#Streak Breakers
sunnydayaoe · 11 months
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!! first artwork I've drawn with. a background. I'm really proud of myself :)
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s-cullayy · 6 months
The great thing about this game is that any outcome is a treat
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halfbit · 4 months
i am getting started on productivity for the night but haven't figured out yet if i want to write or art first and there's also the tiny part of my brain that just wants to stare at kabru until it is ok to stop staring at kabru
#i don't talk about fandom stuff much here since i don't really get involved with it#but i do fixate on characters and right now i am circling around him like a wolf#tempted to draw him too but i can never capture his big beautiful eyes properly#i've also been tempted to draw beefcake laios but UHHhh thats for another day and i dont know if i will share that LOL#i finished the manga but i haven't had the energy to watch more of the show so i'm just thinking about the characters on my own and going :#also contemplating if i should draw a pride pfp (unrelated)#basically there is so much to do and it is overwhelming to work through the list#and i keep wanting to add more to it#also need to promo my commissions again more and add those sketches still but trying to figure out how to price them and don't have the#energy to type up explanations for them yet blagh#and i'm trying to balance that “realistically- i need more income coming in” with also “but i can't overwhelm myself with tasks”#<- which is very unambiguously clear that i do that just fine even without working on things for other people#is it obvious that my therapist relocated and i haven't been given a new one yet.#i can therapize myself So Good (actually overthinking and spiraling)#<- but please do not worry this is actually not a bad spiral which is good it is just a “things to do” spiral but it is fortunately#missing the key component of doom and horror and the world ending because i did not accomplish everything right#which is what a bad spiral contains and i've actually been on a pretty good streak avoiding those lately in spite of circumstances!#but if i linger on it it will probably turn into a lie so i will stop doing that#speaking of shows i watched the new episode of kaiju no. 8 today and i am just aggghrrhekrjskfj#i love hoshina so much#and he's been getting a lot of focus in these episodes so im happy#i love the way they animate his fights like!! wow#i need to watch them all on sakugabooru later#but i can't tonight if i want to do things#but i will later because they deserve frame-by-frameing#also i'm going to go pick up two volumes of wind breaker tomorrow i think#unfortunately i ordered them before i learned my hours were getting cut but#i have enough to cover my bills this month and since i'm not buying lunches or dinner for myself anymore because i'm not leaving the house#i'd rather just get them now instead of worrying about someone else buying them if i take too long#and let that be my last personal purchase for awhile
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Dream Lover (dp x dc)
The alarm on his cellphone rang and Danny groaned as a fumbled blindly to close it again.
“Wha’ izzit?” Came a sleepy voice at his back.
Danny rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Then, he turned towards the other man entangled in the sheets.
“Nothing, go back to sleep,” Danny said before dropping a kiss on the man’s forehead, displacing his white streak. The man muttered some unintelligible words as he wriggled around a bit before settling back down.
Danny gave him a fond look before a yawn forced his eyes closed. He slipped off the bed and padded down to the kitchen. With bleary eyes he put the coffee machine on and got the milk out of the fridge as he waited for the beans be ground.
The machine was way fancier than anything Danny had ever owned but his boyfriend liked good coffee and Danny liked making him happy. The breaker-hammer noise stopped indicating the coffee was done and the halfa sipped at it as he tried to figure out what that niggling feeling in the back of his mind was.
Before he could delve into it very far, he heard his boyfriend coming into their little kitchen.
“Did the noise wake you up?” Danny asked as the man wrapped his arms around the smaller man’s waist and buried his head in his back.
“Was already ‘wake,” the octopus masquerading as a human mumbled.
“Want some coffee?”
“Please.” His boyfriend pressed a kiss to his nape before staggering towards the kitchen chair and sagging into it.
”Good night?” Danny asked as he started the machine again.
“The usual,” the man said as he rubbed the sleep out of his face.
“Why are you up early?”
“Gotta fix up the bike.” The man yawned which made Danny yawn too. “It kept backfiring last night.”
Danny hummed as that niggling feeling came back at the mention of the motorcycle. There was something there…
“What about you?” The man said as he held his face in his palm.
“Nothing much,” Danny said as he refocused on the conversation. “I don’t have to go in today, so I’ll probably just study.”
“I made butternut pasta when I came back. There’s some left for lunch,” his boyfriend said as he grabbed a banana from their fruit bowl.
“You’ll be here for lunch?” Danny asked as the flow of coffee stopped and he took the cup away from the little shelf.
“Thanks,” the man said as he accepted the cup. “Probably.”
Danny nodded and he leaned on the counter as he looked into the distance. His eyes caught on a clock and again, that annoying sensation he was forgetting something tickled him.
Clock meant hours which meant seconds which meant sand trickling in an hourglass which meant time passing and Time meant-
“Everything ok?” Came the low tenor of his boyfriend.
Danny shook away the thought and smiled at him. “Just zoning out.”
Then the smaller man finished his cup before he put it in the sink. “Gonna go brush my teeth,” he said as he walked out of the kitchen
“You didn’t even eat!” Came the voice Corning from the other room.
“Not hungry,” sing-songed Danny as he grabbed his toothbrush.
As he put the paste on the brush his mind wandered a bit. He started brushing, in the back and made his way forward. He was up to his canine and he started on his fangs which had him frown. Fangs? Wait a minute.
And then it all came rushing back. Phantom. Ghosts. This was a dream which meant-
“Nocturn,” Danny said. Sure it had been a while since he dated anyone but this was a whole new level of single if Nocturn had resorted to creating the ideal boyfriend to trap him in a dream.
Danny walked back to the kitchen and stood in the door entrance and stared at his imaginary dream boyfriend. Said boyfriend turned his head around and lifted an inquiring eyebrow.
“You really are perfect,” Danny said.
“You say the sweetest things,” the dream-construct said and the corner of his eyes creased beautifully as he smiled.
Danny sighed wistfully before bending to kiss his cheek. “Until then, dream lover.”
With a snap the dream collapsed and the halfa opened his eyes to the green of the Infinite Realms with the ghost sensation on his lips.
Simultaneously, in one of his safe houses in Gotham, Jason’s eyes snapped open as his hand flew to his cheek.
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sadnymi · 5 months
「 ✦ How Would The Slytherin boys React After you tell them you’re pregnant:✦ 」
[Mattheo Riddle-Theodore Nott-Lorenzo Berkshire-Draco Malfy-Tom Riddle-Regulus Black]
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•Mattheo Riddle
1.Silence: You blurt out the news, a nervous flutter in your chest. Mattheo stares at you, processing the information. Don't panic! This is his initial shock absorbing mode.
2. More Silence: You try again. Still, silence. Don't take it personally; his mind is racing a million miles a minute.
3. The Disappearance Act: By evening, Mattheo might be MIA. Don't fret! This is probably him needing some space to grapple with the news. (Don't chase him to Knockturn Alley, though.)
4. Awkward Return: When he finally returns, you launch into a "what-are-we-going-to-do" speech. But wait! He cuts you off...
5. "Hey, it's okay” : Mattheo might surprise you with a calm demeanor. This doesn't mean he isn't nervous, but he's trying to reassure you (and maybe himself).
6. "I want it too." : Prepare for a confession! Mattheo, the king of nonchalance, might admit he wants this, with you. This might be followed by an apology for his earlier silence."Sorry, I was just shocked earlier. Shouldn't have reacted that way."
7. Confusion Reigns: "You're not mad?" you finally manage to ask, a sliver of doubt lingering.He might confess he's clueless about the whole "No," he says, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "It's just... I never thought about this stuff. Family, kids, the whole shebang. But if I'm gonna do it, I want it to be with you."  _Cue the tiny butterflies in your stomach._
8. "But with you.":He might clarify that while the whole baby thing is new, having it with you? That's something he can do.
9. Protectiveness Unleashed: Expect a shift in Mattheo. He might become fiercely protective of you and the little one on the way. (Just don't tell him it's "nesting" if he starts building a barricade around your house.),Mattheo will hover over you, insisting you take prenatal vitamins and threatening to glare down any stranger who bumps into you. It's annoyingly sweet.
