#Sports News Agency
gbn24nes12 · 25 days
Stay Ahead with These Top News Agencies in India
Introduction to the Top News Agencies in India
News agencies are like the unsung heroes of the media world, quietly working behind the scenes to bring us the latest scoop. In India, where the news cycle is as spicy as a Bollywood movie, staying ahead means relying on the top news agencies to keep you informed and entertained.
Defining News Agencies
News agencies are basically the middlemen of the news world, gathering, verifying, and distributing news content to media outlets. They act as the eyes and ears on the ground, providing journalists with crucial information from around the country and the world.
Importance of News Agencies in the Media Industry
Without news agencies, journalists would be as lost as a tourist without Google Maps. These agencies play a vital role in shaping the media landscape by providing accurate and timely news, serving as a reliable source for journalists and news organizations.
The Role of News Agencies in the Media Landscape
News agencies are like the secret sauce in a delicious curry, adding flavor and depth to media coverage. They serve as primary sources for journalists, shaping public opinion, and influencing the way we see the world.
News Agencies as Primary Sources for Journalists
Journalists rely on news agencies like a lifeguard relies on sunscreen – essential for survival. These agencies provide journalists with breaking news, feature stories, and expert analysis, helping them paint a complete picture of the world around us.
Influence of News Agencies on Public Opinion
News agencies have the power to sway public opinion faster than a Bollywood dance number can get stuck in your head. Through their reporting and coverage, news agencies shape how we perceive events, people, and issues, influencing the way we think and behave.
Analysis of Leading News Agencies in India
In the fast-paced world of Indian media, staying on top means knowing your news agencies inside out. From their editorial policies to reporting styles, each agency brings its own flavor to the mix, shaping the way we consume news.
Overview of Major News Agencies in India
From the old-school giants to the new kids on the block, India's news agencies run the gamut. Whether you prefer traditional reporting or cutting-edge coverage, there's a news agency out there for every taste and preference.
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Comparison of Editorial Policies and Reporting Styles
Just like spices in a curry, editorial policies and reporting styles can make or break a news agency. Some agencies prefer a dash of sensationalism, while others stick to a more straightforward approach. Understanding these differences can help you navigate the news landscape with ease.
Top News Agencies for National and International Coverage
When it comes to news, variety is the spice of life. From covering local stories to reporting on global events, India's news agencies have got you covered. With a focus on both domestic and international news, these agencies bring a touch of masala to your daily news diet.
Focus on Domestic News by Indian News Agencies
From politics to Bollywood gossip, Indian news agencies leave no stone unturned when it comes to covering domestic news. Whether you're interested in sports, entertainment, or current affairs, these agencies serve up a buffet of stories to satisfy your news cravings.
Global Reach and International Partnerships
In today's interconnected world, news agencies play a crucial role in bringing us stories from far and wide. Through international partnerships and collaborations, Indian news agencies ensure that we stay informed about global events, trends, and issues, keeping us connected to the world at large.
Technology and Innovation in Indian News Agencies
Adoption of Digital Platforms and Social Media
In a world where hashtags hold as much power as headlines, Indian news agencies are embracing the digital wave like never before. From breaking news alerts to live streams, these agencies are using platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep the public informed in real-time. So, if you prefer getting your news while scrolling through cat memes, you're in luck!
Use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Gone are the days of journalists chasing down leads with a notepad in hand. Indian news agencies are now turning to artificial intelligence and data analytics to uncover trends, predict stories, and analyze public sentiment. It's like having a tech-savvy assistant who can crunch numbers faster than you can say "breaking news."
Challenges Faced by News Agencies in India
Competition in the Digital Age
In a digital battlefield where clicks are the new currency, Indian news agencies are facing fierce competition from online blogs, social media influencers, and even your neighbor's WhatsApp forwards. Standing out in this crowded space is no easy feat, but hey, at least it keeps things interesting!
