structured body
Tall figure
Extremely focused at enhancing their appearance
Attention seeker at times
Naturally grabs attention
Knows what looks good
Excellent at aesthetics
Could potentially be married early or young
In & out of relationships
Loves the idea of love
Drawn to the party life
Unconsciously you want to find the love of your life and it actually be true/ balance your life completely without any disharmony.
Scorpio rising ♏️
You appear strong/disinterested/mysterious.
You are the most psychic rising
You could read bullshit from a mile away 💯
Powerful individual
Strong figure
Closed off at times
Heavily into the occult/astrology ( Pluto’s influence)
Attracted to death/rebirth
Extremely transformative
Might never look the same throughout life
Heavily into tarot readings/palm readings & anything esoteric
Will read you
Could probably hear thoughts fr or just sense when someone is talking about them
Mistrustful/others trust you with their private matters
Unconsciously you want a bond like no other/intensity & passion with a splash of anything genuine & worth it
Sagittarius rising ♐️
You appear optimistic & full of life/vibrant personality (always smiling)
Life of the party
Extremely attracted to travel/higher learning
Extremely philosophical
Always has an answer
Extremely into their faith
Your physical appearance could be a lot larger due to Jupiters influence ( like bigger hips)
Naturally stylish
Extremely outgoing
These people have the loudest laugh in the room
Turned off by anything negative
Excellent at manifesting /meditation /breath work
Stands up for the truth/justice & faith
Drawn to the party life 😂
Unconsciously you want to live with no boundaries/no restriction or rules
Extremely lucky/abundant individual
Capricorn rising ♑️
You appear cold/wealthy/logical & business oriented
Could come from a rich home
Could indicate a powerful father or authority figure in the individuals life
Most likely richer than you
Born hustler
Always working to better themselves & others
Has no time for the bullshit
Very understanding
Extremely drawn to learning financial management
You could trust them with your wallet
Strong features (saturn)
Tall strong figure (Saturn’s influence)
Could indicate an individual who ages very slow (also because of Saturn)
Could die of old age
Financially abundant
Unconsciously you just want peace/space & the ability to stack your bread with someone in a logical & impactful way
Aquarius rising ♒️
You appear withdrawn & detached to the physical/ drawn to humanity
Drawn to humanitarian issues/could become a world leader
Other follow you!
Extremely intelligent & logical
Extremely calculating.
Intuitive when it comes to the needs of everyone
Excellent at communicating
Great at making friends/forming bonds with others
You have the best advice/understanding of life (beside sag & Scorpio risings)
Extremely philosophical
Hates mundane living
Boundless & uncontrollable
You seek freedom like no other
Unconsciously you want to help others & give them guidance to make humanity better/ logical living
Misunderstood like no other
Rebel lifestyle
Attracted to new beginnings
Quick to move on/run
Excellent at learning new skills
Unique appearance/style
Pisces rising ♓️
You appear intuitive/withdrawn/magical/otherworldly/psychic
Extremely attracted to their faith
Extremely abundant ( Jupiter’s influence )
Knows when something isn’t right
Others could come to you for help in the spiritual realm
Manifest like no other
Could be prone to scandals (Neptune’s influence)
Others feel as if you know something they don’t
Mystical individuals
Soft/ethereal Appearance
Drawn to meditation
Extremely psychic
Philosophical lifestyle ( Jupiter’s energy)
Emotionally driven
Can sense spirits/otherworldly energies
Dreams are extremely foretelling
Can probably see into the future
Extremely prone to astral projection
Unconsciously you want a spiritual experience full of blessings &. Peace
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Thank you guys for the follows fr I greatly appreciate the love & support on the post 🙏🏾🧠 if you feel like I should do the moon signs Aries- Pisces lmk 🙏🏾 thanks again & also if you would like to book a reading with me feel free to shoot me a message I gotchu 🧠 protect y’all energy & stay safe
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crystalsofaequarin · 3 months
In the Kingdom of Aequarin, magic and technology go hand in hand with the use of beautiful luminous crystals.
The village of Shimmer Mist is a small town filled with necromancers and dark magic users. While the rest of Aequarin lives in relative comfort and peace, Shimmer Mist is a place few dare to venture.
You assume the role of a detective being tasked with uncovering the mystery behind an unusual string deaths plaguing your town.
You journey to the Capitol seeking aid for your investigation when you receive news of Lord Belfry, the mayor of Shimmer Mists' death. You are sent back with a group of companions to assist in your task to catch the murderer before they strike again.
Soon, you realize that beneath the surface of seemingly isolated deaths lies something far greater than anyone could have imagined. Just how deep does this mystery run? Will you be a good enough detective to solve it? The fate of Shimmer Mist, and maybe the entirety of Aequarin, lies in your hands.
Customizable MC.
Choose your clothing style
Romance and befriend your fellow companions.
Build unique relationships with companions.
Decided how you feel about the town and people of Shimmer Mist.
Choose your magic color and weapon.
Save your village...or don't?
Celdrine Wynmire | The Healer (F)
Celdrine is a kind and joyful soul. She is rarely seen without a smile. She loves to help people and is the ultimate optimist.
Appearance: Long light green hair, blue green eyes. Lightly tanned skin with small freckles on her face.
Magic/weapon: Yellow magic, uses an intricately crafted staff.
Style: Frilly
Birthday: March 20th - Pisces
Carmine Garnet | The Knight (M)
Carmine is quite and serious. His loyalty can't be matched. Though he can be intimidating once you get to know him you see how much he is willing to do for the people of Aequarin and his fellow companions.
Appearance: Long fiery red hair. Fair skin and piercing green eyes.
Magic/Weapon: Red magic uses a broad sword.
Style: Functional/Stylish
Birthday: January 2nd - Capricorn
Artemis Krane | The Scientist (M,F,NB)
Artemis is intelligent and can come off as cold or aloof. They always think with their head and never let emotion cloud their judgment... usually.
Appearance: Glasses and lavender eyes purple hair. F and NB Artemis have long hair usually pulled back. M Artemis has short to medium length slicked back hair.
M: 5'10"
F/NB: 5'7"
Magic/Weapon: Purple magic uses a lance.
Style: Travel/Comfort
Birthday: November 18th - Scorpio
Kaelin Novus | The Merchant (M,F,NB)
Kaelin is a a former monster hunter turned merchant. They are fairly well known through the Kingdom and incredibly popular in the Capitol. They are charismatic and generally kind. They love a bit of gossip though.
Appearance: Medium brown skin, deep amber eyes. M and NB Kaelin have long locks. F Kaelin has long goddess braids.
M: 6'
F: 5'6"
NB: 5'9"
Magic/Weapon: blue magic uses long sword
Stlye: Elegant
Birthday: July 26th - Leo
Nym Solaris | The Watcher (F)
Nym was born with very little magic much to her families dismay. With the help of crystal bodily enhancements such as her left eye which has had a crystal lens implanted in it, Nym has exceeded everyone's expectations of her. Nym is very smart and reclusive, she can be quiet and a bit standoffish at first, but is a generally kind-hearted person.
Style: Functional stylish
Birthday: September 13th - Virgo
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lilbabydilljr · 2 years
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Hi I’ve been wanting to post this for a few days but I’ve got no desire to actually write a description. But it’s here if anyone wants! Description will come later, I just dropped my boyfriend off today and I’m kinda sad. Long distance. Blah.
Download (SFS)
Info is now under the cut! Look at me go.
01/18 - If you use any replacement UI built off of Clean UI, please ensure either this package loads after, or delete the turn on images that Clean UI includes. Thank you grilledcheese-aspiration for reminding me! The two turn-ons effected are ‘Musical’ and ‘Neat Freak’ which were originally ‘Hard Worker’ and ‘Unemployed.’
So I will say I probably should’ve done these differently (turn Creative into Artistic as opposed to Vampire, but whatever. They actually started out alphabetical in game which I thought was neat. They’re still fairly close!
But basically what I’ve done here is replace almost all the turn-ons with personality/trait based ones. I’m wishing we could mix and match individual turn-ons actually because as I write this list I’m already worried about people thinking there’s too many supernatural ones. But they’re used in my game so idk. They’re much more relevant than full face makeup I feel.
For badges sims require a silver level to have the turn-on. For skills I’ve increased it to 8 points, and if a turn-on mentions a hobby, a sim either needs 5 points or have it as their One True Hobby.
