#// shhhhhhhh
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brownnbears · 3 months ago
“Isha did not see jinx as her mom in canon” good thing I really don’t care
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brieflykay · 6 months ago
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I am too tired to clean this up right now but I want to get it posted BEFORE the finale, basically just trying to summarize my "What if Riya wins" thoughts in a sketchy comic
I think if she wins, it has to be a moment of "Was it worth it? Look at what you lost to get here".
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999pm-e · 7 months ago
Thanks a lot for the piss kink, I will be sending a pipe bomb in the mail unless you draw the stinky Australian
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Don't bomb me pretty please I have a 8 dogs and a cat to feed 🥺
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muzzlemouths · 2 months ago
do you have a design/outfit/vibe in mind for the yn in easy as pie? 🥧
will you accept a rough concept sketch?
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Upon first arriving to the diner/motel they look like your average fruit, albiet with some "professional" pants to show that they mean business (they don't). Once they enter the timeloop they take on a more Film Noir appearance! they walk with a cane either way.
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ronnie2point0 · 2 years ago
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shh shh i dont have a type i dont i dont i dont shh SHHHHH DONT TALK ABOUT IT. (credits to tendermiasma on twitter - vh - D)
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renthewerecatboi · 8 months ago
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sometimes things will change, sometimes not, you'll never know until it's already happened
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darling-heffron · 3 months ago
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I hope you like our little moodboards we are planning to do one for each chapter! I'm not the creative so you can tell when it's my shitty handiwork LMAO Sol come save me. She is the artist so... IDK why I was allowed to do moodboards. Anyway enough of my rambling, here is chapter five!!
taglist: @malarkgirlypop, @mellow-human, @next-autopsy
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Chapter Five: Muddied hands 
Sam laid on her belly, the map spread out before her as she used a pencil to trace her path. She needed to get from her position in Amherst to Pittsfield, which was the next closest city. 
The blonde had enough supplies to last her for the three day journey, she could do it in two if she wanted but she didn’t want to risk moving in the dark again. Her plan was simple: move during the day and before the sun set she would have her camp set up. 
She set out the next morning bright and early, she wanted to try and get all the way to Idaho as quickly as she could without dying along the way. But it was a massive journey, one that needed to be taken city by city. 
She knew if she set out the exact route all the way to the safe haven it might not go her way. There were a million factors that could change the route drastically, so she didn’t want to plan that far ahead. Sam knew she would have to be smart about this, travelling too far away from cities could mean she wound up with no supplies. 
Not that she really wanted too but she would have to hop from city to city to make it through alive.   
The girl made it out of the area, the only people she had seen in her travels had been the family she met yesterday. Other than that the town appeared quiet, she didn’t want to find out why, so she left quickly. 
The days were long, walking the path by herself. Sam was able to avoid most of the hoards, she could sneak past without them noticing. If she couldn’t, she found that they were very reactive to sound. Sam could throw an object in the opposite direction to her and it would trigger all of them. 
Once one moved, the others followed.
Sometimes the rabid’s would be by themselves, they looked lost without the rest of the swarm, they would stagger around with no destination in sight. The stragglers would often look worse than the swarms, seemingly more decomposed and skinny. The rabid’s that stuck together looked well fed and plump, decomposing more slowly than the isolated ones. 
Sam sat criss-cross striking the steel across the flint to create a spark that would light the tinder in the campfire she had set up. It was unlikely anyone would find her in the dense bush, so she felt more confident in lighting it. Sam hadn’t been using fires when she was closer to towns, she was unsure who or what it would attract. She didn’t need unwanted company, the blonde was a good fighter but she didn’t think she would stand much of a chance if a hoard or group stumbled upon her. 
��Ah ha!” She grinned seeing the spark alight the dry wood shavings she had tirelessly carved earlier in the afternoon. Sam blew on the fire to keep it going, cupping it in her hands to stop the wind from putting out her hard work. 
