#Student Feature
ricardotomasz · 2 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Announcement! Season 2, Cycle 2 is Coming!
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/announcement-season-2-cycle-2-is-coming
Announcement! Season 2, Cycle 2 is Coming!
Ladies and gentleman, by an overwhelming demand, The Producers Lounge podcast, Season 2 is coming back and coming back strong.
The second cycle of Season 2 will be released on Greater And Grander dot com starting Thursday, December 1st, 2022, and we’ll have producers of films with Nicolas Cage, Danny Glover, Luke Hemsworth, and many more.  
You can also follow us on the youtube channel for Greater & Grander to hear some of our promotional clips, or follow us on any of the social media links down below, in the description.  
Go directly to GreaterAndGrander.com to find out more.
We are your one-stop shop for producing tips and tricks as well as war stories from the front lines of filmmaking.  
Join us on GreaterAndGrander.com to find out more or search for the Producers Lounge Podcast anywhere that fine podcast episodes are released.
Join us Thursday, December 1st, 2022, and every Thursday thereafter, for more cocktails and questions, and until then, keep producing dreams.  
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ninjasmudge · 2 months
I noticed the Lamb was bleeding (I'm assuming blood and not tears) from their eyes in your latest post. Is that just a thing they do in this AU? Did the Fox do something? Or is it 'head maid privileges' bestowed by the Red Crown?
the thing is... in the maid au, lamb is only at the school bc they were desperate for money bc ratau was dying.
they agreed to be a test for an experimental treatment which was really just the red crown messing around with rituals in exchange for the cash to pay for treatments. part of the deal was that they attend the maid school so the crown could keep an eye on them to see what happens. theyre only there bc it keeps them busy.
lamb doesnt remember any of the rituals they underwent (mushrooms), they know somethings wrong but dont know what. the only thing they have to go off is flashes of the same red nightmares every night
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they usually wake screaming
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rinablet · 1 year
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sailor captains (and tuxedo suga!)
based on an AU by my friend jared and i (link to the fic in the replies!)
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ryllen · 8 months
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My recent Hobbit hyperfixation has culminated in me writing a Hobbit/LOTR college au of questionable quality. Whether I continue it remains to be seen, but for now enjoy whatever this is.
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Edit: there are lil offshoots to this now! 1 2 3 4 5
Also if you want to ask about anything in this au, my ask box is open!!
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kraro-school-life · 3 months
✦ 16. 6. 24 ✦📓✦ Sunday ✦ day 7/12 of exams ✦
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I should just accept my tendencies to procrastinate... I will do great anyway, there is no point in trying to force myself to learn it faster than I have to? Maybe there is, but I couldn´t care less - the only thing I´m doing is trying to survive this :)
🗒 What I did the last few days:
finished physics theory summary
finished math theory summary
practised math
revision for Polish tmr
🌱🌿🪴 - 3h 51min on Forest ♫₊˚.🎧 ▷▷ Spectator - Friday Pilots Club
Countdown ⊹₊
Art ☑ - Eco ☑ - L1 0d - Math 1d - L2 2d - Physics 4d
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shorthaltsjester · 11 months
once again, begging, BEGGING everyone in the cr fandom to stop making posts critiquing how the fandom is being weird about one cast member by saying "if it was x, the fandom would love this/hate this even more." it turns out the cr fandom contains Multitudes of weird ass people and just because you haven't seen those reactions (or, even funnier if you are making claims about what the fandom does/does not do to other cast members, were not in the fandom during c1/c2) does not mean they do not exist. like there are certainly different social dynamics and injustices at play in some of the reactions the audience has to cast members, but almost always it is less a case of misogyny/queerphobia and more a case of people forgetting that storytelling is about understanding choices you would not yourself make and watching characters develop through conflict/struggle.
like, you can have the most salient point to make in the world about how shitty the reaction of the fandom to a certain cast member's (not their character, but the cast member as a person) choices but you immediately undo that if you make a claim like "if liam did this, the fandom would love it." perhaps the part of the fandom you are in, but certainly not the fandom that wanted to persecute him for having vax choose keyelth over gilmore, certainly not the fandom that consistently manufactured actual dislike between him and marisha throughout campaign 2 because of character choices.
likewise you might be absolutely right in criticizing the choices of the character that one of the cast members is playing, but if then in turn you say, "if this was a female cast member, everyone would hate it." my brother in christ, You are already the person who hates that character choice and it Wasn't a female cast member, so what is the truth? unless you have the statistics on the opinions every person who engages with the cr fandom has, truly just. you can make your point without appealing to a sense of misogyny/queerphobia/favouritism or whatever that you have no actual grounds for believing exists except for the fact that misogyny in general exists.