Fitness/Fatness - New icons, unchanged Swimwear > Adventurous - 3 Vacations, Adventurous, Daredevil, Sailor Formal > Alien - Trait, Skin, Eyes Underwear > Animal Lover - 2 Pet Friends, Animal Lover, Cat Person, Dog Person, Equestrian Vampire > Artistic - Artistic, Avant Garde, Photographer's Eye, Savvy Sculptor, Floral/Pottery/Sewing Badge, Arts & Crafts Hobby, Creativity Skill Stink > Athletic - Athletic, Disciplined, Equestrian, Loves to Swim, Sports/Fitness Hobby, Body Skill Logical > Bad Rep - Negative Reputation, Evil Great Cook > Bookish - Bookworm, Film & Literature Hobby Mechanical > Charismatic - Born Salesperson, Charismatic, Natural Born Performer, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Charisma Skill Creative > Content - Platinum, Lifetime Happiness Skill (side note this one will be the first one to go if someone can come up with something better it is my least favourite) Athletic > Dumb - Absent Minded, Less than 2 Logic Good at cleaning > Foodie - Natural Cook, Cuisine Hobby, Cooking Skill Zombiism > Gamer - Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Loser, Games Hobby Robots > Good Rep - Good reputation, Good Plantsim > Indoorsy - Bookworm, Brooding, Couch Potato, Hates the Outdoors, Loner Werewolf > Magic - Genie, Witch, Fairy Witch > Mechanical - Servo, Bot Fan, Computer Whiz, Handy, Vehicle Enthusiast, Robotics Badge, Tinkering Hobby, Mechanical Skill Hard Worker > Musical - Natural Born Performer, Star Quality, Virtuoso, Music & Dance Hobby, Dance Skill, Creativity Skill Unemployed > Neat Freak - Neat, Cleaning Skill, Personality Cologne > Occult - Werewolf, Plantsim, Bigfoot, Genie, Witch, Fairy, Mermaid Facial Hair > Outdoorsy - Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Sailor, Gardening Badge, Fishing Badge, Nature Hobby Glasses > Plant Lover - Eco-Friendly, Green Thumb, Vegetarian, Flower/Gardening Badge, Plantsim, Fairy  Makeup > Productive - Ambitious, Eccentric, Frugal, Gatherer, Perfectionist, Workaholic Full Face Makeup > Slacker - Couch Potato, Mooch, Slob, Personality Hats > Smart - Genius, Logic Skill Jewellery > Stylish - Avant Garde, Diva, Irresistible, Proper, Cosmetology Badge, Fashion Interest Custom Hair > Timid - Brooding, Coward, Loner, Shy, Socially Awkward, Unflirty, Personality Charismatic > Undead - Ghost, Zombie, Vampire
Version 2 Added, Choose one
Fixes Fitness/Fatness names. Those were meant for me only!
Creative > Baddie - Daredevil, Evil, Flirty, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Party Animal, Rebellious traits
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josephinekhawaja · 6 months
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The most beautiful Kaya Scodelario looked in "The Gentlemen". And the overall scene is something that can actually be so personal. Him seeking her out. Like ending episode 6 thinking mom and dad (mum and dad) are going to war with each other...and then this...and then still the last two episodes being a roller coaster of whether or not they are going to be the literal death of one another. I have never had so much Good Stress from a ship that was Bad Stress when I was actually going through it. I aged and greyed so much through parts of this show, my poor heart.
To me, they have this low-key Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle dynamic (sooooo, Bobby Glass would be Carmine Falcone? I can work with that), which, given how BatCat is one of my lifelong OTPs, I am sure subconsciously pulled me in. Like posh boy that can get down and dirty (so his ski mask era would be his Batman era 😅😂 "We're not criminals, Freddy"), however much he sees himself holding a higher moral ground over the underworld he must move through. And working-class girl, street smarts, that can no less look "elegant and stylish" and navigate the upper echelons; but at the end of the day is who she is and matter-of-factly💋💋💋💋a career criminal. (Kaya honestly even works as a face claim for Selina though her eyes may be closer to blue than green. I mean, the Gunnverse has to cast a Catwoman eventually, depending on the age range of their Batman... I will just leave this here for you for free, James.)
And then Princess Roseanne, the Countess of Tournai, would be Talia Al-Ghul especially when Susie lets slip some jealous vibes towards her (made me think of Anne Hathaway's snark about Marion Cotillard in the last Nolanverse film...the characters, not the actresses). Though ultimately I do see Eddie and Princess Roseanne as Just Friends and no conflict in that direction unless further miscommunication. (So much Misunderstanding Drama in this series and between OTP. When a good romantic comedy is not a romantic comedy; or even entirely a comedy.)
But really it comes down to their having such an *easy partnership*, naturally yielding to one another when it comes to it. The way Susie has her way about things -- most notably when she invites herself to meet Stanley Johnston -- and Eddie smoothly submits to her without in any way seeming whipped. Like their actions are always in agreement, even when their words are not. Those two are more married than most married folks I have seen on screen. Should have blacked out in Nevada than on the estate.
(Also, gotta love how she has him saved in her phone as "The Duke". Like forget Bridgerton...I would watch an entire season of TheoKaya going at each other in, Bridgerton ways. As it stands with this though, I could see how the greater artistic choice might be to just make this a stand-alone, but I would be greedy for any subsequent season. This is already technically an expansion on a film -- that I have yet to see -- so Guy Ritchie does not mind a revisit. I could use any more of these 2 families who fully drive the story of this world.)
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callsigns-haze · 10 months
Pretty like a crime
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: This is the first post to my new series so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Fighting, violence, drinking, guns, shooting, choking, cursing, gun shot, knives and a lot of violence that idk how to lable
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You were back for the first time undercover at a dinner masquerade party and lets say nothing has happened yet. Your job was to obtain the organization files and deliver them by the end of the night but for now there was no sight of the enemy.
All night you've been in continuous conversation and greetings with people who you never met. It was killing you mentally. You'd do anything to be in your apartment, with your son on the couch cuddling while watching the Midnight Garden.
Through a couple of sources you've been informed that an unknown to you, agent group was on this operation too, but if you revealed to the wrong person, you'd already be dead.
"Excuse me, is the seat taken?" A strong Texan accent asked behind you. Turning, you saw a very handsome gentleman. Wearing a black button top with a black pair of fine trousers and leather shoes, he greatly showed off the blonde gelled hair that was excellently groomed and those green eyes just sparked right.
'Wait! Why are you caring how he looks or not?!' You asked yourself. You shook your head in disagreement, and he sat next to you. You take a sip of your glass filled with water; not wanting to seem to unsuttle.
"I understand you're not really into this style of events?" He inquired. You give him a slight look and softly reply, "May I ask what gave me away? My resting face of a bitch or that my body language is all over the place?" He let out a slight laugh and extended his hand to you.
"Jakob." As you reached to his hand, he delicately lifts yours, kissing your knuckles. You smile as you never experienced such a gentleman before.
"And here I thought chivalry died out a long time ago," you comment. With a stylish smirk, he shakes his head in disagreement. "There's still a lot of us around, you just gotta know where to look. If I'm not ahead of myself, may I ask for your name?"
Before your undercover name could drift back into your memory one of his friends is calling him over. A man in a black suit, quite tall with soft brown curls and a eighties pornstache. With a disappointed sigh, he excused himself with a quick apology. You were again stuck alone in silence.
The great thing about this job assignment was the masquerade. Nobody will know what hit them and what they're getting themselves into and that was the plan. Surprise. And you'll get what you want. A long time has passed of you eyeing the door, waiting for the right person to come in and your own phone rings instead with a notification.
Tamara. Your babysitter just sent you the cutest picture of your son watching tv with all his teddies aligned so they can 'Watch it too.'
Your son. So young but so passionate and so loved. He was smart for such a young age and could easily figure out people's emotions. He got easily attached and loved spending time with Tamara. God, you thank her so much.
You quickly put your phone away once you laid your eyes on the member entering.
The man you were waiting for. The man you were going to steal from or kill if things got out of hand. He looks so smirked and full of himself even behind the mask. This was the easy part, find out what room he's going to. Try not to pull the trigger and leave before anyone notices any drama. But it's not going to be easy.
This man is one of the greatest ghost gun and drug dealer you know. Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home. They are often sold through "ghost gun kits," which include all of the parts and often the equipment necessary to build these weapons at home.
These kits are widely available and can be purchased by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers — without a background check. As these kits and guns are sold at gun shows and online every day throughout the country, they undermine all of the life-saving policies that state legislatures have fought so hard to put in place.
They were also not metal so they could easily slide through security. And the drug part. Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.
You're eyes following him from behind the mask and the glass, your gaze doesn't drop at any movement. He's with his source or someone who's along the lines, the unknown man whispers in his ear and shows the door to the others. But why leave when you've just entered? Why not go around the back? And why were you the one having to follow their trail?
Oh well…. Isn't that just life… But why are they leaving through the back door? And you're right on their trail.
Sprinting. You never ran so fast through a street beforez as you were getting pursued by three henchmen. You felt the cold air as it burned to intake, and those ankles of yours were gonna twist in all but the right angles. You got it. You don't know how but you've got the organisation files but you managed to got caught so you're kinda running for your life and may I say running in heels and a red long silk dress wasn't really in your plans. Thinking you could lose them, you run down an alleyway.
It was a wrong turn, a dead end. There was no exit and no way out. 'Shit!' you thought, panting. You hear three pairs of thick footsteps of the men who have chased you and a disgusting laughter as you turn back around facing the men.
You had to fight or you'd die. The largest of the three came up to you shoving you backwards against the stone wall. "You all are the same, think you can take what they want without consequences," that russian accent was so scrappy that you'd prefer nails on a chalkboard.
