#Southern Thai Food
color-odyssey · 2 months
Thai High - A Flavorful Journey
NEW on the blog : "Thai High - A Flavorful Journey" Read about Delicious Southern-Thai dishes to try, the best spots to eat in Phuket and tips on customizing your dishes. #Thaifood #PhuketEats #AmazingThailand #PhuketRestaurants
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zzoupz · 1 year
also I hate the world wide assumption that every thais love spicy food. because it's true. it's so true I hate it. chili is just so good I'm sorry
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motochiri · 1 month
Does Gaba recommend me any food I should totally have if I ever go to the states?
im probably the worst person to ask bc i really dont care for american food LMAO.......... i really cant think of anything that's like a must-have but u gotta do some whataburger/sonic & some tex-mex for sure
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gildedoak · 5 months
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I imagine in his early days, Alastor was an energetic little hobbit child romping around the woods and catching frogs and helping his wonderful mama in the kitchen any chance he got.
I’ve had moments like these, where I eat an old favorite (namely Thai-style ketchup fried rice) and suddenly I’m six years old again in my grandparents' kitchen with the orange tiled countertops and the humid smell of a South Carolina rain coming down outside.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Cornbread Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie Fried Catfish ??? - Season 1 Finale
Image description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: colored 6 panel comic
PANEL 1: Lucifer and Alastor are seated at a table eating lunch. L: This is delicious! Did you memorize all your mother’s recipes?
PANEL 2: There’s a bowl of gumbo (shrimp, sausage and chicken) and rice. A: (offscreen) Most, but not all of them. I had to hunt down the right recipe for this one.
PANEL 3: Alastor takes a bite, silhouetted in the foreground. L: How do you know you got the right one?
PANEL 4: Alastor is still in shadow, but pale radio waves seem to be emanating from his head as he dips into a memory.
PANEL 5: A small freckled boy with reddish-brown curls and a red shirt is seated with a bowl of gumbo at the dinner table. He is smiling widely, his cheeks full of food as his mother’s hand reaches over to wipe his face with a napkin. Mama: (offscreen) Alastor! Slow down! Smaller bites, cher! You have gumbo all over your face!
PANEL 6: A young black woman with freckles laughs and smiles down at her son. She’s dressed in a high-necked blouse and her hair is done up in a pinned back Victorian up-do. She’s wearing a small red brooch. A: (offscreen) Mama’s cooking is the best! M: Why thank you, my sweet boy. How about I show you how next time? A: Yay!! Alastor: (present day) You just do.
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prentissluvr · 15 days
the impala, 4:00 p.m. — sam winchester
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cw : gn!winchester!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, sam & reader are twins, dean's implied to be dead/gone (you choose which time lol), unedited, 608 words. requested ! for my 800 followers event [ closed ] .
summary : sam lifts your mood with a book on a sort of somber day in the impala.
MOVED BLOGS TO @sammyluvr !! no longer active on this blog! all fics can be found there!
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for months now, it’s just been you two. sort of like how it was when sam was at stanford. you moved near campus to be close to him at nineteen. the year apart beforehand had been hellish sometimes.
but these days have this odd liminality to them. there are no crappy college kid apartments or girlfriends or parties. just the impala, the road, monsters, and each other. you miss dean. some days you almost don’t.
lots of days you miss what you and sam could’ve had, but it feels too late now. it’s sort of nice, though, because you don’t hunt all the time. you and sam take breaks. you help where you can, then you visit southern california for a taste of hot weather and salty air. last week, you stopped for a few days in a midwestern national park. it was stunning, and perfectly suited to yours and sam’s tastes.
today is an in between day, no plans and no hunts on the horizon yet. you’re behind the wheel, your mixtape playing through the speakers. as for the way you feel, everything there is an in between too.
you’re tired, but painfully aware. mourning, and oddly at peace. it doesn’t quite feel bad, but you don’t feel good.
oftentimes, your mood aligns with sam’s. you guess it could be that cliche twine telepathy, but to you it feels more like a deep understanding of each other paired with so many sort of insane and mundane shared experiences.
but today, sam is good. he’s not great, because it’s sort of hard to be more often than not these days, but the two of you are slowly figuring it out. sam very easily senses the way you feel. today and every day. he thinks you’re teetering on the edge enough that he can steer you in the more pleasant direction.
he’s going to offer to switch to the drivers seat in a bit, but he’ll do a few other things first. before interrupting your quiet time with the music and scenery, he’s going to find a good place to eat. not an american diner, but somwhere with better food. he hopes he can find a thai place with good reviews.
then he pulls out a book. you don’t look over at the movement at first. you can see the book in his lap through your peripheral vision, and don’t blink because he’s always reading when he get’s bored in his passenger’s seat. but then he turns down the music and shows you the cover with an unspoken question.
the fellowship of the rings.
you had forgotten that sam carries the lord of the rings books around with him. it catches you by complete surprise, the sight of the worn copy you two shared as kids and the question in his eyes. you grin. he’s asking if you want him to read it aloud to you, to fill up a bit of the gaping hole in this car.
