#Stanford pines agere
lttl3babybug · 28 days
how do you feel about ford as a caregiver?
Very strongly. I feel very strongly about him. So you can have some headcanons.
Cg!Stanford Pines Headcanons
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🪬 Veryyyy protective of you (mainly cause he knows abt all the weird going’s on in Gravity Falls)
🪬Keeps you in his lap while updating his journal on new things he finds
🪬Occasionally he’ll let you add a few little notes on your opinions about the creatures to the page, you get your own special glittery gel pen Mabel let him have
🪬Keeps an extra paci on him just incase!
🪬He’s always prepared for you to randomly regress
🪬Ford is really good at coaxing you into regressing without you even realising till he’s slipped the soother into your mouth and calling you a handful of gushy pet names
🪬Likes rules, he has a set list of rules that he doesn’t like to make exceptions on
🪬Although there will be things he’s okay with bending the rules on
🪬Nap time is not one of them, he prefers for you to stick to the nap schedule because that way you’re not cranky
🪬Bedtime he’s willing to bend the rules on because he knows no matter how hard you try to stay up with him you’ll end up asleep in his lap either way
🪬Other than that he’s a very much no nonsense cg
🪬He loves to play make believe with you
🪬He’s very good at acting like a damsel in distress if that’s what you need
🪬Quite fond of tea parties, not so fond of getting up off the floor afterwards because his old man joints do NOT appreciate it
🪬Will let you apply makeup to him, does not mean he will enjoy the whole process
🪬If you’ve had a bad day he likes to get you to regress before you sleep specifically so you can go to sleep without having to worry about your day
🪬Snacks! Snacks galore
🪬Will cut up a hundred and one apples for you if you want that many
🪬Healthy snacks are what he’d prefer for you to have but if you outright refuse it he won’t give it to you and he’ll compromise
🪬If you’re a baby regressor he is very happy to bottle feed you. Seeing you all snuggled up in his arms with a bottle in your mouth has him melting.
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littlelambscandyland · 2 months
Bunker Down
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Yan!Platonic Daddy Stanford x Fem!Reader, Side Yan!Platonic Uncle Stanley x Fem!Reader
Warnings- Forced Age Regression, Kidnapping, Use of Daddy (Non-Sexual Obviously), Accidental Self Injury, Time shit I don’t understand, Implied spell casting induced age regression, Reader is implied to be 20,  Ford has blue eyes cause I fucking said so, not matching to the canon ending
Your eyes burned from your sleep. The bones in your body sore and unmoving. You were content on letting yourself rest, allowing yourself some form of recuperating. Want and need were two different things, however, and you found yourself crawling from your covers. With Dipper and Mable leaving just a week ago things are still struggling to get back on track.
Something caught your eye, or rather your feet, when you left your bed. The floor was oddly soft. Now that you think about it, so was the bed. The bed that most certainly wasn’t yours in a room that also was definitely not yours. Your eyes still burn, but your curiosity burns harder.
You stand up with caution and exhaustion. The door was easy to spot among the slightly bright room. It reminded you of the room you saw taped in the back of the first journal, but that couldn’t be the same room. No, that room was your nursery. The room Ford built just for you after your sudden appearance in his life. It did look like it though. Different yet the same.
A part of this situation made you sad. The remembrance of loss and odd deja vu feeling of the room decor made you uneasy. Not the best way to start the day for sure.
Your hand clasped the golden handle and immediately turning it, or trying to. The door knob didn’t turn. The door barely even shuddered when you panicked and slammed yourself against it. It was a chilling realization when you figured out the door wasn’t actually wooden, just painted. You found out when the cold metal dislocated your arm from the pressure.
Your cries of pain stirred something up because a red light blinked above the door lit up and washed over you. Nothing happens. Nothing comes to stop you from angrily banging on the door.
It lasted a while. Sitting on your knees scratching at it with wavering hope. You were tired, but it felt like it’d been so long.
Finally the door opened. Frantically your father, Ford, entered the room. For an old man he moved quickly. All those years running must’ve made him tough if nothing else. He threw you in his arms and rushed you back over to the bed while muttering to himself. He sat with you looking over your damaged arm and hands.