Once the flame took off she placed it in the middle of her log pile, watching the orange tongue lick at the new fuel she had given it. Sam sat close just watching the fire, enjoying the warmth it gave off, it was somewhat comforting to watch. Listening to the crackling and popping of the wood as the flame consumed it slowly. 
Sam had always wanted to go camping, sit around a campfire and roast marshmallows and sing silly little songs with her family. 
Not that that would even happen, her younger self was much more optimistic than the bitter girl she had become. The young girl had hope, foolishly so, but it was still hope. Still a sliver of happiness that she could imagine but never grasp. 
Sam’s love of the fire soon grew to disdain, something she always dreamed of, only now she was alone and it wasn’t for fun; to roast marshmallows or sing songs around, it was for survival. Sam sighed moving further back into her tent, bringing her knees into her chest as the fire danced, almost taunting her in a way. 
The blonde focussed her attention on her pack, rustling around in the bag to find what she was looking for. Sam’s hand wrapped around the cold can, pulling it to the surface so she could examine it closer. It was a can of fruit, she had wanted to try and catch something for her dinner but exhaustion pulled at her heavy eyelids. All she wanted was to fill her stomach and try to sleep. 
Sam had never been a great sleeper, any small noise could easily pull her from her slumber. Samantha blamed her father for this trait, he never slept, she had never seen him rest. 
When he was home he marched around the house on the phone, or sorted paperwork. He was up at all times during the night. Sam liked to watch him, sneaking downstairs after hearing the front door unlock and open, she knew it was him, he always came home late after everyone else had left or had gone to bed. 
But Sam’s ears perked at that familiar sound of his heavy boots falling on the tile floor. She would sneak down and hide in the shadows, he would never notice her, hell he often forgot she existed. 
Sam remembered one time he was home during the day and had run into her in the halls, he looked at her questioning her presence in his home, and then she saw it, he remembered who she was. 
She would never forget the feeling in her chest, as his eyes grew hard and stance became taller, more assertive. Her father’s body reacted to her as if she was a stray dog on the street, he stuck up his nose and pretended he didn’t see her, moving on with his day. 
But that young girl still held hope, still held onto the ‘maybe’s’ and ‘what if’s’. She didn’t hate her father, even after he stepped around her without an exchange of words or even the courtesy to look at her. But the Sam now, the older, more resentful, this one hated him with every fibre of her being.  
Samantha curled into her sleeping bag, her trusty knife clutched to her chest, she let sleep tug her down into darkness, maybe, just maybe, she would be able to sleep peacefully tonight, but she didn’t hold hope. 
To no one's surprise the blonde didn’t sleep well, noises and rustling nearby didn’t let her relax all night. She would drift off to then wake in a jolt to a noise in the distance. Sam’s mind always raced, thinking of all the things it could potentially be, she was rational, but now with the rabid’s on the loose what was rational? 
Sam packed her gear, heading out on the road again. She stomped out the embers that still smoked under the early morning sun. She made her way through the trees, which was easier said than done. 
These parts of the woods had never been trailed before, there was no clear path she was following, just the one of least resistance. 
Sam swung her axe bringing down the dead branches and debris that blocked her way, she hummed a tune as she worked, there was nothing else to do to keep her entertained. She always had to be on lookout which drained her, every sense she had was running on overdrive. 
A noise caught her attention, groaning in the distance. Sam crouched down low, positioning herself behind the trees so that she couldn’t be seen. Her ears perked like a dog, listening closely for any sign of movement. It was odd that most of the time she heard things like this she hoped it was a rabid. 
Something about the people that lurked around didn’t seem too inviting. 
Sam found it easier to kill the lonesome rabid’s, but the thought of finding another human that had cruel intentions sent shivers up her spine. It wasn’t the thought of killing her fellow peer that made her so uncomfortable, that part she was capable and ready to do, it was the interaction. 
Trying to figure out the intentions of the person before deciding whether or not they should live or die. 
Sam wasn’t surprised at what the family had told her when she had been held up in the rampaged supermarket. Sam had been in war, she had seen how people followed rules so eagerly until all hell broke loose. 
