#Starting to warm up to Luz/Hunter now
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While I’m not a Luz/Hunter shipper, I do think it gets too much flack from hardcore Lumity fans. After looking at fandom discourse last night, I kind of realized it has some similarities with another controversial ship which happens to be my OTP. That being Shinji/Rei from NGE. A depressed 14 year old befriends an imperfect clone who slowly breaks out of their shell and becomes their own individual despite being made to serve a cruel master. TV tropes even describes Hunter as a male example of a Rei Ayanami Expy. The arguments against them by antis are even kind of similar.
Two arguments that have been levied against both are “they’re sibling coded” and “it’s gay erasure”. First, Luz is bisexual and can be in a M/F relationship and Shinji doesn’t have a confirmed sexuality. Liking Lunter or Reishin does not make someone a homophobe who hates Lumity or Kawoshin. The sibling criticism is based off Rei having some of Yui’s DNA which makes people uncomfortable at the idea of pairing her with Shinji and how people view Luz and Hunter as adoptive siblings. The romantic implications were more explicit in the rebuilds and manga but were there in the 90s anime too and there’s no problematic elements like incest or pedophilia in Luz and Hunter’s dynamic.
I never picked up on the similarities between these pairings until now but both get too much hate from the fandoms. If you don’t like it, fine, but leave people who do like it alone. It’s like people haven’t learned a thing from the SU fandom about not bullying people for liking a different pairing.
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sokkadora · 2 years
hugs — hunter (gg) x noceda!reader
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summary: your first hug with hunter after a week of not seeing each other much (you’re back to school in the human realm) and he conks out during the middle of it
a/n: this is based off of what zeno said about hunter avoiding hug’s because they’re too comfortable and he’ll fall asleep 🙁🙁 HES SO CUTEBSJSJS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
wc: 638
warnings: being tired, hunter being a sweetie pie
Being Camila and Manny’s first child, there were more trial and errors with you than there were with your younger sister.
And it’s not that you were upset, but being a year younger than mostly all of your classmates could be a bit belittling — Gus understood that. And so did Hunter.
Speaking of which, after returning from the demon realm with your sister and your friends, you’d been too busy to do anything for yourself with school, applying for colleges, working on a way back, and your job at Camila’s veterinary clinic.
It’s been exhausting, but, fall break was about to begin in…
You glance at the clock above the chalkboard, narrowing your eyes at the 1 minute and 23… 22… 21…
Oh, whatever.
Shoving your notebook and computer back into your book bag, you heaved a sigh doing so.
You’d been given a break from work for the week, the staff all adored you and Luz and encouraged this break, saying that “you’d been spending too much time at work,” and “that boyfriend of yours must be missing you.”
You appreciated the concern, but not the teasing. Even if it was coming from a place of love.
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you swiftly exited your class, ignoring the concerned look on your friend Masha’s face as you quickly scurried out. They’d be able to call you later anyhow.
Luz found you out at your car and waved softly. You ruffled her hair when she got in arms reach, and you both got into the car to ride home.
When she found out you and Hunter had started dating, she was a little (very) concerned and yet… excited for you. You had always been a role model for her, and she couldn’t harp on you for finding someone that made you happy.
Even if they were evil. At the time.
Hunter’s pretty much family now, along with Vee. You see him cooking with Camila and your heart warms, because you never thought you’d find something like what your parents had.
When you get home, your mom hasn’t arrived yet, and the others are in the shack behind the house. Luz goes to see them, but you stumble inside tiredly, ready to nap after the relentless and hectic past few months that barely let you rest.
Flopping your bag onto your desk, you followed suite by flopping onto the chair at your desk with a huff.
You were beginning to drift until…
Heavy eyelids shot open, and you sat up straight, quickly wiping the drool off your face before turning to the door.
Hunter poked his head in through the cracked open door, you stood to greet him with a smile. It had been almost a week since you’d really been able to talk and you missed him. A lot more than you were willing to admit out loud at least.
“Hey, you,” You yawned, sliding out of the chair as you stretched your body. Hunter closed the door, his hands clenching and unclenching as he watched you. “What’s up?”
“I just…” Hunter sighed, scratching the back of his neck with a blush on his cheeks. “I missed you a lot this week. We didn’t really get to see each other.” He pouts, and your surprise quickly turns to fondness.
“I missed you too, tiger.” You said with a big smile, standing from the chair and engulfing him in a hug. “At least we have next we—“
Aaaaaaaand, he’s out.
You grimace playfully, but pull him over to your bed and fall back with him laying on top of you. He’s heavy, but the weight feels comfortable. Hunter, feels comfortable.
You fell asleep with him not soon afterwards. After all, he was a much better cuddle buddy than a wooden desk.
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astrolavas · 1 year
what are your favourite toh dynamics?
AGHGHGHHHHH OKAY, SO- this is mostly gonna be me talking abt hunter dynamics cuz kxjsjks i'm predictable, that's where my brainrot lies, but boy. i love toh dynamics so much
my probably Favorite favorite dynamics are hunter & flapjack and hunter & luz.
like, flapjack being hunter's first ever friend, the first instance of someone caring abt him genuinely and unconditionally, the first step to him breaking free from belos... the fact that he brought so much love and joy into hunter's life.
hunter had always had so much love in his heart, he loved his "uncle", but he'd never known what being loved was supposed to feel like; he thought love was conditional, and angry outbursts were just a normal part of it. but then flapjack came into his life and showed hunter what it felt like to love and BE LOVED BACK. he helped him open up, helped him find ppl who'd care abt him, helped him realize that whatever belos felt towards him…. wasn't love, that being loved wasn't supposed to feel like how he felt near belos; but that being loved was supposed to feel GOOD and WARM. (hunter being near tears because flapjack offered him a half of his berry instead of getting angry and lashing out at him like he'd predicted he would, since that's what he was always used to..... not comprehending this amount of kindness was even a possibility UGHHHGH)
they genuinely cared abt/for each other so much. flapjack was with hunter every step of the way, he supported him ALWAYS and he helped him and was such a big comfort in the scariest and most uncertain moments of hunter's life; like, this little magical bird loved his boy like no one else in the entire world. he was always by hunter's side and always indulging that boy's dumb ideas kxjsjk ughhh... the way flapjack didn't even hesitate to sacrifice his own life so that his boy could live, and even though he's gone, a part of his soul will always live inside of hunter. and hunter also cared abt flapjack so much, that was his BEST FRIEND. the apple of his eye!!!! the way belos almost crushing flapjack was the only thing that managed to give hunter enough strength and motivation to break through belos' possession and take back control of his own body. the way hunter always made sure that flapjack had the best care he could possibly have offered him, he loved him and still DOES... and always will. just!!!! gah. hunter and flapjack...
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now, hunter and luz's dynamic is also just...... SOOOO SO interesting and full of SO many little nuances. how much it progresses, how much they go through together, how much they change. the fact that they started off on the wrong foot, on "opposite sites", but even then luz didn't consider hunter an enemy- they bickered a lot and luz didn't hold back from calling hunter out but ever since hunting palismen she saw him as hunter, not just the golden guard; and then as time progressed, they slowly grew to care abt each other and became some of the most important ppl in each other's lives.
thinking abt hollow mind, how traumatic of an event it was and how that mutual shared trauma that only they can understand affected and strengthened their bond. how luz gradually went from being angry/irritated at hunter for defending belos to being more protective of him and worried for his safety when she saw what his and belos' relationship REALLY looked like, that this situation wasn't safe for hunter, that he needed help, that he needed to be away from belos asap. her offering him to stay at the owl house, assuring him that everything was going to be okay as he was being pulled underground..... GOD. hunter immediately switching from calling luz "human" to her name after finding out the truth.
thinking abt their secret-keeping deal and how it rly wasn't healthy for them at ALL because they kept comforting each other from their VERY similar perspectives/stances, which just further locked in their mentality of "haha yeah they'll hate both of us when they find out our secrets!" during their stay in the human realm. how they were ensuring each other's fears by relating to each other; like a circle. but nevertheless, they still cared about each other and have only grown to care about each other even more throughout the few months and, ah!!!! them becoming so comfortable in each other's presence to the point where they allowed themselves to be vulnerable and voice their fears and worries around each other. luz calling hunter family and hunter truly letting his emotions out and letting himself cry next to another person for the first time in, like… EVER…….. HHHGHGHGHHH !!!!!
there's just so many factors to their dynamic, i love it so much....
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but just in general, i love all the different relationships hunter has with everyone so much. emerald trio and all the distinctive dynamics within it... GAHHHHH hunter and gus, hunter and willow, willow and gus; they're all so unique and independently interesting and built upon, which makes the whole trio just WORK, so naturally. they're best friends, they're the trio ever, they care abt each other... ugh. LOVE THEM. you don't understand how much emerald trio brainrot i've got, they torment me on a daily basis.
hunter and gus... labyrinth brothers... they've got such fun, supportive friendship. both treated as "prodigies" of sort, both knowing what it's like to feel naive or used. both just wanting the best for one another. nerds (affectionate), i love them sm...
huntlow, how well they fit together and how supportive they are of one another... they just work so well because they're truly equals, their relationship is full of understanding and respect, but also comfort, and silliness. they're silly! and fun! and they get each other, and comfort/protect each other when the other truly needs it, just- ughhgh the bi4pan couple ever...... they're so good.
gus and willow, how they were each other's first ever friend (willow was gus' first genuine friend and gus was willow's first friend ever since amity suddenly broke it off with her)... how they've been inseparable since they met and know each other so well.
emerald trio, man
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i love the potential of hunter and amity's dynamic as well; he may not be as close with her as he is with other members of hexsquad but there's stuff that they just get abt each other's home/family situations. them having this... playful/bickery dynamic at times but still being able to have serious, comforting conversations abt things they both relate to when they need to >>>> (also no, they wouldn't genuinely hate each other, and amity wouldn't ever threaten hunter or hold a grudge cuz of what happened at eclipse lake, like some ppl seem to think; that's not what their canon interactions or personalities suggest to us at all)
hunter and vee's dynamic also had SOOOO much potential, i will forever mourn that we didn't get to see it on-screen cuz of the shortening. ugh... the complex nature of hunter having been the golden guard and vee also having had a very traumatizing past related to the emperor's coven. her being distrustful of hunter at first, being uneasy in his presence; hunter also feeling guilty solely cuz of his past involvement in the emperor's coven and staying away from vee himself, in order not to make her more uncomfortable. then, slowly, gradually, them becoming friends... hunter assuring vee he isn't going to hurt her; vee noticing that some of hunter's behaviors are worrying (like maybe him flinching when camila raises her hand a little too fast near him, or him saying sth deeply disturbing that he considers normal, etc etc); them talking... vee finding out what hunter's life at the emperor's coven was actually like, what his relationship with belos was like. them realizing they actually have a lot in common, that they were both mistreated by belos, both his victims. getting to know each other and being supportive of each other's experiences. i could even imagine that hunter could tell vee that he's a grimwalker at some point, before ttt, making her the second person to know. if she expressed sth abt being one of the few last remaining basilisks or belos' experiment, or a species brought back from the dead, hunter would want to show that he sympathizes by relating to her, cuz that's how he shows he cares and understands. and the thing that relates him to this the most is his grimwalker identity. and so they could talk abt it too, maybe... (and the stakes here wouldn't be as high as sharing his secret to willow and gus was to hunter, since he was truly afraid of being rejected there; he thought he'd lose his best friends forever if they knew the truth abt him)
hunter and darius' dynamic..... gah. there's so much complexity and nuance here, so much potential to explore their past as well as future. with darius taking hunter in, there's definitely a LOT they must've worked on during those first few months. there's this specific trauma that has come from their stay in the coven, the specific ways in which this hostile environment had affected their behaviours and the way they both acted... that's definitely not sth that was just automatically dealt with, they had to work through that.
we know darius cared abt and respected his mentor a lot, so much to the point where he thought hunter wasn't worthy to be the next golden guard and was taking that feeling out on him, thinking he didn't deserve to inherit such important title after the previous GG's death; didn't rly respect or care abt hunter until any sport in a storm. i feel like darius definitely had a lot of guilt abt the way he treated hunter in the past, so moving forward he really tried his best, especially since hunter's had this deep need to impress him and make him proud and all. he wanted that kid to have a good life and to stay safe. we know their relationship has progressed throughout the rest of season 2, with the implication of them growing closer and spending more time together, but even as of watching & dreaming, it all definitely wasn't just sunshine and rainbows + darius rly didn't have much experience in being a parent. but he tried his best, darius (and eberwolf) definitely did everything in their power so that hunter could have the best possible environment to live in, and eventually they've worked through this complicated past and post-coven habits, and made their living space a comfortable home... made sure to always be supportive to hunter, to accomodate his needs, made sure he isn't overworking himself or trying to "earn" the right to live with them; made sure that he's flourishing and taking care of himself and being a kid. made sure he feels loved and safe and sleeps well and hgghh yeah....... also, thinking abt darius and hunter sharing that experience of grief, abt darius teaching hunter how to sew, abt how darius sent hunter on that mission to "keep luz safe" to keep him away from the danger of the day of unity... man!!!! (i do wish we'd seen their relationship progress and develop on-screen more though, rather than in the background/through subtext... but h)
hunter and camila's relationship is also... SO precious to me. the fact that during their first meeting, she made sure to let him know he doesn't have to be overly respectful to her, that they're on an equal ground; he kneeled and she told him to never do that again. hunter's stay at camila's was the first time he was under long-term care of an adult who truly cared abt his well-being. lots of it was probably so confusing to him, cuz of how different it was from his relationship dynamic with belos, and it was definitely trial-and-error in many instances, and it was a while until these more healthy habits started to feel more natural to hunter, but it also made him feel loved. apprecciated. safe. i just know camila was always just... so patient with hunter. never raised a hand at him, made sure he'd never fear her, didn't let him overwork himself... she taught him how to use a sewing machine, told him all abt wolves. she definitely picked up on some of hunter's behaviours and deduced what it meant regarding his family past, and tried her best to make him feel comfortable. just!!!!! the fact that this was the first time where hunter truly felt cared for, where he lived in safe conditions..... GAHghghhhh (thinks abt the scrapped ttt credits idea featuring hunter helping camila out at her vet clinic. so normal abt it... i love winning... brainrot lvl 2000. man...)
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there are so many more hunter dynamics that exist in my head...... hunter and raine, them being able to bond abt their (very traumatic) possession experience and their post-possession scars; raine being one of the very few ppl who seemed to have been nice to hunter in the coven, rather than cruel or dismissive of him. the fact that hunter (and dell) canonically helped fix raine's palisman after their battle with belos. GAHHHGHH...
hunter and the clawthornes; the fact that he works with dell, gwendolyn and the bat queen, that he canonically has been mentored by them!!! the fact that he and the clawthornes are in a way related but haven't discovered it yet, but are going to discover it eventually (love to imagine eda and lilith's reactions cuz this is like, comedy material). he works with them, he spends there so much time... i just know they've grown to be fond of that boy, he's like their unofficial grandson.
hunter and king, and their identity-related arcs. finding out you've been lied to your whole life and that you're the last representant of an extinct/legendary species, after thinking you were sth else all these years.... man! also the fact that king wrote one of hunter's favorite books xksjjsk AND hunter's whole...... religious trauma thing with "titan has big plans for you" versus king being an actual titan. AND the fact that king saw the uncountable piles of bones and skeletons of hunter's "family", the other golden guards, grimwalkers. do you see the vision-
even hunter and the collector! the fact that since the collector didn't understand death, they thought belos murdering all the grimwalkers and then making new ones was him just playing and then "fixing" the grimwalker, rather than actually KILLING a whole bunch of people. the collector realizing this... hunter having mixed feelings knowing how they didn't see grimwalkers (him included) as people and feeling bitter remembering how they spoke abt him with belos in the memory he'd seen in hollow mind, but also knowing they were belos' victim too, and it wasn't entirely their fault; that they know better now. sympathizing with that... the fact that both hunter and the collector have a traumatic, abusive past with belos; they were both manipulated and mistreated by him, used for his own selfish goals. it all coming together to just two kids with a complicated past who've gone through terrible things, trying to heal… hhgh
and soooo many more! i love lumity, i love raeda, i love the collector and king's friendship, the owl trio, luz and camila's dynamic, i hate-love belos and hunter's relationship cuz i love how it's written but Uggh. GOD. PAIN.... but it's written so very well. philip and caleb's dynamic is too, it's so interesting. and more! there are just so, so many good, interesting dynamics in toh, i could brainrot abt them forever...... man.
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Hello! ✨️
Can I request a long fluffy & smut (only lime!) oneshot with prompts: "U-um, H-hunter? "Can w-we do something m-more than just k-kissing?", "W-well, I was thinking that I could m-maybe I could give you a handjob? Maybe e-even a blowjob if you're comfortable enough after w-we start?", "W-wait! I am s-sure, Y/n! I *really* w-want to do, y'know, more with you, I've j-just never done a-anything like that before...", “, H-hunter, Do y-you like it when I t-touch you like t-that?”, "I didn't k-know you were so s-sensitive." & "You're m-making such w-wonderful noises." about his shy!fem!human!reader are giving a handjob and blowjob to ageup!Hunter (TOH) for first time in guest room at Luz's house when everyone was gone for errands? I love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! 🤭💕 I really live for flustered ageup!Hunter! Please?? 👉👈
Hello! Thank you for leaving this request :) I really love all of the ideas you send in to my inbox!