“F-Ford…” You called out to him wearily.
You’d never called him your dad. Not since he’d come back. Not since being alone for so long. You couldn’t bring yourself to rely on him. You couldn’t be his daughter, not when he doesn’t even seem to feel that you are either.
“Dad.” He says searching a bag full of bandages.
You take it back, maybe he did think you were his kid.
“Wha- Just what’s happening?” Your voice rang through the quiet room.
Ford stopped searching and the scuffling noises ended. He didn’t answer. Instead, he works on your hands. Torn flesh wrapped delicately in the bandages. Did you really scratch that hard?
You look up impatiently. “Ford-”
“Dad.” Ford says, wrapping the bandage tighter than needed.
“Fine- Fucking- Dad. What is going on?” You asked anxiously.
“It’s-” He stops. “Hold on one second this is going to hurt.”
He wraps his hand around your wrist and then places his other on the crook between your arm and neck. Ford tightens his hold slightly and pushes hard on your arm. A gasp and a scream leave your mouth as he pops your arm back into its proper place. He pulls you closer into himself and pets your head.
“C’mon, sweetie, it’s okay.” He coos at you. “Shhh-shhh… Daddy’s here.”
As the pain faded he continued to work on wrapping your arm.
“You didn’t answer my question…” You drew out.
“It’s complicated to explain.” Your father answers, finishing your arm. “Overall…” He trails. “I’m just trying to keep you safe. I missed so much and, and so did you.”
“So… Your solution was a concealed box?” You ask.
You couldn’t quite wrap your mind around what he was trying to prove. Why were you locked in? If this was to keep you safe why not lock things out? Your curiosity showed on your face. The slight shake in your hands giving way to your fear.
“I didn’t think you’d wake up so early… Or try to tear the door down. You can’t go acting all crazy like that, kiddo. Why do you think you’re hurt?” Ford says concern lining his scarred face.
“That doesn’t- Why aren’t you answering my questions!?” Your panic voice breaks through.
“I know! I know. I’m just trying to save you…” He sighs and grabs your arms lightly. Ford frowns as you try to pull away. “I just want to have my baby girl back… I think we both deserve that. Don’t you a princess?” He asks hopefully.
It makes sense, a bit, why he’d do this. Bill had thrown you threw a portal at such a young age. This portal threw you years in time. You grew up alone in a completely different time. You made it to your teenage years without anyone. You did it! And you were so proud of yourself. Then again you missed out on being a kid. You missed your father. You missed everything, but, then again, so did he.
These thoughts didn’t shadow your panic. All this made sense, in a way. The man's mind was most likely fractured from all he’s suffered through the years. What you didn’t understand was the nicknames, or the room, or, now that you’ve noticed, the clothes.
His mind may be broken, but how old did he think you were? How old did he want you to be?
You sighed. “Ford…”
“Dad.” He cut you off quickly. A panicked laugh followed after. “I’m your father. I should be treated like your father.” His words rush out.
“Okay, I get it. But you still aren’t really explaining anything to me! Like the clothes, the room, fuck, the-the door? What exactly are you hoping to gain and what exactly is the plan here?” You integrate the man.
Ford lifts you into his arms with ease. Your tense body seemingly makes no difference to him. Your face to face with him, his broken frames shadow some of the intensity in his eyes. Blue eyes darkened by age and trauma. Your heart pounds dangerously hard against your ribs. Eyes wide and panicked matching his tired and manic orbs.
Ford rests his head against yours, but doesn’t close his eyes. His intense gaze frightens you and you close yours tightly to avoid his own.
His voice comes out thick and heavy. “I know… It seems radical. I know, you’re scared.” Your father says, moving away, cupping your face in his large hands. “I just want us to be happy again,” He whispers desperately. “Is it that bad to want to see my baby grow up?” His voice breaks. “I know, I know it seems odd right now, but you’ll get used to it! You can be daddy’s little girl again! Wouldn’t that be nice? No more worries just you, me, and occasionally your Uncle Stan.” He finishes with a smile filled with hope and delusion.
