#Sorry for the typos
almakrowan · 9 months
I have officially closed the kofi membership, at least for now, so… nothing holding me back from sharing the chibi tutorials (so far, I'm going to be updating it in the future~) 🤗 ENJOY! INTRO
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littlemarianah · 2 months
I have a headcannon that it was Peeta's mother who used to decorate the bakery's cakes before him.
She learned it as soon as she married the baker, and is kinda good at it.
Maybe that's why she's so picky about the cakes Peeta makes. "If I had done it..." is what she always says when is about to criticize him. But the truth is that the boy is so good that it's difficult to find something in his cakes to complain.
Peeta took his mother's artistic essence. She is good at crafts, always painting the bakery sign with elegant calligraphy, decorate them with flower designs.
Mrs. Mellark would be a good artist if it weren’t for her complete lack of imagination. For her the books are nonsense, and the illustrations are children’s drawings.
That’s why she didn’t let Peeta draw too much when he was growing up. “go do something useful.” She said “You will not learn to knead bread making doodles.”
She never wanted to be a baker, she never wanted the life she chose, but she knew it was the only way. Her father was a drunk, her mother was neurotic
She didn't choose her husband out of love. She chose him because he was stable, because he was disciplined, because he could be a good father. She didn't have children because she wanted to be a mother, but because she needed more hands to work.
The first was planned, the second tolerated, the third an accident.
After the games, when Peeta returned home, limping and with deep-set eyes. She went to visit him a few times in the victors village.
Peeta's house wasn't organized like she taught him to leave his room. Was a mess. His room was full of pages with scribbles, tubes of paint amd unfinished paintings. Art and more art, everywhere... Mrs. Mellark didn't even know that her son still painted. After he became a teenager, was good at hiding who he really was from his mother. She never saw him draw again, but the truth is that the little artist she tried to repress so much never stopped drawing.
Drawings of landscapes and places, many doodles from the small bakery where he grew up. Drawings of people, neighbors, customers, many drawings of the hunting girl. Peeta paints her much better than she really looks, without marks, without scars, without the frown she has. For Mrs. Mellark, it's just another sign of the madness her son has fallen into.
To the woman’s surprise, she find some drawings of herself, all unfinished. Peeta always seems to stop drawing when he get on her face. Lots and lots of unbedded scribbles of herself. She has always preferred to be feared than loved, to be the tough guy when her soft husband doesn’t have the courage to discipline his children. But it pains her to see that her husband’s drawings at least had the decency to be finished before being thrown into the pile of forgotten scribbles.
Peeta. Her youngest boy. Weak like his father, sentimental, scared, soft. She was perhaps a little heavy on him growing up. She saw how very fragile he was when he was little. He wasn't like his brothers, Peeta was always an outsider. And she always saw that... So she doesn't even try to scold him for the mess in his house.
After he came back to the games she could only see in him the small, scared boy who always tried to hide under her skirt when he was young. And with that memory, comes all the times she pushed him away and told him to become a man. That a six-year-old boy shouldn't cry like a soft girl.
But Mrs. Mellark regrets nothing, even if the memories make her uncomfortable. Was because of that he won the Hunger Games. She taught him to endure, she turned the weak boy into a grown man. She never apologized for that, even though her son hates her forever.
She didn't visit him much in the victor's village, but one of the few times she did, Peeta thought she would fill him with complaints about the dirty house. But she just does said:
"It's not because you're crippled that you have to stay inside this house all day, go sunbathe and open the curtains." And then she left a fresh loaf of bread on the kitchen table and when home.
That was it.
One of the last interactions Peeta had with his mother before she died. Buried under the rubble of the bakery that she fought her entire life to maintain, with the children she raised to become respectable bakers. Men enough to take care of their wives and children. Everything she fought for her entire life was left in ashes and the only one of the boys left was the one she never thought would prosper.
Peeta misses her sometimes.
He thinks his eldest daughter looks like her grandmother a bit. Big blue eyes and dimples on her cheeks. He sometimes thinks he even forgives his mom, not all the time, but sometimes. Peeta misses her discipline and resilience. Sometimes he wants to hear her voice telling him to stop whining and come back with his head held high.
Perhaps the only lesson she taught him and stuck with him until the end is that the Mellarks never give up. Every morning, they wake up early, turn on the oven and work until sunset. That the Mellarks are never content with little, that they never accept mediocrity.
