#Solomon is sus
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eggsaladstain · 2 months ago
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i know a throat hate to see this family coming
Source: Family Matters, Season 1 (2024)
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phantom-evil · 2 months ago
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가족계획 (Family matters) 2024-1x01
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dramastream · 1 year ago
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Netflix's All of Us Are Dead, 2022 -
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meiga-s · 2 years ago
i said your name in an empty room
obey me! nightbringer
gn reader/everyone
ao3 link
a look during the present, from the moment you disappeared, to what you've left behind.
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You disappear during the night. 
None notices until it’s breakfast time at the House of Lamentation; it was like your disappearance had been carefully planned.
You’re not in your room. If this was any other day, Mammon would think you could���ve teleported back to the Human Realm for any stupid reason: you forgot some books you wanted to bring to Satan or Asmo’s new make-up kit, Levi’s new game went on sale and you decided to go and get a physical edition for him… Something, anything. Perhaps you went out early because you wanted to hang out with the Purgatory Hall group before class. Maybe you wanted to bake with Luke. Perhaps you wanted to take a look at the Student Council reports to help get a load off Lucifer, Barbatos and Diavolo. It could be anything with you, honestly. You were like a whirlwind: always running back and forth with a grin or a smirk on your face, never stopping and always laughing and always… always working hard for the sake of your loved ones.
You love all of them. And they all love you in return. Mammon knows this, he is no fool, despite his theatrics and penchant of getting into trouble.
Which is why the Avatar of Greed immediately notices something is wrong when you’re not in your room when he comes to get you for breakfast. He shoots you a message. It doesn’t deliver.
You’re a very capable sorcerer, he knows that—they all know that, but something in his gut is yelling at him that something is very wrong and that this isn’t like any other time you fucked off to do whatever in the Devildom, so he loses no time and sprints to find Lucifer, almost crashing into a complaining Asmodeus in the process. 
He slams the door to Lucifer’s studio open, and before the older demon can even open his mouth to reprimand him, Mammon whispers in a trembling voice the words that send the whole House of Lamentation spiraling down into chaos.
“I can’t feel the pact.”
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Lucifer feels the moment his legs almost give out when he tries to reach out for your pact with him and he feels… nothing , at first. He tries again, and again and again, grasping in the darkness at any sign that you’re not gone. Gone forever? Lucifer asks himself in his mind and he very nearly slams his head against the wall to make those thoughts disappear with a self-induced headache. No, no. I cannot think like that. Focus. Focus!
If you’d been in danger you would’ve told him, right? Of course you’d have—there were never any important secrets between you two. You had a playful streak, sure, but you hated worrying him—you hated worrying your family. He knows you love him—he knows you love them. You wouldn’t disappear where they can’t reach you without previous notice.
The Avatar of Pride tries again to reach for his other half… but you do not answer. 
Lucifer grits his teeth, steadies himself and tries once more—
Where your pact has always been a steady, strong connection, now it’s just a tiny sliver thread he can’t follow.
Still, that fragile thread binds you together, and Hell will freeze over before Lucifer lets go of it.
“Where did you go, my dear…?” The Avatar of Pride asks, but you still do not answer.
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They turn the House of Lamentation upside down, but they find nothing. Your bags are still in your room, untouched, and so is your uniform for the day. The book you were reading with Satan is still safely tucked and bookmarked and your console is still charging over your desk. Your wallet is also there, nestled inside the bag you had prepared for today’s class. They have no hints to give Diavolo or Barbatos of your possible whereabouts.
Your D.D.D. is gone. It’s the only thing they can’t find. Asmodeus tries to call several times, but it’s always sent to your voicemail. Nor Lucifer nor Mammon have the heart to tell him to stop calling and they let the Avatar of Lust cling to them when he breaks down in tears with a broken heart.
Satan very nearly tears the living room down, snarling they all go to Diavolo once again to demand he sends out another search party as fast as he can. Any second you’re away is a second you’re probably in danger, and he can’t stand it. The Avatar of Wrath doesn’t calm down, not until Belphegor walks up to him and softly says that you wouldn’t like him destroying the house in your absence.
