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bitchyfog · 10 months ago
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Sorex! A cleric of the Cult of the False Face, devoted to Misphi, who is a friend's character who schemed and connived her way into godhood (domain: power, betrayal, and madness) in said friend's campaign. Their DM is bringing them all back for a level 20 campaign where Misphi gets to be her ruthless god self, so some friends and I have made some clerics for her to use and call on and toy with xD totally unrelated to the actual campaign but a god needs followers to be a god, right? So we have supplied them <3 His two siblings are also devotees and they all are at each other's throats about it, it's a fun power struggle
I'm deeply out of practice for drawing so I gave up on the hand and eyes and stuff but I love how the outfit and color scheme came out.
Not pictured: a bitchy cigarette in one of those long cigarette holders, absent bc I already had most of this done before we settled on it. He puts various herbs and things into it to affect people around him with the smoke.
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lonesometrain · 2 years ago
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oresummer4649 · 3 years ago
SOREXトレーラーのハブグリスの状態を確認してみました by俺夏
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animalids · 4 years ago
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Crowned shrew (Sorex coronatus)
Photo by Wesley Overman
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kitadas · 5 years ago
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#デッキバン いくつか追加もあって再納車。 #SOREX 製 #ヒッチメンバー 装着しました。 いよいよ実戦投入^^ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPXmfVHhyB/?igshid=1l5jlktiuzvw9
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hortushorrei · 5 years ago
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The Eurasian pygmy shrew is super tiny and super cute. Unfortunalely it's often super fun for cats to kill, too, but this one was saved, at least for the moment. #sorex #sorexminutus #lamacchinafissa #readingretreats #tinycreatures #thetamingoftheshrew #mantova #provinciadimantova #parcodelmincio (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vQYUxoXG-/?igshid=kjal2fjehvdp
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jackiebthings · 6 years ago
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Sore and tired. Def didn't feel like working out, but so glad I did (mainly because it is done and not hanging over my head now)!· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #sorex #fitness #workout #workoutathome #sorella #weekend #weightloss #weekendvibes #healthjourney #sorey #progress #health #sorelle #fitmom #exercise #motivation #fitnessmom #determination #fitfam #healthy #fitnessgoals #weightlossjourney #mombod #cardio #insanity #dedication #workoutdone #fitnessmotivation (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo4NUgnjsq_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nl27g8uugqa6
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gumshoe-grimalkin · 6 years ago
3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, and 25 with any of ur GW2 squad!
finally did this yay
3: Does your OC behave differently around different people, if so with whom and how?
Zariel tends to be pretty stoic and quiet as a rule, with few exceptions. She’s generally much softer and kinder around Napell, and he can usually get her to cheer up and be less aloof. She also tends to be sharper and more tense around either male charr or those who specialize in using frequent fire magic--after a year of torture at the hand of Flame Legion, she’s a bit testy without even consciously realizing it.
6: Does your OC have a realistic image of their own intelligence?
Meirrhion viciously, viciously sells himself short due to low self esteem. As a result, they tend to downplay any of their accomplishments despite their keen skill in memorization and wordplay.
8: How is/was your OC’s relationship with their parents?
Sorex and Kalista didn’t really keep in contact much with Zariel, although they did have a positive relationship, and Zariel did keep an eye on their achievements. A few times Sorex and Zariel even worked together on missions before her disappearance. Both of them now believe Zariel to be dead, howevver.
9: Does your OC feel a pressure to achieve or are they content and calm with doing what they can at the moment?
Kalista very much strives to achieve and is quite ambitious. Both her dam and sire were Legionnaires, as well as her sibling--however, Kalista had a difficult time coping with the rigid structure, challenging her Legionnaire a few times too many and being assigned as a free agent, mostly to get her out of the Shadow warband’s fur. She does strive to make a name for herself and be a hero though to match the legacy of her family.
10: Does your OC guard their emotions by being tough? If not how would they?
Sorex absolutely hides their emotions, particularly any sort of weakness, through an air of general toughness and strength. They don’t tend to let others see how they’re really feeling and keep their thoughts and feelings close to their chest. Kalista and their warband are some of  the only people who can get an inkling of what Sorex may truly be feeling at any given moment.
14: If your OC gets into a fight with their best friend, would they wait for their friend to make up with them, or would they try to make up with their friend?
As a younger charr, Zariel would rarely make amends first and tended to hold a grudge. These days, she’ll often make the first move towards those she’s particularly close to, reluctant to lose whoever actually manages to break through her walls and become her good friends.