"Now little girl, give us the files or are you prepared for death," he grabbed you by the neck, you spitting in his face made him take a stepped back in disgust and a flinch. The two of the men couldn't have done anything until you say.
"I think I should be asking… Are you prepared?" Smirking you start your fight as one henchman ran towards you hoping to punch you straight in the face. Giving him a roundhouse in the nose and punching him in the lower stomach, grabbing his head and kneeling him straight unconscious, you failed to see the other man coming behind with a thick metal chain, causing you to check while cutting off your oxygen access.
You started pulling and shaking which only cause him to squeeze tighter. Your vision started to go. You knew this was the end when you could only cough and not breathe. You were about to pass out but suddenly you were dropped and quickly loosened the grip for yourself gasping to catch a breath.
A gun shot.
Let's be more specific a gunshot sent from the handsome Texan blonde who flirted with you this evening. Wait where did he go? You felt a hand on your shoulder, and with the remaining stamina you had, your fight or flight response kicked in.
You grabbed a hold of his arm flipping him onto his lap, straddling his chest. You pull you knife out pressing it against his neck. " Who the fuck are you and why did you follow me?" You inquired aggressively, not knowing if he was with or against you. "I'm an agent, ma'am. I work with the San Diego Mission Force." He pulls out his badge to backup his story.
Quite shocked you don't waste time getting off him and holding your arm out to help him up which he takes,"I apologize for my aggressiveness," you looked at him, he returned a smile.
'Fake it, till you make it, that's all you had to do.'
"You were doing what anyone should have done. You've got me quite wowed that you managed to do that after getting nearly killed." Smirking, you look down, 'this man was still flirting!'
Your que to run. You swiftly kick his from underneath his feet causing him to fall to the ground with an 'oof' leaving his lips. Grabbing your gun, which is concealed in your purse, you point it straight in between that perfect pair of green eyes, "I'm warning you, try to follow me again and I won't hesitate to kill you."
He tries to get up but you stomp your heel onto his clothed chest causing him to cough after getting wind knocked out of his chest, "Do you know who you're messing with. And I legit' just saved your life," he groans as the gun never leaves your aim.
"The real question is do you know who you've messed with." And at that you're gone. Disappeared into thin air without a trace and you left him there on the ground as the rest of the daggers come running but there's no trace of you…
Thanks to @shanimallina87 and @callsign-magnolia for ideas and support
Tagging who may be interested:
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s-i-n-i-s-i-n · 1 year
Carmen Sandiego
Outfit Ranking. Season 1
Here is Part 2
Here is my very own ranking for Carmen Sandiego outfits in season 1.
I feel it is necessary to mention that she is so fucking hot and wicked-awesome that she looks amazing in everything. She would look beautiful in a potato sack.
Warning: this is a long post that may contain my bad resolution images and poorly made gifs.
13. Gray Vile Uniform.
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It is weird that having Countess Cleo on the very faculty, the students' uniforms are so ugly. 0/10 Ugly crap. Even the cleaners look better.
12. Dark Vile Uniform.
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It is an upgrade. Still not very stylish. Kinda neutral, but at least black and green get along fine enough. But it is a uniform... her personality doesn't shine through this one.
11. Overalls.
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She still hasn't grown into her own style but at least I believe it is a personal choice. And green is so not her color.
10. Lab Coat.
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She looks so sexy with glasses. She looks classy and smart. But at the end of the day, it is just a lab coat. We know she can rock anything she puts on, but there is no much effort in this, since it is a disguise, a quite simple one at that. Still, baby you look great!
9. The jammies!
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So cozy. We get a glimpse at her everyday life. Still very practical and very red. She seems to wear her make up to bed and leave her clothes on the floor.
We are not only seeing a superthief here, but a beautiful woman that just woke up... literally.
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8. Diver suit.
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Red, red all over. Completely in character. It is obvious the effort in making this piece useful efficient and stylish all in one. Probably one of Ivy's best works.
7. Duchess disguise.
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How did Devineaux didn't recognize that beautiful gray eye! Black suits her just fine. Mysterious and fancy. Shows her figure well and the pantsuit compliments her nice strong legs. Looks good with straight hair (that's the only straight thing that suits her).
You can see here she likes chokers. They are part of most of her outfits.
6. Denim shorts.
Wow talking about nice strong legs! Girl you're just showing off. Don't blame you, keep it up. Sporty look here appropriate for the weather. How can she make a short and a t-shirt look so good is beyond me.
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With a matching hoodie when it gets cold.
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5. Bikini.
Sadly we could not get a good look at this piece. She was on a bad mood at that particular time and didn't want to get off the chair. Too much sun, she said I've had enough tropical beach to last me a lifetime, she said.
Despite how awesome she probably looks in this swimsuit, I think it does not deserve to be in the top 3.
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We know she likes wide hats :)
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4. Auction Dress.
Hot hot hot hot! Oh boy it's burning baby! No words for this. My brain just melted when I saw her in this dress for the first time. Red and gold combine so well.
The gloves! so elegant!!!
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Did you see her back?! asdjkwashgdfhf!!!! Also I told you she likes chokers.
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Bonus! We get a closer look at her shoes! And so does Devineaux :)
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Now the next is the Top 3. I believe the next ones really look good on her. Not only because she looks pretty but also because it shows her personality. She feels so confident and comfortable wearing them that she puts them on regularly. Therefore it may not be a surprise they are the top 3.
But before that, the 3 honorable mentions.
Honorable mention # 1.
A cute dress for a cute girl.
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Honorable mention #2.
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Honorable mention #3.
Black sheep.
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3. Mumbai outfit.
She wears this the first time in Mumbai. Where she meets Jules. Perfect for hot weather. Nice and casual. Little red belt and unavoidable chocker. Love it. I don't know what else to tell you. Simply fabulous.
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She is just so unbelievably cool.
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2. The RED COAT.
This is the most recognizable of all. The signature. The trademark. This one is what earns her the nick names. La femme rouge! The crimson ghost! Fedora the explorah!
The agility, the sneakiness, the skillfulness!
This coat represents the path she chose. This is the person she has become. Where the world is in danger of loosing its history she's made her mission to preserve it.
Iconic. Just iconic.
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So resourceful! She makes me weak in the knees.
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Red Hoodie.
Where the Red Coat dresses the thief, the Red Hoodie warms up the woman. This is Carmen, the girl in her comfy everyday clothes. If she had had a normal life, this is what she would wear.
You know that shirt that you barely take off? The one pair of pants that you wear so often it gets holes at the knees? This is it for Carmen.
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This is what she feels most comfortable wearing on a daily basis. It is my opinion that this is the more genuine expression of Carmen Sandiego when it comes to clothes. And for that I give this outfit the first place.
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Thank you for coming!
Here is Part 2
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junoswrlld · 11 months
✧˖°📖nerd antics ୨୧˚
choi soobin x gn!reader 1.9k words warning swearing & lowercase intended & kms jokes genre fluff, established relationship, crack(this was very unserious) featuring sim jake-enhypen and eunchae- le serrafim junos’s note this is supossed to be a birthday present for nai @run2seob happy birthday pookster *runs away*
mini synopsis -- u do nerd anime stuff with Soobin (he shows u anime figure collection & jake jumpscare)
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Friday 3am
your phone screen illuminated your face in the otherwise dimly lit room as tonight was just like any night for you, the usual scrolling through tiktok at 3am, more specifically scrolling through the soobin hashtag.
it was definitely endearing seeing all the heartwarming things moas would post about soobin. The genuine affection they harbored for your boyfriend, was palpable. Their posts ranged from heartwarming anecdotes to hilariously relatable observations, all testament to the magnetic charm of Soobin.
but one video caught your eye, an episode of Eunchae's Star Diary, a close friend of yours interviewing Soobin and Kai. It was a compilation a fan made of all their favorite clips from the show. about halfway through the clip show Eunchae asks Soobin about his fixation with anime.
Eunchae leaned in and asked, "oh, Soobin you like anime?"
soobin laughed, feigning surprise. "ah yes, how'd you know?" he said.
eunchae couldn't help but chuckle in response, "Aren't you famous for it....?"
seeing this clip made you go down a rabbit hole of trying to find times when Soobin talked about the interest of his of anime. and in one video he seems to mention having a shelf of sorts the he uses to display anime figures. This intrigues you because it's not like you didn't know of this fascination, having been dating him for a little over two months of course he's told you all about it, but a shelf dedicated to figures? you've heard no talk of the sort.
and you've also had to chance to see such thing since you haven't yet been to soobins dorm, thus you've also never got the chance to see this shelf, so you decided to text him about it
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you: u collect anime figures??? soobie:WHO TOLD U?!?!?!? you: u did? you:i watched a clip of u mentioning it soobie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you: its not that embarrassing soobinnnn soobie: SO U ADMIT ITS AT LEAST A LITTLE WEIRD?!?!? you: WHAT NO you:id collect them too if i had the money soobie: really?? soobie:oh my gosh im in love you: omg wtf kms ur killing me you: anyways can i come over tomorrow(x together)? you:or i guess later today since its 3am soobin: like after practice? ofc u can you: im #scared after what ive seen of the dorms from tiktok you:a bike right by the stove? really? soobie:OMG LOL ill definitely clean it up for u you: u better
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5 hours later (8am)
soobie:y/n. you: what???? soobie: i just heard my 8am alarm go off you: not my fault u couldnt stop talking to me soobie: real u just have too much rizz you:real!!! soobie: but i gotta get ready to go to practice now you: wanna reschedule when i come over then? you:yknow so u (and me) can get some sleep? soobie:ur just reading my mind you: we should have planed it for tmr any since its saturady soobie: omg were so not smart you:im very smart idk about u tho you: since u spend all ur money on anime figures n stuff soobie: honestly fair
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Saturday 2pm
you've arrived at the dorm building, its a modern structure with a sleek and contemporary design. It stands tall, several stories high, with large windows that allow plenty of natural light to filter through. The exterior is adorned with a combination of glass and steel, giving it a polished and sophisticated look.