Anyway, I'm not gonna write an essay on my a/n so enjoy :)
Btw this was not proof read
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Hunter and Y/n were sitting in the guest bedroom, hunter was sewing a new shirt design while Y/n was scrolling through Twitter, which was a very bad idea might I add
She came across a post about a tweet that mentions some rather explicit things. To not get really in to the details let's say that the post just mentions something about blowjob's
Y/n's face heated up as she looked at Hunter
He seemed so intensely focused on what he was doing, but because of the post that Y/n read only seconds ago, image's of Hunter and her went through her mind
And to say this was the first time Y/n thought about these things towards Hunter would be incorrect. Y/n has, on multiple occasions, thought of hunter in a lewid way. And she hated herself for it
I mean to think about someone in such ways without them knowing is wrong and Y/n felt ashamed, but the images kept repeating in her brain, wondering if that'll ever happen in their relationship
"Y/n, are you okay?" Y/n quickly came back to earth as she quickly realized that she had been staring at Hunter for an uncomfortable amount of time, making her slightly ashamed. But something sparked in her, making her more confident
Opening her mouth to speak, her eyes shined as the words came out of her mouth, with more stutters than she would have liked
"U-um, H-hunter?" She spoke up, hunter tilted his head slightly with a warm smile, Y/n suddenly stood up as she walked towards him
"Can w-we do something m-more than just k-kissing?" She said, leaking her hands on the table, Hunter quickly let go of the shirt he was making, putting it aside as he looked up at her
"What did you have in mind?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the right, making Y/n a bit hesitant
"W-well, I was thinking that I could.. m-maybe I could give you a handjob? Maybe e-even a blowjob if you're comfortable enough after w-we start?" Hunter's eyes widened as heat rushed to his face and ears, as well as his... Other private areas
"O-oh, *cough* well- we co-could." Hunter stuttered. Y/n was lightly surprised, expecting for Hunter to decline her offer
She swallowed her spit, crouching down and crawling from under the table towards Hunter. Standing up she sat down on Hunter's lap, leaning in slightly as she kissed him
He started to kiss back, tangling his hand in to Y/n's h/c locks. The kiss gradually got more and more heated, as now Hunter licked Y/n's lips lightly, opening her mouth Hunter quickly shoved his tounge in
As the two faught for dominance Y/n could feel something poking her lower region, Y/n let her guard down as Hunter was quick to start exploring her mouth
The two pulled away for air, breathing heavily as a string of saliva connected their mouths. y/n whipped her mouth slightly, as she got down on her knees, putting a hand on top of Hunter's crotch, making him let out a low groan
She sighed and looked up at him with a hesitat gaze
"Ar-are you sure y-you're comfortable with this, Hunter?" She asked, pulling her hand away from his crotch slightly, but she was startled then Hunter grabbed her wrist
"W-wait! I am s-sure, Y/n! I really w-want to do, y'know, more with you, I've j-just never done a-anything like this before.." Hunter smiled down at Y/n, letting go of her wrist. Heat seemed to rush to her cheeks as she smiled back, putting a hand on to the lining of his sweatpants as she slowly started to pull them down
Hunter's pants fell to his ankles as Y/n looked at the obvious tent in his boxer's. Swallowing her saliva she slowly started to pulldown his boxer's
His dick sprung out as soon as the boxers were low enough, hitting Hunter's stomach. Y/n could feel her cheeks start to hear up as she grabbed Hunter's dick gently
Hunter groaned at the sudden contact as his head flew back out of instinct
"H-hunter, do y-you like it when I t-touch you like t-that?" She asked, not moving her hand at all until she got Hunter's response
"Y-yes! I do." He breathed out, looking down at her with lust in his eyes, "Please continue." Y/n only nodded, as she slowly started to pump his dick up and down. Hunter let out loud moans and groans, putting a hand over his mouth to muffle the noises he was making
"I didn't k-know you were so s-sensitive." She teased lightly, but Hunter paid no mind as he was to caught up in the pleasure he was receiving. But because of him not paying attention his hand slipped, making a few loud moans slip out
"You're m-making such w-wonderful noises." She whispered, making Hunter groan a bit louder from the praise
Hunter seemed to get used to the pace Y/n was going at. Y/n could see that because his wonderful noises were becoming less frequent, so she decided to give him a pleasuring surprise
Leaning in Hunter quickly looked down s he could feel Y/n's breath on his tip. She kissed his tip lightly, making Hunter whimper quietly, and she wrapped her lips around him, twirling her round at his tip
Hunter's head quickly flew back as a loud groan escaped his mouth, his hand flew towards his mouth as he tried to muffle all of the noises he was making
Y/n chuckled at his actions, making waves of pleasure wash over him as his other hand flew to his mouth, now both of his hands were occupied with muffling his noises as Y/n continued to pleasure him
She started to lower her head on to his dick more and more, every inch that went deeper was getting harder and harder to contain her gags, finally stopping untill there was at least two inches left untouched, deciding she would just pump the remaining parts with her hand she slowly started to bob her head up and down
Y/n looked up at hunter to see his hands clenching his mouth, his cheast going up and down at a fast pace
With Y/n's free hand she reached out towards Hunter, putting a hand on to his, rubbing her thumb lightly to calm him down, humming slightly
That seemed to make Hunter snap, as one of his hands flew from his face to Y/n's hair, pushing her head down towards his base
He moaned loudly as Y/n gagged, putting her hands on to Hunter's thighs as he grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her hair up and down his shaft
Soon enough Hunter's hips bucked up as he shoved Y/n's head down to his brim. She could feel hot salty liquid do down her throat as some of it spilled out from the sides of her mouth
Her head flew off of Hunter's dick as the two of them ghasped for air. Y/n wiped the sides of her mouth, looking at hunter as he cought his breath and slowly turned towards her with a shameful frown
"S-sorry for that." He sighed, leaning down towards her putting a hand on her cheek as he kissed the top of her head, "I got carried away." Y/n put her hands on top of Hunter's as she leaned into Hunter's hand
"It's no big deal." She sighed, looking lovingly towards Hunter as she stood up
"Well.. you sould probably get back to patching up that shirt." Y/n laughed lightly, pointing towards the half finished shirt that still sat on the table
"Yeah, I probably sould." Hunter laughed, pulling his chair towards the table as he quickly put his pants on
"I'm gonna go clean myself up." She said, pointing towards the staircase as she turned around to leave, but she was stopped by hunter grabbing her wrist
"W-wait." He said, Y/; turned around and hummed lightly, Hunter smiled warmly, "I love you." He said. Y/n laughed lightly as she turned around and put a hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb lightly on his scar as she leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips
"I love you too, Hunter."
Heck yeah! Another one finished!!!
Sorry if this is too short or something, but I will be writing your 3rd request tomorrow, since I have other things to take care of, such as school and stuff
But anyways hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night/afternoon :)
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Huntlow Lounge singer/ Bartender AU part 2 is here. Part 1 is here. Hope y’all like it. Based on soldraw’s AU. K bye 
Willow made a habit of staying late. She’d sit in the back, reading or repairing costumes until close when she could have Hunter all to herself. Sometimes Luz stayed to close with him and the three of them would chat but Luz always found a reason to leave them alone. Despite her best efforts and her patience, Willow could never stay longer than Hunter. She longed to walk him home, see him in a setting other than behind the bar, but he always found an excuse to linger. She didn’t press him about it but found it impossible to see him anywhere but work. 
Luz said he was just shy, but Willow saw a different side of Hunter. He was hardly timid, no, he was cautious. He was thorough and prepared and determined. Beyond that he was smart and funny and dorky. He was such a dork she could hardly stand it. He was handsome, but that was obvious. He was different around her, like he was nervous and calm at the same time. She suspected his heart raced when they were near just as hers did. She had been burned before, but he didn’t know that. Neither of them spoke much about their past and it wasn’t because they didn’t trust each other, but it was nice to have someone know the version of herself she liked the most.
 So maybe there was something in his past that made him hesitant to return her advances (they were returned, but she had to lay it on thick sometimes for him to register them as flirting).
But she really liked him, so she’d take what she could.
Once Willow managed to close the door despite the vicious wind, she quickly began to remove her damp accessories. Her poor gloves didn't stand a chance against the snow that seemed to fall with a vengeance. As she rushed to the back, she found it odd how different this place felt when it was just her. When it was just her and Hunter, there was unique life to the room that made it shine even in the faint lights. But being here by herself made her miss Hunter’s laugh echoing. Was it sad it had only been a day and she was missing him so much? She sighed, knowing she wouldn’t see him tonight with the storm getting progressively worse. 
She hoped Hunter was warm enough. She knew his apartment was still a work in progress. Darius had been using it for storage until recently but Hunter insisted he didn’t take up much space and had been describing his redecorating efforts to her. She hoped one day she’d get to see it in person, that he’d take her up on her offer to go shopping with him. 
As she focused on getting warm and changing into dry clothes, she thought about how to pass the time. She thought about leaving little notes for Hunter to find, maybe a cute little scavenger hunt. A hunt for Hunter, she laughed to herself.
It had been awhile since Willow had a crush, well at least one that she allowed herself to accept. Before she came to the Owl House, Willow had worked at a club where she counted the seconds until she could leave. She had unknowingly been given the desired spot of one of the other girls who then made it her mission to make Willow as miserable as possible. She’d heckle her, pay patrons to boo her, rip and hide her dresses, anything to get in her head. People started coming just to try and make her mess up.
After she left, she didn’t sing for a full year. 
But then, Luz brought her to the Owl House after hearing her singing while she was watering  her window plants. And she finally felt safe enough to sing love songs again.
Then when she met Hunter, she started understanding them. That’s how she knew, when she looked at him and a thousand songs sprung to her mind all at once, she knew there was no backing out now. He made her dizzy and giddy, like how she felt when she sang. Something about being in love just made you want to sing more.
She tried to keep her cool, not to rush in. But look at her, so infatuated that everything around her always finds a way to remind her of him. So enamored that just hearing his name turned her into a puddle. So smitten that even now she felt she could hear his voice echoing in the next room. So bewitched that she dreamt of- wait no she really did hear him now.
Hunter? She thought, peeking out the door to see it was true. Her heart spun, feeling as though this was a gift or a sign or just grand luck. She went to go greet him but stopped herself as she spotted her lipstick sitting on the counter. 
Eh, couldn’t hurt.
As she carefully applied her lipstick in the small mirror, she heard something from the main room she was certain no other being had ever heard before.
Was Hunter… singing?
She snuck another look and sure enough, there he was sauntering around the room, holding a broomstick in his hands as his prop shifted between being a microphone and dance partner. His voice was low and rough, but it was carefree. It was the most beautiful thing Willow had ever heard.
“I'm making believe that you're in my arms
Though I know you're so far away
Making believe I'm talking to you
Wish you could hear what I say…”
He danced around the tables, placing the chairs atop them so he could clean under them. He was lost in his performance, dedicated to his craft as he slid with his broom to ensure no area was missed. He did not mind the emptiness, there was something in him that was so bright it carried him around as it inspired his song.
“And here in the gloom of my lonely room
We're dancing like we used to do
Making believe is just another way of dreaming
So till my dreams come true, I’ll whisper-
 But his secret audience was so engrossed in the scene before them, she forgot to mind her stealth as she leaned against the doorframe as she opened the door to see him better, the creek of its hinges gave her away.  
“Willow!” Hunter exclaimed, hiding his makeshift dance partner behind his back. “Hi! Hey! W-what are you doing here? You don’t work tonight.”
“No one’s working tonight,” she said with a smile. “I got caught in the storm and this was closer than my place so I took shelter. What’re you doing here?”
“I uh, don’t have a phone at my place so I didn’t know not to come in,” Hunter admitted sheepishly. “Eda called here to see if I showed up and told me not to leave unless I wanted to be an icicle. She said she’s got blankets and supplies in the back room so I thought I’d do some cleaning since I’m stranded.”
Among other things, Willow thought to herself. She decided to keep the fact that he had crashed his concert to herself, lest she risk not getting a repeat performance in the future.
“Well, I hope you’re okay with company,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Yeah,” he said simply, as he took the sight of her in. He had never seen her like this. It was a dress she hadn’t worn before, at least not one Hunter had seen her in. It was her signature emerald green, but it was velvet. It was less flashy than her usual outfits but every but as stunning. The waist was cinched high and to the side and led the eye to a dramatic slit. Her hair was still drying from the snow to let her natural curls shine as they twisted around her face as they were always meant to. The only blush on her cheeks was her natural one and her glasses were still slightly fogged from the shift in temperature. 
Hunter couldn’t help but notice she had still found the time to apply her red lipstick. 
“You, you look so…”
“Oh, ha yeah,” she said, realizing  she was technically wearing her work clothes. “Yeah, uh my coat and dress got covered in snow so I hung them up to dry. Luckily I’ve got plenty of clothes here.”
“Yeah that… that is lucky,” said Hunter. He was positive she’d look amazing even in her street clothes but seeing her dressed up always turned his brain to mush. He naturally retreated to the bar.  “Do you uh… want a drink or something?” He didn’t know what else to ask.
“No, that’s okay you’re not on the clock,” she chuckled when suddenly her face lit up. “Wait, can I make a drink?” she asked as though it had been a lifelong dream of hers. 
“Sure,” said Hunter and before he could say another thing, Willow ran around the other side, eager to learn the ropes from the master. He laughed as she positioned herself against his side, scanning the bar for her ingredients. 
“Hmm,” she said, reading the labels. “I wanna make a Hunter drink, what should I start with?’
“Oh, you don’t have to-.”
“Wait no no no, it’ll be a surprise,” she decided. “Close your eyes.”
He obliged and did not protest the way he would if literally anyone else tried to take over his space. He heard bottles clack together as she searched for the right one, the caps coming on and off as she loaded the shaker and combined her choices.
“Can you hand me a glass from up top?” she asked.
“I might need to open my eyes to do that,” he chuckled.
“Oh what? You don’t have the layout memorized?” she teased. “Didn't you tell me you could do this in your sleep?”
“Far enough,” he said, slowly walking over to where he knew the glasses were. It sounded like something he would say, but truthfully he didn’t recall saying that to her. 
“You can open your eyes,” she said with a chuckle, appreciating his effort as he reached up to grab a glass for her. 
“No, not that one,” she said as he brought one down. “I need a tall one cause you’re tall.”
“Alright,” he said, putting it back and reaching up to grab another. He had to move closer to where Willow was standing to do so, and he was mindful not to bump into her but she seemed unconcerned. He set a glass down and she found it to her liking. 
“Okay,” she said, still shaking the tin. “I wanna do that thing you do where you pour it up high without spilling.”
“Okay,” he chuckled as he leaned show at the counter and watched her get ready to pour. She seemed uncertain and Hunter instinctively stepped in, just as she had hoped. “Here, want me to show you? It took me awhile to get it right.”
“Yes please,” she said. He went to begin the pour when she stopped him, wanting to have a more hands on learning experience. 
“Actually, uh I’m not really a visual learner,” she said.
“Oh, okay do you want me to-.”
Knowing he wouldn’t suggest it, Willow placed herself between him and the bar and placed his hand over hers. He quickly got over his shyness in favor of instruction as he proceeded to remove the cap from the canister to prepare their tools. He put a scoop of ice in the glass as he put the tin back in her hand, his hand resting over hers to guide the pour. 
“The trick is to start at the cup and then pull up,” he said, reciting from the book that had taught him. “You wanna start with it titled and adjust as you go up to keep the flow consistent so it doesn’t splash.”
He raised her arm with his as they poured Willow’s creation into the glass, not spilling a drop. “Perfect.” She brought the shaker down slowly to the counter, wanting to linger as long as possible in the practical embrace. She gently pressed her back against his chest as she looked up at him over her shoulder. He was so tall. Who let him be so tall? 
After a moment, she felt him step back as he was aware of his intrusion in her space unaware of how welcomed it was. “Yeah that’s uh… that’s great.” He cleared his throat and Willow saw her ears turn red.
“Okay, now you gotta go down to the end of the bar so I can serve it to you,” she said, positively giddy. 
Hunter practically teleported around the corner as he rushed to the opposite side of the bar. 
“No, go all the way down,” she instructed as she gathered the fishing touches, deciding between lemons and cherries before settling on both. “All the way to the end so I can slide it to you.”
Hunter obliged, making a show of rushing again and Willow laughed. 
“All right ready? Here it comes!” She said, delighted as she lined up her shot. She delicately slid the glass down the bar to him. He caught it, and she jumped up in victory at the lack of broken class.
“Impressive,” he said, genuinely meaning it. “Took me months before I could do that without breaking the glass.”
“Well I guess I’m just a fast learner,” she boosted, basking in his compliment as she walked down to him with two straws in hand. She plopped them in the glass as Hunter admired the coloring of her drink. “Shall we?”
He leaned down and took his straw as the pair went to share the drink. They were each too entranced by the close proximity to one another to actually take a sip. Hunter didn’t know how to look into her eyes as darted back to the floor as hers remained on him. They finally took a sip at the same time, and both of them promptly spat out their drink at the same time.
Hunter tried to be polite about it and play it off as an unrelated cough but Willow turned her head and did a dramatic spit take as she exclaimed in disgust.
“It’s uh interesting.” coughed Hunter
“It’s horrible!” She said, rushing to get water. “Oh my gosh, did I make poison?”
“No, no I uh,” Hunter actually wasn’t too sure. “What was in that anyway?”
“I don’t remember everything, I know I put gold tequila in for your hair and I added lemonade and then whiskey cause I dunno it seemed like you and then some cherry something-.”
“It’s… an interesting combination,” he said, choosing his adjectives carefully. 
“I guess you’re just too complex to be captured by a mere beverage,” she sighed, a little disappointed as she was hoping to impress him. 
“Or maybe I just don’t taste that great,” he countered. She raised her eyebrows at him, her mind racing with countless cheeky things to say in response. She bit her lip at the urge to point it out and Hunter quickly caught her meaning and his mind raced with what to say that didn’t imply he was implying something or that he would want her to want him to. “Er, uh I mean…”
Willow chuckled. “Here, lemme make us something not gross,” she said as she got two new glasses. “Extra cherries?”
“Always,” he said as she brought out the grenadine. “Do you want any help?”
“Oh no, I’ve watched you make this hundreds of times, this one I know I can do,” she declared and Hunter couldn’t help but blush at the idea that she had committed anything he did to memory. 
“Voila!” she announced with a flourish, presenting two perfect Shirley Temples. Hunter was impressed (though slightly disappointed they would not share a glass again). 
Hunter took a taste and was delightfully surprised (not that he doubted her). “Wow! It’s perfect!”
“Luz better look out, I’m coming for her job,” said Willow with a smirk.
“She’ll probably let you have it, she’s getting sick of me,” joked Hunter.
“I find that hard to believe,” she said, sipping her own drink. “Who could ever get sick of you?”
“Well, she says she’s tired of me talking about-.” Hunter stopped himself, realizing the reason stood in front of him. 
“Uh… science fiction,” he said instead, which also wasn’t a total lie. “ 
“Really?” said Willow. She and Hunter had read a few chapters aloud together when they worked on repairing some of the older costumes Eda had collected. It helped them stay focused and wake. “Did you do the voice? She’s gotta love the voice you do for the robot guy.”
Hunter smiled. “No, only you like that.”
She really did adore his voice. 
“So, does this mean you’re gonna sing for me now?” She smirked.
“Me? What?”
“Well yeah, I mean I made you a drink,” she explained. “I thought we were trading.”
“No one would come here to hear me sing,” he joked, secretly wondering if she had heard him earlier and if she had, if she suspected who was singing about. .
“Well aren’t we lucky that no one is exactly who’s here right now?” She grinned. “I bet you sing better than I bartend.”
“Eh, I think we’re tied,” he said.
“Oh, c’mon you got something better to do?” She laughed. “I mean, we gotta pass the time somehow right?”
“I guess…”
“C’mon what if I help you like you helped me,” she suggested, leaning over the bar to twirl his loose strand of hair. “Give you a lesson? This is actually the best spot to sing in the club you know.”
“Yeah,” she said, getting up to take a few steps back. “Well, actually riiight here. It’s the very center of the room. It’s like you can reach every part equally and the ceiling curves a bit see? It makes the echo perfect, especially in an empty room.”
“Wow,” he said, and even just speaking he could tell she was right. “Too bad if you sang there you’d get bumped into every night.”
He’d never get anything done if she was that close to him all night.
“Yeah,” she agreed, as she quickly darted to the stage to grab her props. “Probably get my toes stepped on a lot.”
“We can put up a ‘no dancing sign.’”
“Oh no, but I do really love it when people get up to dance during my set,” she said dreamily, as she returned to him carrying her feather bow, dramatically throwing it around her shoulders. “I think it’s so romantic.”
“Really?” Said Hunter, his blood chilling at the way she said ‘romantic’ 
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I mean, you know I can’t see anything in detail up there without my glasses but when I sing a slow song and a couple gets up to dance, it makes me wanna sing forever. Like, it's their song and they just can’t bear to not dance together when it’s playing. Like they just want to hold each other and add a memory to the song. It’s like being a part of something bigger, ya know?”
“I think so," he said, captivated by the passion in her voice. “You sang for Eda and Raine’s first dance, right?” 
She almost gasped. “You remember that?” 
“Of course,” he said. “It was unforgettable.”
“Yeah, I mean  that was the name of the song right? Unforgettable?”
“Oh! Oh, yeah that uh that’s the one,” she gave a nervous chuckle. “I didn’t know you heard me sing at the wedding.”
Willow wasn’t entirely certain exactly what Hunter remembered from the wedding. But that had happened before they met, so maybe the end of the night was the blurry part. 