So he teaches his children to lift their heads after a defeat, to try again after they fail. Because The Mellarks never give up.
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randomheadcanons1234 · 7 months
Hermitcraft AU: horrible disguises
Do you guys know how we almost never see hermits as humans?
What if all the Hermits where hybrids but didn’t know the others were as well so they try to hide their hybrid features but very poorly
Like this
Grian standing there with his wings out but dyed in elytra colours, but it’s done very poorly and you can still see his feathers.
Pearl who also dyed her moth wings but it’s even worse
Pearl: hello, does your elytra look different?
Grian: no?
Pearl shrugging: okay
Or like this
Doc getting ready in the morning and putting on make up to cover up his green skin
Ren walking in with a human mask on and hair clips that push his ears down but you can still see them
Ren: Why are you green?
Doc: face mask
Ren 100% convinced
Ren: makes sense
The hermits ask X why he never takes off his helmet
Xisuma sweating as he is wearing it to cover up his voidwalker features
X: allergies?
The other hermits: yeah makes sense
The only people who caught on are Wels and Hypno and they sure as hell won’t say anything since it’s free entertainment.
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wenellyb · 5 months
Please please please, someone talk to me about the way Buck's voice dropped when Tommy said "I can teach you" after Buck said he didn't know Muay Thai.
Buck's voice was so low when he said "is that going to be on the same day that the flying lessons?" Buck went into seduction mode....the fact that Rommy suggested the Muay Thai lessons, showed Buck that Tommy liked him too and wanted to spend time with him so it emboldened him into pursuing this seduction thing. It's just that he probably didn't realize that he was doing the seduction thing...he was just trying to spend more time with Tommy.
You know what, Buck might even have known he was trying to seduce Tommy, I don't know. What do you guys think?
Anyway, so Buck's voice gets low, and then Tommy's taking the bait so what does Buck do?? He decides to risk it all and admit to Tommy that he was trying to get his attention "Good, cause trying to get your attention is kind of exhausting". He wants Tommy to know that all his odd behavior was about him, and Tommy is too much of a dumb*ss [affectionnate] to get that Buck had been trying to say this from the start: "That's why I asked for a tour Tommy, I was trying to get to know".
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vzm · 26 days
question to all: if you have watched Howl's Moving Castle (2004, dir. Hayao Miyazaki):
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thequeenwechoose · 7 months
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Alicent Hightower's blue green dress in 4k
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golden28s · 1 year
no because i need to talk about mickey and ian's tiny little obsession with calling each other "mr milkovich" and "mr gallagher" idk how to explain it but it's like they've been waiting for so long that now they can't stop showing that they're each other's person, they can't stop talking about how they belong to each other, they need to keep telling the world that they're together.
Which reminds me of another silly little obsession but this time is just Mickey's obsession: the rings need to be visible. In the promise rings scene, in s10 when Ian goes to Byron's house to see Mickey and gives him this promise ring, he looks even more hurt when he sees that Ian wears his ring in a non visible place. It actually bothers him that no one can see, that no one will know that he has someone, that no one will see that he "belongs" to someone, that no one will know or Ian won't tell the world about him, about them. Like they're hiding again, like Mickey's hiding again. He notices he doesn’t have his ring in that one scene with Sandy where they're talking about the wedding, he notices and he even asks where is it.
The ring is not only a ring or the symbol of their marriage but also is them not hiding anymore and having sex in the back of a store, is them not living anymore in a constant state of anxiety and fear because what if they found them out, what if they knew about them. It's them telling the world that they're together, that they love each other, that they fought, screamed, cried, hurt each other, tried to elope and have a happy ending but it wasn't their moment and always found their way back and finally they made it.
It's Mickey not being ashamed anymore, it's Mickey being ridiculously proud of his husband, of what they have, of himself. It's Ian knowing Mickey is gonna love him unconditionally, it's Ian trying to not forget that he's worth loving, it's Ian allowing Mickey to take care of him and pretending he doesn't notice the little things he does for him because he's worried and he's an act of service type of person so he doesn't ask much, he does these little things.
So they're obsessed with the idea of telling the world they're free, they're in love, they're together and they vowed a forever. They just need the world to know they're Mr Gallagher and Mr Milkovich because for a long time they couldn't call each other "mine" and it felt like better times wouldn't come, like they would have to live in these shadows like a secret mission.