“i forgot you had that,” you say, eyes turning back to the road, but your smile sticking around. sam grins back at you.
“what, you think i go anywhere without a copy of this?” he says lightheartedly, half teasing himself by saying something so nerdy.
“as you should,” you shrug, shutting the music all the way off. “go on, then.” you hear the creak of the spine, and the rustle of pages. then sam’s voice, a sound that melds in perfect familiarity with the rumble of the impala.
“three rings for the elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die…”
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Who is Jo?
It's only the fifth episode of The Trainee but I feel confident about who is the Blue Boy since I learned more about him this episode.
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Ryan is a chill Green Guy who helps everyone including Pie in the very beginning of the episode by changing the copy paper and helping her. This hasn't changed.
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Pie is still being her red passionate self now that she is assistant director for the music video.
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Pah is still the yellow and orange odd one out.
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Judy is still a sophisticated Black Brooder, and Mee is an evolving Pink Person.
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(who gives her crushes pink donuts, so can Judy get one already?)
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But the focus of this episode and post is about Jane!
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We got to know more about him, and my original theory about him seems to be correct because I believed Jane was the Blue Boy since he seems cold and distant but everyone overlooks how dependable and loyal he is.
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And once Ryan steps into Jane's apartment, it becomes even more clear that nobody really knows (Blue Boy) Jane.
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(Sidenote, to be honest, I'd be Purple Person Ja, and not just because of the hair. I have beef with authority figures for no good ass reason. I need no reasons to dislike management, supervisors, admin, or anyone with power, so I ain't mad at her for talking shit about Jane every chance she gets)
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Not only are Jane's curtains that shut out the rest of the world in the apartment that he intentionally selected since it's so close to his job blue.
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But Ryan learns that Jane doesn't eat spicy food after Jane makes Ryan dinner in his blue pot.
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And much like Pie's red bag, Mee's pink purse, and Ryan's green tote, Jane's bag has blue on it.
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But what makes me really believe Jane is a Blue Boy is his behavior.
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It seems like Jane has a box of shooting schedules (or storyboards) right at his front door that Ryan has to push a bit to get through, which much like the location of his apartment reinforces that his job is his life. (unless those are bills, then those bills look odd, and boy is about to be evicted)
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Jane's movies are in alphabetical order (however, he alphabetizes "The" which should not be done because article adjectives a, an, and the should be omitted in alphabetizing, but . . . it's his personal collection, so do you, boo boo)
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His album collection seems to be displayed by color connection (black, white, red) since I spotted Kodaline's 2022 album Our Roots Run Deep, Coldplay's 2002 album A Rush of Blood to the Head, and the 1980s Japanese rock band, Southern All Stars' Tiny Bubbles.
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And the real kicker is Jane's favorite movie seems to be Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy, which is a Thai film about a creative girl who has to go up against her power-driven headmaster to get the yearbook produced as she encounters all the chaos that comes along with being a teenager.
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And even his coworker (boss?) stated that Jane has the director's eye but he had a bad experience as an intern. Jane is talented yet guarded, which is very Blue Boy of him! Also, this book is free in the Archive and amazing!
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So even though Tae has a blue phone and his blue headphones with a blue emoji heart to match Mee's pink heart as a he thinks of her with a pink background,
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My money is on Jane being the Blue Boy since taking care of a Green Guy comes natural to him.
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But the real point of this post is to ask "Who is Jo?" Is he the boss? A helpful office worker? Both? Because he is the only one who interacts with all the staff and actually notices all of them. He knew Pah was Pah when he was pretending to be Tae. He realizes Judy is amazing. He knows where the number for the copier tech is. He takes care of the fish.
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Is he the original Ryan?!
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louthesawgirl · 2 months
What each Saw character would get as a Tesco meal deal (scientifically accurate)
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Hello everyone, I decided as my debut long Saw shitpost, I thought I would decide what meal deals different Saw characters would opt for if they stumbled into a Tesco and were a bit peckish after setting up a few traps.
If you’re not from the U.K. or Ireland and are not familiar with the British & Irish institutions of a meal deal, it’s basically a packaged sandwich, pasta pot, salad, bit of sushi maybe alongside a snack item and a drink for a fixed price (it used to be around £3/ €4 but the shops are taking the piss now). Meal deals are considered a treasured institution here and are an indication of your personality. People judge your character based on what you get between two slices of cheap bread.
