#Some are also cause its ‘In the family’
thesulkycroissant · 21 hours
So there's this saying that the only time you see the middle of the road is when you're going from ditch to ditch, and that most of the time is how I feel about the canon v fanon debate.
Genuinely, I feel like people get so stagnanted in this idea that something isn't canon - which, what is comic canon anyway? I strain to unravel the mystery of which comics get to "count" and which do not - and focus on it so much that they miss any aspect of nuance.
Tim's parents are a great example. Tim's parents exist in the way they do for a simple out-of-universe reason: the writers wanted to avoid the mistakes they made with Jason by both differentiating him from Dick (making him not an orphan) and giving him a "buy-in" with Dick (something to connect them -> the circus). (Their logic was that Dick was the key to getting readers to like Tim, and that neglecting his buy-in was their misstep with Jason.) At the same time, Tim having parents is a problem because what parent is not going to notice their kid being gone all the time playing midnight vigilante? Solution: absentee parents. But now the shift to in-universe happens. Tim's parents are gone all the time, but it's not malicious; they're just kind of clueless. They love Tim. Tim loves them. But they are not around. And this out-of-universe choice, once you enter into the universe, logically can - maybe even should, if you're taking the characters seriously - effect how a character reads.
Tim's parents are gone all the time. There's every probability that would cause trauma. Unintentional, but fun to explore! The comics do a very little. I think fandoms can often make the mistake of believing subtle abuse (like neglect) is not sufficient, so it gets elevated to something physical. But your parents loving you and also causing you trauma is a relatable experience, I think. Even your parents doing their best and still causing you trauma is.
Jason being the angry Robin is another rough one. Because yeah, I agree, Scott Lobdell did some wacky and unkind things to Jason's backstory. But Jason, even going back to his original (not original, but his original non-just-Dick-but-blond) backstory, is a traumatized orphan willing to take the risk and steal tires from the Batmobile as a means of survival (in Gotham! In Crime Alley!). Why can't Jason be angry? In the throes of adolescence, at a time when he feels safe with Bruce, doesn't it make sense for his trauma to find its way out in anger? Can't he both believe Robin is magic and be angry? Can't he be sweet and angry both?
Dickie and anger. Yeah, anger plays a role in certain story arcs of his. In NTT, and in the first 80s Nightwing run, the stories take pains to show that the anger is triggered by something and channeled into brutal focus. And that it does not serve him. Dick's relationship with Kory in NTT nearly falls apart because of his anger. He treats her very poorly. I see a lot of people saying they want Dick to be angry, but not allowing Dick to learn how to control his anger is not giving the character his dues either.
And Damian. Shoot. Reading the One Bad Day comic for Ra's al Ghul kinda ruined me a bit because of how much Ra's obviously loves and respects animals, and how can you not see the echo of that in Damian's love of animals? Damian's League trauma is such a thing worth exploring, and I think the value of exploring it only goes up when you add in the complicated factor of the fact that Talia and Ra's do love him, and he does see them when he looks in the mirror, and every day Damian has to decide which parts of his family - his whole family - are good to keep and which are not.
Anyway. There's probably more, but this post is already pretty long lol. Nuance is cool, that's all.
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unhappy-sometimes · 3 days
I just. I -
also i apologise in advance cuz i've been spam-liking and reblogging your stuff for the past half hour. and i will continue to do so-
I just love "After peace".
I read a lot of fanfics but there are a very few pieces that can get me giggling like a toddler one chapter and holding my breath the next. I loved how you characterised loiyor in my favourite font - two lonely and broken people who want some peace. And they find it in each other.
to me, that is cinema-
I also appreciate how Loid, as an adult, does all that he can to comfort Anya and vice versa. And I was so proud of him at the end when he decided that he'll seize his own happiness cuz he bloody deserves it.
I usually find it difficult to tell authors how I feel about their works 'cause I'm not the best with words and I tend to ramble (can you tell? lol) but I hope you accept my clumsy offering as a testament of my appreciation and gratitude.