“Yeah,” he said, trying to be casual about it. He had been mesmerized. “There’s wasn’t a dry eye here.”
He had been the first one to cry.
Willow went to put on a record for Hunter to sing to, fully intending to at least get him to try. As she flipped through the selection, a thought weighed on her mind. 
“You ever had a song like that with someone?” she asked him, holding her breath. 
“Uh, n-no not really I guess,” he said, sticking his hands in his pockets. “I’ve never had someone to have a song with, to be honest.”
“I have a song like that,” she said. “I mean, I have a song I want to be like that.”
“Which one?”
“Oh, I don’t sing it during my set,” she said, selecting a record and walking over to the player. “I’m like saving it, I guess. It’s silly, but I don’t want to see other people dancing to it. I want to feel how they feel when they dance, like it’s just mine. Well, ours, I guess? But, no one’s asked me to dance in awhile.”
“What?” Said Hunter, literally in shock. There was no way that was true.
“Yeah,” she said, taken by his surprise. “No one ever wants to dance with me cause I like to lead, and apparently my grip is tight,” she shrugged. “Plus, ya know it’s kinda hard to dance while you’re usually the one singing.”
“Well, if you want… I-I’d like to dance with you,” he said, saying it quickly like it was his best kept secret.
“Yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “I mean, if you don’t mind giving me a dancing lesson and a singing lesson. I’m clueless about both.”
“Okay, yeah sure,” Willow smiled. She suddenly wished she had put more thought into her selection. But truthfully there was no wrong option. She chose a song that had played during the wedding, just to see if he recalled hearing it there. 
She wondered if he remembered dancing there.
Couple of jiggers of moonlight and add a star
Pour in the blue of a June night and one guitar
Mix in a couple of dreamers and there you are
Lovers hail the Moonlight Cocktail…
“I’d love to dance with you,” she said breathlessly. 
As she made her way over to him, he looked uncertain that she was really walking to him even though there was no else here. She still felt nervous, slowly extending her hand to him as though he would suddenly regret his decision. But he took it. Hunter’s mind raced with what he was supposed to do. Did he pull her in? Spin her? Kiss it? His mind was both blank and overwhelmingly full. Willow just smiled, happy to take the lead. Happy to have someone who wanted her to. 
 “Here,” she said gently as she moved his hands around her waist before wrapping her own arms around his neck. She draped the boa around his neck, and although it tickled his nose it eased his nerves. She always knew just the right amount of silliness to balance things like that, like she knew the range of emotions she inspired. 
The music was the perfect pace, not too fast, not too slow as Willow showed him how to step. She took his hand in hers and spun around, never letting go finding new ways for their hands to touch. As she passed behind him, she brushed the back of his waist with her hand and he felt as though he was a slinky uncoiling. As she got closer, they seemed to move less. His hands finally fell with confidence on her waist and her hands rested on his chest as though they had no intention of being removed.
Just as Hunter was getting used to things, the record stopped. He also forgot there was music, he was so focused on her. How long had they been like this? 
“I should probably go out on a new record, huh?” He asked softly, but he could’ve sworn she pulled him closer as if to suggest she couldn’t imagine him leaving their embrace. 
In the silence they could perfectly hear the chaos outside. Knowing the world behind their colorful door was cold and dark made everything about her warmer and brighter somehow. Like everything was dying to tell them that they were meant to be here right now, just the two of them. There was a moment waiting for them. 
Hunter looked down into her eyes, and when he held her craze and didn’t turn away it was like he summoned the words Willow began to sing. It was a song they both knew none of the club's records held. 
Which made it even more theirs.
“Hold me close and hold me fast, the magic spell you cast
This is "La vie en rose”
She didn’t have to project, this was only for them to hear. The room carried her voice  like a leaf in the wind,  didn’t need to fill the room, just the bubble they were in. 
When you kiss me, heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes
I see "La vie en rose"
She made herself more comfortable and leaned her head against his chest. He felt her sigh and it relaxed him, Hunter felt the hum of her voice surround him. Like a lullaby, like a shield it made him feel safe. His head naturally rested atop hers, the smell of her perfume tickling his nose as her curls acted as a pillow. Everything was soft and gentle here, holding her was like being inside a cloud.
When you press me to your heart, I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
Hunter couldn’t help but know she had never sang this song on stage before. Was this the song she was saving? Was she singing it now because there was no couple here to claim it or because he was the only one here?
And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to-
“-turn into love songs,” Hunter finished without thinking. Willow held her breath and smiled. It was like she was hearing the song for the first time as Hunter couldn’t help but sing it under his breath. 
She raised her head to see him and as she did, their noses nearly brushed as he looked down at her. The last lyrics swirled in the air between them, neither wanting the song to end and possibly take the moment with it. 
“You really do have a nice voice,” she said softly.
“Uh thanks,” he replied faintly. “No one’s ever said that to me before.” And now twice in one night?
“That’s a shame,” she said. “I’ve always thought that.”
“So do you,” he said, breaking through the silence. “By the way. H-have a nice voice. But you probably already knew that. It’s pretty. Everything you do is pretty though. I mean, well-.”
“Thanks,” she blushed. Of course she had heard it before, but it somehow meant more coming from him. “You have pretty eyes.”
He scoffed as though he couldn’t possibly believe her.
“What?” She asked.
“Well it’s just that people don’t really notice my eyes when they look at me,” he said, trying to play it off as a joke. 
“What do you-oh.” She realized he meant his scars. It wasn’t that Willow didn’t notice them, but they didn’t take away from him at all. Between his jawline and his laugh, who had time to get hung up on scars? Plus, they just made him look more rugged in her opinion. But she knew what it was like to have others make you feel uncomfortable about something you can’t control. “Well, if you want my opinion, they don’t make you any less pretty.”
Hunter blushed. He was glad she was able to be lighthearted about it, most people tried to change the subject or ignore them. But somehow she could see more in him.
“Thanks,” he said. “I’ve actually been thinking about covering them up, might make me more approachable I guess.”
“Well, you should do whatever makes you most comfortable,” said Willow, saddened that other people had made him feel this way. “If you want, I can lend you some cover up.”
“Oh, well I don’t think we’d-“ before he could point out the difference in their complexion, she held him still as she rose to her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek. She lingered for a moment so when she pulled away, a bright red lipstick mark was left over his scar. 
Willow felt that was the only appropriate way that his scars should be covered. 
“There,” she said proudly. “It’s covered.”
His eyes couldn’t help but he drawn to her lips. They curled into a smile and held her faint chuckle of joy. She had smudged her lipstick, a rouge line of red hanging from the side of her mouth. Her lips that had just touched his cheek. He instinctively reached and went to wipe it away but the moment he touched her face, Willow’s eyes were likewise locked on him. Her eyes fluttered between his eyes and his lips, unsure which one was more alluring. 
His mind was consumed with how she managed to be so soft and yet so adamantine. How her eyes managed to shine like peridot, to cast a cool shade of the tree of her namesake, to piece his heart like a thorn. How her lips were red wine and roses and fire.  She was sweet and brash, so familiar but so surprising, she was so unreal and yet she was tangible. She was magnetic. Before he knew what he was doing, he was moving closer. They both were, like an invisible string was finally being threaded. They were both in disbelief that the other was moving also.
His lips hovered by hers, the gentle whistle of his breathing stung her heart. She felt like she was melting, like her heart was leaking lava as her chest filled with fire and bees and the warmth of every sun in those corny books he read to her. His nose rested beside hers and the space begged to be removed. Willow rose onto her tip toes and pressed an inquisitive peck to his lips. 
They both felt it signaled more, yet Willow felt him lean in only to quickly pull away. 
“Wait,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“Hunter, you have nothing to be sorry about,” she assured him. “I was the one who-.”
“I just wouldn’t want you to do something you regret-.”
“-thought this was something else and I-.”
“Because if you’ve been drinking I don’t-.”
“What? Hunter, I haven’t been drinking.” She stated simply.
“Yeah, I’ve had the exact same drinks you’ve had,” she said. “Are you drunk?”
He felt intoxicated but he knew it was not the work of the typical spirits.
“No, I… but it’s getting late,” he said, changing the subject rather than finishing his thought.  “I should go try and shovel the walkway.”
“Why, you got somewhere to be?” she asked playfully. Trying to get rid of me? She almost joked, but did not voice in case the response would not be the same tone. Besides, the howl of the wind told her his task was in vain. He reached for his jacket anyway.  ”Ya got a hot date or something?”
“No! No, nothing like that,” he chuckled nervously. “I just… well I assumed you did.”
“Me?” she said, delighted at the assumption. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, you just look so nice,” he sputtered. “I mean, you always look so nice. The other singers usually change out of their costumes when they go home, unless they have a date and whenever you work the late shift, you always look so beautiful before you leave. I just assumed you were seeing someone. I just figured they must work late or something and with the storm they’re probably worried about you.”
He continued to ramble, saying she didn’t need to be dressing up for someone to look as nice as she did, but he had heard Skara mention there was someone she was excited to see after the show and it was a night he remembered her looking particularly stunning. Not that he didn’t think that every night. 
But Willow couldn't stop herself from smiling, she wanted to laugh when it clicked that Hunter hadn’t been holding back from flirting with her because didn’t like her, he assumed she was taken. He had no clue that he was the one she stayed dressed up for. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that she had been chasing him. 
“So you’re saying I look too stunning to not be on date right now?” 
“Heh, I-I guess,” he said. Stunning was not the word he would’ve used. It was the word he thought, but not the one he would’ve said.
“Well, I guess someone better ask me on one then, huh?” she said, looking up at him with sparkling, heavy lidded eyes. 
The words sizzled on the edge of his tongue, begging to be set free as his lips parted in surprise. Suddenly so many meanings changed. So many times she had sought him out, and not to pass the time while she waited for someone else, but because he was her first choice. He was worthy of time where she could be out doing adventurous and interesting things. She turned down offers to hear him tell the same lame joke over and over again.
His heart raced hoping to be faster than his brain as the sentence tried to string itself together, to be confident and coherent and most importantly audible. There was no tall, dark, handsome, faceless stranger waiting out in the cold unknown for her. She stayed up late to spend more time with him. The notion of kissing him existed to her beyond and before an impulse. She was waiting for him. How long had she been waiting for him? 
“Would you eh,” he started, his heart in his throat. “Would you…”
She didn’t deserve some last minute thing in the club where she worked, unceremoniously stranded and cold. She deserved to be picked up in a fancy car he did not have, to be given a bouquet of flowers as lovely as she was, to be paraded around town by someone whose sleeves were not covered in wine stains. She deserved to be swept off her feet, to soar across the room with confidence, to be kissed without hesitation. 
But maybe this was the first step.
“... I would be… it would be so… I-I was wondering if I could take you on a date,” he finally finished. His heart  was pounding, she was so close she could probably feel it. He exhaled as Willow’s lips curled into a smile. It was a smile he hadn’t seen before. He couldn’t place it. Was she amused? Happy? Bewildered? Appalled? Upset?
“But y-you don’t have to answer right now-.”
“I’d love to.” She said moving closer to him as he looked at the floor, his anxiety trying to contribute to the moment. 
“- I know it’s kind of out of nowhere and you probably have to check your schedule-.”
“I’m free right now.” 
“-And if you-,”
But before the back and forth could continue the light vanished. It was only a matter of time, it was a powerful storm. But all awkwardness and embarrassment would have to wait as Hunter shifted into protective mode.
“Oh shoot,” muttered Hunter, realizing he had forgotten to light candles in preparation. Willow read his mind and shared his disappointment, imagining how romantic it would be to dance in the candlelight. He took Willow’s hand and carefully led her back to the bar where he knew there were matches. The room was nearly pitch black as Hunter took his time to make his way around. Willow found her way to the bar, and hoisted herself onto the counter, swinging her feet as she listened to Hunter scurry behind the bar. 
“I’ve got a candle,” she announced as she picked up the small stained glass container, allowing him to follow her voice to where she was. He rummaged a moment before finding the box
He struck the match and held the flame between them, the dim light reflecting off Willow’s glasses and her face resemble a moon. Hunter was so captivated he completely forgot to light the candle she held out for him. 
The world was quiet and loud again. The world  turned and flipped and shifted as the air held something heavy and purposeful. Like the match he held lit a fuse. 
“You were right.” Willow whispered, setting down the candle like it was choreography. She reached out and adjusted the boa his shoulders still held and used it to hold him in place, as though he was about to float away. Sitting on the bar, she was his same height and used that to look right into his eyes.
“Right?” He gulped. “About what?”
“I do have a hot date tonight,” she said, as she swiftly blew out the candle he held and brought him forward as she pressed their lips together. The box of matches quickly fell from his hands as they went to bring her closer. She balanced herself on the ledge as his arms wrapped around her waist. He somehow knew the way to turn his head as he moved with her. He felt her fingers wander through his hair as though she was trying to figure out a way to be closer to him. 
“A-are you okay? Are you comfortable?” he asked, almost unable to breath. Even this close he could hardly see her in the dark. Even this close, he could hardly believe she was real. That she wasn’t mistaken. His mind held the image of her sitting on the bar like a siren luring him from the safety of the shore. 
She responded with a tiny laugh as she peppered small kisses along his jawline. She was obsessed with that dang jawline of his, she was surprised it didn’t cut her as her lips glided down from his cheek to his neck leaving a ruby red trail behind her. He closed his eyes as he finally accepted his fate and held her tighter as he deepened the kiss. He could feel her smile as his hands moved up her back to embrace her and found bare skin. Her long hair had been hiding the exposed back of her dress and it felt almost forbidden to Hunter, but Willow couldn’t help but feel like this was about to be her favorite dress. They fell into a natural rhythm as if they always found themselves in such a kiss. But as Hunter went to move his hand to the counter to steady himself as she leaned back to make room for him, he lost his balance and hit an empty glass. It fell to the ground and promptly shattered, and when it did it snapped them out of their shared spell. Their eyes slowly opened and it felt as though they just returned to their bodies. Willow realized she could see him perfectly. At some point during their… activity, the power had come back on. How had they not noticed? How long had they been kissing? 
And how long until they did it again?
Willow waited, listening to the sounds of them both panting, their breathing almost perfectly synced. Hunter stared at her with wide eyes, unable to believe that the flush in her cheeks was caused by him. Willow looked at him, decorated in varying shades of red and felt it suited him extremely well. Finally, he broke the silence.
“I should uh probably clean that up,” he said hoarsely, and Willow felt his hand leave her side and when it did she instantly felt colder. When he left her hands she didn’t know what to do with them, and sat on the bar in haze as Hunter went to fetch a broom. Her hand delicately touched her mouth as the moment replayed in her mind and she desperately tried to memorize the feelings of his lips on hers. It had been slow and fast and scary and exciting and peaceful and chaotic. It was so much all at once. So much for not rushing things, she thought.
But had been everything she thought it would be, and more. What a rush indeed.
The way he stumbled from the back room, the way his eyes danced between her and the floor, the way bright red seemed like it would be taking permanent residence on the tips of his ears told Willow the feeling was utterly mutual. She watched him sweep the floor, and she could tell he felt her gaze on him. 
It could snow forever as far as she was concerned.
Three Months Ago…
“Don’t tell him I told you but he’s been working up the nerve to talk to you all night,” Luz said, looking around. “He’s really sweet and I wanna introduce you but I have no idea where he is.”
“He’s the new bartender, right?”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t usually drink,” said Luz. “Our glasses got switched and now he’s kind of… loopy.”
“So he’s drunk?”
“Basically! But he made it very clear he’s afraid of getting drunk,’ said Luz in a small panic. “Because he doesn’t know what kind of drunk he is or something and now he doesn’t even know he’s drunk. But I guess he’s a ‘wandering away’ kind of drunk!”
Willow couldn’t help but chuckle, she was the same way. But she didn’t know how determined Hunter was to finally talk to her, and Luz was worried his current state would lead to embarrassment. “I’ll keep my eye out for him,” Willow assured. “Why don’t you look upstairs? I’ll check the hallway.”
Willow scanned the room, assuming Luz’s friend would be someone easy to find, someone probably sloppy or scared or out of their element. But the wedding was [pretty unruly, it was harder to find someone who wasn’t drunk. Then, something caught her eye. Or rather someone. 
He was tall, his honey colored hair had attempted to be gelled back but a rogue strand came forward and hung in his face which only made him look more dramatic. His features were sharp but his eyes were soft. His jawline seemed to make him look more dressed up, like he had escaped from an oil painting. He wore a clearly second hand suit that was just a smidge too big for him, but the way he rolled up the sleeves made it look stylish. He was a prince, plain and simple, how could he not be?
And he was walking over to her.
“So word on the street is that you really want to catch the bouquet,” said the stranger with a unique confidence as though it wasn’t always there. Willow could tell he was buzzed and everything felt cozy and warm to him. She gave him a smile.
“You heard right,” she said, swirling her wine in her glass trying not to openly swoon at being on his radar in such a way.
“You looking to get married next?”
She raised her eyebrow at him as she screamed internally. “You looking to help me?”
He chuckled, impressed by her quickness. “So long as our reception doesn’t have to be here,” he smiled. “I don’t think Eda would give us a fair price.”
Willow wasn’t used to someone being able to keep up with her. “True, but it’s nothing like that anyway,” Willow said before they started talking about color schemes. “I’m just competitive and I like flowers. Just something silly I've always dreamed of doing.”
“Well, I think I could help you with that,” he said, leaning against the wall beside her.
“Oh?” She felt the blood rush into her cheeks. Must be the champagne kicking in. 
“I’m tall, thought I’d offer my services,” he said as slick as he could manage.
“And what’s in it for you?” she asked. “The bouquet at a wedding is pretty hard to acquire. Emira has elbows like daggers and Skara can jump like three feet in the air.”
“Just a dance,” he said simply. 
“You wanna dance with me?” she scoffed. “Have you seen me dance?”
“I have,” he said dreamily. 
Willow just chuckled. She knew she danced wild and bold, she had taken Gus by the hands and spun him around so fast he nearly flew away. When Raine pulled out their fiddle, Willow’s feet never touched the ground as she jumped and kicked without a care in the world.  She was not exactly an approachable dance partner, yet this stranger looked at her like he had witnessed an angel taking flight.
She looked at him skeptically, waiting for a twist but his admiration did not falter. She couldn’t find a flaw in his proposal, but she couldn't help but feel she was getting more out of it.
“Okay then, deal,” she said, offering him her hand. She nearly missed as the alcohol slowly started to make itself known. He took it like it was precious and held it rather than shook it and she couldn’t help but giggle. He looked at her with such genuine interest, not a hint of irony. How did she not just combust? “I’m Willow, by the way.”
“I know,” he said, placing a small but firm kiss to the back of her hand. “I’m Hunter, it’s an honor to officially meet you.”
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
Since my brain won't shut up about Hunter and also opposite colours on the colour wheel..
Allow me to ramble a bit about three pairs of complementary colours, used as lighting in Hunter's character arc to reflect the significance of what's going on and to reflect his internal state:
Orange and blue: I noticed that orange - a really warm colour - is when he is the safest and happiest. Blue seems to imply great danger, since it's also Belos's monster glow colour. Orange is alluded to at the end of Hunting Palismen but starts to come into the picture for him in Clouds On The Horizon, and is contrasted with the medium blue in Eclipse Lake, vivid blue in Labyrinth Runners and dark blue in King's Tide:
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The most vivid orange shade was when Luz told him "You're family now", versus the vivid bright blue right after he got possessed and had the absolute worst night in his life:
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The Noceda house basement where he and Gus stayed was mostly orange. The Halloween Festival scene showed both colours, showing the transition from safety to danger:
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Red and green: Flapjack was a vivid red colour, and the artificial magic used by Hunter and Belos was the same shade. Belos's goop colour is a sickly dark green shade. Something tells me that red points to Belos's portrayal of strength on the outside and his agenda as Emperor, since the most striking red lighting we see in the show is related to the Day of Unity. (Whereas blue might point to his chaotic internal state that unravels especially in King's Tide and the final act of Thanks to Them).