The entrance is well-lit, and as you step inside, you're greeted by a spacious and stylish lobby. The walls are decorated with subtle, tasteful artwork, featuring images of past achievements or group photos of the residents. The floor is immaculately tiled, and there's a reception desk where visitors can check-in.
after the rigorous check-in process of the front desk ladies just making sure you're not some crazy fan trying to break into the dorms, they point you in the direction of the elevators you would be taking to Soobin's room.
As you step into the elevator, your anticipation for seeing Soobin intensifies. The doors start to close, and just before they shut completely, a hand slips through, causing the doors to retract. You look up, and to your surprise, you find yourself face to face with a group of idols entering the elevator.
you think that maybe it's one of the front desk ladies that might have forgotten something? or maybe it's Soobin getting to his dorm at the same time you did. so without giving it a second thought you spam the "open door" button, hoping to help whoever is on the other side of the door.
just when you think that it's surely soobin based on the height the person entering the elevator has, he turn to meet eyes with you.
JAKE?!!!?!??!?! FROM ENHYPEN???????
of course, you have idol friends since you're dating the Choi Soobin, but he hasn't introduced you to Enhypen yet! you don't even think he's told them about your relationship, so what if Jake thinks you're some crazy fan like the front desk ladies did??
jake side-eyes you as he exits the elevator, reaching his floor, clearly thinking you're not supposed to be there. silently relieved that the awkward encounter has come to an end, at least for the moment since you can't stop replaying the moment in your head and cringing.
exiting the elevator onto the floor where Soobin's apartment is located, the hallway greets you with a quiet atmosphere. as you walk, the recent awkward encounter with Jake replays in your mind, leaving behind a sense of unease and self-consciousness. however, amidst these feelings, there's a spark of excitement, especially considering this is your first time visiting Soobin's dorm. the anticipation adds an extra layer to the mix as you make your way down the hallway.
as you reach Soobin's apartment door, marked '127' as he had told you. taking a deep breath, you knock, eager to see him but after 10 seconds of awkwardly waiting outside his door you hear a loud thud coming from the other side. you knock again, thinking his clumsy ass might've fallen over and hurt himself.
just as you were about to knock again the door wings open, and soobins stumbles to lean against the door frame.
"hey, uh, you come here often? i said that with Rizz by the way." Soobin says with a sheepish grin, trying to mask the fact that he stumbled with his charisma. His disheveled appearance and the loud thud suddenly make sense.
as you observe Soobins slightly disarrayed state, a realization dawns on you. the charm in his smile doesn't quite hide the signs of a hurried cleanup. the misplaced items and the askew chair suggest that he must have been rushing to tidy up the place right before your arrival. and the thud? Probably something clattering to the floor in the midst of his cleanup efforts.
"hold on, why do you look so shaken up??? i swear the dorm isnt that bad, i cleaned it up and none of the boys are here. you good?"
soobin gestures at you to come in and you do. "it couldn't have been that bad y/nnn. what did he say anyway?"
"he didn't say anything BUT he did give me the nastiest side-eye on the planet. and i swear if i was near a cliff i would've jumped cause that interaction made me wanna kill myself."
"i hope you're joking about the last part cause i dunno what id do without you pookie." he says while winking and putting up double peace signs.
you couldn't help but cringe, your eyebrows involuntarily scrunching together.
"some light aegyo didn't make you feel better?" soobins shoulders slumped, and he cast his gaze downward in defeat. "how about i put on a studio ghibli film so you don't die of embarrassment?" he says while guiding you to sit on the living room couch.
"spirited away."
"put on spirited away."
"of course"
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after a Mini Studio Ghibli movie marathon, you remember the main reason you wanted to come over in the first place.
Soobin's cheeks flush slightly as you enthusiastically exclaim, "OH RIGHT!!! where's your little figure collection hiding? that's like the main reason I'm here."
"i thought you might've already forgotten, and why do you wanna see it so bad anyway?"
"soobin, i literally think it's cool. plus i wanna see the things you're passionate about or whatever." you say with a teasing smile, trying to ease the tension of his embarrassment.
soobin sighs, giving in to your insistence. "i guess if you wanna see it so bad." He murmurs softly, fingers intertwined with yours, guiding you towards his room with a gentle tug.
as you enter soobins room you can clearly tell that the living room was the only one he bothered tidying up, as all of his room was left in chaos.
"welcome to my humble abode" Soobin says, gesturing playfully around the room.
"I'm surprised the figures aren't scattered across the floor with how messy this place is."
"to be fair i didn't exactly have time to clean considering you never told me when you'd be here till you were 10 minutes away"
"i guess you're right but wheres this shelf full of figures ive heard so much about?"
soobin pulls you out of the doorway and closes the door behind you, revealing the infamous collection that was hiding behind the opened door.
"WOAH. this is way more than i thought it would be."
"so it is weird???"
"WHAT?!? NO, if anything its really impressive cause how do you have all the money for this??"
"i'm an idol."
"oh right. well anyway, who's this girl?" you say as you go to pick up a chibi-looking figure. when you're only inches away from picking it up soobin slaps your hand away.
"what was that for!?!?!?!" You ask, fingers instinctively reaching for the tender spot where the impact landed.
"don't touch them?? they're only for display. and that's a Nendoroid of Lillie from the pokemon anime, kai bought her for me. also how did you not recognize her? do you not watch pokemon??"
"okay, nerd. also i hate to break it to you soobin but the last time i watched an episode of pokemon i was 12"
"im heartbroken," he says dramatically stumbling away from you, grasping onto his chest (CUZ THATS WHERE HIS HEART IS). "you've broken my heart, this is to much to bear."
"don't worry soob, I'll buy you a new figure to mend your "broken" heart"
"REALLY????? are you serious cause there's this one figure i really want to preorder," he says grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the speed of light to show you what he's talking about
"soobin do you really think i have the money for that? also, what the fuck is a Nendoroid???? what kind of alien name is that?"
"Nendoroid is the chibi figures, they're my personal have to collect."
"this wasn't as mind-blowing as i thought it would be."
"what did you expect?"
"i dunno maybe some secret underground vault of ultra-rare figures guarded by miniature anime warriors or something"
"Well, sorry to disappoint. But hey, can we go back to watching Studio Ghibli movies now?"
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note pt2... please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Me again!! Since your requests are open I thought I’d request for high & low like we talked about before. In my dream I dreamt that I was a foreign transfer student to whatever city SWORD takes place in. I can’t remember if it was a boarding school or not but there was a lot of foreign girls with me. Anyway I’m pretty sure the school was having a back to school dance and I got to meet the oya boys while I was there!! I’ll admit my dream was very fujio focused but what do you think would happen if our main oya boys met their dream girl at that mixer everyone was so excited for at the end of high & low cross? It was so fun and romantic the dj was playing all these great hits from when I was in high school so we were dancing and they were asking all these great questions like what was it like back home and all that and I might’ve been watching Romeo + Juliet before I went to bed so it was very romantic at times 😅😅😊😊 sorry this got long it was just such a good dream
How would Oya Boys be at a School Prom ? Hcs
a/n: Hi! It’s been a while, sorry 🙏🏻It is really a cute dream, I’m jealous :D Thank you for your request andI hope you like it 🌸💕
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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* We all know that Fujio is quite cheerful and very lively.
* And too talkative…
* Even though he doesn't give off a Casanova vibe, I think he's good at talking to girls and is flirty.
* He'll probably have his eye on one of the most beautiful girls in school and approach her with an expression that he thinks is sweet but cool.
* Small talk, a few jokes and giggles
* I think he is a romantic and quite sweet person, I feel that he will care about the girl he is dancing with, will pay attention to his steps and will continue to make little jokes without taking his eyes off her so that she does not get bored.
* I think he is also good at energetic ones after the romantic dance, he will hold her hand and drag her to the middle of the dance floor with excitement and make sure she has a wonderful evening.
* I'm sure he’ll walk home with him after prom
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* I don't think he was ever interested in prom, he was forced here and he's nervous.
* As much as Tsuji and Shibaman want him to have fun like them, they know that loud music and this activity is not for him.
* Still, here he is with a pretty stylish suit and a good look.