Thank you!
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it’s the kind comments like this that get me through tough days. i’m so happy you enjoyed after peace. thank you.
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phlurrii · 6 hours
so Unrelated but is Circe's future partner a shiny Latias?? :0 if so, can i have a tid bit of lore if that doesnt involve any spoilers? :D
Been working on this like a mad man to condense it, the first draft was way too long XD
Okay for for context, Citrine is a shiny Latias that will eventually become Circe’s partner down the road. This was based off the fact when I was shiny hunting Mewtwo, I couldn’t find it in the wormholes in USUM, but I did find Latias! So I took a break to shiny hunt her instead. I found her 7000 encounters in and then found Circe 2-3k encounters later after finally tracking her down X3
The two girlies are a sapphic couple, they won’t adopt or have any kidlets, but will be the type of aunts that show up to family events, spoil the niece’s and nephew’s, then dip after hyping them up on sugar.
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Some old art I made of them a while back for visual enjoyment, but onto to explaining for how Lati’s work in this world and where Citrine and Circe come into play amongst it!
Lati’s are a companion based species, requiring a partner to survive whether platonic or romantic. Otherwise they are known to decline both physically and mentally, eventually perishing from loneliness. They also require a partner to reproduce, however both genders can lay egg making the sex of the Lati companions irrelevant. Due to being hunted by humans and predators alike, as well as Latias’s bright red colouring making it easier to spot has greatly reduced the number of their population. Causing even more to die from being unable to locate a partner, resulting in their very culturally strict mating/breeding habits.
Lati’s often pair up into larger pods in order to ensure survival of their chicks, of which are always guaranteed to be twins! However, if a Lati couple fails to produce two living, healthy kits they will be ejected from the pod. This is because:
1) They fear the miscarry was a genetic flaw and will be carried down by the chicks.
2) It causes an uneven of Lati’s, guaranteeing it or another will struggle to find a companion.
Ejecting the family removes the threat of tainting the gene pool and prevents a guaranteed uneven spread of Lati’s! As while more chicks can still die from illness, hunting, or accidents, it’s not a guarantee. The pods do everything in their power to prevent it, given to reproduce its required to have 2 Lati’s of which can only produce 2 chicks in their entire lifetime. Making uneven numbers very dangerous! Since every pair can only reproduce once.
Ejecting a family is treated as a death sentence, as often without the assistance of the pod it becomes difficult to raise and care for the chicks. The parents splitting up as one cares for the babies and the other provides. However if one parent is ever picked off by predators, it forces the remaining parent to risk leaving the chicks alone. All accumulating to a higher chance of the family perishing all together.
So how does this all affect the gals? Well, Citrine is shiny, that’s a problem for Lati’s.
Shiny’s in my story, by admittedly accident, usually spell a bad omen or follow up a tradegy, a death, or a life altering event. Citrine continues this trend.
She was born alongside her twin brother we’ll just call Latios for now. Latios was a normal, non shiny Lati, while Citrine was bright gold/yellow. Upon their pod seeing this, her family was ejected from the pod and forced to live on their own. Her parents did not abandon her and happily, albeit struggling, raised her and her twin brother despite the HEAVY judgement from other pods. Given Shinys were ejected not because of any inherent defects, but rather because they were infertile.
Shiny Lati’s cannot produce offspring, and given it takes two Lati’s to make a kiddo, if one can’t contribute their side of the equation, their partner can’t have the chicks either. They are not asexual reducers and require the both partners to be fertile!
So upon seeing Citrine was a shiny Latias, her family was ejected due to the guaranteed inability for her to pair up. And whilst her family did successfully raise both her and her brother to adulthood. Even in lone Lati’s search for companions, no one will take a shiny. Which is a shame, give shinies are often larger, bulkier, more powerful, and their colors help them blend in BETTER then normal Latias’s especially. Latios’s stay generally the same with colour camp shiny or otherwise. So despite this, Citrine has a very good chance at surviving on her own!
If dying slowly from loneliness and depression was a thing.
