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shellem15 · 2 days ago
Being a Devils girly is so funny, because once you look into it, the Hells are really just like:
Asmodeus: "Oh, hello. Who are you? You're staring at me--ah, wait, I know what this is. Let me explain: I always look like the most beautiful person anyone's ever seen. Everyone sees something different, I never know who I'm going to look like to people...You don't believe me, I understand. Everyone always thinks I'm lying, and I can never say anything to that. What can you say to someone who thinks you're lying to them? It's okay, I'm not offended...Your person, the one you see in my face, they must be very beautiful, though…I didn't thank you, earlier, for helping me. Noone's ever shown me such kindness before. Who would show mercy to such a dark and terrible creature as myself? You might be the most remarkable person I've ever met...I think we're going to do great things together."
Meanwhile, his asshole Archdevils:
Zariel: *Bursts through your front door.* "YOU, mortal, cowering in the corner. You have been drafted into THE BLOOD WAR. Report to your post IMMEDIATELY for further instruction. DO NOT RESIST. CONSCRIPTION IS MANDATORY AND TRAITORS WILL BE EXECUTED--"
Mammon: HELLO MORTALS. Mammon here, announcing the NEW RELEASE of my special edition MAMMON COIN today! Join this EXCLUSIVE community of INNOVATORS and ENTREPRENUERS, driving towards a NEW AND BRIGHT FUTURE of FINANCE. INVEST NOW at www.mammoncoin.com/ -- Have Fun!
Mephistopheles: "MORTALS. You are FAT, LAZY, UGLY, STUPID, and get NO BITCHES. Unlike me, who is the GREATEST AT EVERYTHING. Do you want to be SIGMA like ME? Do you want to stop being an UGLY, STUPID FUCKASS BETA MALE? You have to get your gains UP. You have to GO TO THE GYM. You have to break the WOKE LIBERAL mind control of these HOES and GO TO THE GYM and BE A MAN. For most of you, listening to this podcast is NOT ENOUGH. My 6-week-long HELLFIRE COURSE will teach YOU the SIGMA MALE GRINDSET, so that you can get RICH, FUCK BITCHES, and finally KILL your BOSS."
Bonus, for my bg3 girlies:
Raphael: Hello, mortals. Tis' I, Raphael. I see you're in a bit of bind, here, hmm? A bit of a mindflayer tadpole problem, I gather? Well, not to worry, because YOUR SAVIOR IS HERE. I, Raphael, the greatest and handsomest devil of all, can make all your worries disappear like that! All for the small, small price of one CROWN OF KARSUS, so that I may conqueror all the Hells under my boot. Ho ho, I see you're walking away. Playing catty with me, are you? Well, you don't seem to understand that I am the cat here, and you are the mouse in my claws. Meow. Yes, walk away now! You'll come crawling back to me later. I'll entertain myself watching you squirm, perhaps I might compose a few lyrics of poetry describing your misery. I myself am counted among the great poets, after all. Maybe I'll even grace you with their recitation once you come crawling back. Really, it would be an honor for such lowly mortal ears as yours, to witness but a fraction of my brilliance. And I am brilliant. Raphael the cambion, no one would expect one such as myself to rise to high places but I am a cut above the rest, the greatest devil of all, and once I acquire the Crown of Karsus all will know my glory. Songs will be sung of my brilliance, castles built in my honor, monuments raised--
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nepherit · 7 months ago
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This is the Nine Hells fashion collection, first piece of the series:
Avernus, featuring Raphael and Zariel
It's time to make good use of all the fancy costume designs I sketched for Raphael 😆
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telumendils · 2 years ago
my chaotic neutral tav after learning one (1) thing about vlaakith, shar, mizora, zariel, cazador, mystra, etc:
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sunsetagain · 1 year ago
Baldur's Gate 3: My heart's An Empty Vase Looking For Roses
Ship: Karlach + non-ascendant Astarion
based on Descent into Avernus
free talk at the end
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I wrote then canceled two comics after wrapping up Byzantine Generals. For a while I thought I lost my comic making ability forever, until BG3 stormed into my life.
Cover lyrics were written by Tender Henk from Singing Lute inn, on a sheet of paper on the desk in the room where Karlach's romance scene takes place. It suits her so well yet she calls him the worst guy she ever met LOL can't blame her bc what in the hells is Jableeda?