And now they're proudly in love in the daylight and it's the most exciting thing so they talk constantly about it and never stop looking at their rings, at each other in awe and adoration.
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faustinio27 · 3 months
Hi guys, I hope you're all doing well 💙
I said in a previous post that I won’t be really active here (like you probably noticed) and unfortunately, it might continue this way.
I'll try not to be too long on the personal stuff, but what I can say today is that I'm exhausted. The end of the school year was full of events and emotions, and I don’t have a summer break yet bc I'm now in internship. While I really enjoy what I'm doing, my mental health isn’t at the best. I don’t have time nor the motivation to draw or create anything at the end of the days. I started the pre production of my final year movie in team and I dedicate all my ideas, motivation, creativity and drawing into this project, and it will still be the case next year. So as much as I like HL, I'm starting to lose interest (more or less forcibly) as it isn’t my main priority. I'm glad to be in internship, to work on my last year movie on which I have a lot of hope, to learn a lot each days, but things are as they are: I'm exhausted.
I hope I can return here with new content, HL or original OCs, but right now I need a break and not force myself to do anything. I still have many ideas for my sillies characters, just don’t know when or if they’ll come out.
I miss you a lot 💙 take care ✨️
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leatafandom · 3 months
Oh, those prompts look fun! How about Sunburn for Coldflash, any rating you like <3
Hiii dear thank you so much for the ask, this was such a nice break from editing! I hope you enjoy a little fluffy smut. Happy Reading ❤️
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings and Tags: sunburn, summer prompts, askbox fic, Barry takes care of Leonard, established relationship, fluff and smut, lube, anal sex, kissing, anal sex 
Word Count: 2,919
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Sunburn Sundays
“Len?” Barry called once he was past Leonard's threshold, keys in hand.
“Upstairs, Scarlet.”
Barry's brows drew together, walking further into his boyfriend's home, head turning to look up the steps. “I thought we were having dinner?” He asked as he took the steps two at a time heading towards the sound of a hissed intake of breath. “Len?” 
Brown eyes settled as he turned into Len's bedroom, his eyes raking over the older man's nearly shirtless form. His eyes roved the expanse of his back, tee-shirt half over his head before Len turned to him. Barry's jaw went slack, for once not at his partner's defined body, but at the red that covered his front. 
“What happened?” Barry asked lips spread as he looked over the glow of Len's abdomen and chest. “How exactly did you get sunburn?” he questioned, wincing at the red hue of Leonard's stomach and arms.
“Lisa wanted to go to the beach.” The older man let out a hiss as he managed to get the rest of his shirt off, carefully peeling it from over his head and down his arms. His eyes flicked up to Barry as he tossed the shirt into his bin. “So, we went to the beach,” he finished through clenched teeth. “Did you bring it?”
Barry's hand flashed into the bag he had gotten on his way at Len's request. “Yeah, I got a jar of aloe gel.” He frowned at the tense lines of the other's shoulder, holding tighter to the jar. “Why don't you lay down- let me do it,” he offered, opening the jar and putting the bag down on a nearby dresser. “Did you fall asleep in a chair?”
“I was tired,” Leonard grumbled under his breath as he sat on the bed's edge, arms stiff at his sides, before reclining onto the mattress with his head on his pillows with a wince of discomfort. “We were chasing after this time traveler for weeks.” He pressed out a slow breath as he turned his head, blue eyes rolling up to the Speedster as Barry sat down carefully next to him. 
“Anybody I know?” Barry said with a teasing smile, spreading the gel over his fingers and giving him an incredulous look. 
“For once, I don't think so.” Len huffed out a dry laugh that ended with a satisfied hum when Barry’s fingers laved the gel over his neck. “For the record,” he said, closing his eyes as Barry's fingers smoothed down his throat, holding still under the Speedster’s light touch. “Never would have happened if the damn umbrella didn't blow away.” 
Barry smiled, feeling Len relax under his hands moving slowly over his collar. His hands moved carefully to his other side, smiling at the trust Len showed him as the older man tilted his head back so that he could cover the warm skin. The brunette shook his head, inspecting the damaged skin, happy it wasn't too bad. He pulled back gathering more aloe before gently applying a layer to Len's shoulders and chest. 
“Why didn't she wake you?” He questioned, looking over his shoulder at Len's less burned legs. 