Cue Circe.
Circe finds Citrine very much on her last legs, the will to move or find food is all, but gone. So she’s wasting away on a cliff face near an ocean. Circe, a shiny herself and having 0 concept of Lati’s or most Pokémon for that matter, helps her and slowly nurses her back to health. Her disregard for shinies, their status in the general population, and genuinely caring for Citrine as she is and not what she is ends up being the first time she ever has someone really look beyond her colours. Breaking out of a toxic mindset her species imprinted on her due to fear and desperation to keep their species alive in the first place.
From there it’s a very classic lesbian love story. No one confesses for 8 years and eventually they realize their “friendship” is very, very, very, very much not a friendship anymore and hasn’t been for a while ;]
Anyways YAY INFODUMP!!! I’ve sat on this info for months and developing An entire Lati side story for ages. I love those goofy jet plane birds.
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pumpkinsy0 · 22 hours
that post you made about soda and papercuts wedding made me start thinking 😈.... hcs for papercut wedding?? :D
papercut,,,getting MARRIED????? tch,,,
•ponys SO uncomfortable, like he wants to do it but like he has to b ROMANTIC???? in front of the gang?????? ew, he’d rather b taken out back and dealt w
•same thing w curly, hes barely lovey w tim and angela when theyre all alone, if u think thats magically changing im sorry but ur so wrong, AND FOR THISE REASONS☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽thats y i think the wedding wouldnt b allat long, but also bc theyre kinda impatient and dont wanna stand for that long
•darry and soda r willing to put their feelings aside for this, dare i say, i dont think theyd b as upset as ppl say they would b, at some point, theyve gotta let their own feelings about the relationship go, i dont think it would b like 100% gone but it certainly has decreased a lil, at some point u just gotta b happy for em
•thats what inspired that post btw, but also, weddings just get soda in a mood yknow???
•curlys the one who wants to splurge (i hate that word so bad.) on the wedding a lil but cause i mean THEYRE getting married, meanwhile pony just wants to keep it lowkey, so theres this in between of it
•for suits, i dont think it was anything special, but pony did have a corsage to make it more interesting, switch it up a bit, maybe they both did!!! one if em on the chest and the other had it on the wrist
•look not everyone can b a groomsmen, ill say darry walked pony down the aisle but him and soda was a groomsmen together, and tim and angela were curlys groomsmen,,,or groomsthem, everyone else was part of the sitting thing goin on in weddings
•YES, there were empty seats for ponys parents, for curlys???? i say hes not much of a mamas boy anymore and he fucking hates his stepdad so its like whatever they dont get seats, it was some other ppl occupying the shepards seating part of the wedding
•pls dont even get them started on vows, both their vows were like “yea i love u, ur pretty cool” and like i said, it WOULD probably b a BIT more romantic if both their families werent RIGHT there</333
•when pony and curly cut the cake, i feel like it just dissolved into a small food fight, just a tiny one, somethin lil light, nuthin too crazy,,
•they kept a slice of cake and their wedding toppers :D
•darry and soda have unlocked a new kinda teasing from curly btw, just bc its been years and they got married doesnt mean the teasing over, this is a life long thing here
•angelas still upset brah, how the fuck did curly get married before her, id b so pissed if i was her😭😭, BUT curly did give her this make shift bouquet of flowers as like a “u’ll get there one day, champ”
•tim was more of a planner, he didnt have much to do AT the wedding, he just rlly observed, but he and curly did have one hell of a talk after the whole thing
if ur wondering who proposed and how, technically it was curly, but it was more of a “hey do u wanna get hitched” scratches neck “sure” thing than the traditional way of it all
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karlachismylife · 2 days
Standing For Something
This one was requested by @rerejunebug and it was a fun challenge, cuz I kinda understand Hesh better through his family bonds, so romantic partnership with him was a little bit of a riddle to me. Hope I did him justice, definitely had a good good time simply watching through his cutscenes and dialogues. A very special man indeed hehe.