10.The (Slight) Freak Out (Because It's Mattheo): Don't get too comfortable yet. There will be moments of panic. Mattheo might blurt out something about not knowing the first thing about raising a kid, or how motorbikes suddenly seem like a terrible idea. Just remind him that you're in this together, crazy as it may be.
•Theodore Nott
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1. Reality Check?: Theo might blurt out, "Are you sure?" It's not doubt about your love, but the sheer unexpectedness of it all. Breathe, and calmly confirm with that positive blood test result.
2. Freak-Out Time: Picture a cartoon character with smoke billowing from their ears. That might be Theo, internally freaking out. Don't worry, it's normal (though maybe not that dramatic).
3. Parental Apocalypse?: "Your dad will kill me!" Theo might shriek, envisioning a future father-in-law wielding a shotgun.
4. Waterworks Warning: Tears might well up in your eyes, a mix of emotions swirling. He will put everything beside and try to comfort you.
5. Protective Streak: Expect a dramatic shift. Theo, the notorious rule-breaker, might turn into a fierce protector, ready to shield you from any and all perceived threats.
6. Reassurance Renaissance: He'll rush to your side, muttering reassurances like "Hey, I'm here" and "I'll be here every step of the way." "I might be freaking out internally, but I'm not going anywhere."
7. "We" is the New Word: The "me" might temporarily disappear, replaced by a constant "we." He might start talking about "our baby" and "what we need to do.".
8. Fear is a Two-Way Street: Theo might confess he's scared too. Don't be surprised; fatherhood is a big leap for anyone. Reassure him you're in this together.
9. Facing the Future, Together: Theo might not be known for responsibility, but this news could be a turning point. He might surprise you with his determination to navigate this journey with you.
10.A (Slightly Chaotic) New Chapter: Yes, there will be challenges. But with Theo by your side, even the most chaotic moments of pregnancy and parenthood can turn into an unforgettable adventure (well, maybe not all the diaper changes).
•Lorenzo Berkshire
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1. Record Scratch Moment: "Excuse me, what?" Lorenzo might look like a record player with a skipped track. Don't worry, the information overload will clear soon.
2. Baby Talk Confusion: He might blurt out, "Pregnant? Like...with a baby, like a real baby ?"
5. The F-Bomb Symphony: Brace yourself for a chorus of "Oh fuck!" Lorenzo might panic a bit, but hey, at least he acknowledges the reality.
6. Apology Avalanche: Prepare for a barrage of "I'm so sorry for putting a baby on you." It's not guilt-tripping, just Lorenzo's awkward way of expressing concern.
7. Decision Time: He might cut through the tension with a simple, "Okay, what do we do?" Don't be fooled by his bluntness; he's ready to face this together. He might surprise you with a genuine, "I want it. Do you?" Expect a hint of nervousness, but mostly a determination to be a part of this.
8. Family Gathering Fiasco: Prepare for a potential meltdown when it comes to telling your families. He might blurt out, "I'm pregnant!" before you can correct him. Just take a deep breath and handle the announcement yourself later.
9. Overprotective Overload: Expect Lorenzo to morph into your personal bubble wrap. Lifting a box? Forget it. Climbing stairs? Hold on, he's got you. You might need to remind him you're not made of glass .
10. Google Goes Dad Mode: One night, you might catch him researching "how to take care of a pregnant woman" , “ How to be a good dad “ on his phone. Aww, just don’t cry you will freak him out again.
•Draco Malfy
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1. Denial is a River in Egypt:  His first response? "You're lying." Don't panic. This is classic Draco, clinging to disbelief. Prepare to show him the pregnancy test, the blood test… anything to pierce his denial bubble.
2."Look Away, Not At It!": He might stubbornly refuse to even glance at the evidence. Don't take it personally; it's his defense mechanism malfunctioning.
3. Accusatory Tirade: Brace yourself for a verbal explosion. He might accuse you of lying, of trapping him, of using his family name. Remember, fear often masquerades as anger in Draco's world.
4. Protection Spells on His Pants?: He might insist he used every protection under the sun. Don't get into a magical contraception debate. Just try to explain accidents happen.
5. The Ejector Seat Option: Draco might bluntly tell you to leave. It's a knee-jerk reaction, not a reflection of his true feelings (hopefully!).
6. Standing Your Ground: Here comes the hard part. You tell him you're keeping the baby, with or without him. This might be the first crack in his emotional armor.
7. A Continent Away From Chaos: Fearing his reaction and the uncertainty of it all, you flee to another country. Girl, we feel you! But remember, you're not alone in this.
8. A Connection You Can't Deny: Despite the fear, you feel a powerful bond with the tiny life growing inside you. This little one deserves a chance, and you vow to protect them.
9. The Redemption Knocks: Two months later, a frantic pounding on your door jolts you awake. You open it to find a desperate Draco, his face etched with worry.
10. A Malfoy Regret-Fest: He confesses he searched everywhere for you, regret gnawing at him. When he learns you fled, the dam breaks. He apologizes profusely, begging you to tell him you kept the baby.
A Second Chance, Malfoy Style:
Relief washes over you as you nod, tears welling up. He wipes them away, muttering, "It's still ours. I'm so sorry. I'll never hurt you or our baby again." A genuine plea hangs in his voice.
“ Do you still love me?“ A shaky nod escapes your lips. He pleads for forgiveness, for a chance to be part of this family he never knew he craved.
This might be the start of a rocky but redemptive journey for both of you. Draco, beneath his icy exterior, might surprise you with his capacity for love and growth. Just remember, keep a communication charm handy – navigating fatherhood with Draco will likely be an… interesting adventure.
•Tom Riddle
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1. The Stoic Facade: Don't be surprised if Tom remains eerily calm. His usual mask of control might slip not an inch, leaving you wondering what's going on behind those eyes.
2. Tears: A flood of emotions might be coursing through you, but Tom? His reaction might be a chilling calmness. This doesn't mean he's unfeeling, just that he processes things differently.
3. Misinterpreting Your Distress: Seeing you cry, Tom might jump to a chilling conclusion. "Is having a baby with me that terrifying?" Here comes the part where you clarify.
4. Guilt by Association: A quick "No, no!" will hopefully ease his worry. But then you blurt out your fear – you're both too young.
5. Age is Irrelevant: Tom operates on a different timeline. Age is just a number, and power? That's the real currency. He might say, "It's not about age, it's about power."
6. Power Trip for Three?: Brace yourself for a Tom Riddle monologue about the immense power your child could possess. He might see it as an extension of his own ambitions, a prodigy groomed for greatness.Don't be afraid to voice your anxieties. When you say, "Tom, I don't want my baby to be part of your plans," he might actually listen.
6. A Promise, Riddle-Style: “I promise you, I will keep them safe. I will keep you safe." But remember, Tom's definition of "safe" might not align with yours. Stay frosty.
7. Your Fears Take Center Stage: Tears welling up again? This might be the moment it dawns on Tom that you're not thrilled about the power angle. He might try to reassure you, but...
8. Promises with a Price: Tom doesn't give anything without expecting something in return. Be prepared for him to outline his expectations for your role in his grand plan.
9. A Tug-of-War for the Future: This is where things get interesting. Do you submit to his vision, or do you fight for a different future for your child? The choice is yours.
10. A Dance with Darkness: Having a child with Tom Riddle is a gamble. He might be a captivating presence, but remember, his path is paved with darkness. Are you willing to walk it with him?
•Regulus Black
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1. Denial Dance: Regulus might stammer, "No, no," backing away like a cornered cat. This isn't about you; it's pure terror. Don't take it personally.
2. Touch-Starved Panic: You reach for his hand, but he flinches. Give him space for now.
3. The Talk: Regulus might utter the dreaded words, "You need to get rid of it." This comes from a place of fear for the child, not for himself.
4. Mama Bear Mode Activated: Your eyes widen. "No, Reg!" you declare, ready to defend your little bean.And It might be the wake-up call he needs. Witnessing your distress could trigger his protective side.
5. Black Family Fears: Regulus might unload about the Black family legacy, a breeding ground for misery. He fears bringing a child into that darkness."This family… it's torture. A child here wouldn't stand a chance." This is Regulus' way of expressing his fear for your child growing up under the Black banner. He might confess his fear of becoming his parents.