* Even though there are girls who want to approach him, he will feel uncomfortable and go out to the garden for a while. A very beautiful girl who comes out to get fresh air in the garden like him will greet him with a smile when she sees him and this will be the beginning of everything.
* The two are quite similar. A young girl with good grades, the student council president, and a very smart delinquent... There couldn't be a better couple, right?
* They didn't like being here for a while and after small talk they realized they weren't bothered by each other's presence.
* They chatted in the garden until the end of the night. When the weather got cooler, Todoroki took off his jacket and placed it on the young girl's shoulders.
* When it was time to go, he asked hesitantly. “You still don't want to leave without dancing, do you?”
* They danced silently in the garden, smiling at each other with a sweet murmur. Todoroki couldn't remember his heart being filled with such a sweet feeling in a long time.
* And he certainly didn't know about the stupid grins of Tsuji and Shibaman watching from afar…
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* He's neither a Casanova nor a flirty, he's just Yasushi.
* He didn't look forward to being here, but he doesn't regret coming.
* When he got tired of Kiyoshi's efforts to talk to the girls, he walked to the counter to get some more drinks and started pouring them into his glass.
* Another person was standing next to the counter, bored with the atmosphere. After watching Yasushi for a while, she approached him with a smile.
* “Do you want to get on people's nerves a little bit?”
* When Yasushi turned to the girl standing next to him in surprise, he smiled at her mischievous grin and walked with her to the booth where the music was playing.
* Although everyone was surprised when the romantic music suddenly turned into lively music, the duo laughed, high-fived and watched the surprised faces of the people on the dance floor.
* Yasushi didn't expect this girl full of surprises to suddenly hold his hand and lead him from the room to the dance floor, but he didn't complain.
* He was starting to have a lot of fun now :)
* He loved the young girl's energy, her smile and her cunning.
* When everyone saw them dancing madly and having fun in the middle of the dance floor, Yasushi only thought that this evening was not the last time he would see her...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy @koala-yuna @star2fishmeg
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natureismynature · 6 months
Guys I think...
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I think I might...
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Have a type...
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When it comes to sports anime dudes...
(Tall, smart, stylish guys who are probably depressed let's be honest and have a significant rivalry with the protagonist of the story, which starts out as an unhealthy resentment that later turns into a healthier albiet reluctant respect and admiration. Also, they wear glasses-)
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p5x-theories · 2 months
P5X Third Arc Summary
(last updated 7/30/24!)
Only the first half of this arc has been added to the game as of the making of this post. Once the second half is added, that will be covered here as well!
Usual disclaimer: Please keep in mind this game still has no official English translation, so this summary uses a mix of what happens visually, what I understand of the Japanese dialogue, and Google translate for the Chinese text, in order to get the broader picture here. This will be focused on summing up everything that happens overall, without getting into a line-by-line translation.
Contrary to this blog’s name, this post is going to have as little speculation as possible, and stick to confirmed facts.
This post (and its reblogs) will cover the Katayama Arc.
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The Phantom Thieves have gathered on the rooftop of Kokatsu Academy during lunch, after Ruferu apparently asked them to. He brings up the "person behind the scenes" that he suggested might exist after they stole Miyazawa's Treasure, and suggests that they should avoid talking about their Metaverse activities in areas with other people around, in order to protect their identities.
Motoha agrees that that's a good idea, but thinks the rooftop should be pretty safe, since it's big and no one else comes up here. Ruferu decides they should make this their hideout for now. Wonder can respond "Hideout...?" or "Very stylish". If the latter is picked, Ruferu is pleased he understands, and suggests it's "chic" as well. Motoha still doesn't understand the term, saying Ruferu's using difficult words again, to Shun's slight bafflement.
Putting that aside, Shun confirms that people rarely come to the roof during lunch, reminding Motoha he always eats alone up here. She hasn't been up here much, but really likes the idea of eating under the blue sky.
As they start to eat, she notices that Shun only brought ramen, and all Wonder has is bread, so she offers to share some of her food. Shun wants to focus on his ramen, but if Wonder accepts, Motoha mentions she made it herself. This catches Ruferu's attention, who now wants to try some as well.
Once they're done eating, Ruferu gets back to business, saying he wanted to discuss their next target. They don't have any clues, but since they stole Miyazawa's Treasure a few days ago, they can use that to open the next area of Mementos. Shun agrees they should look for the next Palace there, and it's decided they'll go there after school.
Before the bell rings, Motoha remembers Tomoko told her about a new teacher coming to Kokatsu, though he won't teach any classes.
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Elsewhere in the school, the Dean of Academic Affairs, Yamanashi, is introducing the teachers to a man named Kei Akashi. He's an educational consultant sent by the school board. Akashi explains that, as he's sure they're all aware, teachers in the country are overworked, and the job of an educational consultant is to help ease their burden. While he's here, he'll be conducting an investigation to identify problems at Kokatsu, and assist in creating an environment that allows teachers to focus on educating students.
The teachers all like what Akashi proposes, and Yamanashi lets them know there will be a mandatory school assembly to introduce Akashi to the students. At first, Katayama is in favor as well, but when she says she'll be able to spend more time with her students, Yamanashi berates her for a recent unauthorized home visit she made, which a parent complained about.
Katayama explains that the student whose parent complained has been missing a lot of school lately, and leaving early. She tried calling their parents, but was unable to get in touch, and took this as a further sign that something was wrong. If her student is having family troubles, she wants to be able to support them.
Akashi tells her to stop, and switches his glasses over to another pair, suddenly knowing her full name is Kumi Katayama, to her surprise.
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He explains that they're smart glasses, and he checked the information he has on her using them. He then agrees with Yamanashi that she shouldn't be making house visits, citing the fact that students complain about them, and calling her mindset outdated. Katayama continues to try to argue her perspective, that some students need more support, especially if they're clearly not getting any, but Yamanashi shuts her down, saying Akashi is correct. He then forbids her from seeing any students outside of school- saying that goes for the other teachers as well- and ends the meeting.
Katayama and Akashi stare at each other for another moment as everyone else leaves, and Akashi tells her he looks forward to working with her before leaving as well. Outside of the office, however, he mutters to himself that, as he suspected, she'll be the perfect bait, and he needs to let "that person" know everything is going well. He pulls out a cellphone, and the scene ends.
Back in her classroom, Katayama struggles to get the attention of her class, eventually yelling at them all to be quiet.
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She immediately seems to regret it, but awkwardly informs them of the mandatory assembly tomorrow morning. She then ends the class for the day. Some murmurs go through the class about her reaction.
Motoha turns around in her seat, and comments that Katayama seems to be in a bad mood. While she understands Katayama couldn't get them to settle down, the yelling was alarming.
The other students start gossiping again, saying Katayama must be a phantom. At this moment, Shun walks into the classroom.
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He warns them not to say things like that behind Katayama's back, then heads over to Wonder's desk and asks about going to Mementos today.
In Mementos, they head right to the door, and sure enough, it opens. The MetaNav informs them a new area has opened up, to Soy's surprise. He wonders where the app came from, and Closer admits she never really thought about it since it's so strange already; it works with no signal, and can't be deleted.
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Soy asks Cattle if he has any idea, but Cattle doesn't, though it's possible he might remember something as he regains more of his memories. All he knows is that people with strong desires can use it. Closer starts to think it's a little scary, if even Cattle doesn't know anything about it, and the snake icon doesn't help.
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Cattle explains that the ouroboros is rather famous, as a snake that eats its own tail... but Closer points out this icon isn't actually eating its own tail, to Cattle's shock. Eventually, they brush it off as overthinking; the important thing is that the MetaNav lets them steal the hearts of people like Kiuchi and Miyazawa.
With that, Cattle attempts to locate the next Palace by listening for the voices of the collective unconscious. He's startled out of his focus by the feeling of a powerful presence approaching, which forms into a shadow. Cattle and Wonder immediately recognize it.
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They're forced to fight it again, and find it significantly more powerful this time. When they beat it, Cattle explains to Closer and Soy that he and Wonder fought this shadow before, when Wonder first came to Mementos. Closer asks if that means it came back, and Cattle mutters to himself wondering if it can somehow reform and steal desires infinitely, but then brushes that off, deciding the world would have fallen into chaos long ago if that were the case. Still, they'll have to keep an eye out for more like it in the future.
Cattle then tries to listen to the voices again, but has no luck. Closer guesses maybe that means the next Palace ruler hides their evil actions like Miyazawa did, and Cattle agrees-- they'll need to find more information first. Soy asks how they'll get it here, and the others clarify they'll need to get information in the real world, which reminds him of when they were asking about Miyazawa.
As they leave Mementos, the scene cuts elsewhere, to the Cyler Eats deliveryperson speeding down Shibuya Central Street, rushing right past people and nearly knocking them over.
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As people complain, one of them recalls that was a phantom, the "Rush Rider".
That night, Wonder visits the Velvet Room. Igor congratulates him on his desire winning out over another Palace ruler, and Merope applauds. Igor says his desire is strong enough to guide the current world, and he's using the power he was given very skillfully. When Wonder asks, Merope clarifies Igor was referring to the power to enter the Metaverse, and Igor mentions the MetaNav by name, saying that, depending on the user's will, it can be a key to avoid the coming ruin, or the culprit that brings it about.