NGL I played Karlach in my first BG3 playthrough because her engine reminded me of the thirium pump of a DBH android. Romancing Astarion with her felt like Romancing Kamski with an android to me in the first place LMAO some pretty ancient headcanon like little boy Elijah being bullied in school built a buff RT600 Chloe to be his bodyguard blablabla
Then she and Astarion became my OTP and I played both of them to romance each other, tried every possibility i could think of.
So this comic is just a small talk about a big plan between Karlach and spawn Astarion after the ending of the game. Based on Descent into Avernus. I'm no DnD player so apologize in advance in case of any mistakes. OOC belongs to me.
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shewolfofvilnius · 21 days ago
you do an absolutely ridiculous amount of stuff in BG3
i mentioned this in a reddit reply to a post i made but the amount of stuff you deal with in BG3 as a player is enough for like twenty individual DND campaigns - and instead you have ALL OF THIS going on at the same time:
It's wild given the duration of time but that is such an active period of time in terms of what you're actually doing.
*Stop an elder brain infused and overpowered with Netherese magic
*Kill at least two of the Chosen of the Dead Three, one of whom has a boss form that is a transformed avatar of that god
*rescue Selune's daughter (or kill her)
*potentially overturn a century-old Sharran curse that killed thousands AND later confront Shar herself after (probably) killing the Mother Superior of the Sharran cell of Baldur's Gate (AND possibly setting up your companion to become her chosen)
*stop a centuries old vampire overlord from slaughtering thousands of spawn in order to become an Ascendant Vampire (and possibly help your companion become one)
*potentially kickstart a githyanki civil war that leads one of the two factions to possibly reunite with the githzerai, which is insane,
*potentially install a new Archmage of Baldur's Gate after probably killing the old one (alternately, helping the old one achieve immortality)
*and along the way you also spite Mystra a couple of times (and possibly set up a companion to become a rival god) which leads to Elminster (or at least a simulacrum of him) showing up in your path twice.
*You can possibly have to deal with the kua-toa imbuing a redcap with a tiny sliver of the power of a god (enough that if a Durge pledges to be BOOOAL's chosen, Bhaal gets legitimately pissed and you get a big hint as to Durge' identity WAY earlier).
*Silvanus clearly has a hand in the events of the grove, and seems to be eyeing Arabella as either a powerful follower or possibly a future chosen, and you're placed in the position of potentially helping her.
*A son of Mephistopheles actively tries to get you to deal with him so that he can seize total power over the universe.
*You have two different but intersecting plot chains at least tangentially involving Zariel (Wyll & Mizora, plus her top fighter/pet Karlach), while the main non-companion B-plot of the game (Elturian Refugees) is a direct epilogue to the Descent Into Avernus campaign.
*You find out what happened to both Balduran AND his legendary dragon Ansur and have to do something about it.
*Jergal just chills out in your camp making fun of your love life, and you just have to sort of put up with it.
*And related to above, along the way you probably meet the person who becomes your spouse/beloved, all but one of which tie into the above.
*And Minthara (the only one I hadn't mentioned yet) was at one time in her life a highly favored woman of her powerful house who was personally handpicked by two of the aforementioned Dead Three's chosen, and you can either slay her or recruit her.
*AND if you're Durge you also get the fun happy b-plot of your own showdown with not just your sister but your father, and either becoming Chosen of Bhaal or at minimum personally resurrected from the dead by Jergal if not made his Chosen (it's conflicting exactly what Redeem Durge' status is w Withers/Jergal exactly).
*and that's not even including rediscovering the ancient Sharran grymforge, the Shadow Druids' plot, the fate of the Harpers, the dude who wants to blow up refugee kids, the gondians, the ironhand gnomes' misadventures, Mol's whole deal, and like 30 other side plots.
That is a lot. No wonder we make it from level 1 to level 12 in just four months.
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adarlingmess · 1 year ago
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𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆
Raphael is definitely arrogant and narcissistic enough to have himself painted triumphing over an archdevil
Some close ups, as a treat:
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blacksalander · 2 years ago
Caution Hot Surface
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chiefpurpleimp · 8 months ago
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DONE ... mostly. Just the border to do.
This piece has consumed whatever little free time I have. I'm sorry for the spam 🤣. I'm just so very slow at drawing 😅.
I have other pieces planned but they will have to wait until I've finished some work and other things.
Hellriders in Avernus against Zariels armies.