6. Us Against the World: You counter with, "It's our baby, Reg. We'll protect him/her." This might be the turning point.
7. Surprise: Regulus, in a rare show of vulnerability, pulls you into a hug. Hold him tight. He needs reassurance as much as you do.
8. Fearful Love: He might apologize, admitting he's scared for you and the baby. Reassure him you're in this together.
9. Escape Plan Hatched: Regulus suggests raising the child away from the Black family's clutches. This might be the most un-Regulus thing ever, and a good sign.
10. Surprise Dad Mode: Fast forward a few months. Regulus, who "didn't want" the baby, is secretly buying tiny clothes and setting up a nursery. And suddenly, bedtime stories and tea parties are in his future.
“Daddy's Little Girl”The moment he finds out it's a girl, prepare for a meltdown (of the happy kind!).
The magic deepens when your daughter recognizes his voice from within the womb. Witnessing the connection between them, a shared language before she even arrives, will fill your heart.
Late nights spent with Regulus talking softly to his daughter, his voice thick with newfound love, will paint a picture of a future you never dared to dream of. Maybe, just maybe, this family you're creating is exactly what Regulus craved – a love that defies darkness and a happiness he deserves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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nanivinsmoke · 11 months
Bestfriend’s Toy
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Gojo x F!Reader
had to reupload because tumblr found my og picture nsfw. baby that’s what I write here! anyways, enjoy ~
summary ~ gojo uses you as his toy, whenever, where ever he wants. gojo x f!reader
warnings ~ dom, sub, dominate male, sub reader, cream pies, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, breeding, public sex, exhibitionism and more!
the sound of squelching and loud creaks of the bed vibrated throughout the room. their bodies moved in sync as they indulged in one another. her moans were muffled by her pink laced panties that the male had put into her mouth, as he pounded her cunt sloppy.
he was underneath her, supporting her from the top, as he jackhammered her hard; her wetness making a white slippery mess on his cock. her legs were weak and wobbly, yet she was taking his dick perfectly. “mmm. take my load. yeah?” she nodded her head quickly, feeling another orgasm approaching.
he pounded faster and harder, his mushroom tip kissing her spot each time. his warm thick load pooled inside of her as his stroke became sloppy. her eyes began to roll back and that feeling came in her stomach once again, but before she could enjoy it he pulled out of her immediately, making tears brim her eyes and whimpers muffling against the fabric.
he chuckled and pulled her panties out, letting her speak her mind, “gojo…..” she whined looking at him with sad eyes, wanting to feel complete. “what’s the matter, doll?” he teased as he grabbed his boxers, knowing exactly what she wanted. “please…please let me finish,” she begged and spread her thick thighs, which let his kids flow out of her.
“my toys don’t get to finish. now be a good cum dump and put those back on, you’re wasting it” he pointed at the pink garments lying next to her, before he continued to get dressed.
y/n and gojo were best friends. they met in college and did everything together, even working at the same job as each other. one night during a game of strip poker, y/n had the winning streak but the tables turned in gojo’s favor, which ended up having the game end up as a tie. as a tie breaker he suggested something different, something that changed their relationship forever. to make that long and lewd story short, they ended up being a six and a nine that night, seeing who could cum first. he was the loser that time, but seeing how well she could make him cum loads, he decided on making her his fuck toy and she obliged.
“your receipt is in the bag, enjoy your day. beautiful” the customers squealed and smiled as Gojo flirted with them, exiting the store while giggling and talking about how cute he was. while he was putting their cash into the drawer, he glanced over at the girl that was crouching next to him, shivering and whimpering as the toy that was inserted inside her went rampant inside her hole.
“you didn’t make any noise, good girl. as your reward, im going to turn the toy off for now. in the meantime, you can go stock the shelves” his blue eyes trailed over to the next customer walking into their convenience store and a smirk appeared on his face.
waddling over to an isle, y/n moved slow as she was still weak from being overstimulated a few minutes ago. her panties were soaked with her fluids, making it uncomfortable for her to move around, she had came so much she was sure he drained her. but, the thought of being caught, the thought of someone hearing the buzzing of the toy, the thought of someone finding out what she was doing; made her blush. gojo had brought out a side she didn’t know she had. she liked it.
the customer that entered the store looked around puzzled, not able to find what they were looking for, which made the white haired male smile. he knew exactly what to do, “you need help miss?” his smile seemed genuine, but it was hardly that. “oh im looking for this,” the woman pointed at her phone and that cause gojo’s smile to widen more. “ah yes, that’s down that aisle. there should be a woman down there that can help you,” his smile was bright and the woman nodded her head.
“miss? can you help me find something that im looking for?” the woman’s voice called out to y/n who turned around and nodded with a smile, slowly waddling over to her. “Oh, that’s over he—OH!” gojo had turned on the toy once again, putting it on the highest setting. “are yoh alright miss–oh my god!” y/n had dropped to her knees, as the orgasm came upon her. the orgasm she so desperately needed caused her legs to go weak. her breathing picked up and her mind went blank.
“oh my! sorry about her, she hadn’t slept much. here! this is on the house. Im going to take care of her for a bit. thanks for stopping at our store” gojo handed the woman the item she was looking for before picking y/n’s body up and making his way to the back room. when the two were finally alone, she was still in her daze as gojo stared at her with a smirk with the remote in hand. “how many times did you cum?”
her eyes fluttered up to his, “five times…” she replied weakly and he chuckled before turning off the toy with the remote. he swiftly pulled down his zipper and pushed his hard cock through the hole and with no hesitation he slipped y/n’s panties to the side; his pink tip at her slick entrance before he stopped. his blue crystal eyes met her’s for a brief moment, before she looked away and bucked her hips closer to him and pushed him inside. “shit! attagirl. taking me so well”
her wetness immediately coated his dick, creating a film of cream over it, “you came again didn’t you?” he already knew the answer as he felt her walls contract around him. she nodded weakly her eyes fixtated on the door behind them, her ears perked up when she heard the store’s door chime on the opposite side of the door. “oh? you got excited didn’t you? let’s make sure they can hear you take this dick”
he slammed his hips foreward, pushing himself deeper inside of her making her yelp out. He continued this action more, loving the noises she finally decided to let out. “mmm. so fucking sexy, I can do it inside?” he groaned softly, stroking in and out of her sopping wet cunt. she nodded frantically hearing the customers call out for them.
gojo’s strokes became sloppier and fast paced, and his dick twitched inside of her. y/n’s orgasm came crashing down on her hard, her body twitched and her back arched, “YES!” gojo let out his load inside of her, his thick white semen dripped out of her when he pulled out.
“you know I’m going to punish you later for cumming so much, right? now, let’s go see what they want”
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witchyafterdark · 8 months
— Sebastian Sallow Headcanons; pt. 1
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[None of the images belong to me! All credits to the owners and editors of these images!]
During 6th year, he tried his best to do good throughout the school year, and distract himself from the remnants of the Dark Arts' hold on him. Instead of giving into the temptation of the call to research more about the forbidden spells, he instead busied himself helping people with their academics.
He helps MC most of all, scheduling a constant time and day for tutorials about all the lessons they might have missed out on, in spite of their Field Guide. (And yes, he also gifted Ominis with Braille-engraved ingredient bottles for Potions class).
He extends this help towards underclass students, mostly Slytherin ones... cause you know, he still has that House Cup competitive streak in him.
Bonus: When he's in the library to study and tutor others, he usually leaves his blazer and robes back at the dorms to be more comfortable and laidback. He also started to wear reading glasses more frequently than before, and uses it to push back his messy waves when he doesn't need it. That's when he started to wonder why there seems to be more students, mostly girls, asking for his tutorial and academic assistance all the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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In the midst of Victorian standards of propriety and social decorum between men and women, Sebastian is actually quite well-versed in taking care of women in his life. When it was socially acceptable for men to opt out of "womanly discussions," Sebastian knows more than the average man, thanks to having been attuned to his twin all his life.
He was literally there when Anne was hunched over her food, in pain, at the Great Hall during their 2nd year. After almost carrying her all the way to the Hospital Wing, he demanded to know what was going on with her... until Nurse Blainey told him she started to have her monthly bleeding.