CW: gn!military!reader, mentions of injury, kinda hurt/comfort I guess. Also cursing. Riley is there and he's alright!!!
(Title from Eminem's "Survival")
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You were honestly more surprised than hurt, when in the middle of your retreat from a mission, compromsied by a whole Federation squad stumbling into you four (counting Riley), the ground suddenly jumped from under your feet and changed its place with the skies several times. Took you a second to realize that you simply fell and rolled downhill, another - to feel the hot sting in your leg, refusing to support your weight when you tried to get up and getting suspiciously colder despite feeling like it was burning.
A clean shot, in and out, cutting through some important shit deep in the tissue since it rendered you currently down one very crucial limb.
The next shot would've landed somewhere in your skull if Logan didn't provide cover.
"Shit," was your first word after you somewhat regained understanding of your situation. There wasn't much time to lounge on the ground under the constant gunshots chatter, so you grunted, turning over, and tried to get up at least on your hands and knees. There came baby's second word: "Fuck!"
Your leg was giving in under your weight, you slipped and prepared to hit the ground painfully again, when a solid arm wrapped around your torso, yanking you upright. The sheer force you were lifted up with caused your already whoozy from the bloodloss head to snap back. Blood ran cold in your body for a second, the whole world darkening before your eyes rolled back.
Then a familiar voice cut through the cotton (or was that Riley's fur?) stuffed in your ears, calling your name.
"...how copy? I repeat, how copy? Can you walk? Ah, shit, just hold on. I'm not leaving anyone behind."
Hearing David's solid promise made you want to try and find your footing again, but the best you could do was stumble, dragging your hurt leg as he hauled you along, your arm thrown over his broad shoulders.
Fucking guardian angel, your Lieutenant, coming through even under heavy fire.
Your head was spinning so much. What did that bloody bullet hit to fuck you up so badly?
"Riley, down! Take cover!" Nearly blew your ear off, suddenly ducking with you in that same steel grasp, rolling out of the way of something worse than bullets, judging by the noise and rubble flying everywhere from the spot you literally stood (well, Hesh stood, you were more like... located) seconds ago.
Saved your hide again. For the small price of your leg feeling like it got dipped into molten metal as you felt David's weight press down on you generously while he shielded you with his own body. Would've been so much nicer to feel all those kilograms and pounds of discipline and training paying off in some other circumstances.
"Still with me? Good. You're good. We're getting out of here." He could've told you that you'll die in five seconds and you would've still been enamoured with him all the same. Bloodloss didn't make you any sharper, and you already had been feeling the stupidfying effect of Hesh's presence for some time.
Damn, his eyes were greener than the grass in this burnt and torn world.
"Fuck, wanna kiss you," somehow slipped your tongue. You were pretty sure you were saying something else - assessing your condition, maybe? Giving directions? Anything else?
"What, now?! Here?!" Hesh didn't even seem fazed - did anything ever faze this always-prepared, never-taken by surprise man? He did have a point though.
"Yeah... sorry." How did he even understand your slurred speech? You wanted to add a proper "sir" too, show him you weren't completely out of your mind. Just a little out of blood and inhibitions, probably.
You blacked out in his arms the moment he hauled you up again. A limp bleeding body, sporting two wounds instead of the one you noticed.
Good men are defined by the choices they make.
David made a choice to leave no one behind.
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louis-disciple · 2 days
One thing that fandom misses is that the antiblackness and racism Louis faces is also a reason why Louis hesitates to take to vampirism naturally. Because at its core vampirism is about the taking of life to sustain your own. Not taking into account the pain and grief you cause just so you can thrive and live a comfortable life. Taking life with no hesitancy because you feel you are owed a life to survive.
Just like white people during slavery and the Jim Crow era. Who took lives of human beings to live a better life. Beat them, killed them, raped them. Played with them. Vampirism is about dehumanising humans. Louis knows how it feels to be dehumanised by those who have more power over you so they justify their actions.
Of course he'd be hesitant to do what was done to him. Its not just about his catholic guilt, saying so would just be so one dimensional to Louis' character.
