#still waiting for something to happen between Pie and Pah
respectthepetty · 26 days
Nine is *that* intern
Nine did not just intern with Jane and date him. He was *the* intern who didn't have a background in the field yet got the big job!
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But I don't think that it was *just* that Nine got the job without the background. I think Nine got the job based on Jane's idea!
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And the colors tell me this!
Brown Boy Tae in his brown shirt is still filling up a pink water bottle because he misses his Pink Person Mee.
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Pink Person Mee is wearing pink and black because she is falling for Black Brooder Judy.
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Red Rascal Pie is wearing red because she is a badass who has always known herself.
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But Yellow/Orange Oddity Pah is only painting with his color this week because he struggled with self-confidence and self-image thinking he wasn't talented enough.
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And, of course, Green Guy Ryan wore pink "self care" heart socks,
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and a little heart on his purple sweater over his heart because he is in love with Jane.
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So what does this have to do with Blue Boy Jane?!
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I wrote a couple of weeks ago that my handy dandy 7" Chromebook's screen resolution was soooo dark that it was hard to tell if Jane was black or blue.
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Like all the other characters, colors evolve based on interactions and feelings with and for other characters. Tae is carrying a pink bottle, Mee is wearing black, Ryan is in his heart era, and Jane's blue has evolved throughout the show to be lighter, yet the show confirmed that Jane was dark blue . . . which is because of this Black Brooder!
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It has to be difficult to be a light Blue Boy in love with an intern when Jane has this dark cloud of his previous idea-stealing boyfriend who got the credit and the job for his idea lingering behind his back, no?
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So not only was I finally told what Jo's job is (THE PRESIDENT!),
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But now I think I pieced together why Blue Boy Jane is so damn dark all the time!
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A Black Brooder not only took credit for their shared idea and got the big directing job, but also broke Jane's heart because they were dating and Jane helped his boyfriend, who had no background in the field, since he loved him!
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I don't know why I'm smiling. Well, I know why I'm smiling because a good color narrative makes me happy, but that's a sad story IF it's true which it could not be true and I just made up an entire thing that is actually not the story and that specific previous intern experience could have nothing to do with Nine and Jane's relationship and Nine only dated Jane and nothing more.
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But Jane does seem a lot lighter around Ryan.
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Well, anywho! Ryan is wearing pink (for love) and Jane's (light) blue next week
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While Tae is going through his Sad Boy Era in black because his heart is broken and he is miserable and when people are sad and heartbroken their colors turn darker and . . .
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 5 years
A @batfam-christmas-stocking fic written for @lurkinglurkerwholurks!! happy holidays <3
“You guys really don’t have to do all this for me,” Duke says as he and Alfred step out of the suit fitting place. His words are part uncomfortable and part resigned. Jason and Steph have both already talked to him about what it’s like to be a Wayne kid—to have all that money at his disposal, and adults around who will spend it on him without a second thought—but actually living it is different.
There’s some Wayne Foundation event happening soon, and Duke is expected to go. He’s also expected to have a suit, and since he hasn’t had to wear one since his aunt’s funeral way back when he was a little kid, Alfred made plans for him to get one. Several ones, actually, but today he only tried on the one meant for the upcoming party.
Alfred slips the cuff links they brought along back into their box. “It’s no matter, Master Duke,” he says, casually handing the box over like it doesn’t hold very expensive cuff links that Thomas Wayne once wore. “All young men need a well-fitting suit.”
Staring down at the box in his hands, he asks, “But one so… much?”
After a brief moment, Alfred closes Duke’s fingers over the box and guides him gently by the wrist to slip it into his jacket pocket. They start walking, and Alfred pats his shoulder once. “So much, sir? If you mean the cost, I assure you, this is hardly a drop in the bucket. Master Dick in particular has gone through a great many suits in his lifetime, and there have been no repercussions.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about, though.” Feeling like he can confide some in the older man, Duke says, “I don’t know, it’s just…. That thing cost so much money, and I’m only going to wear it once? It just seems like a waste.”
“If you’d like, you may certainly wear it more than once. People will talk, of course, if you do so more than once every few months, but the opinions of others should have no consequence on how you live your life, Master Duke.”
“I guess. Hey, where are we going? The car’s that way.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I’m afraid I forgot to tell you. There’s another stop that needs to be made at Trader Joe’s.”
Duke makes a face. That sounds boring, and he’s ready to go home. “How long do you think you’ll be?”
“Not long at all.”