Instead of shying away from the topic, he took it upon himself to research in the library all there is about women's health and anatomy. When he didn't find what he was looking for, that's when he started to sneak into the restricted section for more information than what was available!
Best believe he was by Anne's side the next morning with a handful of chocolates, sweets, and a pair of enchanted warm, fuzzy socks to ease her period pains. This boy is not afraid of hush-hush women problems. He might even go down to the kitchens to make Anne her favorite soup to keep her warm, full, and cozy for bed.
(Will be the best girl dad)
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I firmly believe that Sebastian would eventually stumble upon the cure for Anne as an adult.
Right after graduating from Hogwarts, he would most likely become a curse breaker; not only because it suits him, but he has a restless and tumultuous relationship with himself. Being buried in work while being in foreign lands serve as a good distraction for him. Sitting too long by himself doing nothing can make him ruminate about his past, and that's no good.
If Anne is still alive by the time he finds her cure, he would most certainly try his best to rekindle a connection with her, finding wherever she currently resides. He might even beg Ominis to tell him where she is, promising that his findings are backed up by other curse breakers or whatnot (even if that may not exactly be true), just so he'd be told of Anne's whereabouts.
Understandably, Anne would be extremely wary of all of this. But Sebastian can be extremely persuasive, and would have to be completely transparent with her about all of the information he found. He will get his sister back, and that was a promise he made to himself all those years ago. He never abandoned that promise.
But if Anne had already passed away, stumbling upon the cure during his work travels would make Sebastian spiral out of control. He will most likely disappear from the face of the earth, and not even Ominis' underground connections will be able to trace him.
Dark wizard and poacher camps can be reported to have been decimated to the ground overnight over a span of months, seamingly by the work of a vigilante. But in reality, Sebastian has been unleashing his rage and anger on those people who were like the wizard who cursed his sister. No one can stop him from this moment of grieving. He needs some sort of justice for what happened to Anne, and this is the only way he can think of in the midst of his grief.
Simultaneously, though, he has been collecting illicit and illegal information about all the curses, hexes, rituals, and dark magic he can get his hands on. He needs to know about all of them to be prepared for the worst in the future, however his future might be. This mission of his makes him compile and bind some sort of a tome of all the cures and solutions to the Dark Arts.
This kind of pattern continues of over the course of a couple of years, writing a letter to Ominis and MC every now and then to let them know he's still alive. Once he is quite satisfied and have come to terms with his grief, only then would he reemerge into society.
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On a more lighthearted note, being a curse breaker is something he doesn't actually see himself doing for the rest of his life as he grows older. During his youth, he reveled in his findings and discoveries, taking pride in his abilities to be quick on his feet in perilous situations. Like most young men, he will maximize the years of his prime, traveling to distant lands and seeking opportunities elsewhere.
But as he falls into a groove, he might also feel the effects of the job on himself. Places and faces can get old to him once he realizes that he's no longer the young man he used to be. Weariness slowly seep into his bones, and he would love nothing more at this point than to be embraced into a warm home, and taking life slowly.
He realizes that time waits for no man, and perhaps this all stemmed from seeing Ominis recently. His old friend looking more at peace with himself, calm and contented with his own found family.
This could be the final push for Sebastian to finally hang the coat, and quietly retire from being a curse breaker. And this is where Professor Sallow comes into the picture.
Going back to Hogwarts, now as a teacher, gives him the sense of relief and comfort he didn't know he was yearning for. It's as if he has been holding his breath for so long, and now, he can breathe easy again. He feels safe now, with a renewed sense of purpose.
All of his learnings and discoveries during his prime will most definitely take their place in the familiar shelves of the Hogwarts library. He might even feel nostalgic over the fact the he now has actual unlimited access to the Restricted Section, with some of his books sitting right next to the ones he used to get into trouble for.
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cadaveerie · 5 days
Here are the transcriptions of the Backstory for Rook's factions in the Character Creator (with the different pronouns available + surnames):
Surname: Thorne
Shield Against the Night
When innocent lives were at stake, Rook led the charge, saving a village from a monstrous nightmare--no matter the cost to herself/himself/themselves.
During a large darkspawn incursion, Rook was ordered to hold the line with other Grey Wardens until reinforcements arrived. Rook argued that by then, villagers under attack would be dead. She/He/They disobeyed orders, leading the squad into the incursion and sealing the tunnel to the Deep Roads. This turned the tide, and the darkspawn were driven off, which saved the villagers. Rook's heroism was popular among the younger Wardens, but others with connections to noble families resented her/his/their independent streak. Rook chose to step away while tempers cooled.
Surname: Aldwir
Hunter of Secrets
When lives were at stake, Rook defied orders to rescue people from the mystic perils of Arlathan.
On an expedition to ruins in Arlathan Forest, the Veil jumpers found ruins that contained important lost lore and deadly danger. Barely surviving the ruins' ancient magical defenses, Rook's small team recovered and invaluable map leading to a hidden area of the forest. Although the team escaped, other Veil Jumpers found themselves trapped. Rook chose to return to the ruins, saving her/his/their teammates' lives, but losing the map. She/He/They was/were lauded for her/his/their bravery, but the map's loss caused some resentment among Veil Jumper leaders.
Surname: Mercar
Breaker of Bonds
Rook risked everything to liberate the enslaved people of Tevinter, even knowing it would anger the ruling elite.
The foundling Rook was adopted into a military family and joined the Shadow Dragons to fight from the shadows for change in Minrathous. While guarding a visiting dignitary who was investigating a slavery ring in the nearby city of Nessus, Rook concluded that the mission would fail without throwing caution to the wind. Alone, she/he/they sneaked the dignitary deep into Venatori-controlled zones and brought him back, along with the rescued slaves. These actions brought Rook to the Venatori's attention, and the Shadow Dragons decided to keep Rook out of sight.
Surname: Laidir
Seeker of Gold and Glory
When a corrupt Rivaini noble double-crossed Rook, Rook escaped a collapsing ruin, turned the tables, and destroyed a dangerous artifact.
A rising Lord of Fortune, skilled at breaking into lost tombs and ruins, Rook killed a corrupt Rivaini noble to prevent an ancient evil from being given to the Venatori. Her/His/Their actions were correct and saved the lives of expedition members, but some Rivaini nobles were resentful. Because the success of the Lords' expeditions relied on Rivaini authorities looking the other way, it seemed wise for Rook to step away while tempers settled.
Surname: Ingellvar
Defender of the Dead
When restless spirits threatened the inhabitants of the Grand Necropolis, Rook took the decisive action to protect both the living and the dead.
Discovered by undead inside a Grand Necropolis tomb as an infant, Rook was raised by Mourn Watch necromancers, eventually joining the order. During a "civil war" between undead nobility, known later as the War of the Banners, she/he/they led a daring attack on the rebellion's dueling leaders. It was a success, quelling the war and saving lives. But Rook's destruction of these undead nobles was controversial. Some Mourn Watchers feared Rook had offended the order's aristocratic patrons and encouraged her/him/them to travel for a while.
Surname: de Riva
Assassin Extraordinaire
When the invaders of Treviso took people captive, Rook was determined to free the prisoners at any cost.
A talented new Crow recently promoted to full membership, Rook chafed at the cautions of her/his/their commanders, especially with her/his/their city occupied by brutal soldiers known as the Antaam. When Rook saw a patrol herding along captives one night, she/he/they leaped into action. Despite saving lives, however, Rook had unknowingly compromised a larger Crow operation against the Antaam. Rook's superiors were incensed. Sidelined for her/his/their actions, the young assassin searched for new ways to prove herself/himself/themselves.
source :)
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phuuca · 2 months
My friend Jax got me REALLY into Wind Breaker and I binge read the entire manga in, roughly, three days. But every time a new gang was introduced, I always had the idea pop into my head of “What if Sakura joined these guys before Furin?”