Satan grits his teeth so hard it hurts his jaw and stomps outside, nearly slamming the door off its hinges. Asmodeus flinches and Lucifer gently pats his shoulder with a sigh. Beelzebub wrings his hands together and Belphegor looks down at the spot where Satan had just been and sighs.
You wouldn’t like coming back to this, Belphegor thinks. They all look like a mess. 
Leviathan is running himself ragged hunched over his laptop making posts left and right to try and see if anyone has seen you. His eyes are red from staring at the screen for hours and he looks like a zombie. At one point, Asmodeus slides away from Lucifer and Mammon and sits next to Leviathan, suggesting they use his influencer account to try and reach out to more people. They get to it, but the Avatar of Envy is tired and can’t stop shaking.
But Leviathan loves you, so he won’t stop working and reaching out for you. For the last ten hours (or twenty?), the only sound in the living room has been the clacking of his keyboard. He’s spent fifty hours binging anime in the past, but that’s nothing compared to what he would spend looking for you if it meant bringing you home safely. Lucifer will have to knock him out to get him away from the computer at this rate.
A thundering noise startles all of them, followed by a flash of green light coming from their windows and the sight of a shadow of a tree falling on their backyard.
“Can someone please,” Lucifer mumbles, burying his face in his hands, “go tell Satan that our trees are not to blame?”
None moves, not even as they hear muffled sobs of your name coming from their backyard.
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Belphegor and Beelzebub join Mephistopheles in his rounds questioning every living being in RAD and preparing the “missing person” reports. They couldn’t join any of Diavolo’s search parties, but at least they can do this. Belphegor hunts down every member of every club you’ve belonged to, while Beelzebub gets in contact with his teammates in all of his sport clubs and asks them to keep an eye out. Thirteen lets everyone know, very kindly, that any attempt to trick them for the sake of trying to get a reward will suffer the consequences of an angry Reaper.
You are loved, both the Avatar of Sloth and the Avatar of Gluttony can see it. It cheers them up a little, to know you’re in good hands all around, and they can almost hear you telling them to never give up hope nor trust on the people around them.
Belphegor hasn’t been sleeping and Beelzebub hasn’t been eating, but they keep combing the streets of the Devildom, not once stopping to take a break.
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Simeon is trying to stay positive for Luke’s sake, but even he can’t always keep a smile on his face, nor does he want to lie to Luke about how he feels, especially after having to hide his new status as a human for so long. Luke isn’t allowed to go search for you on his own, nor join any dangerous search parties either, so the younger angel vents his frustration with baking goods for the search parties and the brothers to try and keep them in high spirits.
The first night after your sudden disappearance Luke stayed in Simeon’s room. He hasn’t left since. Simeon needs it, too, despite hiding his true feelings to the whole world. Everyone’s so hurt, and he doesn’t want to pile up more distress on his friends. He’ll stay, he’ll help and he’ll be smiling all the way until his face hurts. And when you return, he’ll receive you with a smile.
“An angel chooses one human to protect for all time.”
Perhaps, if he was still an angel…
…No, you wouldn’t like him thinking like that. You’re going to come back. You adore Luke too much to leave him devastated like that. You two are almost like siblings at this point, and Simeon knows your heart enough to know you’d tear sky and ground to keep Luke safe from harm, so you have to come back.
Simeon tells that to himself every night as prays for Luke to stay strong and never lose hope.
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Barbatos looks, but he finds nothing . Your future, present and past are shrouded from him and he doesn’t understand . How is this happening? Who’s hiding you from him? Why ? Barbatos' face must have shown his own distress, because Lord Diavolo is shooting him a very worried look.
The Young Master hasn’t been sleeping or eating properly between tending to his duties and looking for you. Neither has Barbatos himself. He can almost hear you scolding him to take a rest before he collapses on his feet, but Barbatos is very resilient. And also very stubborn, your voice sing-songs in his head. Barbatos winces and gives his Lord a sad look before he shakes his head.
“No luck, huh…” Diavolo mutters, running his fingers through his hair. Any other time, Barbatos would’ve scolded him about ruining his image, but not now. The demon’s mind is a mess, and Barbatos doesn’t like this mess. He prefers the mess you caused in his mind when you were close instead.