“She did.” Len didn't move as Barry's fingers danced over his heated flesh with the cooling gel. “Eventually,” he added, eyes opening as he relaxed under the soothing caress of Barry's careful hands over his stinging chest. “Said I looked like I needed sleep.” 
Barry scoffed, not doubting her. “It doesn't look too bad,” he assured, his hands moving over Len's chest rubbing the cooling gel over the sensitive skin. His thumbs took care to coat the dusty nipples enjoying the way Len's fingers clenched at the attention. 
“That your assessment, Nurse Allen?” 
Brown eyes roved up to Len finding the cool blue already watching him. “Yeah.” His fingers didn't stop teasing the perking buds, pads feeling as they hardened against his gel-coated fingers. Barry watched as the wince that had been present since he'd arrived fell away for a twist of arousal. “I recommend,” his left hand moved to dip into the jar, “lots of aloe and rest,” he added, fingers returning to let his hands slide around the sides of Len's chest. 
Len released a low hum, feeling the tension of traveling on the Wave Rider dissipate under Barry's cool touch. “What if I want a second opinion?” He baited, leaning towards the fingertips that danced over his red rib cage before coming back towards his nipples. 
“You really want a second opinion?” The question was asked while thumbs pressed on Len's sensitive nipples before rolling the buds under his thumbs. 
“Nah,” Len breezed, leaning to his teasing touch before letting out a huff of air when Barry's hands left him. “Don't have the insurance,” he replied, gaze focused on the younger man as he dragged his hands down his sides. “I'll just have to trust you.”
Barry’s eyes roved over the damage his lover's pale skin had taken from the sun. “You should be more careful, Len,” he said seriously, leaning over him and taking Len's arm in his hands. 
“Noted,” he agreed, relaxing further as the burn of his skin lessened with each press of Barry's fingertips.
“Better?” Barry asked, fingers moving to cover the burnt tops of his right arm before doing his left. 
“Mhm.” Blue eyes opened to look at the smiling brunette, Len's fingers interlacing with his as Barry finished his left hand. “Thanks,” he breathed, finger moving slowly over Barry's. 
The brunette smiled, kissing the palm of Len's hand. “I'm not done yet,” he said, smiling at the brush of his fingers. “I missed you,” he whispered, letting go of his hand to press a much-needed kiss to the older man's lips. 
Len hummed against the unrushed press of Barry's lips. His neck curved up into his kiss as the brunette carefully leaned over his glowing front, his head tilted back deepening the slow press of their kiss. Barry smiled into the tender exchange, hands freshly coated in gel returning to the warm skin. Len's lips parted in a silent huff, his breath hitching as Barry's slim fingers made their way down his abdomen. He could feel the smile on Barry's lips, recapturing them with more need. 
The younger man returned the intensity Len added to the exchange, a quiet moan escaping him. Len swallowed his moans, fingers caressing and griping Barry's cheeks and nape and leaning to the fingers that slid over the row of twitching muscles. Barry's hands gently teased over the scars they found on Len's stomach which had twisted over the years. Fingers were careful to soothe the childhood scar with aloe as Len whispered out his name against his lips. Barry groaned into the kiss, loving the way Len allowed him to touch him, how he kept him close as he soothed over the pain of his skin with a featherlight touch. 
Barry broke the kiss, careful of his hovering position over him. Brown eyes opened while his finger dipped closer to the line of Len's tenting swim trunks. The brunette smiled at the return of Len's cool expression and heated gaze, the sight more common than any display of pain on the older man. He didn't stop dragging his gel-coated fingertips over the line of his trunks taking in the way Len's body had relaxed at the calming balm. His fingers moved to wrap around Len's hips, rubbing the gel over them before sliding his hands back up Len's pink sides. 
Len hummed, head turning to the side to watch Barry shift and slide down his legs, spreading them and allowing the younger man to kneel between them. Barry didn't speak, hands taking care to lift each leg, hands massaging his calves and lathering Len's shins before climbing up to his thighs. A sigh left him as the burning stopped and Barry's fingers wandered under the hem of his swim trunks. 
“Don't think I got sunburn there, Barr.” 
Barry quirked his brows, head cocking to the side, hands moving over his inner thighs. “How do you know?” The brunette questioned, fingers teasing as high as they could go. “Did you check?” 
“Well,” he said with a roll of his eyes and head, fingers moving to the elastic band. “I wouldn't be a very good nurse if I didn't check,” the Speedster said with a grin, sliding up further between his legs. 