So here’s my two cents about how those would all go:
(Gangs ranked from Least Damaging to Most Damaging, based on how they’d treat Sakura)
(Spoilers for the Manga)
Roppo Ichiza - Least damaging
They wouldn't let him join officially, because he's too young. But this is Sakura and he'll throw himself into battle anyway for the thrill of it, but also because he wants to belong and protect. It's who he is at his core. Kanji sighs with unsurprising disappointment because Sakura should be in school! And making friends!! You're committing truancy Sakura. Go make friends, you under-socialized, stray cat!! Sakura being adopted into the Roppo Ichiza is just Kanji and Akihito trying to convince him to transfer to Furin because SAKURA. YOU'RE LIFE IS BEING WASTED HERE. Anyway, he ends up transferring to Furin after hanging around Shizuka and Tsubaki long enough and they beat Gravel's ass. He drags the boy by the scruff, kicking and screaming, and enrolls him in Furin High himself.
Gravel - second least damaging
He thrives, but in a way that’s a little different from Roppo and Furin bc they are a community. However he still, ultimately, gets picked on because of his appearance and is more lonely than he thinks he is. But, for the most part, he's welcomed with open arms because he contributes a lot to Gravel and is super reliable. He takes up a semi-leadership position, despite being one of the youngest members, because of his fighting abilities. Transfers to Furin after Suzuri becomes a Chef Trainee and pushes Sakura to better himself in a way similar to Tsubaki and Shizuka.
Both a Roppo! and Gravel!Sakura would be closest to Tsubaki.
Shishitoren - smack dab in the middle, our true neutral
He’s in a neutral position in Shishitoren. It's neither good nor bad overall, but he’s still incredibly, lonely. Choji picks on him for being strong. Togame picks on him because of their clashing ideals and talking speeds. He’s definitely strong enough to hold his place there and find shaky community, but his own personal morals isolate him more ostentatiously than not. And, with the threat of being kicked out, he's afraid of even being seen as "weak". He still thinks it's some punk shit to be picking on middle schoolers and he'd beat the snot out of Arima and Kanuma, if given the chance. After the tournament, he transfers with a little bit of pushing from Togame.
Shishitoren!Sakura would be closest to Hiiragi (he sees a lot of Sako in Sakura).
Keel - damaging
He withers, but at a slower rate. He’s the only member to not use a weapon, because he thinks bringing a weapon to a fist fight is cowardly behavior. This makes him an outsider and a target of their bullying. He willingly joined under the guise of finding community, but was pissed off when he found out this community is full of petty thugs and bullies. He tried to leave, and was close to being successful, but then he say Nagato and decided he was going to stay and (begrudgingly, with a lot of grumbling and swearing) stay. He stands beside Nagato as an a kind of, tough-loving, older brother/mentor figure. Sakura often takes the brunt of Nagato’s punishments because Nagato is not a fighter and he's "responsible" for hims as his mentor. Even after he fails nabbing the purse, he takes it for Nagato and is devastated, but truly not surprised when they beat up Nagato too. He transfers after Nagato is saved.
Keel!Sakura would be closest with Ren.
Noroshi - most damaging and he’s in active, tangiable danger.
He withers and burns from the inside out. He’s fighting for his fucking life all the time. He’s got scars and a single tattoo. Absolutely lonely and gets sick, maybe, twice every six months from constantly being run ragged and feeling like dirt. There are small streaks of white in his black hair from the constant stress of fighting Takiishi, Endo, and the other Noroshi members in a thunderdome that, seemingly, never ends. Is first seen beside Endo during the Gravel Arc as his shadow, a reopened split lip staining the collar of his hoodie red. He is saved during the war by Umemiya after he clips his head, hard, on the chair Takiishi throws, and is held down until he passes out (Umemiya defends his unconscious body from Takiishi). He transfers to Furin once the war is over and is monitored by the Four Kings, not because they think he’ll betray him, but because Sakura needs guidance on the difference between constantly fighting for your life verses a friendly fun brawl (Endo and Takiishi had him fight them for survival under the guise of “fun”).
Noroshi!Sakura is closest with Umemiya (everyone saw this coming).
In every reality, my boy Haruka Sakura ends up in Furin because all roads lead to Furin. He belongs there, that’s his family, even if some extra steps were taken to get there.
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dragonfly0808 · 2 months
Covens and Foils
So a little smth that yet again, I didn’t have quite enough time to include in s3 but that in the latest chapter might’ve shined through a bit is that I really wanted Shirley’s coven to be a bit of a foil and/or parallel to the Trix
The plan was to have it be Icy-Juliette, Stormy-Yena and of course, the most obvious perhaps Darcy-Shirley
Starting with Darcy-Shirley, they are both mind witches and literally grew up together, with Darcy helping Riven do what it took to keep them all alive. They are both mind witches and it was what Darcy became that pushed Shirley to want to do something different with her powers
Darcy manipulates and uses her power to trick and decieve people. Shirley goes the opposite route, learning how to help people. Darcy focuses on nightmares and nausea and bringing out the fear and the worst in people. Shirley focuses on dreams and real memories, on comforting and explores the boundries of her power
Now, Stormy and Yena. This is the weakest since Yena was meant to have more screentime in s3 that never happened. But they’re both elemental witches. Stormy has a focus on air and lightning, Yena focuses on water.
Stormy has a deep-rooted wish for chaos, she’s impulsive and violent and just wants to rule the world. Yena is a Healer, she has a maternal streak and, while being very capable of fighting, she prefers to take a seat back and focus on the simpler things in life. Yena would totally vibe to Shuffle of Love, Stormy is more Perfect Revenge ya know what i’m saying?
Finally, Icy and Juliette. The witches touched by dark magic and the eldest of their respective covens.
Icy’s family has a history with dark magic, for Juliette, she nearly becomes a proxy for Darkar, and some of that magic remains in her very veins, infecting every part of her.
Icy doesn’t learn from the past and her family’s tragic history, she goes after the Flame and is the main instigator of the Trix’s first crimes. Meanwhile, Juliette had no choice in being kidnapped and nearly becoming a proxy, however, she chooses to use the dark magic that remains in her to become an expert curse-breaker and understand blood magic, which may have a negative reputation, but that Juliette manages to use for some good.
They’re both determined to protect their respective covens, feeling responsible as the eldest. The difference is that Icy fails and Juliette succeeds.
Icy sets in motion the events that eventually lead to her coven falling apart by becoming obsessed with the idea of the Dragon Flame. Juliette refusing to see herself as ‘tainted’ by dark magic and choosing to use if for good as much as she can sets the precident of how her coven views magic, with Juliette becoming an expert in blood magic and hexes and Shirley using mind magic to help people
Anyways, I’ll stop ranting. This was just some of the brainrot in my head while writing s3 that didn’t quite make it to the final cut
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m9ow · 2 years
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
cw: smut, corruption kink, vin dresses as billy and reader dresses as sidney ♡, (reader cuts bangs for costume)
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you pull the curlers out of your hair as you almost shriek at the sight of you having bangs, just for a halloween costume.
"maybe we should've done clip-ins..." you say as you watch vinnie move closer to you in the mirror, blonde hair slicked back as he holds a ripped package of fake blood in his hands
"I think you look great, baby" he wraps his arms around you, kissing up your neck as you shiver from the sudden attention
"mm! save it for the tiktoks!" you squirm as you remind him of the couple tiktoks you two planned to make as sindey prescott and billy loomis
"shit, right...where do you wanna make them?" he says cluelessly, you sigh as you've already planned everything out from audio, to positions, to place.
"you really need to work on your character, billy isn't a himbo, vinnie!"
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your back is to the mirror as the viewers can only see the jean jacket you're wearing as you turn you toss your head to the side, facing a very handsome, bloody, vinnie.
"I wish I could be a big ralph movie.." you mouth as the audio plays, vinnies seductive eyes slowly turn to bore at you, head slightly tilting
"or even a good porno" you sigh, vinnies brows softly twitch with a smirk powdered on his lips
"what?" he says in a breathy tone and then the audio cuts out with another music playing over, vinnies hands move as he zooms in on the mirror.
"perfect!" you squeal as you take the phone to watch it, vinnies white tee stained red as a smear of fake blood lays in streaks from his jaw to his chin, you bite your lip watching his lonely curl that didn't want to be slicked back bounced as he turns to look at you.
"you look amazing, babe" he whispers, taking notice to your also bouncy bangs, and glued to your side profile staring at him in the tiktok. you close your eyes for a moment before replying,
"lets to the corn syrup scene!"