Barbatos needs to keep it together for his lord’s sake, which usually is a piece of cake for him. The butler can almost feel you, just like when he was about to collapse during the whole dark crevasse fiasco, grabbing his shoulders and telling him very firmly to pull yourself together, Barbatos!
Barbatos takes a deep breath, then another, and looks firmly into Lord Diavolo’s eyes. 
“We will find a way, Young Master.”
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Diavolo smiles sadly as Barbatos leaves the room to rest. He's the main pillar of the Devildom, and so he must stay strong. 
You’d hate it if he didn’t, he knows this, so Diavolo pulls himself out of bed every morning with the thought of keeping the Devildom in top shape for your return while never giving up your search. He can do it. He’s cut off on sleeping, eating and leisure time the first moment Lucifer had barged in with the news. Barbatos can’t say shit to him, for he’s done the same.
What a pair. If you were here, you’d have strapped them both to a couch to take a break. And they’d let you, if only to be able to tease you back to see your usually assured self crumble into a bumbling, blushing mess.
Diavolo almost laughs at the mental image, feeling his body a little lighter. Hells, he misses you dearly.
But he cannot give up. He will not give up. Lucifer, his brothers, the Hall of Purgatory, Barbatos… they’re all counting on each other to bring you home.
And bring you home he will, even if it’s the last thing he does.
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Solomon has no time to lose.
He’s found you—the link is weak, but it’s there . He’s afraid if he waits too long it’ll disappear and he’ll lose your trail forever. If he wants to get to you, he must follow the trail this strange magic has left, and he has to do it fast. He has no time to call for anyone else, not even Lucifer. He’ll deal with his outrage later, when he brings you back to all your loved ones.
The link falls through time. Well, this is unexpected. And bad.
Solomon doesn’t hesitate, though. He’s a great sorcerer, and so are you (he’s chosen you to be his apprentice, after all), but this is unfamiliar to you and while Solomon might be many things, heartless he is not. 
You hold half of his heart, after all, and he really doesn’t want it to be lost in time. Not like this.
Solomon thinks of the first time his heart beat again for someone after so long, closes his eyes and takes the plunge to you through time and space.
He will find you and help you come back, no matter what.
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Oh yes, my favourite sibling duo: troubled daughter and mama's boy
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So I know my post about Michael and Solomon was a while ago but guys I just noticed something else
I was replaying old lessons and
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It wasn't Simeon who knew about the Lucifer collection, it was Solomon.
Simeon, MICHAEL'S OWN BROTHER, is sitting here like "oh I figured he must have the ring somewhere, not sure where so I looked"
meanwhile Solomon's just like
"oh yeah the Lucifer collection!"
like he's known about it for years
Seriously, how close ARE these two?!
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dramapetit · 2 years ago
all of us are dead headers
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moonfie · 2 years ago
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All Of Us Are Dead!
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stuff-diary · 2 months ago
Family Matters
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Family Matters (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Kim Gok & Kim Sun
Writer: Kim Jung Min
Started this because of the cast and... that's basically the main reason why I finished it. The last two episodes were really good but, before that, I spent a lot of time just scratching my head. It felt like the show was simply setting things up for what's to come, so it never gave enough information to properly tie its many plot threads, nor did it follow a clear logic. And it was pretty obvious that a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor in order to reduce the initial 8-episode order. Furthermore, its sense of humor was very hit-or-miss; sometimes I laughed out loud and others I was like "wtf". Still, the cast is fantastic, and like I said before, I enjoyed the final episodes a lot, so I would probably come back for a second season of Family Matters.
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gothasmo · 2 years ago
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Not like he'd send him to another dimension... Or anything...
The vampire cafe concept is so cute and fun should have been the event lol. But also, who put Mammon in charge of the money..?
And just casually... Not like you'd send him to another dimension... Or anything. Hmm.
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fluffydisneyprincess · 2 years ago
Nightbringer Spoilies (L10 locked story)
OK so my cards kinda suck and I'm just now getting around to unlocking the extra battles in Lesson 10. This has probably largely been discovered by now but I just saw it so I wanna ramble about it a bit
So I just wanna throw this out there:
Solomon what did you do.
This little tidbit continues from a prior one where it shows were Solomon ends up after Barbatos magically has him fuck off. Solomon is expected to choose between demons and angels and chooses humans which is where he leaves the place/dimension/scenario and ends up in blackness.