“I think,” You say, trying to pull away. “You need to take some time to- to calm down… Everything that’s happened and after all that occurred Dipper and Mable had to go home. I get it your- your stressed, but I really don’t think you’re thinking straight. Y- Y’know?” You plead to him.
Ford says nothing. His grip tightens every time you try to wriggle out. You’d never felt afraid of him until now. The lack of natural light, the decoration, the words from his lips, all have you in a state of fear you've never experienced before. Which was saying something because you’ve been through some stuff.
His eyes harden and he’s suddenly standing with you in his arms. Ford walks out of the room and up a set of stairs. Were- were you in the basement? Surprising you a bit when you made it to the door at the top of the stairs you weren’t met with the inside of the shack rather you found yourselves in the hall between the two mens’ rooms. Confusion crosses your face.
“We added a separate entrance so it’d be more safe. On top of that it’s more discrete.” Ford smiles pridefully.
You try to leave the older man's grip again, hoping maybe you could find some comfort in being a few steps away from him. This hope dies quickly when he simply switches you to his other hip. How the hell is his 70 year old ass able to hold you for so long? Your fear boils over to anger as you try to push yourself out of his arms.
“Ford! Ford put me down!” You shout pushing as much as he pulled.
He wrestled with you all the way to the living room. His grip was tight enough to carry you even while you tried to fight.
“That is enough young lady!” He shouts and plops you down onto… Another lap? “I’ve had enough of this little tantrum. Now you're going to sit there and be good for Stan while I get you breakfast. Am I understood?”
Your heart stopped. Not even when you were little did he yell at you. You were always his “little angel”. You never got in trouble. It was startling to hear him angry at you.
“Don’t think you answered your old man there sweetheart.” Stan chimed in.
Realization hit you for a moment. Your father threw you straight onto your uncle's lap… And your uncle seemed completely fine with what was going on… Are you going crazy?
“Why- I - uh - I…” You trailed on in a stuttering line.
“C’mon I know you’re young, but spit it out will ya.” Stan says with faux irritation.
“What- What is wrong with the two of you?!” You shout in frustration.
You try your best to scramble off of Stan's lap. A fight you lost very quickly when the old man crushed you into a bear hug. Through your pleas of “let me go” and “why are you doing this” you were cooed and hushed at. You found that your uncle seemed to find some sort of humor in your “tantrum”. He shouted jokes to Ford about how much more difficult you were being all because of a little change. How you were so pitiful it was cute.
Your movements came to a halt when you heard your father clearing his throat. Stan makes another joke about how you’re really in trouble now. Your eyes water quickly and your breathing becomes erratic. Before Ford could even scold you for you “bad behavior” you were having a full blown panic attack.
The whole thing happened in a blur. Warm arms and a faint glowing light. You felt so much smaller so quickly. It’s like the world changed course. You were so angry and now you felt so much more dependent.
“Please… Daddy, I don- I don’t understan…” You sniffle out onto his shoulder.
Your arms wrap around him as tightly as his wrap around you. Your head felt so much fuzzier.
“Told ya’ this would be faster poindexter, then again didn’t think ya had it in ya’.” Stan says proudly from his chair.
You peek over your daddy's shoulder… What’d he mean by that? Aside from the fogginess you felt fine. What’d they do?
“It’s just till she gets used to things…” Ford says while rubbing his hands over your back.
“Sure it is,” Stan says. “Anything to get your little angel back huh?”
Your father rests his head on yours. “I already have her, she just needed a little help.”
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theomenscouncil666 · 25 days
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Sad little triangle and his six fingered human 🥹
Lil bud needs a paci and a stuffie and a blankie STAT
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cloudbug08 · 8 days
One dynamic I think a lot of people don’t talk about enough is Mabel and Stans relationship, how Stan grew up as the “Stupid” twin, and always tried to cling to ford, because his and fords friendship and brotherhood was all he really had, how Mabel grew up as the “silly” twin, how she clings to her and her brothers youth (the Summerween episode when she’s upset it’s their last Halloween, the games she plays with dipper that they played as young children) and stresses that she’ll lose her brother when he gets offered to be fords apprentice.
