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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 months ago
Fic Request: Luz and Camila take kid Philip to the mall to see Santa Claus.
Seeing Santa
Summary: Kid Philip meets the "real" Santa Claus at the mall.
Ao3 version
Thank you for the motivation + help, @pokeycub!
"So, are you excited to see Santa, Philip?" Luz asked, her voice as bright and cheerful as Christmas morning.
She and her mother stood shoulder to shoulder with Philip, both holding his hand as they waited in line to see Santa at the mall.
Philip smiled at Luz and nodded.
"Mm-hm!" he happily hummed, knowing that he has been a very good boy all year round... for the most part.
He, of course, made minor slip-ups from time to time, but not enough to receive a hefty lump of coal in his stocking.
Luz and Camila shared an abundance of knowledge about Old Saint Nick and Christmas in general with Philip, including bedtime stories, cooking, baking, caroling, wrapping presents, decorating the tree, and watching popular holiday specials on TV.
They even took him to a parade once where the Santa Claus there performed an adrenaline-fueled motorcycle stunt off of a fire truck.
"Philip," Camila began. "If you're really well-behaved on Santa's lap, I'll take you to go get hot chocolate," she promised, smiling warmly at the brunette.
Philip released a tiny gasp, his blue eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Really?!" he beamed.
Camila, letting out a light giggle at his enthusiasm, nodded.
"Really," she assured him, pulling out her phone to take pictures.
When it was Philip's turn to meet Santa, both Luz and Camila laughed quietly as he rushed up to the male actor dressed in the classic red suit, promptly hopping onto his lap.
"Remember to be nice and smile!" Camila gaily told him, holding up her phone.
"And no biting!" Luz playfully added, pulling out a purple digital camera.
The Santa actor smiled at Philip as he adjusted himself in his red and gold trim chair.
"Ho-ho-ho!" he emitted from his belly, lowering a white gloved hand on Philip's head.
"Looks like someone's excited to see me," he said, gently ruffling Philip's hair, which earned laughter from Luz and Camila.
"What's your name, little boy?" Santa asked.
"Philip!" Philip excitedly told him. "Philip Wittebane! I'm ten years old! How old are you, Santa?"
"Much older than that," he replied with a jolly chuckle, Luz and Camila laughing as well.
"Was there something special that you wanted for Christmas, Philip?" Santa questioned with a smile.
"There is!" Philip chirped, filled with Christmas spirit.
"My very own race horse! I want a brown one with a black mane and tail! I wish to ride him every day! Are you able to fit him down our chimney?"
"A horse? Well, I can try," Santa chuckled again.
Philip slowly shifted his attention to Saint Nick's beard, distracted by its fluffy appearance.
The brunette swiftly began tugging on it without much thought.
"Wow, Santa! Your beard is so soft!" he complimented.
"Why, thank you. I--"
After the fifth tug, Philip accidentally tugs off "Santa's" beard, revealing a man with a stubbly face.
This causes Philip, along with the children in line, to gasp in shock.
Luz and Camila's eyes widened as they silently turned to each other.
Still holding the not real white beard in his hand, Philip turns on a frown as he hops down from the actor's lap.
After the beard is dropped on the ground, he points an accusatory finger at the fake Santa.
"You're not the real Santa! What did you do to him!?" he demanded with a stomp of his foot.
Luz quickly steps in to intervene.
"Alright, little buddy," she said with a sheepish smile, taking Philip's hand as she took him away from the scene.
"Let's just... walk this way."
She returned to her mother.
"But, Luz, the mall lied to us!" Philip protested.
As Luz and Camila began to walk away with Philip, they turned to smile apologetically at the mall Santa, who smiled an embarrassed but understanding smile as he waved goodbye, reaching down for his beard.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 8 months ago
These are great!
Thank u @welcome-home-official! 🩷 🩷 🩷
Hello there! :)
If I can ask, what are some Camilip (Camila x Beardo Philip) and Camielos (Camila x Belos) ideas that you have?
I really love your art for the ships. ❤️
I want to apologize for taking so long with this, I meant to reply but I kept getting distracted TuT ANYWAYS YES I GOT A LOT OF HEADCANONSSSSS! A lot of these may be contradictory because I got a ton ofAUs (Also I have not forgotten that art request of Camila with the Philip plush! I'm so sorry for the long long wait)
Philip/Belos is a romantic at heart, but has nearly no experience (sans a couple of AUs where he was with someone else, like Bump) so half of the time he's just winging it, and then when gets to know Camila better then he applies what he knows she likes.