Ethical Dilemmas and Misinformation
With great power comes great responsibility, and Indian news agencies are not immune to ethical dilemmas and the spread of misinformation. From sensationalized headlines to biased reporting, navigating the fine line between grabbing eyeballs and upholding journalistic integrity is a daily tightrope walk. It's like trying to balance breaking news with breaking hearts.
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Impact of News Agencies on Public Perception and Policy Making in India
Role in Shaping Public Discourse
Indian news agencies don't just report the news; they shape public opinion, spark debates, and set the agenda for national discourse. Whether it's championing social justice causes or dissecting the latest political drama, these agencies have the power to turn water cooler conversations into nationwide movements. Talk about news with a side of influence!
Influence on Political Decision-Making
When Indian news agencies speak, politicians listen. With the ability to make or break political careers, these agencies play a crucial role in shaping policy decisions, holding leaders accountable, and keeping democracy on its toes. It's like having a front-row seat to the greatest political show on earth, with popcorn in hand and opinions at the ready.In conclusion, the top news agencies in India play a crucial role in shaping public perception, influencing policy-making, and providing reliable information to audiences both domestically and internationally. Despite facing challenges in the rapidly evolving media landscape, these agencies continue to innovate and adapt to meet the demands of the digital age. By staying ahead with these top news agencies, readers can access diverse perspectives and stay informed about the latest developments in India and beyond.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do news agencies gather their information?
2. Are news agencies biased in their reporting?
3. How do news agencies maintain credibility and trust with their audience?
4. What role do news agencies play in promoting press freedom and democracy in India?
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bopinion · 5 months
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2024 / 16
Aperçu of the Week
"You can't knock on opportunity's door and not be ready."
(Peter Gene Hernandez, better known as Bruno Mars and my sons favorite soundtrack while he's cooking)
Bad News of the Week
Sport actually has nothing to do with politics. Because the competition is carried out by individuals who (can) stand outside of systems. Nevertheless, sport is often instrumentalized by politics by stylizing successful athletes as symbolic figures for the strength of a system. I can still remember the Olympic Games in the 70s and 80s very well, in which the athletes of the USA and the Soviet Union competed against each other in many ways as a priority. And Rocky IV, of course.
It is fitting that sports organizations have always been suspected of being corrupt - often rightly so, see FIFA. It is therefore clear that it is almost always not the athletes who are the problem, but the officials. Do you need proof? How about China and doping? Because there was a big boom this week, as a journalistic investigative team from ARD (the BBC of Germany) found out.
At a national swimming competition in China at the beginning of 2021, 23 swimmers tested positive in the mandatory doping tests - which means negative in this context. This was then covered up. With the knowledge of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). The agency did not consider it worth investigating the banned substance trimetazidine, for which the Russian figure skating prodigy Kamila Valiyeva was banned for four years in the same year. The Chinese swimmers, however, were not. In the following Summer Olympics in Tokyo, three of them won gold and two silver.
We can see that China today is what the Soviet Union (and to some extent the GDR) used to be - a regime that abuses even its top performers to score points at international level. The staff looking after athletes (including doctors who have long since thrown the Hippocratic Oath overboard) still have more say than the athletes themselves. An institution that was set up to prevent malpractice can also be corrupt. At the major sporting events this summer, first the European Men's Football Championships and then the Olympic Games in Paris, spectators will not know whether they are cheering on a fake. And the athletes themselves won't know whether the competition was fair at all.
Good News of the Week
At last, US weapons are back in Ukraine. For months, the Republican “Freedom caucus” in the House of Representatives had been standing on the brakes. And Ukraine lost. Because, as is generally the case in the NATO context, all other members cannot compensate for the loss of by far the most capable partner country. It is therefore a great relief that the rationalists in the USA have regained the upper hand. And are now giving the badly shaken Ukraine hope again.
The following still applies: if Putin can subjugate Ukraine or impose a dictated peace on it, he will not sit back contentedly in his armchair in the Kremlin and enjoy the day of victory. He will continue in his quest to bring the Soviet Union back from the dead. Even if the Baltic states are members of NATO, they would be his next victims (not to mention Moldova, for example). Because apparently he could simply allow himself to do this without being stopped. The democracy of the whole of Europe is being defended in Ukraine, that must not be forgotten. So my heartfelt thanks to the US Congress.