18: What kind of intrapersonal values does your OC have? (values about their self, what makes them feel like a valid person)
Meirrhion is excellent at remaining calm in a crisis situation or managing problems. They also have a fairly strong sense of initiative and motivation--they’re very self-confident and good at motivating themselves to a goal. However, they are quick to tear themselves down and minimize their doing in any sort of activity or accomplishment, letting others take most of the credit.
20: Does your OC hurt others often unintentionally? If yes, how?
No one in particular really unintentionally hurts others. Sorex frequently purposely hurts others by getting into bar fights, and Zariel could harm others through general apathy, but otherwise if they cause harm it was for a purpose.
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions?
Irissa tends to be very openly affectionate, often going out of her way to make sure every member of the Tradewind Venture is happy and looked after. She usually tends towards giving gifts and showing nice gestures--although she can be physically affectionate and cuddly when asked and is often seen napping somewhere around Mercy or Cinder and whatever other crewmember decided to join the pile.
25: How would your OC process the grief caused by the death of a loved one?
Poorly on Irissa’s part. She would probably immediately try to deny it or repress the information, and when that fell short, she’d likely just become viciously depressed, spending her time in her room staring at a wall, unable to really care for herself. She’d effectively waste away until someone or something snapped her out of it, in which case she’d go back to repression and move on as best as she could.
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artsilon · 7 years ago
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“...An ex-ONI Agent, Sorex isn’t his real name. We have no damn clue why he’s here, and stirring up rebellion instead of upholding the law like he should...”
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sanyutaka · 7 years ago
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《《完成》》  《ヒッチメンバー》➕《自転車キャリア》= 『SOREX』➕『Thule VeloCompact 925』  ヒッチメンバーにサイクルキャリヤ取り付けて自転車を積む🚲💨🎶  昨夜完成しました😉✌  今日お出かけしようと思ったがあいにくの雨で中止しました😆💨  来週ですね😄👍🚲💨🎶 #自転車キャリア  #ThuleVeloCompact925  #ソケット  #欧州仕様  #日本仕様  #7ピン  #ヒッチメンバー  #ヒッチボール  #SOREX  #50.08cm  #50.00cm  #自転車  #マウンテンバイク  #キヤンカー  #コルドバ  #コルドバクルーズ  #バンコン  #トニー  #たびと  #tbt  #ゆぅ
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oresummer4649 · 5 years ago
SOREXトレーラー FULTONトランサムタイダウンベルトを俺夏式でグリスアップしてみました
ジェットスキーのトレーラー SOREXトレーラー アヴァンザードについてる FULTON トランサムタイダウンベルトの動きとグリスアップ 何かの参考になれば幸いですm(__)m 俺夏式です。 真似されても自己責任でお願いいたします。 https://ameblo.jp/vx-cruiser/ 俺夏で検索
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all-fake-everything-blog · 8 years ago
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whimsyfr · 8 years ago
Mairwen: oh heck!!!! we lost sorex!!!!
Wolf: nahh... i got this.
Wolf: (iNHALES)
Wolf: found her.
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chloegriffithsecology · 9 years ago
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Dormouse biscuits and Pygmy Shrews
The final Dormouse Box Check of the season turned up no dormouse, as expected they were all (we hope) safely tucked up in their natural hibernation nests, which will be hidden in scrub and around the bases of suitable trees.  We took the chance to clear out their boxes, make several slugs homeless and work out what box lids we need to replace next year. 
All was not lost though as we did find 2 mammal residents in the boxes, the really very tiny Pygmy Shrews (Sorex minutus)!  Ours were around 4cm long, just a bit shorter than my thumb.  These tiny mammals enjoy a wide diet, including beetles, woodlice and spiders, so were probably looking for a snack in the boxes.  They could also have been making use of the beautifully woven dormouse nest (made of stripped honeysuckle bark) that we found in one box. 
A final treat at the end of the session was the hand-made Dormouse biscuits, from Aline, which she assured us contained no actual mice! 
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brilmansverzameling · 9 years ago
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Kaak van een recente bosspitsmuis (Sorex araneus) en een (sub)fossiel kaakje waarvan ik nog niet met zekerheid weet welke. Zo naast de recente bosspitsmuis zie ik wel heel veel overeenkomst. De (sub)fossiele lijkt mij iets robuuster maar de morfologie komt aardig overeen.
Op of aanmerkingen zijn welkom.
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