-They actually listen to each other as partners. There's a few hiccups here and there (as with any relationship) but big misunderstandings are a rarity. -There's very few secrets between them, albeit Philip/Belos' secrets are pretty big (killing Caleb, the DOU plans) so he doesn't tell Camila about them.
-Philip/Belos likes to hand-make Camila gifts, it's one of his love languages (besides quality time and acts of service) -A near constant fixture in every AU (sans the Poly AU) is Luz attempting to sabotauge Philip/Belos and Camila's relationship. Poor girl tries her hardest X)
And uh, I may be a mite stupid because I was reading over this ask again and you said 'ideas' not headcanons so I'm not sure if you meant as in headcanons or art ideas but in which case I can offer up more of those too!
-Them dancing. I got at least three drawings, one which is a ballroom dance. Camila teaches him how to loosen up and have fun with it outside of the usual waltzes he'd know.
-Animatics set to both songs on my playlist and Tiktok audios. I can't think of anything off of the top of my head to share at the moment. -A little montage of Camila and Philip on various dates <3 Some in the human realm and some in the demon realm
-How Camila meets Philip through the timepool (still refining some of my ideas for it)
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celestialscribbler · 2 years ago
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Chapter 4: Luz Heart     Part 10
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Reblog don’t repost please!
Luz, I know its your sad hair from this episode but... it looks kinda familiar....
@astralix13 @fullnewperfection @theydoesart   @missingtundra16  @uhwhathappenedhere @zoop1995 @kataaitheskittle @fidelesir   @mrek-inforg @ellhd-imagination @mekkysh @definitely-asexual-volcano @extremelynerdycat @dcat682 @kyotabasblog @fluffy23sblog @hugtime47 @sivsama @thecardinalcoven @moony221b @i-make-bad-ghost-puns @acaribeau @blue-demon-wolf @h0n3yd3w @ter-claw-thorne @existencebringsonlypain @autumn-girl-17 @that1randomnerd @ratherbeabrcharacter @eltheabberation @wackyattack @thecabaggewoman @herciawillstealyourgender  @stuffjusthappensworld @violetstar250@angelic-anissa @toberz @nerf-cat @kasimba22 @nerdybullshit @soybean12 @enby-catgirl @mirajikan @the-lost-lights @maggotdreamz @all-hail-trash-prince @theonlythingifearistallbedo @a-star-with-a-human-name @kk-is-not-okk
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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 months ago
What if Matthew Hopkins was secretly a witch? Maybe that’s why we don’t see his ears in any of his portraits. If that staff he carry’s around had a palisman, what would it be?
OOO, MAYBE!!! 👀 👀 👀
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That would be such a cool plot twist if he were a character in The Owl House!
He apparently hates humans so much that he disguises himself as one and hunts them down for sport.
No one but him knows his true identity.
He's pulling an opposite Belos, lmao.
Also, I thought about it for a bit, and I think his palisman would be a quail, lol.
What do you think @pokeycub and @talisman975 ?
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enchantedchocolatebars · 5 months ago
Cute Idea: Kid Philip is hiding from Evelyn because he doesn’t want to take a bath.
This is what happens:
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Tagging: @talisman975 and @pokeycub.
I can see Teen Caleb doing this as well. XD
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enchantedchocolatebars · 3 months ago
I saw this meme while scrolling down my Tumblr timeline and saved it to my phone because it gave me major Camielos vibes (if you know, u know), lol.
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Tagging: @princessrainbowpastel, @pokeycub, @talisman975, @leespinoodle, @nightsoulvixen, @dannystarsstuff, @bilumi, @welcome-home-official, @dejaroze, @fullnewperfection, @princesspuresarahk.
Let’s play a game
Everyone post the most recent picture in your camera roll. You only get one sentence to justify yourself if you wish. This one is mine.
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My boyfriend is rly good at Latin, so I was looking up how to say ‘I love you’ but found this instead :)
Your turn!
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enchantedchocolatebars · 7 months ago
Fic Request: Kid Philip is sick from the mold, so Caleb, Evelyn and her parents are taking care of him. Maybe add a moment of Kid Philip not wanting to take the medicine.
Common Mold Medicine
Summary: Kid Philip won't take his common mold medicine unless...
Ao3 version
Thank you for the help, @talisman975!
"Little sips, Philip," Mrs. Clawthorne gently instructed the unwell boy as the mother held a straw to his lips.
He was currently dealing with a case of common mold while laying down on the guest room bed inside the Clawthorne household.
After sipping his water, he murmured a soft thank you when Mr. Clawthorne wiped his chin with the corner of his blanket.
After slipping a bowl of pre-cut flesh and blood fruit into Philip's hands, which the sugars in the sweet, exotic fruit would help his human immune system out, Evelyn changed the damp washcloth on his forehead.