“Can I like, do some window shopping then? I won’t go too far, I just haven’t seen much of this part of Gotham, you know? I figure some exploring will help me with my, uh, job.”
Knowingly, Alfred agrees. Soon enough, they get there, and Alfred promises to not dilly-dally. Shrugging, Duke waits until he’s inside to wander off, glancing at the shop windows. One is a toy store, and though Duke is sixteen, much too old to play with toys, he finds himself standing there for a while, staring at all the colorful and expensive items.
It’s weird, knowing that if he asked for something inside, he could get it easily. His life has never been like that—even before the orphanages and group homes, his parents’ jobs weren’t well paying enough that he could ever get something from this place. They did their best, and he can’t think of a holiday that went by where he wasn’t happy. The memories of his parents’ smiles, exhausted but content, are never far from his mind. But the facts are that this store would’ve probably always been out of their reach. And now, if he wanted, he could go and ask Alfred for some money, enough to get something from here, and Alfred wouldn’t say no. Maybe he’d say Duke needs to follow a certain rule, like only get what he can hold, but that would be it. He can’t imagine Alfred would say anything about only spending so much.
It’s different and kind of overwhelming, but he’s getting used to it, he thinks.
If Steph is to be believed, he might never be fully used to it, though. Honestly, Duke isn’t sure that’s a bad thing. He doesn’t want to lose sight of what it’s like to struggle, but at the same time, it’s nice not having to worry about it anymore.
Seeing two men hustling it down the street, he’s thrown from his thoughts. Relatively well dressed, though not anything like the suits Duke was just trying on, they seem mean and like the thugs he’s come into contact with through his day job as the Signal. Not the ones he’s really used to, the ones who he used to see when he was a kid, who rob people because they’re starving and there’s no other way to get money quick enough.
It’s somehow still surprising when they see him, standing there in a nice outfit and with a visibly expensive watch, and decide that he’s the one they’re going to target. Not that surprising, granted, but for some reason, he had thought crime wouldn’t be so bad here. The rich parts of Gotham always tout themselves as being “safer”, after all. He should know better by now.
They descend on him so fast it’s kind of impressive, honestly, or at least it would be if it weren’t extremely annoying. The taller of the two speaks first, his voice gravely and deep. “This is a mugging,” he says, pulling a gun from his pocket and aiming it at Duke’s chest. “You gonna make it easy on us, kid? ‘Cause me and my pal here got no issue doing this the hard way.”
The thing is, Duke is a civilian right now. Any other day, any other circumstances, he’d be suited up as The Signal, and he could deal with these losers easy as pie. He can easily envision how he could take them down—the shorter guy has a weapon, too, but he’s anxiously gripping it in his pocket. It’s probably not a gun, or he’d have brought it out when his friend did. Maybe a knife, or some other kind of blunt object. Which means that Duke could allow the tall guy to get close so Duke can disarm him, and punch him hard enough to knock him out before moving on to Shorty. No real threat of being shot, and whatever Shorty’s got, it shouldn’t be too hard to disarm him too. Duke is getting really good at these petty fights, enough that he doesn’t really feel threatened.
Except Duke can’t do anything. Duke Thomas, the civilian, is someone who isn’t supposed to know how to fight, just another rich wimp.
Raising his hands, he tries to seem weak. Like he’s scared and playing it off like he’s amused. There are layers to this shit, and he’s not about to fail at one of the easier parts of the job—acting. “W-what do you want? Money?”
“Your watch,” Shorty says. “And your jacket.”
“You got any weapons on you?” Tall Guy shifts his aim up and down, trying to be threatening.
“No,” Duke says honestly, but they don’t believe him. Pulling him roughly to a nearby alleyway, they pat his pockets, and when they find the box, Shorty slips it out and carefully examines it. It’s a nice box, old but hardly worn at all.
“Thought you said you don’t got any weapons,” Shorty growls, slowly opening the box while Tall Guy keeps the gun aimed at Duke. When Shorty sees the cuff links, he snorts, puts the lid back on, and slips it into his own pocket. Then he steps forward and keeps patting until he finds Duke’s wallet. “You richie-riches. Pah,” he says as he opens it up.
Duke can tell the moment he recognizes the name he sees on Duke’s driver’s license.
Duke Thomas is a name that’s becoming well known, same as all the other Wayne kids. He’s the only one who’s consistently been in the papers lately, though, since everyone is curious about the newest foster child.