It's about the guilt of being not on the receiving end of what he suffered. To be the one dehumanising people whether it's a black person or a white person. He knows families whose son or daughter were taken away from them for fickle reasons.
I don't think non-poc colour can understand the guilt you feel to treat others like how someone prejudice treats you. Even if it's someone in the same position as you or not. The guilt alone eats at you.
So it makes sense he struggled with it. Because he had to deal with racism from the day he was born until present day in Dubai. No matter how rich he was. No matter how powerful. Unlike catholic guilt which could be set aside and reasoned that some of the rules are outdated in terms of queerness and the judgement of God. Racism was a constant reminder. It could not be set aside. It could never be left alone. It was a constant wound of Louis knowing even if he was stronger than the racist he killed, even in their death they saw him as nothing.
It also feeds the Catholic Self-hatred he because God deems black people not good enough to save. Those are thoughts that a black person has, not all but enough to take note.
And that's why I think Lestat and the fandom really do not understand Louis as ALL. Because they treat the racism Louis faces and its challenges it brings to his life as if it's an inconvenience and not as if it didn't and doesn't completely shape him as a person.
It's like they missed the monologue of Louis killing the important council man as Lestat says near his business. That black man had another organ that no other man had that made to survive the constant emotional, psychological strain of living in that era.
It's the same organ that keeps him from inflicting similar hurt to others and keeps him from enjoying to kill.
Then again you could argue that Claudia was not the same. She's also black so why didn't she actually like Louis?
Simple answer: not all black people are the same.
There are different ways black people face Racism and oppression. Different emotions take reign. Claudia was the kind of person who would take power in her hands and concentrate on keeping it so that she never ever have to face not having it again. No matter how many people get hurt. Because that is how the world treated her so why could not have the courtesy of giving back what she was given.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
I like to think that as he gets older, Tord starts to regret being in the military/Red Leader, cause I have never met a uniformed officer who, if you asked why they enlisted, their first answer isn’t either “Cause I’m an idiot” / “I’m broke.”
Tord is in the “Cause I’m an idiot” camp
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answermywearyquery · 5 months
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the theerapanyakul kids: how close are you with each other?
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: favourite familial relationship: the theerapanyakul kids (insp: ½+½)
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
I'm sincerely very happy for anyone who is enjoying the show but every time I see takes that the show has improved the book characterizations or that the book characters are underdeveloped in comparison to the show...
#our experiences are very different lmao#pjo show crit#sure the show isn't completely out yet#but id argue that the characters (namely the trio) seem way more developed and well-rounded in the book by this point in time (episode 4)#and look im not saying every change the show has made is bad#but by and far there has yet to be a change to characterization that feels like an IMPROVEMENT from the source material lmao#the closest contender I'd say is show Percy does seem a tad angrier than book Percy#but again I wouldn't call that an improvement... its just different and I think that /change/ works because it feels like the same essence#but even that has had some issues because I feel like the show has inadvertently cut down some of Percy's canon book empathy here and there#I think the show has nailed Annabeth's pride and intelligence and her warped worship of her mother#... but they've also made her hyper competent to the point that she's not making half of the mistakes she did in the book#which ISNT good because book annabeth is smart but she isn't infallible#its a big point that she has the theoretical intelligence but none of the real world experience/application#she gets tricked by medusa and goes to visit the Arch just cause she loves architecture and that's okay!! she's twelve and a nerd!#I also dont like that they've cut/toned down her little crush on Luke#actually they've not even showcased the familial bond between annabeth and Luke either in the show so like lmao#and then grover#by now grover's fear of failure and repeating this past mistakes and wanting a license has already been acknowledged in the books at least#in the show?? not so much#and his canon book suspicions and wariness of medusa... were given to annabeth#like medusa in the book was Grover's moment to shine cause his instincts were right!#and in the book fight he even very intentionally attacked medusa#but his highlights there were cut completely in the show#and finally sally#...idk who that is in the show but that's NOT my sally jackson#percy jackson#mine
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moliathh · 11 months
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child’s play
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multifandomsoftness · 2 years
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i am ONCE AGAIN asking: what the actual fuck is going on?