“Alright, Nurse Allen.” 
Len’s lips crooked up as he raised his hips, wincing as Barry pulled his shorts down. Barry went slowly, careful of his red skin. Len huffed out a breath once he was free of the restriction and Barry's fingers returned to his hips. Cool gel slid over pale flesh, massaging the skin he found there before going lower. Len's eyes closed as his fingers curled in his sheets. The Speedster took his time in working his hands to his hardening length. He released a sigh when Barry's teasing gel-coated fingers wrapped around his growing erection. 
Barry hummed at the twitch of him in his hand, stroking him slowly. Len's eyes opened when he felt Barry shift. The brunette bent further over him, lips seeking Len’s. The older man released a soft groan at the press of Barry's lips against his and the squeeze of his hand on his hardening shaft. His right hand gripped the back of Barry's neck, lips parted as his hand worked him into fullness. 
At his parted lips, Barry's tongue flickered out over his bottom lip, fingers fisting the throbbing length in his hand. Barry groaned, deepening their kiss as Len’s left hand gripped his flexing arm. He pressed as close as he dared, dragging his thumb over his tip when he came to it. The older man groaned, thrusting up into his hand, holding tighter to him at the press of Barry's clothed member against his unburned thigh. At the press of Barry against him, Len's hands left Barry's neck and arm to pull at the younger’s button-up and jeans. 
“Barry,” he grunted in a low command against the other's lips.
“Yeah,” Barry answered in a moan, nodding quickly. 
Len groaned at the burst of warm air and the sudden press of Barry's bare thighs against his. His left hand found Barry's nape, pulling the younger man back to him. Barry moved easily under his hand, lips parting for Len's venturing tongue. His hand roamed the bed as he straddled his lover's hips, leaning over Len and shoving the jar into his right hand. The older man's fingers gripped it before dipping them into the cool gel, his tongue reclaiming Barry's mouth as he bent the Speedster closer. 
A moan passed between them as Barry gripped Len's hard shaft just as Len's fingers found his puckered rim. Barry's head dipped forward, breaking the kiss as his face scrunched at the press of Len's finger against his tight rim. His forehead pressed against his, letting out a groan when the cool finger pressed past his tight rim. Len groaned in the small space between them at the feeling, burying his nose against Barry's lips. He huffed out a breath aching in the other's grip and dragged Barry's bottom lip into his mouth.
A curse left Len's lips as he pushed his finger deeper into him, quickly thrusting it into him. Barry nodded in a breathless agreement, needing more. The Speedster's hand didn't stop, thumb dragging over Len's lube-coated tip before gliding down again. His eyes closed, jaw slack as Len worked his finger into him and sucked at his lip. Barry's hips moved slowly, starting to rock back to Len's thrusting finger. 
“Lenny,” he breathed, dipping his head slightly, blindly searching for his lips. 
The silver-haired male hummed, returning the kiss and adding a second finger into him. He groaned at the way Barry clenched around the cool digit, pumping the two fingers to match Barry's slow-stroking hand. The fisted hand didn't move faster on him as fingers stretched the brunette further. Barry panted, thighs trembling at his aching erection too worried about falling onto Len to move his hand to grip himself. 
“Len… need more,” he hushed against Len's lips, unwilling to give up the added connection. 
The older man nodded, left hand cupping the side of Barry's cheek groaning when he squeezed him before letting go of his cock. His eyes opened as Barry shifted, pulling his fingers from him and watching as Barry made sure his long shaft was coated with aloe. He huffed out a breath at the tease of his hand before his own found their hold on Barry's waist. 
The brunette didn't hesitate, moving quickly over his lover's standing erection, hand holding his base as he pressed Len's tip against his loosened rim. Barry's lips parted as he pressed down, willing his body to relax only to gasp when Len pushed up into him. Blue eyes were filled with the vision of the brunette over him, spearing himself on his cock. He groaned, holding tight to the younger's sides as he lowered himself onto him. Len grunted, resisting the urge to rut into him as Barry sank lower. The brunette groaned when Len was buried inside of him leaning back into his pale thighs. 
Len didn't take his eyes off him, holding him still once he'd settled, needing a minute to get used to the twitching heat around him. “So tight,” he groaned, rolling his hips as Barry held snug around him. 
Barry's breath hitched and his eyes hooded as he tried to move on the burning stretch of Len inside him. “Shit, let me move, Len,” he groaned, holding tight to his thighs as his hips rolled.  