“You one of them Waynes?” Shorty demands, tone harsher than the grin widening on his face would suggest. To Tall Guy, he says, “We should kidnap ‘im, man. Get a ransom offa Wayne. I hear he don’t mess around when it comes to the children.”
“You’re right,” a new voice, a familiar voice, interjects. “He doesn’t. And neither do I.”
As Tall Guy and Shorty turn their attentions to Alfred, Duke… doesn’t relax like he thought he might. Instead, he tenses, because how likely is it that Alfred is distracting him, blocking out the mouth of the alley, so Duke can have a chance to fight these losers? He knows Alfred isn’t helpless, but of the two of them, Duke is the one with more experience dealing with losers like these two.
With their backs to him, he drops his hands and starts to crouch into a fighting position.
Except…it turns out, Alfred doesn’t really need him to do anything. Tall Guy steps forward with the gun aimed high, his finger on the trigger. “Who’re you?” He demands, standing straight and tense as Alfred approaches. “The nanny?”
“The butler, actually. In any case, that is my grandson you’re threatening, and really, sir, simply so you can steal his watch?”
Tall Guy and Shorty don’t seem to know what to say. Shorty pulls out a knife.
Alfred disarms and knocks both of them out within a few minutes, and Duke hardly even has to help, just punches Shorty when he comes staggering over, dazed and in pain. A few punches is all it takes before Duke’s knocking the guy out. Before they leave the scene, he makes sure to retrieve the cuff links, not wanting to lose them.
They hurry back to the car, and once they’re both settled in their seats, on the road back to the Manor, Duke can’t keep quiet anymore. “Why did you do that? I could’ve handled it.”
“Yes, I have every faith you could have, Master Duke,” Alfred says. “But your identity must be protected. If this gets out, no one will be much surprised to hear that I fought them off. No suspicion will be slung at you. And even if that were not the case, you are family.”
“I’m only Bruce’s foster kid,” Duke refutes. It’s easy to think of the Waynes as family. It’s not as easy to think about his real parents, and what they would think about all this, what they would want for him. They would want him to be happy, he knows that, and he’s happy with Bruce. But he can’t ignore that his parents could still be out there somewhere, that for all everyone knows, this could be temporary. It doesn’t feel great to put distance between himself and the others, but right now, he kind of needs it.
“Yes, but still, you are family. You always will be, my boy. And while you are part of us, I will defend you. Unfortunately, you’ll just have to get used to it.” Alfred smiles, then, and though Duke is feeling a big mess of emotions, he can’t help but smile back. It felt really nice to be defended. He hasn’t always had someone who would do that, and even if in the past few years his friends have filled that role, he remembers being a young kid, no one in his corner once his parents were gone.
It’s a good, good feeling.
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Oh my! Cherry Pie - Dean Winchester Imagines
Y/N groaned in agony as she laid on the couch eagle spread, hungry and in pain...lots of pain. She looked at her left arm stuck in a sling and glared at it. “This is all your fault, stupid bloody arm, damn werewolf” she seethed. Usually it was up to her to get the shopping done but a werewolf got the jump on her and broke her arm in several places so Dean and Sam went to do it, she hadn’t eaten all day since she had just woke up and Cas was busy doing something else in who-knows-where-USA which is why she was now bore, hungry, alone, hungry….Did I mentioned hungry? “GAH!! I’m FREAKING STARVING!!”
Y/N shouted before getting up making sure to not put weight on her left arm as she got up.
High and low she searched the cupboards for something...anything really as long as it was edible at this point she could probably take her old, muddy boot cover it in ketchup and call it a day. Hopelessly, she stumbled to the fridge for anything, she’d even eat Sam’s moose food, she would take a greasy, cardiac arrest between two buns any day but today...today she didn’t care. The light from the fridge illuminated the dark kitchen..bupkis..not a single thing to eat, no hide or hair of a carrot, leaf, or days old left overs, nothing but two beers undoubtedly deans, stood in her deflated peripheral. She sighed and closed her eyes before moving the beer on the right over a little more, saying a little prayer as she opened her big, E/C orbs. A circular tin with a plastic lid laid in front of her sight, ¾ of the contents missing, undoubtedly rolling around in Dean’s gut or down the sewer.
Wait a minute...Dean’s pie…. Y/N eyes went wide as she took her gaze away from the delicious dessert. “Oh, no...don’t you even think about it Y/N, Dean will have your ass mounted about the fireplace” she mumbled to her self as she closed the door of the fridge with a pout. She stood there in the kitchen, with her hand still on the fridge door when her conscious slapped her in the face! You know like in the cartoon with the angel and the devil? Heh angels...devils...well they didn’t have a physical form so to speak but they were there with her and screaming at her.