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you just got done with another tiktok, you sit snug in vinnies lap as you watch through it as you feel lips trickle up your neck, you sigh and lean back into his touch, slowly placing the phone back down to the desk as he kisses up to your jaw
"you like them?" he whispered, you nodded as you started to turn around, facing him as you grab his bloody face, taking a look at him you smile,
"I've always wanted to dress you up as billy, it makes you look so damn hot" you giggle as he smiles up at you, tilting up for a kiss as he murmurs on your lips,
"mm, so hot, huh?" he mocked
"oh, so hot" you confirm before laughing into his chest, he chuckled and picked you up, walking over to the bed as you shrug your jean jacket off
you watched as he took his tee off, crawling up towards you as he lays kisses on you, you felt something poking your thigh
"you look so adorable with that costume, baby."
"the bangs make you look so..pure" he groaned as he moved his hips on your thigh, you moaned softly as you worked on taking your baby blue top off
"glad they aren't a deal breaker in our relationship" you giggle as he unclips your bra, moving over you so you have nothing to do but lay back and look up at him 
"fuck no"
you moved quickly to remove your jeans as he tugged down his, you ripped your panties off the minute he pulled down his boxers to reveal his swollen cock leaking pre-cum all over
your breath got caught up in your throat as he moved down to look at you
"ready f'me baby?" he slurred, you nodded and with one thrust he was in you.
he tossed your legs over his shoulder as he began to ram into you, your mouth was stuck open as he fucked his way through you
his tattoos glistened with sweat as that lonely curl on his head bounced with bliss
"fuck, vinnie!" a knot in your stomach started to form, and that familiar feeling bubbled inside you as your body became limp in his arms
"fuck! don't do that!" he moaned, referring to you sucking his cock in with your upcoming orgasm 
his head was thrown back as he focused on not coming, abs flexing with each thrust, cock digging deeper in your victim pussy
you cried out as you came all over him, his cock fucking you throughout your orgasm as he quickly got to his, shooting his baby batter straight to your womb as you both lay there with ruined makeup and sore throats
"thanks for making me scream"
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an: happy halloween ♡
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smilingangel582 · 3 months
Heyooo, it's been a while, and I've been going on a wind breaker fic streak for a while. Alsooo this is another lee!sakura with another special lee! Surprise... though I'm not sure if it will work, lol
Ohhh, and a bit of SuoSaku shipping! I love those two, btw...and the imaginary girl I put can like a y/n reader... hehehe, up to u.
Warning spoilers after episode 11
Not a scary guy... see?
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Kiryu gives Sakura an unimpressed tilted smile as he insists the girl next to him, who looks like she's in middle school, "Ne, sorry if he's being a little dramatic but I can assure you Sakura-chan is a nice guy..."
The girl looks frightened regardless. She's one of the girls Kiryu, Suo, and Sakura encountered being bullied by another turf. Saving her, thankfully.
Her blue eyes glisten as she stares at the black and white-haired boy. Somewhat enthralled by how he beaten the 10 guys swiftly without the help of his two friends. They had run to Kotoha's restaurant - but probably because Sakura gets hungry after every fight.
However, when Sakura started getting angry at another guy named Sugishita... He's even scarier.
She felt a sudden surge of fear snatch within her gut. But luckily for her the long haired guy is gone since Kotoha had to send him away with her menacing glare and Sakura settled sitting down rocking his foot with irritation, he slammed a hand on the desk as well.
"Damn that guy! I'll stuff him tomorrow at school for sure!"
The girl squeaked, now hiding behind Suo.
The comforting Kiryu pats her head sweetly. "There there... you are safe"
Suo sighs, but with a fond smile, he decides to approach Sakura from the side, "Sakura-kun, you shouldn't be this aggressive..."
"I-I'm not!" Sakura snaps so loudly that the girl whimpers again. of course... he couldn't help but look somewhat guilty for that.
Kotoha groaned now drying the plates as she decided to get her omelette rice started for him, "Geez, Sakura chill... honestly, if you're being this angry, then you can forget your omurice"
Sakura snaps, now hands slamming on the table again, leaning close and daring, "Huuh? Why? Can't I be angry?"
Kotoha stares, not intimidated in the slightest as she knows him well enough now. She reaches to flick his forehead, "Because you're scaring my customers," then she adds with a poke to his side, smiling a little as he was rubbing the stinging flick she gave him. "And you're so uptight!"
He stiffened at that backing away with a little uneasy growl, sitting down. The younger girl noticed, Kotoha proudly understands, Suo hummed curiously, and Kiryu tilted his head, "Oya? Sakura-chan, it's rare for you to back down..."
Flustered Sakura looked sideway, his ears red, falling back on his chair like a good puppy, "I-I I just felt like it o-ok?"
Suo who's been the closest to Sakura, literally, started to raise his hand to reach something towards Sakura and even though Suo didn't attempt anything, Sakura stumbled back, fists clenched defensively, glaring, as he turns fully, "Bastard what the hell...!?"
Suo lets a laugh. Letting his hand fall down, "Ah, sorry, I was just trying to take a small spec of dust from your shoulder... did you get scared of something else?"
Sakura merely looked at his shoulder. However, with a swift movement, Suo tases his side, making Sakura jolt to the wide with a yelp, "Hey!"
Kotoha laughs, "Now thats more like it... rather than you putting tantrums"
Sakura blushed, "Quiet! You better stop teasing me -geh! Ahaha, c-cut it ohohout!" As he was in the middle of snapping at Kotoha. Suo aimed another efficient poke to his side.
Suo grinned slowly, stepping forward with his hands ready to 'attack', "Don't be so shy... It's just a harmless little tickle... see?" He aimed another poke towards his stomach, making Sakura stumble backwards. Lucky for Kotoha, her shop is at closing hours. Otherwise, she might have to kick them all out for disturbing.
"Shy my ass! Stop that..." he used his arms to cover his middle, now hunched a little defensively. Suo loomed to the side, hoping to sneak another firm prod, and Sakura used his elbows to cover his ribs on the side Suo attempted to target.
"Wow... Sakura-kun, are you that scared?" He teased, now using feints to catch him off guard.
"N-not scared jerk! I-I just..." he flinched when Suo pretended to tickle his right side, but only for him to get tricked again.
Kiryu giggles, "Kyuun! Sakura-chan is cute! See he's not so scary, now is he, Hina-chan?" He turns to the girl who smiled a little, awkwardly enjoying this little game they are playing.
Perhaps not all delinquents are bad....
"Uh oh... Wahait!"
Surprised, it wasn't Sakura's voice. This time it was a light and calm voice of Suo who's suddenly being pinned down by a flustered Sakura. He growled, looking like a little angry cat, "Ha? How do ya like that! Can't take what ya dish!"
"Ahahahaha, hehey."
Suo didn't seem embarassed but rather he had a sweet laugh that Kiryu really liked. But he still think Sakura's angry laughter is way amusing than that.
Suo chuckles even more, now his cheeks a rare colour of pink, which somewhat did male sakura look softly at him "Sahahakuhura-kuhuhun..."
"What? Y-you started it -ah! Haha, wait, WAIT!"
Suo swiftly parries Sakura by using his hands to block his sides and then using his palms to push him down his back but grabbing Sakura's leg, and started digging into his knees and upper thighs, which are normally sensitive spots.
This bastard lied to him! The moment Sakura's fingers stopped a moment from his ribs, Suo takes that chance very swiftly.
"AH! SHihit! Wahaha not theHEHEREHE!!"
Kiryu pouted, "Aww and just when we get to see Suo-chan laughing like a silly goose"
Suo gives a short laugh, "Kiryi-kun thats mean... oh well Sakura almost got me and you have my respect there... but..." he stopped the attack on his knees and makes his way to intensify his attack on his upperbody.
"Y-yohohohou sneheheheak! Ahaha, matte!" He panicked, attempting to grab his wrists, now legs kicking uselessly.
Suo flips their positions, smiling proudly when he straddled him from the back this time. "Ah ah ah~ Sakura-kun... you can't get away with that little stunt... always remember in a tickle fight, don't yield when you're being tickled back... and you were very inexperienced, so it was easy for me to break free."