A positive side effect of all this is that the same financial package, which Joe Biden will undoubtedly sign as soon as possible, contains even more. Namely 26 billion US dollars for the suffering population in Gaza - in your face, Benjamin Netanyahu! And 8 billion for Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region - in your face, Xi Jinping! The USA are back on the world stage where they belong. I would not have thought it, but I must now pay tribute to a member of the Republican establishment. So thank you, Speaker of the House James Michael “Mike” Johnson. Hopefully I'll get over it...
Personal happy moment of the week
My son was in trouble with a teacher. A misunderstanding - that had developed into a solid crisis due to a certain stubbornness on both sides - was now threatening to cost him his participation in a project that is important to him. I took his side and was called in for a “clarifying discussion”. This was then canceled because the teacher (probably looking for reinforcement and arguments) consulted with other teachers. And “received very positive feedback on his behavior”. Disciplinary measures were not taken “because he is so committed and keeps the group together.” So a serious accusation suddenly turned into high praise.
I couldn't care less...
...that a Belgian court acquitted a driver who was driving with a blood alcohol level of 2.1. Because he suffers from the extremely rare “home-brew syndrome”: the body produces alcohol itself, which leads to the usual symptoms such as reduced responsiveness etc. Anyone who is a danger to themselves and, above all, to others on the road should not be allowed to drive - for whatever reason. After all, the disability of no blind person is their own fault. But no court in the world would allow him to drive.
It's fine with me...
...that for the first time in the history of the USA a criminal trial is taking place against a (former) president. I don't care whether or not you can plead guilty to election interference by falsifying business records because of hush money payments to a porn star. I just wish that a proven notorious liar and cheat, who is also a sexist, racist, homophobe and incidentally “unfit for office”, would finally have to take responsibility for his actions in court.
As I write this...
...April lives up to its name: first you can go swimming and two days later it's snowing. Candles are set up in the vineyards to warm the tender buds. And the hedgehog that has been hibernating on the terrace under our barbecue probably thinks it has woken up too early. Allergy sufferers are happy about the abrupt end of the pollen season. But everyone misses spring.
Post Scriptum
Everyone gets their life from their mother. She is the primary caregiver that all humans have in their first perceptions. That's why I've never understood why so many men simply devalue this in the course of their lives - and grant women fewer rights than themselves. Poverty, discrimination and a lack of equal rights cost lives, according to the latest UN World Population Report.
Not only is there no progress towards equality, there is actually a decline. The rights of “women, girls and gender-diverse people are being pushed back more and more,” says Dr. Natalia Kanem (head of the United Nations Population Fund). Lack of representation and limited self-determination force one in four women under a male-dominated yoke. And sexual violence is a problem in almost every country in the world. No man can want that. Not for his mother, not for his sister, not for his daughter. And not for his wife either. Shame on you!
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spotlightstudios · 3 months
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I did it boys, three weeks of feverishly thinking about him at work, 12 stickynotes, and a few hours of digitalization and he's alive! (Goofy Ahh Sidekick-)
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And some bonus info! Because I do believe with my whole heart that Leon would dress up in that goofy lil wizard costume for his entire school career and then realize it was hella impractical last second and completely rebrand himself.
In the School Era doodles he's about 15-18, and his Pro Hero doodles are ages 19-??? (Whenever he retires or dies ig???)