Wonder can ask "Key?" or "Culprit?", and at least if he chooses the latter, Igor says outright "A person with this power... You're not the only ones." Wonder tries to ask about this, but Igor can't give him the answers; the ending has to be decided by Wonder. With that, Wonder wakes up.
The next day, Wonder sees Yamagoshi taking down the closure notice on Toraiken's front door.
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Yamagoshi recognizes him as Shun's friend, and explains that Toraiken is resuming business now that he's feeling better, even if he hasn't completely recovered. He wants to see his customers' happy expressions again. Ruferu comments that his desires have returned to him now that they changed Miyazawa's heart and opened another area of Mementos.
Yamagoshi does lament that Miyazawa drove away all his part-time workers, but then realizes Wonder must live near here, and invites him to come work at Toraiken part time if he ever wants to. He then warns Wonder that it looks like it's going to rain, so he should hurry to school.
Ruferu asks Wonder if he brought an umbrella; he did not, but there's no time to run back home and grab it. Sure enough, they get caught in the rain at Shibuya station, and they run into Motoha, who's in the same situation. Luckily, as they're running through the rain, a car pulls up: it's Riko, who offers a ride. Motoha eagerly accepts, and Wonder follows after Riko clarifies they're both welcome.
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In the car, Riko types away at a keyboard as Motoha thanks her. Riko explains she happened to be passing by. Wonder can comment either "Going to school by car?" or "Rich people..."; if he chooses the former, Riko clarifies that she usually takes the train, but she had work to get done, and Motoha sympathizes that it's impossible to get anything done on a packed morning train.
Riko and Wonder then formally introduce themselves to each other.
Once they reach the school, Riko parts ways with them, and Motoha exclaims again about how lucky they were to run into her. Ruferu comments that Riko's car was very comfortable, nearly on par with his own car form. Motoha teases him, saying Riko's car is more advanced, but it makes sense, given Riko is the eldest daughter of the president of UMETANE.
When neither Wonder nor Ruferu know what she's talking about, Motoha explains that UMETANE is a company that sells a wide variety of plum products, and even has ads on TV. She's surprised they haven't heard of it. She used to drink plum juice from Riko after training, back when she was in a little league and Riko would cheer her on. They don't talk much anymore, though.
Students start to pass by Motoha, Wonder, and Cattle, and after a moment of confusion, Motoha realizes they're headed to the assembly Katayama told them about yesterday. They have to hurry to make it in time.
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At the assembly, Riko introduces Akashi, then steps aside to let him speak. Akashi introduces himself, and says he's here for an investigation to help make Kokatsu better, which includes any student suggestions. He lets them know they'll be seeing him around school and in classrooms, but he's not a suspicious person... although saying that probably makes him sound suspicious.
The other students seem to have mixed opinions on him, but Motoha thinks he's interesting, and Ruferu comments that he may be able to help strengthen the students' desires. Riko dismisses the assembly.
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After the assembly, Yamanashi formally introduces Akashi to Riko, as the head of the disciplinary committee. Putting on his smart glasses, Akashi identifies her as the UMETANE heiress. Riko asks about the smart glasses, so he explains that he has information about the students that serve as the backbone of the school uploaded onto them. He further identifies her as someone who is popular and has excellent grades.
Yamanashi is impressed by how much background research Akashi did, and tells him he's free to order Riko around for whatever information or busywork purposes he may have. Akashi points out that using the phrase "order around" sounds like a violation, and Yamanashi backtracks. Stepping around that, he invites Akashi to make use of the student guidance room and his office as much as he needs. Akashi thanks him, mentioning that though he was already given a desk in the teachers' office, much of his work is a bit more confidential than that affords.
Yamanashi then has Riko hand a file of information that he'd requested over to Akashi. Riko says she'll also send him electronic copies. Yamanashi again brags about how much work Riko did for him, and this time, Akashi wonders if it's appropriate to hand over so much work to a student, not to mention the potential confidentiality issues. Yamanashi, sheepish again, clarifies Riko's very good in this regard, and much better than the other students at getting things done. Akashi pushes a bit more, but Yamanashi insists this is preparation for the family business she plans to inherit. Riko agrees, saying her father encourages her to help out the teachers.
With this, Akashi accepts her help during school hours.
Back in class, Katayama wraps up a lesson, then, somewhat downcast, reminds the class to be polite if they do ask Akashi for any help or have suggestions. Motoha, turning around to talk to Wonder, wonders if something's bothering Katayama, and Ruferu speculates it has something to do with Akashi based on how she talked about him. Motoha starts to sidetrack, and thinks about what suggestions she'd have for Akashi, like less exams, a better cafeteria menu, and more sweet bread types in the school store.
The next day, Wonder runs into Shun during lunch, who apparently bought several "rare flavors" of instant ramen this morning to try for lunch. He asks Wonder if he wants to join in at the hideout. Wonder's thought bubble declares him to be a bit uneasy about the weird flavors, but curious enough to say yes anyway. They take a detour to buy drinks.
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However, the vending machine is blocked by two girls filming a video, claiming they're going to buy and try every drink in the machine. Shun complains, and the students nearby say the girls have been doing this for a bit without caring about anyone else, so someone should probably call a teacher.
One of the girls expresses doubt that their video will really get much attention, and the other asks her what they could do instead. The first girl suggests they do the thing that phantom did, and pulls out a lighter and hairspray, saying she's going to make fire spray~! in a cutesy tone.
Shun, alarmed, says they have to stop them, but before they have a chance, Katayama runs over and slaps the lighter out of the first girl's hand. The second girl holds up her phone.
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Katayama demands to know what they thought they were doing, and the first girl innocently says they were just filming a video. The second girl then declares she took a picture of Katayama's violent action, and she's going to post it on Magatsushin, hoping it'll go viral.
Shun comes over and grabs the second girls' wrist, saying that's enough, and Katayama was just stopping them from doing something stupid. The first girl immediately takes out her own phone, and takes a picture of him, mockingly calling him a violent boy. Katayama asks Shun to let her go, and he reluctantly does.
Katayama then tells them to stop taking pictures, and confiscates the first girl's phone, to her anger. The second girl refuses to hand hers over when asked, saying Katayama's just trying to cover up the evidence they got, since she's a phantom. She starts to chant "Tyrannical teacher, tyrannical teacher!"
Riko appears, and tells them to quiet down.
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Riko asks what happened, and the girls declare that Katayama used violence against them and confiscated one of their phones. Shun immediately says it was because they took out a lighter first, and the girls call him cruel. Riko shakes her head, and continues to try to get the actual story.
As this happens, Akashi approaches, and, seeing this is an argument between a teacher and some students, says he'd like to know what's going on as well.
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He decides that he'll hear our Katayama's side of the story, while Riko will talk to the students involved. Katayama protests, saying the girls were going to do something dangerous, so a teacher should be supervising them. He should at least call another teacher over to oversee things, if he wants to talk to her. Akashi brushes this off, saying students should deal with student problems, and dismissing Katayama's further arguments with a line about "outdated thinking" again.
Riko assures Katayama that she can handle them, though this seems to trouble Katayama. Akashi then takes the confiscated phone from Katayama, telling her she can't confiscate personal belongings from students, and if she deleted things from them, it could be seen as destroying evidence. He says he'll look over the videos himself, as an outside party, and then delete them afterward if they're not evidence of anything.
The girls protest this, and he advises them that controversial videos aren't the best way to earn views, but offers to show them some other techniques for video editing that are more popular later. The girls immediately fawn over how cool and mature he is, causing Riko to shake her head again before taking them with her.
Shun mutters that he was there, too, and Katayama says she'll talk to Riko later. With that, she and Akashi leave as well. Shun tries to tell her she did nothing wrong, but she just holds up a hand as she walks away.
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The next day at school, some of the students in Wonder's class are gossiping about something that is "definitely Katayama" and a "girl getting beaten". Motoha watches something on her phone, then turns around and shows it to Wonder: it's an edited video of the incident yesterday with Katayama and the girls, posted to Magatsushin and calling Katayama a phantom. Motoha mentions the face is blurred, and the name is changed to "Teacher K", but anyone at Kokatsu can immediately tell the teacher in the video is Ms. Katayama.
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Elsewhere, Yamanashi is outraged at this scandal, having one of their school's teachers posted as a phantom. He confirms whether Akashi deleted the video like he was supposed to, and Akashi says he did, but, well, the situation was chaotic. It's possible another student filmed everything. Yamanashi, distraught, now forbids Katayama from interacting with students outside of teaching her classes, and she's also not allowed to confiscate any student's belongings.
Katayama asks if he's forbidding her from stopping students from doing something dangerous, and Yamanashi insists she just call another teacher, or Akashi, or even Riko to deal with it instead. Katayama, alarmed, asks if he's trying to make teachers depend on students, and he declares that Riko's more reliable than her. Akashi adds that after Riko talked to them, the two girls wrote letters of apology, unlike the boy that Katayama dismissed.