With some familiar company.
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Wait, does this mean between angels and demons from a second ago? Or does it mean he was offered a chance before to side with "them" and turned it away? It's most likely an angels or demons but I like the mystery of Secret Third Thing.
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Solomon is all smiles until we are threatened, which suggests Nightbringer absolutely is no fucking around. It also suggests that we aren't already involved??? Why do I get the feeling we're going to be put between the Infernal and Celestial realms and made to choose?
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Wait... he doesn't say this with a smile or like he's teasing. He says it like he's annoyed. Is Nightbringer not a demon???? MCFUCKINSCUSE ME?! This one line suggests throwing out every single theory I have concocted thus far.
Solomon goes to bat for us and says it wouldn't matter because we would also choose humans. Nightbringer calls him arrogant for assuming he knows what we think and want. THEN THIS HAPPENS:
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WAIT HUH??? So we're back to the implication that Nightbringer is a demon or demon adjacent, however this might knock Barbatos out of the suspicion pool. For one, Nightbringer treats Solomon sort of like a petulant student whereas Barbatos treats him like an arrogant and reckless sorcerer. Not to mention that as far as we I know, Barbatos hasn't had *that* large of an impact on Solomon.
You know who we know did though? The reapers. Thirteen was the one to meet Solomon when he was extremely young, and living in the Devildom of course she might have picked up a few demonic bad habits.
But I can't figure out why she'd be so determined to have us helping the brothers. Or why the Celestial realm would have such an issue.
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I don't remember, have we told Solomon about Nightbringer specifically? If we did, that means he never mentioned personally knowing them. There's a chance Solomon knows exactly why we're here and is just playing along to Not Interfere.
There's also the chance (if we didn't tell him) that he has no idea the one behind all this was Nightbringer. He might suspect, but Solomon isn't the type to share theories unless he has some evidence to back it up. That would just mean he's here to protect and guide us like he originally said (maybe not outright but---)
I still swear Barbatos has to at least know something but Solomon just skipped to the top of the EXTREMELY SUS list.
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dramastream · 2 years ago
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All of Us Are Dead (2022 – ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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lunastr4 · 2 years ago
I love how with Nightbringer most of us collectively agree we should be allowed to punch solomon at least once
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kdramaconfessions · 1 year ago
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lettuce-king · 6 months ago
*sigh* me and may friends paid Theo Solomon to say in Wyll's voice that he's "in da club straight up jorkin it" so of course I have to infect as many people as possible with this newly created cursed audio
Update: we met him at dragoncon and he actually recognized us from the cameo 😭 he was very sweet and enjoyed our wyll ravengard fanclub/sus coven shenanigans
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favouritefi · 1 year ago
btw its so crazy that solomon was praised as highly as he was for his paintings considering that solomon's father was the first emancipated jew in london and solomon's debut at the royal academy featured paintings with explicit jewish themes (he doesn't get into hellenic subjects until a few years later). he was jewish in a time and place where antisemitism was not only rampant but ingrained into the law and yet ppl still ate him up. his older siblings, abraham and rebecca, tended to focus on contemporary people and subjects but solomon was out here drawing jochebed and miriam and david dancing before the ark and using a jamaican model whose mother was born into slavery (fanny eaton) and hanging out with the pre-raphaelites and well known victorian homosexuals and falling in love in paris and italy and italy again and shaving his beard (a big no-no for victorian men) and going down to the pub to recite the bible and pretend he wrote it and getting arrested once or twice for fucking men or perhaps simply for handjobs like wow how can you not be obsessed with him he lived Such A Life.
anyway heres a painting abraham did of simeon as a baby. i think it was simon reynolds who suggested that this was painted by abraham before he left the home and the dog (who is likely a metaphorical symbol rather than an actual dog) is meant to watch over simeon in abraham's stead. abraham created a guardian for his baby brother and then immortalized him forever through his art. if that aint love then what is.
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when people post this painting of sappho i wonder if they know that the artist was a gay victorian jewish man who was arrested for buggery in a public urinal
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btw it's Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene (1864) by Simeon Solomon, currently housed at the Tate and not on display
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