And I just genuinely love the relationship they have, yes it’s just a silly show, but you can see how they learn from each other, and I think it’s sweet, Stan encourages Mabel to enjoy herself and BE silly, after being compared to his brother for the first (the most important) years of his life he breaks that cycle, and doesn’t compare Mabel to her brother, because he acknowledges that they’re different, they have different skills and passions and dreams, just like how he and ford are different, he now knows that. Anyway, I love the character development in this show, it’s so beautiful. Love ya’ll <33
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forcedagere · 1 day
I personally really like the idea of Bill x Reader x Ford. This one kinda ties into my previous post, but it’s not required reading. I suppose this would be an AU where Ford accepted Bill’s offer during Weirdmaggedon, or something else went wrong resulting in Bill staying in power :)
Contents: forced age regression, yandere, implied mental manipulation
Whereas Bill is far from the best caretaker (though he tries, in his own way), Ford takes care to create a semblance of structure in your life. He doesn’t have tons of practical experience with children or little ones such as you, but he makes up for it with dedication. He takes to caring for you as if it were a newly discovered, fascinating field of study. In other words… He reads many, many books, and tries all kinds of things to figure out what you like best.
Ford is not entirely fond of the kind of dynamic you have with Bill. It's not because he doesn't want to be referred to with parental terms, that's simply a matter of preference, but that he insists on you being friends above anything else. Considering the dynamics at play here, Ford cannot help but view it…
"As simply pedagogically irresponsible, Bill." The triangle in question rolls his eye. "Oh, boohoo! Fancy McFancypants over here knows what’s up!” Bill glances at you from the corner of his eye. Seeing you crack a smile while you’re sketching away with your crayons, he’s encouraged. “You read one book on how to raise a kid, and now you wanna tell me what to do? Get lost. Kid, c'mon, prove him wrong-- I'm your favourite, right?" You look up from your latest piece of art. You are drawing all three of you, in fact. You're usually deaf to their arguments, it's such a constant that you've grown used to the noise and stopped viewing it as a threat. (Your daddy calls it 'bickering'; Billy, when daddy isn't listening, calls it 'flirting'. That makes you giggle.) But you don't like getting involved in it yourself! So you firmly shake your head, and drop the pacifier attached to your necklace to speak. "No favourites… I love you both," you say with the confidence only someone as little as you could have. Billy's eyelid flutters, and your daddy smiles.
To put it simply, Bill is the ‘fun, rule-breaking parent’ and Ford is… A little less that. One should not take Bill Cipher as the benchmark of taking good care of a human, though.
Ford will make sure your meals are more varied than the endless stream of candy that Bill feeds you, and get you tucked in for sleep at regular times, too. Compared to Bill, who enjoys playing games with you and ‘roughhousing’, Ford prefers calmer activities. He’s definitely up for the occasional board game, but, most of the time, he’ll read to you, make drawings upon requests (or give you lessons!), or toy around with science experiments safe for someone who gets the urge to put anything that looks interesting inside their mouth.
He might’ve taken you for an adventure or two outside, but… The world hasn’t been the same since Bill got his hands all over it. He may be technically immortal now. You decidedly are not, as far as he knows. Either way, he doubts that Bill would let you out of this room to begin with. He doesn’t have to ask to be able to know that. If there is any reason he would keep someone locked up the way he does with you, it must be because you have some form of special connection to him. Ford does not believe he would risk that.
Really, Ford isn’t stupid or blind. It’s not that he’s going along with all of this because he is ignorant of Bill’s manipulation of your mental state. Bill can call it a ‘nudge in the right direction’ all he wants. He’s keeping you regressed. But everything has changed. He has changed, and Ford doesn’t know if he made the right decision. He fears he hasn’t. (Somewhere out there, in an alternate universe, a Stanford must live who made a difference decision. Ford hopes he’s happy.)
Spending time in this little contained room, with something dependent on him and eager to be looked after by him, who doesn’t know better and never will… It’s not good, it’s the very definition of selfish, but it’s comforting to him. Grounding, in a sense. With an eternity of time left ahead of him and the foundations of his previous life all but crumbled, he has something steady to return to. It doesn’t matter how much he rationalizes it. It’s twisted and fucked up, plain and simple.