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catominor · 8 months
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c. martinus' impressive array of sons...
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moeblob · 3 months
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Erin, to her crush: You're a dick
Mason, the crush: I won't argue! But to clarify -
#my characters#its so sad that all of erins character development and kindness is on paper and nothing digital to show her growth#she picks on mason for many reasons and she kinda narrows her eyes at him but its more to squint than to glare#because she watches him from a distance when hes off laughing with others#though they are united on peter being worse than mason at least they can agree no matter what peter is worse#but also masons right arm is metal and she thinks its fascinating bc theres so many high tech prosthetics#why is he using the equivalent of a trash can ? is it some weird flex to not needing advanced stuff?#and its just he was from a poor family and was born with one full arm and then a stump#and he lived a lot of his youth with just one arm so once he got a second arm (installed basically) he went cheap#since he only wanted the other arm to get better jobs cause not many people would hire him with one arm#and he never really cared much about her comments because her lil verbal pokes of#so rogers whod you piss off? the mafia? is actually nicer than stuff he heard as a kid without the fake arm#so he tells her the only reason he has a metal limb is because god knew hed be two strong if born with two arms#and shes like uh huh sure thing rogers#and yeeeeah eventually something happens where mason is injured and erin is panicking#and hes acting like its okay to die because hes a dick remember TRYING to make light of it and she gets so sad#and after hes recovering and better he feels guilty making her so sad and hes talking to her#and she says that she doesnt have a lot of friends and she didnt want to lose one of the few people she liked#and hes just oh.......................... ididntthinkthatwouldbeme#so he starts to be super friendly to her and enforcing the crush that she doesnt wanna own up to#and then she does eventually confess and mason is baffled as to since when and shes like day one? and he just#erin you have got to be kidding me you were glaring at me for months#and shes just i have bad eye sight and im shy what did you expect#he isnt super smart or super stupid hes just exceedingly average
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moonpaw · 7 months
The uranium protagonist did not win the healthy good relationship with parents lottery
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
More elaboration on ep6, from this post
So I do think imma split ep6 into 2 parts. Jsut because I do want to go more into detail about heaven and sera
Cause it's clear Sera doesn't LIKE doing the extermination, but thinks it's necessary. I also wanna add some stuff into the trial
Lute asks why angle didn't get here in heaven, and charlie says that 'because he DID committed sins. I'm not denying that- but he's TRYING he's getting better- he's not perfect, but he's trying the best he can, and he deserves a second shot."
I wanna add in them challenging chalries pov more, cause I do think there are flaws in it, like. Not ever sinner should be redeemed. Not every sinner wants to be redeemed. And there are vile souls down in hell
Like, I'm sure not all are evil, and some are down there for small sins or, like, killing someone in self-defense. But there are absolutely vile people like Valentino down there that shouldn't be redeemed
And I also kidna wanna make that part of charlies character arc, realizing not everybody SHOULD be redeemed. Not everybody deserves a second chance.
And I wanna like, explore that more in the trial, it want it to focus on back and forths. And then when Sera is starting to seriously consider that 'hey, maybe this could work, we could try and examine souls again' Lute and Adam try to rig it in their favor
Exposing Vaggie, but at the same time what they did, helping Charlies point. And then exposing EMILY when that fails
And oh boy, is that a shit show! I think Sera would be too in shock to really do anything in the moment, and I do think Adam would kinda take advantage of that, like 'those people corrupted your sister and made her fall can we kill them? Pleaseeeee'
And I think he'd spat out a 'fine' just so he leaves her a lone to process it all. She 100% regrets giving him an okay later once she's processed it all, but it's too late by that point
Side note; a theory I have is that she was fed false information, maybe by Adam maybe by lillith, that Hell was planning an uprising. We'll, I have to see
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thenamessparkplug · 2 months
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