#light's spot#my art#oc#Spotlight#his stiry in convoluted by my favorite bits are:#1) He was in the support course and was really good at it but he took people by surprise by using his quirk no one knew about during the#Sports Festival and accidentally obliterated the people he went up against because they didn't expect him to have both support items *and*#useful quirk. after that people insisted he join the hero course and so he lowkey kinda dual-majored#2) His flashy look was great up until it gave him away. during his last Hero Work Study he was supposed to be helping in a hostage situatio#and he was supposed to stealth in but his earring caught on some light and gave away his position. The villain attacked him and tore out a#chunk of his neck along with skinning his lower jaw and tearing his ear. the pros were aboe to get the situation under control#but it left Light with a major scar and a lot to think about so he rebranded after he left school for everyone's safety.#3) The new design and nickname relate back to his family since they run a lighting business. He wanted to distance himself from his (mostly#unsupportive family roots but it was just the only design he really felt right with that he could come up with so he ran with it. now he#likes to keep his face covered and largely prefers for his Hero identity to be seperate from his own. That way his family isn't really#part of anything he does#oh and he definitely uses his lights in unique ways. he loves flash-banging his enemies when he can get close enough fast enough#mha oc#bnha oc#oh and in relation to my other mha ocs?#Dream Rush was already in her 3rd year of school when Shigaraki was making Nomu so she became a pro just before/after everything went to#hell. she was very helpful in interrogating villains for potential plans because they deployed her earlier than her classes ended#she knows Spotlight just barely because he interned at an agency she worked for for a while
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blusical · 3 months
friendly reminders this free agency that.
rumors are just that, rumors. speculation =/= fact.
team-specific sites (like RMNB) can be biased and aren't quite 100% reliable, take with a grain of salt.
as a matter of fact here's a tip: if it's not being reported on by ESPN, Bleacher Report, or verified insiders/journalists (and even then the latter should be taken with a grain of salt since some exaggerate stuff a ton), or if it's not confirmed by an NHL team or agent, half the time it's probably bullshit.
tabloids like the New York Post and Toronto Sun should probably be avoided (*Especially* the latter).
twitter is no longer a good place to turn to when it comes to free agency updates.
obligatory "tag your stuff use content filters and dont be a douchebag" reminder
probably more but those are the main ones.
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galerymod · 3 months
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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is an ineffective and inept organisation that is unable and unwilling to fulfil its obligations consistently across the various jurisdictions in which it operates.
We support the establishment of a new world anti-doping agency by clean athletes in the Netherlands, independent of governmental and political activities.
The agency would be neutral, according to the latest standards of anti-doping, with independent laboratories that are changed every year. It would be funded proportionally by the sports industry, without any say in the matter, and would represent those who no longer trust WADA.
WADA has a history of acting in a manner that is not in the best interests of athletes. Given that we do not see the point in listing all of WADA's misdemeanours and do not believe that the existing system can be reformed, we will not list any more facts here.
Everything has already been exposed in the numerous misdemeanours that have been reported in the world press.
We would like to point out that we ourselves were athletes who trained for the Olympics and reject any attempt at manipulation through doping.
Well, we didn't make it due to external circumstances, but we would never have accepted the highest performance under dopping for ourselves if we had been given the choice.
If everything is as open to question as it already is, then perhaps it would be best to release everything you can dop without limits.
Then good night sport!
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razorfst · 9 months
bayern i beg, extend kimmich so i can be rid of the haters and news of teams like psg even trying to get him. thanks for shutting them down immediately tho, loved that 'lol fuck you' attitude to them
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sportsunfolded · 2 years
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sir-klauz · 2 years
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Did you catch a cold?
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Title: Maximizing Your Online Presence: Strategies for World-Class Digital Marketing and E-commerce Success
Introduction: In today's digital age, harnessing the power of online marketing and e-commerce is paramount for businesses striving to thrive in a competitive landscape. This comprehensive guide explores the dynamic realm of digital marketing and online e-commerce strategies, equipping you with the knowledge to elevate your brand presence and drive sustainable growth in the global marketplace.
Understanding Digital Marketing Dynamics: Digital marketing encompasses a diverse array of strategies aimed at promoting products or services through digital channels. From search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing to social media advertising and email campaigns, each tactic serves to engage and convert potential customers in the digital sphere. Understanding the nuances of digital marketing dynamics is essential for crafting effective campaigns that resonate with your target audience.