Here’s what different Saw characters would get for a Tesco meal deal:
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Adam (Faulkner) Stanheight
1. Southern fried chicken chipotle mayo sub
2. Doritos cheese flavour
3. Vimto still drink
Judging on how we know Adam is quite an unorganised adult struggling to adult most days, I would assume he opts for high energy foods to keep his tastebuds happy. Cheese, spiced chicken and fruity drinks seem up his street. Plus, Vimto is a very Mancunian thing and if Saw was set in the U.K., there’s no way Adam would not be from Manchester.
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Dr Lawrence (Larry) Gordon
1. Eat Your Greens Feta Salad
2. Apple & Grape snack pot
3. Chilled Iced Latte
I feel like because Larry is a doctor, he prioritises convenience but also eats healthily. I also imagine him to be meat free/ vegetarian so that explains the feta & greens salad (I don’t think he’d be vegan though, he seems like he loves proper cheese too much). Larry seems like he’d always be carrying breath mints or tictacs to minimise the cheese or coffee breath- nobody needs a waft of that when being told they’ve got 6 months left to live.
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Amanda Young
1. BLT sandwich
2. Walkers Thai Sweet Chilli Sensations Crisps
3. Monster Energy drink (chosen based on packaging colours to match mood)
Amanda is a busy lady planning traps and building contraptions designed to almost certainly kill people. She seems like she enjoys a bit of spice along with classic comfort combinations.
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John Kramer
- Chicken & bacon sandwich
- Egg snack pot
- Green smoothie
John seems like he’s mindful of what he puts into his body considering he’s consistently a salt & vinegar crisp away from death with the cancer and all. He’s also a very smart man so he would know the best value for money combination with a meal deal is getting an overpriced fruit smoothie for a drink.
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Mark Hoffman
- All Day Breakfast sandwich (triple)
- Walkers Max Salt & Vinegar crisps
- Red Bull
Mark seems like he can’t get enough of bacon & sausage, even though it’s cold and not exactly very fresh. Maybe he’d even have a bit of HP brown sauce with it. Mark would also probably make immature jibes towards vegans and vegetarians because he’s that kind of man. Considering Mark works overtime setting up traps and evading capture, all he’d be drinking by the events of Saw 7 would be energy drinks.
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Jill Tuck
- Egg & Cress sandwich
- Arla strawberry protein yogurt
- Bottle of water
Jill is a bit… bland. I’m sorry but I just have to say it. Egg & cress perfectly summarises Jill’s personality as seen in movies 4-7 between two pieces of bread.
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Peter Strahm
- Deli style cheese & pickle sandwich
- Smoked salmon sushi pack
- Pepsi Max
Strahm made some good decisions, some regrettable ones and one very very dumb decision during his time in the Saw universe. Just like his track record with making poor decisions, I’d guess Peter would get some supermarket sushi as a snack with his meal deal- not very fresh nor authentic and will leave you wondering why you couldn’t have got a pack of reliable crisps or a chocolate bar instead.
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Lindsey Perez
- Feta & sundried tomato pasta
- Propercorn sweet & salty popcorn
- Fanta orange
Perez is a great character and so she would get a meal deal to reflect that. Why do I also imagine Lindsey being veggie?
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Eric Matthews
- Meatball marinara sub
- Walkers Monster Munch Pickled Onion crisps
- Red Bull
I feel like this choice accurately reflects Eric. It’s a combination that’s maybe reflective of an immature palette, maybe even a sort of guilty pleasure combination. I wonder if he’d put the monster munch hands (or feet) on his fingers and eat them like that.
Hope you enjoyed my incredibly British saw shitpost x
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v-ternus · 7 months
Started thinking of the ghouls a little too much while I was hungry, so Im now here to present this dumpster fire.
Aether: frozen yogurt
He loves when it’s warmer out, it means the cold treat is even better than usual (yes he's the type to eat cold stuff when its cold out). He loves the tart, plain flavor and puts cookie dough bites and butterfinger pieces on it.
Dew: ravioli
Any filling, any sauce. Lil guy will put these away like they’re air. The store bought, premade ones are good, but he loves the ones Mountain makes— mushroom and cheese filled in a brown butter sauce.
Aeon: rice crackers
He likes to think that this is what it must feel like to chew on styrofoam. Sure they taste good, but he mostly eats them for the crunches. He lowkey hates the ones wrapped in seaweed.
Aurora: indian food
She is an absolute fiend for samosas. She could make a meal out of it if only she didnt want to eat everything else on the menu. She loves literally everything, but her favorite is chicken madras. She’s busy eating her way through the menu at the restaurant in town. She goes with Copia every Friday for lunch, its their “thing”.
Mountain: barbecue
He’s in heaven whenever they tour through some of the southern states. Loves brisket. Loves cornbread even more.
(he also just loves meat in his mouth)
Rain: cheap pizza
He loves all chain pizzas, but his favorite is Little Caesars. A crappy and slightly-overcooked-from-sitting-under-the-warmer pizza will cheer him up on even the worst days. Also hates olives. Like he really, really hates them. Dew messed up the first time he ordered and got a supreme pizza with olives and Rain straight up cried.