“Not gonna last like this,” Len warned, right hand leaving his hip. 
Barry nodded understanding and not caring, knowing he wouldn't last after so long without him. He panted, rolling his hips again and dragging out the stretch inside him. Len groaned at the slow rolls of Barry's hips, rocking up to meet him. Len didn't look away from Barry as he hitched forward when Len's well-lubed hand returned, wrapping around his aching shaft and drawing a whine from him. 
“Lenny,” he moaned, leaning over him and resting his hands on the bed beside Len's reddened shoulders, rocking back onto him in time with Len's hand. 
Barry panted moving faster on him as Len increased his own pace. His hand held firm to Barry's long shaft, stroking him faster as he rutted up into him, going deeper with each raise of his hips. 
A groan left Len's parted lips as they moved together chasing their quickly approaching orgasms. His eyes rolled behind his lids, feeling the shake of Barry's body around and against him. He groaned hips rutting as his hand stilled to grip the throbbing cock in his hand. 
The sounds of Barry's low moans filled his ears, the feeling of his rocking and vibrating body pulling the air from his lungs. His knees raised moving faster into the clenching and vibrating heat, drinking in Barry's streams of moans. His own moans soon joined Barry's when the Speedster clenched around him. Len’s teeth clenched at the spine-tingling rush of heat when Barry jerked and clenched impossibly tight around him, dragging his orgasm from him. Barry groaned, fingers digging into the sheets, cumming over his lover's hand as Len worked them through the last quakes of their climaxes. 
Barry groaned, head dipping forward and capturing Len's parted lips in a desperate kiss as they caught their breaths. Len's clean hand gripped Barry's cheek at the slow slide of his lips. 
“I missed you too,” he hummed against Barry's lips when their kiss mellowed into a slow string of reassuring pecks. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Barry whispered against his lips, his smile wide looking forward to Len being back in town for a while. “I really missed you,” he added before, leaning back and rolling off him with a groan at the loss of Len. 
“I'll be home for a while, this time,” he replied with a smile, reaching for the wipes he kept by his bed. 
Barry grabbed the wipes from him before Len could blink. “I said rest, remember?” He asked with a devilish grin, taking his come-covered hand and cleaning him before Len could move too much. 
Len chuckled before his breath hitched as Barry cleaned his oversensitive softening member. “Who's making dinner, then?” He groaned at the jolts of too much, looking at Barry when the brunette grabbed another wipe to clean the cum sliding from between his cheeks. 
“Big Belly Burger won't kill you for one night,” he said without looking at him. 
“You can't know that.” 
Barry snorted, only turning to toss the wipes into the bin, heat filling his cheeks at Len's stare when he turned back to him. His brows raised as Len's gaze roved over his flush and sweated form and the man heaved a sigh. 
“Fine,” he agreed, closing his eyes. He'd much rather be still and in bed with Barry than anywhere else right now. “After a nap,” he huffed, wrapping an arm around Barry as the other kept his distance from his chest. 
“And another round?” Barry chuckled, using his foot to pull the thin sheet over them. “I don't have anywhere to be today,” he added, covering their lower halves and twisting his leg around one of Len's. “We could spend most of it in bed.” 
“Mm. You read my mind.”
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bigeatz · 4 months
Climber x Reader Hcs
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It’s been like two years since I’ve posted on this account oops 😭!! Anyways here’s y’all’s once a year content loll
The Climber is extremely affectionate and clingy, To the point it’s almost difficult for you to do things while he’s around. The mannequin is constantly atop of you and always touching you. He loves being able to hold your hands or snuggle up to you whenever possible.
Climber can’t exactly give you kisses since he doesn’t have a real mouth,but that doesn’t stop him from trying. He’ll often press his face into your cheek or lips to simulate a kiss, just trying his best to be affectionate with you. While it does make him flustered he’ll ask you for kisses frequently, he’ll get pouty when you don’t provide them to him but completely understands.
Dude is the definition of a snuggle bug. He loves being able to cuddle you and love on you when the two of you are alone. Just being able to relax in your arms or hug you from behind brings him so much joy. You could be scrolling on your phone or typing away on your laptop and he’d be snuggled up to your side; just holding you and enjoying your presence.
Due to his limited vocabulary he isn’t exactly the best with pet names. He’ll try his hardest learn for you; often going to Mr.Jack or TG for advice.