It's interesting that Hunter has red lighting behind him, holding Flapjack in staff form as support, during the first time he stands up to Belos:
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Hunter witnesses Belos's 'death' in the frame with the most striking red, contrasted with his dread that Belos was in fact alive in the following episode:
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But what stood out to me when he was so caring towards Willow in the most recent For the Future, was that the lighting was also dark green:
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Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it's a really interesting colour choice for an overlap between Willow (whose theme colour is obviously green) at her lowest point and Hunter being in such a painful vulnerable place himself, to be able to connect with her from the emotional place of releasing some of his own immense traumatic grief.
Compare this point in his development where he has beautiful moments of vulnerability, to way back in Hollow Mind when we are faced with the big reveal and he's surrounded by red artificial magic as his world truly started to fall apart:
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Finally there's the combination I have saved for last, yellow and purple, comparing Hunting Palismen and For the Future:
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If you notice, a prominent portion of Hunting Palismen had yellow backgrounds and lighting (the location being Latissa), and clearly he was the character who stood out the most in that episode, being unmasked and all that.
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Whereas For the Future showed a good deal of purple in the Boiling Isles - including what I think is a muted purple in the photo classroom of Hexside - since it is Luz's theme colour and was building up towards Luz gaining her staff and Stringbean hatching.
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It's also interesting that 1) in Hunting Palismen, Luz had the major struggle of not pairing up with any palisman but goes through the challenge of rescuing the palismen that are taken by Hunter, and she ends up getting to know him. But 2) in For The Future, Hunter suffers from major grief after losing his palisman, and faces the challenge of accepting the loss while Luz gains her palisman:
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In For the Future, there is this short scene where the lighting harks back to Flapjack fading away:
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Some scenes with very low saturation of colour, but very light or very dark value, also marked significant turning points in his arc:
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For obvious reasons, the lighting is neutral and not striking in more light-hearted scenes (though the first half of Labyrinth Runners is a bit of an exception here), such as the flyer derby scene in Any Sport In A Storm, or the thrift store scene in Thanks to Them.
How I wish I could've sat in the pre-production and production team meetings where these lighting-related decisions were made. Let's see what will happen in Watching and Dreaming!
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Huntlow Week Day 1: Prompt Halloween/Hooty
"Oh! Good evening Hunter!"
A sliver of light passed over Hunter's body from the inside of the Park house.
He'd knocked.
He had.
Willow liked the danger of Hunter sneaking in through her balcony, and though she'd offered to "magic him up" with vines, or to have Clover fly him up, tonight of all nights, Hunter opted to act appropriately and knock.
Slowly, the door cracked open and a small sliver of warm light slid out from the Park's kitchen in a line over Hunter's head.
"Ah! Hunter. Good evening!" Harvey Park smiled. "Please come on in!
"Thank you Mr. Park!" Hunter gave a small smile and Harvey opened the door even wider which made Hunter's smile wider as well.
"Gilbert's out getting some last minute grosseries for dinner, and Willow's upstairs waiting for you!"
"Yessir!" Hunter bowed his head only to feel Harvey's sturdy hand on his shoulder.
"Of course." Harvey chuckled. "And Hunter? I do hope one day you will call me Harvey?"
"I hope so too." Hunter whispered.
Within seconds he had rushed up the stairs, with a thick tapping sound from his pink crocs. He reached another door covered in pictures of various types of flora and knocked again.
"Trick or treat!" Hunter sang out as Willow's sunny face answered.
"BOTH!" She answered, pulling him in as quickly as she shut the door behind them.
Then, Willow Park had Hunter in her arms. She tackled him gently and they fell on the floor in breathless peels of laughter.
Hunter let out a snort and lifted his hands , "I SURRENDER!" he shouted. "I AM AT YOUR MERCY! ANYTHING YOU WANT! IT'S YOURS!"
"Pfft! You're being a pushover on purpose." Willow teased. She laid her head across his chest, ear to the place she had told him so many times was best to hear his heartbeat. "Did you bring the goods?" She whispered.
"Check my bag." Hunter nodded.
They sat up as Willow dug her hands through his school bag pulling out a big pillow case full of every kind of Human Realm Candy possible.
"W-we probably should wait until after dinner before we get started on that." Hunter rubbed the back of his neck as he watched his girlfriend line up each piece of candy in order of what she liked to eat first.
"Hunter?" Willow stopped a moment. She looked at him with a soft smile. "Are you sure you're not mad that Gus is over with Luz and the others for Halloween?"
Hunter shook his head. Gently, he pressed his hand against his chest where Flapjack lay. "I get it. Maybe one day I'll be ready to do a real Human Realm Halloween again? But I wouldn't want to hold anyone else back." He felt a sharpness behind his throat. "Are you disappointed?" he whispered. "I mean, that you aren't over there now?"
Willow's cheeks went pink. "Nah." She waived her hand and shuffled a bit more through the pillowcase. "Getting to do Halloween last year was fun and all ... until ... you know. Until it wasn’t?" Her eyes watered a bit. "But there's a lot of things I get to do this year that's even better?"
"Yeah? Like what?" Hunter gave his girlfriend a lopsided grin. From the look on Willow's face he knew that she'd found it. The one thing he'd hidden in the bag of Reeses', and Hersey Bars, and those weird triangle things that Luz insisted were "loser candy." And then, Hunter felt his grin spread.
Gingerly, Willow opened the box of Pocky and slid out one long thin cookie, resting the chocolate covered side between her full lips. With the tips of her fingers she drew his chin closer towards her own. As Hunter began to eat one side as Willow ate the other, meeting in the middle in a soft, sweet crumb covered kiss.
"I get to do stuff like that." Willow whispered as Hunter felt his ears light up.
"Mmmmmmm." He hummed. "That was nice."
"You wanna have another piece?" She whispered.
A sliver of guilt filled Hunter's stomach. "B-but your dads are gonna be calling us down for dinner soon?"
"Maybe?" Willow shrugged. She crawled closer, placing the new stick between her lips and with a devious laugh, she rumbled, “But it is Halloween, and I think we're required to spoil our dinner with something sweet."
And without any further argument, Hunter closed the space between them with another kiss.
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Fic Request: Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow and Gus find a scared, crying little kid Philip alone in the abandoned Wittebane House.
Two Little Angels (Based on this au fic)
During their return to Luz's house after their group outing, the Hexsquad were immediately alerted by sobs that rang through the atmosphere.
The crying was loud, intense, and sounded all too familiar.
Due to the tone, the teens were able to determine that the cries were being uttered by a child.
A small child.
Luz let out a gasp, her eyes widening.
"Come on!" She quickly said to her friends, gesturing for them to follow her as the group took off sprinting in the direction of the wailing, which was emanating from the old abandoned house.
When the group entered the small, run-down structure, their hearts all ached at the sad sight that they saw.
Tears were streaming down Little Philip's face as he was seen crying in the corner alone, curled up in a ball.
"Oh no," Hunter whispered to himself, being the first one to approach the smaller boy.
He took a seat beside his technical brother and began speaking soothingly to him.
"Hey," Hunter softly greeted in a gentle voice as Philip quickly looked up and saw him.
His cries came to a slow end, but when Hunter opened his arms to offer him a hug, Philip started trembling and tearing up again.
"What's wrong, Philip?" He asked, rubbing the boy's back gently.
He accepted the offer to retreat into his half-brother's arms and be comforted.
"I-I saw," Philip confessed quietly in a tone that was both frightened and tearful.
"You saw?" Hunter softly repeated.
He was a bit confused as to what Philip meant by that.
Philip nodded with a sniffle before continuing. "I-I saw him. I saw the man. The man with the beard. I saw him. I saw what he did to you. He had a knife. He..."
His voice trembled once more as he almost choked on his words.
"He hurt you. He hurt you really badly. You were bleeding," Philip revealed to Hunter before bursting into tears again, crying on the older boy's shoulder.
The young boy was acquiring some of Belos's memories and experiencing flashbacks of them.
Hunter was shocked to hear all of this, but the blonde managed to remain calm.
"Hey, it's okay. I won't allow that bad man to hurt me," he assured Philip despite not having any knowledge of who this mysterious man was.
Philip sniffled as his cries came to a close.
The small smile at his strong half-brother faded to a look of worry when an unpleasant thought crept into his mind.
"But what if the scary man comes after me?" He asked innocently.
"I won't let that happen either," Hunter told him, pressing his forehead against Philip's lightly. "I'm here."
"I'm here too, little guy," Gus softly said, walking over to sit beside Philip to demonstrate his support.
The young illusionist was aware that the bearded man was actually Philip as an adult from his experience in Belos's mind, but he chose not to reveal that information to Kid Philip to avoid further traumatizing the boy.
"Me three," Willow smiled, taking a seat next to Gus.
Amity showed her solidarity by sitting down next to Hunter and smiling.
Luz was the last to walk over to the group as she lowered herself to Philip's level and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Don't forget to stay strong, little dude." She smiled a soothing smile at him.
"You're family now."
Philip was surprised to hear those words.
"I'm... your family?" He quietly questioned, blinking out a single tear that glided down his cheek.
Luz answered with a nod, carefully wiping away said tear.
"Aww, this calls for a group hug," Willow beams as everyone happily embraces each other, including Philip in the big hug.
His blue eyes were so warm as he accepted their affection and acceptance of him into their found family.
After the hug, everyone stood up. "Come on," Hunter said, offering a hand to help Little Philip up, which he gladly took. "Let's get you back to Luz's house. I'll get you a glass of water once we're inside."
"Oh, would it be feasible for my new friend to come along with us?" Philip inquired, his blue eyes now brimming with excitement instead of tears.
"Your new friend?" The blonde asked, bewildered by the question.
Suddenly, an opossum drops down from the ceiling and lands on Philip's head.
It emits a hiss, but Philip doesn't seem to be bothered by this as he continues to smile.
However, Hunter lets out a small squeak, his eyes locked on the rodent and overflowing with panic.
"There you are!" Philip beamed, bringing a hand up to pet his friend.
"Aww, Little Angel!" Luz gushed sweetly as she recognized the opossum, clasping her hands together.
Philip took note of Hunter's expression.
"Don't worry, he's really friendly and doesn't bite..." Philip paused. "...Sometimes..." The brunette would admit with a small giggle.
"Is that so..." A shaky Hunter mumbled.
Philip nodded. "Mm-hm! So can he come with us?"
Philip's blue eyes sparkled pleadingly, and Hunter knew he was hoping for a yes.
He sighed. "Fine, he can come."
"Yay!" Philip cheered.
"HISSSS!" went Little Angel.
"He said 'yay' too," the small boy translated with a chuckle.
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sea-creature-things · 8 months
Grimwalker things
Chapter 2: Palismen
Hunter has a special bond with the Palismen. It’s cuz he’s BUILD DIFFERENT. Literally.
This chapter was very fun to make. I gave Flapjack some old man-wisdom. Ghost is just like Amity. Clover is just a sweetheart and Emmiline is… unique.
You can read here under the cut. Or on AO3 eith this link:
It has been 3 weeks since they arrived in the human realm. The teeth incident was still fresh on Hunter’s mind. Another thing to keep him up at night. Not of the nightmare variety though, which was nice. This was just embarrassing.
And it was making him think about the whole Grimwalker-business. He definitely didn’t need more of that.
It was Friday and 6 am, but Hunter had been awake for even longer. Insomnia sure was fun! He got out of bed quietly, to not disturb Gus on the couch beside him.
He wanted his thoughts to steer clear of the Grimwalker topic. Or his uncle… or the fate of the Boiling Ilses, Darius, Eda, if they could even find a way back home-
So, he did things around the house. It had become his role here. Not officially, nobody wanted him doing this. But he did it anyway.
He wanted to be useful.
He wanted to keep Camila happy. Who wouldn’t be happy with a clean, organised house?
Besides, he liked doing it. It was a healthy distraction, like Luz always says. So he dusted every corner of the house, cleaned the kitchen several times and put everything where it belonged. Vee even taught him how to do the laundry, but it was still extremely early. Only quiet cleaning for now.
The bright, summer sun was slowly coming up. Would that make it 6:30 now? The sun rays through the curtains gave the room a warm energy. The natural lighting was a very welcome change.
It also lit up the clouds in various different colours. It reminded him of home, those purples and oranges. But they weren’t they same. The human realm was a lot more peaceful.
He didn’t trust it.
He wanted to, but this place still didn’t feel real. Every failed attempt at a portal, grounded them more. Every block in their creativity, made it feel so permanent. And it made him feel guilty.
His missed home, but he wasn’t really in a hurry to go back. He was sad, but not for himself. He would never in his life tell the others! He felt awful for wanting to stay here longer.
In this peaceful house.
The sun had another benefit, it made more dust particles visible. Which Hunter was actually grateful for. His brain was starting to wonder again. Not. Enjoyable.
He could technically also talk to distract himself, because he wasn’t alone. Flapjack and Ghost were keeping him company. And judging him.
Which is why he didn’t really feel like talking to them. Giving them the excuse that they needed to be silent. He had promised Amity no noise before 7 am after all. She is the lightest of sleepers.
But if those forbidden topics were barging back in... Ghost headbutted his shin. She had decided for him.
“Put the duster down, nerd.” She meowed.
“Don’t go stealing Amity’s nicknames now,” Hunter whispered back, “please.”
The white cat palisman licked his ankle. Her sandpaper tongue made him jump back, giggling. It meant that her name-calling was out of love, much like her witch.
“Put it down!" She meowed again.
"Stop cleaning, Hunter." Flapjack chirped. He flew down from the fridge onto the counter in front of his witch.
Both of them were now looking at him with even more judgement. Hunter didn’t think that was possible for a bird and a cat, but here they were. He sighed.
The fact he could understand Ghost at all was making his brain go places. Flapjack was his palisman, they had a strong bond and always knew each others intentions.
The fact he could talk with him proved that. However, he was able to talk with the others as well. He has understood every active palisman he’s ever come across.
He used to think it was normal, but learned his lesson quite early on. His commander back then thought he bonded with the deer palisman they were "retrieving", just because he—
Doesn’t matter.
It’s a Grimwalker thing.
So he’s been careful about talking to Ghost, Clover or Emmiline while their witches were around. One more thing he was hiding from them.
He hated this! At this point he would rather have a nightmare.
“Do something fun, find something else to distract.” Flapjack chirped.
“Read a book.” Ghost purred. “You nerd!”
“Not a bad suggestion,” Hunter said, “still don’t like that name though.”
“A tree can’t change its home.” Flapjack said amused, as he landed in his hair.
“What does that even mean?” Hunter walked over to the living room. Camila’s book collection was fair game. She had promised him many times.
“It means I can call you a nerd, because you are one.” Ghost mewed, bouncing alongside him. Flap confirmed it with a strong chirp.
“Alright alright, I get it.” He picked out a book on fossils. “But cleaning is not a bad distraction.”
“There is literally nothing left to clean.” The cat climbed on his lap the moment he sat down on the couch.
Ah. This was his fate now. They had successfully trapped him.
“There’s always dust.” Hunter mumbled.
“I am going to break that duster one day.” Flapjack settled comfortably in the blonde locks. Comfortable for him at least.
“Please don’t. It is Camila’s, she'd be very mad at me.”
“She wouldn’t be mad at you.” Ghost reassured him.
“Camila is a very nice lady.” Flapjack bonked him on the head with his beak. “And a spectacular mother.”
“Yes… I know, but still—” Hunter sighed. He played with the pages, not yet able to focus on the text. “Luz is very lucky.”
Ghost licked his hand. Hunter giggled again, jerking his hand away from her.
“Stop licking me!”
“Well hello there~” Gus came into the living room. Instantly in a good mood, seeing his bro so cheery. To Hunter, he came out of nowhere.
“Gus! Uh- good morning. Did I wake you up? Im sorry-“
“Nah, I just woke up on my own. It’s almost 7 ya know.” Gus said nonchalantly. He knew how to calm his friend.
“Oh.” Hunter relaxed. The house had finally entered the world of the living. Rest easy now, brain.
“Watcha reading?” His best friend came up to scratch both palismen under the chin.
“It’s a book about fossils.”
“Oh cool! Are human fossils very different from ours?”
“I don’t know… I haven’t actually read anything yet.”
“Oh. Well you do that then. I’m gonna grab some juice.” Gus said as he walked towards the kitchen.
“Do you need help?” Hunter gestured to Ghost to get off. Going non-verbal now that the others were waking up. She refused.
“No, I think I got it!” Gus laughed from down the hall.
“Read, nerd.” Ghost meowed lovingly.
Hunter reluctantly did as he was told. He’d have to combat her name calling later. Not that he really minded, he never felt hurt whenever Amity did it, but 3 times in 1 morning was a bit much.
Gus came back from the kitchen, two glasses of juice in hand. He didn’t bother asking Hunter if he wanted one two. The answer would always be no, when he meant to say yes.
He joined him on the couch and they looked at the pictures of human dinosaurs together. Discussing the similarities with their own extinct reptiles. A few minutes later, Amity and Vee appeared in the doorway.
“Hey nerds!”
Hunter couldn’t help the desperate sigh that escaped his mouth. The girls looked at him funny. He looked away embarrassed. He could just feel Ghost’s evil grin radiating from his lap.
“Good morning.” Vee chuckled.
Gus greeted them both. He showed Vee the book, but she had already read it and subsequently showed him her favourite page.
“So the ‘hey nerds’ was warranted.” Amity smirked. “What was that sigh for?”
Hunter met her eyes awkwardly. Her sassy expression matching perfectly with Ghost’s entire being. He’s been called a nerd 4 times in a very short amount of time. So his sigh was just as warranted.
“Flap has been calling me a nerd all morning.” He lied. The bird bonked him on the head for blaming him.
The actual culprit made a ‘mmrrrp’ sound. The white fluffy monster was laughing at them! Then she climbed down to greet her witch.
“You guys wanna have breakfast? Luz and Willow won’t be here for a while.” Vee said.
At that moment, Camila walked in. Hunter’s first instinct was to grab the book from Gus. It took an embarrassing amount of effort to ignore that instinct.
“Good morning kids,” She said cheery. They all said their good morning’s back. “I heard something about breakfast?”
“Yes, because those sleepyheads will take at least 2 more hours.” Amity laughed.
“Luz is usually a morning person,” Gus interjected, looking at Vee amused. “Did you swap or something?”
“No!” Vee crossed her arms with a playfully sour expression on her face. Then her face dropped and her voice got more serious. “Luz actually didn’t sleep well last night...”
She looked at Camila carefully, Hunter couldn’t help but do the same. Amity tapped the basilisks arm, she was probably not supposed to say that.
“Another nightmare?” Camila asked, but she knew the answer. She had one of those ‘worried mom’ expression that they saw very often. Hunter hadn’t been able to place them at first, being extremely foreign to him.
But Camila quickly had one reserved for him too. Luz had to explicitly tell him she wasn’t angry, just worried. He didn’t know how to feel about it yet.
“Poor girl.” Flapjack’s chirp was the only thing that could be heard, because the room was filled with an awkward silence. “You should talk to her.”