Sunshine: pierogies
She'll eat any pierogi, as long as you give her sour cream on the side. Sometimes she likes them crisped up in butter, but that's a big sometimes. Sunshine has still not found a filling she dislikes.
Swiss: fancy(ish) pizzas
I cant really blame the guy for liking the woodfired stuff. Favorite toppings include but are not limited to: roasted garlic, roasted peppers, prosciutto, and arugula. Him and Rain are opposites when it comes down to this.
Cumulus: pad thai
Americanized or traditional, she will devour it. Though she regularly eats meat, she only gets tofu as the protein option for her pad thai. Unlike the others who seem to have had the best luck, she has found one that she absolutely hated. It was from an Asian fusion chain restaurant. She would've sent it back if she wasn't so scared of being perceived as rude.
Cirrus: crab rangoon
She hates when there's actual crab in her crab rangoons. She just wants that sweet cream cheese. It is the only thing she asks for when they pick cheap Chinese food for dinner.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis.
In her first UK interview since being freed in November, Ada Sagi, 75, also told Emma Barnett on Radio 4's Today programme how she was held in an apartment by paid guards, that Hamas kept her in a hospital before her release - and that she now believes the world hates Jews.
"I don't believe in peace, I don't sorry," the Arabic and Hebrew teacher said. "I understand Hamas don't want it."
Ms Sagi lived for decades in the Nir Oz kibbutz near the Israel-Gaza border, trying to help reconciliation efforts by teaching Israelis Arabic to speak to their neighbours.
In the autumn of 2023, she was planning to come to London to visit her son Noam and celebrate her birthday.
But all that changed when Hamas attacked southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking 251 hostages into Gaza, Ms Sagi among them.
Ada, who turned 75 while held hostage by those she describes as “Hamas terrorists”, was finally freed 53 days later.
EPA Ada Sagi after her release
freed 53 days later.
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Ada Sagi was released in November after 53 days in captivity in Gaza
It has taken six months for the life-long peace activist to be ready to talk to the British media about her experience and her views of those who took her freedom, her home and her belief in peace.
She is aware of the 116 hostages still left behind, 41 of whom Israel says are presumed dead, and is urging the Israeli government to agree a new Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal with Hamas.
"Israel have to do the deal... bring back home all these hostages who [are] alive and also dead," she says.
Ms Sagi describes how, when she was first taken into Gaza, she and some other hostages were hidden in a family home with children, but the following day taken to an apartment in the southern city of Khan Younis because it was "dangerous".
The apartment owner, Ms Sagi said, told them his wife and children had been sent to stay with his in-laws. The man, she added, was a nurse.
She said students were being paid to watch over them. "I heard them say... 70 shekels [£14.82; $18.83] for a day," she said.
"It's a lot of money in Gaza because they have no work. And if you have work not with Hamas, it's no more than 20 shekels for a day," she said.
Hamas paying Gazans to house Israeli captives, says released hostage
Ms Sagi was among 105 hostages released in November in return for a week-long ceasefire and some 240 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
She described the terrible uncertainty of the run up to her release on the fifth day of the deal along with nine other Israelis and two Thais.
"Every knocking on the door you think there is somebody coming to take you," she said.
When the hostages heard there was a deal and that the older women would be released, she said one of the women eventually freed with her was "terrified" she might have been too young to be included.
"But our housekeeper said: ‘No. You came together, you go together,’" she explained.
'We fought to get her back,' son says as more hostages released
Stories of the hostages taken by Hamas from Israel
Who are the released hostages?
On day 49 - a Friday - Ms Sagi said they were told: "You are going home", which she didn't believe.
"At lunchtime, they gave us food... they take us by car to Khan Younis and we go [un]til the border of Rafah [on the border with Egypt]."
But something had gone wrong and they had to return to Khan Younis.
"We are told they are releasing women with children, [and you feel] all the happiness that you are going to be released, and [then] something goes wrong," she said.
When they got into the city, Ms Sagi said, they were taken to a hospital - which she believes was southern Gaza's main hospital, Nasser - and told: "You are staying here."
Ms Sagi said: "People say that they are not involved. They're involved... and getting money for each of us."
Testimony from a number of other released hostages places 10 hostages in total at Nasser hospital, one of whom remains in captivity.
When asked by the BBC to comment on Ms Sagi’s allegations, the hospital's director, Dr Atef al-Hoot, denied that any hostages were kept there and said it only provided humanitarian services.
The Israeli military has previously said its troops detained "about 200 terrorists who were in the hospital" during a raid on Nasser hospital in February, and that they found ammunition as well as unused medicines intended for Israeli hostages.