Sakura curled to the side now, sinking to the floor. He can't get him back now, "Ihihihihi nehehehever tihihihickled ahahahany one behehehefohohore haha! Shit stop ihihit!"
He grabbed Suo's wrist successfully, hoping to switch the tables, but a little opening allowed Suo to sneak his capable hand under his armpit. Surprised, it was so bad that his limbs suddenly became jelly.
Bingo. Suo thinks fondly, now teasingly testing the sensitivity there, "What was that Sakura kun?"
Kotoha stops her work momentarily to look up in amusement but giggles teasingly, "Uh oh, someone's weak spot has been exploited... that was a bad move, Sakura..."
Sakura couldn't even respond due to his preoccupied state, to think tickling is this unbearable when the right spot is targeted. His giggles turned to laughter, and his laughter turned to cackles that he felt so humiliated.
Suo grins, "Ah that's another fact... always look for the opponents weakspots... once u know... u can break them easily like this..." he began to drill his fingers deeper into his armpit.
Sakura squealed, and that bewildered Kiryu, who's been taking a video on his phone this whole time. He turned to Hinase with a chuckle, "Oh wow... he's that ticklish there?"
The girl now feels awkward watching strong delinquents have a tickle fight but somewhat likes the sound of Sakura's laugh since he's not that scary... especially the giggles that keep flooding through his lips.
Sakura'a face is red, now he slams his hand on the floor, showing truce as his elbows try to protect his armpits, "ahaha, fine, fine! FINE HAHAHA ENOUGH!"
Suo stops now, getting off Sakura yet remains kneeled down, pushing the strands of his hair to the side when Sakura rolled on his back, panting. Somewhat entranced... such a curious case
This makes Sakura blush and slowly shrug. The hand away as he gets up, sitting in front of where Kotoha is as she displays her special omelette rice. "Jeez, you will pahay ack!" he feels a simple poke from Kotoha who giggles, now she blows her finger as if it's a gun, "Now we know how to cool a scary guy like you... its adorable really"
Sakura wheezes in anger, bjt protectively covers his weak spots while glaring at Suo and Kotoha, "D-damn you! Dont call me cute!"
Suo grins, a finger aiming for a poke to his side which Sakura instantly caught his hands. Eyes narrowed, somewhat suspicious "Do not!"
"Ahh" he gives a little pout, a rare side of Suo, "But if you let me poke you here and there whenever I feel like I'll tell you my weak spot as well..." he winks.
Sakura's face heats up, curious and also embarassed, he looks away, now letting his hands go since he decides to eat the omelette rice, "h-ha? I don't need to know! I will find it myself someday!"
Suo grinned, elbow on the counter as he leaned on his palm, staring lovingly at him, "Hmm hmm, good boy," he pats his head in the process, making Sakura raise his spoon, as of he's gonna hit him with that. His face totally red.
Watching their antics, nobody, not even Kotoha, noticed Kiryu taking Hinase out from the cafe. She bowed to him politely, her face bright and back to her healthy colour, "Thank you! Kiryu-san... I can walk back on my own"
Kiryu smiles lightly, "That's fine... It's late, so I'll walk you. " he offered her his hand now.
She blushed in bliss, lucky to have met the first year high schoolers from bofurin. Taking his hand shyly they walk now.
She is indeed glad to have met them.
Especially Sakura... at the same time, they are human who like to mess around and have fun...
She giggles a little at the memory of Sakura's blushing face, "cute..." then blushes as well on the memory she just got of repeated Sakura blushes. she walks through the pavement, silently now, hiding her small snicker.
Kiryu asked, "What's so funny?"
"Ah... sorry, Sakura-san's face is quite adora -ahem interesting when he's shy"
Kiryu laughs, "very very! You won't believe how much of a tsundere he is. Tough and rough on the outside but a sweet kind softie on the inside..."
She agrees and now mentions, "Also about him and Suo"
Kiryu grins knowingly, placing a finger on his lips, "That is another story... but neither of them know what the story even is... hehe"
Another interesting story she would like to know... their bond seems unbreakable.
"Can't wait..." she smiles.
Meanwhile, at the cafe.
"Kotoha-saaan! Nirei is back!" The blond grins as he enters the cafe, looking spiffy as ever. Suo grins his hands still attempting to get Sakura once he finished his omelette rice.
Sakura's red face is still the same, and Nirei asks, "Eh? Sakura-san why your face red again?"
"Shut up! Y-you guys are so annoying!" He's still holding on to Suo's wrists cautious and careful not to let him poke him.
Kotoha chuckles, "Hai hai, Suo, you can stop teasing him before he becomes a tomato plant for Ume"
Suo casually let's his hands slip away but Sakura stares at him like a suspicious cat, "Grr... you will pay! Just you wait I will!"
Suo shrugs, "Oh scary much... until I poke you here..." he gives him a poke to the side but not touching as he's already stopped. Sakura squeaks attempts to grab his hand which quickly left.
Nirei Frown in confusion, "ehhh tell me? Why is Sakura embarassed and what do u mean poking him?"
Nirei's questions will be the death of Sakura. That top secret notebook is every bit of a menace as Suo's mysterious eye patch.
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
Who Would Win in a Double Battle?
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Inspired by a conversation between my friend, I began to wonder: Who would win a fight between these two?
No Gimmicks! This includes Dynamax, Gigantamax, Z-Moves, and Terastallize. Raihan can make the weather change, though.
All Pokemon have optimal natures.
No items. This includes held items and healing items.
Raihan's Team is his original Gym Team when you first fight him, Emmet's Team is based off his 49th streak team.
For the purpose of this fight, Emmet's team have been given the following abilities (Determined by coin flip, no hidden abilities): Chandelure has Flame Body, Haxorus has Mold Breaker, Excadrill has Sand Rush, and Eelektross has Levitate.
This is a double battle ONLY between Raihan and Emmet. No Ingo.
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
Bad End Night (Yandere Males) PROLOGUE
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Since the poll was overwhelmingly for me posting my original story here, I thought I would start now.
Summary: When your car breaks down, you find yourself staying overnight in a mysterious mansion. However, the inhabitants of the manor are clearly hiding dark secrets from you. There’s only so many ways this night can go. Can you find the happy end or are you heading for a bad end night?
This story is based on the song “Bad ∞ End ∞ Night” by Hitoshizuku-P and Yama△, while the characters are based on a cover of the song on 高生紳士 YouTube channel. You don’t have to know anything about the song to enjoy this, but I totally recommend it as a song in general.
This story will contain graphic violence, swearing, bisexual men, and your general yandere themes. If any of those is a deal breaker, please leave instead of hating.
I have finished the entire story (except for the endings) at this point in time, so no real worries about me failing to finish this.
This reader was fun to write. Also, I picked each character’s name for a reason.
Next Part: Chapter One
“She’ll be arriving soon,” a handsome man with messy dark blue hair streaked with white laid on a velvet sofa, hands behind his head as he smiled lazily at his husband.
His husband, a shorter man with straight red hair, smiled back at him, “Yes, she will. We should take our places.”
“We still have some time, Shiro,” the man replied, waving his concerns away with a flick of the wrist.
The other man, Shiro, walked to the doorway and peered down the hallway where an old grandfather clock stood against the plain red wallpaper. The long hand ticked forward to mark 7:50 as he studied it, and he smiled again.
“We have six minutes,” he called back to the living room, “We should hurry now.”
“That late, huh?” His husband drawled, “I’m looking forward to seeing her. Gather the others, then.”
Shiro nodded, “I will do so. But, Oni, make sure to not be late this time.”
Oni appeared in the doorway, grinning widely, “I wouldn’t miss her for the world.”
“You said that last time, then fell asleep on the couch,” Shiro laughed.
The man ran his long fingers through his messy blue-and-white hair, “I need to freshen up. I have to look my best for her.”
“Hurry,” Shiro said sternly. He headed towards the spiral staircase and took a step up before calling, “And you look good enough now, you know.”
“Of course I do,” Oni said, flashing a cocky grin before disappearing through the doorway once more.
Rolling his eyes, Shiro traversed the spiral staircase, arriving at the second floor quickly. The wooden floor creaked under the red soles of his shoes as he walked briskly down the hallway. He stopped at the first door to the left, admiring the way the carvings of butterflies flew along the arch of the door. Gazing softly at it, he turned around and knocked on the door across from the carved one. This door was rectangular and devoid of any decorations- plain and ordinary.