People’s morals seem to all but disappear when their world turns to chaos. 
Things that would seem horrific and vile when there was regulation and control; go out the window when it goes. Humans need rules and guidelines to follow, they need order to be set or it all goes to waste. 
But in this new era of mankind, one where fellow humans are now nothing but mindless animals, order seems to be far from the world they used to know. 
Sam stayed out of sight watching the woods closely, her eyes forever scanning the tree line. 
She watched as a small hoard stumbled into view, they groaned together following the leader. They were intriguing to watch despite their gruesome and violent nature. Sam often thought it was so strange that they used to be people, like her. They had lives, jobs, and families.
But now they wandered aimlessly, their only goal was to fill their bellies. 
It was sad to imagine how many people now were these awful creatures, everything they ever lived for so easily ripped away from them. 
Sam was snapped out of her deep thinking by the sound of feet hitting the ground in clumsy fashion. She refocused her attention to the small group only to find they were coming straight for her.
“Ah, shit.” Sam cursed under her breath. She hadn’t needed to fight any of the rabid’s since her first meeting with the driver. But even then she never fought him, just escaped. 
However that situation was different, at that time she had no idea what she was dealing with or what was happening.      
Sam sprung from her hiding spot, axe ready in her hand. 
“Come get me you motherfuckers!” She yelled loudly so they could find her easily. 
The group barreled towards her, their noises mixing in with each other as they rushed for the blonde. 
Sam swung her axe over her head bringing it down with such force that the first rabid’s skull split in half, but in its momentum the body kept moving towards her. She smashed the butt of her axe into its side, flinging it over and out of the way.
The next one chomped for her, his gnashing teeth lashing out at her flesh. Using the handle of her weapon she shoved him away, sending him backwards into the rest of the pack. They tumbled to the ground like pins, but that didn’t mean the fight was over.
The gnawing man leapt to his feet again in no time, making another attempt to get his fill from the angry woman. 
Little did he know she was begging for a fight, Sam was ready to cave some heads in.
And that she did. 
Sam sliced through the air with speed, the rabid stopping in its place before crumpling to the ground. The woman swung so hard she had cleanly decapitated the biter. 
The last two came together at her as a pair, but they were nothing more than mindless animals, they both aimed for her face. Their gangly decomposing limbs reached for her, clawing and grabbing at the air. The pair together were strong, with both of their weight pushing Sam backwards. 
She used the length of her axe to hold them back, wielding it as a barrier between them. The rabids lunged forward knocking Sam off her feet. She yelped in surprise as the pair toppled onto her. Sam held fast keeping them at arm's length, she grunted, straining to keep them at bay. 
But she thought fast, tucking her knees up against her chest; she kicked out, rocking her hips upwards. Sam used the force to push the rabids over her head, they toppled to the ground behind her as she rolled backwards. 
It was a quick movement so fast she was already on her knees before the rabids could even sit up. She swivelled to face them as they sprung up arms outstretched for her, her hands found the two knives that were sheathed at her belt. 
Sam gripped the hilt of the daggers in a fast motion she drove the weapons upwards into the underside of their chins. 
There was little resistance to the sharp daggers as they plunged into the soft decomposing flesh of the biters, their jaws turned slack as the blade of the knives pierced into their skulls. Sam withdrew the weapons from the two rabids, they slumped back lifeless. 
Sam nudged the two rabids with her foot, but they didn’t move. Sam had seen enough zombie media to know that if you wanted to kill them for good, it needed to be through the head.    
She cleaned her knives from the black blood that covered the blades on the back of the fallen biter. Before she picked up her pack, that had slipped from her shoulders during the attack, and swung it back on her shoulders. 
Finally Sam had made it to Pittsfeild. The town now empty and desolate, had an eerie sense to it. She made her way into the heart of the town, making sure she kept low and out of sight at all times. 
The blonde scavenged in and out of the abandoned stores. As she had made her journey she noted the supplies were now few and far between. Unlike with the first store she had gone into that still had resources in it, now the shops had been picked bare. 