Angle: “stealing is wrong, you shouldn’t do it, wait and your patience will be rewarded”
Devil: “EFFFFF THAT! Lady, you have given everything for those boys, you cook, you clean and your a damn good hunter, if Dean can’t forgive you for taking what’s left of this pie, then he can shove it where the sun don’t shine!!”
Weighing the pros and cons of the situation, Y/N stopped abruptly and grabbed the tin and a fork from the drawer before diving in. “If I’m gonna die, I’m doing it in style with a kick ass last meal” Y/N thought as she stuffed the delicious cherry goodness in her face. Being..well Y/N, she went to her room which was conveniently on the bottom floor and went to her stereo and started to blast Cherry Pie by Warrant and dancing by the table in the kitchen as she ate Dean’s her pie. But in her delight she didn’t hear the sound of the Impala roaring in the garage...or the sound of the door starting to unlock.  
“FEEZ MAH HERY PAH”  Y/N sung with a mouth full of pie and she danced and wiggled her butt, with a big smile on her face. Then she saw Sam with an amused look and behind him was….oh crap. Y/N eyebrows flew up to her hairline to see Dean with a look on his face, it didn’t look mad..but it wasn’t a happy look either...this was ...BADDD!!!!! The tin dropped to the floor with a loud clatter…. “ Sonovab-, Y/N there are things to man that are sacred , you don’t touch his girl, you don’t touch his car, you don’t touch his beer, you don’t touch his porn and you don’t touch his PIE” he said dropping the grocery bags to the floor.
As fast as you could you bee-lined it for your room, hearing heavy footsteps behind you and made it in successfully to your room and locked it. Breathing a sigh of relief as you retreated to your bed, full and happy...then your door started to jiggle…..oh crap….you had forgotten something very important about Dean...and that was he knew how to pick locks...The door swung open like some horror movie and there was Dean smiling with a machete in his hands… “ Y/N baby, I’m sorry I snapped, turn around and put your butt in the air, so I can chop it off mount it above the fire place” he said in a sweet voice, that even though you were scared out of your mind… had you melting...Y/N let out a sigh, then a small smile “well…...crap”.
Dean closed up on her like a predator, machete still in hand and in seconds flat the blade was upon her, closing her eyes she didn’t get too see what happened next...but she did feel it. Lips…. Chapped, yet smooth, devilishly delicious lips, lips that could love, hate, kill, kiss, beg and even take your soul. Y/N eyes shot open to see Dean standing over her, with his emerald eyes looking straight through her, hands on either side of head as his lips disconnected with hers. A red hue took over Y/N face as their lips disconnected and he slowly made his way to her ear. “Your my cherry pie, put a smile on my face, ten miles wide, you look so good you bring a tear to my eye, sweet cherry pie” his husky voice growled in your ears, causing the red to stay as shivered rolled down your spine in waves, lightly he then attacked your ear with little nibbles and kisses...suppressing sounds, your only thoughts were “why didn’t I eat that pie sooner?”
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Who is Jo?
It's only the fifth episode of The Trainee but I feel confident about who is the Blue Boy since I learned more about him this episode.
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Ryan is a chill Green Guy who helps everyone including Pie in the very beginning of the episode by changing the copy paper and helping her. This hasn't changed.
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Pie is still being her red passionate self now that she is assistant director for the music video.
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Pah is still the yellow and orange odd one out.
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Judy is still a sophisticated Black Brooder, and Mee is an evolving Pink Person.
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(who gives her crushes pink donuts, so can Judy get one already?)
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But the focus of this episode and post is about Jane!
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We got to know more about him, and my original theory about him seems to be correct because I believed Jane was the Blue Boy since he seems cold and distant but everyone overlooks how dependable and loyal he is.
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And once Ryan steps into Jane's apartment, it becomes even more clear that nobody really knows (Blue Boy) Jane.
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(Sidenote, to be honest, I'd be Purple Person Ja, and not just because of the hair. I have beef with authority figures for no good ass reason. I need no reasons to dislike management, supervisors, admin, or anyone with power, so I ain't mad at her for talking shit about Jane every chance she gets)
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Not only are Jane's curtains that shut out the rest of the world in the apartment that he intentionally selected since it's so close to his job blue.