It flew open almost immediately, a young man with long wild gray hair revealed through the opening. He white shirt with a black vest and pants to match. His gaze was dull, but a certain excitement gleamed in his eyes.
“Is it time to take our places, Master Shiro?” He asked, voice almost too soft to hear.
“Yes, Tsumi. Please get the dolls ready,” Shiro replied, “I will fetch my son.”
The maid, Tsumi, nodded and hurried past his employer and down the hallway. Shiro followed her, stopped at the next door, a rectangular one with a bird carving in the middle, and knocked on it. Like the maid, the owner of the room opened the door immediately. 
The boy inside had his father’s red hair and eyes, although no one would know looking at him, considering they were covered by pink dye and contact lenses. He looked disdainfully at his father, leaning against the doorway uninterestedly. 
“She’ll be here in a few minutes,” Shiro said simply.
The boy’s eyes lit up and he shoved past his father, racing down the hallway and stomping down the spiral staircase. Shiro shook his head in exasperation, muttering, “He doesn’t act 22 whenever it comes to her.”
Shiro hurried down the spiral staircase. He sighed in relief when she saw the butler was already in place, standing prim and proper in front of the door. His son rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet in the living room, hands held behind his back. 
A moment after Shiro stepped off of the bottom stair, the maid came rushing down the staircase, followed by two boys, both dressed in old fashioned black-and-white clothing. They walked stiffly to their spots in the dining room. 
“Less than one minute!” Shiro yelled. Her husband, Oni, appeared in the doorway and, smiling brightly, took his husband’s hand. They walked back up the staircase and to their bedroom.
The butler stared expectantly at the door, preparing a pleasant smile. The clock’s long hand moved to 56.
Knock knock.
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Everyone’s gone UFO crazy. Maybe The X-Files should come back
Chrissy Iley
MARCH 2, 2024
Starring in a poignant new film adapted from his own novel, David Duchovny reveals the heartache of almost losing his daughter... and why his most famous show could yet return
No wonder David Duchovny has written, directed and stars in his latest movie Bucky F***ing Dent... it’s based on his own bestselling 2016 novel of the same name. Poignant and funny, it examines a father-son relationship via baseball, with X-Files star David playing Marty the dad, who’s dying of lung cancer, and Logan Marshall-Green from Spider-Man: Homecoming as his estranged son Ted.
The real Bucky Dent went down in history for scoring an unlikely home run for the New York Yankees in a 1978 tie-breaker against arch rivals the Boston Red Sox, and the film’s title is how generations of Boston fans have referred to him ever since, a metaphor for heartbreak. Set in that same year, the film follows struggling writer Ted as he moves back into his childhood home when he hears his father is dying, prompting a whirlwind of dark revelations from the past. Meanwhile, Boston fan Marty’s health dips whenever his beloved Red Sox lose, so New York fan Ted orchestrates the illusion of a Boston winning streak...
Marty has transferred his feelings for an old flame (the secret love of his life, not his wife) to the Red Sox. ‘The intensity of fandom has always puzzled me,’ says David. ‘It has to be a kind of sublimation. My father and I liked playing baseball; my best childhood memory is playing it with him and enjoying the simple communication you can have through a game, but we didn’t share the fandom thing.
‘Marty’s transposed his feelings for this woman to the Red Sox, and the movie is really about the idea of losing. In America there’s a sick addiction to winning and winners, but most of us have to lose every day. Suffering makes us human - it unites us all.’
There’s a moment in the film when Marty is talking about a chest infection that almost killed Ted as a child. Marty says he begged God or whoever to take his lungs instead and let Ted live. ‘One thing I’ve never told anyone is that when my daughter was nine months old she got really ill,’ reveals David. ‘Her mother [actress Tea Leoni] and I had to face the fact we might lose her and I remember feeling so devastated, I didn’t think I could love anything again if she died.’
His daughter West, now 24, has since become a successful actress who seems to have inherited her mother’s stunning blonde looks and her father’s charisma. ‘I think she has a greater passion for acting than either of her parents ever did,’ he says. They also have a son Kyd, 21, and David says the hardest moment of his life was telling them he and Tea were divorcing ten years ago, as his own parents had done when he was 12. ‘It was far worse telling them than actually experiencing it. When you’re a child you just try to get through it, you don’t feel responsible. As a parent I felt at least 50 per cent responsible.’
Tall and thin with good skin and an easy charm, David seems untouched by the ageing process, although this role is a huge shift from the Lotharios he usually plays, such as bed-hopping writer Hank in comedy-drama series Californication. Does getting older bother him? ‘Of course, and as an actor you have to think of the different roles you’ll be offered. When I was writing this script I was thinking I’d play Ted, the son. We tried to make it four or five years ago and I was still going to play Ted, but then when it came to doing it I realised it just wouldn’t work, so I thought I’d play Marty. And that was exciting because it was very different.’
Californication won two Emmys and a Golden Globe, but was notorious for its portrayal of LA’s seedier side. Does he think it could be made now? ‘Certainly they would insist on intimacy coaches, but I don’t think it would be made now, for the wrong reasons. There was a misunderstanding about what it was about. It was meant to be funny, and it was meant to be about family and love. But what everybody got excited about was not that,’ he says, referring to the furore over the sex scenes. ‘In my mind the show was misperceived.’
Another of David’s roles that would spark a row today was a transgender FBI agent in Twin Peaks in the early 90s, when almost no transgender women were on TV. Again it was groundbreaking. ‘But if you’re playing a murderer no one asks you, “Have you murdered people?”’ he says. ‘It was just being an actor.’
David is, of course, best known for The X-Files, in which he played UFO-obsessed FBI agent Mulder opposite Gillian Anderson’s sceptical Scully. The series finally bowed out in 2018 after 11 series, but could there ever be another? ‘Maybe - it might even be more current now,’ he says, referring to the recent release of top-secret UFO files in the US. ‘I’m not personally interested in UFOs so it doesn’t make it more exciting for me to revisit The X-Files. It was a role I played but I wasn’t passionate about the subject. Maybe I’m the only one who isn’t.’
There was a brouhaha at the time about the huge pay discrepancy between David and Gillian, and I wonder if it would be difficult for him to work with her again. ‘As far as I know, by the end there was no difference at all between us, but Hollywood salaries are very weird,’ he says. ‘I’m going to London soon and I’ll see Gillian because she lives there now. I saw her in the West End doing All About Eve and I enjoyed it. She wished me luck with Bucky too.’
In recent years David has explored his passion for music, releasing a couple of folk-rock albums. So does he see himself as an actor, a director or a musician? ‘All of them, I’m an artist,’ he says. ‘I can filter stuff through a song, a novel, a performance or through directing. There are all kinds of ways of being an artist. I write best about dramatic things. There’s a way to deal with suffering to create art.’
Bucky F***ing Dent, Glasgow Film Festival, Wednesday. Visit glasgowfilm.org
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ask-attendant-mansion · 8 months
Location B Now Askable
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Location B is the original Pizzaplex, with the original daycare models.
Character bios below cut
Name: Sun / Sundrop
Pronouns: He/Him and They/Them
Personality: A perfectionist with a sassy streak, Sun tries his best to be friendly to everyone. They're great with kids most of the time, but with adults? Sun tends to be much more closed off.
Likes: Light, the daycare theme, cleanliness, arts & crafts, plays, puppet shows, performing
Dislikes: Darkness, maintenance, maintenance workers, privileged parents, messes
Additional: Sun will often collect flashlights from contraband confiscated from employees or customers.
Name: Moon / Moondrop
Pronouns: They/them primarily, will also accept it/its
Personality: Moon is considered to be a 'cryptid' to the employees, often showing up in strange places and disappearing when investigated. Moon enjoys a nice laugh above all else, and doesn't like to stay still when they don't have to.
Likes: Darkness, obedience, hide and seek, performing, startling people
Dislikes: Light, rule breakers, maintenance, inactivity, flashlights
Additional: Moon has a music box in their chest. If you're lucky, they'll play it for you on request.
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