Sighing, she threw what she could into her backpack. It was early afternoon and thought it best to make her way as far as she could away from the town and toward Albany. 
Swinging her bag back onto her back after securing the buckles, she made her way out of the store.   
Sam had only made it a couple blocks before a squeak came from under her boot.  She lifted her foot, revealing a dirty teddy-bear lying on the ground. Sam tilted her head, it looked familiar, but she didn’t know from where. 
Her brows drew together as she studied the small stuffed bear that looked back up at her. Sam couldn’t put her finger on why the bear looked so sad, the smile that was stitched into the mouth wasn't bright and cheerful it looked so melancholy; like it was forced. 
Sam placed her foot on the ground as she bent down to pick the bear up. It was only small, easily fitting into her hand. 
The bear was dirty covered in muck from the ground, blood stains on his feet and tummy, but under all the grime it seemed well loved. The nose had been worn down, like the owner often touched it. 
The ears were the same. 
The fur on the bear looked shorter there than on other places on the bear. The teddy's hands also had the same pattern as the ears, the owner must’ve held his hands a lot. 
Then Sam’s heart dropped, the memory coming back to her in a rush. 
The picture of the young girl holding up her little bear to wave goodbye before she was ushered out of the supermarket by her mother. 
Sam lifted her head, eyes scanning the area. The small voice in her head begging for the girl to have just dropped it by accident, it fell out of her bag without her noticing.
The voice didn’t last very long, as Sam bit her lip. Her eyes found a group of people lying on the floor, two big, one small. She approached slowly, hoping and praying it wasn’t who she thought it was. 
But she was right, she stood over the small girl, hand still interlocked with her father’s. The girl’s mother was frozen in time, reaching out for her daughter. Fingers still spread wide so close but so far from her little girl that only lay inches away face down in the dirt. Sam closed her eyes, willing the searing vision of the family to leave her brain, it wasn’t something she wished to carry. 
The blonde bent down tucking the small bear under the child’s arm, she didn’t think it was right to rip him away from his family as well. But even then it didn’t feel right, leaving the family face down in the street. 
She cursed under her breath, she needed to leave but her conscious wouldn’t let her move until she had laid them all to rest. It was only right, the family seemed to have been taken from the world in such violence, they needed to be in peace. 
Sam moved the mother first, dragging her body off the street and into the edge of the woods that they were so close too. 
The woman wondered if that’s where they were going for safety, they were almost there, another couple of steps and then could’ve been in the forest. Sam laid her down, facing her up to the sky, she noted the bullet wound in her chest and the crimson that stained her grey sweatshirt.
Next she moved the little girl, she was easier. Being only so young Sam could easily pick her up and move her. So she did, Sam cradled the young child in her arms and walked her to her mother who waited for her. She walked slower than normal, letting the young girl admire the sky one last time, the way the blue contrasted against the green of the trees that stood so tall. 
Her teddy bear still tucked under her arm she lay next to her mother, Sam placed their hands so they were touching. Sam then moved the father, laying him on the other side of his daughter, she moved their hands so that they were laying together as well. 
Sam dug quickly. She felt bad but she didn’t have time to dig them a proper grave, but it didn’t feel right leaving them exposed to the elements. They need their privacy, so that they could truly rest.        
The blonde moved them into the grave she had dug, keeping the same position she had them in as when they were laid on the grass. Sam took a moment of silence before covering the bodies in the earth. She patted the ground, smoothing it over. But still it felt empty. 
Sam knew she was wasting time, but she couldn’t leave them here in an unmarked grave, nothing to show who they were. 
She turned in a circle, eyes trailing her surroundings. Her eyes landed on wild daisies that sprung from the ground. Sam grabbed a handful to bring it back over the earth that held the family. Sam had never had an eye for decorating, her room often laid bare, but she placed the flowers around the edges of the grave. The rest of the flowers she had scattered in the middle. 
It wasn’t beautiful but at least now it wasn’t empty. 