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But Ryan learns that Jane doesn't eat spicy food after Jane makes Ryan dinner in his blue pot.
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And much like Pie's red bag, Mee's pink purse, and Ryan's green tote, Jane's bag has blue on it.
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But what makes me really believe Jane is a Blue Boy is his behavior.
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It seems like Jane has a box of shooting schedules (or storyboards) right at his front door that Ryan has to push a bit to get through, which much like the location of his apartment reinforces that his job is his life. (unless those are bills, then those bills look odd, and boy is about to be evicted)
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Jane's movies are in alphabetical order (however, he alphabetizes "The" which should not be done because article adjectives a, an, and the should be omitted in alphabetizing, but . . . it's his personal collection, so do you, boo boo)
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His album collection seems to be displayed by color connection (black, white, red) since I spotted Kodaline's 2022 album Our Roots Run Deep, Coldplay's 2002 album A Rush of Blood to the Head, and the 1980s Japanese rock band, Southern All Stars' Tiny Bubbles.
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And the real kicker is Jane's favorite movie seems to be Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy, which is a Thai film about a creative girl who has to go up against her power-driven headmaster to get the yearbook produced as she encounters all the chaos that comes along with being a teenager.
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And even his coworker (boss?) stated that Jane has the director's eye but he had a bad experience as an intern. Jane is talented yet guarded, which is very Blue Boy of him! Also, this book is free in the Archive and amazing!
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So even though Tae has a blue phone and his blue headphones with a blue emoji heart to match Mee's pink heart as a he thinks of her with a pink background,
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My money is on Jane being the Blue Boy since taking care of a Green Guy comes natural to him.
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But the real point of this post is to ask "Who is Jo?" Is he the boss? A helpful office worker? Both? Because he is the only one who interacts with all the staff and actually notices all of them. He knew Pah was Pah when he was pretending to be Tae. He realizes Judy is amazing. He knows where the number for the copier tech is. He takes care of the fish.
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Is he the original Ryan?!
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respectthepetty · 2 months
I'm traveling again, so I'm coming to you from a 7" Chromebook (that hasn't updated in three years) for the sixth episode of The Trainee, so basically I'm Bon Jovi and living on a prayer since the screen resolution on this thing doesn't allow me to see if Jane is wearing blue or black, but I'm going to have faith that my newly cemented Blue Boy is committed to his color now that Ryan is very interested in getting to know the real him.
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Because both of them wore pink moving those big blue jugs of water (unless that's orange on Ryan then I have no idea. Darn you, Chromebook!)
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No, that's pink, right? Right?! Ryan wore pink several times as he was figuring out he was falling in love, right? RIGHT?!
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Well, at least I know for sure Mee was being her normal Pink Person self with Judy still in black.
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She never gets to see her boyfriend (who I think is a Brown Boy), which makes her sad.
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But she still retains her color.
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Even as she goes through a crisis of the heart, she has her little fuzzy pink pen.
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And her pink headband as she massages the woman who is inducing her queer awakening.
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Which caused her to sniff(?) Red Rascal Pie.
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Who I'm convinced has something going on with Pah since she was wearing one of his Yellow/Orange Oddity colors this episode.
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Wait, what was the point of this? I feel like Jo who is lost in that pink couch and who I still don't know what his actual job is!
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Oh wait, that's what this was about - PINK! Like that pink top on the cookies Ryan gave to Jane with a green cookie in it for Ryan and a pink cookie for love!
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Ryan had on his green text shirt but was surrounded by blue because he finally realized he is quickly falling in love with Jane!
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Which is why the rain scene with its light of understanding had so many tiny touches of pink in it from the cookies to the food stand equipment.
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Because Ryan is just a Green Guy falling in love with his mentor.
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(That's blue, right? Jane is wearing blue when he gives Ryan the brownies, right? RIGHT?! God, I cannot live, laugh, and love under these Chromebook conditions)
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respectthepetty · 1 month
A Tale of TWO Blue Boys?
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It's episode seven of The Trainee and what I know for sure is everyone is color coded, like Ryan is a Green Guy.
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Pie is a Red Rascal.
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Mee is a Pink Person.
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And Pah is a Yellow/Orange Oddity.
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These are obvious!
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But I was on the hunt for the Blue Boy of the group, and I thought it was Jane!
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Because I thought Tae was a Brown Blanket.
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Wait, I meant that I thought Tae was a Brown Boy.