Hunter scratched his feathers to discretely tell him he understood. He would try, Luz was more likely to talk to him about her nightmares. Maybe because he had them too? Hunter didn’t feel like he could really help her though.
“Oh, is that ‘Guide through the Fossil Record’ you have there?” Camila finally broke the silence. She pointed at the book in Gus’s hands.
“Yes!” Hunter shot up. “I took it to pass the time, I hope that is alright.”
“That is quite alright, Hunter.” Camila reassured him once more. “You can take any book you like.”
Amity’s understanding look was a lot better than Ghost’s pitiful one. Vee gave him some grace by ignoring him, talking to Gus about her favourite fossil again.
“So breakfast then?” Amity asked.
“Yes, let’s do that. Does anybody want eggs?” Camila rubbed her hands, ready to make breakfast just a little bit more special.
Hunter smiled politely. He did want eggs, but of course he didn’t say anything. Gus slung an arm over his shoulders, making him bend down quite a bit.
“We do!” He called out enthusiastically. Forever his saviour when it came to asking for things.
“Good morning.” Luz yawned as she entered the kitchen. She saw her mom and her friends (except Willow) all at the table. They greeted and welcomed her, but were already done with breakfast.
“Feeling better sleepyhead?” Amity kissed her on the cheek when Luz sat down next to her.
She nodded and returned the kiss. She still felt horrible, but an itty bitty bit better. And that’s what her girlfriend asked.
Clover and Emmiline had hitched a ride on her. Luz appreciated the company after a night like that.
“There you are buddy~” Gus cooed as his palisman stepped on his hand.
Clover flew over to Hunter and Flap. She buzzed up a storm when she joined the little cardinal in the blonde nest.
“Aye que lindo~” Camila cooed and the kids laughed. Hunter felt his face get hot from embarrassment.
Still, he’d never tell the precious creatures to leave. He had accepted his fate as ‘palisman free real estate’ long ago. Besides, Clover was always fun to be around.
He understood the constant buzzing and was trying his best to hide it. Apparently, Clover had tried to get her witch out of bed early for once. It didn’t go well. It was near impossible for him to not laugh as Clover described the things Willow miraculously slept through.
Buzzing next to her ear, sticking a paw in her nose, tickling her nose with bee-fuzz. He could clearly picture it.
The bee had even considered dropping something heavy on her. Luckily for the unaware witch, Luz came to the rescue. Or ‘disrupted her creative process’, as Clover saw it.
The aforementioned saviour looked at him curiously. Luz knew. She also knew he wanted to hide it. In her opinion, he was scared for nothing.
They would all think it was awesome he could talk with their palisman. A sharp pang of jealousy shot through her heart. ‘Their palismen’. That didn’t include her.
“Should we wake Willow?” Hunter asked.
“I’m NOT doing that again!” Vee burst out. Whatever she was doing was put on abrupt hold.
“Have you learned nothing?” Gus joined her passion.
“I still haven’t fixed that hole in the wall.” Camila mummed, squinting over her coffee.
“Sorry Mami…” Luz laughed awkwardly and her mom ruffled her hair.
“It’s alright Mija. When you live with 4 witches it was bound to happen.”
“Yeah…” Amity laughed in the exact same way as her girlfriend, “so not a good idea.”
“Luckily you don’t have to.” Willow chimed in as she entered the kitchen. “Also, I’m still very sorry about the wall.”
The group greeted her. Camila also reassured her about the wall again. She offered to fix it together to make her feel better. The plant witch happily agreed.
“I’ll make you two some eggs.” Camila got up, taking the empty pan from the table.
“You had eggs? Without me?” Luz gasped in fake-offence. She got up and put a hand to her forehead, like a Regency woman about to faint.
“How dare they. Such betrayal!” Willow joined her demeanour. Interlocking her fingers with her bestie. Those historical romance movies were leaving their mark.
The girls hooked their arms together, turned around dramatically and walked those 4 feet to the stove as fancy as they could.
At the table were 4 sets of eye-rolls. But they couldn’t say they weren’t amused. Amity snickered lightly and Hunter chuckled into his hand.
“Does that count?” Willow spun around and pointed at him. Then looked at Gus overjoyed. “Does that count for the game?”
“Sure!” Gus laughed. He smirked wide at his bro, whose expression soured. Hunter pouted and crossed his arms. This game was ridiculous if you asked him. “One point for Luz and Willow, I’ll write it down later.”
“We’re still behind Flap though.” Luz giggled.
“It’s not fair, he’s too cute!”
After the girls finished their breakfast the group got to talking about their plans. They wanted to do something fun and Camila came up with an idea. She offered to take them to the mall since she had an unexpected free day. Gus was insanely excited to explore and soon enough everyone matched his energy.
Except Luz.
She was smiling and cheerfully talking, sure, but she seemed off somehow. Hunter knew what Luz was normally like. She clearly wanted to go, but was apprehensive for some reason. He could guess what it was.
Willow and Vee, under leadership of Gus, ran upstairs to get out of their pyjamas. Camila followed at a calmer pace, after looking down at her bathrobe and fluffy slippers. Amity wanted to follow them too, but stopped in her tracks.
“Are you coming?” She asked Luz.
She had also noticed her girlfriend’s attitude was not as bubbly as it normally would be. Luz loved getting out of the house to show her friends the human realm.
“Oh I’m all set!”
She showed off her lame cat-hoody with pride. A black cartoon cat was on it, with the text ‘cats are clawsome’.
“Um.. alright.” Amity reluctantly agreed. She couldn’t think of anything to say. Maybe it’ll be easier for them to talk at the mall.
“I’m also ready to go.” Hunter said, gesturing to his own normal sweater and jeans. “You go change, and I will clean the table.”
“I’ll help!” Luz called out, jumping on her bro. She was doing too much now, looking overly excited, trying to conceal her feelings.
They grabbed the breakfast supplies as Amity went upstairs. The resulting silence while the put stuff back in the cupboards made Luz uncomfortable. Hunter thought it was quite nice, but she felt the need to fill it.
“So~ what did Clover say when she was all upset?” Luz bumped her shoulder into his.
“She was describing very vividly how she tried to wake Willow up early.” He smirked as he patted the little bee.
“Oh yeah,” Luz laughed and patted her too, “Sorry, baby, but that’s mission impossible.”
“So… what’s up with you?” Hunter questioned. Luz turned to him slowly with an uncomfortable expression. Now she missed the silence.
“When did you get so good at that?” She pouted. Hunter shrugged, credit belonged Flapjack for this one. But he had gotten better at it. Somehow.
“I heard you had a nightmare?” Flap was still in his hair, happy that his witch had listened to his advice.
“Who snitched?” Luz joked. She really didn’t appreciate Vee or Amity telling him that. Did they tell her mom? Was she worried?
“Vee did, but go easy on her. You shouldn’t keep those things to yourself.” Clover flew onto his shoulder and Emmi walked upside down on his arm.
“I’d rather tell you myself.” She pouted again. She couldn’t be mad at her kinda-twin for long. Vee never lied to mom and it was probably better to share anyways. She just didn’t want to admit that Blondie was right.
“Then do so.” He said, proud of his wit. He absentmindedly picked up Ghost, holding her like a baby.
Luz looked at the very serious boy covered in tiny magical animals. He looked so happy with his smart-ass respons. She wanted to brake out into a belly laugh. But instead she felt broken.
The nightmare had come back to the forefront of her mind. She thought about how her own palisman couldn’t join them in using Hunter as their playground. They were still stuck in the egg.
She didn’t even know if they were alive.
This sight made her laugh with tears forming in her eyes. It startled Hunter. He fumbled for a second, unsure and concerned.
Then he moved Ghost over to one arm and reached out with his other hand. He held Luz’s head. As she sniffed, he lightly pushed her towards him.
She immediately gave in and moved into the awkward, palismen-filled hug. Her head was resting on his chest and she looked down to Ghost in his arm. She mewed. Luz tickled her belly, laughing weakly through her blurry vision.
“She says ‘there there’.” Hunter translated. Rubbing her hair like she was also a cat. Considering everything, this awkward hug was quite impressive. Luz blinked away her tears and sighed.
“My nightmare was about my palisman. My egg… and Eda.” She paused to wipe her eyes. “I dreamt I was with her, carving the palistrom wood. But this time when I was done, she told me I made a mistake. That I shouldn’t have made it an egg. That I- that I… killed it.”
She pressed her face into Hunter’s chest when the tears filled her eyes again. She regretted telling him now, what if the others walked in? What if her mom saw her like this? Once the floodgates opened, she couldn’t stop.
“It was so messed up! How could my brain make Eda say those things?” Her voice was breaking, she was staining his shirt. She felt Clover rub against her cheek and Ghost licking her hand.
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Hunter shushed her. “Nightmares are funny like that. They put your fears right in your face in the most horrible, screwed up way possible.”
“Yeah!” Luz turned to Ghost again. But forgot Clover was there, getting a face full of bee. It made Hunter snort. He quickly regained his composure and continued with a gentle voice.
“But don’t worry Luz. Your palisman is alive, I promise.”
“Can you promise that?” She pulled back to look into his eyes.
“I can. I’m sure they are alive. I can feel it.”
“Thanks Hunter!” Luz barrelled back into the hug. It made Flapjack fall off his head. She squeezed his lungs out as the little cardinal chirped aggressively. “Sorry Flap.”
“He says he forgives you.” Hunter smirks. Luz’s chuckle was still weak. She sighed and let go of her friend.
“I’m just so scared something is gonna happen to it.”
“I understand, but listen Luz. Your egg is save. It’ll hatch and you’re gonna show your palisman to Eda.”
Luz looked up at him, smile big and genuine.
“And before that, I’ll guard it with my life.”
The boy covered in magical creatures, shining brightly like the sun, was now back to looking hilarious. Luz broke out into the belly laugh she wanted before. She definitely felt better now.
The gang was outside getting ready to get into the car. Luz felt a little restless again. Her talk with Hunter helped a lot, but her fears didn’t just magically disappear. She wondered if there was a spell for that.
She looked at Hunter. He did say he would guard it right? No. No, thats not fair. He should not have to-
“Can I stay here?” Hunter looked at Camila nervously. Standing in the doorway, still half inside.
The kids stopped in their tracks and turned to him confused.
“I want to, uh, take care of the palismen.” He tried to explain. Picking up Emmiline from the ground as he smiled anxiously. “We shouldn’t leave them alone.”
“We’ve left them in the house before.” Gus pointed out confused.
“Ah well yes. That’s true…” Hunter trailed off.
“I understand, but it doesn’t feel right to leave you behind.” Camila tapped her chin. She didn’t want to force this kid to go to the mall. She still struggled with how to treat Hunter.
There was deafening silence. Guilt crept up on Luz, but he smiled at her. Did he really not mind?
“I can stay?” Willow offered suddenly.
“Huh?” Hunter’s eyes shot to her instantly. A tiny blush crept over his face. “No no no, thats not necessary! You wanna go to mall, right? You should go, have fun.”
He waved his hands, laughing awkwardly. He cursed his voice and his face. Titan why?
“I will stay. I’ve been to the mall enough times.” Vee said, snorting at the stupid boy and prodding him in the side. “Plus, it’d be boring without this guy stumbling through stores and cafes.”
Hunter was conflicted between being grateful and offended. He pushed her away with a hand on her face, earning a laugh from the others. Then he remembered Camila was there too and his back straightened.
“Okay, then the problem is solved right?” Amity asked, rearing to go.
“Yup!” Luz took her girlfriend’s hand and led her to the car. Glancing back to give a silent thank you to her bro.
“Are you guys sure?” Gus asked.
“Oh yeah, we’ll be fine.” Vee waved him away.
Willow looked at them confused, silently questioning Hunter if he was really sure. He smiled at her as genuinely as he could muster. She accepted it, and got into the car with Gus.
“I forgot something!” Luz ran back suddenly. Basically running through Hunter and Vee into the house and up the stairs. Hunter walked after her a little bit, watching the stairs from around the corner.
She flew back down holding her egg. She slid to a stop in front of him. Hunter held out his hands and she gratefully put the palisman in them. He saluted her and she beamed at him.
Then she flew past Vee, saying goodbye, and entered the car. The stragglers waved the off, while Hunter kept the egg behind his back. Camila drove off and the gang was in for fun mall-day.
Hunter and Vee retreated into the house. Vee stared at the palisman in his hands while they walked to the living room. Something stirred in her.
“So… What was her nightmare about?” She asked while giving him side-eye.
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to share that.” Hunter looked at her confused.
“Was it about the egg?”
“Yes or no.”
“That’s not fair, you know I can’t lie!”
“So yes then.”
Hunter gave her a disappointed look. Her behaviour was surprising. And annoying. Where was this coming from?
“Okay, I’m sorry. I was just…” She looked down at her claws. A little ashamed of herself. “I asked her, ya know?”
He did know. It made sense now. Hunter didn’t fully drop his disappointment, but looked at her intrigued. He waited for her to continue.
“She didn’t want to share it with me, but with you it’s like immediate.” Vee made an explosive gesture.
Hunter’s expression softened. An upset Vee wasn’t easy to comfort, but he could understand her.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m not.”
“I was just curious, okay?”
Vee was about to defend herself, shoulders tense, a finger pointed at him. Basilisk-fury burned in her eyes. Then her arm dropped and she looks more sad than anything.
“I still don’t know if she even likes me.”
“Aww Vee, of course she does!” Hunter put a hand on her shoulder, but removed it slowly when she turned to him irritated. “I mean uh- it’s Luz! She wants to be friends with everyone.”
“I took her place for months!” Vee plopped down on the couch, hugging her tail to her chest. “She said it was okay but what if it really wasn’t? She doesn’t trust me…”
“Just because she didn’t want to talk about her nightmare, doesn’t mean she doesn’t trust you.” Hunter sat down next to her carefully. “It was just a… difficult subject.”
“Then why did she tell you so easily!?” Vee buried her face in her tail with a defeated sigh.
“I don’t know! Probably because of what we’ve been though together.” Hunter tried not to think about the mindscape too much. “Because I get nightmares like that too. And last time, she told me just because I was the only one still awake.”
She still didn’t look fully convinced. Hunter tapped the egg in his lap. Gently running a finger along the grooves.
“Or maybe because I’m a Grimwalker…” He said softly. Vee lifted her head. “She knows palismen are different with me.”
Vee opened her mouth, but couldn’t think of any words. Hunter’s expression was bittersweet. His true identity was a difficult subject too. They rarely talked about it after the reveal.
She had hoped to bond over the fact they were both (part) demon. But she respected his wish to keep it hidden. Maybe this could help him think more positively about being a Grimwalker?
“It’s a pretty cool trait.” She patted the egg. Hunter sighed.
“I don’t know why Luz tells me those things.” He’d rather to stay on the first topic. “But she doesn’t tell Amity either and I’m pretty sure she likes her.”
“You’re right.” Vee giggled. She patted Emmiline as she climbed on the side of his head. “I mean it though, it’s a cool trait to have.”
“Thanks.” Hunter shifted uncomfortably. “I just know it’s not normal.”
“And?” Vee jumped up from the couch. Basilisk-fury returned to her eyes. She shifted into pastel version of Hunter with a clown nose on. “Normal is boring!”
“Hey!” Hunter put the palismen aside to chase her. Which gave Vee a substantial lead, running around the house as clown-Hunter.
They chased each other for a while, the palismen even joined in. Eventually they tired themselves out and Vee retreated to her room to watch a show on her phone.
Hunter wanted to start cleaning again, but Flapjack and Ghost threatened to actually break the duster. So he returned to reading ‘Guide through the Fossil Record’.
He’s always been a fast reader though. Finishing the book under two hours. He put it back on the shelf and boredom took over.
“You look tired.” Clover buzzed.
“He didn’t sleep at all last night.” Ghost mewed at her.
“Thats not true!” Hunter protested. “I slept like 3 hours.”
“That’s still horrible!” Clover flew into his cheek, like a fuzzy punch.
“Yes.” Flap joined his bee friend by pecking his other cheek. “You know that is not a sufficient amount.”
“Yeah, tell em Emmi.” Ghost pushed the chameleon with her nose. The blue palisman stuck out her tongue as her eyes drifted in different directions. “She agrees.”
“Take a nap Hunter.” Flapjack chirped, prodding into Hunter’s cheek again. He averted his eyes with a ‘hmpf’ sound.
“Yes. Nurse Clover demands it.” The little bee said, floating pointedly in his face.
“Nurse Clover?”
“Doctor Flapjack’s orders.” The bird joined in flying in front of his face, to look at him very serious. Hunter just thought they was cute.
“You with them?” He looked at Ghost and Emmiline who had laid down next to the egg.
“With them?” Ghost elegantly crossed her paws. “I run this hospital.”
“I’m a brain surgeon!” Emmiline called out proudly. The other palismen exchanged uneasy glances.
“Yeah… I wouldn’t let you operate.” Hunter tickled her under the chin.
“Anyways.” Clover landed on his knee. “Nap.”
“Yes nurse.” He sighed.
He held Luz’s egg to his stomach and laid down. The carefully carved wood was brimming with potential. Hunter could feel the life softly emanating from the inside. They weren’t quite there yet, but the creature would join them soon enough. And they would be a little menace, just like their witch.
The rest bunched up together and found a place on his legs. Turned out they were right, he drifted off almost immediately.
Hunter woke up to giggling and something fluffy in his nose. He heard a camera shutter.
“Shit my sound was on.”
His eyes flew open when he heard Luz. He flinched back, but didn’t get up fully. His head spun from the sudden movement.
He was once again surrounded on the couch. His friends were standing behind the coffee table. Luz was closer in a photographer position with her phone. The giggling had not yet stopped.
Hunter finally investigated the fluffy thing that had been tickling his nose. Ghost. Of course. It seemed he had turned on his back in his sleep, hugging Luz’s egg to his chest. Then the other palisman found their way to curl into his stomach, while Ghost had planted herself in his neck and against his face.
“Welcome back guys.” He yawned when he managed to sit up just enough to lean against the armrest. He snuffed the remaining cat hairs out his nose.
“Good morning~” Amity teased.
“Is this what you meant by ‘watching the palismen’?” Vee poked the Grimwalker in his cheeks.
Luz slapped her sister’s arm and gave her girlfriend a look. If they teased him, Hunter might never sleep again! This was the first time she had even witnessed it. It’s totally not important that she was the one taking pictures of him, not at all.
“I had no choice!” Hunter joked, relieving her concerns. “It was nurse Clover’s orders.”
“Aww that’s so cute!” Willow cooed at her bee still sleeping soundly against his stomach. A soft pink quickly formed on Hunter's face.
“And she’s not wrong,” Gus added, saving him from saying anything stupid. “You need to sleep more, dude.”
Hunter wanted to fire back a snarky respons, but Amity noticed something. The noise she made brought everyone’s attention to her.
“Wait. Why do you have Luz’s egg?” She asked, visibly confused.
A few ‘oh hey’s and ‘wait yeah’s filled the room. It was like everyone just now noticed the blue palisman resting in Hunter’s hands.
“I asked him to keep an eye on it for me.” Luz answered for him.
Hunter carefully handed her precious carving back to her. Luz smiled very gratefully, she was able to have fun at the mall without worrying.
But if he wasn’t opposed to teasing right now…
“Still, this was sight to behold.” She smirked. Hunter’s warm and selfless aura dissipated as he squinted a look of betrayal at her.
“I’ll say!” Gus laughed. “We didn’t expect to come back to this pile of palisman on the couch.”
Hunter sighed. He guessed he should be more embarrassed by this. But those two could tease him all they wanted, because he really didn’t care.
