#Steve looked BEAUTIFUL
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plistommy · 10 months ago
Billy deserved to see Steve in his cute little outfits that he had on in s4 and also to rip them off of him
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espinosaurusrexex · 3 months ago
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varpusvaras · 3 months ago
Very important to me actually that Jason looks very much like his dad, but is just a prettier version of him. Like there's Willis and then the guy who looks exactly like Willis but like if Willis was painted by a secretly gay classical artist.
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meidui · 11 months ago
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runraerun · 3 months ago
May God forgive me but a Hot Frosty!Steddie AU where Eddie (being a freak) ((and also a little high)) kisses a snowman and unknowingly brings it to life. ☃️ *dodges rotten tomato*
Hey, if you didn’t want Eddie to make out sloppy style with your snowman then why did you make him so hot, huh??? Why did you carve abs into him? Why’d you give him bedroom eyes?! 😒Anyway… as I was saying…
Eddie leaves, accidentally leaving behind his battle vest on the snowman, heading home to Forest Hills trailer park. Dude’s totally oblivious to the fact that he just performed a freaking miracle, shattering almost every law in the known universe, all because he thought a snowman was fine as hell.
Hot Frosty (aka our boy Steve), can’t do anything but think of Eddie. It’s his first fully formed thought he has as his snowy skin melts and gives way to human flesh. When he sucks in his first breath of cold, winter art, he exhales with Eddie’s name on his tongue. His fingers reach up and gently touch his freshly kissed lips. The kiss that brought him to life; the first and only touch of warmth he’s ever received.
Steve’s not wearing anything besides a very worn denim vest, covered in colorful patches—the one Eddie so thoughtfully gave him. Otherwise, he’s naked as a jay bird. Thankfully, being a snowman, he doesn’t mind the cold. :)
He walks around town, approaching the various townsfolk, asking if they know where Eddie is. He’s looking for Eddie. Do you know Eddie? Y’know, Eddie, the one who loves me. The one who kissed me tonight. He needs to find Eddie. Eddie will be looking for him too, no doubt.
Eventually though, someone calls the fuzz on this very attractive, very confused young man who’s walking around the snow bare-assed and bare-footed. Hopper immediately recognizes the battle vest—he’s busted Munson enough times, and he’s always wearing that beat up thing. So he calls up the Munson residence, but there’s no answer. He leaves a voicemail instead, growling at him to come pick up his clearly distressed boyfriend before Hopper presses public indecency charges.
How will Eddie react when he hears the message?! Will Eddie believe hot frosty!Steve’s far-fetched tale?! WILL THEY FUCK?! (answers: Very confused, not at first, & HELL YEAH THEY DO)
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rinajjbp · 26 days ago
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitán. 💪🏾🦅
As promised a drawing of Mexican Steve dancing to “La Bamba”. Idk which one of you came up with the idea of Steve being Latino, but I could kiss you. As a Mexican I am projecting myself onto this version of Steve so hard 💀
Babe’s holding a bottle of Jose Cuervo tequila and a taco in case anyone cared. 😌 Also, I believe this boy can shake his little ass like Elvis.
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thedemigodpaladin · 27 days ago
Okay so I started reading Trollhunters by Guillermo Del Toro and Daniel Kraus and I am eating it the fuck up after avoiding it for 6+ years.
There are a few things I’ve observed in the 20% I’ve read (about to start Part II):
- GDT REALLY wants to give me an anxiety attack and/or heart palpitations aka I am NOT reading this book at night anymore, the ending of Part 1 creeped me the fuck out
- Related to that, the show is still geared towards a younger audience and demographic, but this book is what Trollhunters would be like if they had a PG-13 rating cause holy shit
- There are a LOT of similarities to the Netflix show and the book but it’s in no way a direct copy of the show. Book came first, then the show. But lots of similarities.
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dragonanon · 10 months ago
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@leggerefiore In honor of MerMay, I bring thee Primarina hybrid reader! She’s beautiful and it’s easy to see how much Popplio Erin takes after his mother appearance wise.
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itsgirlcraft · 22 hours ago
Darkmare Shabre
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And doodles
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kayvsworld · 2 months ago
feeling more & more like steve rogers every day in that i too cannot stop thinking abt bucky barnes
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winterfromtevinter · 4 months ago
All of the hate for Neve re Lucanis from his fans is sooooo weird. Sorry she's beautiful and funny and -
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jadewritesficshere · 8 months ago
Eddie, high out of his mind, rambling on and on and on about Steve. Yeah, he drones on about how good he looks (its a crime that he's that hot). Yet, Eddie's going all philosophical even, talking about soulmates and alternate universes where they are together. He's saying this to the guy who's sitting next to him. Grey at his temples, a few wrinkles around his eyes.
It's Steve, but Eddie is convinced it isn't because he never noticed the signs of aging before
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shadow-genesis-yay · 7 months ago
Now that im thinking about it
A group of orange steves is called a goober
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gayspacedrawings · 2 years ago
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Prince Tony is a menace and a brat
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persuaison · 1 year ago
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These pictures are so adorable I can't 🥺🥺🥺
(Non of the pics are mine, I found them on Pinterest © to the owners)
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spaceofentropy · 1 year ago
It's almost the end of January, which means that February is impending, which means HARRINGROVE BIGBANG! I'm so excited to read all the great things my fellow writers and the artists they collaborated with have created! You can already see some previews back at @bigbangharringrove, where the mods have posted them and are gonna add more during the next few days.
I'm also very excited because soon I'll be able to unleash on the unsuspecting world you, dear fellow Harringrove fans, my fic, An affinity for dead things, and the lovely @raven-cl and @bigolemantiddies will be able to show you the gorgeous pieces my story inspired them. I'm so proud of what we created, I can't wait to show them to you in their full glory!
In the mean time, why not two or three little sneak peeks?
Let's start with some light and summer, by @raven-cl...
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... and then some spooky stuff, courtesy of @bigolemantiddies!
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And then, a little excerpt from my fic, what say you?
A lot of people have something they’re good at. Will has drawing and Jonathan has photography. Nancy is damn good at investigating stuff and making Steve feel like an idiot. Dustin built that big radio contraption they used to contact Suzie last month. Max has killing people with just one withering look. Steve Harrington has a knack for dead things. Not exactly the kind of talent one boasts about in résumés or college applications. Not exactly the kind of thing that’s super useful in your everyday life. A bit more useful when you’re busy grave robbing. Steve slams the spade down vertically into the ground and leans against the wooden handle while he tries to catch his breath. It hasn’t rained in days, but the night air is still humid, heavy in his chest. The skeleton on the other side of the hole keeps on digging, Steve stopping is no reason for it to do the same. The upside of an animated skeleton is that it knows no fatigue for as long as the magic holds, and the magic Steve poured into Jason The Lab Skeleton is holding incredibly tight so far. The downside of an animated skeleton is that it’s lousy company and won’t sympathize with you when you feel like your arms are giving up. Jesus Christ, digging six feet down is way harder than the movies make it out to be! "Taking you from the science lab was the best stupid idea I ever had, huh, Jason?" Steve says in a series of panting breaths. The skeleton just goes on with its assigned task, the movements of its spade mechanical, repetitive. A couple of feet away, the boar skeleton and the dog skeleton are digging with much more animation and enthusiasm, even if they’re not much help, not with how deep the hole already is. But they’re having the time of their un-lives, right now, so Steve doesn’t dissuade them from digging and enthusiastically spraying dirt around. It’s family night. Sort of. Fun for everyone.
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