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So it would make sense that Ryan would wake up in pink (with green) wrapped in a blue comforter since he likes Jane.
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And it would make sense that Ryan seeing Jane's true color would stir something pink in Blue Boy Jane.
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Since Blue Boy Jane has started wearing his color more and is now wearing both his and Ryan's colors!
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But now I think there are TWO Blue Boys in this story!
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I've known Tae has blue headphones and a blue cell phone.
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And I've known Mee has a blue heart for him in her phone when she is clearly the pink heart.
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But then Mee also made Tae coffee in a blue mug to go with her pink mug, and there are the cute color-coded little rabbits that (should) represent them on his desk.
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So while Ryan was wearing red like his fellow AD intern Pie and making the same type of mistake she did on the set by when she made costly decisions on her own,
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(Which will cause Jane and Ryan to end up in the red next week but hopefully the potential for a blinding light of love is there too *fingers crossed*)
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Mee is living the color-coded life she wants to be living with Tae . . . with Judy.
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Mee wants someone who is dependable and stable. Mee wants someone she can count on.
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And she gets that from Black Brooder Judy.
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But what Mee wants, and this hurts me to write because I want my GL couple to sail, is a Blue Boy, which might be the reason why she is wearing blue when kissing Judy.
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While Tae has been excelling as an intern, he has been a shit boyfriend, but for their anniversary, he tried to be the best Blue Boy for Mee.
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And even tried to show up for her!
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But is it too late for Tae to be the Blue Boy(friend) Mee wanted him to be?
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I have no idea where this story is going because I'm blinded by my desire for Judy and Mee to be an item, but I do find it interesting that Tae is finally wearing blue in the next episode.
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And he will be at his absolute worst surrounding by pink.
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While Mee is still in blue, so is she trying to manifest the faen of her color-coded dreams or is Tae actually a Blue Boy, and she is showing him how much she loves him by wearing his color?
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Because when Ryan wears blue, its obvious why.
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But I don't know what it means for a boy who can't pick what color or what kind of boyfriend he wants to be.
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Is this story big enough for two Blue Boys?
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respectthepetty · 12 days
Pie + Pah (It's Canon to Me!)
I have believed since the B-scene episode when Pie and Pah had to work together that Pie and Pah are dating or at the very least they are crushing on each other, so The Trainee's eleventh episode only added fuel to my color-coded fire!
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Everybody wears green this episode, and Yellow/Orange Oddity Pah was the first to begin.
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Even Brown Boy Tae and Pink Person Mee get into the spirit.
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And wear green!
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Because everyone is here to support Green Guy Ryan in his adventure to date his boss.
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And they state this!
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Since Ryan is giving the green light to his Blue Boy in the form of green messages, yet getting no response.
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The focus of the episode is Green Guy Ryan furthering his relationship with Blue Boy Jane.
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Which is why Ryan wears blue.
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It's why he holds a blue folder when being questioned.
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It's why the entire workplace is conspiring for these two color-coded boys to be together.
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And perhaps it's also the reason Pah wears blue this episode too with his "Make Love Not War" shirt to support this relationship (paging @dribs-and-drabbles)
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Since the workplace also seems to be conspiring for him to get a little romance as well . . .
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I had a theory that Jane was such a dark blue because Nine dimmed his blue since black is such a powerful color (hey Black Brooder Judy!)
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But then I remembered this episode that Jane struggles to show his real color.
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Because this episode showed us that Jane always hid his true color at the workplace.
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Once his idea wasn't picked, he became a shadow.
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And his color shows that!
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Jane never showed his real color.
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He just became a darker version of Jo.
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But since Ryan became his intern, Jane has shown more of his true color, so much so that he has become light blue.
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So even when Ryan is dark blue and green because he is upset in his "Daddy" with a heart over his heart shirt on, Jane is still light blue.
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Which brings me back to Pah and Pie.
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Jane and Ryan clearly like each because they wear each other's colors and lighten up around each other, and the team of interns is rooting for them which is why Pah probably wore green and blue this episode, but what did Red Rascal Pie wear?
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Ambitious and confident Pie wore orange.
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And she wore yellow.
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But most importantly, next week in the finale while she sits there in Pah's colors, he will sit there soaked in pink (for love?).
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So even though I'm excited to see how Jane and Ryan sort out this small barrier between them, I'm even more excited to see if the colors really do mean things or if I'm just seeing things.
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Because I was partially right about this idea-stealing jerk.
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And the colors told me that.
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