Leveraging Data Analytics for Insights: Data analytics play a pivotal role in informing and optimizing digital marketing efforts. By leveraging tools such as Google Analytics, marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, website traffic patterns, and campaign performance metrics. Armed with actionable data, businesses can refine their strategies, personalize user experiences, and drive higher conversion rates in the online ecosystem.
Crafting Compelling Content Strategies: Content remains king in the realm of digital marketing, serving as the cornerstone of brand storytelling and engagement. Whether it's blog posts, videos, infographics, or podcasts, compelling content captivates audiences and fosters trust and loyalty over time. By crafting content strategies that resonate with your target demographic and address their pain points or interests, you can establish thought leadership and build a community around your brand.
Embracing E-commerce Excellence: E-commerce has transformed the way consumers shop, offering convenience, choice, and accessibility at their fingertips. From user-friendly website design and seamless checkout experiences to secure payment gateways and personalized product recommendations, embracing e-commerce excellence is essential for driving conversions and fostering customer satisfaction. By prioritizing user experience and optimizing conversion funnels, businesses can unlock the full potential of their online storefronts.
Harnessing the Power of Social Media: Social media platforms serve as dynamic hubs for brand discovery, engagement, and advocacy in the digital landscape. By cultivating an active presence on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok, businesses can amplify their reach, foster authentic connections, and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms. Leveraging social media advertising and influencer partnerships further enhances brand visibility and drives conversions in the online space.
Navigating Global Markets: Expanding your e-commerce presence beyond borders opens up a world of opportunities for growth and expansion. Navigating global markets requires a nuanced understanding of cultural nuances, language preferences, and regulatory requirements in each target market. By localizing content, offering multi-currency payment options, and providing seamless shipping solutions, businesses can cater to international audiences and capitalize on the vast potential of the global e-commerce landscape.
Conclusion: In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing and e-commerce, strategic agility and innovation are key to staying ahead of the curve. By understanding digital marketing dynamics, leveraging data analytics for insights, crafting compelling content strategies, embracing e-commerce excellence, harnessing the power of social media, and navigating global markets, businesses can maximize their online presence and drive sustained growth in the digital era. With the right strategies and execution, you can position your brand for world-class success in the competitive realm of online commerce.
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s4lentertainment01 · 9 months
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loverboydotcom · 1 year
something about the emphasis of swimming and swimming in the ocean in lover boy ch1 is so fascinating to me because if i've learnt anything from this chapter it's that sf is actually a terrible place for swimming most of the time because the ocean is so much colder + summer months are not the warmest months + and so many beaches have deadly rip currents there was like. only one area/beach that came up in my reading as a place locals go to swim and a lot of the time they'll just drive down to other coastal cities. but it's getting to me because part of my diss explored analysis i read about how a lot of queer AIDS narratives involve swimming or being in water or the presence of water because it brings up ideas of cleanliness but also the boundaries of the body and the metaphors of that when a body is amongst water and the physicality of it reinforcing someones aliveness and agency over their sick body. anyway beau keeps thinking about swimming in the ocean + how he hasn't since bobby died and im like these points HAVE to come together at some point like i'm cooking but i don't know what. there is something bubbling on the stove
#like WANTING to swim in the ocean but you can't because of what your would confront about your body + aliveness and consequently#what you would have to confront about your dead best friend. but also you cant even get the catharsis from that if you wanted it#because of the nature of the ocean around you!! so do you actually get control + agency that swimming in the ocean will give you!#also swimming in the ocean (vast / unpredictable / alive) vs swimming in a pool (contained / chlorined / 'approachable')...my lit major ass#also i decided that bobby used to do lifeguard stuff part time and beau would just use it as an excuse to hang out at the beach all day#bobby gives me massive swimmer vibes which is funny cause he's bullied beau for being a 'jock' and being on a sports team in hs#like your ass was probably on the swim team!!! idk i havent decided yet!#literally me looking at tripadvisor forums and shit of sf locals having to break to future tourists that swimming is not really easy in SF#like it is in other parts of california#also it ties in with beau's experience of a local and a lot of the people he's encountering are queer folk who have#moved to sf specifically because of its queer community#despite it being seen as a 'epicentre' for AIDS#actually there's a line i loveee where beau's like 'san francisco and new york are only epicentres for those who want to gleefully measure#their distance from it all' and im like GO OFFFFF#i dont talk about that stuff as much because like I Am Not A Local. but the research is oceanically deep#SOOO Much going on here about placement and the body and your relationship with the space around you um!!!