Pet names he would call you: Baby, Sweetie, babe and sweetheart.
Climber is very into “acts of service” with his partner. Since he wants to make himself useful he’ll try to do everything he possibly can to make you happy. Getting you gifts such as stuffed animals from the carnival games around the amusement park, flowers or any trinkets he can get his hands on.
Just like Karl, Climber is extremely protective of you. If it ever seems like you’re in any danger at all he’ll put himself in between you and whatever he’s deemed as a threat. He understands how fragile humans can be so he’s always worried about your wellbeing.
When you eventually have to end up leaving the park the Climber will get extremely upset. Often begging you to not leave him with holding you tightly against him. The only way he’ll end up letting you go is when you promise to come and see him again. Which you would do regardless.
Sorry for the literal 2 year gap between my posts 😭I’m thinking abt making a post for Mr.Jack next!!
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palepersonaturtle · 1 year
Rewatching some scenes of Shinyu and Hongjo and i have to say their realtionship progression after they started dating in ep 11 is so well written i mean yes it is not perfect but it is near perfect for me.
Especially the fact that it is not only that they are in love with each other but there is desire/passion(sexual) in between them which is expressed not only by their actions but also by their words which imo many kdramas lack in that part. And i am glad that the writers didnt shy away in showing us the sexual tension between the couple in their realtionship.
And it is right from ep4 okay when shinyu was like "if it is not kiss that can break the curse then is it...?" Shinyu was down bad horny okay.
One more example is that noncon kiss in ep7. I mean yes that was problematic and he deserved to be punched. But he was eager to show his feelings and desire to hongjo and wanted to know how she felt about him. Also his imaginary kiss and bed scene
And most importantly this desire was mutual. Hongjo was attracted to him too. She very much gave into that kiss in ep6 but alas shinyu slept. She was frustrated. The next day she is like "you were terrible at it"
And it gets more interesting when start dating
They are comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed the same night they get into relationship. Hong jo very much wanted to be with him you can see how she was frustrated when he didnt come to her room. Also love the way Shinyu was testing the waters with the whole "if you say another word i wont stay still..." dialogue. See she was shy but not scared of it.
And throughout ep11 and ep12 we can see that their is a mutual sexual tension between them. Also i love how Hong jo is able to show her desire too. She actively asks kisses from him, tries to seduce him in his office which shows that being single all through her doesnt mean she has to be naive in the physical intimacy part of their relationship. Yes as her first time in a relationship she gets shy and giddy but she has desires and she is very much aware about it too.
About, their breakup, i know people were like there comes the noble idiocy of ep13 but i actually enjoyed it. It is the way they showcased their longing for each other. Particularly, when shinyu gets drunk. It is the way he hugged her, nuzzled into her neck and smelled her. He not only missed her emotionally but also missed their hugs and kisses. And same for hong jo too that little smile she gives before being sad again and the way she gave into that hug. She indulges him not only for him but also for herself.
And so for me their reunion was much more sweeter and earned because the curse is gone now the main barrier between their relationship.
That spiderman kiss on the couch. Many people are like hong jo got shy. But i personally felt that she (and him too btw) actually was so turned on at that point that if she hadnt stopped it would have escalated into some thing more and which wasnt good for shinyu since he was injured. Same when they were sleeping together, look at the way hong jo is smiling and shinyu's gaze lingers on her lips.
Now on to the main lovemaking scene. That was planned mutually by them okay i mean not verbally but they both knew what was gonna happen and they both wanted it. Their phone conversation says it all. Also the way he was like "take your time to change" and then she comes wearing his white shirt when could have wore any comfortable tshirt of his. They didnt knew it was gonna happen right at that moment but tgey knew they knew that this was the night. And i loved that because it was consensual and it wasnt just heat of the moment. It felt very much earned and sweeter.
And throughout ep16 we can see that how much they both enjoy the physical intimacy and are pretty much normal about it now. Him saying that he cannot sleep w/o her. She jumping on him taking charge. It all feels natural with them
Lastly, it also shows the contrast with the relationship shinyu had with nayeon. You see he never felt any attraction towards her that he never felt the need to even hold her hands.
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"You are pawns, not partners. Your purpose served, you will be sacrificed."