…He supposes he can understand why Bill finds him so amusing, even now.
A little whimper snaps him from the spiral of his thoughts. Your bottle is empty. He should get youa refill, then pull you back on his lap.
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little-wolfpuppy · 27 days
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Caregiver Stanford Pines Headcannons
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Special Request for my bestie @pwincess-charchar ^^ Fair warning I know very little about him- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1tRDiHti2ObjeYLfDg11vt?si=526f3e10f0cc4890 <- not my playlist, has explicit songs
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Did he meet you in the Original timeline? Or inside the portal? Or afterwards? He has probably read enough to know about age regression as a coping mechanism, but if he doesnt he is more than willing to reasearch it.
Cautious at first - "trust nobody" and all - you could be leading him into a trap or tricking him. Also he has absolutley no idea how to handle kids (probably watches you in secret for a few days until hes sure you arent lying- ;-;)
Gradually starts moving the more "dangerous" objects in his home to a secure room, or high shelves out of your reach. Clears out a space (A room? Idk this man probably lives in a bunker lol) for you when you regress. Hes no rich man but he gradually gets a nice fluffy rug and some comfortable chairs/furnisihings.
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Crazy protective - I mean he wrote the journals he knows the dangerous stuff that goes on in Gravity Falls and he canonically carries a gun around ;-;
Always prepared with a small regression bag incase you randomly regress
makes great snacks, a good balance of healthy and yummy (ie: apple slices with peanut butter or chocolate to dip)
Takes you on walks in the woods as long as you stay within his view
Let's you "steal" his glasses and put them on, and climb on him if you want to
Snuggles with you on his lap while he works on the journals - if you start to get antsy, he bounces his knee enough to make you giggle.
Keeps you VERY far away from any experemtal devices and magic he obtains.
old man humor
tries to keep up with you - but hes getting on in age and his joints just ain't what they used to be
Memorises your behaviors and knows when youre slipping or repressing - also knows just how to get you to relax and let yourself regress if youre repressing.
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Divider woods / 3rd Divider / 4th divider / 5th divider
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littleprincerianne · 6 months
could u do a stanford pines regressor moodboard? ty!!!!
grunkle ford :D this was both fun and challenging kinda cuz i personally am thinking oh ford would be an excellent cg— but like i liked it thank you for requesting i hope you like it lots too !
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abysshare · 26 days
🚨Urgent 🚨🙏Humanitarian appeal
Please don't ignore the appeal 🇵🇸🥺
Donations are life for us 😭🙏
I am Ezz Eldin Salem from Gaza I need your support My house was destroyed Please don't ignore my appeal.😭😭😭
After we lost our house and now live in a tent
Please don't hesitate to donate to us, I now live in a tent with my family😔
The campaign has not been verified by the Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List and I hope you can help me with my campaign if you know someone 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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banjopolishh · 2 days
fiddauthor age regression hc’s ^_^!!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
• fidds has a paci that has the iron giant on it
• stanford is sooooo understanding of fiddleford’s trauma
• stanford pats fidds gently on the butt so he can fall asleep faster
• fidds NEEDS skin to skin contact
• cuddles so much on ford’s bare chest
• watches lost media videos with his paci in
• stanford loves tiny fidds so much and has a baby plate for him
• so. much. spooning.
• fidds enjoys baby snacks when he’s regressed!
• cheeto puffs, the gerber baby snacks, rice husks, goldfish, mac and cheese..!!!