Sam never cried much, as a child she was scolded for such things, so she learnt to hold it back. But in that moment she couldn’t help the tears that dripped down her cheeks.
The family shared so much love, their little girl had so much potential. 
But now they’re gone. Buried in the earth. 
Sam didn’t know their names, ages, or their life. 
This life was cruel, cruller than most. 
Then the thoughts trickled in, Sam cursed her mind for falling into the ‘what if’s’ again. It was a trait she trained so tirelessly to remove from her brain, but it always found a way to sneak back in. 
What if she had agreed to come along with them, would she have been able to save them? Or would she have met the same fate.  
It felt cruel to leave but she was wasting daylight, she huffed as she looked at the fresh grave before she headed into the forest herself.      
They almost made it. The vile voice in her brain taunted. Could’ve been saved if you weren’t so heartless.  
Sam groaned, shaking her head to rid the thoughts that plagued her mind. It was in the past, she had made her bed and now she would have to lie in it. 
Unfortunately the family haunted her with every step she went deeper into the forest. The tightness in her chest suffocated the poor girl as she fought with her own emotions. Like she had said before, this world was cruel, the only way to survive was to be even more ruthless and spiteful than the evil creatures that lurked in the shadows. 
However it wasn’t those creatures that had ended that family’s life, it was other people.  People like Sam, merciless and uncaring.
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Ok so our Sam has a heart but don't tell her that or she'll beat you up. I'm so excited to be posting these I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! I hope you all are loving Sam like I do, she may be a tough cookie but I still want to give her a big hug, but she would most likely punch me in the face LMAO.
Esra ✨
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petermustdie · 1 month ago
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if anyone didn't know there's gonna be a merch pop up in glasgow ‼️‼️‼️
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james-spooky · 2 months ago
starting a secret writing project which may or may not involve analog horror, an arg, ao3, tumblr and surrealism………
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angelp-official · 4 months ago
Forget this shit hear me out
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sirnlish · 9 months ago
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Britney for @puppycheesecake's Freak-ify Britney CAS Challenge
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professional-meteorologist · 2 months ago
I saw a ring box in your pocket.. :)
"Whoever you are... WHERE ever you are... Shut up, no you don't "
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kaleeesaladdd · 1 year ago
Imagining that one mutual of mine helplessly burping and rubbing their swollen belly >>>
Or when they just comment on my stuff, or repost or even like it-
The fact that they just exist and are nice to me and I’ll never fucking tell them any of this ahahahahahahah
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jusst-you-race · 6 months ago
in the condo fic what does everyone do for work?
this is an excellent question and one I have avoided because my greatest shame is that the answer for some of them is…. I don’t know??? I’m going to lay out what I do have, and then open it up to suggestions for the ones that are less set in stone!
George and Lewis work for a magazine, Lewis is the fashion editor, and George works in some kind of admin/business analyst/Toto’s PA kind of role… undefined (because I don’t know enough about how magazines work)
Alex is a vet nurse
Lando is a part time streamer and part time yoga instructor, Daniel is a personal trainer at the same gym Lando does yoga at
Oscar and Logan are students, studying engineering and photography respectively
Charles is an architect (I imagine he’s only just finished studying and got a job though)
Carlos works at his dad’s business… that’s all I got for that one… lots of meetings… maybe it’s something in finance?
Max is an IT guy, again, nothing established beyond that. also a part time streamer
Pierre and Yuki work at a restaurant! It’s how they met actually. Yuki is a chef, Pierre is the bartender/mixologist/sommelier depending on how fancy you imagine the restaurant
Zhou is a part time model part time barista at a cat cafe
Esteban owns a comic book shop, and Lance works as his employee for very little money because Lance is a good friend (and doesn’t need the money)
Kevin and Nico are both PE teachers for rival all girls primary schools
Valtteri is a physiotherapist
Checo…. does something… open to suggestions
And Fernando also has a job :) whatever that may be :)
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aliendogfromouterspace · 7 months ago
erm have this too
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mechanicalinfection · 1 year ago
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