Philip closed his eyes and snuggled into his blanket once his brother finished fluffing his pillow, and he felt the elder's hand gently pat his head.
"Don't worry, Philip," Caleb whispered with the softest of reassurance.
"I know things seem to be unpleasant now, but you're going to be okay. This illness is something you can overcome."
Everyone was making every effort to lower Philip's fever.
Philip turned his head away from the spoonful of cloudy brown-colored medicine being held to his lips.
"I don't want to take it," a stubborn and stuffy-nosed Philip pouted as he crossed his arms in defiance.
"It smells icky," he huffed.
"But, Philip, it's crucial that you take this," Mr. Clawthorne said calmly and carefully as he pulled the spoon back, not wanting to rile up the brunette.
"It will aid in your recovery," Mrs. Clawthorne tried to persuade with a sweet smile.
However, Philip frowned and shook his head.
"Caleb...," Evelyn whispered as she and her parents looked to the blonde in hopes that he could convince Philip to take his medicine.
"Oh, Philip, won't you please take your medicine?" Caleb asked with a small smile as he took a seat on the side of the bed, his tone lively.
At first, Philip wouldn't budge, but then Caleb proceeded to bring out the overly pleading puppy dog eyes.
"Pleaaaase? For me? For your big brwother?" he implored in a sticky-sweet voice, his eyes big and full of sparkles.
After some silence, Philip finally sighed.
"... Fine," he agreed with another huff, frowning about the fact that he had given in so easily as Caleb and the Clawthornes released breaths of relief and smiled at each other.
"But," he continued, developing a giant smirk on his face as he was about to make a deal, pointing a finger at everyone.
"You all have to take it with me."
Those certainly weren't words that Caleb, Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Clawthorne were expecting to hear.
"But, Philip, we're not sick," Mr. Clawthorne gently stated with a tender yet visibly nervous smile, which only made Philip return to crossing his arms.
"I won't take that medicine unless everyone else takes it with me!" he declares assertively and adorably, causing everyone to sigh.
It looks like they didn't have a choice.
"... Mmm!" Philip hummed in delight as he sucked up and swallowed all of his medicine, removing his spoon from his mouth.
"Wow, that actually tasted really good!"
The medicine possessed both a sharp burst of tartness and a sweet, apple-like flavor.
"More, please!" Philip politely requested as he held his spoon out, smiling an innocent, closed-eyed smile at everyone with cheery, flushed cheeks.
Meanwhile, Caleb and the Clawthornes had extremely exaggerated puckered faces as a result of taking the medicine while healthy.
They appeared as though they had all sucked on the sourest lemon ever for a considerable amount of time.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 5 months ago
Cute Idea: Kid Philip and the Collector playfully roughhousing and having a pillow fight.
How regular kids engage in pillow fights:
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Their pillow fight:
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Both keep accidentally knocking each other out.
Anyway, after the battle, King is treating their bruises while Kid Philip and The Collector laugh hysterically about their pillow fight and discuss the possibility of having another one.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 3 months ago
How would things go for kid Philip on thanksgiving?
The Hexsquad would help him make paper turkey arts and crafts.
Also, Kid Philip gets really excited when he sees the Gravesfield Thanksgiving parade on TV for the first time, and seeing all the Dominican dishes on the table that Camila prepared for dinner would make him starry-eyed.
Having Thanksgiving dinner with his found family would remind him of this biblical painting.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 7 months ago
I got Green Bean! 💚 💚 💚
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Tagging: @pokeycub, @nightsoulvixen, @leespinoodle, @bilumi, @talisman975, @welcome-home-official, @dejaroze, @ruiner-of-days, @princessrainbowpastel, @fullnewperfection, @restinpeacebun, and @lunaqueen02.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 months ago
What would Kid Philip and Luz do together?
Lots of fun and adventurous things like visiting anime conventions and exploring various reptile petting zoos in Gravesfield!
Luz even decides to show off the whimsical wonders of her Azura books to Kid Philip.
The result is a heated argument between the two over who would win in a fight between Jesus Christ and Azura.
After an hour or so, Luz and Philip ultimately decide that Jesus and Azura would be good friends, and they write a fanfiction about their adventures together.
They even draw fanart, too, because of course they do, lol. ^^
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 months ago
I just thought of costume ideas.
Collector as Superman
2. Kid Philip as Batman
3. King as Robin
4. Madeline as Wonder Woman
(Madeline Blight is an oc.)
The four bite-sized heroes would "fly" on the sidewalk, working together to safeguard the spooky neighborhoods of Gravesfield.