Hamas has denied Israeli claims that its fighters have been operating inside Nasser and other hospitals across Gaza.
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Ada Sagi and her son Noam had hoped to celebrate her 75th birthday in London before she was kidnapped
Ms Sagi said she and the other residents of Nir Oz who survived the 7 October attacks were now living in apartments in the city of Kiryat Gat.
She is writing a book and working with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “It’s made me feel good that I can help other people,” she said.
She is also keen to continue talking about her ordeal, despite the strong emotions it brings up.
"I lost my home. I lost my freedom - the whole place that I [have] to go back. Our village - kibbutz - is destroyed," she said.
“I cried good. I'm not ‘iron woman’, like everybody says. Sometimes you cry and it's good. My mother would say: ‘To cry, it cleans the eye.’”
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Random food
I added some pictures on AO3 but not here, but I tried searching in English, and it did show the correct item, so if you want to know what it looks like, you can look it up.
Actually, anything can be breakfast, but this is some of what is frequently viewed as breakfast.
Khao Tom (Boiled rice/Rice porridge)
Joke (Rice porridge/Congee)
Tom lueatmu (Pork Blood Soup)
Khaoniao mu ping (Grilled Pork Sticky Rice)
Khaoniao mufoi (Glutinous Rice with Shredded Pork)
Khai kratha (Pan egg)
Namtaohu songkhrueang (soy milk with topping)
Sandwich boran (thai style sandwich)
and everything westerners consider breakfast.
Northern food
Namphriknum (young chili paste)
Namphrik-Ong (Ong Chili Paste)
Khaepmu (Crispy Fried Pork Rinds)
Sai-Ua (a type of sausages)
Kaenghangle (Hung Lay Curry)
Central food
Nam phrik long ruea
Nam phrik kapi
Homok (steamed fish with curry paste)
Thotman (a type of fish ball)
Pucha (deep-fried crab meat and minced pork in crab shell )
Khaophat (Fried rice)
Northeastern food (E-san food)
Soup nomai (bamboo shoot soup)
Tomsom (fish soup with ginger)
Kaeng Om
Kaeng Proe (Bamboo Shoot and Yanang Soup)
Kaeng Het (Mushroom Soup)
Kaeng Khai Motdaeng (Red ant egg soup)
Southern food
Kaeng Taipla
*Kaengsom in the central and southern regions have some differences. Recently, there was even a debate online about whose Kaengsom is superior.
Kai Tom Khamin
Khua Kling
Phat Phet Kop
Yam Nam Budu 
Nowadays, every part of Thailand eats everything I mention here, but its origin is still very obvious, and the origin can give some impression about what it will taste like for people who try it for the first time.
Popular Foreign food
Chinese food (some kinda Thai-Chinese more than actual Chinese)
Japanese food
Korean food
Mexican food
Indian food
Vietnamese food
Westerner food (Farang food)
Green Tea
Iced Tea/Thai Tea
Lemon Tea
Nom yen/Nom chomphu (Pink milk)
Yok lor
Coffee boran
Butterfly pea juice
Lemongrass and Pandan Juice
Nam daeng (Red drink) (Hale's blue boy sala flavor)
Nam khiao (Green drink) (Hale's blue boy cream soda flavor)
Bubble tea
Chain Restaurants  
Burger King
Taco Bell 
MK Suki
Barbecue Plaza
Yum Saap
Fuji restaurants 
Chester’s Grill
Pizza Hut
Pizza Company
Narai pizzeria
Mos Burger
Dairy Queen
Easy to find dish
There a type of restuarant call ran-ahan tam sang (ร้านอาหารตามสั่ง) (Cooked to order resturant?) which is basically everywhere and this is a basic almost every those restuarant will have.  
Rice top with fried basil
Fried rice
Stir Fried Vegetables with Rice
Garlic Pork with Rice
Stir Fried Chili Paste
Suki->Thai Styled Sukiyaki (water/dry)  
You can select the type of meat yourself, even if the name includes the word "pork," (it's just a place holder) and you can add extra meat (more of the one you select or something else) or eggs if desired.
Eating utensils
The most common choice are just a spoon and fork. In places like noodle shops, it usually has chopsticks as well. and for steak, a knife.
List of online supermarket site
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echo-echo31 · 3 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
18. deciding what takeout to order
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
No warnings :)
"What about Thai food?"
This is the fourth suggestion Illinois has made in the last 10 minutes, and he might just break something if his husband doesn't choose it.
Markus sighs, looking up at the ceiling as if pondering a deep philosophical question - leg swinging lazily from where it's dangling off the edge of the sofa. He doesn't even look up from his phone, instead continuing to lay nonchalantly whilst Illy's grasp on his armchair gets uncomfortably firm.
"Um...you know, I don't think I'm in the mood for-"
"Oh, for Christ's sake Markus!"