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basketballbicker · 1 year
NBA Free Agency: The Sacramento Kings signed JaVale McGee to a contract. Chris Haynes reported.
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primakira · 1 year
can my sports teams + beat reporters just get a tumblr account instead like i'm too lazy to go on threads
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nasa · 2 months
Athletes Go for the Gold with NASA Spinoffs
NASA technology tends to find its way into the sporting world more often than you’d expect. Fitness is important to the space program because astronauts must undergo the extreme g-forces of getting into space and endure the long-term effects of weightlessness on the human body. The agency’s engineering expertise also means that items like shoes and swimsuits can be improved with NASA know-how.
As the 2024 Olympics are in full swing in Paris, here are some of the many NASA-derived technologies that have helped competitive athletes train for the games and made sure they’re properly equipped to win.
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The LZR Racer reduces skin friction drag by covering more skin than traditional swimsuits. Multiple pieces of the water-resistant and extremely lightweight LZR Pulse fabric connect at ultrasonically welded seams and incorporate extremely low-profile zippers to keep viscous drag to a minimum.
Swimsuits That Don’t Drag
When the swimsuit manufacturer Speedo wanted its LZR Racer suit to have as little drag as possible, the company turned to the experts at Langley Research Center to test its materials and design. The end result was that the new suit reduced drag by 24 percent compared to the prior generation of Speedo racing suit and broke 13 world records in 2008. While the original LZR Racer is no longer used in competition due to the advantage it gave wearers, its legacy lives on in derivatives still produced to this day.
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Trilion Quality Systems worked with NASA’s Glenn Research Center to adapt existing stereo photogrammetry software to work with high-speed cameras. Now the company sells the package widely, and it is used to analyze stress and strain in everything from knee implants to running shoes and more.
High-Speed Cameras for High-Speed Shoes
After space shuttle Columbia, investigators needed to see how materials reacted during recreation tests with high-speed cameras, which involved working with industry to create a system that could analyze footage filmed at 30,000 frames per second. Engineers at Adidas used this system to analyze the behavior of Olympic marathoners' feet as they hit the ground and adjusted the design of the company’s high-performance footwear based on these observations.
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Martial artist Barry French holds an Impax Body Shield while former European middle-weight kickboxing champion Daryl Tyler delivers an explosive jump side kick; the force of the impact is registered precisely and shown on the display panel of the electronic box French is wearing on his belt.
One-Thousandth-of-an-Inch Punch
In the 1980s, Olympic martial artists needed a way to measure the impact of their strikes to improve training for competition. Impulse Technology reached out to Glenn Research Center to create the Impax sensor, an ultra-thin film sensor which creates a small amount of voltage when struck. The more force applied, the more voltage it generates, enabling a computerized display to show how powerful a punch or kick was.
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Astronaut Sunita Williams poses while using the Interim Resistive Exercise Device on the ISS. The cylinders at the base of each side house the SpiraFlex FlexPacks that inventor Paul Francis honed under NASA contracts. They would go on to power the Bowflex Revolution and other commercial exercise equipment.
Weight Training Without the Weight
Astronauts spending long periods of time in space needed a way to maintain muscle mass without the effect of gravity, but lifting free weights doesn’t work when you’re practically weightless. An exercise machine that uses elastic resistance to provide the same benefits as weightlifting went to the space station in the year 2000. That resistance technology was commercialized into the Bowflex Revolution home exercise equipment shortly afterwards.
Want to learn more about technologies made for space and used on Earth? Check out NASA Spinoff to find products and services that wouldn’t exist without space exploration.   