Yamanashi then sends a defeated Katayama home for the day, saying they'll have other teachers cover her. He warns the other teachers not to get involved in students' business. Akashi and Riko should be relied on as the go-betweens.
Later, instead of Katayama, Mr. Hakozaki enters the classroom, and clumsily tries to explain that Katayama went home because she was "sick" when students ask about her. The students gossip, speculating she got fired because she appeared on Magatsushin, and Mr. Hakozaki frantically admits she just got sent home early today.
After class, Motoha expresses concern about Katayama, and Ruferu points out that, no matter the truth of the situation, their homeroom teacher is now technically a phantom. Motoha clarifies she was only posted once, and not officially recognized by Magatsukami, but Ruferu points out that that doesn't really matter in the eyes of everyone else.
He then mentions that Kiuchi and Miyazawa were also phantoms, so that could mean Katayama could become a Palace ruler, even as Motoha says it's impossible. He's not set on the idea, but he wanted to address the possibility.
After Wonder goes to sleep that night, we see a whale swimming through a body of water, and then several of those shadows (that Wonder and Cattle fought before) spawn in Mementos.
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The scene then cuts to Katayama entering a public restroom, and the Cyler Eats deliveryperson, also known as the Rush Rider phantom, stepping out of the same restroom and getting onto a bike.
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With her speech bubble now identifying her as Katayama, the Rush Rider complains that her head hurts, and, sounding like she's in significant pain, wonders why she became a phantom, and why she's like this. She rides off on her bike, and the camera pans over to show Akashi walk up to where she was just standing. He laughs to himself, and does something with his smart glasses.
The next day, Wonder runs into Motoha and Tomoko on his way to the school store during lunch. They invite him to come eat with them up on the roof after buying some food. However, the school store is being monopolized by the same two girls from the other day, filming another video.
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This time, they're planning to buy and review all the bread in the school store. Tomoko and some of the other students recognize them as the girls from the video with Katayama, and several of them complain that they're not letting anyone else buy anything. However, the girls just threaten to take videos of anyone who gets in their way and post them online.
Motoha moves to talk to them, but Tomoko stops her, warning her that those are the girls that got Katayama identified as a phantom. This just makes Motoha angrier with them. Someone else suggests they call Riko, but another says they already called her. Wonder wonders why they don't get a teacher, but Tomoko tells him that everyone is supposed to go to Riko now. The teachers are unreliable these days, since all anyone needs to do is take out a phone and say they're filming, and the teachers will back off immediately. Motoha can't believe this.
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Riko finally arrives, led by another student, and is disappointed to see these two causing trouble again. She asks if their apology letters were a lie, but they claim they weren't doing anything, just buying stuff at the school store. Riko tells them they're causing problems for the other students, but they whine about wanting to finish filming their video first.
At this, Akashi arrives, and their demeanor immediately shifts, happy to see him and pleasantly asking about what he's doing here as if he's a friend they ran into by chance. Akashi offers to teach them more secrets to making popular videos, and they happily agree to come with him to the student guidance room.
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Akashi then turns to Riko, and somewhat dismissively (though smiling) tells her he can handle this, and she should enjoy her lunch. After all, fixing problems here is his job. Riko looks slightly downtrodden at this.
As Riko leaves, she runs into Motoha, Tomoko, and Wonder, and they step aside to talk.
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Motoha marvels at how quickly and easily Akashi resolved the situation, but seeing that Riko seems a bit off, asks if she's okay, considering she has to deal with all the students' problems now. Riko admits there have been a lot of people coming to her, but Yamanashi comes over before she can answer further.
He asks about the incident, noting it was the same two girls, but then tells Riko she shouldn't be needing Akashi to solve problems, as their evaluation will look better if he's less involved. This strikes a nerve with Motoha, who steps forward and says the teachers should be taking care of things, not Riko. Yamanashi nervously explains that Akashi's new policy is that students solve students' problems, to help with student autonomy and let teachers focus on teaching. Motoha fires back that that sounds like an excuse, but Riko tells her to stop.
Once Motoha backs off, Riko asks what Yamanashi wanted from her. Yamanashi informs her he forwarded her an email from Akashi, and wants her to take care of organizing the data he requested. Once Yamanashi leaves, Motoha and Wonder are shocked that he'd blatantly push his work onto Riko.
Riko, however, says it doesn't matter, because as long as she takes care of it, she'll also get the evaluation she deserves, from the dean. But then she makes a pained face, and calls him a "shallow" and "easily manipulated" person. Her focus is on protecting herself and her own interests, and as long as people see her as a pawn to be used, they won't betray her. She can trust Akashi to an extent, since he's not the type to sever a useful relationship with someone as long as they don't get in his way, but she finds him a bit suspicious, since she's unsure what he really thinks.
Motoha asks what she's saying, and Tomoko tells her no one would treat her like that. Riko turns back to them, and asks them if they think the idea of relationships maintained on those principles are scary. She can't trust anyone without considering their personal interests first. Motoha and Tomoko insist they care about Riko, and even offer to help her with the dean's work for nothing in return, but Riko says they haven't changed, and politely turns them down. After she leaves, Tomoko says Riko must have changed, because she wouldn't have said something like that in the past.
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The next day, the Phantom Thieves gather at their hideout again, and Motoha asks if they're heading to Mementos to keep looking for the Palace. Ruferu mentions that having a full name makes it much easier for him to focus in on the Palace while listening to the voices of the collective unconscious, and the topic of Kiuchi and Miyazawa both being phantoms comes up again. Motoha adds that they were both confirmed phantoms, and Shun comments that it makes sense that bad people like them would have Palaces.
Motoha tries checking Magatsushin for phantoms, and the first two she finds are the Rush Rider (who she says she knows nothing about), and then "Teacher K", the "tyrannical teacher", otherwise known as Ms. Katayama. Motoha tries to brush past her, but Ruferu advises they take the possibility more seriously. Shun immediately goes on the defensive for Katayama, saying she was just filmed by some troublemakers, but Ruferu is unfazed, as the public considers her a phantom, no matter what the truth of the situation is. Shun is still skeptical, because Katayama's not a bad person.
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At that moment, Katayama herself comes up to them, Ruferu barely noticing her in time to fly away. She says she wants to talk to them, and brings up the video of the Flavor Fight on her phone. Shun is surprised, as Miyazawa's channel was deleted, but Katayama says his channel was popular enough that people probably reposted the videos. She asks if it's Shun in the video, and Shun awkwardly avoids answering, so she pushes, saying the three of them must have gone to the Flavor Fight the day they skipped part of their afternoon classes.
Wonder can tell her the truth or lie; if he tells the truth, Shun frantically tries to shush him, while Katayama thanks him for being honest. She says she doesn't blame them, and won't tell the other teachers, but she hopes they'll come to her if they have any problems in the future, because as their teacher, she wants to help them. She also expresses concern about how much they've suddenly been spending time together; it's fine if they're just becoming better friends, but she worries they've gotten into more trouble.
Shun starts to ask her how she knows- then cuts himself off, makes a guilty, nervous face, and says there's no trouble at all. Katayama laughs, calling him a kid who can't lie, and asks them to come to her before doing anything dangerous. Shun apologizes, and admits there is a problem, but he can't tell her, no matter what. Katayama seems distraught to hear this, so he tries to assure her that they'll figure it out and be fine for sure, but it doesn't help much, as she mutters to herself that she must be unworthy of trust.
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Akashi then interrupts, reminding her the dean forbid her from talking to students outside of class, to Motoha's surprise. He calls her an "internet celebrity" who can't be allowed to influence students, which immediately angers Shun, though Katayama tells him it's fine. Katayama then dismisses herself, but quietly pleads with them to talk to an adult, even if it's not her, before she leaves.
Walking over to them with a smile, Akashi calls that a disaster, though Motoha insists Katayama was just worried about them. Akashi says he can help them instead, and uses his smart glasses to immediately identify them. At their surprise, he explains they can compare faces with the student registry. With that, he invites them to come to him with any concerns, and exits the roof.
Ruferu returns, as Motoha decides Akashi is actually a little scary, though she thought he was a good teacher originally. Shun declares that he doesn't like him. Ruferu complains about their meeting being interrupted, and says he wants to try using Katayama's name to find the next Palace. At Shun's reluctance, Ruferu points out that this could also prove she's not a Palace ruler, while narrowing down their search options, and Shun relents.
After school, they head to Mementos. Though Soy and Closer are convinced it won't work...
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Cattle is shocked to be able to locate the Palace after saying "Kumi Katayama" and listening for a moment.
Closer and Soy are also in disbelief, but Cattle insists there's no mistaking it. However, while he's positive her name led him to the Palace, he does describe the atmosphere as "a bit strange", with "something like noise mixed in, interfering with the signal". Miyazawa's Palace didn't have anything like that.
Wonder, Closer, and Soy decide they'll have to see the Palace with their own eyes, so they set off towards where Cattle heard it coming from.
To be continued in the next reblog!