Finally, his husband looks up, startled. The expression on his face almost makes Illinois feel guilty; he looks like a dog that's just being kicked. But he's got the anger in him now.
"Seriously? You've been lyin' there like a moody teenager distracted by that fuckin' phone all evenin'! They better've solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle because if you're textin' some other guy I swear to god-"
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!' Markus sits up for the first time, his look of shock morphing into something decidedly more insulted. "Just because I'm taking my time to answer your stupid questions, doesn't mean I'm suddenly Bill Clinton!"
Illy's rage is quieting now, the sudden outburst allowing the pot to go back to a gentle simmer. It's one of the traits Illinois likes most about himself; the fact that anger is never a long-term guest in his body.
"Okay...okay," He breathes out sure and steady, and when he speaks again, the southern drawl is slightly less harsh. "It's just I'm findin' your attitude a little bit irritating at the moment, baby."
Markus seems to consider this, the hackles on his back metaphorically lowering as he leans back against the arm of the sofa.
" Yeah, well..." Marcus begins to fiddle with something at the hem of his t-shirt looking down. "Maybe I just want-"
He mumbles something that Illinois can't quite hear.
"What, honey?"
Marcus sighs, looking at the wall as he speaks a fraction louder this time.
'I said maybe I just want your cooking"
Illinois is stunned for a moment before a grin creeps up his face, and a deep laugh climbs up from his chest.
"You want my cookin'"?
Markus, again, grumbling, let's out a nearly inaudible Yeah.
Illinois leans his head on one hand, the smirk growing wider by the second.
"You mean you like my cookin' so much that you tried to get me so frustrated that I'd give up on the idea of takeout?"
Markus finally raises gaze. He looks annoyed and yet there's a ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he looks at his husband.
"Love you, darlin'"
Again, Markus speaks in a low grumble but Illinois knows him well enough to be able to hear the words I love you too no matter how annoyed he's pretending to be.
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You said send stuff ab the south and you know me well enough to know I can speak from experience
MAN I wish it was more accepting of queer people. There’ve been times in public where I’ve genuinely not felt safe if I’m not passing enough to look like a cis guy and that sucks! Let me live for fucks sake!
Part of the reason I want to leave for college is the HEAT. Southeast weather is no joke (heat indexes of 112 gonna be the death of me istg)
No matter how hard I try though I’m probably never gonna work “y’all” and “ain’t” out of my talking, and tbh that’s fine. And honestly it’s kind of funny to me when my accent randomly comes out because I usually cover it pretty well
But southern hospitality is where it’s at fr. That and southern comfort foods CANT BE BEAT. And boiled peanuts (god I love me some good boiled peanuts)
I’m rambling a lot but uhhhh yeah
Ooc: NO LITERALLY. we probably have the same sort of ideas on this topic cause yk but. Holy shittt the heat is bad.
And yea i rlly do wish they were more accepting of queer ppl but... yk..
AND SOUTHERN SLANG IS SO FUN THO... aint is so veratile. It means like. Everthing ever. And yall is just better. DID YOU KNOW THAY IN PITTSBURGH, PA THEY SAY "YENS???" cause bro my mommy told me abt that. She said it means "you ones" and i cry everytime i hesr it /lh
Southern food. Mmm i lov southern food.... the boiled peanut.man is my #1 fav at the flea market ong!!! Styrofoam cups of boiled peanuts... i got peanut juice all over my mommas car once. Oops.
Also. When old ppl call you nicenames. It makes me so happy. (I have sorta picked it up and i have started calling ppl sugar. Oops.)
Accents are fun. Mine isnt strong except when i get worked up or just sometimes on random words or when im thinking about my accent or when theperson im talking to has a southern accent. But its fun i love it (even if some.ppl tesse me for it)
ty for letting meyap more bro ily... /p
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Love Sea - Episode 1
Like I said before I'm feeling chatty today so I'm just gonna write while I watch and then decide if I'm gonna post. I'll probably post. If you're reading this I obviously did. Anyway I've had dinner and now I have my coffee. How are we feeling about another Mame show? I haven't read anything about this one. I went into Wedding Plan sceptic, to say the least, and it was a wonderful surprise. Although Love in the air part 2 was not a pleasant experience, I will do my best to have an open mind. OK. Let's do this.