• ford makes up bed time stories for tiny fidds
• fidds is SOOOOO clingy
• he wraps around fords arm and ford calls him his little koala
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
yes a lot of these r based off reality what about it.
besides the iron giant paci.. need that in my life
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huggaboos · 2 days
Overlord Meltdown
(( My latest writing fic! Some regressor Bill Cipher and CG Stanford for all you peeps. Might do more, not sure yet.)) Stanford Pines, a gruff and stern scientist, was growing frustrated with the chaotic triangle known as Bill Cipher. Lately, Bill had been behaving more erratically than usual, and Stanford couldn't figure out why. One evening, as they were discussing a way to patch a hole in the roof after Mabel fired through it with a tee-shirt cannon, Bill suddenly threw a tantrum. He began throwing objects across the room and shouting in a language Stanford couldn't understand. Realizing that Bill was regressing, Stanford put aside his irritation and did his best to comfort the chaotic entity. "Bill, settle down," Stanford spoke firmly, yet gentle. "You're acting like a kid." Bill huffed and crossed his arms, his triangular body shrinking slightly. "I am not!" Stanford couldn't help but chuckle at the childish display. "Yes, you are... but it's okay. Can you tell me what's bothering you?" Bill looked down, his single eye tearing up. "I'm just… I don't understand this whole human thing. It's dumb." Stanford softened, seeing the small tantrum for what it really was - a cry for help. He approached Bill, knelt down and spoke in a comforting tone. "Hey, it's alright. We all get frustrated sometimes. But throwing a tantrum isn't going to solve anything." Bill sniffled, rubbing at his eye with his tiny hand. "But everything is just too hard. I just want it to be easy." Stanford smiled, realizing that Bill was regressing further. "Being a human is hard. But it's also amazing and beautiful. How about we do something fun?" Bill looked up at Stanford, his expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "Like what?" Stanford chuckled at Bill's childlike expression, but still kept his voice calm and soothing. "How about we color? You like to color, right?" Bill's eye widened, his tantrum almost completely forgotten. "Coloring!? Yes!" Stanford smiled, relieved to see that Bill was calming down. He went to the desk and grabbed a few sheets of paper and a set of colourful crayons. "Alright, here you go. Just don't draw on me this time, okay?" Bill took the supplies, sitting cross-legged on the floor and started coloring earnestly.
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lttl3babybug · 28 days
okay sorry for another question but … how do you feel about ford… as a caregiver.. for someone who pet regresses .. perchance -🐈
I also feel strongly about it. And PLEASEEEE do NOT be sorry. I very much love requests (even if there’s like 9 others in my inbox, I WILL get to them I swear) please feel free to send them away. Or even your own thunks that i might be able to elaborate on 😔🫶 I also don’t believe I’ve ever wrote petre content before, so congrats on being the first!
Cg!Stanford Pines, Petre!Reader Headcanons!
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🪬Ford is very fascinated with the idea pet regression and pet dreaming
🪬Same as he was with agere but this is different, this is something new.
🪬He is definitely willing to be involved in your regression, taking mental notes of your behaviours when you’re sort of falling between headspace’s
🪬Let’s you sit by him while he works, occasionally reaching down at petting you to hear your soft purrs/whines
🪬He’s also very happy to play with you, throwing balls/Sticks or pointing a laser pointer round the room while you scramble to get it
🪬He finds it all very entertaining to watch and as long as you’re happy he’s happy to help
🪬He will huff and roll his eyes if you plonk yourself in his lap while he’s relaxing but in reality loves the vibrations of your purring on him
🪬he’s seen it work on dogs and cats before so why not you 🤷
🪬If you respond well that is his GO TO form of praise
“Good pet” Ford hums, running his fingers through your hair and gently scratching behind your ear while you were sprawled out on his lap
🪬Treats. Treats. Treats.
🪬Carries a little baggy of human safe pet treats in his inner coat pocket to give you
🪬They’re just cookies he’s either made or those Scooby snack cookies you can get in the store so it’s not as suspicious if others see
🪬But he loves giving you treats
🪬He’s also a sucker for watching you sit in sun puddles
🪬Ford WILL melt if you do the head tilt and make a small hum of confusion
🪬Bap bap bap
🪬He baps back
🪬Course he’s very confused at first because you’ve just placed your paw on his face and nudged him with your head as if expecting something
🪬Eventually he gets it and it becomes fun game!