this isn't to say that things like misogyny don't influence how people react to things, all of our opinions are mediated through the social and material conditions in which we live. obviously, misogyny exists. however, truly, truly, the bigger problem in the cr fandom (at least on twitter/tumblr, idk about reddit and that is a choice I've intentionally made) is the consistent expectation that the cast adheres to what so many fans call 'comfort media' and a requirement that one's own opinions be validated by what the majority of the fandom believes (which aside from the obvious, is also an absurd expectation because trying to gauge the 'majority' of the cr fandom would be truly so much data). the cast have made it explicit many times that they value things like high stakes and big risks in their storytelling, and sometimes that means stupid character choices, character deaths, or interparty conflict. so much of the fandom has decided to engage with cr regardless of this and then gets upset when the liveplay of a ttrpg built around conflict contains conflict. similarly, people who claim to enjoy this conflict then get pissed off when other people in the fandom disagree with them and give away the ghost that what they want is validation by arguing that it is somehow problematic for the other side to have their opinions. it is much easier to blame any lack of satisfaction on how, actually, your section of the fandom has the right opinion and, actually, if everyone else wasn't queerphobic/misogynistic then they would see the proverbial light.
anyway, this is just me ranting out of both literal and metaphorical exhaustion with the "persuasive" (heavy quotes) tactics that some people in this fandom use. please look up some tips on like, how to avoid logical fallacies or formal critical thinking or just like. state your opinions and say you dislike the other options without thinking you need to provide some (often blatantly and horribly incorrect) rationale for how you're right. accept the pretentious bastard within yourself and stop seeking validation for your opinions in the fandom around you, your opinions are already correct if you assume them to be.
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nofatclips · 4 months
⼩晖和他的⽜ (Xiaohui and His Cows) a short film by Xinying Lao
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plusultraetc · 7 months
I saw a post about this a hot minute ago and I'm so mad I can't find it BUT. While I LOVE Present Mic as a popular radio personality, there isn't really that much concrete evidence to support that idea. (Which, to be fair, there isn't a lot of concrete evidence about the careers/public perception of a lot of pros outside of All Might, Endeavor, sorta Hawks, etc., so you can pry that headcanon out of my grasp with a crowbar and so on.) That being said, I think a really fun angle to explore re: Present Mic as a radio host-pro hero-UA teacher (that I may or may not have the bare bones of a fic about👀) is the idea that Mic debuted as a very successful hero and entertainer, and experienced pretty steady growth in both aspects of his career for a few years before he took a teaching position at UA.
Hero rankings are based on incidents resolved, and can be damaged by taking any amount of time off (such as when the Wild Wild Pussycats took, what? A couple of months off from hero-ing? and their ranking plummeted by several hundred places). Teaching is time consuming; it's the kind of job that often necessitates 'bringing work home' with you in the form of grading, lesson planning, etc. Obviously it would cut into Mic's focus on his hero work and his radio show, and obviously that would affect not only his actual ranking but how much attention his career/persona garnered. After all, there is an influx of new heroes every single year when hero courses across the country graduate. It takes work to stay relevant in this universe.
So now I'm thinking of like. Present Mic but with the level of fame/popularity of a celebrity who was big a handful of years ago, but you don't hear so much about anymore. Like, yeah, they're still active, and still have a (often very dedicated) fanbase, but they've kind of been shuffled out of the spotlight a little bit. This also makes his lackluster reception at the entrance exam so much funnier imo, because those students would have been like 8-9 when he stopped just doing hero/radio stuff and started teaching, but they're teenagers now and Present Mic is sooo not in anymore.
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I reorganized my room and there are finally some corners that give some aesthetic vibes. My goal for the rest of the summer is to be well prepared for the next school year in terms of time management and academically (or rather, musically). Today I successfully got up early and had a good practice session, but I could have practiced more had I prepared food in advance.
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nodynasty4us · 7 months
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lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
That Yuuji and his death was so firmly on Gojo’s mind prior to his OWN death and then bro didn’t think about him at all during his lil in between moment is so fucked honestly
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gemsbian · 5 months
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First draft of Doc is complete! I plan to make her outfit more cohesive and change her prosthetic to look more like Armarouge later, but this design is fairly solid as is
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rockintapper · 2 months
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okayto · 2 months
Buddy. You had to send this question from the page that contains the search bar for the library catalog.
Message to library sent from ask-a-question form: My assignment is to read "This is an Article Title" by Name McNamerson. Please advise how to find that.
Reply: Hello Masters Student, I searched McNamerson AND this is an article title in the library catalog, which brings up three top results all with that title and author but different years. If you're unsure which of these is what your assignment needs, please check with your professor.
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kraro-school-life · 4 months
✦ 21. 5. 24 ✦ 📓 ✦ Tuesday ✦ 19 days to exams ✦
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I got my last test marks for history and geography! History 9,5; geo 10 :) It would have been nice to have an all 10 streak in both but it´s okay. Today I only studied for my philosophy exam tomorrow, but I hope it will be worth it. I am kinda stressed but when am I not haha
🌱🌿🪴 - 2h 33min on Forest ♫₊˚.🎧 ▷▷ Sunshine - Skz
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