He was stopped, for the second time, from making a smart-ass respons. His attention quickly snapped towards Camila, who just rounded the corner of the living room.
“Ohoho~ look at all the sweet babies together.” She said, when she witnessed the Palisman cuddle herself. “Tan lindo~”
Hunter’s eyes were now locked on their host. His hands fidgeted, picking at his fingernails. He looked at her with a hopeful smile. This was good in her eyes, right? Lindo meant cute, right?
Was it okay to be proud of this? Or should he come off as humble? Wait, was he supposed to say something now?
“I just put the groceries in the kitchen, who can help me put them away?” Camila continued with what she actually came for.
Hunter sprung to his feet.
“Yes! I can do that!”
The huddle of still-sleeping palisman got a rude awakening. As one collective, they slid off his lap. Hunter cringed when they hit the ground with a loud thump.
“Sorry guys…” he grimaced.
Ghost hissed at him and Emmiline made some disgruntled noises of her own. Flap en Clover laid on the ground, absolutely dazed. Nobody was hurt, they were made of wood of course, but that was still stupid.
Hunter cautiously lift his head towards the matriarch. She looked more surprised than anything. What did that mean? What was behind that expression? How could he be so forgetful?!
Amity broke into a snicker. Everyone turned to her and she tried to hide her laugh. But she failed. Luz gained her own wobbly smile from looking at it.
“Sorry, that was really funny.” Amity said as she walked over to Ghost. Who yowled when the witch picked her up. “Oh hush, you little drama queen. You’re fine.”
Luz was about to crack. Vee and the other witches were starting to have amused expression as well. Even Camila put a hand over her mouth, wrinkles formed in the corner of her eyes.
So, she wasn’t mad?
Soon, everyone was giggling again. Willow and Gus picked up their own palisman to shush their whining. Hunter looked at everything a little dumbfounded.
The laughter washed away any feelings of shame. He didn’t feel ridiculed, even though the were laughing at him. He felt a little stupid, sure. But the energy surrounding him was warm and soft. Like the morning sun was shining in his face again.
Hunter bend down to pick Flapjack up. The cardinal was still a bit dazed, but gave him a look anyways. He’d get a righteous amount of hair-tugging later.
“Alright then!” Camila sighed her last chortle away. The Dominican mother gestured to the vague direction of the kitchen. “Shall we?”
Hunter gave her a sheepish smile and a diligent nod. The awkward boy happily followed Camila into the hallway.
Maybe, just maybe, Vee was right. Maybe it was a pretty cool trait to have.
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thousand-winters · 7 months
I headcanon years of exhaustion sometimes just catch up to Hunter randomly, and he just falls asleep anywhere, especially cuddled up to Darius and/or Eberwolf
Oof, I can see that, especially considering that one comment Zeno had made about Hunter not being used to how comfortable hugs are and just conking out whenever someone hugs him.
Even if he was sleeping better in the Human Realm, on behalf of not having the duties of a soldier anymore and feeling somewhat safe for the first time in his life, it didn't seem to be enough to catch up on all the rest he needs from pretty much years of sleep deprivation. It's likely he wasn't resting too well even if he had the time, because even if he was avoiding thinking about all of his trauma, the secrets Luz and him were hiding weren't exactly making for the most calm of experiences, and it's probable too that he had nightmares about everything despite refusing to address the issues while awake.
I don't think avoiding everything is going to be an option anymore after everything. He might want to try, but after Flapjack's death and now that they're back on the Demon Realm and he's living with Darius and Eberwolf, he doesn't have an excuse like "oh, I have to focus on trying to build a portal" or "I don't have time to think about what happened to me because I need to plan for where I'm gonna live and what I'm gonna do". For the first time in his life, he's going to have an stable living situation and while there will be a kinda awkward period of adjustment while Darius, Eber and him get used to their new dynamic, he's still the safest he's ever been in all senses, which means all of that trauma is finally going to catch up on him.
As a result, I think the nightmares are going to get a lot worse at the beginning, and without a goal to gather energy to fulfill, he truly is going to have no choice but to feel and process whatever he's feeling and that alone is going to be exhausting.
So, Darius or Eber hug him? He closes his eyes and he's half asleep like five seconds into the hug. He's sitting at the table waiting for breakfast and his head almost slams on the table because he started snoozing accidentally. He sits down on the couch and he tries to keep his eyes open but they're already half-closed by the time one of the other two join him. They're out in town and Darius feels him leaning against him and suddenly more and more of his weight is resting on him. It's a bit concerning but they figure that he has a LOT of sleep to catch up on and if he merely needs to rest, then there's no harm done, though they probably try to double check with a healer just in case.
If he's by Darius or Eber's side while sitting down, they just hug him closer and adjust him enough so his neck won't be sore when he wakes up, but they let him sleep. If they're out, Darius has no problem giving him a piggyback ride or carrying him until they get home and he can lay him down on a bed. Unless Hunter has a previous commitment he really has to attend or he has to eat or anything like that, they try to let him sleep, and only make sure he's comfortable and warm.
Hunter finds it a bit embarrassing and probably has that learned guilt of "I'm being far too lazy and they're going to get fed up with me eventually" because of all those years with Belos, but overtime he relaxes a bit because neither of them seems to really mind. In fact, suddenly there are more pillos and blankets on the couch, on the back of chairs at the dining table and anywhere that Hunter could feasibly fall asleep on.
It feels a bit baffling since once again the house is looking a bit messier because of his presence but Darius, who's the only one who could be vaguely irritated by it, was even the one to suggest it, and as odd as it is, Hunter does like the feeling of being cared for like this.
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Starving - Hunter  Shy! Fem! Human! Reader
T/w: Mildly suggestive?? Idunno they kinda french kiss… for a bit... They cuddle on a bed. He leaves love bites. I’m sorry
Request By: WinterBlue_Angel22
Prompt:  Hi! ✨️ Can I request a fluffy long oneshot with prompts: "Um, H-hunter, d-do you w-want to m-makeout with m-me?", "W-what? A-are y-you s-sure, Y/n?", [French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.], [Tucking his hands beneath his shy!female!human!reader's shirt, just to watch she breaks the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of his warm hands on her skin.] and "W-wow, that is so a-amazing, H-hunter." about Hunter and his shy!female!human!reader are having our first makeout session together on bed in guest room at Luz's house on Human Realm when everyone was gone for movie night? What kind of reaction Hunter has when she shyly asked him to want our first makeout session with her? 🤭 I bet he will be shy blushing mess to it, haha. 😂 Hint#1: suggestive moments ⚠️: french kisses and hickey. Hint#2: She gets makeout idea from Luz and Amity. 🤣 At end, Hunter angrily chases to catch Luz and Amity around Luz's house for corrupting his shy human girlfriend's innocence. 🤣 I really live for flustered Hunter! 💗 Please??
Hunter and his girlfriend had stayed home at Camila’s while everyone else had gone out to watch a movie. Hunter, however, preferred to stay home to watch a movie. This way he wouldn’t be bothering anyone with his reactions of sudden excitement, fear, or random theories and predictions. (Y/N) didn’t mind any of this though; she loved hearing him.
The two decided to watch a movie together on the couch instead. They picked one out called the Megamind. The couple cuddled together on the couch as the movie played on.
Hunter and his friends had been in the Human Realm for several months. He enjoyed it there. At first, he was scared about what would happen next. Everything had happened to suddenly. He was horrified of the thought that his friend would find out if he was a Grimwalker. Things had gotten better, however, when he met (Y/N). He found her on one of the group’s outings to discover more about the human realm.
He looked down at her curled up form and pulled her closer. He remembered how time stopped when he saw her at the park. And then he saw her again at a store, then almost a dozen times everywhere, and then at the park again where Luz finally convinced him to talk to her; that was when it all started. Hunter had always been slightly awkward around others, especially since he never interacted with witches his age until he met Luz and her friends. Now, he had a human girlfriend! He never thought much about it, but sometimes he wondered what would happen once they found a way back into the Demon Realm.
After being about halfway through the movie, he noticed (Y/N) was getting a bit cuddlier. Hunter smiled to himself and he pulled her closer. After a few moments, (Y/N) broke the silence, “Um, H-hunter?” He turned to look down at her again. Her face had gained a deep blush and he smiled, “Yeah?” he asked sweetly. She hid her face in his arm. “D-do you w-want to m-make out with m-me?” she stammered shyly. Hunter blushed madly, “W-what?!” He squeaked, feeling the red burning in his ears. He had never kissed (Y/N) before. He already found that cuddling was a big jump- he hadn’t ever thought that she’d ask to make out!
Hunter’s face was a deep crimson, and he shuffled around shyly on the couch; she wanted to kiss him! He turned away nervously, feeling his heart race: he could hear it throbbing in his ears. He exhaled shyly and danced his fingers over his leg.
He finally stirred up the courage to speak again and looked at her, “A-are y-you s-sure, (Y/N)?” He asked shyly. He felt a knot in his throat: he had never had an intimate relationship with anyone. What was he going to do?
“Mhm,” she hummed. Hunter felt his heart skip a few dozen beats. His ears bent backwards and he bit his lip, Oh my Titan, what do I do?!
“Oh,”  He murmured gently, feeling her nuzzle his arm. His mind was racing and so was his heart. Hunter looked away shyly and shifted around on the couch. He pulled his legs up and curled them around (Y/N). He had no idea where to start.
He shifted again, making (Y/N) sit up while he did so. He locked eyes with her for a split moment, but he hastily looked away again. After another few moments, he curled his hands into fists as if he was ready to face a fight, and let out a breath.
“O-ok!” Hunter said, smiling. He was excited, but more so nervous. He didn’t think he even understood the concept of a romantic relationship yet. “Really?!” (Y/N) exclaimed, jumping up with delight. Hunter nodded shyly, his ears bending back and turning red.
(Y/N) giggled happily and embraced Hunter, pecking his cheek as she did so. Hunter’s eyes widened and he blushed madly, his light skin darkening into a deep red. He wrapped his arms around (Y/N) slowly, nervously, pulling her closer to him.
She pulled away from the peck and smiled at him. Hunter felt his heart melt and his entire body relax. His gaze softened as he stared at (Y/N)’s deep pools of (e/c).
Hunter leaned down and pecked her lips lightly, feeling a sudden wave of nervousness and excitement wash over him. A blush ran ablaze across his face from ear to ear. He pulled back hastily and looked away shyly, and (Y/N) did the same.   
“I-I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he squeaked bashfully, “um… I’m- I’m just nervous…” he hugged his arms nervously. 
“It’s OK,” (Y/N) reassured him softly, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, Hunter.”
He froze for a moment, feeling his heart sink as he realized. No one had ever offered him to not do something. He had always been demanded and expected to do as told. Hunter sighed; he wanted to. He wanted to do so much with (Y/N) but he was too nervous. He was surprised he had even been able to ask her to be his girlfriend.
“No, it’s-” He stammered nervously, “It’s n-not that I don’t want too…” He blushed madly, visible nervousness on his face. “I…” Hunter hesitated, then sighed, “I just… I don’t know how!” He finally confessed, locking eyes with her. His eyes were sad and full of worry. His ears had bent back in shame.
“Oh, Hunter,” (Y/N) soothed gently and placed her hand over his. “Don’t worry,” she said gently. “I… I-I can… show you…” She offered, blushing deeply. Hunter looked away for a moment, but looked back and nodded shyly. He almost looked like a sad puppy!
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She smiled at him, “OK…” She exhaled, “Ready?” He smiled and nodded sheepishly. “OK, let’s try again.”
She pressed her lips against Hunter’s, closing her eyes. Hunter flinched slightly, and his pointed ears bent back again. He froze, feeling the warmth of (Y/N)’s lips against his. Slowly, he closed his eyes and melted into the kiss.
(Y/N) pulled away smiling at him; the two were a blushing mess. They began pecking each other randomly, shyly kissing each other’s faces and lips. Every time Hunter pecked (Y/N), she blushed a bit more, feeling a thousand butterflies fluttering throughout her body.
Hunter then sat again, and shifted himself towards (Y/N). He sat down, crossing his legs on the couch. Slowly he leaned towards her again and pecked her lightly. Hunter didn’t fully pull away, he stayed close enough to keep kissing her gently.
Finally, Hunter’s hands slowly went up to her, and he cupped each of her cheeks. He pulled her towards him, and he kissed her for a long time
Hunter pressed his lips against hers, almost as if he wanted to taste her. This was everything he never knew he wanted. He had never felt the warmth of someone else, he had never felt loved or wanted. All he had ever been was useful to Belos. Not anymore though; he didn’t care if he was useful anymore. Now he felt loved and he knew what he wanted: Hunter wanted to be with (Y/N).
He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss as he did so. Hunter began to feel the starvation take control of him, it was in every bit of his body. He didn’t understand what it was but he knew how to satisfy the intense hunger his heart felt: every time he pulled her closer a bit of the starvation lessened.
Hunter pulled her even closer to him. He kissed her amorously and (Y/N) kissed back. Suddenly, he felt (Y/N)’s hands curling around his wrists. Her gentle fingers wrapped around him and pulled him closer to her. Hunter melted again. His face was hot, his mind was racing, and his heart was both racing and melting.
(Y/N) then pressed her lips against his even more. She tilted her head and deepened the kiss. She wanted to get a taste of Hunter. She then bit his lip lightly and he froze for a moment in surprise. He had… liked it. It was like she wanted him close too.
Although they had kissed for a while, Hunter was still nervous about how to continue. Suddenly, he felt (Y/N) part her lip slightly. The warmth of her tongue surprised him yet also soothed him in way. Her tongue began to trace every bit of his mouth, and he followed. They kissed each other passionately as if desperately trying to remember one another.
The two finally pulled apart and were a blushing mess. Hunter looked over to see the credits playing on the TV screen, then he looked over to the front door. He swung his feet over the couch and stood up. He blushed lightly at the idea but continued anyway.
“C’mon,” He said, picking up (Y/N) bridal-style, “Let’s go somewhere more private.”
(Y/N) blushed madly but giggled, “H-Hunter!” She said smiling. (Y/N) hid her face in his chest as he carried her up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. Hunter laid her next to him on the bed and began pecking her face and kissing her softly again. Between the kisses Hunter would nuzzle her lightly making (Y/N) smile. She wrapped her arms around Hunter and kept him close to her.
Hunter kissed her passionately again and again. He slipped his hands under her shirt, feeling (Y/N)’s back as he did so; her skin was soft and warm. (Y/N) gasped suddenly, breaking the kiss and pulling away.
“H-Hunter!!” She squeaked, pulling her shoulders in slightly as if she was trying to hide. He laughed lightly to himself, looking at (Y/N) and pecking her cheeks. Hunter smiled, he had no idea how wonderful loving and being loved could feel.
Hunter started to cuddle her. He didn’t even know what he was doing. All he knew was that he wanted to feel close to her. He began to kiss her jawline and slowly make his way down her neck. Hunter nuzzled her lightly, wanting to hide away in her soft skin.
(Y/N) smiled shyly as Hunter went on. She gasped suddenly when she felt a little nip on her neck, and then another, and another…
“H… Hunter…” She stammered softly, “Sweetheart, what are you up to?” Hunter smiled for a moment, but stopped hastily.
“Oh uh…” His ears pulled back suddenly as fear took over his heart. Had he done something wrong? “I-I,” He blushed in shame, “I... I’m s-sorry (Y/N)...” He began to lift himself onto his side. “Did… did you… like that?” He felt his heart race unsteadily. Maybe Belos wasn’t the only one who didn’t want him anymore…
“Mhm,” She hummed gently. She pulled him back in even closer and Hunter felt himself melt. He melted anytime (Y/N) had made him feel wanted.
He smiled, kissing her passionately this time. “Well, I guess I’ll continue then.”
(Y/N) laughed, “Hunter! You’re so sweet!” Hunter smiled at her. He nuzzled her again and continued leaving little love bites all over her neck.
The two cuddled for a while. Suddenly, a thought broke Hunter out of the moment.
“Hey, uh, (Y/N),” he asked, his focus intently on nothing.
“Yeah?” She hummed.
“Ummm…” Hunter frowned slightly in thought, trying to think of a way he could ask. He knew (Y/N) well enough to know she was quite innocent and sweet. “How… uh… why, I guess, did you think of… making out?” He squeaked the last few words.
(Y/N) blushed, her eyes opened and she hid into Hunter. “Um… I accidentally… maybe… walked into Luz and Amity??” She replied nervously.
“Huh.” He said, pulling (Y/N) closer. “Good to know…”
He hid into her chest, “(Y/N)?” he nervously called her name.
She smiled. His voice and been soft and full of nervousness. She knew he needed comfort and spoke gently, “Yes, Dear?” He melted in her arms. Hunter bit his lip for a moment.
“I-I… I love you…” 
She kissed his forehead gently, “I love you, Hunter.” He felt ease in his heart, and a sudden completion of his soul. This was what he had been starved from: (Y/N)’s love.
                                      ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After a while of cuddling, the two finally heard everyone coming back. They made their way downstairs and towards the front door to greet them. Hunter, however, had something else in mind. He was quite flustered and ready to face it.
As everyone made their way into the house, Hunter looked for Luz and Amity. Everyone was talking about the movie they had watched and how great it was. Guz and Willow were visibly excited to have experienced a ‘Human Movie’.
Hunter finally spotted them. “LUZ! AMITY!” He called out to them sternly. The two girls froze and stared at him in silence.
“Um…” Luz broke the silence, “What is it?” She stared at him and (Y/N).
“(Y/N) told me she got a little idea from you too…” He glared at them with arms crossed. “She said you two were ‘making out’ in front of her… Care to explain?”  
They both blushed madly, and Luz was the first to speak. “How much did you see?!” (Y/N) blushed again, looking away.
“Um… a… a bit…?” She murmured, unsure of what to say.
Hunter ran at the girls, “YOU TWO CORRUPTED HER!”
“AGH!” The two shouted in unison. Luz grabbed Amity’s hand and dragged her with her. They ran around the couch, into the kitchen, all over the first floor trying to escape Hunter.
“Niños! Calmense, por favor!" Camila begged them to stop and calm down. It was utterly useless. Hunter was determined to get them.
Everyone else laughed at them. (Y/N) watched Hunter and smiled to herself. If he was willing to protect her innocence, he was willing to protect her from any harm. She blushed lightly and laughed. This is gonna be a long night.
                                      ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This was surprisingly difficult to get through. It took me a whole week to finish it. Huh. Well, thank you all for reading and thank you WinterBlue_Angel22 (Wattpad) for requesting! It means a lot that my one-shots have caught your attention enough for you to request! Requests remain open but please keep in mind I they may take a while! Thank you again! 
GIF from Tenor 
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P.S No matter how fluffy your prompt is I will always find a way to make Hunter emotionally starved and traumatized <3🤞💖💗❤️ 💞 😍😍
-Deathlight Gato (I’m gonna pass out dammit)
Who is your favorite. Fearless. Hero.
Who is your favorite. Fearless. He-e-roooo.
                                       ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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sokkadora · 2 years
thanks to them — hunter (gg) x clawthorne!reader
continuation of comfort crowd & hold out!
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summary: after months of trying, the hexsquad make a daring try to get back to the demon realm.
a/n: okay um. the requests are going to be coming over the course of this week (no promises 🙏🏼) but. you will be seeing them soon!
wc: 5.2k
warning(s): possession, blood mention, (almost) dying, flapjack dying :(
You squeeze Hunter hand tightly as your. eyes droop and Luz’s mother opens the door, and gasps in shock to find six teens looking disheveled out in the rain, as Luz looks up at her.