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multi-fandom-agereg · 27 days
Stanford 🌲 as an age regressor🍼
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💤 Stanford Pines - gravity Falls 💤
I'm so happy to see Gravity falls getting popular in the agere fandom (and in general). I've been struggling to find agere friends who like gravity falls because the show is seen as scary and I see alot of people avoid talking about it because it's "too scary for littles to watch" so I'm glad to see the community more active 🌺
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💤Stanford is 58(?) years old. And regresses around 9-16 years old. /Hc This is a somewhat appreciation post to older regressors in the community. Regressors don't stop regressing once they turn 35. It's disheartening seeing them being so underappreciated once they turn 35 bodily. So, I love you 35+ regressors <3 you are the best babys
Another HC: 90% of the art on the fridge is made by him when he's little 🩹
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Art commissions are open! Just dm me and name a price 🌺
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littlelambscandyland · 5 months
Pink Stories are Forced Age Regression/Yandere & Blue Stories are Fluffy/Comfort Age Regression
Stories (One Shots)
Donatello's Little Love - Rise of the TMNT (Donatello)
Precious Thing - The Flash CW (Eobard Thawne & Eowells)
Baby Love - Rise of the TMNT (Casey Junior)
Baby Flower - Batman (Batfamily)
Bunker Down - Gravity Falls (Stanford and Stanley Pines)
Stories (Series)
A New Perspective - Diabolik Lovers (Sakamaki Brothers)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Four Versus One - Hamato Brothers (Rise of the TMNT)
Part 1 Part 2
Non Little Blog (Has some agere content but has a TON of other stuff. Proceed with caution) @jokingmisfit
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littlekoifishes · 1 month
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Little! Stanford Pines Agere Stimboard!
I heavily believe that ford would regress, I think from what happened to him alone with bill is reason enough for him to be a regressor. Also I think he regressed to cope with the fact of missing stan after their big fight and his parents clear disapproval of him as a person and only seeing him for his grades.
I can see stan being a caregiver and Dipper as a little too and Mabel is a flip but is very much leaning towards little but is super awesome big sister to dipper when little and big.
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agerefandom · 2 years
Hi, it's @polkadottedpie wanting to request an agere matchup! I'm a regressor with an age range of 4-6, and I'd like to be matched with a caregiver, please! My top three fandoms from your lost are Gravity Falls, Hazbin Hotel, and Disney in general, and I'd prefer a male character. My ideal things to do while regressed are go exploring in the woods, play pretend, and have stories read to me! Something a lot of people don't know about me is that I've very anxious and struggle asking for things, even if I really need it, and my favorite animal while regressed is foxes! Thank you so and I love your content so much!
Exploring in the woods you say!!
I think you’d be a great match with Stanford Pines! He’s a great explorer, but he would also make sure that you were travelling safely (in areas he’s checked out before).
He’s a creative storyteller and gets almost a little too enthusiastic about playing pretend! He is so warm and he understands anxiety and he would make you feel both safe and comfortable.
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cutecootisteenytiny · 4 years
Two Pillars and a Baby
Asdffghkll- here's a fic I wrote! Reader regresses and Stan and Fordsy takes care of them. Pure fluff!! I'm finished!!!!
Preview ⤵️
“Fordsy! Da-” You stopped yourself short, slapping a hand to your mouth. Stan and Ford jolted, immediately knowing the state you were in, judging by what you’ve just called them. It was incredibly rare for you to call Stan "Daddy" out in public. It was something your adult self would never do, not even as a joke. It was too risky. Your little self, however, has far less restraint so you were lucky you had the sense to censor yourself before things got icky.
His knowledge of your regression immediately put Stanley into daddy mode, similar to your little self. If he was just regular old Stan, he would be comfortable leaving you be to finish up work and head home, knowing you would be safe and sound. But now that he’s Daddy, he just can’t bear the thought of leaving you alone, by yourself, with no one to protect you. What would happen if you got hurt? What if someone yells at you? What if they hurt you? What would he do if loses his baby? He rushes by your side, ready to give you a hug but is stopped short by Ford.
“Stanley,” Ford whispered. “I know you’re scared for them right now, but we’re still in public.”
“But-” Stan protested. He has to be there for his baby.
“They have one more hour of work to do. After that, we’ll head on home with them. I’ll drop Dipper and Mabel off at our house and then I’ll join you two later, okay?”
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