The Deadly Alliance in MK 1 (2023) Part (2/12) : Victims of Deception
The Master Post (X)
Sorry for the typo
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queen-of-jupiter · 8 months
Aslfua 125 thoughts:
love that the first reason why Cheol thinks that he doesn’t want to tell Miae Jisu might like her it’s because Jisu annoys him and not because he (most likely obviously likes miae)
And gets irked at the prospect of Miae taking a romantic interest in Jisu lol
I’m sad because i really wanted him to notice Miae wearing lipstick/lipgloss and have a reaction but I guess that’s for another occasion :c
Him pausing immediately when Miae said that she knows Jisu might be interested in her >:)
Also?? why did he took his shirt off??? A normal person would just swat her hand from his shirt but he just took the whole thing off I’m cracking up xD
The end :)
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk lol
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randomheadcanons1234 · 7 months
Random Hermitcraft headcanons ( that I will not elaborate)
No one knows what Wels is, they just know that he’s not human
Scar can understand cats even though, he isn’t a cat hybrid
Beef is the one hermit, who Doesn’t seem scary but scares the other Hermits more than anyone else.
Joe is not mortal. Gods are scared of him
Xisuma has the highest kill count. He is terrible at self care.
Grian can shapeshift, his skins are actually his body. His sweater is a part of his body.
Mumbo eats redstone
Doc has a soft spot for kids and small animals.
Ren eaten stones before, as well as other inedible things.
Xb likes to hide in small spaces, he is also the best hider on the server.
Gem is the best fighter and used to be a professional fighter.
Pearl has the most muscle mass and the champion in leg and armwrestling
False used to be a survival expert
Cleo is the human embodiment of girl boss
Stress is a walking lie detector
Etho mostly uses dad jokes just to annoy people
Bdubs has once slept for 20 hours, he went back to sleep when it got dark.
Skizz and impulse always know what the other needs
Joel says things that seem gay but is 100% straight he also drinks his coffee with a unholy amount of sugar
Cub has eaten human flesh before
Hypno is a god
Jevin is blue because he drank to much blue slushy
Iskalls robotic parts are toy robots pieced together
Keralis knows just about everybody, he has gotten other hermits out of lots trouble thanks to this
Tango is a fire spirit, he has his human form, from a cartoon that he saw
Zedaph is the most impulsive hermit by far
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wenellyb · 5 months
I have nothing against Buddie, quite the opposite, I think it's a very cute ship but in the show, I see them as platonic.
Anyone who follows my blog knows that I love to make parallels between shows and Buck and Eddie make think of Will and Gunnar in Nashville.
They're best friends, share an incredible bond and at one point they even raised a kid together (with Avery). They have shared so many scenes that could be seen as ambiguous but they're not, because that's how best friends act. Because are you even best friends you've never had someone assume you and your best friend were dating?
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But they're not dating, they have the strongest bond and have always been there for eachother, but their relationship has never been romantic.
That's how I see Buck and Eddie's relationship.
The reason I'm saying this is because I feel like Buck would have went for it if he had wanted to be with Eddie. He would have been more obvious.
He didn't have any problem doing it when he was interested in other men. He might have done it in a clumsy way or acted like didn't know exactly how to proceed but he "went for it" anyway...
Exhibit A: Buck was hitting on TK in the 9-1-1/9-1-1 Lone Star crossover. Buck didn't say "we should meet up" or "catch up", he said "we should get together". And he didnt say it to the whole group. He waited for a moment when they were both alone.
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That's why TK thought Buck was hitting on him, because he was.
Same with Tommy. Buck was flirting with Tommy way before their moment in the kitchen.
Exhibit B: Buck admitted that he asked Tommy for a tour because he wanted to get to know him, he even asked Tommy out, after the tour. He didn't say "we should grab a beer" or "do you want to go out for drinks", he said "you should let me buy you a beer". That man was trying to get a date.
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And then in Buck's kitchen, when Tommy still wouldn't get it, Buck told him point blank that he was trying to get his attention.
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I really think Buck knows what he wants even if he's a little confused about how to get there. And I never really felt like he wanted to go there with Eddie. Buck and Eddie are each other's person but it doesn't always have to be romantic.
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aetherhollowarchive · 2 months
Vivid greed irises stood in contrast with his bloodshot eyes.
I assume you meant green 😅
yep, should have been green 😅 I'll try to fix it during the weekend
funny thing is I've read the ask like 4 times and didn't get what you meant 😂 dislexya is wild when I'm tired 😬
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