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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phant0mth1ef · 1 month
cause when you know, you know.
bakugou knew right before the entrance exam to ua had begun, you were sat a few seats down from him and you’d had a cocky grin on your face, even going as far as to give him a “what the hell are you looking at?,” face.
bakugou knew when he saw you in action during the practical part of the exam, taking down each hunk of junk like it was light work then quickly moving onto another.
bakugou knew when he saw you in the seat he had wanted on your first day at ua. “get the hell out of my seat.” “who are you again?”
bakugou knew during the quirk assessment exams when he saw your name right above his, winning by a half of a point.
bakugou knew when he realized that you were nice to everybody but him, realizing that you’d only had an attitude because he was rude towards you.
bakugou knew when you came second in the sports’ festival, nearly fuming because you came second to him of all people.
bakugou knew when you’d both somehow ended up at jeanists’ agency, your face when you saw him show up was something he’d never forget.
bakugou knew when jeanist had him in a chair with you behind him, combing his hair down so that he’d fit in with everyone else. you’d done it so easily, and his mom used to always hate doing his hair because it was so hard for her.
bakugou knew when he stopped getting so angry while out on patrol with you, and when you had stared to reciprocate his kindness.
bakugou knew when the only person he was worried about after being kidnapped was you. he’d gone out of his way to make sure that you’d been out of harms way the whole time at the training camp.
bakugou knew when he started speaking fondly about you to his classmates after being asked who would he prefer to train with and why. “l/n, cause she can actually keep up unlike you weaklings.”
bakugou knew the first time he found himself standing outside of your dorm room, his mouth open as he struggled to knock. you’d opened the door and nearly sent the boy stumbling over his words as he tried to explain what he was doing there.
katsuki knew when he first heard you call him by his first name, and when he started doing the same for you.
katsuki knew when he let you into his dorm room at night, your face smudged with tears over a show that you had been watching. he knew when he instantly made fun of you then proceeded to comfort you.
katsuki knew when you’d both go out to make the trip for groceries together, when he’d push you in the cart while you told him what you guys needed.
katsuki knew when you’d looked at him as an equal, not as someone who was beneath you.
katsuki knew when he found himself going on date like outings with you, like go-karting, going to see a new movie that had come out, or even just going to grab a meal together.
katsuki knew when after graduation, you’d opened your agency right next to his so that he wouldn’t end up forgetting about you, but then again, how could he?
katsuki knew when he saw you down the aisle, a white dress on your figure as your father led you down to meet him.
bakugou katsuki knew it was you when you’d brought his children into the world, a boy and a girl.
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dynastytrades · 2 years
pWelcome to Episode 271 of the @DynastyTradesHQ Podcast!  'Free Agent Frenzy!'/pp[/ppFree Agency began this week and the guys discuss their favorite signings and the impact they will have on their new teams and on your dynasty teams! Come hang out and have some fun with Shane Manila a href='https://twitter.com/ShaneIsTheWorst'@ShaneIsTheWorst/a, Michael Cipes a href='https://twitter.com/FFBlitz'@FFBlitz/a, and Jeremy Browand a href='https://twitter.com/DynastyMadman'@DynastyMadman/a It will be a blast!/pp /pp@DynastyTradesHQ Patreon is now called The HQCrew! Do you want the HQ guys to consult with you about your Dynasty team? Do you want a podcast t-shirt or hat? Would you like to get on the show with us? Do you want to listen to the new HQ After Dark podcast? Become a part of The HQCrew today!/pp /ppFind us on a href='https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynastytradeshq-podcast/id1327121536?mt=2'iTunes/a, a href='https://play.google.com/music/m/Isrxf23zmidcjc5f2lx25ue34n4?t=DynastyTradesHQ_Podcast'Google Play Music/a, a href='https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dynastytradeshq'Stitcher/a, and a href='https://dynastytradeshqpod.podbean.com/'PodBean/a. Please make sure you rate and review! You can find us on Twitter a href='https://twitter.com/DynastyTradesHQ'@DynastyTradesHQ./a/ppThe DynastyTradesHQ podcas...
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