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
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Silliness ensues:
No one said a goddamn word about disguises; Roy would’ve popped them around the head if they did, anger management and therapy be damned. This wasn’t a Mission Impossible movie, this was- 
-grown men infiltrating their friends rival restaurant to see what kind of dirt they could turn up.
Isaac and Jamie shared a bewildered look, before turning to Roy as if he were the crazy one.
"We agreed on putting the reservations under a fake name. Why the fuck would we come dressed as ourselves?”
Maybe Roy deserved to get bopped on the head too.
He tugged at the sleeves of his leather jacket and refused to feel self-conscious from the proximity alone. A feat in itself given the vomit of clothes that Jamie proudly strutted around in.
Chartreuse didn’t begin to cover it. Why Jamie considered a - and he was using the word loosely here - designer track suit was appropriate attire for anything higher than a food court was beyond Roy’s comprehension. The acidic highlighter color rendered it nearly glow in the dark.
"It’s bright and distracting so won’t recognize my face,” Jamie explained.
Isaac wagged his finger at him. “Smart.”
Isaac was dressed like goddamn Indiana Jones. The professor version. With the glasses.
“Is that tweed?” Jamie asked curiously, and Roy prayed to whatever god would listen to spare the world from Jamie Tartt experimenting with woven fabrics .
Isaac rolled his shoulders; the suit jacket whimpered where it circled the bulk of his shoulders. “Sure is. Sustainably sourced, too.”
The intrigued glint in Jamie’s eyes warned Roy that sometime soon on a morning run he would be held hostage by a very annoying tangent.
Sam, a normal person dressed a stylish blue silken suit, surveyed Isaac's suit thoughtfully. “The tailoring is wonderfully done.”
He said nothing about Jamie’s outfit. Smart lad.
Colin rolled up in a suit - a good start - but bottled it by coming near the window, where the light revealed the deep purple material to be shot through with shimmering leopard spots.
“Fuck, Colin. You wore a disguise too?”
Colin froze mid-buttoning his cufflinks. “We were supposed to wear disguises?”
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swiftsgirlfriend · 9 months
glass onion but the dagger squad:
bradley bradshaw - actor!!!! rich famous actor, kinda himbo maybe like the birdie jay of the group but much less offensive
jake seresin - kinda gives the miles bron of the group vibe, rich maybe old money, all hanging on to his ‘golden titties’
natasha trace - gives major claire debella vibes. maybe not a mother or anything but hardcore girlboss politician or lawyer or something like that
reuben fitch - IDK WHY BUT GIVING BENOIT BLANC VIBES?? like maybe the moustache just gives detective but in my mind hes benoit.
mickey garcia - he would probs be the duke of the group. defo not right wing mens rights vibe but gives twitch/yt streamer vibes maybe just a gamer?
javy machado - i cannot decide who he would be cs the only person left us cassandra/helen but he def does not give them vibes so maybe id make him an added person to the group and make andi an oc?? or shes just not part of this ig🤷‍♀️
robert floyd - def gives lionel vibes, super smart and nerdy, stylish and definitely quite scared of jake(miles) and finds it hard to say no to his demands
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itnseo87 · 11 days
Best Designs for Modular Kitchen Interiors
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Source of info: https://www.regalokitchens.com/best-designs-for-modular-kitchen-interiors.php
When it comes to creating a perfect cooking environment, selecting the right modular kitchen layout is important. From modern modern shapes to evergreen style, the greatest designs combine usefulness and attractiveness. Regalo Kitchens is skilled in creating flexible kitchen interiors that not only add sparkle to your house, but also increase functionality and comfort. Explore our best design ideas to make your kitchen a welcoming and useful area.
Understanding Modular Kitchen Interiors
Modular cooking spaces are created from already-made components that can be assembled in any number of ways depending on different spaces and needs. This flexibility allows homeowners to personalize their kitchen layouts to their own needs and tastes. The modular kitchen stands out for its beneficial use of space, modern look, and simplicity in maintenance. Regalo Kitchens specializes in producing flexible kitchen layouts that match your home's decoration while improving usefulness.
1. Contemporary Minimalism
The current simple design is perfect for people who value clean lines and simplicity. This style often features stylish, handle-less cabinets, high-gloss finishes, and a basic color scheme. The focus is on creating a free of mess environment with built-in appliances and smart storage solutions. Regalo Kitchens focuses on designing simple flexible kitchens combining beauty and functionality. Our designs use materials such as laminate and glass to raise an updated appearance while maintaining longevity.
2. Classic Elegance
Classic beauty is still a popular choice for those looking for evergreen beauty. This design has traditional features including raised-panel cabinets, crown molding, and rich wood finishes. A center island and go into detail tiling patterns are common features of traditional kitchens. Regalo Kitchens provides a variety of classic modular kitchen styles that maintain the attractiveness of classical beauty while welcoming technological advances. Our use of high-quality materials and professional craftsmanship guarantees that your kitchen remains stylish and useful for years to come.
3. Industrial Chic
The industrial trendy design is perfect for people who would like a city life modern look. This design, with exposed brick walls, metal fixtures, and open storage, offers an organic yet stylish feel. Industrial-themed kitchen designs often feature dark tones, stainless steel equipment, and recycled wood highlights. Regalo Kitchens can help you achieve this appearance with unique modular layouts that combine the industrial vibe while providing practical storage and workplace options.
4. Scandinavian Simplicity
Scandinavian design focuses on ease of use, practicality, and natural light. This design is highlighted by light wood finishes, clean lines, and a neutral color palette. Scandinavian kitchens are designed to take advantage of natural light and create an open, natural atmosphere. Regalo Kitchens specializes in Scandinavian modular kitchen interiors that will add a touch of Northern European style to your house. Our designs include effective storage solutions as well as eco-friendly materials to create a healthy and stylish kitchen.
5. Bold and Colorful
For individuals who want to make an impression, bright and colorful patterns are a great option. This style often features colorful cabinets, patterned backsplashes, and exciting accessories. Flexible kitchens with bright colors can be both useful and eye-catching, providing an energetic environment in your cooking space. Regalo Kitchens will help you in creating a modular kitchen that reflects your personality and style, using high-quality materials for both longevity and simplicity of maintenance.
6. Eco-Friendly Designs
Many homeowners value sustainability. Eco-friendly modular kitchen layouts use sustainable materials, appliances that save electricity, and water-saving fixtures. This design not only reduces your environmental impact, but it additionally supports a better living environment. Regalo Kitchens are committed to introducing environmentally friendly techniques into their flexible kitchen layouts. From bamboo cabinets to low-VOC coatings, we provide options that are in keeping with the importance you give to the environment.
7. Smart Kitchens
As technology progresses, smart kitchens are becoming more popular. These designs use modern devices, automated systems, and connected technologies to increase efficiency and ease of use. Technology can be smoothly added to your kitchen with features such as smart ovens, touchless taps, and built-in charging stations. Regalo Kitchens is at the top of innovation, providing modular kitchen layouts that include the latest and most recent technological advances for an updated and effective cooking environment.
Choosing the Right Modular Kitchen Design
When choosing a perfect modular kitchen layout, you must think about your available space, lifestyle, and design tastes. Regalo Kitchens' team of professionals works directly with you to understand your requirements and ideas. We provide individual consulting and design services to guarantee that your modular cooking area surpasses your expectations. Our attention to quality and customer satisfaction guarantees that you will receive a kitchen that is both functional and stylish.
Finally, the greatest ideas for modular kitchen interiors are the ones which combine usefulness with style, customized according to your own tastes and requirements. Regalo Kitchens is ready to support you in achieving your dream kitchen with our experience in customizable kitchen layouts. Whether you like modern simplicity, traditional beauty, or another design, we are committed to providing a kitchen that complements your house and increases your cooking experience. Contact us today to begin creating the kitchen structure your desires.
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shu1chi · 16 days
Greetings, I am Shuichi.
// Shuichi (修一) is the son of Satan, he is only 13 years old.
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Please refrain from..
asking anything NSFW
saying things related to homophobia, racism, bodyshaming, etc.
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His background..
Shuichi was found by Satan in the humans realm while he was looking for books. According to Satan, Shuichi was blunt and has a cold personality. Even so, he understood the child's emotions; he can feel the child's emotions, he also went through that before. Feeling a sense of sympathy, Satan tried to get close to the child.
Shuichi was a smart kid for his age, he was only eleven years old and yet his vocabulary was very broad. Satan saw potential in the kid, which is why he kept visiting Shuichi more often in the human realm.
Upon getting close to the child, Satan found out that the child no longer had any sort of family or guardian, which is why decided to take the child instead.
What is Shuichi like?
His personality : Shuichi is more of a serious type of kid, he's mostly calm or quiet. Though he gets angry if disturbed while he's doing something.
Hobbies : He likes to read books that are full of random facts, he also finds shopping or styling enjoying.
How he dresses : He likes stylish and clean outfits, he wears glasses when reading or going outside.
Favorite uncle : Shuichi enjoys hanging out with his uncle Asmo since they both like shopping, he also goes to his uncle whenever he needs an opinion with his outfit.
more information soon..
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