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junorsky · 10 months ago
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I've been sitting on the sketches of Mephistopheles and other 5e archdevils for god knows how long
one day I will finish them. one day
Did you know Asmodeus is permanently bleeding and doesn't even care? That's pretty badass
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tinyhorror · 2 months ago
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haven't done this one in a while
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 6 months ago
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First is Orcus, the Prince of Undeath, The Shadow That Was. The 20 ft (6.1 m) tall telepathic master of undead whose ultimate goal is to wipe out all of existence so he'll finally have some peace and quiet. That said, we know he has had many biological children, so the whole "undead" thing really hasn't slowed him down on that front. He can stop time, create/animate/summon basically any undead, and can summon waves of arms to grapple and restrain! A bunch of other stuff as well, but I assume you don't need to know all the ways he can instantly kill/vaporize you. Please don't make that your end goal with fucking.
Zariel is the Archduchess of Avernus. Essentially a 10 ft (3 m) angel who got sick of heaven refusing to intervene against demons. Took a huge contingent to the first layer of hell and just started slaughtering devils and demons alike. Was corrupted because she'd rather be Evil and saving the world from demons than Good and doing nothing. "I did not fall into the clutches of evil. I rose to shoulder a cosmic burden." She can turn invisible, transform into other humanoids, make illusions, and has a surprising amount of children. Odd given how she hates being drawn away from battle. After all, that "eternal martyr battling the demons" thing isn't just about her need for justice anymore, it's to drown out the regret of what she's become in the process.
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karlach-esmeray · 5 months ago
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So we all know that Karlach was essentially the first prototype of Grotash’s Steel Watch--given to Zariel for testing of the new machine in return for access to infernal materials. This is my headcannon for how Karlach’s infernal engine works and how the blueprints for the fix would work. Essentially, Gortash couldn’t justify the cost and upkeep of using enchanted coolant on a large-scale operation, so they scrapped the whole design, leaving Karlach and the few others who live(ed) with the engine no hope of life outside of the Avernus. Luckily, the girls know a skilled wizard in Waterdeep who would love to help them out with an enchanting spell every 6 months or so to allow Karlach a chance to return to Baldur’s Gate. Now all they have to do is survive Zariel’s forge. Simple… right?
Esmeray was in tears reading the “results” section while imagining her love going through that, only made worse by the heartless description of it all. (If you would like a visual representation to cry along with, that part is based on this drawing done by the amazing artist @featherwurm whose work I heavily admire! That image has been burnt into my mind for months and I have cried too many real tears over it.)
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hydropyro · 11 months ago
Gortash / Karlach theory - Selling another to a devil
Both Gortash and Karlach were sold against their will to devils. Both escaped those devils, and despite the implied ownership cannot be recollected.
Their souls weren’t sold - they were subleased.
I’ll explain.
Enver was sold to Raphael by his parents when he was a child. Thus - Enver’s parents did not sell *Enver* - but their *custody* of him. Therefore Enver did not ‘escape’ insomuch as he grew up and inherited custody of himself upon adulthood. That’s why Raphael can’t just take him back.
The same goes for Karlach. She functioned as Enver’s bodyguard. *Especially* because he was raised by a devil, there would be a contract of employment.
Enver did not own Karlach, but had to have had a contract of service to him. If he *sublet* that contract, Karlach would therefore belong in Zariel’s service *for the length of the contract*. Therefore Karlach did not ‘escape’, her employment contract expired. Thats why Zariel wants her dead rather than just reclaiming her.
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everybodyloveshippos · 1 year ago
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A Campaign of Gods and Monsters
Lyrics from Cassandra by Florence + the Machine
Redraw of this art. It was cool to see where I've improved! This is art of our D&D campaign, focused more of the characters who have religious arcs
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bg3scenarios · 1 year ago
Tav: I like the graffiti you did on that alley wall
Karlach: Thanks!
Karlach: …Wait
Karlach: How did you know it was me?
Astarion: Darling, it said “ZARIEL SUCKS EGGS” in red font with fire around it
Astarion: I’m pretty sure everyone in Baldur’s Gate knows it was you
Karlach: Oh
Karlach: Well, then…
Karlach: …Are you saying I have a brand?!
Astarion: I wasn’t-
Karlach: WOOOO!!! Fuck yes!!! FUCK ZARIEL!!! That’s some signature KARLACH for you, bitch!!! Don’t forget it, bitch!!! Renowned graffiti artist of Baldur’s Gate, bitch!!!!!
Tav: You’re better at hyping her up than I am
Astarion: …I fear I’ve created a monster
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ravenhive555 · 8 months ago
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Karlach vs Zariel
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