-The sea is always a plus. I miss it so much. -LOL the slow-mo. We get it, we're suppose to be drooling. -This is an important pen. ok maybe not. is it just for the title shot? -This place is gorgeous. Heaven indeed. -No one will get this, but I just rewatched Barakamon and this is exactly what happens when Handa gets to the island as well. Heaven for some. Hell for others. -Are they gonna write 'southern dialect' on top of the subs every time he speaks??? -See I don't know thai, so how different is the southern dialect really? If anyone knows please tell me. I'm really curious now. -I don't think it's because he has a pretty face though. I'm sure he suffered some trauma and that's why he's an asshole. -Oh her. I missed her. Is she gonna be a couple too? Does this have a gl side couple? -oh hello Ja. you're here too? I'm pretty sure I watched the trailer for this but apparently I don't remember anything. -This hostility feels so forced. Like they are creating the enemies in 'the enemies to lovers' as we speak. -I'd like a Martini. But I don't have vermouth. Life is so unfair. -I like that he keeps speaking in dialect. It's so petty I love it. - That backfired now but I'm sure this is all atitude and Mut will actually be thinking about this moment later. -Declarations like this in a bl are guaranteed to mean exactly the opposite. -It's because of people like this guy that hotels have so much food waste. That's probably the most depressing think about working in a hotel. Also costumers like him. -'Money can't buy me.' That's just something people say. How much? 5000 bhts? let me just quickly google how much that is. 125,65 euros as of right now. Just to not speak the dialect? I think you can get more. 7000... 10 000… 15000… so that's around 376 euros. Not bad for basically doing nothing. -This whole convo is reminding of Auto in DR. 'Yeah, throw money at me. Screw dignity' -I'm really enjoying Fort. The sarcasm is delicious. -I really miss the beach. -This proposal sounds..indecent. -The last man on earth thing again. You're just asking for it now. -Yiwa is back. I know that's not her name here but it's too soon. Rehearsing in front of the mirror. I should do this. I'm sure it would save me some headaches. -Second person in a ql that can't change a lightbulb. Oh wait she's lying. Is this like Dee? She pretends she can't change the lightbulb just so the girl does it for her? Very mysterious. What is she planning... - I also don't get it. What does having sex have to do with anything? -That was fast. Already thinking of him? I guess if rude is your thing who am I to judge? or have they met before? have they met as kids??? The plot thickens. just in my head tho. -Never trust auto-save. Just when you need it, it will let you down. -That was so dramatic. Like I get that this is probably a trauma response but that was a lot. He's been an asshole this whole time, how am I suppose to empathise? Mut is a better person than me. -I choose clams. I love clams. But on land. I'm getting seasick just from watching. The End oh wait. there's more. wait what did he say? There were no subs for that bit. Oh well he's already smitten.
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That's a nice background for the credits. I wonder if it will change with the episodes. Like Gaya Sa Pelikula. Probably, right?
Well that was...okay. Too early to say much but I'm enjoying Mut. And Yiwa is back on my screen! And I'm really happy to have a show set on the beach. I shall continue watching this for now.
I won't do this every time though. Today is an aberration. It was a weird day but I have too much energy.
I should check on the elections, I'm sure that will bring my mood right back down. Oh but tomorrow is a holiday so I can do nothing all day. I'm happy again. Ok. bye.
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gildedoak · 1 month
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Southern Comfort Food Episode 12 - Fried Catfish
Catfish is one of my personal favorites, though we often cooked it Thai-style instead of with cornmeal batter. Either way, still yummy!
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Cornbread Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie ??? - Season 1 Finale
Description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: "Lunchtime in the Hotel Breakroom: FRIED CATFISH"
Husk sits in the foreground, nonchalantly eating a large piece of golden fried catfish. Lucifer, Alastor and Niffty sit in the background.
The text by Husk reads: It's probably some kind of threat, but he doesn't care. (checkmark) It's free. (checkmark) It's fresh. (checkmark) It's homemade. BONUS! Boss is in a good mood.
Lucifer (looking down at his plate): Do you know how to deep-fry everything?
Alastor (looking a little smug): That's for ME to know.
Niffty: Yes.
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
Feeling utterly unhinged about Hidden Agenda rn so here's an aimless meta? linguistic meandering through the episode?? Eh, bit of both, I guess.
Disclaimer: I'm still learning Thai so feel free to correct me on anything 🙏
Part 2/4 currently doesn't have subs (watching without any subs turned out to be easier than I expected) so I don't know in how far the subs make it clear but-
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When Joke first comes to Zo's dorm and meets his mom, he expectedly addresses her as คุณน้า (khun naa). It's a polite way to address an aunt (specifically the younger sister of one's mom) or address a woman who could be your aunt, age-wise.
As we saw, they seemed to have bonded pretty quickly over cooking so I was delighted to hear Joke call her คุณแม่ (khun mae) already when she invites him to stay for dinner. It's a polite form of address for someone's mother - you could call your friend's mom this, a teacher might address a student's mother like that, it's a respectful way to call your partner's mom or even your own if you're that formal with your parents. Zo's mom most likely offered it to him.
Apart from this linguistic context clue, I think it was pretty obvious how grateful Zo's mom was for Joke bridging the gap and letting her know a bit about what Zo is up to these days. He doesn't seem to talk to his mom much at all but then again he keeps his feelings inside a lot anyway. It's lovely that Joke encourages him to be more open with his feelings and thoughts, not just towards Joke himself but everyone! He's really been consistently trying to get Zo to come out of his shell, experience new things, and be less passive.