“Hey, Mom.” She shrugs softly, and starts tearing up. “I'm back.”
Camila and Luz stare at each other for a moment, before Camila gives daughter and gives her a warm embrace, both crying.
Camila invites you all inside for dinner, and after finishing you all contribute to cleaning up. Camila is washing the dishes, Gus helps her by using magic and an awkward Amity gives her a cup of tea. Camila smiles, and pats Amity on the shoulder.
She joins you at the table, leaving a seat for Luz between you and her as Willow rubs a hand against your back as a comforting gesture.
Luz gets out a box of bandages that have cartoon mascots resembling Eda, King, and Hooty, and she sighs softly. Hunter approaches her quietly, grabbing onto the doorframe.
“Hey. Thanks for not telling them that I'm a...” Hunter starts, looking away, embarrassed.
Luz opens the box of bandages, staring at the bandage softly. “A grimwalker?”
“Shhhh, don't say it so loud!” He shushes worriedly. Luz hands him two bandaids for you, and he stares at them for a moment before speaking. “Uh... what about you? How've you been since, uh...?”
“Since we were in Belos’ mind? Since I found out I helped him meet the Collector?” Luz squeezes her eyes shut, holding back tears. “Oh my gosh, Hunter. They're all gonna hate me.”
“What? Psssh!” Hunter scoffs lightheartedly, stepping closer to Luz as she wipes away her tears and slightly smiles at Hunter. “No, of course they won't. They won't hate you any more than me when they find out that...” He starts panicking. “I might be a clone of... someone who was a... witch hunter... with... Belos...”
Luz and Hunter frown, and slowly turn their individual gazes to their partners; you and Amity.
“(Y/N) already knows and still loves you, but… we'll tell them. When we're ready..”
Hunter nods and the two join the others in the dining room. Willow scoots over a seat for Hunter to sit next to you as Luz sits on your other side and places a bandaid on Amity’s hand.
“Okay, so in the Demon Realm, you fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster...”
Hunter shakily grabs your arm, pulling you from your thoughts to sit up straight and watch him. He opens the bandaids and places them over them on the scratches on your arm, and smiles worriedly at you. When you smile and take his hand into yours, it quells any fear he might have that you don’t love him the same as before you knew he was a grimwalker.
“Well, he started out human.” Gus says, and you and Hunter turn to listen to the conversation.
“Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?”
“The Collector.” You say, clearing your throat as Camila turns her attention to you. “We don't know what he is or how Belos found him.”
“Who knows if we'll ever figure that out?!” Luz says, panicked. Amity and the rest of the table (except you) look at her, confused. “But they're creating a lot of chaos.”
“We have to do whatever it takes to get back.” Amity states firmly, turning back to Camila.
“And you will. But for now, you should all rest.” Camila smiles, looking around at all the kids that are now in her care. “You're all safe here.”
Camila shows you and the other girls to Luz’s room, and Gus and Hunter to the basement.
Vee, the basilisk Luz told you about, shows you, Willow, and Amity a small black box with numbers on it with a wide smile.
“In the morning, instead of screaming, it'll do this!” She presses a button on it, and it activates an alarm.
You stare at it curiously while Willow and Amity gasp in shock, jumping up from where they were sitting.
“Don't worry, Vee!” Amity says, placing an arm in front of Vee.
“We'll keep you safe!” Willow shouts, destroying the alarm with her plant magic. Once it collapses on the floor in tiny pieces, Willow and Amity smile. “Good work! It's dead!” She and Amity bump elbows as you pout and Vee stares at the alarm clock sadly.
“Uh... thanks.” Vee says sheepishly.
You look down at the floor where Willow made a hole with her plant magic, and glance up to see Camila peeking in the room. You sheepishly smile, drawing at spell circle and casting a spell that fixes the hole.
Camila smiles at you thankfully, and closes the door.
Over the months you stay in the human realm, there are multiple tries at a portal door to get back to the Demon Realm, but they all fail. But it doesn’t stop you from having fun there, after all, Camila has made time to take you all on tons of trips over Luz’z summer break. You cut Hunter’s hair for him as he shyly explained what he had found on Philip and his brother, and you both experienced human rain for… the first(ish) time.
That one had to be your favorite memory here so far, giggling at Hunter being covered in mud as you hopped down the stairs. You kneeled and brushed the mud out of his hair and eyes, and his shy grin that he always gave you when you were that close.
But summer came to a close and Luz was at school, so you and everyone else were hanging out in the abandoned house behind Luz’s home.
Amity, Gus, Hunter, Willow were all trilling R's, while you and Vee — having lived with Luz and Camila, were speaking perfect Spanish.
Gus mumbled to himself, “Am I doing this right?”
You and Vee spoke into the tablets app, and a ding sound came from it, making the two of you grin.
“Perfecto! You're our top student!”
Amity squinted at the tablet. “Hmm. I was the top student once.”
Flapjack begins pecking at the table, and you glance at Hunter, who shrugs.
“He's still doing that, huh?” Gus asks, crossing his arms and looking up at Hunter.
“He won't tell me what he's looking for.” Hunter sighs and shakes his head.
Camila enters the shed with a warm smile, “Hi.” Looking around she grins, “Ooh! I like what you've done with the place. No more exposed nails or possum nests. But this still confuses me.” Camila motions to a painting of Hooty on the door, and you squint at the droopy paint.
“Yeah. He still confuses us too.”
“Hola Camila.” Gus smiles, waving at her. “We're learning Spanish from this scary owl app.”
“Hoot hoot! Practice every day, or I'll appear in your nightmares.”
Camila blinks in surprise. “Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to pick Luz up from school.” Camila grins, placing a hand on her hip. “Pop quiz; ¿Como se dice eso en español?”
“Oh, oh! Uh... Hunter inhales and starts speaking strained Spanish.
“Voy a recoger a Luz de la escuela.” You grin, clasping your hands together.
“Muy bueno!” Camila grins and winks at you. “Keep it up.”
Amity sighs after Camila leaves, “Maybe we should take a break.”
“A siesta.” Willow grins.
“Siesta!” Gus exclaims, bounding up from his spot on the floor.
“We've been here for months, and we've made no progress on the portal door.” Amity explains, throwing her arms out in exasperation as she stands up. “We can't expect Camila to take care of us forever.”
“In the meantime, we could pull more weight around the kitchen.” Gus nods. “My mustard ravioli did bring tears to her eyes.”
“Those weren't the kind of tears you're thinking of.” Vee cringes.
“I can help fixed damaged clothes!” Hunter holds up a shirt he made / fixed, grinning.
Willow holds up a plant monster, “I can spruce up the garden!”
“Maybe we need to look elsewhere. There's an entire Human Realm to search.” Amity says, placing a hand on her chin while pacing in front of the group.
“But Luz has school most of the week.” You say, a hand on your hip.
“So? Let's explore the town ourselves. After all, Luz went into the Boiling Isles on her own.”
“If Eda came here before, maybe there were others. Maybe they left something behind we can use.”
“Yes! That's the spirit! Together, there is no challenge that can hold us back.” Amity trips in a hole Flapjack pecked and faceplants, making everyone cringe. Amity groans, “Ow.”
“It's a sign! We're doomed!” Gus gasps.
“Come on Flapjack, this isn't funny anymore.” Amity grunts, until she sees something in the hole. She gasps, “There's something in here.”
Amity holds up a hexagonal box as the group gathers around her. She opens it and takes out a scroll and unrolls it.
You kneel down next to her, and run a hand over the paper. “Hmm. Looks like… a map?” You guess, looking up at Amity.
“Or a secret code?”
Flapjack chirps at Hunter, landing on his shoulder. “Flapjack, is this what you've been looking for? What does it lead to?”
“That eye, it kinda looks like the old portal door.” You say aloud, making Willow and Gus gasp.
“The portal door!” They link arms and begin chanting. “Portal door! Portal door! Portal door!”
“Alright, alright, calm down,” You smile softly, standing up and putting a hand on their shoulders to stop their bouncing. “Let's tell Luz.”
“What if it's just another dead end?” Amity sighs, turning to face you. “She already feels responsible for our other failed attempts.
“Then, let's not tell her until we can figure it out.” Willow grins. “Using our buff brains!” She flexes her arms, and everyone follows but Hunter, who’s blushing at you.
“Buff brains!”
Hunter laughs, still flustered as he joins in. “Yeah!”
You and Gus head towards the basement after helping Camila in the kitchen, “Thanks for helping, kids.”
“Anytime!” Gus smiles, waving back at her.
“Anytime, Ms. Camila.” You wave, “Good night!”
Gus hops down the stairs and swings around a banister, flopping on the couch as you walk down the stairs normally. Hunter looks up from his sewing and smiles at the both of you.
“Whoo! We've got a big day ahead of us, so I'm gonna buenas this noche.” Gus smiles, getting under his blanket as you sit on Hunter’s sleeping bag.
“Mm-hmm!” Hunter smiles with his eyes closed, and gets his finger caught in Camila's sewing machine. “Ow!” He whimpers, and you gasp.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly, and Gus nods.
“Yeah, that sounded painful.”
Hunter scoffs, and continues sewing, “I've been training in the Emperor's Coven for as long as I can remember.” He smiles confidently at you and Gus, making you smile. “I think I can handle a little...” He cuts his finger, and winces. You and Gus wince with him. “...pain.”
“Oh. That went clean through.” Gus said sheepishly as you pulled a bandaid out of your pocket and gestured for Hunter to come over.
Hunter sat down beside you and started speaking with a smile as you wrapped his finger, “Camila taught me how to use this sewing contraption. Even Darius's stitches have never been this neat. Oh, and look at what I made!” He leans away, grabbing something and holding up a shirt. You scoot back to lean against the couch as you and Gus listen to him. “These are mystical beasts called wolves, and I love them.”
He smiles, his eyes practically twinkling with wonder and joy at the thought of wolves.
“That looks great, Hunter.” You smile, crawling forward and ruffling his hair. He laughs, and fixes it as you crawl into his sleeping bag with a grin. “You know, you've been smiling a lot more since we've been here.”
“It's not like I don't want to return!” He turns to you and waves his hands, denying that he wants to stay here permanently. “I just need a way to pass the time. That's all.”
“No. It's good to see you happy.” Gus chuckles, nuzzling into his pillow. “One of us might as well be.”
‘You could say that again,’ You think to yourself, sighing as Hunter joins you in his sleeping bag.
“What was it like to be in the Emperor's Coven for so long?” Gus asks curiously.”
“I trained a lot. I studied a lot. I wasn't really allowed to be around the other scouts.” Hunter explained as you turned on your side to look at him. “But weekends were nice. I got to leave the castle for missions.”
“…” You look at his gloveless hands and stare for a moment. “Do you miss it?”
“I miss…” He sighs and turns his head to you. “knowing who I'm supposed to be.”
“I miss my dad.” Gus says despondently, turning onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.
“I miss my mom. And King.” You sigh, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“Even Hooty?” Hunter asks, shuddering.
“Yes, even Hooty.” You chuckle, hugging his arm to your chest.
Hunter smiles down at you, “We'll find a way back. We have to.”
Gus gasps excitedly. “Oh, my Titan. That's a line from this book I found.” He jumps off the couch and rustles around in a box before pulling out a book. “Cosmic Frontier! It's a story that takes place in the stars.”
“Why would anyone wanna go up there?” Hunter asks curiously.
“I don't know. Humans like spreading their junk everywhere.” Gus shrugs, but continues rambling. “But it's a story of people trying to get back home, like us.”
“Uh-huh.” Hunter nods, intrigued as Gus hands him the book and points to people on the cover. “We got Captain Avery, Security Officer Quando, Alien Princess Gorina, and a Chief Engineer O'Bailey who's hiding as a clone from the enemy planet.”
Hunter gasps, and looks at Gus as he walks towards a door, “What, uh, happens to him?”
“I guess you'll have to find out.” Gus opens a closet to reveal costumes, and shares a grin with Hunter.
The next day, the rest of you without Luz gather in the abandoned house again.
“All right. Luz is at her mom's vet clinic putting tiny little bandages on ‘hedgehogs,’” Amity grins, standing in front of everyone. “So today, we're going into town to solve this code.”
“Ears.” Gus nods, pulling his beanie over his ears.
“Routes.” Vee nods.
“Snacks,” She shows her bag off and pulls your arm around out to show off the snacks on the inside of your jacket. “check.”
“Human disguise, check. Eh?” Hunter announces, walking in and drawing everyone’s attention. He was wearing a costume from the book Gus had shown the two of you last night.
You blushed, clapping at him enthusiastically, “Oh, that is a look.” You grin as Willow snaps a picture of him.
“According to Cosmic Frontier, this is what the modern human male wears.” Hunter informs, walking in while reading the book.
“This was written in the '90s about the year 2008.” Vee cringes after taking the book and reading the cover.
“Yeah. Can't wait for that New Year's party.” Hunter chuckles at Vee as you approach him, holding up his arms and circling him to look at the costume better.
“This costume is so accurate, Hunter.” You compliment, holding up his arm. “Down to the stain on side!”
“I kno— wait, there’s a stain?” Hunter questions, making you giggle as you quickly cast a spell to get rid of it.
“And did you two get to the last chapter?”
“O'Bailey and Gorina are still hiding the fact that O’Bailey a duplicant in hyperdisguise.” Hunter grins.
“But Captain Avery is figuring it out!” You squeal.
“I think he already knows but-“
“Ah, bup-bup-bup! No, no, no, no, no spoilers!” Hunter squawks, covering his ears.
“Hunter, I don't think the world is ready for the brave fashion choices of the year 2008.” Amity says, her nose scrunching up in disgust at the costume. “Please change.”
You quickly lunge at her and put a hand over her mouth. “Don't listen to her!”
“Aw, geez,” Vee morphs into her human form and holds up the map. “we're gonna miss the bus.”
“Oh, it's okay! I'll catch up.” Hunter waves them off. “There's a transport worm every half hour.”
Everyone heads out, you lagging behind while grabbing your fanny pack. You quickly step over and kiss Hunter’s cheek, and turn to him before closing the door.
“With that costume, it seems I’m going to need your help with a Gorina look when we get back.” You wink, closing the door as Hunter blushes at you.
After looking around and finding some answers, you take the bus back to Luz’s house to find Hunter in the basement with Flapjack while Gus brings the costumes upstairs for the others to look at.
After Gus leaves, Hunter turns to Flapjack after you set down the stuff you pickpocketed on the desk. Grinning, your palisman flies out and you prepare to search through it, but Hunter starts talking.
“Did you know about this?” He asks sternly. “That he was here? I can tell you're hiding something.”
Flapjack chirps as you and your palisman share a glance.
Hunter sighs, “Sorry. I shouldn't take this out on you. I'm just scared.”
Clearing your throat, Hunter whips his head to you, who has a brow raise and sits crisscrossed on the chair at the sewing machine.
The sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway saves Hunter from the interrogation, and you both head upstairs. Hunter heads outside while you head into the living room, (P/N) resting on your shoulder.
“Oh, (Y/N)!” Gus exclaims, grabbing an item and running up to you with it behind his back. “I know what we’re gonna be for Halloween, but where’s Hunter.”
“He went outside to see Luz, I think.” You scratch your head, and try to peer behind his back as Camila walks in. “What’s your costume idea?”
“You, are going to be the almighty….” He pulls out a blaster, paint splattered over the cylinder barrel. Your eyes light up as you take it from the boy, a grin on your face.
“Gorina!” You squeal, bouncing around before posing and aiming the blaster at the wall, trying to imitate the character.
Luz and Hunter enter the house as you do so, and Gus nudges you to signal that they’re back.
“Hey, we're back!” Hunter chuckles. “And we bought some, uh, cars.”
As Amity turns to Luz, Gus rushes over to Hunter with you.
“Guess what I've got planned? I'm gonna be Captain Avery, (Y/N)‘s gonna be Gorina, and you're...” Gus hands Hunter a prop for his character, and he gasps.
“Chief Engineer O'Bailey?” Hunter grins, squealing as he holds it to his ear.
Camila gulps, her grip on her mug tightening. “How do you know about Cosmic Frontier?”
“All the books in your basement.” You say, smiling at her.
“Oh!” Camila laughs nervously. “Funny how things just show up in basements, right? Without you hiding or putting them there. Life sure is full of surprises.”
“Cool! Humans freak out just like us.” Gus grins, gesturing to Camila.
“It'll be fun. We want to experience your weird human traditions.” She laughs, pulling out a headband and putting it on her head.
The next day at the Haunted Hayride, Hunter helps you out of the car and lets you fix your outfit before grabbing your hand again and intertwining your fingers. Smiling up at him, you stepped close to Hunter, your other hand coming up and hooking onto his forearm as you joined the group.
“All right. We'll keep the puzzle a secret 'till the time is right.” Amity grins as Luz speaks to her mom back at the car. “And then we'll tell her about the Titan Blood!”
Hunter suddenly whips his head around, and glances at Flapjack. “Did you hear that?” He whispers to his palisman so that you wouldn’t hear.
Flapjack chirps as you glance over to Hunter, raising a brow at his attention being off the group.
“Hey, it's okay. It's probably just in my head again.” He quietly reassures as you turn your head back. “Nestle down, Flapjack.”
Luz finally joins them, and Amity grabs her shoulders excitedly. “We're gonna have the best night, and we might even have surprise for you.”
“Yeah, me too.”
After doing a few activities, you move over to haunted hayride, where Hunter helps you up the hay bales and into the tractor, where you sit in between him and Luz. You offer your hand to him, and he takes it with a bashful grin,
“I hope you're all prepared for a truly scary ride.” Masha grins, their bangs blowing in the wind.
“Make us cry! Make us cry!” Gus and Willow chant excitedly, making Masha smile wider.
“Because there's nothing scarier than knowledge.”
“Boo, just lie to me!” Gus heckles, earning a nudge from Willow.
“Let me tell you the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield.” Masha says deviously as the tractor begins moving. “The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane.”
You, Luz, and Hunter gasp, and Amity leans in, moving her bang away. “Wittebane? Isn't that Belos?”
“The year is 1613.” Lights glow behind the four, and they turn to see the story being told in an exhibit. “Two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield. Their names? Philip... and Caleb.“
“Oh, no.”
As Masha narrates the story, cardboard cutouts depicting events that happened to Philip and Caleb play out in the background as the gang watches.
“Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother. They tried to fit in with this town, and its unsavory practices. They became witch-hunters!” Masha informs, the wind blowing the stray strands of hair on their head around. “Local lore suggests that the Brothers Wittebane met a real witch from another world! Her name was Evelyn. And the older brother was spirited away. She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place. They used a secret code to travel between worlds. Philip set off to save his brother and bring the witch to justice. But neither were ever seen again! Maybe Philip saved Caleb, and they went on to lead peaceful lives. Or maybe,” They turn on a flashlight and points it at their face, “he's still chasing his brother, caught in a cycle of horror and strife!”
Masha turns off the flashlight, smiling. “Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset.” Masha jokes. You glance at Hunter, who seems out of it. “But that's just me.”
The hayride ends and the gang gets out of the tractor. Nearby, Hunter hears Belos laughing, which terrifies him. He grabs Luz once he realizes that you aren’t watching, and the two run off.
After a few minutes, the group starts to look for them after noticing.
“Luz? Hunter?” You call out, and accidentally bump into Amity.
She shakes her head, “Did you find them?”
“Calm down. They probably just went to buy some more cars.” Gus reassured as you fidgeted with the seeds on your shirt.
“Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I just- I wanted to show Luz the rebus.” She looks down at the pocket in her dress to pull it out, but it’s gone. “Wait. Where did it go?”
“Kids!” You all hear Camila’s voice call for you, and turn to see her and Vee rushing to you from her car. “Have you seen Luz? And has she, um, said anything weird?”
Vee whips out the phone Camila finds her with a grin. “Boom! Find a phone.”
After a few beeps, it shows Luz’s location to be deep inside the forest. And as confused as you all are, you’re more concerned with finding your friends.
You run into the graveyard Luz was in to see her fighting… Hunter? You gasp as you gently push past Amity, eyes wide as you watch your possessed boyfriend fight off your closest friend.
“Hunter?” You question in horror, the blue glowing eyes that didn’t belong to him glanced over at you with a cruel smile.
“That’s Hunter?” Camila gasps.
“Something's wrong.” Gus shakes his head.
Hunter speaks, but it’s meshed with Belos’ voice. “See, this is why you're so useful, Luz. You're so desperate to help people, you even helped me meet The Collector.”
“I didn't mean to. I thought I was doing something good.” Luz states, clasping her hands over her chest.
“You did do something good. I thought this one was another lost cause.” Belos spoke through Hunter, and you furrowed your brows furiously. “Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting with them!”
He launches his goop arm at you and the others, but you quickly summon your staff, deflecting it and flying off towards him.
He grunts as you, Amity, and Gus use your magic to try and knock him down or restrain him, but to no avail.
“Hey, Belos. Remember me?” Gus shouts, and Belos launches his arm out again, only for you and Willow to latch onto it and slam it onto the ground to restrain him.
Vee runs forward, “Hang tight, Hunter!” She starts draining his magic with her powers.
Amity snatches Vee away before she can be knocked away. “Vee, watch out!”
After making sure Vee was safe, you all fly back to try again, but Belos knocks Amity, Gus, and Willow out of the sky while you narrowly dodge the smack.
You quickly cast a spell for a cloud to appear under them before they hit the ground, and turn back to Hunter and Luz.
Luz uses Hunter’s staff and teleports to him, hugging his arms to his sides, “I know you can hear me, Hunter. Fight him off!”
Belos flips Luz off of him, and Amity creates a bridge of ice and vines to catch her as you swoop down and break her fall. Letting her roll off you, you quickly sit up.
Flapjack starts chirping and pecking at Belos's antlers, but the he immediately catches the small palisman. Everyone freezes, and Belos chuckles darkly.
“That's right. You wouldn't want me harming your precious palisman, would you?” His grin drops for a moment, before returning. “Oh, but then again, I don't care what you want. Goodbye, Evelyn.” Belos sends sharp parts of himself shooting through Flapjack. You gasp, tears welling in your eyes as he lets go of the bird
“Flapjack!” You cry out, Luz crawling over as he lands in your hands. “Flapjack, you'll be okay.” You gently caress the top of his head, and he chirps at you.
Hunter groans, holding his arm as he stands up. “You know what I'd like, Belos?” He slowly trudges towards the lake, the vial of Titan’s blood in his grasp. “'d like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step foot in that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic, and learn how to carve palismen. I'd like to attend Hexide as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. I’d like to be able to see my partner without worrying about you killing them. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!” Hunter throws the vial of Titan's blood into the river, and Belos takes over again.
“No!” Belos jumps into the water, managing to catch the vial but falls unconscious as a result.
“No!” You gasp, standing up and moving to the edge of the bridge.
“Move.” Camila says sternly, brushing past you. She jumps into the water to save him and a few moments later, manages to rescue him.
“Be careful with him!” You shout, moving to the edge to help.
The others help you and Camila hoist Hunter onto the surface, you gently set his head on your lap, hands cupping his face.
Belos finally leaves Hunter's body as he takes the monstrous form he previously had.
“Caleb, you would stab me in the back?”
Luz stares at him angrily, “You did it to him first.”
Belos, outraged, smashes the vial of Titan's blood into the archway, opening a portal to the Demon Realm. Your mouth drops open, but your glare remains.
Belos growls, “This is for the good of your souls. You'll thank me later.”
He goes through the portal, leaving everyone speechless.
“That's the Belos you've been fighting this whole time?!”
You turn to the group after shaking Hunter for a while, “Guys, Hunter isn't moving.” You cry, tears in your eyes as you lean down to his face to listen for breathing.
“Vee, call an ambulance.” Camila says, and Vee nods, standing up and pulling out her phone.
“Uh, do human doctors know about possession?” Willow asks, eyes welling with tears.
“Or Grimwalkers?” You ask, looking up at Camila desperately.
“We should still call a doctor.”
“I'm not getting cell reception.”
“What do we do?”
A weakened Flapjack flies out of Luz's pocket to Hunter, and the others watch despondently. Flapjack rubs his face against Hunter’s cheek and chirps sadly, then settles down, sacrificing his life to revive Hunter as the others sadly watch on.
Hunter groans and slowly opens his eyes, which have turned brown, “Hey, guys. Is everyone else okay?”
Gus and Luz share a glance before turning back to Hunter, “Actually, Flapjack...”
“Don't. Don't.” He cries, hand clutching his chest where Flapjack last laid. “I already know.”
The tears you’d been holding finally fall as Hunter sits up, leaning back on you for support as you hug him from behind tightly.
“Sit up slowly, baby. Are you in pain anywhere?” Camila asks worriedly, placing a hand on his shin.
Hunter squeezes your forearm as you cry into his back. “I'm okay.”
You don’t really hear the others talking about the Collector over your silent cries and sniffs, but when Hunter turns around and takes your face into his hands softly, you feel grateful.
“I thought I lost you,” You sighed as he stood and pulled you up, not letting go of your hands,
“I’m here.” Hunter smiles, pulling you over to Luz and the others.
“Mija, now that I've seen what you're up against, there is no way I'm letting you go back there alone.” Camila says firmly. “It is our duty to help your friends get back to their families.”
“But...” Luz starts, but Hunter steps over with you right behind him.
“You were tricked. That's what Belos does. He tricks people.” Hunter says grimly, earning a squeeze on his hand from you. “But if it weren't you, it would have been someone else, and then there'd be no one left to fight back. So let's do that. Let's fight back. Please? For Flapjack?”
Luz turns her gaze back to you, and she’s reminded of her family on the other side. Your shared family. You smile encouragingly at her.
“For Flapjack.”
The portal pulses, and the group turns their attention towards it.
“The portal's closing.” Vee points out.
“Then we better head in.” Luz nods, and you and Hunter make your way to the portal first.
Standing before it, he looks to you, and you look at him. You give him a smile reassuring smile, and he sighs shakily.
“Time to go home, Flap.”
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criticowl · 2 months
Lunter Fic Idea
The idea is that Hunter reads an Empire-approved book about Wild Witches that claims that they intend to rebuild their clans and culture using the "Superior, magic rich genes of proper Coven Witches!" and then lists out all the ways they go about formally claiming and courting a mate like they're some wild animal. Hunter thinks it's nonsense of course, but then Luz starts fulfilling some of those conditions and performing some of those actions (Without realizing) and he ends up thinking that she has fully embraced Wild Witch culture and is after his powerful Coven Witch babies. Luz, meanwhile, is just vibing and bonding with her newest friend! She also enjoys just how blushy and easily flustered the cute Witch boy is! Luz: *Grabs Hunter's hand* C'mon, I wanna show you this new glyph combo I just found! Hunter: Sure Hunter in His Head: UNHOLY TEMPTRESS! VILE SEDUCTRESS! WICKED BEWITCHER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Of course, it wouldn't always be silly moments, gotta throw some real sweetness in there too. I thought of juxtaposing them with dreams at the start and end of each chapter, the starting one being goofier and playing more into the "Empire Boy Thinks He's Going to get Unga Bunga'd", where as the close-out one would be more intimate and soft-hearted, all hooded eyes and candlelight. Highlight his turmoil over these feelings of attraction and a different kind of Want, wholly new things to him that Luz induces, how he both wants to luxuriate in and fears these emotions. As an example of one of those closing dreams; Hunter wanders in the dark forest, unsure where he is or why, when he suddenly clears the wood. There, up a hill illuminated by blue moonlight, standing before a simple stone altar, she stands. Luz, clothed in a black, sheer cloth that flowed in the gentle breeze, her back to him as she stares up. He's as confused as he is drawn to her. When he's naught but a few steps away, she finally speaks. "The oldest Witches joined under the full moon, whenever it shone." She said quietly, as she reverently traced the runic designs in the altar, "So that their children would be born healthy and strong, so that their magic would be as a deep well, plentiful and pure." She turns to him, and while her smile is as bright as ever, it's different, more demure and coy, the moonlight outlining her toned, lithe body behind the thin cloth, stealing his breath away. However, the shine it gives those ever wide, chocolate brown eyes, hooded now and warm, always so warm for him, is what steals his heart. "Well come on, silly," she says with a quiet chuckle, reaching a hand out to him, "Don't keep me waiting!" And then he wakes up, and all at once his heart feels so full it might burst, and like he's in freefall, terrified of how much he enjoys these feelings, of what's at the bottom of this fall he's taken
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Hello! 💕
Can I request a long fluffy oneshot with prompts: [“You’re very warm, it’s comforting., Hunter.” from Y/n's sleep talk made his face went crimson red] about how would Hunter (TOH) reacts if his shy!female!human!reader suddenly pulled him into her chest amidst her sleep thinking he was a pillow in guest room at Luz's home? 😂💕 Like would he try to escape or would he die there out of embarrassment? 🤣 I really love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! 😆✨️ I really live for flustered Hunter! 💕 Please??
Hello :D sorry it took me this long to write your request 😅 but I rly enjoy this concept!
Anyway, let's begin!
Key words: h/c - hair colour
It's not very long (that's what she said) but writers block be hitting hard 😔
(don't mind the gif)
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Y/n and Hunter laid on Hunter's bed, or to say mattress. Gus looked at Hunter with a grin as Y/n slept peacefully on his chest, making him roll his eyes at him
"Wow, never thought you of all people would be in a bed with a girl." Gus whispered, laughing at his own joke, "no offense." He added, but Hunter still rolled his eyes
"Yeah, you're just jealous I have a girlfriend and you don't." He smirked, Gus just looked at him with his brow raised
"I'm twelve." He said with an 'are you serious' tone. Hunter's eyes widened as his cheeks turned slightly red from embarrassment
"Yeah- I forget that sometimes." He said. Gus let out a breathy laugh, watching Hunter carefully shift around on the mattress trying to find a comfortable position but also trying not to wake up Y/n
Y/n groaned in anoyence, her eyes still closed, as she shuffled a bit. Hunter stood still, thinking he had awoken his sleeping girlfriend, but luckily he didn't
Hunter let out a sigh of relief as Gus only laughed at him
"You're very warm. It's comforting, Hunter." You mumbled in your sleep. Hunter's eyes widened as he turned a bright shade of red, Gus but his bottom lip as he tried not to laugh, only making Hunter's embarrassment worsen
"Shut it!" Hunter whisper-yelled through gritted teeth as now a hand flew to Gus's mouth, trying to muffle up his laughs as much as possible
Hunter's ears dropped as he stared daggers towards Gus. He only held his mouth for dear life, trying not to make a loud laugh escape his lips
You only let out a sigh of enjoyment as you hugged him tighter. Hunter looked down at you, his face softening as he ignored the struggling Gus on the couch. Wrapping an arm around you he hugged you close and closed his eyes, cuddling with you
He heard Gus's muffled laughs start to die down and shuffling on his bed. He assumed he finally gave up trying to make fun of Hunter and went to sleep
Hunter smiled at that, he felt you shoving your face deeper into Hunter's neck. With a smile one of his hands reached your hair, his finger tangling into your h/c locks as he scratched your scalp
His eyes soon became heavier and heavier as he soon drifted off to sleep, his hand still tangled in your h/c locks
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This little huntlow drabble has been sitting in my drafts for ages. It's short, but I figured today was a good day to release it into the world
Almost every day of their first month in the Human Realm, at least one member of the Noceda household wakes to a gift at their door. 
For Vee, her alarm clock, duct taped haphazardly back together and only showing three out of four digits. For Willow, a fresh bouquet of wildflowers, carefully arranged by color in a glass. For Gus, a stuffed giraffe held together by lopsided stitches. For Luz, a scarf in the colors of the bi flag, knitted in heartbreakingly soft yarn. For Amity, a figurine of Hecate, carefully painted over blank clay. For Camila, a tray of breakfast, every single day she sleeps in late.
They start out feeling flattered, accepting the gifts with warm flutters in their cores and thanking Hunter with tight hugs and beaming smiles. But when the gifts continue, week after week, the smiles fade to concerned glances. The gifts continue, bigger, better, more elaborate— but the shadows in the eyes of their recipients only darken, until Willow pulls Hunter aside.
“You know,” she says carefully, “you don’t have to… bribe us into being your friends. Right?”
Hunter’s eyes widen. “I wasn’t trying to bribe you! I just— I thought— isn’t this being a good friend? Making people happy?”
His voice cracks with desperation on the last word. Willow puts a hand over her mouth. Takes a deep breath. Tries to think of a way to explain without him hearing an accusation.
“Hunter,” she says, “do I make you happy!”
“Of course!” he cries, so quickly she knows he’s already blaming himself for her asking the question.
“You make me laugh,” he says, so immediately that she feels a warmth rush through her core. “You encourage me. You’re so strong and confident, just being around you makes me feel better about myself.”
The warmth has grown, filling Willow with sunlight, and even though it isn’t the time or place for it, she fights the urge to beam. 
“So I make you happy just by… existing.”
“Hunter,” she says, and takes his hands, “you do the same thing for all of us.”
She feels his hands go limp, his expression already darkening with denial, and squeezes them with a desperation of her own.
“You do. You make me laugh, too. When you get excited, you talk so fast, like your speech can’t keep up with your brain, and it makes me excited before I even know what you’re talking about. You love the simplest things like pancakes and dogs and weird human shoes. You love, even after everything Belos did to you, and you’re so brave that just being around you makes me feel like I can handle anything that comes my way.”
Hunter is breathing rapidly now, his face red with the effort of keeping the tears at bay, and Willow lets go of hid hands to wrap her arms around him.
“You are good,” she tells him, “just as you are. I wouldn’t like you nearly as much as I do if you were perfect.”
Hunter hears her, she knows he does, because he finally gives in and sobs. 
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emeraldart · 1 year
New AU: Combining the Hunter is raised in human realm and Vee is raised in human realm AUs
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(Vee looks different because she’s disguised as a random scout)
[ID: It’s a comic with characters from The Owl House. First panel: Boots run over red grass. Text: Hunter: “Cmon, cmon!” Second panel: Owlbert’s wing is visible. A bag with “human treasure” written on it is in the middle. Text: Eda: “Nice haul, Owlbert. Hey! Get away from my door!”
Third panel: A hand holds the door frame. On one side, there’s rain. Text: Hunter: “This way!” Fourth panel: A marigold under the rain. Text: Vee: “Hunter, where are we?” Fifth panel: Vee’s arm is around Hunter. She has brown skin and red hair. Her ears are visible. Hunter is in his Golden Guard uniform without a mask. They both have scratches and tears in their clothing. Text: Hunter: “I think… we’re in the human realm.” Luz: “Mami! I hear something!” End ID.]
Lore dump under cut (there’s a lot)
Maybe about 4 years precanon Hunter is just hanging out and meets Vee and they become best friends (but he definitely doesn’t see her as a little sister because that’d be ridiculous and he’s not at all attached). About 2 years precanon the kiddos are just hanging out when Belos finds them and stuff gets bad. They run but Belos has to keep it low key so the people wont know he’s a bitch. Vees disguise is just based on a scout but due to limited magic she still has spots, ears, etc. They find Eda selling her human trash and Vee thinks it’s a great idea to hide behind this funky looking door with the rain behind it. And then, oh my titan, the rain doesn’t boil. Hunter figures out they’re in the human realm.
Luz (who’s maybe about 12?) finds a pointy eared boy with pink eyes and a shapeshifter so this is the best day of her life. But they’re injured! She calls her Mami who is very confused but she sees hurt kids and is like mine now. So now she’s got these magic children on the run from a mysterious realm. Neat. Through the power of plot armor (idk) they’re officially adopted. They take time to warm up to Camila but they take to Luz instantly.
Luz has 2 magic siblings so she’s even more into fantasy now. So, reality check camp. The principal is meaner because this girl is constantly sneaking her homeschooled siblings into school. So yeah, summer camp. Hunter and Vee are not happy but not really confident enough to tell Camila that. So they wait with their sister for the bus.
Then! An owl comes! Luz starts chasing it and then they start chasing her. Hunter and Vee recognize the isles and possibly Eda. They’re all freaked out but Luz is like, yay! Now we can figure out where you’re from! This is like a side mystery. They do the regular adventures but with noceda sib bickering. Occasionally there’s curiosity in finding Hunter and Vees mysterious parents they’re being vague about and not really being helpful.
In AOAW, Hunter and Vee are being really weird about skipping the field trip but okay, they’re weird all the time. Maybe there’s a mini adventure of them bringing Amity her homework or something. So in YBOS they gotta save Eda. This is a horrible idea but sure why not. Luz’s siblings are being especially mean to Lilith even though she’s trying to be better. Luz doesn’t like her either but like why are they being so mean?
In that part where they find Belos her siblings are so scared but then he grabs them. Luz tries to get them but he takes them to some other room. Oh titan. She does the whole biz but doesn’t find her siblings so she’s very scared.
Meanwhile! Vee is returned to the Conformitorium. Belos doesn’t really have anyone to refill his supplies so he kinda needs her and Hunter. He locks Hunter in his old room and gives him an ultimatum. He does his old duties as GG or else he’ll replace him and Vee. He can’t escape during missions because Vees still at the Conformitorium.
In Separate Tides, Hunter catches up Luz and King on the ship and then Eda robs it. They clarify things, figure things out, etc. So Luz has isn’t entirely reunited with her siblings but she knows where they are. She probably tells Willow, Gus, and Amity, too.
In Hunting Palismen, they free the palismen and defest Kiki so, high on power, they break Vee out. They kinda sorta come home at they same time as Eda and King do with the wood so that’s an interesting conversation. So the next few eps are the same but with siblings and more trauma. Maybe Hunter and Willow also get together in knock knock knockin or maybe not. Maybe during then Vee thinks about a pretty enby they knew in the human realm. There’s also lumity here and there because lumity. Eclipse Lake Belos never gets the key but they only use half the blood and the key is taken Post hollow mind when the EC takes the owl house. Yesterdays Lie has all 3 Nocedas talking to Camila who does know they’re missing in this one. Cue depressing reunion. ASIAS is just silly kids play sports. Maybe there’s a small run in with the EC. In E&E, Luz is extra sus of phil especially with his drawing (of her ‘mano???) but the others stay home to meet del.
Hollow Mind! Night market incident where they just… bump into the traitors. Oops. Still just Luz and Hunter now with less bickering over if Belos is evil because y’know they know. At the end Hunter still runs so Labyrinth Runners can still happen. Vee is there for the whole “you’re a titan, King” deal and comforts him because she gets it. She’s been there.
The siblings reunite in COTH and there’s some minor changes in with Vee in the Belos fight and maybe she goes back to the demon realm with them? (It also makes sense if she isn’t ready). Plot wise it’s the same after Kings Tide but Camilas closer with Hunter and Vee (calling them mijo and mija more, etc.) and sadder because all her kids were missing and there wasn’t really a doppelgänger so she knew they were gone the whole time.
I hope at least some of this made sense :)
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