They would also beat up all the "ghouls" and "bad guys" of the night while collecting numerous sweet treats in their plastic pumpkins.
What do you think would happen, @dannystarsstuff / @starishome ?
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 months ago
I bet Kid Philip would be afraid of shots.
Oh, defo!
(A little unrelated, but I wrote a headcanon for another au where Beardo Philip's daughter [Alma] gets her fear of needles from her father @talisman975.)
Even though he's never received a needle before, they look scary and painful to him.
While he's getting his first one, his eyes are tightly shut, and his face is scrunched as he holds a stuffed horse plush in one hand and Camila's hand in the other.
When Camila gives Philip the news that the procedure is done and that he can open his eyes, he does so and is thrilled!
As Kid Philip squeezes Camila's hand, the mother gives him a small smile and whispers words of comfort, reminding him of the great job he's doing.
He didn't feel a thing!
As Camila and Philip leave the hospital together, Philip is elated and sporting a horse sticker on his shirt that was given to him by the doctor.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 7 months ago
Tagging: @princessrainbowpastel, @nightsoulvixen, @pokeycub, @bilumi, @leespinoodle, @blo0st4r, @mewtsuthefemmewtwo, @fullnewperfection, @talisman975, @welcome-home-official, and @ anyone who wants to play these silly games <3 (open tags).
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TAGGING (NO PRESSURE): @cherry-seeds @punk-angel @amai-panko @churrothezanyrabbit @blooky8 @stupidhany @yuio827 @friendshipgirl @this-machine-runs-on-coffee @pancake-munchkin AND LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO JOIN!!!
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 months ago
Fic Request: Kid Philip and Collector go trick or treating.
Space Panda and Skeleton Man
Summary: Kid Philip and the Collector's first trick-or-treating experience occurs when Camila takes them out to collect candy.
Ao3 version
Halloween is a night of excitement and festive fright for children and families of all ages, as they go door-to-door in their homemade or store-bought costumes and collect treats in their plastic pumpkins.
Knowing this, Camila decided to find time in her hectic schedule to take Philip and the Collector out to participate in the tradition of trick-or-treating.
This was their very first night out in the neighborhood like this, and both boys were bursting with boundless energy as they and Camila approached their first house.
"... Yes, Philip, you can ring the bell," Camila, dressed in her purple Cosmic Frontier cosplay costume, assured her son gently with a warm and radiant smile.
Philip wore his red overalls, with Camila sewing a replacement strap for his missing one, and his wooden mask.
His finger was hovering over the doorbell as he looked up at his adoptive mother to ensure it was okay to push the button.
After hearing her confirm, he smiled and rang the bell.
As the door slowly opened, Philip and Collector's eyes filled with sparkly joy.
"Trick-or-treat!" Both boys sang the magic words as they held out their buckets to the gray-haired woman with tiger face paint on who had answered the door.
She was holding a bowl brimming with sweet treats, while a tubby orange cat stood by her side.
With a tired yawn, the feline retreated lazily back inside.
"Oh, look what we have here!" The good-natured woman beamed out as she directed a manicured nail at the Collector.
"A little space panda!"
Despite not knowing what a panda was, the Collector smiled at this and was pleased to have his regular attire considered a costume.
"And... a skeleton man!"
Philip was next to smile cheerfully at the woman's words as she proceeded to place a few pieces of candy into his and the Collector's buckets.
"Terrific costumes, boys! Happy Halloween!" The woman said as she waved goodbye and closed her door.
"Happy Halloween!" the boys replied back with waves of their own as they and Camila then proceeded to the next house.
It was now Collector's turn to ring the doorbell of the second house as a couple wearing matching costumes opened it.
After receiving compliments on their costumes from the pair, the boys receive candy in their buckets.
A delightfully adorable and eerily fun montage then begins as Philip and the Collector go door-to-door and receive tons of aww's in response to their outfits, followed by being awarded with a variety of brightly colored Halloween candies.
One person, a bulky biker, is utterly moved by the cuteness of Philip and the Collector's costumes and decides to dump his entire bowl of candy into their bags.
Camila couldn't help but smile and giggle fondly while taking pictures of the two and recording everything.
During this spooktacular night, the mother felt a sweet rush of serotonin enter her soul as she heard her boys bubble out laughter all night long and witnessed their wonderful time together.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 4 months ago
What do you think of Kid Philip going as Woody and Collector going as Buzz Lightyear for Halloween?
I think that's a super cute costume idea! 🤠 🚀 👢 🌠
The two would look so adorable together, garner a lot of aww's from all the adults, and receive a lot of candy!
Kid Philip and Collector: (excitedly) To infinity and beyond!
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