Let's talk about the food Zo's mom made! (At least as much as I'm catching, with the lack of subs 🥴)
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It's all Southern Thai dishes, อาหารใต้ (ahaan dtai), which are generally known to be spicy hot hence Joke's suffering and sweating lol
Food pictures courtesy of this handy-dandy Wikipedia list, where you can also read up on these and other Thai dishes if you're interested!
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The dish Joke and Zo's mom rescue from burning to a crisp is หมูหวาน (moo wan), "sweet pork".
Next up is the curry that Zo's mom makes sure to serve Joke: It's called แกงส้ม (gaeng som), orange curry, in Southern Thailand but everywhere else it's called แกงเหลือง (gaeng lueang), yellow curry, or แกงส้มใต้ (gaeng som dtai), Southern Thai orange curry, to differentiate it from central Thai แกงส้ม (gaeng som), orange curry. The one in the picture above is made with fish.
A clearly struggling Joke says he likes Southern food, especially กุ้งผัดสะตอ (goong phat sataw), shrimp stir-fried with the "stink" beans we see being used as a punishment/challenge at the end of the episode. The picture above is of the pork variety of this dish, หมูผัดสะตอ (moo phat sataw).
I'm not actually sure what the dessert is that Zo's mom shows up with as the boys are having A Moment™. But judging from the color, I'm gonna assume it's grass jelly, เฉาก๊วย (chao guay).
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As for the tongue twister / pronunciation exercise - the translators did a nice job in choosing an equivalent English one but that can't stop me from sharing the Thai one hehe
ยักษ์รักลิง /yak rak ling/ = giant loves monkey
ลิงรักยักษ์ /ling rak yak/ = monkey loves giant
ลิงน่ารัก /ling naarak/ = cute monkey
ยักษ์รักลิง /yak rak ling/ = giant loves monkey
So here's how Joke ends up using it to continue to be dorky-sweet to cheer Zo up flirt:
ยักษ์รักลิงแล้ว /yak rak ling laew/ = The giant loves the monkey (already). (It's possible he says อยาก /yaak/ here, my ability to distinguish tones ain't all that, in which case it would be Want to love the monkey.)
ลิงรักยักษ์บ้างปะ /ling rak yak baang bpa/ = Does the monkey love the giant at all?
ไม่ต้องรักยักษ์ก็ได้นะ /mai dtawng rak yak gaw dai na/ = Don't have to love the giant.
แต่แค่กลับมาคุยกับยักษ์เหมือนเดิมก็พอแล้ว /dtae kae glap maa kuy gap yak meuuan deerm gaw paw laew/ = Just going back to speaking with the giant same as before is enough.
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I'm still in disbelief that Zo could make this smitten face at Joke yet not realize that Joke basically just confessed to him!
This show keeps on driving me crazy with how these characters look at each other, in general. There's a lot of tension, and with how JoongDunk and P'Tee have talked about this series and these characters, I'm kind of expecting that tension to resolve in
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ohifonlyx33 · 1 month
I love how much food variety there is available in America when you consider all the ethnicities bringing their own food over. Like... It's insane.
I can get a simple deli sandwich or German-inspired hamburgers and fries or southern soul food like Fried chicken or country-fried steak and mac n cheese or mash potatoe. We can have breakfast pancake and with bacon and egg or biscuit and gravy, but I can also get Jewish Bagels or French or Danish pastries or Czech kolaches filled with meat or sweets.
Then if I want something spicy I can order Mexican food (typically Tex Mex but still good), or Indian samosas and curries, or maybe I want try Korean bulgogi and BBQ Chicken and then burn my mouth and regret my life choices trying tteokbokki, or Japenese sushi and ramen and boba tea, theres also Thai and Vietnamese, or perhaps I'll just order Chinese-American takeout. Or if I don't want Lo Mein, but I still want noodles, I can get (or cook) varying levels of "authentic" Italian pasta quite easily.
And if we can't decide: we probably end up just getting pizza.
Today alone I had a kolache for Breakfast, a Korean hotdog (like a hotdog stuffed inside a mozzarella stick, wrapped in a corn dog, and fried... amazing) with a fruity popping Boba slushie thing for lunch, and now for dinner I might just have a bowl of Cereal or a frozen pork egg roll or a pb&j or a yogurt and some fruit.
Like this is just a post to appreciate how many choices we have...
So. Many.
Kings of old will weep.
And yet sometimes it seems like our choices consist of berger or nuggies or salad. Chocolat or Vanilla extract.
But the while wide world is open to us.
And yet people still willingly choose to eat cream cheese and put pineappl on pizza 🤢
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